
114 lines
5.2 KiB

// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -fms-compatibility %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -fms-compatibility -emit-pch -o %t %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -fms-compatibility -include-pch %t -verify %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// expected-no-diagnostics
#ifndef HEADER
#define HEADER
class Test1 {
int x_;
double y_;
Test1(int x) : x_(x) {}
__declspec(property(get = get_x)) int X;
int get_x() const { return x_; }
static Test1 *GetTest1() { return new Test1(10); }
class S {
__declspec(property(get=GetX,put=PutX)) int x[];
int GetX(int i, int j) { return i+j; }
void PutX(int i, int j, int k) { j = i = k; }
template <typename T>
class St {
__declspec(property(get=GetX,put=PutX)) T x[];
T GetX(T i, T j) { return i+j; }
T GetX() { return 0; }
T PutX(T i, T j, T k) { return j = i = k; }
__declspec(property(get=GetY,put=PutY)) T y[];
char GetY(char i, Test1 j) { return i+j.get_x(); }
void PutY(char i, int j, double k) { j = i = k; }
template <typename T>
void foo(T i, T j) {
St<T> bar;
Test1 t(i);
bar.x[i][j] = bar.x[i][j];
bar.y[t.X][j] = bar.x[i][j];
bar.x[i][j] = bar.y[bar.x[i][j]][t];
int idx() { return 7; }
// CHECK-LABEL: main
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Test1 t(argc);
S *p1 = 0;
St<float> *p2 = 0;
// CHECK: call i32 @"\01?GetX@S@@QEAAHHH@Z"(%class.S* %{{.+}}, i32 223, i32 11)
int j = p1->x[223][11];
// CHECK: [[J:%.+]] = load i32, i32* %
// CHECK-NEXT: call void @"\01?PutX@S@@QEAAXHHH@Z"(%class.S* %{{.+}}, i32 23, i32 1, i32 [[J]])
p1->x[23][1] = j;
// CHECK: call float @"\01?GetX@?$St@M@@QEAAMMM@Z"(%class.St* %{{.+}}, float 2.230000e+02, float 1.100000e+01)
float j1 = p2->x[223][11];
// CHECK: [[J1:%.+]] = load float, float* %
// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL:%.+]] = call float @"\01?PutX@?$St@M@@QEAAMMMM@Z"(%class.St* %{{.+}}, float 2.300000e+01, float 1.000000e+00, float [[J1]])
// CHECK-NEXT: [[CONV:%.+]] = fptosi float [[CALL]] to i32
// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CONV]], i32*
argc = p2->x[23][1] = j1;
// CHECK: [[IDX:%.+]] = call i32 @"\01?idx@@YAHXZ"()
// CHECK-NEXT: [[CONV:%.+]] = sitofp i32 [[IDX]] to float
// CHECK-NEXT: [[GET:%.+]] = call float @"\01?GetX@?$St@M@@QEAAMMM@Z"(%class.St* %{{.+}}, float [[CONV]], float 1.000000e+00)
// CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%.+]] = fadd float [[GET]], 1.000000e+00
// CHECK-NEXT: [[CONV:%.+]] = sitofp i32 [[IDX]] to float
// CHECK-NEXT: call float @"\01?PutX@?$St@M@@QEAAMMMM@Z"(%class.St* %{{.+}}, float [[CONV]], float 1.000000e+00, float [[INC]])
// CHECK: call void @"\01??$foo@H@@YAXHH@Z"(i32 %{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}})
foo(argc, (int)argv[0][0]);
// CHECK: [[P2:%.+]] = load %class.St*, %class.St** %
// CHECK: [[T_X:%.+]] = call i32 @"\01?get_x@Test1@@QEBAHXZ"(%class.Test1* %{{.+}})
// CHECK: [[P1:%.+]] = load %class.S*, %class.S** %
// CHECK: [[P1_X_22_33:%.+]] = call i32 @"\01?GetX@S@@QEAAHHH@Z"(%class.S* [[P1]], i32 22, i32 33)
// CHECK: [[CAST:%.+]] = sitofp i32 [[P1_X_22_33]] to double
// CHECK: [[ARGC:%.+]] = load i32, i32* %
// CHECK: [[CAST2:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[T_X]] to i8
// CHECK: call void @"\01?PutY@?$St@M@@QEAAXDHN@Z"(%class.St* [[P2]], i8 [[CAST2]], i32 [[ARGC]], double [[CAST]])
p2->y[t.X][argc] = p1->x[22][33];
// CHECK: [[P2_1:%.+]] = load %class.St*, %class.St**
// CHECK: [[P2_2:%.+]] = load %class.St*, %class.St**
// CHECK: [[P1:%.+]] = load %class.S*, %class.S**
// CHECK: [[ARGC:%.+]] = load i32, i32* %
// CHECK: [[P1_X_ARGC_0:%.+]] = call i32 @"\01?GetX@S@@QEAAHHH@Z"(%class.S* [[P1]], i32 [[ARGC]], i32 0)
// CHECK: [[CAST:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[P1_X_ARGC_0]] to i8
// CHECK: [[P2_Y_p1_X_ARGC_0_T:%.+]] = call i8 @"\01?GetY@?$St@M@@QEAADDVTest1@@@Z"(%class.St* [[P2_2]], i8 [[CAST]], %class.Test1* %{{.+}})
// CHECK: [[CAST:%.+]] = sitofp i8 [[P2_Y_p1_X_ARGC_0_T]] to float
// CHECK: [[J:%.+]] = load i32, i32* %
// CHECK: [[CAST1:%.+]] = sitofp i32 [[J]] to float
// CHECK: [[J:%.+]] = load i32, i32* %
// CHECK: [[CAST2:%.+]] = sitofp i32 [[J]] to float
// CHECK: call float @"\01?PutX@?$St@M@@QEAAMMMM@Z"(%class.St* [[P2_1]], float [[CAST2]], float [[CAST1]], float [[CAST]])
p2->x[j][j] = p2->y[p1->x[argc][0]][t];
// CHECK: [[CALL:%.+]] = call %class.Test1* @"\01?GetTest1@Test1@@SAPEAV1@XZ"()
// CHECK-NEXT: call i32 @"\01?get_x@Test1@@QEBAHXZ"(%class.Test1* [[CALL]])
return Test1::GetTest1()->X;
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr void @"\01??$foo@H@@YAXHH@Z"(i32 %{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}})
// CHECK: call i32 @"\01?GetX@?$St@H@@QEAAHHH@Z"(%class.St{{.+}}* [[BAR:%.+]], i32 %{{.+}} i32 %{{.+}})
// CHECK: call i32 @"\01?PutX@?$St@H@@QEAAHHHH@Z"(%class.St{{.+}}* [[BAR]], i32 %{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}})
// CHECK: call i32 @"\01?GetX@?$St@H@@QEAAHHH@Z"(%class.St{{.+}}* [[BAR]], i32 %{{.+}} i32 %{{.+}})
// CHECK: call void @"\01?PutY@?$St@H@@QEAAXDHN@Z"(%class.St{{.+}}* [[BAR]], i8 %{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, double %{{.+}}
// CHECK: call i32 @"\01?GetX@?$St@H@@QEAAHHH@Z"(%class.St{{.+}}* [[BAR]], i32 %{{.+}} i32 %{{.+}})
// CHECK: call i8 @"\01?GetY@?$St@H@@QEAADDVTest1@@@Z"(%class.St{{.+}}* [[BAR]], i8 %{{.+}}, %class.Test1* %{{.+}})
// CHECK: call i32 @"\01?PutX@?$St@H@@QEAAHHHH@Z"(%class.St{{.+}}* [[BAR]], i32 %{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}})
#endif //HEADER