
184 lines
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The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
Provides the configuration class, which holds all information related to
how this invocation of the test suite should be run.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
# System modules
import os
import platform
import subprocess
# Third-party modules
import unittest2
# LLDB Modules
import lldbsuite
def __setCrashInfoHook_Mac(text):
from . import crashinfo
def setupCrashInfoHook():
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
from . import lock
test_dir = os.environ['LLDB_TEST']
if not test_dir or not os.path.exists(test_dir):
dylib_lock = os.path.join(test_dir, "crashinfo.lock")
dylib_src = os.path.join(test_dir, "crashinfo.c")
dylib_dst = os.path.join(test_dir, "crashinfo.so")
compile_lock = lock.Lock(dylib_lock)
if not os.path.isfile(dylib_dst) or os.path.getmtime(
dylib_dst) < os.path.getmtime(dylib_src):
# we need to compile
cmd = "SDKROOT= xcrun clang %s -o %s -framework Python -Xlinker -dylib -iframework /System/Library/Frameworks/ -Xlinker -F /System/Library/Frameworks/" % (
dylib_src, dylib_dst)
if subprocess.call(
cmd, shell=True) != 0 or not os.path.isfile(dylib_dst):
raise Exception('command failed: "{}"'.format(cmd))
del compile_lock
setCrashInfoHook = __setCrashInfoHook_Mac
# The test suite.
suite = unittest2.TestSuite()
# The list of categories we said we care about
categoriesList = None
# set to true if we are going to use categories for cherry-picking test cases
useCategories = False
# Categories we want to skip
skipCategories = []
# use this to track per-category failures
failuresPerCategory = {}
# The path to LLDB.framework is optional.
lldbFrameworkPath = None
# Test suite repeat count. Can be overwritten with '-# count'.
count = 1
# The 'archs' and 'compilers' can be specified via command line. The corresponding
# options can be specified more than once. For example, "-A x86_64 -A i386"
# => archs=['x86_64', 'i386'] and "-C gcc -C clang" => compilers=['gcc', 'clang'].
archs = None # Must be initialized after option parsing
compilers = None # Must be initialized after option parsing
# The arch might dictate some specific CFLAGS to be passed to the toolchain to build
# the inferior programs. The global variable cflags_extras provides a hook to do
# just that.
cflags_extras = ''
# The filters (testclass.testmethod) used to admit tests into our test suite.
filters = []
# By default, we skip long running test case. Use '-l' option to override.
skip_long_running_test = True
# Parsable mode silences headers, and any other output this script might generate, and instead
# prints machine-readable output similar to what clang tests produce.
parsable = False
# The regular expression pattern to match against eligible filenames as
# our test cases.
regexp = None
# Sets of tests which are excluded at runtime
skip_tests = None
xfail_tests = None
# By default, recorded session info for errored/failed test are dumped into its
# own file under a session directory named after the timestamp of the test suite
# run. Use '-s session-dir-name' to specify a specific dir name.
sdir_name = None
# Valid options:
# f - test file name (without extension)
# n - test class name
# m - test method name
# a - architecture
# c - compiler path
# The default is to write all fields.
session_file_format = 'fnmac'
# Set this flag if there is any session info dumped during the test run.
sdir_has_content = False
# svn_info stores the output from 'svn info lldb.base.dir'.
svn_info = ''
# Default verbosity is 0.
verbose = 0
# By default, search from the script directory.
# We can't use sys.path[0] to determine the script directory
# because it doesn't work under a debugger
testdirs = [os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))]
# Separator string.
separator = '-' * 70
failed = False
# LLDB Remote platform setting
lldb_platform_name = None
lldb_platform_url = None
lldb_platform_working_dir = None
# Parallel execution settings
is_inferior_test_runner = False
multiprocess_test_subdir = None
num_threads = None
no_multiprocess_test_runner = False
test_runner_name = None
# Test results handling globals
results_filename = None
results_port = None
results_formatter_name = None
results_formatter_object = None
results_formatter_options = None
test_result = None
# Test rerun configuration vars
rerun_all_issues = False
rerun_max_file_threhold = 0
# The names of all tests. Used to assert we don't have two tests with the
# same base name.
all_tests = set()
# safe default
setCrashInfoHook = lambda x: None
def shouldSkipBecauseOfCategories(test_categories):
if useCategories:
if len(test_categories) == 0 or len(
categoriesList & set(test_categories)) == 0:
return True
for category in skipCategories:
if category in test_categories:
return True
return False