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! Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
! You may obtain a copy of the License at
! http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
! limitations under the License.
! See Fortran 2018, clause 18.2
module iso_c_binding
type :: c_ptr
integer(kind=8) :: address
end type c_ptr
type :: c_funptr
integer(kind=8) :: address
end type c_funptr
type(c_ptr), parameter :: c_null_ptr = c_ptr(0)
type(c_funptr), parameter :: c_null_funptr = c_funptr(0)
! Table 18.2 (in clause 18.3.1)
! TODO: Specialize (via macros?) for alternative targets
integer, parameter :: &
c_int8_t = 1, &
c_int16_t = 2, &
c_int32_t = 4, &
c_int64_t = 8, &
c_int128_t = 16 ! anticipating future addition
integer, parameter :: &
c_int = c_int32_t, &
c_short = c_int16_t, &
c_long = c_int64_t, &
c_long_long = c_int64_t, &
c_signed_char = c_int8_t, &
c_size_t = c_long_long, &
c_intmax_t = c_int128_t, &
c_intptr_t = c_size_t, &
c_ptrdiff_t = c_size_t
integer, parameter :: &
c_int_least8_t = c_int8_t, &
c_int_fast8_t = c_int8_t, &
c_int_least16_t = c_int16_t, &
c_int_fast16_t = c_int16_t, &
c_int_least32_t = c_int32_t, &
c_int_fast32_t = c_int32_t, &
c_int_least64_t = c_int64_t, &
c_int_fast64_t = c_int64_t, &
c_int_least128_t = c_int128_t, &
c_int_fast128_t = c_int128_t
integer, parameter :: &
c_float = 4, &
c_double = 8, &
#if __x86_64__
c_long_double = 10
c_long_double = 16
integer, parameter :: &
c_float_complex = c_float, &
c_double_complex = c_double, &
c_long_double_complex = c_long_double
integer, parameter :: c_bool = 1 ! TODO: or default LOGICAL?
integer, parameter :: c_char = 1 ! TODO: Kanji mode
logical function c_associated(c_ptr_1, c_ptr_2)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: c_ptr_1
type(c_ptr), intent(in), optional :: c_ptr_2
if (c_ptr_1%address == c_null_ptr%address) then
c_associated = .false.
else if (present(c_ptr_2)) then
c_associated = c_ptr_1%address == c_ptr_2%address
c_associated = .true.
end if
end function c_associated
subroutine c_f_pointer(cptr, fptr, shape)
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: cptr
type(*), pointer, dimension(..), intent(out) :: fptr
! TODO: Use a larger kind for shape than default integer
integer, intent(in), optional :: shape(:) ! size(shape) == rank(fptr)
! TODO: Define, or write in C and change this to an interface
end subroutine c_f_pointer
! TODO c_f_procpointer
! TODO c_funcloc
! TODO c_loc
! TODO c_sizeof
end module iso_c_binding