
148 lines
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// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast -pedantic -fsyntax-only %s -verify -fblocks
typedef void (^CL)(void);
CL foo() {
short y;
short (^add1)(void) = ^{ return y+1; }; // expected-error {{incompatible block pointer types initializing 'short (^)(void)' with an expression of type 'int (^)(void)'}}
CL X = ^{
if (2)
return 1; // expected-error {{return type 'int' must match previous return type 'void' when block literal has unspecified explicit return type}}
int (^Y) (void) = ^{
if (3)
return 1;
return; // expected-error {{return type 'void' must match previous return type 'int' when block literal has unspecified explicit return type}}
char *(^Z)(void) = ^{
if (3)
return "";
return (char*)0;
double (^A)(void) = ^ { // expected-error {{incompatible block pointer types initializing 'double (^)(void)' with an expression of type 'float (^)(void)'}}
if (1)
return (float)1.0;
if (2)
return (double)2.0; // expected-error {{return type 'double' must match previous return type 'float' when block literal has unspecified explicit return type}}
return 1; // expected-error {{return type 'int' must match previous return type 'float' when block literal has unspecified explicit return type}}
char *(^B)(void) = ^{
if (3)
return "";
return 2; // expected-error {{return type 'int' must match previous return type 'char *' when block literal has unspecified explicit return type}}
return ^{ return 1; }; // expected-error {{incompatible block pointer types returning 'int (^)(void)' from a function with result type 'CL' (aka 'void (^)(void)')}}
typedef int (^CL2)(void);
CL2 foo2() {
return ^{ return 1; };
typedef unsigned int * uintptr_t;
typedef char Boolean;
typedef int CFBasicHash;
#define INVOKE_CALLBACK2(P, A, B) (P)(A, B)
typedef struct {
Boolean (^isEqual)(const CFBasicHash *, uintptr_t stack_value_or_key1, uintptr_t stack_value_or_key2, Boolean is_key);
} CFBasicHashCallbacks;
int foo3() {
CFBasicHashCallbacks cb;
Boolean (*value_equal)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t) = 0;
cb.isEqual = ^(const CFBasicHash *table, uintptr_t stack_value_or_key1, uintptr_t stack_value_or_key2, Boolean is_key) {
return (Boolean)(uintptr_t)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(value_equal, (uintptr_t)stack_value_or_key1, (uintptr_t)stack_value_or_key2);
static int funk(char *s) {
if (^{} == ((void*)0))
return 1;
return 0;
void next();
void foo4() {
int (^xx)(const char *s) = ^(char *s) { return 1; }; // expected-error {{incompatible block pointer types initializing 'int (^)(const char *)' with an expression of type 'int (^)(char *)'}}
int (*yy)(const char *s) = funk; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types initializing 'int (*)(const char *)' with an expression of type 'int (char *)'}}
int (^nested)(char *s) = ^(char *str) { void (^nest)(void) = ^(void) { printf("%s\n", str); }; next(); return 1; }; // expected-warning{{implicitly declaring library function 'printf' with type 'int (const char *, ...)'}} \
// expected-note{{include the header <stdio.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'printf'}}
typedef void (^bptr)(void);
bptr foo5(int j) {
__block int i;
if (j)
return ^{ ^{ i=0; }(); }; // expected-error {{returning block that lives on the local stack}}
return ^{ i=0; }; // expected-error {{returning block that lives on the local stack}}
return (^{ i=0; }); // expected-error {{returning block that lives on the local stack}}
return (void*)(^{ i=0; }); // expected-error {{returning block that lives on the local stack}}
int (*funcptr3[5])(long);
int sz8 = sizeof(^int (*[5])(long) {return funcptr3;}); // expected-error {{block cannot return array type}} expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion}}
int sz9 = sizeof(^int(*())()[3]{ }); // expected-error {{function cannot return array type}}
void foo6() {
int (^b)(int) __attribute__((noreturn));
b = ^ (int i) __attribute__((noreturn)) { return 1; }; // expected-error {{block declared 'noreturn' should not return}}
int (^c)(void) __attribute__((noreturn)) = ^ __attribute__((noreturn)) { return 100; }; // expected-error {{block declared 'noreturn' should not return}}
void foo7()
const int (^BB) (void) = ^{ const int i = 1; return i; }; // OK - initializing 'const int (^)(void)' with an expression of type 'int (^)(void)'
const int (^CC) (void) = ^const int{ const int i = 1; return i; };
int i;
int (^FF) (void) = ^{ return i; }; // OK
int (^EE) (void) = ^{ return i+1; }; // OK
__block int j;
int (^JJ) (void) = ^{ return j; }; // OK
int (^KK) (void) = ^{ return j+1; }; // OK
__block const int k;
const int cint = 100;
int (^MM) (void) = ^{ return k; };
int (^NN) (void) = ^{ return cint; };
// rdar://11069896
void (^blk)(void) = ^{
return (void)0; // expected-warning {{void block literal should not return void expression}}
// rdar://13463504
enum Test8 { T8_a, T8_b, T8_c };
void test8(void) {
extern void test8_helper(int (^)(int));
test8_helper(^(int flag) { if (flag) return T8_a; return T8_b; });
void test8b(void) {
extern void test8_helper2(char (^)(int)); // expected-note {{here}}
test8_helper2(^(int flag) { if (flag) return T8_a; return T8_b; }); // expected-error {{passing 'enum Test8 (^)(int)' to parameter of type 'char (^)(int)'}}