forked from OSchip/llvm-project
339 lines
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339 lines
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//===-- xray_segmented_array.h ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file is a part of XRay, a dynamic runtime instrumentation system.
// Defines the implementation of a segmented array, with fixed-size chunks
// backing the segments.
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator.h"
#include "xray_allocator.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace __xray {
namespace {
constexpr size_t gcd(size_t a, size_t b) {
return (b == 0) ? a : gcd(b, a % b);
constexpr size_t lcm(size_t a, size_t b) { return a * b / gcd(a, b); }
} // namespace
/// The Array type provides an interface similar to std::vector<...> but does
/// not shrink in size. Once constructed, elements can be appended but cannot be
/// removed. The implementation is heavily dependent on the contract provided by
/// the Allocator type, in that all memory will be released when the Allocator
/// is destroyed. When an Array is destroyed, it will destroy elements in the
/// backing store but will not free the memory. The parameter N defines how many
/// elements of T there should be in a single block.
/// We compute the least common multiple of the size of T and the cache line
/// size, to allow us to maximise the number of T objects we can place in
/// cache-line multiple sized blocks. To get back the number of T's, we divide
/// this least common multiple by the size of T.
template <class T, size_t N = lcm(sizeof(T), kCacheLineSize) / sizeof(T)>
struct Array {
static constexpr size_t ChunkSize = N;
static constexpr size_t AllocatorChunkSize = sizeof(T) * ChunkSize;
using AllocatorType = Allocator<AllocatorChunkSize>;
"T must be trivially destructible.");
// TODO: Consider co-locating the chunk information with the data in the
// Block, as in an intrusive list -- i.e. putting the next and previous
// pointer values inside the Block storage.
struct Chunk {
typename AllocatorType::Block Block;
static constexpr size_t Size = N;
Chunk *Prev = nullptr;
Chunk *Next = nullptr;
static Chunk SentinelChunk;
AllocatorType *Allocator;
Chunk *Head = &SentinelChunk;
Chunk *Tail = &SentinelChunk;
size_t Size = 0;
size_t FreeElements = 0;
// Here we keep track of chunks in the freelist, to allow us to re-use chunks
// when elements are trimmed off the end.
Chunk *Freelist = &SentinelChunk;
Chunk *NewChunk() {
// We need to handle the case in which enough elements have been trimmed to
// allow us to re-use chunks we've allocated before. For this we look into
// the Freelist, to see whether we need to actually allocate new blocks or
// just re-use blocks we've already seen before.
if (Freelist != &SentinelChunk) {
auto *FreeChunk = Freelist;
Freelist = FreeChunk->Next;
FreeChunk->Next = &SentinelChunk;
return FreeChunk;
auto Block = Allocator->Allocate();
if (Block.Data == nullptr)
return nullptr;
// TODO: Maybe use a separate managed allocator for Chunk instances?
auto C = reinterpret_cast<Chunk *>(InternalAlloc(sizeof(Chunk)));
if (C == nullptr)
return nullptr;
C->Block = Block;
return C;
static AllocatorType &GetGlobalAllocator() {
static AllocatorType *const GlobalAllocator = [] {
AllocatorType *A = reinterpret_cast<AllocatorType *>(
new (A) AllocatorType(2 << 10, 0);
return A;
return *GlobalAllocator;
Chunk *InitHeadAndTail() {
DCHECK_EQ(Head, &SentinelChunk);
DCHECK_EQ(Tail, &SentinelChunk);
auto Chunk = NewChunk();
if (Chunk == nullptr)
return nullptr;
Chunk->Prev = &SentinelChunk;
Chunk->Next = &SentinelChunk;
Head = Chunk;
Tail = Chunk;
return Chunk;
Chunk *AppendNewChunk() {
auto Chunk = NewChunk();
if (Chunk == nullptr)
return nullptr;
Tail->Next = Chunk;
Chunk->Prev = Tail;
Chunk->Next = &SentinelChunk;
Tail = Chunk;
return Chunk;
// This Iterator models a BidirectionalIterator.
template <class U> class Iterator {
Chunk *C = nullptr;
size_t Offset = 0;
Iterator(Chunk *IC, size_t Off) : C(IC), Offset(Off) {}
Iterator &operator++() {
if (++Offset % N)
return *this;
DCHECK_NE(C, &SentinelChunk);
// At this point, we know that Offset % N == 0, so we must advance the
// chunk pointer.
DCHECK_EQ(Offset % N, 0);
C = C->Next;
return *this;
Iterator &operator--() {
DCHECK_NE(C, &SentinelChunk);
DCHECK_GT(Offset, 0);
// We check whether the offset was on a boundary before decrement, to see
// whether we need to retreat to the previous chunk.
if ((Offset-- % N) == 0)
C = C->Prev;
return *this;
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator Copy(*this);
return Copy;
Iterator operator--(int) {
Iterator Copy(*this);
return Copy;
template <class V, class W>
friend bool operator==(const Iterator<V> &L, const Iterator<W> &R) {
return L.C == R.C && L.Offset == R.Offset;
template <class V, class W>
friend bool operator!=(const Iterator<V> &L, const Iterator<W> &R) {
return !(L == R);
U &operator*() const {
DCHECK_NE(C, &SentinelChunk);
return reinterpret_cast<U *>(C->Block.Data)[Offset % N];
U *operator->() const {
DCHECK_NE(C, &SentinelChunk);
return reinterpret_cast<U *>(C->Block.Data) + (Offset % N);
explicit Array(AllocatorType &A) : Allocator(&A) {}
Array() : Array(GetGlobalAllocator()) {}
Array(const Array &) = delete;
Array(Array &&O) NOEXCEPT : Allocator(O.Allocator),
Size(O.Size) {
O.Head = &SentinelChunk;
O.Tail = &SentinelChunk;
O.Size = 0;
bool empty() const { return Size == 0; }
AllocatorType &allocator() const {
DCHECK_NE(Allocator, nullptr);
return *Allocator;
size_t size() const { return Size; }
T *Append(const T &E) {
if (UNLIKELY(Head == &SentinelChunk))
if (InitHeadAndTail() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
auto Offset = Size % N;
if (UNLIKELY(Size != 0 && Offset == 0))
if (AppendNewChunk() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
auto Position = reinterpret_cast<T *>(Tail->Block.Data) + Offset;
*Position = E;
FreeElements -= FreeElements ? 1 : 0;
return Position;
template <class... Args> T *AppendEmplace(Args &&... args) {
if (UNLIKELY(Head == &SentinelChunk))
if (InitHeadAndTail() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
auto Offset = Size % N;
if (UNLIKELY(Size != 0 && Offset == 0))
if (AppendNewChunk() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
auto Position = reinterpret_cast<T *>(Tail->Block.Data) + Offset;
// In-place construct at Position.
new (Position) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
FreeElements -= FreeElements ? 1 : 0;
return Position;
T &operator[](size_t Offset) const {
DCHECK_LE(Offset, Size);
// We need to traverse the array enough times to find the element at Offset.
auto C = Head;
while (Offset >= N) {
C = C->Next;
Offset -= N;
DCHECK_NE(C, &SentinelChunk);
auto Position = reinterpret_cast<T *>(C->Block.Data) + Offset;
return *Position;
T &front() const {
DCHECK_NE(Head, &SentinelChunk);
DCHECK_NE(Size, 0u);
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(Head->Block.Data);
T &back() const {
DCHECK_NE(Tail, &SentinelChunk);
auto Offset = (Size - 1) % N;
return *(reinterpret_cast<T *>(Tail->Block.Data) + Offset);
template <class Predicate> T *find_element(Predicate P) const {
if (empty())
return nullptr;
auto E = end();
for (auto I = begin(); I != E; ++I)
if (P(*I))
return &(*I);
return nullptr;
/// Remove N Elements from the end. This leaves the blocks behind, and not
/// require allocation of new blocks for new elements added after trimming.
void trim(size_t Elements) {
DCHECK_LE(Elements, Size);
Size -= Elements;
FreeElements += Elements;
// Here we need to check whether we've cleared enough elements to warrant
// putting blocks on to the freelist. We determine whether we need to
// right-size the internal list, by keeping track of the number of "free"
// elements still in the array.
auto ChunksToTrim = FreeElements / N;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ChunksToTrim; ++i, FreeElements -= N) {
// Put the tail into the Freelist.
auto *FreeChunk = Tail;
Tail = Tail->Prev;
if (Tail == &SentinelChunk)
Head = Tail;
Tail->Next = &SentinelChunk;
FreeChunk->Next = Freelist;
FreeChunk->Prev = Freelist->Prev;
Freelist = FreeChunk;
// Provide iterators.
Iterator<T> begin() const { return Iterator<T>(Head, 0); }
Iterator<T> end() const { return Iterator<T>(Tail, Size); }
Iterator<const T> cbegin() const { return Iterator<const T>(Head, 0); }
Iterator<const T> cend() const { return Iterator<const T>(Tail, Size); }
// We need to have this storage definition out-of-line so that the compiler can
// ensure that storage for the SentinelChunk is defined and has a single
// address.
template <class T, size_t N>
typename Array<T, N>::Chunk Array<T, N>::SentinelChunk;
} // namespace __xray