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//===-- Abstract class for bit manipulation of float numbers. ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "PlatformDefs.h"
#include "utils/CPP/TypeTraits.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace fputil {
template <typename T> struct MantissaWidth {};
template <> struct MantissaWidth<float> {
static constexpr unsigned value = 23;
template <> struct MantissaWidth<double> {
static constexpr unsigned value = 52;
template <typename T> struct ExponentWidth {};
template <> struct ExponentWidth<float> {
static constexpr unsigned value = 8;
template <> struct ExponentWidth<double> {
static constexpr unsigned value = 11;
template <> struct ExponentWidth<long double> {
static constexpr unsigned value = 15;
template <typename T> struct FPUIntType {};
template <> struct FPUIntType<float> { using Type = uint32_t; };
template <> struct FPUIntType<double> { using Type = uint64_t; };
template <> struct MantissaWidth<long double> {
static constexpr unsigned value = MantissaWidth<double>::value;
template <> struct FPUIntType<long double> {
using Type = FPUIntType<double>::Type;
#elif !defined(SPECIAL_X86_LONG_DOUBLE)
template <> struct MantissaWidth<long double> {
static constexpr unsigned value = 112;
template <> struct FPUIntType<long double> { using Type = __uint128_t; };
// A generic class to represent single precision, double precision, and quad
// precision IEEE 754 floating point formats.
// On most platforms, the 'float' type corresponds to single precision floating
// point numbers, the 'double' type corresponds to double precision floating
// point numers, and the 'long double' type corresponds to the quad precision
// floating numbers. On x86 platforms however, the 'long double' type maps to
// an x87 floating point format. This format is an IEEE 754 extension format.
// It is handled as an explicit specialization of this class.
template <typename T> union FPBits {
"FPBits instantiated with invalid type.");
// Reinterpreting bits as an integer value and interpreting the bits of an
// integer value as a floating point value is used in tests. So, a convenient
// type is provided for such reinterpretations.
using UIntType = typename FPUIntType<T>::Type;
struct __attribute__((packed)) {
UIntType mantissa : MantissaWidth<T>::value;
uint16_t exponent : ExponentWidth<T>::value;
uint8_t sign : 1;
} encoding;
UIntType integer;
T val;
static_assert(sizeof(encoding) == sizeof(UIntType),
"Encoding and integral representation have different sizes.");
static_assert(sizeof(integer) == sizeof(UIntType),
"Integral representation and value type have different sizes.");
static constexpr int exponentBias = (1 << (ExponentWidth<T>::value - 1)) - 1;
static constexpr int maxExponent = (1 << ExponentWidth<T>::value) - 1;
static constexpr UIntType minSubnormal = UIntType(1);
static constexpr UIntType maxSubnormal =
(UIntType(1) << MantissaWidth<T>::value) - 1;
static constexpr UIntType minNormal =
(UIntType(1) << MantissaWidth<T>::value);
static constexpr UIntType maxNormal =
((UIntType(maxExponent) - 1) << MantissaWidth<T>::value) | maxSubnormal;
// We don't want accidental type promotions/conversions so we require exact
// type match.
template <typename XType,
cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsSame<T, XType>::Value, int> = 0>
explicit FPBits(XType x) : val(x) {}
template <typename XType,
cpp::EnableIfType<cpp::IsSame<XType, UIntType>::Value, int> = 0>
explicit FPBits(XType x) : integer(x) {}
FPBits() : integer(0) {}
explicit operator T() { return val; }
UIntType uintval() const { return integer; }
int getExponent() const { return int(encoding.exponent) - exponentBias; }
bool isZero() const {
return encoding.mantissa == 0 && encoding.exponent == 0;
bool isInf() const {
return encoding.mantissa == 0 && encoding.exponent == maxExponent;
bool isNaN() const {
return encoding.exponent == maxExponent && encoding.mantissa != 0;
bool isInfOrNaN() const { return encoding.exponent == maxExponent; }
static FPBits<T> zero() { return FPBits(); }
static FPBits<T> negZero() {
return FPBits(UIntType(1) << (sizeof(UIntType) * 8 - 1));
static FPBits<T> inf() {
FPBits<T> bits;
bits.encoding.exponent = maxExponent;
return bits;
static FPBits<T> negInf() {
FPBits<T> bits = inf();
bits.encoding.sign = 1;
return bits;
static T buildNaN(UIntType v) {
FPBits<T> bits = inf();
bits.encoding.mantissa = v;
return T(bits);
} // namespace fputil
} // namespace __llvm_libc
#include "utils/FPUtil/LongDoubleBitsX86.h"