
504 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
Run the test suite using a separate process for each test file.
Each test will run with a time limit of 10 minutes by default.
Override the default time limit of 10 minutes by setting
the environment variable LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT.
E.g., export LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT=10m
Override the time limit for individual tests by setting
the environment variable LLDB_[TEST NAME]_TIMEOUT.
Set to "0" to run without time limit.
E.g., export LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT=0
To collect core files for timed out tests,
do the following before running dosep.py
ulimit -c unlimited
sudo sysctl -w kern.corefile=core.%P
ulimit -c unlimited
echo core.%p | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
import multiprocessing
import os
import fnmatch
import platform
import re
import dotest_args
import subprocess
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
def get_timeout_command():
"""Search for a suitable timeout command."""
if not sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
subprocess.call("timeout", stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return "timeout"
except OSError:
subprocess.call("gtimeout", stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return "gtimeout"
except OSError:
return None
timeout_command = get_timeout_command()
# Status codes for running command with timeout.
eTimedOut, ePassed, eFailed = 124, 0, 1
output_lock = None
test_counter = None
total_tests = None
test_name_len = None
dotest_options = None
output_on_success = False
def setup_global_variables(lock, counter, total, name_len, options):
global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len
global dotest_options
output_lock = lock
test_counter = counter
total_tests = total
test_name_len = name_len
dotest_options = options
def report_test_failure(name, command, output):
global output_lock
with output_lock:
print >> sys.stderr
print >> sys.stderr, output
print >> sys.stderr, "[%s FAILED]" % name
print >> sys.stderr, "Command invoked: %s" % ' '.join(command)
def report_test_pass(name, output):
global output_lock, output_on_success
with output_lock:
if output_on_success:
print >> sys.stderr
print >> sys.stderr, output
print >> sys.stderr, "[%s PASSED]" % name
def update_progress(test_name=""):
global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len
with output_lock:
counter_len = len(str(total_tests))
"\r%*d out of %d test suites processed - %-*s" %
(counter_len, test_counter.value, total_tests,
test_name_len.value, test_name))
if len(test_name) > test_name_len.value:
test_name_len.value = len(test_name)
test_counter.value += 1
def parse_test_results(output):
passes = 0
failures = 0
unexpected_successes = 0
for result in output:
pass_count = re.search("^RESULT:.*([0-9]+) passes",
result, re.MULTILINE)
fail_count = re.search("^RESULT:.*([0-9]+) failures",
result, re.MULTILINE)
error_count = re.search("^RESULT:.*([0-9]+) errors",
result, re.MULTILINE)
unexpected_success_count = re.search("^RESULT:.*([0-9]+) unexpected successes",
result, re.MULTILINE)
if pass_count is not None:
passes = passes + int(pass_count.group(1))
if fail_count is not None:
failures = failures + int(fail_count.group(1))
if unexpected_success_count is not None:
unexpected_successes = unexpected_successes + int(unexpected_success_count.group(1))
if error_count is not None:
failures = failures + int(error_count.group(1))
return passes, failures, unexpected_successes
def call_with_timeout(command, timeout, name):
"""Run command with a timeout if possible."""
"""-s QUIT will create a coredump if they are enabled on your system"""
process = None
if timeout_command and timeout != "0":
command = [timeout_command, '-s', 'QUIT', timeout] + command
# Specifying a value for close_fds is unsupported on Windows when using
# subprocess.PIPE
if os.name != "nt":
process = subprocess.Popen(command,
process = subprocess.Popen(command,
output = process.communicate()
exit_status = process.returncode
passes, failures, unexpected_successes = parse_test_results(output)
if exit_status == 0:
# stdout does not have any useful information from 'dotest.py',
# only stderr does.
report_test_pass(name, output[1])
report_test_failure(name, command, output[1])
return name, exit_status, passes, failures, unexpected_successes
def process_dir(root, files, test_root, dotest_argv):
"""Examine a directory for tests, and invoke any found within it."""
results = []
for name in files:
script_file = os.path.join(test_root, "dotest.py")
command = ([sys.executable, script_file] +
dotest_argv +
["--inferior", "-p", name, root])
timeout_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(name)[0]).upper()
timeout = (os.getenv("LLDB_%s_TIMEOUT" % timeout_name) or
results.append(call_with_timeout(command, timeout, name))
# result = (name, status, passes, failures, unexpected_successes)
timed_out = [name for name, status, _, _, _ in results
if status == eTimedOut]
passed = [name for name, status, _, _, _ in results
if status == ePassed]
failed = [name for name, status, _, _, _ in results
if status != ePassed]
unexpected_passes = [name for name, _, _, _, unexpected_successes in results
if unexpected_successes > 0]
pass_count = sum([result[2] for result in results])
fail_count = sum([result[3] for result in results])
return (timed_out, passed, failed, unexpected_passes, pass_count, fail_count)
in_q = None
out_q = None
def process_dir_worker(arg_tuple):
"""Worker thread main loop when in multithreaded mode.
Takes one directory specification at a time and works on it."""
return process_dir(*arg_tuple)
def walk_and_invoke(test_directory, test_subdir, dotest_argv, num_threads):
"""Look for matched files and invoke test driver on each one.
In single-threaded mode, each test driver is invoked directly.
In multi-threaded mode, submit each test driver to a worker
queue, and then wait for all to complete.
test_directory - lldb/test/ directory
test_subdir - lldb/test/ or a subfolder with the tests we're interested in
# Collect the test files that we'll run.
test_work_items = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(test_subdir, topdown=False):
def is_test(name):
# Not interested in symbolically linked files.
if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, name)):
return False
# Only interested in test files with the "Test*.py" naming pattern.
return name.startswith("Test") and name.endswith(".py")
tests = filter(is_test, files)
test_work_items.append((root, tests, test_directory, dotest_argv))
global output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len
output_lock = multiprocessing.RLock()
# item = (root, tests, test_directory, dotest_argv)
total_tests = sum([len(item[1]) for item in test_work_items])
test_counter = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
test_name_len = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
print >> sys.stderr, "Testing: %d test suites, %d thread%s" % (
total_tests, num_threads, (num_threads > 1) * "s")
# Run the items, either in a pool (for multicore speedup) or
# calling each individually.
if num_threads > 1:
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
initargs=(output_lock, test_counter, total_tests, test_name_len,
test_results = pool.map(process_dir_worker, test_work_items)
test_results = map(process_dir_worker, test_work_items)
# result = (timed_out, failed, passed, unexpected_successes, fail_count, pass_count)
timed_out = sum([result[0] for result in test_results], [])
passed = sum([result[1] for result in test_results], [])
failed = sum([result[2] for result in test_results], [])
unexpected_successes = sum([result[3] for result in test_results], [])
pass_count = sum([result[4] for result in test_results])
fail_count = sum([result[5] for result in test_results])
return (timed_out, passed, failed, unexpected_successes, pass_count, fail_count)
def getExpectedTimeouts(platform_name):
# returns a set of test filenames that might timeout
# are we running against a remote target?
host = sys.platform
if platform_name is None:
target = sys.platform
remote = False
m = re.search('remote-(\w+)', platform_name)
target = m.group(1)
expected_timeout = set()
if target.startswith("linux"):
expected_timeout |= {
# Times out in ~10% of the times on the build bot
"TestRegisters.py", # ~12/600 dosep runs (build 3120-3122)
elif target.startswith("android"):
expected_timeout |= {
if host.startswith("win32"):
expected_timeout |= {
elif target.startswith("freebsd"):
expected_timeout |= {
elif target.startswith("darwin"):
expected_timeout |= {
# times out on MBP Retina, Mid 2012
return expected_timeout
def getDefaultTimeout(platform_name):
if os.getenv("LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT"):
return os.getenv("LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT")
if platform_name is None:
platform_name = sys.platform
if platform_name.startswith("remote-"):
return "10m"
return "4m"
def touch(fname, times=None):
if os.path.exists(fname):
os.utime(fname, times)
def find(pattern, path):
result = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for name in files:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
result.append(os.path.join(root, name))
return result
def main(print_details_on_success, num_threads, test_subdir):
"""Run dotest.py in inferior mode in parallel.
@param print_details_on_success the parsed value of the output-on-success
command line argument. When True, details of a successful dotest inferior
are printed even when everything succeeds. The normal behavior is to
not print any details when all the inferior tests pass.
@param num_threads the parsed value of the num-threads command line
@param test_subdir optionally specifies a subdir to limit testing
within. May be None if the entire test tree is to be used. This subdir
is assumed to be relative to the lldb/test root of the test hierarchy.
dotest_argv = sys.argv[1:]
global output_on_success
output_on_success = print_details_on_success
# We can't use sys.path[0] to determine the script directory
# because it doesn't work under a debugger
test_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parser = OptionParser(usage="""\
Run lldb test suite using a separate process for each test file.
Each test will run with a time limit of 10 minutes by default.
Override the default time limit of 10 minutes by setting
the environment variable LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT.
E.g., export LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT=10m
Override the time limit for individual tests by setting
the environment variable LLDB_[TEST NAME]_TIMEOUT.
Set to "0" to run without time limit.
E.g., export LLDB_TEST_TIMEOUT=0
parser = dotest_args.create_parser()
global dotest_options
dotest_options = dotest_args.parse_args(parser, dotest_argv)
if not dotest_options.s:
# no session log directory, we need to add this to prevent
# every dotest invocation from creating its own directory
import datetime
# The windows platforms don't like ':' in the pathname.
timestamp_started = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%F-%H_%M_%S")
dotest_options.s = timestamp_started
session_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dotest_options.s)
# The root directory was specified on the command line
if test_subdir and len(test_subdir) > 0:
test_subdir = os.path.join(test_directory, test_subdir)
test_subdir = test_directory
# clean core files in test tree from previous runs (Linux)
cores = find('core.*', test_subdir)
for core in cores:
if not num_threads:
num_threads_str = os.environ.get("LLDB_TEST_THREADS")
if num_threads_str:
num_threads = int(num_threads_str)
num_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
if num_threads < 1:
num_threads = 1
system_info = " ".join(platform.uname())
(timed_out, passed, failed, unexpected_successes, pass_count, fail_count) = walk_and_invoke(
test_directory, test_subdir, dotest_argv, num_threads)
timed_out = set(timed_out)
num_test_files = len(passed) + len(failed)
num_test_cases = pass_count + fail_count
# move core files into session dir
cores = find('core.*', test_subdir)
for core in cores:
dst = core.replace(test_directory, "")[1:]
dst = dst.replace(os.path.sep, "-")
os.rename(core, os.path.join(session_dir, dst))
# remove expected timeouts from failures
expected_timeout = getExpectedTimeouts(dotest_options.lldb_platform_name)
for xtime in expected_timeout:
if xtime in timed_out:
result = "ExpectedTimeout"
elif xtime in passed:
result = "UnexpectedCompletion"
result = None # failed
if result:
test_name = os.path.splitext(xtime)[0]
touch(os.path.join(session_dir, "{}-{}".format(result, test_name)))
sys.stdout.write("Ran %d test suites" % num_test_files)
if num_test_files > 0:
sys.stdout.write(" (%d failed) (%f%%)" % (
len(failed), 100.0 * len(failed) / num_test_files))
sys.stdout.write("Ran %d test cases" % num_test_cases)
if num_test_cases > 0:
sys.stdout.write(" (%d failed) (%f%%)" % (
fail_count, 100.0 * fail_count / num_test_cases))
exit_code = 0
if len(failed) > 0:
print "Failing Tests (%d)" % len(failed)
for f in failed:
print "%s: LLDB (suite) :: %s (%s)" % (
"TIMEOUT" if f in timed_out else "FAIL", f, system_info
exit_code = 1
if len(unexpected_successes) > 0:
print "\nUnexpected Successes (%d)" % len(unexpected_successes)
for u in unexpected_successes:
print "UNEXPECTED SUCCESS: LLDB (suite) :: %s (%s)" % (u, system_info)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"error: dosep.py no longer supports being called directly. "
"Please call dotest.py directly. The dosep.py-specific arguments "
"have been added under the Parallel processing arguments.\n")