
1217 lines
49 KiB

//===--- CodeComplete.cpp ---------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Code completion has several moving parts:
// - AST-based completions are provided using the completion hooks in Sema.
// - external completions are retrieved from the index (using hints from Sema)
// - the two sources overlap, and must be merged and overloads bundled
// - results must be scored and ranked (see Quality.h) before rendering
// Signature help works in a similar way as code completion, but it is simpler:
// it's purely AST-based, and there are few candidates.
#include "CodeComplete.h"
#include "AST.h"
#include "CodeCompletionStrings.h"
#include "Compiler.h"
#include "FuzzyMatch.h"
#include "Headers.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "Quality.h"
#include "SourceCode.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "URI.h"
#include "index/Index.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
#include "clang/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include <queue>
// We log detailed candidate here if you run with -debug-only=codecomplete.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "codecomplete"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
CompletionItemKind toCompletionItemKind(index::SymbolKind Kind) {
using SK = index::SymbolKind;
switch (Kind) {
case SK::Unknown:
return CompletionItemKind::Missing;
case SK::Module:
case SK::Namespace:
case SK::NamespaceAlias:
return CompletionItemKind::Module;
case SK::Macro:
return CompletionItemKind::Text;
case SK::Enum:
return CompletionItemKind::Enum;
// FIXME(ioeric): use LSP struct instead of class when it is suppoted in the
// protocol.
case SK::Struct:
case SK::Class:
case SK::Protocol:
case SK::Extension:
case SK::Union:
return CompletionItemKind::Class;
// FIXME(ioeric): figure out whether reference is the right type for aliases.
case SK::TypeAlias:
case SK::Using:
return CompletionItemKind::Reference;
case SK::Function:
// FIXME(ioeric): this should probably be an operator. This should be fixed
// when `Operator` is support type in the protocol.
case SK::ConversionFunction:
return CompletionItemKind::Function;
case SK::Variable:
case SK::Parameter:
return CompletionItemKind::Variable;
case SK::Field:
return CompletionItemKind::Field;
// FIXME(ioeric): use LSP enum constant when it is supported in the protocol.
case SK::EnumConstant:
return CompletionItemKind::Value;
case SK::InstanceMethod:
case SK::ClassMethod:
case SK::StaticMethod:
case SK::Destructor:
return CompletionItemKind::Method;
case SK::InstanceProperty:
case SK::ClassProperty:
case SK::StaticProperty:
return CompletionItemKind::Property;
case SK::Constructor:
return CompletionItemKind::Constructor;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled clang::index::SymbolKind.");
toCompletionItemKind(CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind ResKind,
const NamedDecl *Decl) {
if (Decl)
return toCompletionItemKind(index::getSymbolInfo(Decl).Kind);
switch (ResKind) {
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration:
llvm_unreachable("RK_Declaration without Decl");
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Keyword:
return CompletionItemKind::Keyword;
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Macro:
return CompletionItemKind::Text; // unfortunately, there's no 'Macro'
// completion items in LSP.
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Pattern:
return CompletionItemKind::Snippet;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind.");
/// Get the optional chunk as a string. This function is possibly recursive.
/// The parameter info for each parameter is appended to the Parameters.
getOptionalParameters(const CodeCompletionString &CCS,
std::vector<ParameterInformation> &Parameters) {
std::string Result;
for (const auto &Chunk : CCS) {
switch (Chunk.Kind) {
case CodeCompletionString::CK_Optional:
assert(Chunk.Optional &&
"Expected the optional code completion string to be non-null.");
Result += getOptionalParameters(*Chunk.Optional, Parameters);
case CodeCompletionString::CK_VerticalSpace:
case CodeCompletionString::CK_Placeholder:
// A string that acts as a placeholder for, e.g., a function call
// argument.
// Intentional fallthrough here.
case CodeCompletionString::CK_CurrentParameter: {
// A piece of text that describes the parameter that corresponds to
// the code-completion location within a function call, message send,
// macro invocation, etc.
Result += Chunk.Text;
ParameterInformation Info;
Info.label = Chunk.Text;
Result += Chunk.Text;
return Result;
/// Creates a `HeaderFile` from \p Header which can be either a URI or a literal
/// include.
static llvm::Expected<HeaderFile> toHeaderFile(StringRef Header,
llvm::StringRef HintPath) {
if (isLiteralInclude(Header))
return HeaderFile{Header.str(), /*Verbatim=*/true};
auto U = URI::parse(Header);
if (!U)
return U.takeError();
auto IncludePath = URI::includeSpelling(*U);
if (!IncludePath)
return IncludePath.takeError();
if (!IncludePath->empty())
return HeaderFile{std::move(*IncludePath), /*Verbatim=*/true};
auto Resolved = URI::resolve(*U, HintPath);
if (!Resolved)
return Resolved.takeError();
return HeaderFile{std::move(*Resolved), /*Verbatim=*/false};
/// A code completion result, in clang-native form.
/// It may be promoted to a CompletionItem if it's among the top-ranked results.
struct CompletionCandidate {
llvm::StringRef Name; // Used for filtering and sorting.
// We may have a result from Sema, from the index, or both.
const CodeCompletionResult *SemaResult = nullptr;
const Symbol *IndexResult = nullptr;
// Returns a token identifying the overload set this is part of.
// 0 indicates it's not part of any overload set.
size_t overloadSet() const {
SmallString<256> Scratch;
if (IndexResult) {
switch (IndexResult->SymInfo.Kind) {
case index::SymbolKind::ClassMethod:
case index::SymbolKind::InstanceMethod:
case index::SymbolKind::StaticMethod:
assert(false && "Don't expect members from index in code completion");
// fall through
case index::SymbolKind::Function:
// We can't group overloads together that need different #includes.
// This could break #include insertion.
return hash_combine(
(IndexResult->Scope + IndexResult->Name).toStringRef(Scratch),
return 0;
// We need to make sure we're consistent with the IndexResult case!
const NamedDecl *D = SemaResult->Declaration;
if (!D || !D->isFunctionOrFunctionTemplate())
return 0;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Scratch);
return hash_combine(Scratch, headerToInsertIfNotPresent().getValueOr(""));
llvm::Optional<llvm::StringRef> headerToInsertIfNotPresent() const {
if (!IndexResult || !IndexResult->Detail ||
return llvm::None;
if (SemaResult && SemaResult->Declaration) {
// Avoid inserting new #include if the declaration is found in the current
// file e.g. the symbol is forward declared.
auto &SM = SemaResult->Declaration->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
for (const Decl *RD : SemaResult->Declaration->redecls())
if (SM.isInMainFile(SM.getExpansionLoc(RD->getLocStart())))
return llvm::None;
return IndexResult->Detail->IncludeHeader;
// Builds an LSP completion item.
CompletionItem build(StringRef FileName, const CompletionItemScores &Scores,
const CodeCompleteOptions &Opts,
CodeCompletionString *SemaCCS,
const IncludeInserter &Includes,
llvm::StringRef SemaDocComment) const {
assert(bool(SemaResult) == bool(SemaCCS));
assert(SemaResult || IndexResult);
CompletionItem I;
bool InsertingInclude = false; // Whether a new #include will be added.
if (SemaResult) {
llvm::StringRef Name(SemaCCS->getTypedText());
std::string Signature, SnippetSuffix, Qualifiers;
getSignature(*SemaCCS, &Signature, &SnippetSuffix, &Qualifiers);
I.label = (Qualifiers + Name + Signature).str();
I.filterText = Name;
I.insertText = (Qualifiers + Name).str();
if (Opts.EnableSnippets)
I.insertText += SnippetSuffix;
I.documentation = formatDocumentation(*SemaCCS, SemaDocComment);
I.detail = getReturnType(*SemaCCS);
if (SemaResult->Kind == CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration)
if (const auto *D = SemaResult->getDeclaration())
if (const auto *ND = llvm::dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D))
I.SymbolScope = splitQualifiedName(printQualifiedName(*ND)).first;
I.kind = toCompletionItemKind(SemaResult->Kind, SemaResult->Declaration);
if (IndexResult) {
if (I.SymbolScope.empty())
I.SymbolScope = IndexResult->Scope;
if (I.kind == CompletionItemKind::Missing)
I.kind = toCompletionItemKind(IndexResult->SymInfo.Kind);
// FIXME: reintroduce a way to show the index source for debugging.
if (I.label.empty())
I.label = (IndexResult->Name + IndexResult->Signature).str();
if (I.filterText.empty())
I.filterText = IndexResult->Name;
// FIXME(ioeric): support inserting/replacing scope qualifiers.
if (I.insertText.empty()) {
I.insertText = IndexResult->Name;
if (Opts.EnableSnippets)
I.insertText += IndexResult->CompletionSnippetSuffix;
if (auto *D = IndexResult->Detail) {
if (I.documentation.empty())
I.documentation = D->Documentation;
if (I.detail.empty())
I.detail = D->ReturnType;
if (auto Inserted = headerToInsertIfNotPresent()) {
auto IncludePath = [&]() -> Expected<std::string> {
auto ResolvedDeclaring = toHeaderFile(
IndexResult->CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI, FileName);
if (!ResolvedDeclaring)
return ResolvedDeclaring.takeError();
auto ResolvedInserted = toHeaderFile(*Inserted, FileName);
if (!ResolvedInserted)
return ResolvedInserted.takeError();
if (!Includes.shouldInsertInclude(*ResolvedDeclaring,
return "";
return Includes.calculateIncludePath(*ResolvedDeclaring,
if (!IncludePath) {
std::string ErrMsg =
("Failed to generate include insertion edits for adding header "
"(FileURI=\"" +
IndexResult->CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI +
"\", IncludeHeader=\"" + D->IncludeHeader + "\") into " +
log(ErrMsg + ":" + llvm::toString(IncludePath.takeError()));
} else if (!IncludePath->empty()) {
// FIXME: consider what to show when there is no #include insertion,
// and for sema results, for consistency.
if (auto Edit = Includes.insert(*IncludePath)) {
I.detail += ("\n" + StringRef(*IncludePath).trim('"')).str();
I.additionalTextEdits = {std::move(*Edit)};
InsertingInclude = true;
I.label = (InsertingInclude ? Opts.IncludeIndicator.Insert
: Opts.IncludeIndicator.NoInsert) +
I.scoreInfo = Scores;
I.sortText = sortText(Scores.finalScore, Name);
I.insertTextFormat = Opts.EnableSnippets ? InsertTextFormat::Snippet
: InsertTextFormat::PlainText;
return I;
using Bundle = llvm::SmallVector<CompletionCandidate, 4>;
static CompletionItem build(const Bundle &Bundle, CompletionItem First,
const clangd::CodeCompleteOptions &Opts) {
if (Bundle.size() == 1)
return First;
// Patch up the completion item to make it look like a bundle.
// This is a bit of a hack but most things are the same.
// Need to erase the signature. All bundles are function calls.
llvm::StringRef Name = Bundle.front().Name;
First.insertText =
Opts.EnableSnippets ? (Name + "(${0})").str() : Name.str();
// Keep the visual indicator of the original label.
bool InsertingInclude =
First.label = (Twine(InsertingInclude ? Opts.IncludeIndicator.Insert
: Opts.IncludeIndicator.NoInsert) +
Name + "(…)")
First.detail = llvm::formatv("[{0} overloads]", Bundle.size());
return First;
using ScoredBundle =
std::pair<CompletionCandidate::Bundle, CompletionItemScores>;
struct ScoredBundleGreater {
bool operator()(const ScoredBundle &L, const ScoredBundle &R) {
if (L.second.finalScore != R.second.finalScore)
return L.second.finalScore > R.second.finalScore;
return L.first.front().Name <
R.first.front().Name; // Earlier name is better.
// Determine the symbol ID for a Sema code completion result, if possible.
llvm::Optional<SymbolID> getSymbolID(const CodeCompletionResult &R) {
switch (R.Kind) {
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration:
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Pattern: {
llvm::SmallString<128> USR;
if (/*Ignore=*/clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(R.Declaration, USR))
return None;
return SymbolID(USR);
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Macro:
// FIXME: Macros do have USRs, but the CCR doesn't contain enough info.
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Keyword:
return None;
llvm_unreachable("unknown CodeCompletionResult kind");
// Scopes of the paritial identifier we're trying to complete.
// It is used when we query the index for more completion results.
struct SpecifiedScope {
// The scopes we should look in, determined by Sema.
// If the qualifier was fully resolved, we look for completions in these
// scopes; if there is an unresolved part of the qualifier, it should be
// resolved within these scopes.
// Examples of qualified completion:
// "::vec" => {""}
// "using namespace std; ::vec^" => {"", "std::"}
// "namespace ns {using namespace std;} ns::^" => {"ns::", "std::"}
// "std::vec^" => {""} // "std" unresolved
// Examples of unqualified completion:
// "vec^" => {""}
// "using namespace std; vec^" => {"", "std::"}
// "using namespace std; namespace ns { vec^ }" => {"ns::", "std::", ""}
// "" for global namespace, "ns::" for normal namespace.
std::vector<std::string> AccessibleScopes;
// The full scope qualifier as typed by the user (without the leading "::").
// Set if the qualifier is not fully resolved by Sema.
llvm::Optional<std::string> UnresolvedQualifier;
// Construct scopes being queried in indexes.
// This method format the scopes to match the index request representation.
std::vector<std::string> scopesForIndexQuery() {
std::vector<std::string> Results;
for (llvm::StringRef AS : AccessibleScopes) {
if (UnresolvedQualifier)
Results.back() += *UnresolvedQualifier;
return Results;
// Get all scopes that will be queried in indexes.
std::vector<std::string> getQueryScopes(CodeCompletionContext &CCContext,
const SourceManager &SM) {
auto GetAllAccessibleScopes = [](CodeCompletionContext &CCContext) {
SpecifiedScope Info;
for (auto *Context : CCContext.getVisitedContexts()) {
if (isa<TranslationUnitDecl>(Context))
Info.AccessibleScopes.push_back(""); // global namespace
else if (const auto *NS = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(Context))
Info.AccessibleScopes.push_back(NS->getQualifiedNameAsString() + "::");
return Info;
auto SS = CCContext.getCXXScopeSpecifier();
// Unqualified completion (e.g. "vec^").
if (!SS) {
// FIXME: Once we can insert namespace qualifiers and use the in-scope
// namespaces for scoring, search in all namespaces.
// FIXME: Capture scopes and use for scoring, for example,
// "using namespace std; namespace foo {v^}" =>
// foo::value > std::vector > boost::variant
return GetAllAccessibleScopes(CCContext).scopesForIndexQuery();
// Qualified completion ("std::vec^"), we have two cases depending on whether
// the qualifier can be resolved by Sema.
if ((*SS)->isValid()) { // Resolved qualifier.
return GetAllAccessibleScopes(CCContext).scopesForIndexQuery();
// Unresolved qualifier.
// FIXME: When Sema can resolve part of a scope chain (e.g.
// "known::unknown::id"), we should expand the known part ("known::") rather
// than treating the whole thing as unknown.
SpecifiedScope Info;
Info.AccessibleScopes.push_back(""); // global namespace
Info.UnresolvedQualifier =
Lexer::getSourceText(CharSourceRange::getCharRange((*SS)->getRange()), SM,
// Sema excludes the trailing "::".
if (!Info.UnresolvedQualifier->empty())
*Info.UnresolvedQualifier += "::";
return Info.scopesForIndexQuery();
// Should we perform index-based completion in a context of the specified kind?
// FIXME: consider allowing completion, but restricting the result types.
bool contextAllowsIndex(enum CodeCompletionContext::Kind K) {
switch (K) {
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_TopLevel:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCInterface:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCImplementation:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCIvarList:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ClassStructUnion:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Statement:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Expression:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCMessageReceiver:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_EnumTag:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_UnionTag:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ClassOrStructTag:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCProtocolName:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Namespace:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Type:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Name: // FIXME: why does ns::^ give this?
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_PotentiallyQualifiedName:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ParenthesizedExpression:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCInterfaceName:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCCategoryName:
return true;
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Other: // Be conservative.
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_OtherWithMacros:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_DotMemberAccess:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ArrowMemberAccess:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCPropertyAccess:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_MacroName:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_MacroNameUse:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_PreprocessorExpression:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_PreprocessorDirective:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_NaturalLanguage:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_SelectorName:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_TypeQualifiers:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCInstanceMessage:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_ObjCClassMessage:
case CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Recovery:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("unknown code completion context");
// Some member calls are blacklisted because they're so rarely useful.
static bool isBlacklistedMember(const NamedDecl &D) {
// Destructor completion is rarely useful, and works inconsistently.
// (s.^ completes ~string, but s.~st^ is an error).
if (D.getKind() == Decl::CXXDestructor)
return true;
// Injected name may be useful for A::foo(), but who writes A::A::foo()?
if (auto *R = dyn_cast_or_null<RecordDecl>(&D))
if (R->isInjectedClassName())
return true;
// Explicit calls to operators are also rare.
auto NameKind = D.getDeclName().getNameKind();
if (NameKind == DeclarationName::CXXOperatorName ||
NameKind == DeclarationName::CXXLiteralOperatorName ||
NameKind == DeclarationName::CXXConversionFunctionName)
return true;
return false;
// The CompletionRecorder captures Sema code-complete output, including context.
// It filters out ignored results (but doesn't apply fuzzy-filtering yet).
// It doesn't do scoring or conversion to CompletionItem yet, as we want to
// merge with index results first.
// Generally the fields and methods of this object should only be used from
// within the callback.
struct CompletionRecorder : public CodeCompleteConsumer {
CompletionRecorder(const CodeCompleteOptions &Opts,
UniqueFunction<void()> ResultsCallback)
: CodeCompleteConsumer(Opts.getClangCompleteOpts(),
CCContext(CodeCompletionContext::CCC_Other), Opts(Opts),
CCTUInfo(CCAllocator), ResultsCallback(std::move(ResultsCallback)) {
std::vector<CodeCompletionResult> Results;
CodeCompletionContext CCContext;
Sema *CCSema = nullptr; // Sema that created the results.
// FIXME: Sema is scary. Can we store ASTContext and Preprocessor, instead?
void ProcessCodeCompleteResults(class Sema &S, CodeCompletionContext Context,
CodeCompletionResult *InResults,
unsigned NumResults) override final {
// If a callback is called without any sema result and the context does not
// support index-based completion, we simply skip it to give way to
// potential future callbacks with results.
if (NumResults == 0 && !contextAllowsIndex(Context.getKind()))
if (CCSema) {
"Multiple code complete callbacks (parser backtracked?). "
"Dropping results from context {0}, keeping results from {1}.",
// Record the completion context.
CCSema = &S;
CCContext = Context;
// Retain the results we might want.
for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumResults; ++I) {
auto &Result = InResults[I];
// Drop hidden items which cannot be found by lookup after completion.
// Exception: some items can be named by using a qualifier.
if (Result.Hidden && (!Result.Qualifier || Result.QualifierIsInformative))
if (!Opts.IncludeIneligibleResults &&
(Result.Availability == CXAvailability_NotAvailable ||
Result.Availability == CXAvailability_NotAccessible))
if (Result.Declaration &&
!Context.getBaseType().isNull() // is this a member-access context?
&& isBlacklistedMember(*Result.Declaration))
// We choose to never append '::' to completion results in clangd.
Result.StartsNestedNameSpecifier = false;
CodeCompletionAllocator &getAllocator() override { return *CCAllocator; }
CodeCompletionTUInfo &getCodeCompletionTUInfo() override { return CCTUInfo; }
// Returns the filtering/sorting name for Result, which must be from Results.
// Returned string is owned by this recorder (or the AST).
llvm::StringRef getName(const CodeCompletionResult &Result) {
switch (Result.Kind) {
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Declaration:
if (auto *ID = Result.Declaration->getIdentifier())
return ID->getName();
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Keyword:
return Result.Keyword;
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Macro:
return Result.Macro->getName();
case CodeCompletionResult::RK_Pattern:
return Result.Pattern->getTypedText();
auto *CCS = codeCompletionString(Result);
return CCS->getTypedText();
// Build a CodeCompletion string for R, which must be from Results.
// The CCS will be owned by this recorder.
CodeCompletionString *codeCompletionString(const CodeCompletionResult &R) {
// CodeCompletionResult doesn't seem to be const-correct. We own it, anyway.
return const_cast<CodeCompletionResult &>(R).CreateCodeCompletionString(
*CCSema, CCContext, *CCAllocator, CCTUInfo,
CodeCompleteOptions Opts;
std::shared_ptr<GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator> CCAllocator;
CodeCompletionTUInfo CCTUInfo;
UniqueFunction<void()> ResultsCallback;
class SignatureHelpCollector final : public CodeCompleteConsumer {
SignatureHelpCollector(const clang::CodeCompleteOptions &CodeCompleteOpts,
SignatureHelp &SigHelp)
: CodeCompleteConsumer(CodeCompleteOpts, /*OutputIsBinary=*/false),
CCTUInfo(Allocator) {}
void ProcessOverloadCandidates(Sema &S, unsigned CurrentArg,
OverloadCandidate *Candidates,
unsigned NumCandidates) override {
// FIXME(rwols): How can we determine the "active overload candidate"?
// Right now the overloaded candidates seem to be provided in a "best fit"
// order, so I'm not too worried about this.
SigHelp.activeSignature = 0;
assert(CurrentArg <= (unsigned)std::numeric_limits<int>::max() &&
"too many arguments");
SigHelp.activeParameter = static_cast<int>(CurrentArg);
for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumCandidates; ++I) {
const auto &Candidate = Candidates[I];
const auto *CCS = Candidate.CreateSignatureString(
CurrentArg, S, *Allocator, CCTUInfo, true);
assert(CCS && "Expected the CodeCompletionString to be non-null");
// FIXME: for headers, we need to get a comment from the index.
Candidate, *CCS,
getParameterDocComment(S.getASTContext(), Candidate, CurrentArg,
GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator &getAllocator() override { return *Allocator; }
CodeCompletionTUInfo &getCodeCompletionTUInfo() override { return CCTUInfo; }
// FIXME(ioeric): consider moving CodeCompletionString logic here to
// CompletionString.h.
ProcessOverloadCandidate(const OverloadCandidate &Candidate,
const CodeCompletionString &CCS,
llvm::StringRef DocComment) const {
SignatureInformation Result;
const char *ReturnType = nullptr;
Result.documentation = formatDocumentation(CCS, DocComment);
for (const auto &Chunk : CCS) {
switch (Chunk.Kind) {
case CodeCompletionString::CK_ResultType:
// A piece of text that describes the type of an entity or,
// for functions and methods, the return type.
assert(!ReturnType && "Unexpected CK_ResultType");
ReturnType = Chunk.Text;
case CodeCompletionString::CK_Placeholder:
// A string that acts as a placeholder for, e.g., a function call
// argument.
// Intentional fallthrough here.
case CodeCompletionString::CK_CurrentParameter: {
// A piece of text that describes the parameter that corresponds to
// the code-completion location within a function call, message send,
// macro invocation, etc.
Result.label += Chunk.Text;
ParameterInformation Info;
Info.label = Chunk.Text;
case CodeCompletionString::CK_Optional: {
// The rest of the parameters are defaulted/optional.
assert(Chunk.Optional &&
"Expected the optional code completion string to be non-null.");
Result.label +=
getOptionalParameters(*Chunk.Optional, Result.parameters);
case CodeCompletionString::CK_VerticalSpace:
Result.label += Chunk.Text;
if (ReturnType) {
Result.label += " -> ";
Result.label += ReturnType;
return Result;
SignatureHelp &SigHelp;
std::shared_ptr<clang::GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator> Allocator;
CodeCompletionTUInfo CCTUInfo;
}; // SignatureHelpCollector
struct SemaCompleteInput {
PathRef FileName;
const tooling::CompileCommand &Command;
PrecompiledPreamble const *Preamble;
const std::vector<Inclusion> &PreambleInclusions;
StringRef Contents;
Position Pos;
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> VFS;
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs;
// Invokes Sema code completion on a file.
// If \p Includes is set, it will be initialized after a compiler instance has
// been set up.
bool semaCodeComplete(std::unique_ptr<CodeCompleteConsumer> Consumer,
const clang::CodeCompleteOptions &Options,
const SemaCompleteInput &Input,
std::unique_ptr<IncludeInserter> *Includes = nullptr) {
trace::Span Tracer("Sema completion");
std::vector<const char *> ArgStrs;
for (const auto &S : Input.Command.CommandLine)
if (Input.VFS->setCurrentWorkingDirectory(Input.Command.Directory)) {
log("Couldn't set working directory");
// We run parsing anyway, our lit-tests rely on results for non-existing
// working dirs.
IgnoreDiagnostics DummyDiagsConsumer;
auto CI = createInvocationFromCommandLine(
CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(new DiagnosticOptions,
&DummyDiagsConsumer, false),
if (!CI) {
log("Couldn't create CompilerInvocation");
return false;
auto &FrontendOpts = CI->getFrontendOpts();
FrontendOpts.DisableFree = false;
FrontendOpts.SkipFunctionBodies = true;
CI->getLangOpts()->CommentOpts.ParseAllComments = true;
// Disable typo correction in Sema.
CI->getLangOpts()->SpellChecking = false;
// Setup code completion.
FrontendOpts.CodeCompleteOpts = Options;
FrontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.FileName = Input.FileName;
auto Offset = positionToOffset(Input.Contents, Input.Pos);
if (!Offset) {
log("Code completion position was invalid " +
return false;
FrontendOpts.CodeCompletionAt.Column) =
offsetToClangLineColumn(Input.Contents, *Offset);
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> ContentsBuffer =
llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Input.Contents, Input.FileName);
// The diagnostic options must be set before creating a CompilerInstance.
CI->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = true;
// We reuse the preamble whether it's valid or not. This is a
// correctness/performance tradeoff: building without a preamble is slow, and
// completion is latency-sensitive.
// NOTE: we must call BeginSourceFile after prepareCompilerInstance. Otherwise
// the remapped buffers do not get freed.
auto Clang = prepareCompilerInstance(
std::move(CI), Input.Preamble, std::move(ContentsBuffer),
std::move(Input.PCHs), std::move(Input.VFS), DummyDiagsConsumer);
SyntaxOnlyAction Action;
if (!Action.BeginSourceFile(*Clang, Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0])) {
log("BeginSourceFile() failed when running codeComplete for " +
return false;
if (Includes) {
// Initialize Includes if provided.
// FIXME(ioeric): needs more consistent style support in clangd server.
auto Style = format::getStyle("file", Input.FileName, "LLVM",
Input.Contents, Input.VFS.get());
if (!Style) {
log("Failed to get FormatStyle for file" + Input.FileName +
". Fall back to use LLVM style. Error: " +
Style = format::getLLVMStyle();
*Includes = llvm::make_unique<IncludeInserter>(
Input.FileName, Input.Contents, *Style, Input.Command.Directory,
for (const auto &Inc : Input.PreambleInclusions)
Clang->getSourceManager(), [Includes](Inclusion Inc) {
if (!Action.Execute()) {
log("Execute() failed when running codeComplete for " + Input.FileName);
return false;
return true;
// Should we allow index completions in the specified context?
bool allowIndex(CodeCompletionContext &CC) {
if (!contextAllowsIndex(CC.getKind()))
return false;
// We also avoid ClassName::bar (but allow namespace::bar).
auto Scope = CC.getCXXScopeSpecifier();
if (!Scope)
return true;
NestedNameSpecifier *NameSpec = (*Scope)->getScopeRep();
if (!NameSpec)
return true;
// We only query the index when qualifier is a namespace.
// If it's a class, we rely solely on sema completions.
switch (NameSpec->getKind()) {
case NestedNameSpecifier::Global:
case NestedNameSpecifier::Namespace:
case NestedNameSpecifier::NamespaceAlias:
return true;
case NestedNameSpecifier::Super:
case NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpec:
case NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpecWithTemplate:
// Unresolved inside a template.
case NestedNameSpecifier::Identifier:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("invalid NestedNameSpecifier kind");
} // namespace
clang::CodeCompleteOptions CodeCompleteOptions::getClangCompleteOpts() const {
clang::CodeCompleteOptions Result;
Result.IncludeCodePatterns = EnableSnippets && IncludeCodePatterns;
Result.IncludeMacros = IncludeMacros;
Result.IncludeGlobals = true;
// We choose to include full comments and not do doxygen parsing in
// completion.
// FIXME: ideally, we should support doxygen in some form, e.g. do markdown
// formatting of the comments.
Result.IncludeBriefComments = false;
// When an is used, Sema is responsible for completing the main file,
// the index can provide results from the preamble.
// Tell Sema not to deserialize the preamble to look for results.
Result.LoadExternal = !Index;
return Result;
// Runs Sema-based (AST) and Index-based completion, returns merged results.
// There are a few tricky considerations:
// - the AST provides information needed for the index query (e.g. which
// namespaces to search in). So Sema must start first.
// - we only want to return the top results (Opts.Limit).
// Building CompletionItems for everything else is wasteful, so we want to
// preserve the "native" format until we're done with scoring.
// - the data underlying Sema completion items is owned by the AST and various
// other arenas, which must stay alive for us to build CompletionItems.
// - we may get duplicate results from Sema and the Index, we need to merge.
// So we start Sema completion first, and do all our work in its callback.
// We use the Sema context information to query the index.
// Then we merge the two result sets, producing items that are Sema/Index/Both.
// These items are scored, and the top N are synthesized into the LSP response.
// Finally, we can clean up the data structures created by Sema completion.
// Main collaborators are:
// - semaCodeComplete sets up the compiler machinery to run code completion.
// - CompletionRecorder captures Sema completion results, including context.
// - SymbolIndex (Opts.Index) provides index completion results as Symbols
// - CompletionCandidates are the result of merging Sema and Index results.
// Each candidate points to an underlying CodeCompletionResult (Sema), a
// Symbol (Index), or both. It computes the result quality score.
// CompletionCandidate also does conversion to CompletionItem (at the end).
// - FuzzyMatcher scores how the candidate matches the partial identifier.
// This score is combined with the result quality score for the final score.
// - TopN determines the results with the best score.
class CodeCompleteFlow {
PathRef FileName;
const CodeCompleteOptions &Opts;
// Sema takes ownership of Recorder. Recorder is valid until Sema cleanup.
CompletionRecorder *Recorder = nullptr;
int NSema = 0, NIndex = 0, NBoth = 0; // Counters for logging.
bool Incomplete = false; // Would more be available with a higher limit?
llvm::Optional<FuzzyMatcher> Filter; // Initialized once Sema runs.
std::unique_ptr<IncludeInserter> Includes; // Initialized once compiler runs.
FileProximityMatcher FileProximityMatch;
// A CodeCompleteFlow object is only useful for calling run() exactly once.
CodeCompleteFlow(PathRef FileName, const CodeCompleteOptions &Opts)
: FileName(FileName), Opts(Opts),
// FIXME: also use path of the main header corresponding to FileName to
// calculate the file proximity, which would capture include/ and src/
// project setup where headers and implementations are not in the same
// directory.
FileProximityMatch(ArrayRef<StringRef>({FileName})) {}
CompletionList run(const SemaCompleteInput &SemaCCInput) && {
trace::Span Tracer("CodeCompleteFlow");
// We run Sema code completion first. It builds an AST and calculates:
// - completion results based on the AST.
// - partial identifier and context. We need these for the index query.
CompletionList Output;
auto RecorderOwner = llvm::make_unique<CompletionRecorder>(Opts, [&]() {
assert(Recorder && "Recorder is not set");
assert(Includes && "Includes is not set");
// If preprocessor was run, inclusions from preprocessor callback should
// already be added to Inclusions.
Output = runWithSema();
Includes.reset(); // Make sure this doesn't out-live Clang.
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "sema_completion_kind",
Recorder = RecorderOwner.get();
semaCodeComplete(std::move(RecorderOwner), Opts.getClangCompleteOpts(),
SemaCCInput, &Includes);
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "sema_results", NSema);
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "index_results", NIndex);
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "merged_results", NBoth);
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "returned_results", Output.items.size());
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "incomplete", Output.isIncomplete);
log(llvm::formatv("Code complete: {0} results from Sema, {1} from Index, "
"{2} matched, {3} returned{4}.",
NSema, NIndex, NBoth, Output.items.size(),
Output.isIncomplete ? " (incomplete)" : ""));
assert(!Opts.Limit || Output.items.size() <= Opts.Limit);
// We don't assert that isIncomplete means we hit a limit.
// Indexes may choose to impose their own limits even if we don't have one.
return Output;
// This is called by run() once Sema code completion is done, but before the
// Sema data structures are torn down. It does all the real work.
CompletionList runWithSema() {
Filter = FuzzyMatcher(
// Sema provides the needed context to query the index.
// FIXME: in addition to querying for extra/overlapping symbols, we should
// explicitly request symbols corresponding to Sema results.
// We can use their signals even if the index can't suggest them.
// We must copy index results to preserve them, but there are at most Limit.
auto IndexResults = (Opts.Index && allowIndex(Recorder->CCContext))
? queryIndex()
: SymbolSlab();
// Merge Sema and Index results, score them, and pick the winners.
auto Top = mergeResults(Recorder->Results, IndexResults);
// Convert the results to the desired LSP structs.
CompletionList Output;
for (auto &C : Top)
Output.items.push_back(toCompletionItem(C.first, C.second));
Output.isIncomplete = Incomplete;
return Output;
SymbolSlab queryIndex() {
trace::Span Tracer("Query index");
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "limit", Opts.Limit);
SymbolSlab::Builder ResultsBuilder;
// Build the query.
FuzzyFindRequest Req;
if (Opts.Limit)
Req.MaxCandidateCount = Opts.Limit;
Req.Query = Filter->pattern();
Req.RestrictForCodeCompletion = true;
Req.Scopes = getQueryScopes(Recorder->CCContext,
log(llvm::formatv("Code complete: fuzzyFind(\"{0}\", scopes=[{1}])",
llvm::join(Req.Scopes.begin(), Req.Scopes.end(), ",")));
// Run the query against the index.
if (Opts.Index->fuzzyFind(
Req, [&](const Symbol &Sym) { ResultsBuilder.insert(Sym); }))
Incomplete = true;
return std::move(ResultsBuilder).build();
// Merges Sema and Index results where possible, to form CompletionCandidates.
// Groups overloads if desired, to form CompletionCandidate::Bundles.
// The bundles are scored and top results are returned, best to worst.
mergeResults(const std::vector<CodeCompletionResult> &SemaResults,
const SymbolSlab &IndexResults) {
trace::Span Tracer("Merge and score results");
std::vector<CompletionCandidate::Bundle> Bundles;
llvm::DenseMap<size_t, size_t> BundleLookup;
auto AddToBundles = [&](const CodeCompletionResult *SemaResult,
const Symbol *IndexResult) {
CompletionCandidate C;
C.SemaResult = SemaResult;
C.IndexResult = IndexResult;
C.Name = IndexResult ? IndexResult->Name : Recorder->getName(*SemaResult);
if (auto OverloadSet = Opts.BundleOverloads ? C.overloadSet() : 0) {
auto Ret = BundleLookup.try_emplace(OverloadSet, Bundles.size());
if (Ret.second)
} else {
llvm::DenseSet<const Symbol *> UsedIndexResults;
auto CorrespondingIndexResult =
[&](const CodeCompletionResult &SemaResult) -> const Symbol * {
if (auto SymID = getSymbolID(SemaResult)) {
auto I = IndexResults.find(*SymID);
if (I != IndexResults.end()) {
return &*I;
return nullptr;
// Emit all Sema results, merging them with Index results if possible.
for (auto &SemaResult : Recorder->Results)
AddToBundles(&SemaResult, CorrespondingIndexResult(SemaResult));
// Now emit any Index-only results.
for (const auto &IndexResult : IndexResults) {
if (UsedIndexResults.count(&IndexResult))
AddToBundles(/*SemaResult=*/nullptr, &IndexResult);
// We only keep the best N results at any time, in "native" format.
TopN<ScoredBundle, ScoredBundleGreater> Top(
Opts.Limit == 0 ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : Opts.Limit);
for (auto &Bundle : Bundles)
addCandidate(Top, std::move(Bundle));
return std::move(Top).items();
Optional<float> fuzzyScore(const CompletionCandidate &C) {
// Macros can be very spammy, so we only support prefix completion.
// We won't end up with underfull index results, as macros are sema-only.
if (C.SemaResult && C.SemaResult->Kind == CodeCompletionResult::RK_Macro &&
return None;
return Filter->match(C.Name);
// Scores a candidate and adds it to the TopN structure.
void addCandidate(TopN<ScoredBundle, ScoredBundleGreater> &Candidates,
CompletionCandidate::Bundle Bundle) {
SymbolQualitySignals Quality;
SymbolRelevanceSignals Relevance;
Relevance.Query = SymbolRelevanceSignals::CodeComplete;
Relevance.FileProximityMatch = &FileProximityMatch;
auto &First = Bundle.front();
if (auto FuzzyScore = fuzzyScore(First))
Relevance.NameMatch = *FuzzyScore;
unsigned SemaResult = 0, IndexResult = 0;
for (const auto &Candidate : Bundle) {
if (Candidate.IndexResult) {
if (Candidate.SemaResult) {
float QualScore = Quality.evaluate(), RelScore = Relevance.evaluate();
CompletionItemScores Scores;
Scores.finalScore = evaluateSymbolAndRelevance(QualScore, RelScore);
// The purpose of exporting component scores is to allow NameMatch to be
// replaced on the client-side. So we export (NameMatch, final/NameMatch)
// rather than (RelScore, QualScore).
Scores.filterScore = Relevance.NameMatch;
Scores.symbolScore =
Scores.filterScore ? Scores.finalScore / Scores.filterScore : QualScore;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "CodeComplete: " << First.Name << "("
<< IndexResult << " index) "
<< "(" << SemaResult << " sema)"
<< " = " << Scores.finalScore << "\n"
<< Quality << Relevance << "\n");
NSema += bool(SemaResult);
NIndex += bool(IndexResult);
NBoth += SemaResult && IndexResult;
if (Candidates.push({std::move(Bundle), Scores}))
Incomplete = true;
CompletionItem toCompletionItem(const CompletionCandidate::Bundle &Bundle,
const CompletionItemScores &Scores) {
CodeCompletionString *SemaCCS = nullptr;
std::string FrontDocComment;
if (auto *SR = Bundle.front().SemaResult) {
SemaCCS = Recorder->codeCompletionString(*SR);
if (Opts.IncludeComments) {
FrontDocComment = getDocComment(Recorder->CCSema->getASTContext(), *SR,
return CompletionCandidate::build(
Bundle.front().build(FileName, Scores, Opts, SemaCCS, *Includes,
CompletionList codeComplete(PathRef FileName,
const tooling::CompileCommand &Command,
PrecompiledPreamble const *Preamble,
const std::vector<Inclusion> &PreambleInclusions,
StringRef Contents, Position Pos,
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> VFS,
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
CodeCompleteOptions Opts) {
return CodeCompleteFlow(FileName, Opts)
.run({FileName, Command, Preamble, PreambleInclusions, Contents, Pos, VFS,
SignatureHelp signatureHelp(PathRef FileName,
const tooling::CompileCommand &Command,
PrecompiledPreamble const *Preamble,
StringRef Contents, Position Pos,
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> VFS,
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs) {
SignatureHelp Result;
clang::CodeCompleteOptions Options;
Options.IncludeGlobals = false;
Options.IncludeMacros = false;
Options.IncludeCodePatterns = false;
Options.IncludeBriefComments = false;
std::vector<Inclusion> PreambleInclusions = {}; // Unused for signatureHelp
semaCodeComplete(llvm::make_unique<SignatureHelpCollector>(Options, Result),
{FileName, Command, Preamble, PreambleInclusions, Contents,
Pos, std::move(VFS), std::move(PCHs)});
return Result;
bool isIndexedForCodeCompletion(const NamedDecl &ND, ASTContext &ASTCtx) {
using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
auto InTopLevelScope = hasDeclContext(
anyOf(namespaceDecl(), translationUnitDecl(), linkageSpecDecl()));
return !match(decl(anyOf(InTopLevelScope,
enumDecl(InTopLevelScope, unless(isScoped()))))),
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang