forked from OSchip/llvm-project
104 lines
3.6 KiB
104 lines
3.6 KiB
import re
class StdMapSynthProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj, dict):
self.valobj = valobj;
def update(self):
self.Mt = self.valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_t')
self.Mimpl = self.Mt.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_impl')
self.Mheader = self.Mimpl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_header')
# from libstdc++ implementation of _M_root for rbtree
self.Mroot = self.Mheader.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_parent')
# the stuff into the tree is actually a std::pair<const key, value>
# life would be much easier if gcc had a coherent way to print out
# template names in debug info
self.data_type = self.Mt.GetTarget().FindFirstType(self.clang_type_name)
if self.data_type.IsValid() == False:
self.data_type = self.Mt.GetTarget().FindFirstType(self.gcc_type_name)
self.data_size = self.data_type.GetByteSize()
self.skip_size = self.Mheader.GetType().GetByteSize()
def expand_clang_type_name(self):
type_name = self.Mimpl.GetType().GetName()
index = type_name.find("std::pair<")
type_name = type_name[index+5:]
index = 6
template_count = 1
while index < len(type_name):
if type_name[index] == '<':
template_count = template_count + 1
elif type_name[index] == '>' and template_count == 1:
type_name = type_name[:index+1]
elif type_name[index] == '>':
template_count = template_count - 1
index = index + 1;
self.clang_type_name = type_name
def expand_gcc_type_name(self):
type_name = self.Mt.GetType().GetName()
index = type_name.find("std::pair<")
type_name = type_name[index+5:]
index = 6
template_count = 1
while index < len(type_name):
if type_name[index] == '<':
template_count = template_count + 1
elif type_name[index] == '>' and template_count == 1:
type_name = type_name[:index+1]
elif type_name[index] == '>':
template_count = template_count - 1
elif type_name[index] == ' ' and template_count == 1 and type_name[index-1] == ',':
type_name = type_name[0:index] + type_name[index+1:]
index = index - 1
index = index + 1;
self.gcc_type_name = type_name
def num_children(self):
root_ptr_val = self.node_ptr_value(self.Mroot)
if root_ptr_val == 0:
return 0;
return self.Mimpl.GetChildMemberWithName('_M_node_count').GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
def get_child_index(self,name):
if name == "len":
return self.num_children();
return int(name.lstrip('[').rstrip(']'))
def get_child_at_index(self,index):
if index == self.num_children():
return self.valobj.CreateValueFromExpression("len",str(self.num_children()))
offset = index
current = self.left(self.Mheader);
while offset > 0:
current = self.increment_node(current)
offset = offset - 1;
# skip all the base stuff and get at the data
return current.CreateChildAtOffset('['+str(index)+']',self.skip_size,self.data_type)
# utility functions
def node_ptr_value(self,node):
return node.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
def right(self,node):
return node.GetChildMemberWithName("_M_right");
def left(self,node):
return node.GetChildMemberWithName("_M_left");
def parent(self,node):
return node.GetChildMemberWithName("_M_parent");
# from libstdc++ implementation of iterator for rbtree
def increment_node(self,node):
if self.node_ptr_value(self.right(node)) != 0:
x = self.right(node);
while self.node_ptr_value(self.left(x)) != 0:
x = self.left(x);
return x;
x = node;
y = self.parent(x)
while(self.node_ptr_value(x) == self.node_ptr_value(self.right(y))):
x = y;
y = self.parent(y);
if self.node_ptr_value(self.right(x)) != self.node_ptr_value(y):
x = y;
return x;