
504 lines
19 KiB

//===-- ClangModernize.cpp - Main file for Clang modernization tool -------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief This file implements the C++11 feature migration tool main function
/// and transformation framework.
/// See user documentation for usage instructions.
#include "Core/PerfSupport.h"
#include "Core/ReplacementHandling.h"
#include "Core/Transform.h"
#include "Core/Transforms.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/CommonOptionsParser.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
namespace cl = llvm::cl;
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::tooling;
TransformOptions GlobalOptions;
// All options must belong to locally defined categories for them to get shown
// by -help. We explicitly hide everything else (except -help and -version).
static cl::OptionCategory GeneralCategory("Modernizer Options");
static cl::OptionCategory FormattingCategory("Formatting Options");
static cl::OptionCategory IncludeExcludeCategory("Inclusion/Exclusion Options");
static cl::OptionCategory SerializeCategory("Serialization Options");
const cl::OptionCategory *VisibleCategories[] = {
&GeneralCategory, &FormattingCategory, &IncludeExcludeCategory,
&SerializeCategory, &TransformCategory, &TransformsOptionsCategory,
static cl::extrahelp CommonHelp(CommonOptionsParser::HelpMessage);
static cl::extrahelp MoreHelp(
"Apply all transforms on a file that doesn't require compilation arguments:\n\n"
" clang-modernize file.cpp\n"
"Convert for loops to ranged-based for loops for all files in the compilation\n"
"database that belong in a project subtree and then reformat the code\n"
"automatically using the LLVM style:\n\n"
" clang-modernize -p build/path -include project/path -format -loop-convert\n"
"Make use of both nullptr and the override specifier, using git ls-files:\n"
" git ls-files '*.cpp' | xargs -I{} clang-modernize -p build/path \\\n"
" -use-nullptr -add-override -override-macros {}\n"
"Apply all transforms supported by both clang >= 3.0 and gcc >= 4.7 to\n"
"foo.cpp and any included headers in bar:\n\n"
" clang-modernize -for-compilers=clang-3.0,gcc-4.7 foo.cpp \\\n"
" -include bar -- -std=c++11 -Ibar\n\n");
/// General Options
// This is set to hidden on purpose. The actual help text for this option is
// included in CommonOptionsParser::HelpMessage.
static cl::opt<std::string> BuildPath("p", cl::desc("Build Path"), cl::Optional,
cl::Hidden, cl::cat(GeneralCategory));
static cl::list<std::string> SourcePaths(cl::Positional,
static cl::opt<RiskLevel, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> MaxRiskLevel(
"risk", cl::desc("Select a maximum risk level:"),
cl::values(clEnumValN(RL_Safe, "safe", "Only safe transformations"),
clEnumValN(RL_Reasonable, "reasonable",
"Enable transformations that might change "
"semantics (default)"),
clEnumValN(RL_Risky, "risky",
"Enable transformations that are likely to "
"change semantics"),
cl::location(GlobalOptions.MaxRiskLevel), cl::init(RL_Reasonable),
static cl::opt<bool> FinalSyntaxCheck(
cl::desc("Check for correct syntax after applying transformations"),
cl::init(false), cl::cat(GeneralCategory));
static cl::opt<bool> SummaryMode("summary", cl::desc("Print transform summary"),
cl::init(false), cl::cat(GeneralCategory));
static cl::opt<std::string>
cl::desc("Capture performance data and output to specified "
"directory. Default: ./migrate_perf"),
cl::ValueOptional, cl::value_desc("directory name"),
cl::opt<std::string> SupportedCompilers(
"for-compilers", cl::value_desc("string"),
cl::desc("Select transforms targeting the intersection of\n"
"language features supported by the given compilers.\n"
"Takes a comma-separated list of <compiler>-<version>.\n"
"\t<compiler> can be any of: clang, gcc, icc, msvc\n"
"\t<version> is <major>[.<minor>]\n"),
/// Format Options
static cl::opt<bool> DoFormat(
cl::desc("Enable formatting of code changed by applying replacements.\n"
"Use -style to choose formatting style.\n"),
static cl::opt<std::string>
FormatStyleOpt("style", cl::desc(format::StyleOptionHelpDescription),
cl::init("LLVM"), cl::cat(FormattingCategory));
// FIXME: Consider making the default behaviour for finding a style
// configuration file to start the search anew for every file being changed to
// handle situations where the style is different for different parts of a
// project.
static cl::opt<std::string> FormatStyleConfig(
cl::desc("Path to a directory containing a .clang-format file\n"
"describing a formatting style to use for formatting\n"
"code when -style=file.\n"),
cl::init(""), cl::cat(FormattingCategory));
/// Include/Exclude Options
static cl::opt<std::string>
cl::desc("Comma-separated list of paths to consider to be "
static cl::opt<std::string>
ExcludePaths("exclude", cl::desc("Comma-separated list of paths that can not "
"be transformed"),
static cl::opt<std::string>
IncludeFromFile("include-from", cl::value_desc("filename"),
cl::desc("File containing a list of paths to consider to "
"be transformed"),
static cl::opt<std::string>
ExcludeFromFile("exclude-from", cl::value_desc("filename"),
cl::desc("File containing a list of paths that can not be "
/// Serialization Options
static cl::opt<bool>
cl::desc("Serialize translation unit replacements to "
"disk instead of changing files."),
static cl::opt<std::string>
cl::desc("Path to an existing directory in which to write\n"
"serialized replacements. Default behaviour is to\n"
"write to a temporary directory.\n"),
void printVersion() {
llvm::outs() << "clang-modernizer version " CLANG_VERSION_STRING
<< "\n";
/// \brief Extract the minimum compiler versions as requested on the command
/// line by the switch \c -for-compilers.
/// \param ProgName The name of the program, \c argv[0], used to print errors.
/// \param Error If an error occur while parsing the versions this parameter is
/// set to \c true, otherwise it will be left untouched.
static CompilerVersions handleSupportedCompilers(const char *ProgName,
bool &Error) {
if (SupportedCompilers.getNumOccurrences() == 0)
return CompilerVersions();
CompilerVersions RequiredVersions;
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 4> Compilers;
llvm::StringRef(SupportedCompilers).split(Compilers, ",");
for (llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::StringRef>::iterator I = Compilers.begin(),
E = Compilers.end();
I != E; ++I) {
llvm::StringRef Compiler, VersionStr;
std::tie(Compiler, VersionStr) = I->split('-');
Version *V = llvm::StringSwitch<Version *>(Compiler)
.Case("clang", &RequiredVersions.Clang)
.Case("gcc", &RequiredVersions.Gcc).Case("icc", &RequiredVersions.Icc)
.Case("msvc", &RequiredVersions.Msvc).Default(NULL);
if (V == NULL) {
llvm::errs() << ProgName << ": " << Compiler
<< ": unsupported platform\n";
Error = true;
if (VersionStr.empty()) {
llvm::errs() << ProgName << ": " << *I
<< ": missing version number in platform\n";
Error = true;
Version Version = Version::getFromString(VersionStr);
if (Version.isNull()) {
<< ProgName << ": " << *I
<< ": invalid version, please use \"<major>[.<minor>]\" instead of \""
<< VersionStr << "\"\n";
Error = true;
// support the lowest version given
if (V->isNull() || Version < *V)
*V = Version;
return RequiredVersions;
CompilationDatabase *autoDetectCompilations(std::string &ErrorMessage) {
// Auto-detect a compilation database from BuildPath.
if (BuildPath.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
return CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromDirectory(BuildPath,
// Try to auto-detect a compilation database from the first source.
if (!SourcePaths.empty()) {
if (CompilationDatabase *Compilations =
ErrorMessage)) {
// FIXME: just pass SourcePaths[0] once getCompileCommands supports
// non-absolute paths.
SmallString<64> Path(SourcePaths[0]);
std::vector<CompileCommand> Commands =
// Ignore a detected compilation database that doesn't contain source0
// since it is probably an unrelated compilation database.
if (!Commands.empty())
return Compilations;
// Reset ErrorMessage since a fix compilation database will be created if
// it fails to detect one from source.
ErrorMessage = "";
// If no compilation database can be detected from source then we create a
// fixed compilation database with c++11 support.
std::string CommandLine[] = { "-std=c++11" };
return new FixedCompilationDatabase(".", CommandLine);
ErrorMessage = "Could not determine sources to transform";
return 0;
// Predicate definition for determining whether a file is not included.
static bool isFileNotIncludedPredicate(llvm::StringRef FilePath) {
return !GlobalOptions.ModifiableFiles.isFileIncluded(FilePath);
// Predicate definition for determining if a file was explicitly excluded.
static bool isFileExplicitlyExcludedPredicate(llvm::StringRef FilePath) {
if (GlobalOptions.ModifiableFiles.isFileExplicitlyExcluded(FilePath)) {
llvm::errs() << "Warning \"" << FilePath << "\" will not be transformed "
<< "because it's in the excluded list.\n";
return true;
return false;
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
Transforms TransformManager;
ReplacementHandling ReplacementHandler;
// Hide all options we don't define ourselves. Move pre-defined 'help',
// 'help-list', and 'version' to our general category.
llvm::StringMap<cl::Option*> Options;
const cl::OptionCategory **CategoryEnd =
VisibleCategories + llvm::array_lengthof(VisibleCategories);
for (llvm::StringMap<cl::Option *>::iterator I = Options.begin(),
E = Options.end();
I != E; ++I) {
if (I->first() == "help" || I->first() == "version" ||
I->first() == "help-list")
else if (std::find(VisibleCategories, CategoryEnd, I->second->Category) ==
// Parse options and generate compilations.
std::unique_ptr<CompilationDatabase> Compilations(
FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(argc, argv));
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
// Populate the ModifiableFiles structure.
GlobalOptions.ModifiableFiles.readListFromString(IncludePaths, ExcludePaths);
if (!Compilations) {
std::string ErrorMessage;
if (!Compilations) {
llvm::errs() << llvm::sys::path::filename(argv[0]) << ": " << ErrorMessage
<< "\n";
return 1;
// Populate source files.
std::vector<std::string> Sources;
if (!SourcePaths.empty()) {
// Use only files that are not explicitly excluded.
std::remove_copy_if(SourcePaths.begin(), SourcePaths.end(),
} else {
if (GlobalOptions.ModifiableFiles.isIncludeListEmpty()) {
llvm::errs() << llvm::sys::path::filename(argv[0])
<< ": Use -include to indicate which files of "
<< "the compilatiion database to transform.\n";
return 1;
// Use source paths from the compilation database.
// We only transform files that are explicitly included.
Sources = Compilations->getAllFiles();
std::vector<std::string>::iterator E = std::remove_if(
Sources.begin(), Sources.end(), isFileNotIncludedPredicate);
Sources.erase(E, Sources.end());
if (Sources.empty()) {
llvm::errs() << llvm::sys::path::filename(argv[0])
<< ": Could not determine sources to transform.\n";
return 1;
// Enable timming.
GlobalOptions.EnableTiming = TimingDirectoryName.getNumOccurrences() > 0;
bool CmdSwitchError = false;
CompilerVersions RequiredVersions =
handleSupportedCompilers(argv[0], CmdSwitchError);
if (CmdSwitchError)
return 1;
TransformManager.createSelectedTransforms(GlobalOptions, RequiredVersions);
if (TransformManager.begin() == TransformManager.end()) {
if (SupportedCompilers.empty())
llvm::errs() << llvm::sys::path::filename(argv[0])
<< ": no selected transforms\n";
llvm::errs() << llvm::sys::path::filename(argv[0])
<< ": no transforms available for specified compilers\n";
return 1;
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts(
new DiagnosticOptions());
DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs()),
// FIXME: Make this DiagnosticsEngine available to all Transforms probably via
// GlobalOptions.
// If SerializeReplacements is requested, then code reformatting must be
// turned off and only one transform should be requested.
if (SerializeOnly &&
(std::distance(TransformManager.begin(), TransformManager.end()) > 1 ||
DoFormat)) {
llvm::errs() << "Serialization of replacements requested for multiple "
"transforms.\nChanges from only one transform can be "
return 1;
// If we're asked to apply changes to files on disk, need to locate
// clang-apply-replacements.
if (!SerializeOnly) {
if (!ReplacementHandler.findClangApplyReplacements(argv[0])) {
llvm::errs() << "Could not find clang-apply-replacements\n";
return 1;
if (DoFormat)
ReplacementHandler.enableFormatting(FormatStyleOpt, FormatStyleConfig);
StringRef TempDestinationDir;
if (SerializeLocation.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
TempDestinationDir = ReplacementHandler.useTempDestinationDir();
SourcePerfData PerfData;
for (Transforms::const_iterator I = TransformManager.begin(),
E = TransformManager.end();
I != E; ++I) {
Transform *T = *I;
if (T->apply(*Compilations, Sources) != 0) {
// FIXME: Improve ClangTool to not abort if just one file fails.
return 1;
if (GlobalOptions.EnableTiming)
collectSourcePerfData(*T, PerfData);
if (SummaryMode) {
llvm::outs() << "Transform: " << T->getName()
<< " - Accepted: " << T->getAcceptedChanges();
if (T->getChangesNotMade()) {
llvm::outs() << " - Rejected: " << T->getRejectedChanges()
<< " - Deferred: " << T->getDeferredChanges();
llvm::outs() << "\n";
if (!ReplacementHandler.serializeReplacements(T->getAllReplacements()))
return 1;
if (!SerializeOnly)
if (!ReplacementHandler.applyReplacements())
return 1;
// Let the user know which temporary directory the replacements got written
// to.
if (SerializeOnly && !TempDestinationDir.empty())
llvm::errs() << "Replacements serialized to: " << TempDestinationDir << "\n";
if (FinalSyntaxCheck) {
ClangTool SyntaxTool(*Compilations, SourcePaths);
if (SyntaxTool.run(newFrontendActionFactory<SyntaxOnlyAction>()) != 0)
return 1;
// Report execution times.
if (GlobalOptions.EnableTiming && !PerfData.empty()) {
std::string DirectoryName = TimingDirectoryName;
// Use default directory name.
if (DirectoryName.empty())
DirectoryName = "./migrate_perf";
writePerfDataJSON(DirectoryName, PerfData);
return 0;
// These anchors are used to force the linker to link the transforms
extern volatile int AddOverrideTransformAnchorSource;
extern volatile int LoopConvertTransformAnchorSource;
extern volatile int PassByValueTransformAnchorSource;
extern volatile int ReplaceAutoPtrTransformAnchorSource;
extern volatile int UseAutoTransformAnchorSource;
extern volatile int UseNullptrTransformAnchorSource;
static int TransformsAnchorsDestination[] = {