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//===-- ClangApplyReplacementsMain.cpp - Main file for the tool -----------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief This file provides the main function for the
/// clang-apply-replacements tool.
#include "clang-apply-replacements/Tooling/ApplyReplacements.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::replace;
static cl::opt<std::string> Directory(cl::Positional, cl::Required,
cl::desc("<Search Root Directory>"));
static cl::OptionCategory FormattingCategory("Formatting Options");
static cl::opt<bool> RemoveTUReplacementFiles(
cl::desc("Remove the change description files regardless of successful\n"
// Update this list of options to show in -help as new options are added.
// Should add even those options marked as 'Hidden'. Any option not listed
// here will get marked 'ReallyHidden' so they don't appear in any -help text.
const char *OptionsToShow[] = { "help", "version",
"remove-change-desc-files", "format",
"style-config", "style" };
static cl::opt<bool> DoFormat(
cl::desc("Enable formatting of code changed by applying replacements.\n"
"Use -style to choose formatting style.\n"),
// FIXME: Consider making the default behaviour for finding a style
// configuration file to start the search anew for every file being changed to
// handle situations where the style is different for different parts of a
// project.
static cl::opt<std::string> FormatStyleConfig(
cl::desc("Path to a directory containing a .clang-format file\n"
"describing a formatting style to use for formatting\n"
"code when -style=file.\n"),
cl::init(""), cl::cat(FormattingCategory));
static cl::opt<std::string>
FormatStyleOpt("style", cl::desc(format::StyleOptionHelpDescription),
cl::init("LLVM"), cl::cat(FormattingCategory));
// Helper object to remove the TUReplacement files (triggered by
// "remove-change-desc-files" command line option) when exiting current scope.
class ScopedFileRemover {
ScopedFileRemover(const TUReplacementFiles &Files,
clang::DiagnosticsEngine &Diagnostics)
: TURFiles(Files), Diag(Diagnostics) {}
~ScopedFileRemover() {
deleteReplacementFiles(TURFiles, Diag);
const TUReplacementFiles &TURFiles;
clang::DiagnosticsEngine &Diag;
void printVersion() {
outs() << "clang-apply-replacements version " CLANG_VERSION_STRING << "\n";
/// \brief Convenience function to get rewritten content for \c Filename from
/// \c Rewrites.
/// \pre Replacements[i].getFilePath() == Replacements[i+1].getFilePath().
/// \post Replacements.empty() -> Result.empty()
/// \param[in] Replacements Replacements to apply
/// \param[in] Rewrites Rewriter to use to apply replacements.
/// \param[out] Result Contents of the file after applying replacements if
/// replacements were provided.
/// \returns \li true if all replacements were applied successfully.
/// \li false if at least one replacement failed to apply.
static bool
getRewrittenData(const std::vector<tooling::Replacement> &Replacements,
Rewriter &Rewrites, std::string &Result) {
if (Replacements.empty()) return true;
if (!tooling::applyAllReplacements(Replacements, Rewrites))
return false;
SourceManager &SM = Rewrites.getSourceMgr();
FileManager &Files = SM.getFileManager();
StringRef FileName = Replacements.begin()->getFilePath();
const clang::FileEntry *Entry = Files.getFile(FileName);
assert(Entry && "Expected an existing file");
FileID ID = SM.translateFile(Entry);
assert(!ID.isInvalid() && "Expected a valid FileID");
const RewriteBuffer *Buffer = Rewrites.getRewriteBufferFor(ID);
Result = std::string(Buffer->begin(), Buffer->end());
return true;
/// \brief Apply \c Replacements and return the new file contents.
/// \pre Replacements[i].getFilePath() == Replacements[i+1].getFilePath().
/// \post Replacements.empty() -> Result.empty()
/// \param[in] Replacements Replacements to apply.
/// \param[out] Result Contents of the file after applying replacements if
/// replacements were provided.
/// \param[in] Diagnostics For diagnostic output.
/// \returns \li true if all replacements applied successfully.
/// \li false if at least one replacement failed to apply.
bool applyReplacements(const std::vector<tooling::Replacement> &Replacements,
std::string &Result,
DiagnosticsEngine &Diagnostics) {
FileManager Files((FileSystemOptions()));
SourceManager SM(Diagnostics, Files);
Rewriter Rewrites(SM, LangOptions());
return getRewrittenData(Replacements, Rewrites, Result);
/// \brief Apply code formatting to all places where replacements were made.
/// \pre !Replacements.empty().
/// \pre Replacements[i].getFilePath() == Replacements[i+1].getFilePath().
/// \pre Replacements[i].getOffset() <= Replacements[i+1].getOffset().
/// \param[in] Replacements Replacements that were made to the file. Provided
/// to indicate where changes were made.
/// \param[in] FileData The contents of the file \b after \c Replacements have
/// been applied.
/// \param[out] FormattedFileData The contents of the file after reformatting.
/// \param[in] FormatStyle Style to apply.
/// \param[in] Diagnostics For diagnostic output.
/// \returns \li true if reformatting replacements were all successfully
/// applied.
/// \li false if at least one reformatting replacement failed to apply.
bool applyFormatting(const std::vector<tooling::Replacement> &Replacements,
const StringRef FileData,
std::string &FormattedFileData,
const format::FormatStyle &FormatStyle,
DiagnosticsEngine &Diagnostics) {
assert(!Replacements.empty() && "Need at least one replacement");
RangeVector Ranges = calculateChangedRanges(Replacements);
StringRef FileName = Replacements.begin()->getFilePath();
tooling::Replacements R =
format::reformat(FormatStyle, FileData, Ranges, FileName);
// FIXME: Remove this copy when tooling::Replacements is implemented as a
// vector instead of a set.
std::vector<tooling::Replacement> FormattingReplacements;
std::copy(R.begin(), R.end(), back_inserter(FormattingReplacements));
if (FormattingReplacements.empty()) {
FormattedFileData = FileData;
return true;
FileManager Files((FileSystemOptions()));
SourceManager SM(Diagnostics, Files);
Rewriter Rewrites(SM, LangOptions());
return getRewrittenData(FormattingReplacements, Rewrites, FormattedFileData);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Only include our options in -help output.
StringMap<cl::Option*> OptMap;
const char **EndOpts = std::end(OptionsToShow);
for (const auto &Opt : OptMap) {
if (std::find(OptionsToShow, EndOpts, Opt.getKey()) == EndOpts)
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts(new DiagnosticOptions());
DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs()),
// Determine a formatting style from options.
format::FormatStyle FormatStyle;
if (DoFormat)
FormatStyle = format::getStyle(FormatStyleOpt, FormatStyleConfig, "LLVM");
TUReplacements TUs;
TUReplacementFiles TURFiles;
std::error_code ErrorCode =
collectReplacementsFromDirectory(Directory, TUs, TURFiles, Diagnostics);
if (ErrorCode) {
errs() << "Trouble iterating over directory '" << Directory
<< "': " << ErrorCode.message() << "\n";
return 1;
// Remove the TUReplacementFiles (triggered by "remove-change-desc-files"
// command line option) when exiting main().
std::unique_ptr<ScopedFileRemover> Remover;
if (RemoveTUReplacementFiles)
Remover.reset(new ScopedFileRemover(TURFiles, Diagnostics));
FileManager Files((FileSystemOptions()));
SourceManager SM(Diagnostics, Files);
FileToReplacementsMap GroupedReplacements;
if (!mergeAndDeduplicate(TUs, GroupedReplacements, SM))
return 1;
Rewriter ReplacementsRewriter(SM, LangOptions());
for (const auto &FileAndReplacements : GroupedReplacements) {
// This shouldn't happen but if a file somehow has no replacements skip to
// next file.
if (FileAndReplacements.second.empty())
std::string NewFileData;
const char *FileName = FileAndReplacements.first->getName();
if (!applyReplacements(FileAndReplacements.second, NewFileData,
Diagnostics)) {
errs() << "Failed to apply replacements to " << FileName << "\n";
// Apply formatting if requested.
if (DoFormat &&
!applyFormatting(FileAndReplacements.second, NewFileData, NewFileData,
FormatStyle, Diagnostics)) {
errs() << "Failed to apply reformatting replacements for " << FileName
<< "\n";
// Write new file to disk
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream FileStream(FileName, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
if (EC) {
llvm::errs() << "Could not open " << FileName << " for writing\n";
FileStream << NewFileData;
return 0;