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//===-- ELFHeader.h ------------------------------------------- -*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// @file
/// @brief Generic structures and typedefs for ELF files.
/// This file provides definitions for the various entities comprising an ELF
/// file. The structures are generic in the sense that they do not correspond
/// to the exact binary layout of an ELF, but can be used to hold the
/// information present in both 32 and 64 bit variants of the format. Each
/// entity provides a \c Parse method which is capable of transparently reading
/// both 32 and 64 bit instances of the object.
#ifndef liblldb_ELFHeader_h_
#define liblldb_ELFHeader_h_
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class DataExtractor;
} // End namespace lldb_private.
namespace elf {
/// @name ELF type definitions.
/// Types used to represent the various components of ELF structures. All types
/// are signed or unsigned integral types wide enough to hold values from both
/// 32 and 64 bit ELF variants.
typedef uint64_t elf_addr;
typedef uint64_t elf_off;
typedef uint16_t elf_half;
typedef uint32_t elf_word;
typedef int32_t elf_sword;
typedef uint64_t elf_size;
typedef uint64_t elf_xword;
typedef int64_t elf_sxword;
/// @class ELFHeader
/// @brief Generic representation of an ELF file header.
/// This object is used to identify the general attributes on an ELF file and to
/// locate additional sections within the file.
struct ELFHeader {
unsigned char e_ident[llvm::ELF::EI_NIDENT]; ///< ELF file identification.
elf_addr e_entry; ///< Virtual address program entry point.
elf_off e_phoff; ///< File offset of program header table.
elf_off e_shoff; ///< File offset of section header table.
elf_word e_flags; ///< Processor specific flags.
elf_word e_version; ///< Version of object file (always 1).
elf_half e_type; ///< Object file type.
elf_half e_machine; ///< Target architecture.
elf_half e_ehsize; ///< Byte size of the ELF header.
elf_half e_phentsize; ///< Size of a program header table entry.
elf_half e_phnum_hdr; ///< Number of program header entries.
elf_half e_shentsize; ///< Size of a section header table entry.
elf_half e_shnum_hdr; ///< Number of section header entries.
elf_half e_shstrndx_hdr; ///< String table section index.
// In some cases these numbers do not fit in 16 bits and they are
// stored outside of the header in section #0. Here are the actual
// values.
elf_word e_phnum; ///< Number of program header entries.
elf_word e_shnum; ///< Number of section header entries.
elf_word e_shstrndx; ///< String table section index.
/// Returns true if this is a 32 bit ELF file header.
/// @return
/// True if this is a 32 bit ELF file header.
bool Is32Bit() const {
return e_ident[llvm::ELF::EI_CLASS] == llvm::ELF::ELFCLASS32;
/// Returns true if this is a 64 bit ELF file header.
/// @return
/// True if this is a 64 bit ELF file header.
bool Is64Bit() const {
return e_ident[llvm::ELF::EI_CLASS] == llvm::ELF::ELFCLASS64;
/// The byte order of this ELF file header.
/// @return
/// The byte order of this ELF file as described by the header.
lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const;
/// The jump slot relocation type of this ELF.
unsigned GetRelocationJumpSlotType() const;
/// Check if there should be header extension in section header #0
/// @return
/// True if parsing the ELFHeader requires reading header extension
/// and false otherwise.
bool HasHeaderExtension() const;
/// Parse an ELFHeader entry starting at position \p offset and
/// update the data extractor with the address size and byte order
/// attributes as defined by the header.
/// @param[in,out] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from. Updated with the address size and
/// byte order attributes appropriate to this header.
/// @param[in,out] offset
/// Pointer to an offset in the data. On return the offset will be
/// advanced by the number of bytes read.
/// @return
/// True if the ELFHeader was successfully read and false
/// otherwise.
bool Parse(lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset);
/// Examines at most EI_NIDENT bytes starting from the given pointer and
/// determines if the magic ELF identification exists.
/// @return
/// True if the given sequence of bytes identifies an ELF file.
static bool MagicBytesMatch(const uint8_t *magic);
/// Examines at most EI_NIDENT bytes starting from the given address and
/// determines the address size of the underlying ELF file. This function
/// should only be called on an pointer for which MagicBytesMatch returns
/// true.
/// @return
/// The number of bytes forming an address in the ELF file (either 4 or
/// 8), else zero if the address size could not be determined.
static unsigned AddressSizeInBytes(const uint8_t *magic);
/// Parse an ELFHeader header extension entry. This method is called
/// by Parse().
/// @param[in] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from.
void ParseHeaderExtension(lldb_private::DataExtractor &data);
/// @class ELFSectionHeader
/// @brief Generic representation of an ELF section header.
struct ELFSectionHeader {
elf_word sh_name; ///< Section name string index.
elf_word sh_type; ///< Section type.
elf_xword sh_flags; ///< Section attributes.
elf_addr sh_addr; ///< Virtual address of the section in memory.
elf_off sh_offset; ///< Start of section from beginning of file.
elf_xword sh_size; ///< Number of bytes occupied in the file.
elf_word sh_link; ///< Index of associated section.
elf_word sh_info; ///< Extra section info (overloaded).
elf_xword sh_addralign; ///< Power of two alignment constraint.
elf_xword sh_entsize; ///< Byte size of each section entry.
/// Parse an ELFSectionHeader entry from the given DataExtracter starting at
/// position \p offset.
/// @param[in] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from. The address size of the extractor
/// determines if a 32 or 64 bit object should be read.
/// @param[in,out] offset
/// Pointer to an offset in the data. On return the offset will be
/// advanced by the number of bytes read.
/// @return
/// True if the ELFSectionHeader was successfully read and false
/// otherwise.
bool Parse(const lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset);
/// @class ELFProgramHeader
/// @brief Generic representation of an ELF program header.
struct ELFProgramHeader {
elf_word p_type; ///< Type of program segment.
elf_word p_flags; ///< Segment attributes.
elf_off p_offset; ///< Start of segment from beginning of file.
elf_addr p_vaddr; ///< Virtual address of segment in memory.
elf_addr p_paddr; ///< Physical address (for non-VM systems).
elf_xword p_filesz; ///< Byte size of the segment in file.
elf_xword p_memsz; ///< Byte size of the segment in memory.
elf_xword p_align; ///< Segment alignment constraint.
/// Parse an ELFProgramHeader entry from the given DataExtractor starting at
/// position \p offset. The address size of the DataExtractor determines if
/// a 32 or 64 bit object is to be parsed.
/// @param[in] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from. The address size of the extractor
/// determines if a 32 or 64 bit object should be read.
/// @param[in,out] offset
/// Pointer to an offset in the data. On return the offset will be
/// advanced by the number of bytes read.
/// @return
/// True if the ELFProgramHeader was successfully read and false
/// otherwise.
bool Parse(const lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset);
/// @class ELFSymbol
/// @brief Represents a symbol within an ELF symbol table.
struct ELFSymbol {
elf_addr st_value; ///< Absolute or relocatable address.
elf_xword st_size; ///< Size of the symbol or zero.
elf_word st_name; ///< Symbol name string index.
unsigned char st_info; ///< Symbol type and binding attributes.
unsigned char st_other; ///< Reserved for future use.
elf_half st_shndx; ///< Section to which this symbol applies.
/// Returns the binding attribute of the st_info member.
unsigned char getBinding() const { return st_info >> 4; }
/// Returns the type attribute of the st_info member.
unsigned char getType() const { return st_info & 0x0F; }
/// Sets the binding and type of the st_info member.
void setBindingAndType(unsigned char binding, unsigned char type) {
st_info = (binding << 4) + (type & 0x0F);
static const char *bindingToCString(unsigned char binding);
static const char *typeToCString(unsigned char type);
static const char *
sectionIndexToCString(elf_half shndx,
const lldb_private::SectionList *section_list);
/// Parse an ELFSymbol entry from the given DataExtractor starting at
/// position \p offset. The address size of the DataExtractor determines if
/// a 32 or 64 bit object is to be parsed.
/// @param[in] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from. The address size of the extractor
/// determines if a 32 or 64 bit object should be read.
/// @param[in,out] offset
/// Pointer to an offset in the data. On return the offset will be
/// advanced by the number of bytes read.
/// @return
/// True if the ELFSymbol was successfully read and false otherwise.
bool Parse(const lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset);
void Dump(lldb_private::Stream *s, uint32_t idx,
const lldb_private::DataExtractor *strtab_data,
const lldb_private::SectionList *section_list);
/// @class ELFDynamic
/// @brief Represents an entry in an ELF dynamic table.
struct ELFDynamic {
elf_sxword d_tag; ///< Type of dynamic table entry.
union {
elf_xword d_val; ///< Integer value of the table entry.
elf_addr d_ptr; ///< Pointer value of the table entry.
/// Parse an ELFDynamic entry from the given DataExtractor starting at
/// position \p offset. The address size of the DataExtractor determines if
/// a 32 or 64 bit object is to be parsed.
/// @param[in] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from. The address size of the extractor
/// determines if a 32 or 64 bit object should be read.
/// @param[in,out] offset
/// Pointer to an offset in the data. On return the offset will be
/// advanced by the number of bytes read.
/// @return
/// True if the ELFDynamic entry was successfully read and false
/// otherwise.
bool Parse(const lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset);
/// @class ELFRel
/// @brief Represents a relocation entry with an implicit addend.
struct ELFRel {
elf_addr r_offset; ///< Address of reference.
elf_xword r_info; ///< symbol index and type of relocation.
/// Parse an ELFRel entry from the given DataExtractor starting at position
/// \p offset. The address size of the DataExtractor determines if a 32 or
/// 64 bit object is to be parsed.
/// @param[in] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from. The address size of the extractor
/// determines if a 32 or 64 bit object should be read.
/// @param[in,out] offset
/// Pointer to an offset in the data. On return the offset will be
/// advanced by the number of bytes read.
/// @return
/// True if the ELFRel entry was successfully read and false otherwise.
bool Parse(const lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset);
/// Returns the type when the given entry represents a 32-bit relocation.
static unsigned RelocType32(const ELFRel &rel) { return rel.r_info & 0x0ff; }
/// Returns the type when the given entry represents a 64-bit relocation.
static unsigned RelocType64(const ELFRel &rel) {
return rel.r_info & 0xffffffff;
/// Returns the symbol index when the given entry represents a 32-bit
/// relocation.
static unsigned RelocSymbol32(const ELFRel &rel) { return rel.r_info >> 8; }
/// Returns the symbol index when the given entry represents a 64-bit
/// relocation.
static unsigned RelocSymbol64(const ELFRel &rel) { return rel.r_info >> 32; }
/// @class ELFRela
/// @brief Represents a relocation entry with an explicit addend.
struct ELFRela {
elf_addr r_offset; ///< Address of reference.
elf_xword r_info; ///< Symbol index and type of relocation.
elf_sxword r_addend; ///< Constant part of expression.
/// Parse an ELFRela entry from the given DataExtractor starting at position
/// \p offset. The address size of the DataExtractor determines if a 32 or
/// 64 bit object is to be parsed.
/// @param[in] data
/// The DataExtractor to read from. The address size of the extractor
/// determines if a 32 or 64 bit object should be read.
/// @param[in,out] offset
/// Pointer to an offset in the data. On return the offset will be
/// advanced by the number of bytes read.
/// @return
/// True if the ELFRela entry was successfully read and false otherwise.
bool Parse(const lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset);
/// Returns the type when the given entry represents a 32-bit relocation.
static unsigned RelocType32(const ELFRela &rela) {
return rela.r_info & 0x0ff;
/// Returns the type when the given entry represents a 64-bit relocation.
static unsigned RelocType64(const ELFRela &rela) {
return rela.r_info & 0xffffffff;
/// Returns the symbol index when the given entry represents a 32-bit
/// relocation.
static unsigned RelocSymbol32(const ELFRela &rela) {
return rela.r_info >> 8;
/// Returns the symbol index when the given entry represents a 64-bit
/// relocation.
static unsigned RelocSymbol64(const ELFRela &rela) {
return rela.r_info >> 32;
} // End namespace elf.
#endif // #ifndef liblldb_ELFHeader_h_