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//===- SDBMTest.cpp - SDBM expression unit tests --------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/SDBM/SDBM.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SDBM/SDBMDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SDBM/SDBMExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
using namespace mlir;
static MLIRContext *ctx() {
static thread_local MLIRContext context(false);
return &context;
static SDBMDialect *dialect() {
static thread_local SDBMDialect *d = nullptr;
if (!d) {
d = ctx()->getOrLoadDialect<SDBMDialect>();
return d;
static SDBMExpr dim(unsigned pos) { return SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), pos); }
static SDBMExpr symb(unsigned pos) {
return SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), pos);
namespace {
using namespace mlir::ops_assertions;
TEST(SDBMOperators, Add) {
auto expr = dim(0) + 42;
auto sumExpr = expr.dyn_cast<SDBMSumExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(sumExpr.getLHS(), dim(0));
EXPECT_EQ(sumExpr.getRHS().getValue(), 42);
TEST(SDBMOperators, AddFolding) {
auto constant = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 2) + 42;
auto constantExpr = constant.dyn_cast<SDBMConstantExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(constantExpr.getValue(), 44);
auto expr = (dim(0) + 10) + 32;
auto sumExpr = expr.dyn_cast<SDBMSumExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(sumExpr.getRHS().getValue(), 42);
expr = dim(0) + SDBMNegExpr::get(SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), 1));
auto diffExpr = expr.dyn_cast<SDBMDiffExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(diffExpr.getLHS(), dim(0));
EXPECT_EQ(diffExpr.getRHS(), dim(1));
auto inverted = SDBMNegExpr::get(SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), 1)) + dim(0);
EXPECT_EQ(inverted, expr);
// Check that opposite values cancel each other, and that we elide the zero
// constant.
expr = dim(0) + 42;
auto onlyDim = expr - 42;
EXPECT_EQ(onlyDim, dim(0));
// Check that we can sink a constant under a negation.
expr = -(dim(0) + 2);
auto negatedSum = (expr + 10).dyn_cast<SDBMNegExpr>();
auto sum = negatedSum.getVar().dyn_cast<SDBMSumExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(sum.getRHS().getValue(), -8);
// Sum with zero is the same as the original expression.
EXPECT_EQ(dim(0) + 0, dim(0));
// Sum of opposite differences is zero.
auto diffOfDiffs =
((dim(0) - dim(1)) + (dim(1) - dim(0))).dyn_cast<SDBMConstantExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(diffOfDiffs.getValue(), 0);
TEST(SDBMOperators, AddNegativeTerms) {
const int64_t A = 7;
const int64_t B = -5;
auto x = SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
auto y = SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), 1);
// Check the simplification patterns in addition where one of the variables is
// cancelled out and the result remains an SDBM.
EXPECT_EQ(-(x + A) + ((x + B) - y), -(y + (A - B)));
EXPECT_EQ((x + A) + ((y + B) - x), (y + B) + A);
EXPECT_EQ(((x + A) - y) + (-(x + B)), -(y + (B - A)));
EXPECT_EQ(((x + A) - y) + (y + B), (x + A) + B);
TEST(SDBMOperators, Diff) {
auto expr = dim(0) - dim(1);
auto diffExpr = expr.dyn_cast<SDBMDiffExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(diffExpr.getLHS(), dim(0));
EXPECT_EQ(diffExpr.getRHS(), dim(1));
TEST(SDBMOperators, DiffFolding) {
auto constant = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 10) - 3;
auto constantExpr = constant.dyn_cast<SDBMConstantExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(constantExpr.getValue(), 7);
auto expr = dim(0) - 3;
auto sumExpr = expr.dyn_cast<SDBMSumExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(sumExpr.getRHS().getValue(), -3);
auto zero = dim(0) - dim(0);
constantExpr = zero.dyn_cast<SDBMConstantExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(constantExpr.getValue(), 0);
// Check that the constant terms in difference-of-sums are folded.
// (d0 - 3) - (d1 - 5) = (d0 + 2) - d1
auto diffOfSums = ((dim(0) - 3) - (dim(1) - 5)).dyn_cast<SDBMDiffExpr>();
auto lhs = diffOfSums.getLHS().dyn_cast<SDBMSumExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(lhs.getLHS(), dim(0));
EXPECT_EQ(lhs.getRHS().getValue(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(diffOfSums.getRHS(), dim(1));
// Check that identical dimensions with opposite signs cancel each other.
auto cstOnly = ((dim(0) + 42) - dim(0)).dyn_cast<SDBMConstantExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(cstOnly.getValue(), 42);
// Check that identical terms in sum of diffs cancel out.
auto dimOnly = (-dim(0) + (dim(0) - dim(1)));
EXPECT_EQ(dimOnly, -dim(1));
dimOnly = (dim(0) - dim(1)) + (-dim(0));
EXPECT_EQ(dimOnly, -dim(1));
dimOnly = (dim(0) - dim(1)) + dim(1);
EXPECT_EQ(dimOnly, dim(0));
dimOnly = dim(0) + (dim(1) - dim(0));
EXPECT_EQ(dimOnly, dim(1));
// Top-level zero constant is fine.
cstOnly = (-symb(1) + symb(1)).dyn_cast<SDBMConstantExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(cstOnly.getValue(), 0);
TEST(SDBMOperators, Negate) {
auto sum = dim(0) + 3;
auto negated = (-sum).dyn_cast<SDBMNegExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(negated.getVar(), sum);
TEST(SDBMOperators, Stripe) {
auto expr = stripe(dim(0), 3);
auto stripeExpr = expr.dyn_cast<SDBMStripeExpr>();
EXPECT_EQ(stripeExpr.getLHS(), dim(0));
EXPECT_EQ(stripeExpr.getStripeFactor().getValue(), 3);
TEST(SDBM, RoundTripEqs) {
// Build an SDBM defined by
// d0 = s0 # 3 # 5
// s0 # 3 # 5 - d1 + 42 = 0
// and perform a double round-trip between the "list of equalities" and SDBM
// representation. After the first round-trip, the equalities may be
// different due to simplification or equivalent substitutions (e.g., the
// second equality may become d0 - d1 + 42 = 0). However, there should not
// be any further simplification after the second round-trip,
// Build the SDBM from a pair of equalities and extract back the lists of
// inequalities and equalities. Check that all equalities are properly
// detected and none of them decayed into inequalities.
auto s = stripe(stripe(symb(0), 3), 5);
auto sdbm = SDBM::get(llvm::None, {s - dim(0), s - dim(1) + 42});
SmallVector<SDBMExpr, 4> eqs, ineqs;
sdbm.getSDBMExpressions(dialect(), ineqs, eqs);
// Do the second round-trip.
auto sdbm2 = SDBM::get(llvm::None, eqs);
SmallVector<SDBMExpr, 4> eqs2, ineqs2;
sdbm2.getSDBMExpressions(dialect(), ineqs2, eqs2);
ASSERT_EQ(eqs.size(), eqs2.size());
// Check that the sets of equalities are equal, their order is not relevant.
llvm::DenseSet<SDBMExpr> eqSet, eq2Set;
eqSet.insert(eqs.begin(), eqs.end());
eq2Set.insert(eqs2.begin(), eqs2.end());
EXPECT_EQ(eqSet, eq2Set);
TEST(SDBMExpr, Constant) {
// We can create constants and query them.
auto expr = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 42);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getValue(), 42);
// Two separately created constants with identical values are trivially equal.
auto expr2 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 42);
EXPECT_EQ(expr, expr2);
// Hierarchy is okay.
auto generic = static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr);
TEST(SDBMExpr, Dim) {
// We can create dimension expressions and query them.
auto expr = SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getPosition(), 0u);
// Two separately created dimensions with the same position are trivially
// equal.
auto expr2 = SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(expr, expr2);
// Hierarchy is okay.
auto generic = static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr);
// Dimensions are not Symbols.
auto symbol = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
EXPECT_NE(expr, symbol);
TEST(SDBMExpr, Symbol) {
// We can create symbol expressions and query them.
auto expr = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getPosition(), 0u);
// Two separately created symbols with the same position are trivially equal.
auto expr2 = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(expr, expr2);
// Hierarchy is okay.
auto generic = static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr);
// Dimensions are not Symbols.
auto symbol = SDBMDimExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
EXPECT_NE(expr, symbol);
TEST(SDBMExpr, Stripe) {
auto cst2 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 2);
auto cst0 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
auto var = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
// We can create stripe expressions and query them.
auto expr = SDBMStripeExpr::get(var, cst2);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getLHS(), var);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getStripeFactor(), cst2);
// Two separately created stripe expressions with the same LHS and RHS are
// trivially equal.
auto expr2 = SDBMStripeExpr::get(SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0), cst2);
EXPECT_EQ(expr, expr2);
// Stripes can be nested.
SDBMStripeExpr::get(expr, SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 4));
// Non-positive stripe factors are not allowed.
EXPECT_DEATH(SDBMStripeExpr::get(var, cst0), "non-positive");
// Stripes can have sums on the LHS.
SDBMStripeExpr::get(SDBMSumExpr::get(var, cst2), cst2);
// Hierarchy is okay.
auto generic = static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr);
TEST(SDBMExpr, Neg) {
auto cst2 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 2);
auto var = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
auto stripe = SDBMStripeExpr::get(var, cst2);
// We can create negation expressions and query them.
auto expr = SDBMNegExpr::get(var);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getVar(), var);
auto expr2 = SDBMNegExpr::get(stripe);
EXPECT_EQ(expr2.getVar(), stripe);
// Neg expressions are trivially comparable.
EXPECT_EQ(expr, SDBMNegExpr::get(var));
// Hierarchy is okay.
auto generic = static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr);
TEST(SDBMExpr, Sum) {
auto cst2 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 2);
auto var = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
auto stripe = SDBMStripeExpr::get(var, cst2);
// We can create sum expressions and query them.
auto expr = SDBMSumExpr::get(var, cst2);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getLHS(), var);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getRHS(), cst2);
auto expr2 = SDBMSumExpr::get(stripe, cst2);
EXPECT_EQ(expr2.getLHS(), stripe);
EXPECT_EQ(expr2.getRHS(), cst2);
// Sum expressions are trivially comparable.
EXPECT_EQ(expr, SDBMSumExpr::get(var, cst2));
// Hierarchy is okay.
auto generic = static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr);
TEST(SDBMExpr, Diff) {
auto cst2 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 2);
auto var = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
auto stripe = SDBMStripeExpr::get(var, cst2);
// We can create sum expressions and query them.
auto expr = SDBMDiffExpr::get(var, stripe);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getLHS(), var);
EXPECT_EQ(expr.getRHS(), stripe);
auto expr2 = SDBMDiffExpr::get(stripe, var);
EXPECT_EQ(expr2.getLHS(), stripe);
EXPECT_EQ(expr2.getRHS(), var);
// Sum expressions are trivially comparable.
EXPECT_EQ(expr, SDBMDiffExpr::get(var, stripe));
// Hierarchy is okay.
auto generic = static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr);
TEST(SDBMExpr, AffineRoundTrip) {
// Build an expression (s0 - s0 # 2)
auto cst2 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 2);
auto var = SDBMSymbolExpr::get(dialect(), 0);
auto stripe = SDBMStripeExpr::get(var, cst2);
auto expr = SDBMDiffExpr::get(var, stripe);
// Check that it can be converted to AffineExpr and back, i.e. stripe
// detection works correctly.
Optional<SDBMExpr> roundtripped =
EXPECT_EQ(roundtripped, static_cast<SDBMExpr>(expr));
// Check that (s0 # 2 # 5) can be converted to AffineExpr, i.e. stripe
// detection supports nested expressions.
auto cst5 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 5);
auto outerStripe = SDBMStripeExpr::get(stripe, cst5);
roundtripped = SDBMExpr::tryConvertAffineExpr(outerStripe.getAsAffineExpr());
EXPECT_EQ(roundtripped, static_cast<SDBMExpr>(outerStripe));
// Check that ((s0 + 2) # 5) can be round-tripped through AffineExpr, i.e.
// stripe detection supports sum expressions.
auto inner = SDBMSumExpr::get(var, cst2);
auto stripeSum = SDBMStripeExpr::get(inner, cst5);
roundtripped = SDBMExpr::tryConvertAffineExpr(stripeSum.getAsAffineExpr());
EXPECT_EQ(roundtripped, static_cast<SDBMExpr>(stripeSum));
// Check that (s0 # 2 # 5 - s0 # 2) + 2 can be converted as an example of a
// deeper expression tree.
auto sum = SDBMSumExpr::get(outerStripe, cst2);
auto diff = SDBMDiffExpr::get(sum, stripe);
roundtripped = SDBMExpr::tryConvertAffineExpr(diff.getAsAffineExpr());
EXPECT_EQ(roundtripped, static_cast<SDBMExpr>(diff));
// Check a nested stripe-sum combination.
auto cst7 = SDBMConstantExpr::get(dialect(), 7);
auto nestedStripe =
SDBMStripeExpr::get(SDBMSumExpr::get(stripeSum, cst2), cst7);
diff = SDBMDiffExpr::get(nestedStripe, stripe);
roundtripped = SDBMExpr::tryConvertAffineExpr(diff.getAsAffineExpr());
EXPECT_EQ(roundtripped, static_cast<SDBMExpr>(diff));
TEST(SDBMExpr, MatchStripeMulPattern) {
// Make sure conversion from AffineExpr recognizes multiplicative stripe
// pattern (x floordiv B) * B == x # B.
auto cst = getAffineConstantExpr(42, ctx());
auto dim = getAffineDimExpr(0, ctx());
auto floor = dim.floorDiv(cst);
auto mul = cst * floor;
Optional<SDBMExpr> converted = SDBMStripeExpr::tryConvertAffineExpr(mul);
auto d0 = getAffineDimExpr(0, ctx());
auto d1 = getAffineDimExpr(1, ctx());
auto sum = d0 + d1;
auto c2 = getAffineConstantExpr(2, ctx());
auto prod = d0 * c2;
auto ceildiv = d1.ceilDiv(c2);
// The following are not valid SDBM expressions:
// - a sum of two variables
// - a variable with coefficient other than 1 or -1
// - a ceildiv expression
} // end namespace