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//===--- ExtractFunction.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Extracts statements to a new function and replaces the statements with a
// call to the new function.
// Before:
// void f(int a) {
// [[if(a < 5)
// a = 5;]]
// }
// After:
// void extracted(int &a) {
// if(a < 5)
// a = 5;
// }
// void f(int a) {
// extracted(a);
// }
// - Only extract statements
// - Extracts from non-templated free functions only.
// - Parameters are const only if the declaration was const
// - Always passed by l-value reference
// - Void return type
// - Cannot extract declarations that will be needed in the original function
// after extraction.
// - Checks for broken control flow (break/continue without loop/switch)
// 1. ExtractFunction is the tweak subclass
// - Prepare does basic analysis of the selection and is therefore fast.
// Successful prepare doesn't always mean we can apply the tweak.
// - Apply does a more detailed analysis and can be slower. In case of
// failure, we let the user know that we are unable to perform extraction.
// 2. ExtractionZone store information about the range being extracted and the
// enclosing function.
// 3. NewFunction stores properties of the extracted function and provides
// methods for rendering it.
// 4. CapturedZoneInfo uses a RecursiveASTVisitor to capture information about
// the extraction like declarations, existing return statements, etc.
// 5. getExtractedFunction is responsible for analyzing the CapturedZoneInfo and
// creating a NewFunction.
#include "AST.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "ParsedAST.h"
#include "Selection.h"
#include "SourceCode.h"
#include "refactor/Tweak.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Extract/SourceExtraction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
using Node = SelectionTree::Node;
// ExtractionZone is the part of code that is being extracted.
// EnclosingFunction is the function/method inside which the zone lies.
// We split the file into 4 parts relative to extraction zone.
enum class ZoneRelative {
Before, // Before Zone and inside EnclosingFunction.
Inside, // Inside Zone.
After, // After Zone and inside EnclosingFunction.
OutsideFunc // Outside EnclosingFunction.
// A RootStmt is a statement that's fully selected including all it's children
// and it's parent is unselected.
// Check if a node is a root statement.
bool isRootStmt(const Node *N) {
if (!N->ASTNode.get<Stmt>())
return false;
// Root statement cannot be partially selected.
if (N->Selected == SelectionTree::Partial)
return false;
// Only DeclStmt can be an unselected RootStmt since VarDecls claim the entire
// selection range in selectionTree.
if (N->Selected == SelectionTree::Unselected && !N->ASTNode.get<DeclStmt>())
return false;
return true;
// Returns the (unselected) parent of all RootStmts given the commonAncestor.
// Returns null if:
// 1. any node is partially selected
// 2. If all completely selected nodes don't have the same common parent
// 3. Any child of Parent isn't a RootStmt.
// Returns null if any child is not a RootStmt.
// We only support extraction of RootStmts since it allows us to extract without
// having to change the selection range. Also, this means that any scope that
// begins in selection range, ends in selection range and any scope that begins
// outside the selection range, ends outside as well.
const Node *getParentOfRootStmts(const Node *CommonAnc) {
if (!CommonAnc)
return nullptr;
const Node *Parent = nullptr;
switch (CommonAnc->Selected) {
case SelectionTree::Selection::Unselected:
// Typicaly a block, with the { and } unselected, could also be ForStmt etc
// Ensure all Children are RootStmts.
Parent = CommonAnc;
case SelectionTree::Selection::Partial:
// Only a fully-selected single statement can be selected.
return nullptr;
case SelectionTree::Selection::Complete:
// If the Common Ancestor is completely selected, then it's a root statement
// and its parent will be unselected.
Parent = CommonAnc->Parent;
// If parent is a DeclStmt, even though it's unselected, we consider it a
// root statement and return its parent. This is done because the VarDecls
// claim the entire selection range of the Declaration and DeclStmt is
// always unselected.
if (Parent->ASTNode.get<DeclStmt>())
Parent = Parent->Parent;
// Ensure all Children are RootStmts.
return llvm::all_of(Parent->Children, isRootStmt) ? Parent : nullptr;
// The ExtractionZone class forms a view of the code wrt Zone.
struct ExtractionZone {
// Parent of RootStatements being extracted.
const Node *Parent = nullptr;
// The half-open file range of the code being extracted.
SourceRange ZoneRange;
// The function inside which our zone resides.
const FunctionDecl *EnclosingFunction = nullptr;
// The half-open file range of the enclosing function.
SourceRange EnclosingFuncRange;
SourceLocation getInsertionPoint() const {
return EnclosingFuncRange.getBegin();
bool isRootStmt(const Stmt *S) const;
// The last root statement is important to decide where we need to insert a
// semicolon after the extraction.
const Node *getLastRootStmt() const { return Parent->Children.back(); }
void generateRootStmts();
llvm::DenseSet<const Stmt *> RootStmts;
bool ExtractionZone::isRootStmt(const Stmt *S) const {
return RootStmts.find(S) != RootStmts.end();
// Generate RootStmts set
void ExtractionZone::generateRootStmts() {
for (const Node *Child : Parent->Children)
// Finds the function in which the zone lies.
const FunctionDecl *findEnclosingFunction(const Node *CommonAnc) {
// Walk up the SelectionTree until we find a function Decl
for (const Node *CurNode = CommonAnc; CurNode; CurNode = CurNode->Parent) {
// Don't extract from lambdas
if (CurNode->ASTNode.get<LambdaExpr>())
return nullptr;
if (const FunctionDecl *Func = CurNode->ASTNode.get<FunctionDecl>()) {
// FIXME: Support extraction from methods.
if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(Func))
return nullptr;
// FIXME: Support extraction from templated functions.
if (Func->isTemplated())
return nullptr;
return Func;
return nullptr;
// Zone Range is the union of SourceRanges of all child Nodes in Parent since
// all child Nodes are RootStmts
llvm::Optional<SourceRange> findZoneRange(const Node *Parent,
const SourceManager &SM,
const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
SourceRange SR;
if (auto BeginFileRange = toHalfOpenFileRange(
SM, LangOpts, Parent->Children.front()->ASTNode.getSourceRange()))
return llvm::None;
if (auto EndFileRange = toHalfOpenFileRange(
SM, LangOpts, Parent->Children.back()->ASTNode.getSourceRange()))
return llvm::None;
return SR;
// Compute the range spanned by the enclosing function.
// FIXME: check if EnclosingFunction has any attributes as the AST doesn't
// always store the source range of the attributes and thus we end up extracting
// between the attributes and the EnclosingFunction.
computeEnclosingFuncRange(const FunctionDecl *EnclosingFunction,
const SourceManager &SM,
const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
return toHalfOpenFileRange(SM, LangOpts, EnclosingFunction->getSourceRange());
// returns true if Child can be a single RootStmt being extracted from
// EnclosingFunc.
bool validSingleChild(const Node *Child, const FunctionDecl *EnclosingFunc) {
// Don't extract expressions.
// FIXME: We should extract expressions that are "statements" i.e. not
// subexpressions
if (Child->ASTNode.get<Expr>())
return false;
// Extracting the body of EnclosingFunc would remove it's definition.
assert(EnclosingFunc->hasBody() &&
"We should always be extracting from a function body.");
if (Child->ASTNode.get<Stmt>() == EnclosingFunc->getBody())
return false;
return true;
// FIXME: Check we're not extracting from the initializer/condition of a control
// flow structure.
llvm::Optional<ExtractionZone> findExtractionZone(const Node *CommonAnc,
const SourceManager &SM,
const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
ExtractionZone ExtZone;
ExtZone.Parent = getParentOfRootStmts(CommonAnc);
if (!ExtZone.Parent || ExtZone.Parent->Children.empty())
return llvm::None;
ExtZone.EnclosingFunction = findEnclosingFunction(ExtZone.Parent);
if (!ExtZone.EnclosingFunction)
return llvm::None;
// When there is a single RootStmt, we must check if it's valid for
// extraction.
if (ExtZone.Parent->Children.size() == 1 &&
!validSingleChild(ExtZone.getLastRootStmt(), ExtZone.EnclosingFunction))
return llvm::None;
if (auto FuncRange =
computeEnclosingFuncRange(ExtZone.EnclosingFunction, SM, LangOpts))
ExtZone.EnclosingFuncRange = *FuncRange;
if (auto ZoneRange = findZoneRange(ExtZone.Parent, SM, LangOpts))
ExtZone.ZoneRange = *ZoneRange;
if (ExtZone.EnclosingFuncRange.isInvalid() || ExtZone.ZoneRange.isInvalid())
return llvm::None;
return ExtZone;
// Stores information about the extracted function and provides methods for
// rendering it.
struct NewFunction {
struct Parameter {
std::string Name;
QualType TypeInfo;
bool PassByReference;
unsigned OrderPriority; // Lower value parameters are preferred first.
std::string render(const DeclContext *Context) const;
bool operator<(const Parameter &Other) const {
return OrderPriority < Other.OrderPriority;
std::string Name = "extracted";
std::string ReturnType;
std::vector<Parameter> Parameters;
SourceRange BodyRange;
SourceLocation InsertionPoint;
const DeclContext *EnclosingFuncContext;
// Decides whether the extracted function body and the function call need a
// semicolon after extraction.
tooling::ExtractionSemicolonPolicy SemicolonPolicy;
NewFunction(tooling::ExtractionSemicolonPolicy SemicolonPolicy)
: SemicolonPolicy(SemicolonPolicy) {}
// Render the call for this function.
std::string renderCall() const;
// Render the definition for this function.
std::string renderDefinition(const SourceManager &SM) const;
std::string renderParametersForDefinition() const;
std::string renderParametersForCall() const;
// Generate the function body.
std::string getFuncBody(const SourceManager &SM) const;
std::string NewFunction::renderParametersForDefinition() const {
std::string Result;
bool NeedCommaBefore = false;
for (const Parameter &P : Parameters) {
if (NeedCommaBefore)
Result += ", ";
NeedCommaBefore = true;
Result += P.render(EnclosingFuncContext);
return Result;
std::string NewFunction::renderParametersForCall() const {
std::string Result;
bool NeedCommaBefore = false;
for (const Parameter &P : Parameters) {
if (NeedCommaBefore)
Result += ", ";
NeedCommaBefore = true;
Result += P.Name;
return Result;
std::string NewFunction::renderCall() const {
return Name + "(" + renderParametersForCall() + ")" +
(SemicolonPolicy.isNeededInOriginalFunction() ? ";" : "");
std::string NewFunction::renderDefinition(const SourceManager &SM) const {
return ReturnType + " " + Name + "(" + renderParametersForDefinition() + ")" +
" {\n" + getFuncBody(SM) + "\n}\n";
std::string NewFunction::getFuncBody(const SourceManager &SM) const {
// FIXME: Generate tooling::Replacements instead of std::string to
// - hoist decls
// - add return statement
// - Add semicolon
return toSourceCode(SM, BodyRange).str() +
(SemicolonPolicy.isNeededInExtractedFunction() ? ";" : "");
std::string NewFunction::Parameter::render(const DeclContext *Context) const {
return printType(TypeInfo, *Context) + (PassByReference ? " &" : " ") + Name;
// Stores captured information about Extraction Zone.
struct CapturedZoneInfo {
struct DeclInformation {
const Decl *TheDecl;
ZoneRelative DeclaredIn;
// index of the declaration or first reference.
unsigned DeclIndex;
bool IsReferencedInZone = false;
bool IsReferencedInPostZone = false;
// FIXME: Capture mutation information
DeclInformation(const Decl *TheDecl, ZoneRelative DeclaredIn,
unsigned DeclIndex)
: TheDecl(TheDecl), DeclaredIn(DeclaredIn), DeclIndex(DeclIndex){};
// Marks the occurence of a reference for this declaration
void markOccurence(ZoneRelative ReferenceLoc);
// Maps Decls to their DeclInfo
llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, DeclInformation> DeclInfoMap;
// True if there is a return statement in zone.
bool HasReturnStmt = false;
// Control flow is broken if we are extracting a break/continue without a
// corresponding parent loop/switch
bool BrokenControlFlow = false;
// FIXME: capture TypeAliasDecl and UsingDirectiveDecl
// FIXME: Capture type information as well.
DeclInformation *createDeclInfo(const Decl *D, ZoneRelative RelativeLoc);
DeclInformation *getDeclInfoFor(const Decl *D);
CapturedZoneInfo::DeclInformation *
CapturedZoneInfo::createDeclInfo(const Decl *D, ZoneRelative RelativeLoc) {
// The new Decl's index is the size of the map so far.
auto InsertionResult = DeclInfoMap.insert(
{D, DeclInformation(D, RelativeLoc, DeclInfoMap.size())});
// Return the newly created DeclInfo
return &InsertionResult.first->second;
CapturedZoneInfo::DeclInformation *
CapturedZoneInfo::getDeclInfoFor(const Decl *D) {
// If the Decl doesn't exist, we
auto Iter = DeclInfoMap.find(D);
if (Iter == DeclInfoMap.end())
return nullptr;
return &Iter->second;
void CapturedZoneInfo::DeclInformation::markOccurence(
ZoneRelative ReferenceLoc) {
switch (ReferenceLoc) {
case ZoneRelative::Inside:
IsReferencedInZone = true;
case ZoneRelative::After:
IsReferencedInPostZone = true;
bool isLoop(const Stmt *S) {
return isa<ForStmt>(S) || isa<DoStmt>(S) || isa<WhileStmt>(S) ||
// Captures information from Extraction Zone
CapturedZoneInfo captureZoneInfo(const ExtractionZone &ExtZone) {
// We use the ASTVisitor instead of using the selection tree since we need to
// find references in the PostZone as well.
// FIXME: Check which statements we don't allow to extract.
class ExtractionZoneVisitor
: public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<ExtractionZoneVisitor> {
ExtractionZoneVisitor(const ExtractionZone &ExtZone) : ExtZone(ExtZone) {
TraverseDecl(const_cast<FunctionDecl *>(ExtZone.EnclosingFunction));
bool TraverseStmt(Stmt *S) {
if (!S)
return true;
bool IsRootStmt = ExtZone.isRootStmt(const_cast<const Stmt *>(S));
// If we are starting traversal of a RootStmt, we are somewhere inside
// ExtractionZone
if (IsRootStmt)
CurrentLocation = ZoneRelative::Inside;
addToLoopSwitchCounters(S, 1);
// Traverse using base class's TraverseStmt
addToLoopSwitchCounters(S, -1);
// We set the current location as after since next stmt will either be a
// RootStmt (handled at the beginning) or after extractionZone
if (IsRootStmt)
CurrentLocation = ZoneRelative::After;
return true;
// Add Increment to CurNumberOf{Loops,Switch} if statement is
// {Loop,Switch} and inside Extraction Zone.
void addToLoopSwitchCounters(Stmt *S, int Increment) {
if (CurrentLocation != ZoneRelative::Inside)
if (isLoop(S))
CurNumberOfNestedLoops += Increment;
else if (isa<SwitchStmt>(S))
CurNumberOfSwitch += Increment;
// Decrement CurNumberOf{NestedLoops,Switch} if statement is {Loop,Switch}
// and inside Extraction Zone.
void decrementLoopSwitchCounters(Stmt *S) {
if (CurrentLocation != ZoneRelative::Inside)
if (isLoop(S))
else if (isa<SwitchStmt>(S))
bool VisitDecl(Decl *D) {
Info.createDeclInfo(D, CurrentLocation);
return true;
bool VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *DRE) {
// Find the corresponding Decl and mark it's occurence.
const Decl *D = DRE->getDecl();
auto *DeclInfo = Info.getDeclInfoFor(D);
// If no Decl was found, the Decl must be outside the enclosingFunc.
if (!DeclInfo)
DeclInfo = Info.createDeclInfo(D, ZoneRelative::OutsideFunc);
// FIXME: check if reference mutates the Decl being referred.
return true;
bool VisitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt *Return) {
if (CurrentLocation == ZoneRelative::Inside)
Info.HasReturnStmt = true;
return true;
bool VisitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *Break) {
// Control flow is broken if break statement is selected without any
// parent loop or switch statement.
if (CurrentLocation == ZoneRelative::Inside &&
!(CurNumberOfNestedLoops || CurNumberOfSwitch))
Info.BrokenControlFlow = true;
return true;
bool VisitContinueStmt(ContinueStmt *Continue) {
// Control flow is broken if Continue statement is selected without any
// parent loop
if (CurrentLocation == ZoneRelative::Inside && !CurNumberOfNestedLoops)
Info.BrokenControlFlow = true;
return true;
CapturedZoneInfo Info;
const ExtractionZone &ExtZone;
ZoneRelative CurrentLocation = ZoneRelative::Before;
// Number of {loop,switch} statements that are currently in the traversal
// stack inside Extraction Zone. Used to check for broken control flow.
unsigned CurNumberOfNestedLoops = 0;
unsigned CurNumberOfSwitch = 0;
ExtractionZoneVisitor Visitor(ExtZone);
return std::move(Visitor.Info);
// Adds parameters to ExtractedFunc.
// Returns true if able to find the parameters successfully and no hoisting
// needed.
// FIXME: Check if the declaration has a local/anonymous type
bool createParameters(NewFunction &ExtractedFunc,
const CapturedZoneInfo &CapturedInfo) {
for (const auto &KeyVal : CapturedInfo.DeclInfoMap) {
const auto &DeclInfo = KeyVal.second;
// If a Decl was Declared in zone and referenced in post zone, it
// needs to be hoisted (we bail out in that case).
// FIXME: Support Decl Hoisting.
if (DeclInfo.DeclaredIn == ZoneRelative::Inside &&
return false;
if (!DeclInfo.IsReferencedInZone)
continue; // no need to pass as parameter, not referenced
if (DeclInfo.DeclaredIn == ZoneRelative::Inside ||
DeclInfo.DeclaredIn == ZoneRelative::OutsideFunc)
continue; // no need to pass as parameter, still accessible.
// Parameter specific checks.
const ValueDecl *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(DeclInfo.TheDecl);
// Can't parameterise if the Decl isn't a ValueDecl or is a FunctionDecl
// (this includes the case of recursive call to EnclosingFunc in Zone).
if (!VD || isa<FunctionDecl>(DeclInfo.TheDecl))
return false;
// Parameter qualifiers are same as the Decl's qualifiers.
QualType TypeInfo = VD->getType().getNonReferenceType();
// FIXME: Need better qualifier checks: check mutated status for
// Decl(e.g. was it assigned, passed as nonconst argument, etc)
// FIXME: check if parameter will be a non l-value reference.
// FIXME: We don't want to always pass variables of types like int,
// pointers, etc by reference.
bool IsPassedByReference = true;
// We use the index of declaration as the ordering priority for parameters.
{VD->getName(), TypeInfo, IsPassedByReference, DeclInfo.DeclIndex});
return true;
// Clangd uses open ranges while ExtractionSemicolonPolicy (in Clang Tooling)
// uses closed ranges. Generates the semicolon policy for the extraction and
// extends the ZoneRange if necessary.
getSemicolonPolicy(ExtractionZone &ExtZone, const SourceManager &SM,
const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
// Get closed ZoneRange.
SourceRange FuncBodyRange = {ExtZone.ZoneRange.getBegin(),
auto SemicolonPolicy = tooling::ExtractionSemicolonPolicy::compute(
ExtZone.getLastRootStmt()->ASTNode.get<Stmt>(), FuncBodyRange, SM,
// Update ZoneRange.
return SemicolonPolicy;
// Generate return type for ExtractedFunc. Return false if unable to do so.
bool generateReturnProperties(NewFunction &ExtractedFunc,
const CapturedZoneInfo &CapturedInfo) {
// FIXME: Use Existing Return statements (if present)
// FIXME: Generate new return statement if needed.
if (CapturedInfo.HasReturnStmt)
return false;
ExtractedFunc.ReturnType = "void";
return true;
// FIXME: add support for adding other function return types besides void.
// FIXME: assign the value returned by non void extracted function.
llvm::Expected<NewFunction> getExtractedFunction(ExtractionZone &ExtZone,
const SourceManager &SM,
const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
CapturedZoneInfo CapturedInfo = captureZoneInfo(ExtZone);
// Bail out if any break of continue exists
if (CapturedInfo.BrokenControlFlow)
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
+"Cannot extract break/continue without "
"corresponding loop/switch statement.");
NewFunction ExtractedFunc(getSemicolonPolicy(ExtZone, SM, LangOpts));
ExtractedFunc.BodyRange = ExtZone.ZoneRange;
ExtractedFunc.InsertionPoint = ExtZone.getInsertionPoint();
ExtractedFunc.EnclosingFuncContext =
if (!createParameters(ExtractedFunc, CapturedInfo) ||
!generateReturnProperties(ExtractedFunc, CapturedInfo))
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
+"Too complex to extract.");
return ExtractedFunc;
class ExtractFunction : public Tweak {
const char *id() const override final;
bool prepare(const Selection &Inputs) override;
Expected<Effect> apply(const Selection &Inputs) override;
std::string title() const override { return "Extract to function"; }
Intent intent() const override { return Refactor; }
ExtractionZone ExtZone;
tooling::Replacement replaceWithFuncCall(const NewFunction &ExtractedFunc,
const SourceManager &SM,
const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
std::string FuncCall = ExtractedFunc.renderCall();
return tooling::Replacement(
SM, CharSourceRange(ExtractedFunc.BodyRange, false), FuncCall, LangOpts);
tooling::Replacement createFunctionDefinition(const NewFunction &ExtractedFunc,
const SourceManager &SM) {
std::string FunctionDef = ExtractedFunc.renderDefinition(SM);
return tooling::Replacement(SM, ExtractedFunc.InsertionPoint, 0, FunctionDef);
bool ExtractFunction::prepare(const Selection &Inputs) {
const Node *CommonAnc = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor();
const SourceManager &SM = Inputs.AST.getSourceManager();
const LangOptions &LangOpts = Inputs.AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts();
if (auto MaybeExtZone = findExtractionZone(CommonAnc, SM, LangOpts)) {
ExtZone = std::move(*MaybeExtZone);
return true;
return false;
Expected<Tweak::Effect> ExtractFunction::apply(const Selection &Inputs) {
const SourceManager &SM = Inputs.AST.getSourceManager();
const LangOptions &LangOpts = Inputs.AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts();
auto ExtractedFunc = getExtractedFunction(ExtZone, SM, LangOpts);
// FIXME: Add more types of errors.
if (!ExtractedFunc)
return ExtractedFunc.takeError();
tooling::Replacements Result;
if (auto Err = Result.add(createFunctionDefinition(*ExtractedFunc, SM)))
return std::move(Err);
if (auto Err = Result.add(replaceWithFuncCall(*ExtractedFunc, SM, LangOpts)))
return std::move(Err);
return Effect::mainFileEdit(SM, std::move(Result));
} // namespace
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang