forked from OSchip/llvm-project
153 lines
7.6 KiB
153 lines
7.6 KiB
! RUN: %S/ %s %t %f18
! Tests for the ASSOCIATED() and NULL() intrinsics
subroutine assoc()
abstract interface
subroutine subrInt(i)
integer :: i
end subroutine subrInt
integer function abstractIntFunc(x)
integer, intent(in) :: x
end function
end interface
integer function intFunc(x)
integer, intent(in) :: x
intFunc = x
end function
real function realFunc(x)
real, intent(in) :: x
realFunc = x
end function
pure integer function pureFunc()
pureFunc = 343
end function pureFunc
elemental integer function elementalFunc()
elementalFunc = 343
end function elementalFunc
subroutine subr(i)
integer :: i
end subroutine subr
subroutine test()
integer :: intVar
integer, target :: targetIntVar1
integer(kind=2), target :: targetIntVar2
real, target :: targetRealVar
integer, pointer :: intPointerVar1
integer, pointer :: intPointerVar2
integer, allocatable :: intAllocVar
procedure(intFunc) :: intProc
procedure(intFunc), pointer :: intprocPointer1
procedure(intFunc), pointer :: intprocPointer2
procedure(realFunc) :: realProc
procedure(realFunc), pointer :: realprocPointer1
procedure(pureFunc), pointer :: pureFuncPointer
procedure(elementalFunc) :: elementalProc
external :: externalProc
procedure(subrInt) :: subProc
procedure(subrInt), pointer :: subProcPointer
procedure(), pointer :: implicitProcPointer
logical :: lVar
!ERROR: missing mandatory 'pointer=' argument
lVar = associated()
!ERROR: MOLD= argument to NULL() must be a pointer or allocatable
lVar = associated(null(intVar))
lVar = associated(null(intAllocVar)) !OK
lVar = associated(null()) !OK
lVar = associated(null(intPointerVar1)) !OK
lVar = associated(null(), null()) !OK
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1, null(intPointerVar2)) !OK
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1, null()) !OK
lVar = associated(null(), null(intPointerVar1)) !OK
lVar = associated(null(intPointerVar1), null()) !OK
!ERROR: POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a POINTER
lVar = associated(intVar)
!ERROR: POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a POINTER
lVar = associated(intVar, intVar)
!ERROR: POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a POINTER
lVar = associated(intAllocVar)
!ERROR: Arguments of ASSOCIATED() must be a POINTER and an optional valid target
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1, targetRealVar)
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1, targetIntVar1) !OK
!ERROR: Arguments of ASSOCIATED() must be a POINTER and an optional valid target
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1, targetIntVar2)
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1) !OK
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1, intPointerVar2) !OK
!ERROR: In assignment to object pointer 'intpointervar1', the target 'intvar' is not an object with POINTER or TARGET attributes
intPointerVar1 => intVar
!ERROR: TARGET= argument 'intvar' must have either the POINTER or the TARGET attribute
lVar = associated(intPointerVar1, intVar)
! Procedure pointer tests
intprocPointer1 => intProc !OK
lVar = associated(intprocPointer1, intProc) !OK
intprocPointer1 => intProcPointer2 !OK
lVar = associated(intprocPointer1, intProcPointer2) !OK
intProcPointer1 => null(intProcPointer2) ! ok
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, null(intProcPointer2)) ! ok
intProcPointer1 => null() ! ok
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, null()) ! ok
intProcPointer1 => intProcPointer2 ! ok
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, intProcPointer2) ! ok
intProcPointer1 => null(intProcPointer2) ! ok
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, null(intProcPointer2)) ! ok
intProcPointer1 =>null() ! ok
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, null()) ! ok
intPointerVar1 => null(intPointerVar1) ! ok
lvar = associated (intPointerVar1, null(intPointerVar1)) ! ok
!ERROR: In assignment to procedure pointer 'intprocpointer1', the target is not a procedure or procedure pointer
intprocPointer1 => intVar
!ERROR: POINTER= argument 'intprocpointer1' is a procedure pointer but the TARGET= argument 'intvar' is not a procedure or procedure pointer
lVar = associated(intprocPointer1, intVar)
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'intprocpointer1' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'elementalproc'
intProcPointer1 => elementalProc
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'intprocpointer1' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'elementalproc'
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, elementalProc)
!ERROR: POINTER= argument 'intpointervar1' is an object pointer but the TARGET= argument 'intfunc' is a procedure designator
lvar = associated (intPointerVar1, intFunc)
!ERROR: In assignment to object pointer 'intpointervar1', the target 'intfunc' is a procedure designator
intPointerVar1 => intFunc
!ERROR: In assignment to procedure pointer 'intprocpointer1', the target is not a procedure or procedure pointer
intProcPointer1 => targetIntVar1
!ERROR: POINTER= argument 'intprocpointer1' is a procedure pointer but the TARGET= argument 'targetintvar1' is not a procedure or procedure pointer
lvar = associated (intProcPointer1, targetIntVar1)
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'intprocpointer1' associated with result of reference to function 'null' that is an incompatible procedure pointer
intProcPointer1 => null(mold=realProcPointer1)
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'intprocpointer1' associated with result of reference to function 'null()' that is an incompatible procedure pointer
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, null(mold=realProcPointer1))
!ERROR: PURE procedure pointer 'purefuncpointer' may not be associated with non-PURE procedure designator 'intproc'
pureFuncPointer => intProc
!ERROR: PURE procedure pointer 'purefuncpointer' may not be associated with non-PURE procedure designator 'intproc'
lvar = associated(pureFuncPointer, intProc)
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'realprocpointer1' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'intproc'
realProcPointer1 => intProc
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'realprocpointer1' associated with incompatible procedure designator 'intproc'
lvar = associated(realProcPointer1, intProc)
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'subprocpointer' with explicit interface may not be associated with procedure designator 'externalproc' with implicit interface
subProcPointer => externalProc
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'subprocpointer' with explicit interface may not be associated with procedure designator 'externalproc' with implicit interface
lvar = associated(subProcPointer, externalProc)
!ERROR: Subroutine pointer 'subprocpointer' may not be associated with function designator 'intproc'
subProcPointer => intProc
!ERROR: Subroutine pointer 'subprocpointer' may not be associated with function designator 'intproc'
lvar = associated(subProcPointer, intProc)
!ERROR: Function pointer 'intprocpointer1' may not be associated with subroutine designator 'subproc'
intProcPointer1 => subProc
!ERROR: Function pointer 'intprocpointer1' may not be associated with subroutine designator 'subproc'
lvar = associated(intProcPointer1, subProc)
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'implicitprocpointer' with implicit interface may not be associated with procedure designator 'subr' with explicit interface
implicitProcPointer => subr
!ERROR: Procedure pointer 'implicitprocpointer' with implicit interface may not be associated with procedure designator 'subr' with explicit interface
lvar = associated(implicitProcPointer, subr)
end subroutine test
end subroutine assoc