forked from OSchip/llvm-project
1615 lines
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1615 lines
59 KiB
//===-- CommandInterpreter.cpp ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectApropos.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectArgs.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectBreakpoint.h"
//#include "../Commands/CommandObjectCall.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectDisassemble.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectExpression.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectFile.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectFrame.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectHelp.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectImage.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectLog.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectMemory.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectProcess.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectQuit.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandObjectRegexCommand.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectRegister.h"
#include "CommandObjectScript.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectSettings.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectSource.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectCommands.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectSyntax.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectTarget.h"
#include "../Commands/CommandObjectThread.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
#include "lldb/Core/InputReader.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Timer.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/Target/TargetList.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/CleanUp.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
Debugger &debugger,
ScriptLanguage script_language,
bool synchronous_execution
) :
Broadcaster ("lldb.command-interpreter"),
m_debugger (debugger),
m_synchronous_execution (synchronous_execution),
m_skip_lldbinit_files (false)
const char *dbg_name = debugger.GetInstanceName().AsCString();
std::string lang_name = ScriptInterpreter::LanguageToString (script_language);
StreamString var_name;
var_name.Printf ("[%s].script-lang", dbg_name);
debugger.GetSettingsController()->SetVariable (var_name.GetData(), lang_name.c_str(),
lldb::eVarSetOperationAssign, false,
SetEventName (eBroadcastBitThreadShouldExit, "thread-should-exit");
SetEventName (eBroadcastBitResetPrompt, "reset-prompt");
SetEventName (eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived, "quit");
CommandInterpreter::Initialize ()
Timer scoped_timer (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CommandReturnObject result;
LoadCommandDictionary ();
// Set up some initial aliases.
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias q quit", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias run process launch --", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias r process launch --", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias c process continue", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias continue process continue", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias expr expression", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias exit quit", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias b regexp-break", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias bt thread backtrace", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias si thread step-inst", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias step thread step-in", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias s thread step-in", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias next thread step-over", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias n thread step-over", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias finish thread step-out", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias x memory read", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias l source list", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias list source list", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias p frame variable", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias print frame variable", false, result);
result.Clear(); HandleCommand ("command alias po expression -o --", false, result);
const char *
CommandInterpreter::ProcessEmbeddedScriptCommands (const char *arg)
// This function has not yet been implemented.
// Look for any embedded script command
// If found,
// get interpreter object from the command dictionary,
// call execute_one_command on it,
// get the results as a string,
// substitute that string for current stuff.
return arg;
CommandInterpreter::LoadCommandDictionary ()
Timer scoped_timer (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
// Command objects that are used as cross reference objects (i.e. they inherit from CommandObjectCrossref)
// *MUST* be created and put into the command dictionary *BEFORE* any multi-word commands (which may use
// the cross-referencing stuff) are created!!!
// Command objects that inherit from CommandObjectCrossref must be created before other command objects
// are created. This is so that when another command is created that needs to go into a crossref object,
// the crossref object exists and is ready to take the cross reference. Put the cross referencing command
// objects into the CommandDictionary now, so they are ready for use when the other commands get created.
// Non-CommandObjectCrossref commands can now be created.
lldb::ScriptLanguage script_language = m_debugger.GetScriptLanguage();
m_command_dict["apropos"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectApropos (*this));
m_command_dict["breakpoint"]= CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordBreakpoint (*this));
//m_command_dict["call"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectCall (*this));
m_command_dict["commands"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordCommands (*this));
m_command_dict["disassemble"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectDisassemble (*this));
m_command_dict["expression"]= CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectExpression (*this));
m_command_dict["file"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectFile (*this));
m_command_dict["frame"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordFrame (*this));
m_command_dict["help"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectHelp (*this));
m_command_dict["image"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectImage (*this));
m_command_dict["log"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectLog (*this));
m_command_dict["memory"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMemory (*this));
m_command_dict["process"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordProcess (*this));
m_command_dict["quit"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectQuit (*this));
m_command_dict["register"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectRegister (*this));
m_command_dict["script"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectScript (*this, script_language));
m_command_dict["settings"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordSettings (*this));
m_command_dict["source"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordSource (*this));
m_command_dict["target"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordTarget (*this));
m_command_dict["thread"] = CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectMultiwordThread (*this));
break_regex_cmd_ap(new CommandObjectRegexCommand (*this,
"Set a breakpoint using a regular expression to specify the location.",
"regexp-break [<filename>:<linenum>]\nregexp-break [<address>]\nregexp-break <...>", 2));
if (break_regex_cmd_ap.get())
if (break_regex_cmd_ap->AddRegexCommand("^(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$", "breakpoint set --file '%1' --line %2") &&
break_regex_cmd_ap->AddRegexCommand("^(0x[[:xdigit:]]+)[[:space:]]*$", "breakpoint set --address %1") &&
break_regex_cmd_ap->AddRegexCommand("^[\"']?([-+]\\[.*\\])[\"']?[[:space:]]*$", "breakpoint set --name '%1'") &&
break_regex_cmd_ap->AddRegexCommand("^$", "breakpoint list") &&
break_regex_cmd_ap->AddRegexCommand("^(-.*)$", "breakpoint set %1") &&
break_regex_cmd_ap->AddRegexCommand("^(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*$", "breakpoint set --name '%1'"))
CommandObjectSP break_regex_cmd_sp(break_regex_cmd_ap.release());
m_command_dict[break_regex_cmd_sp->GetCommandName ()] = break_regex_cmd_sp;
CommandInterpreter::GetCommandNamesMatchingPartialString (const char *cmd_str, bool include_aliases,
StringList &matches)
CommandObject::AddNamesMatchingPartialString (m_command_dict, cmd_str, matches);
if (include_aliases)
CommandObject::AddNamesMatchingPartialString (m_alias_dict, cmd_str, matches);
return matches.GetSize();
CommandInterpreter::GetCommandSP (const char *cmd_cstr, bool include_aliases, bool exact, StringList *matches)
CommandObject::CommandMap::iterator pos;
CommandObjectSP ret_val;
std::string cmd(cmd_cstr);
if (HasCommands())
pos = m_command_dict.find(cmd);
if (pos != m_command_dict.end())
ret_val = pos->second;
if (include_aliases && HasAliases())
pos = m_alias_dict.find(cmd);
if (pos != m_alias_dict.end())
ret_val = pos->second;
if (HasUserCommands())
pos = m_user_dict.find(cmd);
if (pos != m_user_dict.end())
ret_val = pos->second;
if (!exact && ret_val == NULL)
// We will only get into here if we didn't find any exact matches.
CommandObjectSP user_match_sp, alias_match_sp, real_match_sp;
StringList local_matches;
if (matches == NULL)
matches = &local_matches;
unsigned int num_cmd_matches = 0;
unsigned int num_alias_matches = 0;
unsigned int num_user_matches = 0;
// Look through the command dictionaries one by one, and if we get only one match from any of
// them in toto, then return that, otherwise return an empty CommandObjectSP and the list of matches.
if (HasCommands())
num_cmd_matches = CommandObject::AddNamesMatchingPartialString (m_command_dict, cmd_cstr, *matches);
if (num_cmd_matches == 1)
pos = m_command_dict.find(cmd);
if (pos != m_command_dict.end())
real_match_sp = pos->second;
if (include_aliases && HasAliases())
num_alias_matches = CommandObject::AddNamesMatchingPartialString (m_alias_dict, cmd_cstr, *matches);
if (num_alias_matches == 1)
cmd.assign(matches->GetStringAtIndex (num_cmd_matches));
pos = m_alias_dict.find(cmd);
if (pos != m_alias_dict.end())
alias_match_sp = pos->second;
if (HasUserCommands())
num_user_matches = CommandObject::AddNamesMatchingPartialString (m_user_dict, cmd_cstr, *matches);
if (num_user_matches == 1)
cmd.assign (matches->GetStringAtIndex (num_cmd_matches + num_alias_matches));
pos = m_user_dict.find (cmd);
if (pos != m_user_dict.end())
user_match_sp = pos->second;
// If we got exactly one match, return that, otherwise return the match list.
if (num_user_matches + num_cmd_matches + num_alias_matches == 1)
if (num_cmd_matches)
return real_match_sp;
else if (num_alias_matches)
return alias_match_sp;
return user_match_sp;
else if (matches && ret_val != NULL)
matches->AppendString (cmd_cstr);
return ret_val;
CommandInterpreter::GetCommandSPExact (const char *cmd_cstr, bool include_aliases)
Args cmd_words (cmd_cstr); // Break up the command string into words, in case it's a multi-word command.
CommandObjectSP ret_val; // Possibly empty return value.
if (cmd_cstr == NULL)
return ret_val;
if (cmd_words.GetArgumentCount() == 1)
return GetCommandSP(cmd_cstr, include_aliases, true, NULL);
// We have a multi-word command (seemingly), so we need to do more work.
// First, get the cmd_obj_sp for the first word in the command.
CommandObjectSP cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSP (cmd_words.GetArgumentAtIndex (0), include_aliases, true, NULL);
if (cmd_obj_sp.get() != NULL)
// Loop through the rest of the words in the command (everything passed in was supposed to be part of a
// command name), and find the appropriate sub-command SP for each command word....
size_t end = cmd_words.GetArgumentCount();
for (size_t j= 1; j < end; ++j)
if (cmd_obj_sp->IsMultiwordObject())
cmd_obj_sp = ((CommandObjectMultiword *) cmd_obj_sp.get())->GetSubcommandSP
(cmd_words.GetArgumentAtIndex (j));
if (cmd_obj_sp.get() == NULL)
// The sub-command name was invalid. Fail and return the empty 'ret_val'.
return ret_val;
// We have more words in the command name, but we don't have a multiword object. Fail and return
// empty 'ret_val'.
return ret_val;
// We successfully looped through all the command words and got valid command objects for them. Assign the
// last object retrieved to 'ret_val'.
ret_val = cmd_obj_sp;
return ret_val;
CommandObject *
CommandInterpreter::GetCommandObjectExact (const char *cmd_cstr, bool include_aliases)
return GetCommandSPExact (cmd_cstr, include_aliases).get();
CommandObject *
CommandInterpreter::GetCommandObject (const char *cmd_cstr, StringList *matches)
CommandObject *command_obj = GetCommandSP (cmd_cstr, false, true, matches).get();
// If we didn't find an exact match to the command string in the commands, look in
// the aliases.
if (command_obj == NULL)
command_obj = GetCommandSP (cmd_cstr, true, true, matches).get();
// Finally, if there wasn't an exact match among the aliases, look for an inexact match
// in both the commands and the aliases.
if (command_obj == NULL)
command_obj = GetCommandSP(cmd_cstr, true, false, matches).get();
return command_obj;
CommandInterpreter::CommandExists (const char *cmd)
return m_command_dict.find(cmd) != m_command_dict.end();
CommandInterpreter::AliasExists (const char *cmd)
return m_alias_dict.find(cmd) != m_alias_dict.end();
CommandInterpreter::UserCommandExists (const char *cmd)
return m_user_dict.find(cmd) != m_user_dict.end();
CommandInterpreter::AddAlias (const char *alias_name, CommandObjectSP& command_obj_sp)
command_obj_sp->SetIsAlias (true);
m_alias_dict[alias_name] = command_obj_sp;
CommandInterpreter::RemoveAlias (const char *alias_name)
CommandObject::CommandMap::iterator pos = m_alias_dict.find(alias_name);
if (pos != m_alias_dict.end())
return true;
return false;
CommandInterpreter::RemoveUser (const char *alias_name)
CommandObject::CommandMap::iterator pos = m_user_dict.find(alias_name);
if (pos != m_user_dict.end())
return true;
return false;
CommandInterpreter::GetAliasHelp (const char *alias_name, const char *command_name, StreamString &help_string)
help_string.Printf ("'%s", command_name);
OptionArgVectorSP option_arg_vector_sp = GetAliasOptions (alias_name);
if (option_arg_vector_sp != NULL)
OptionArgVector *options = option_arg_vector_sp.get();
for (int i = 0; i < options->size(); ++i)
OptionArgPair cur_option = (*options)[i];
std::string opt = cur_option.first;
OptionArgValue value_pair = cur_option.second;
std::string value = value_pair.second;
if ("<argument>") == 0)
help_string.Printf (" %s", value.c_str());
help_string.Printf (" %s", opt.c_str());
if (( ("<no-argument>") != 0)
&& ( ("<need-argument") != 0))
help_string.Printf (" %s", value.c_str());
help_string.Printf ("'");
CommandInterpreter::FindLongestCommandWord (CommandObject::CommandMap &dict)
CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos;
CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator end = dict.end();
size_t max_len = 0;
for (pos = dict.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
size_t len = pos->first.size();
if (max_len < len)
max_len = len;
return max_len;
CommandInterpreter::GetHelp (CommandReturnObject &result)
CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos;
result.AppendMessage("The following is a list of built-in, permanent debugger commands:");
uint32_t max_len = FindLongestCommandWord (m_command_dict);
for (pos = m_command_dict.begin(); pos != m_command_dict.end(); ++pos)
OutputFormattedHelpText (result.GetOutputStream(), pos->first.c_str(), "--", pos->second->GetHelp(),
if (m_alias_dict.size() > 0)
result.AppendMessage("The following is a list of your current command abbreviations "
"(see 'help commands alias' for more info):");
max_len = FindLongestCommandWord (m_alias_dict);
for (pos = m_alias_dict.begin(); pos != m_alias_dict.end(); ++pos)
StreamString sstr;
StreamString translation_and_help;
std::string entry_name = pos->first;
std::string second_entry = pos->second.get()->GetCommandName();
GetAliasHelp (pos->first.c_str(), pos->second->GetCommandName(), sstr);
translation_and_help.Printf ("(%s) %s", sstr.GetData(), pos->second->GetHelp());
OutputFormattedHelpText (result.GetOutputStream(), pos->first.c_str(), "--",
translation_and_help.GetData(), max_len);
if (m_user_dict.size() > 0)
result.AppendMessage ("The following is a list of your current user-defined commands:");
for (pos = m_user_dict.begin(); pos != m_user_dict.end(); ++pos)
result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("%s -- %s\n", pos->first.c_str(), pos->second->GetHelp());
result.AppendMessage("For more information on any particular command, try 'help <command-name>'.");
CommandObject *
CommandInterpreter::GetCommandObjectForCommand (std::string &command_string)
// This function finds the final, lowest-level, alias-resolved command object whose 'Execute' function will
// eventually be invoked by the given command line.
CommandObject *cmd_obj = NULL;
std::string white_space (" \t\v");
size_t start = command_string.find_first_not_of (white_space);
size_t end = 0;
bool done = false;
while (!done)
if (start != std::string::npos)
// Get the next word from command_string.
end = command_string.find_first_of (white_space, start);
if (end == std::string::npos)
end = command_string.size();
std::string cmd_word = command_string.substr (start, end - start);
if (cmd_obj == NULL)
// Since cmd_obj is NULL we are on our first time through this loop. Check to see if cmd_word is a valid
// command or alias.
cmd_obj = GetCommandObject (cmd_word.c_str());
else if (cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject ())
// Our current object is a multi-word object; see if the cmd_word is a valid sub-command for our object.
CommandObject *sub_cmd_obj =
((CommandObjectMultiword *) cmd_obj)->GetSubcommandObject (cmd_word.c_str());
if (sub_cmd_obj)
cmd_obj = sub_cmd_obj;
else // cmd_word was not a valid sub-command word, so we are donee
done = true;
// We have a cmd_obj and it is not a multi-word object, so we are done.
done = true;
// If we didn't find a valid command object, or our command object is not a multi-word object, or
// we are at the end of the command_string, then we are done. Otherwise, find the start of the
// next word.
if (!cmd_obj || !cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject() || end >= command_string.size())
done = true;
start = command_string.find_first_not_of (white_space, end);
// Unable to find any more words.
done = true;
if (end == command_string.size())
command_string = command_string.substr(end);
return cmd_obj;
CommandInterpreter::StripFirstWord (std::string &command_string, std::string &word)
std::string white_space (" \t\v");
size_t start;
size_t end;
start = command_string.find_first_not_of (white_space);
if (start != std::string::npos)
end = command_string.find_first_of (white_space, start);
if (end != std::string::npos)
word = command_string.substr (start, end - start);
command_string = command_string.substr (end);
size_t pos = command_string.find_first_not_of (white_space);
if ((pos != 0) && (pos != std::string::npos))
command_string = command_string.substr (pos);
word = command_string.substr (start);
return true;
CommandInterpreter::BuildAliasResult (const char *alias_name, std::string &raw_input_string, std::string &alias_result,
CommandObject *&alias_cmd_obj, CommandReturnObject &result)
Args cmd_args (raw_input_string.c_str());
alias_cmd_obj = GetCommandObject (alias_name);
StreamString result_str;
if (alias_cmd_obj)
std::string alias_name_str = alias_name;
if ((cmd_args.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
|| ( (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0)) != 0))
cmd_args.Unshift (alias_name);
result_str.Printf ("%s", alias_cmd_obj->GetCommandName ());
OptionArgVectorSP option_arg_vector_sp = GetAliasOptions (alias_name);
if (option_arg_vector_sp.get())
OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector = option_arg_vector_sp.get();
for (int i = 0; i < option_arg_vector->size(); ++i)
OptionArgPair option_pair = (*option_arg_vector)[i];
OptionArgValue value_pair = option_pair.second;
int value_type = value_pair.first;
std::string option = option_pair.first;
std::string value = value_pair.second;
if ( ("<argument>") == 0)
result_str.Printf (" %s", value.c_str());
result_str.Printf (" %s", option.c_str());
if (value_type != optional_argument)
result_str.Printf (" ");
if ( ("<no_argument>") != 0)
int index = GetOptionArgumentPosition (value.c_str());
if (index == 0)
result_str.Printf ("%s", value.c_str());
else if (index >= cmd_args.GetArgumentCount())
("Not enough arguments provided; you need at least %d arguments to use this alias.\n",
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
size_t strpos = raw_input_string.find (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (index));
if (strpos != std::string::npos)
raw_input_string = raw_input_string.erase (strpos,
strlen (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (index)));
result_str.Printf ("%s", cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (index));
alias_result = result_str.GetData();
CommandInterpreter::HandleCommand (const char *command_line,
bool add_to_history,
CommandReturnObject &result,
ExecutionContext *override_context)
bool done = false;
CommandObject *cmd_obj = NULL;
std::string next_word;
bool wants_raw_input = false;
std::string command_string (command_line);
LogSP log (lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_COMMANDS));
Host::SetCrashDescriptionWithFormat ("HandleCommand(command = \"%s\")", command_line);
// Make a scoped cleanup object that will clear the crash description string
// on exit of this function.
lldb_utility::CleanUp <const char *, void> crash_description_cleanup(NULL, Host::SetCrashDescription);
if (log)
log->Printf ("Processing command: %s", command_line);
Timer scoped_timer (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Handling command: %s.", command_line);
m_debugger.UpdateExecutionContext (override_context);
if (command_line == NULL || command_line[0] == '\0')
if (m_command_history.empty())
result.AppendError ("empty command");
return false;
command_line = m_repeat_command.c_str();
command_string = command_line;
if (m_repeat_command.empty())
result.AppendErrorWithFormat("No auto repeat.\n");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
add_to_history = false;
// Phase 1.
// Before we do ANY kind of argument processing, etc. we need to figure out what the real/final command object
// is for the specified command, and whether or not it wants raw input. This gets complicated by the fact that
// the user could have specified an alias, and in translating the alias there may also be command options and/or
// even data (including raw text strings) that need to be found and inserted into the command line as part of
// the translation. So this first step is plain look-up & replacement, resulting in three things: 1). the command
// object whose Execute method will actually be called; 2). a revised command string, with all substituitions &
// replacements taken care of; 3). whether or not the Execute function wants raw input or not.
StreamString revised_command_line;
size_t actual_cmd_name_len = 0;
while (!done)
StripFirstWord (command_string, next_word);
if (!cmd_obj && AliasExists (next_word.c_str()))
std::string alias_result;
BuildAliasResult (next_word.c_str(), command_string, alias_result, cmd_obj, result);
revised_command_line.Printf ("%s", alias_result.c_str());
if (cmd_obj)
wants_raw_input = cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString ();
actual_cmd_name_len = strlen (cmd_obj->GetCommandName());
else if (!cmd_obj)
cmd_obj = GetCommandObject (next_word.c_str());
if (cmd_obj)
actual_cmd_name_len += next_word.length();
revised_command_line.Printf ("%s", next_word.c_str());
wants_raw_input = cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString ();
revised_command_line.Printf ("%s", next_word.c_str());
else if (cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject ())
CommandObject *sub_cmd_obj = ((CommandObjectMultiword *) cmd_obj)->GetSubcommandObject (next_word.c_str());
if (sub_cmd_obj)
actual_cmd_name_len += next_word.length() + 1;
revised_command_line.Printf (" %s", next_word.c_str());
cmd_obj = sub_cmd_obj;
wants_raw_input = cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString ();
revised_command_line.Printf (" %s", next_word.c_str());
done = true;
revised_command_line.Printf (" %s", next_word.c_str());
done = true;
if (cmd_obj == NULL)
result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("'%s' is not a valid command.\n", next_word.c_str());
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
next_word.erase ();
if (command_string.length() == 0)
done = true;
if (command_string.size() > 0)
revised_command_line.Printf (" %s", command_string.c_str());
// End of Phase 1.
// At this point cmd_obj should contain the CommandObject whose Execute method will be called, if the command
// specified was valid; revised_command_line contains the complete command line (including command name(s)),
// fully translated with all substitutions & translations taken care of (still in raw text format); and
// wants_raw_input specifies whether the Execute method expects raw input or not.
if (log)
log->Printf ("HandleCommand, cmd_obj : '%s'", cmd_obj ? cmd_obj->GetCommandName() : "<not found>");
log->Printf ("HandleCommand, revised_command_line: '%s'", revised_command_line.GetData());
log->Printf ("HandleCommand, wants_raw_input:'%s'", wants_raw_input ? "True" : "False");
// Phase 2.
// Take care of things like setting up the history command & calling the appropriate Execute method on the
// CommandObject, with the appropriate arguments.
if (cmd_obj != NULL)
if (add_to_history)
Args command_args (revised_command_line.GetData());
const char *repeat_command = cmd_obj->GetRepeatCommand(command_args, 0);
if (repeat_command != NULL)
m_command_history.push_back (command_line);
command_string = revised_command_line.GetData();
std::string command_name (cmd_obj->GetCommandName());
std::string remainder;
if (actual_cmd_name_len < command_string.length())
remainder = command_string.substr (actual_cmd_name_len); // Note: 'actual_cmd_name_len' may be considerably shorter
// than cmd_obj->GetCommandName(), because name completion
// allows users to enter short versions of the names,
// e.g. 'br s' for 'breakpoint set'.
// Remove any initial spaces
std::string white_space (" \t\v");
size_t pos = remainder.find_first_not_of (white_space);
if (pos != 0 && pos != std::string::npos)
remainder = remainder.substr (pos);
if (log)
log->Printf ("HandleCommand, command line after removing command name(s): '%s'\n", remainder.c_str());
if (wants_raw_input)
cmd_obj->ExecuteRawCommandString (remainder.c_str(), result);
Args cmd_args (remainder.c_str());
cmd_obj->ExecuteWithOptions (cmd_args, result);
// We didn't find the first command object, so complete the first argument.
Args command_args (revised_command_line.GetData());
StringList matches;
int num_matches;
int cursor_index = 0;
int cursor_char_position = strlen (command_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0));
bool word_complete;
num_matches = HandleCompletionMatches (command_args,
if (num_matches > 0)
std::string error_msg;
error_msg.assign ("ambiguous command '");
error_msg.append ("'.");
error_msg.append (" Possible completions:");
for (int i = 0; i < num_matches; i++)
error_msg.append ("\n\t");
error_msg.append (matches.GetStringAtIndex (i));
error_msg.append ("\n");
result.AppendRawError (error_msg.c_str(), error_msg.size());
result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Unrecognized command '%s'.\n", command_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (0));
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return result.Succeeded();
CommandInterpreter::HandleCompletionMatches (Args &parsed_line,
int &cursor_index,
int &cursor_char_position,
int match_start_point,
int max_return_elements,
bool &word_complete,
StringList &matches)
int num_command_matches = 0;
bool look_for_subcommand = false;
// For any of the command completions a unique match will be a complete word.
word_complete = true;
if (cursor_index == -1)
// We got nothing on the command line, so return the list of commands
bool include_aliases = true;
num_command_matches = GetCommandNamesMatchingPartialString ("", include_aliases, matches);
else if (cursor_index == 0)
// The cursor is in the first argument, so just do a lookup in the dictionary.
CommandObject *cmd_obj = GetCommandObject (parsed_line.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), &matches);
num_command_matches = matches.GetSize();
if (num_command_matches == 1
&& cmd_obj && cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject()
&& matches.GetStringAtIndex(0) != NULL
&& strcmp (parsed_line.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), matches.GetStringAtIndex(0)) == 0)
look_for_subcommand = true;
num_command_matches = 0;
parsed_line.AppendArgument ("");
cursor_char_position = 0;
if (cursor_index > 0 || look_for_subcommand)
// We are completing further on into a commands arguments, so find the command and tell it
// to complete the command.
// First see if there is a matching initial command:
CommandObject *command_object = GetCommandObject (parsed_line.GetArgumentAtIndex(0));
if (command_object == NULL)
return 0;
num_command_matches = command_object->HandleCompletion (parsed_line,
return num_command_matches;
CommandInterpreter::HandleCompletion (const char *current_line,
const char *cursor,
const char *last_char,
int match_start_point,
int max_return_elements,
StringList &matches)
// We parse the argument up to the cursor, so the last argument in parsed_line is
// the one containing the cursor, and the cursor is after the last character.
Args parsed_line(current_line, last_char - current_line);
Args partial_parsed_line(current_line, cursor - current_line);
int num_args = partial_parsed_line.GetArgumentCount();
int cursor_index = partial_parsed_line.GetArgumentCount() - 1;
int cursor_char_position;
if (cursor_index == -1)
cursor_char_position = 0;
cursor_char_position = strlen (partial_parsed_line.GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index));
if (cursor > current_line && cursor[-1] == ' ')
// We are just after a space. If we are in an argument, then we will continue
// parsing, but if we are between arguments, then we have to complete whatever the next
// element would be.
// We can distinguish the two cases because if we are in an argument (e.g. because the space is
// protected by a quote) then the space will also be in the parsed argument...
const char *current_elem = partial_parsed_line.GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index);
if (cursor_char_position == 0 || current_elem[cursor_char_position - 1] != ' ')
parsed_line.InsertArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index + 1, "", '"');
cursor_char_position = 0;
int num_command_matches;
// Only max_return_elements == -1 is supported at present:
assert (max_return_elements == -1);
bool word_complete;
num_command_matches = HandleCompletionMatches (parsed_line,
if (num_command_matches <= 0)
return num_command_matches;
if (num_args == 0)
// If we got an empty string, insert nothing.
matches.InsertStringAtIndex(0, "");
// Now figure out if there is a common substring, and if so put that in element 0, otherwise
// put an empty string in element 0.
std::string command_partial_str;
if (cursor_index >= 0)
parsed_line.GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index) + cursor_char_position);
std::string common_prefix;
matches.LongestCommonPrefix (common_prefix);
int partial_name_len = command_partial_str.size();
// If we matched a unique single command, add a space...
// Only do this if the completer told us this was a complete word, however...
if (num_command_matches == 1 && word_complete)
char quote_char = parsed_line.GetArgumentQuoteCharAtIndex(cursor_index);
if (quote_char != '\0')
common_prefix.push_back(' ');
common_prefix.erase (0, partial_name_len);
matches.InsertStringAtIndex(0, common_prefix.c_str());
return num_command_matches;
CommandInterpreter::~CommandInterpreter ()
const char *
CommandInterpreter::GetPrompt ()
return m_debugger.GetPrompt();
CommandInterpreter::SetPrompt (const char *new_prompt)
m_debugger.SetPrompt (new_prompt);
CommandInterpreter::GetConfirmationInputReaderCallback (void *baton,
InputReader &reader,
lldb::InputReaderAction action,
const char *bytes,
size_t bytes_len)
FILE *out_fh = reader.GetDebugger().GetOutputFileHandle();
bool *response_ptr = (bool *) baton;
switch (action)
case eInputReaderActivate:
if (out_fh)
if (reader.GetPrompt())
::fprintf (out_fh, "%s", reader.GetPrompt());
case eInputReaderDeactivate:
case eInputReaderReactivate:
if (out_fh && reader.GetPrompt())
::fprintf (out_fh, "%s", reader.GetPrompt());
case eInputReaderGotToken:
if (bytes_len == 0)
else if (bytes[0] == 'y')
*response_ptr = true;
else if (bytes[0] == 'n')
*response_ptr = false;
if (out_fh && !reader.IsDone() && reader.GetPrompt())
::fprintf (out_fh, "Please answer \"y\" or \"n\"\n");
::fprintf (out_fh, "%s", reader.GetPrompt());
case eInputReaderInterrupt:
case eInputReaderEndOfFile:
*response_ptr = false; // Assume ^C or ^D means cancel the proposed action
reader.SetIsDone (true);
case eInputReaderDone:
return bytes_len;
CommandInterpreter::Confirm (const char *message, bool default_answer)
// Check AutoConfirm first:
if (m_debugger.GetAutoConfirm())
return default_answer;
InputReaderSP reader_sp (new InputReader(GetDebugger()));
bool response = default_answer;
if (reader_sp)
std::string prompt(message);
prompt.append(": [");
if (default_answer)
prompt.append ("Y/n] ");
prompt.append ("y/N] ");
Error err (reader_sp->Initialize (CommandInterpreter::GetConfirmationInputReaderCallback,
&response, // baton
eInputReaderGranularityLine, // token size, to pass to callback function
NULL, // end token
prompt.c_str(), // prompt
true)); // echo input
if (err.Success())
GetDebugger().PushInputReader (reader_sp);
return response;
CommandInterpreter::CrossRegisterCommand (const char * dest_cmd, const char * object_type)
CommandObjectSP cmd_obj_sp = GetCommandSPExact (dest_cmd, true);
if (cmd_obj_sp != NULL)
CommandObject *cmd_obj = cmd_obj_sp.get();
if (cmd_obj->IsCrossRefObject ())
cmd_obj->AddObject (object_type);
CommandInterpreter::GetAliasOptions (const char *alias_name)
OptionArgMap::iterator pos;
OptionArgVectorSP ret_val;
std::string alias (alias_name);
if (HasAliasOptions())
pos = m_alias_options.find (alias);
if (pos != m_alias_options.end())
ret_val = pos->second;
return ret_val;
CommandInterpreter::RemoveAliasOptions (const char *alias_name)
OptionArgMap::iterator pos = m_alias_options.find(alias_name);
if (pos != m_alias_options.end())
m_alias_options.erase (pos);
CommandInterpreter::AddOrReplaceAliasOptions (const char *alias_name, OptionArgVectorSP &option_arg_vector_sp)
m_alias_options[alias_name] = option_arg_vector_sp;
CommandInterpreter::HasCommands ()
return (!m_command_dict.empty());
CommandInterpreter::HasAliases ()
return (!m_alias_dict.empty());
CommandInterpreter::HasUserCommands ()
return (!m_user_dict.empty());
CommandInterpreter::HasAliasOptions ()
return (!m_alias_options.empty());
CommandInterpreter::BuildAliasCommandArgs (CommandObject *alias_cmd_obj,
const char *alias_name,
Args &cmd_args,
std::string &raw_input_string,
CommandReturnObject &result)
OptionArgVectorSP option_arg_vector_sp = GetAliasOptions (alias_name);
bool wants_raw_input = alias_cmd_obj->WantsRawCommandString();
// Make sure that the alias name is the 0th element in cmd_args
std::string alias_name_str = alias_name;
if ( (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0)) != 0)
cmd_args.Unshift (alias_name);
Args new_args (alias_cmd_obj->GetCommandName());
if (new_args.GetArgumentCount() == 2)
if (option_arg_vector_sp.get())
if (wants_raw_input)
// We have a command that both has command options and takes raw input. Make *sure* it has a
// " -- " in the right place in the raw_input_string.
size_t pos = raw_input_string.find(" -- ");
if (pos == std::string::npos)
// None found; assume it goes at the beginning of the raw input string
raw_input_string.insert (0, " -- ");
OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector = option_arg_vector_sp.get();
int old_size = cmd_args.GetArgumentCount();
std::vector<bool> used (old_size + 1, false);
used[0] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < option_arg_vector->size(); ++i)
OptionArgPair option_pair = (*option_arg_vector)[i];
OptionArgValue value_pair = option_pair.second;
int value_type = value_pair.first;
std::string option = option_pair.first;
std::string value = value_pair.second;
if ( ("<argument>") == 0)
if (!wants_raw_input
|| ("--") != 0)) // Since we inserted this above, make sure we don't insert it twice
new_args.AppendArgument (value.c_str());
if (value_type != optional_argument)
new_args.AppendArgument (option.c_str());
if ( ("<no-argument>") != 0)
int index = GetOptionArgumentPosition (value.c_str());
if (index == 0)
// value was NOT a positional argument; must be a real value
if (value_type != optional_argument)
new_args.AppendArgument (value.c_str());
char buffer[255];
::snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s%s", option.c_str(), value.c_str());
new_args.AppendArgument (buffer);
else if (index >= cmd_args.GetArgumentCount())
("Not enough arguments provided; you need at least %d arguments to use this alias.\n",
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
// Find and remove cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i) from raw_input_string
size_t strpos = raw_input_string.find (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (index));
if (strpos != std::string::npos)
raw_input_string = raw_input_string.erase (strpos, strlen (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (index)));
if (value_type != optional_argument)
new_args.AppendArgument (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (index));
char buffer[255];
::snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s", option.c_str(),
cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (index));
new_args.AppendArgument (buffer);
used[index] = true;
for (int j = 0; j < cmd_args.GetArgumentCount(); ++j)
if (!used[j] && !wants_raw_input)
new_args.AppendArgument (cmd_args.GetArgumentAtIndex (j));
cmd_args.SetArguments (new_args.GetArgumentCount(), (const char **) new_args.GetArgumentVector());
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
// This alias was not created with any options; nothing further needs to be done, unless it is a command that
// wants raw input, in which case we need to clear the rest of the data from cmd_args, since its in the raw
// input string.
if (wants_raw_input)
cmd_args.SetArguments (new_args.GetArgumentCount(), (const char **) new_args.GetArgumentVector());
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
CommandInterpreter::GetOptionArgumentPosition (const char *in_string)
int position = 0; // Any string that isn't an argument position, i.e. '%' followed by an integer, gets a position
// of zero.
char *cptr = (char *) in_string;
// Does it start with '%'
if (cptr[0] == '%')
// Is the rest of it entirely digits?
if (isdigit (cptr[0]))
const char *start = cptr;
while (isdigit (cptr[0]))
// We've gotten to the end of the digits; are we at the end of the string?
if (cptr[0] == '\0')
position = atoi (start);
return position;
CommandInterpreter::SourceInitFile (bool in_cwd, CommandReturnObject &result)
// Don't parse any .lldbinit files if we were asked not to
if (m_skip_lldbinit_files)
const char *init_file_path = in_cwd ? "./.lldbinit" : "~/.lldbinit";
FileSpec init_file (init_file_path, true);
// If the file exists, tell HandleCommand to 'source' it; this will do the actual broadcasting
// of the commands back to any appropriate listener (see CommandObjectSource::Execute for more details).
if (init_file.Exists())
char path[PATH_MAX];
init_file.GetPath(path, sizeof(path));
StreamString source_command;
source_command.Printf ("command source '%s'", path);
HandleCommand (source_command.GetData(), false, result);
// nothing to be done if the file doesn't exist
ScriptInterpreter *
CommandInterpreter::GetScriptInterpreter ()
CommandObject::CommandMap::iterator pos;
pos = m_command_dict.find ("script");
if (pos != m_command_dict.end())
CommandObject *script_cmd_obj = pos->second.get();
return ((CommandObjectScript *) script_cmd_obj)->GetInterpreter ();
return NULL;
CommandInterpreter::GetSynchronous ()
return m_synchronous_execution;
CommandInterpreter::SetSynchronous (bool value)
m_synchronous_execution = value;
CommandInterpreter::OutputFormattedHelpText (Stream &strm,
const char *word_text,
const char *separator,
const char *help_text,
uint32_t max_word_len)
const uint32_t max_columns = m_debugger.GetTerminalWidth();
int indent_size = max_word_len + strlen (separator) + 2;
strm.IndentMore (indent_size);
int len = indent_size + strlen (help_text) + 1;
char *text = (char *) malloc (len);
sprintf (text, "%-*s %s %s", max_word_len, word_text, separator, help_text);
if (text[len - 1] == '\n')
text[--len] = '\0';
if (len < max_columns)
// Output it as a single line.
strm.Printf ("%s", text);
// We need to break it up into multiple lines.
bool first_line = true;
int text_width;
int start = 0;
int end = start;
int final_end = strlen (text);
int sub_len;
while (end < final_end)
if (first_line)
text_width = max_columns - 1;
text_width = max_columns - indent_size - 1;
// Don't start the 'text' on a space, since we're already outputting the indentation.
if (!first_line)
while ((start < final_end) && (text[start] == ' '))
end = start + text_width;
if (end > final_end)
end = final_end;
// If we're not at the end of the text, make sure we break the line on white space.
while (end > start
&& text[end] != ' ' && text[end] != '\t' && text[end] != '\n')
sub_len = end - start;
if (start != 0)
if (!first_line)
first_line = false;
assert (start <= final_end);
assert (start + sub_len <= final_end);
if (sub_len > 0)
strm.Write (text + start, sub_len);
start = end + 1;
free (text);
CommandInterpreter::AproposAllSubCommands (CommandObject *cmd_obj, const char *prefix, const char *search_word,
StringList &commands_found, StringList &commands_help)
CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos;
CommandObject::CommandMap sub_cmd_dict = ((CommandObjectMultiword *) cmd_obj)->m_subcommand_dict;
CommandObject *sub_cmd_obj;
for (pos = sub_cmd_dict.begin(); pos != sub_cmd_dict.end(); ++pos)
const char * command_name = pos->first.c_str();
sub_cmd_obj = pos->second.get();
StreamString complete_command_name;
complete_command_name.Printf ("%s %s", prefix, command_name);
if (sub_cmd_obj->HelpTextContainsWord (search_word))
commands_found.AppendString (complete_command_name.GetData());
commands_help.AppendString (sub_cmd_obj->GetHelp());
if (sub_cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject())
AproposAllSubCommands (sub_cmd_obj, complete_command_name.GetData(), search_word, commands_found,
CommandInterpreter::FindCommandsForApropos (const char *search_word, StringList &commands_found,
StringList &commands_help)
CommandObject::CommandMap::const_iterator pos;
for (pos = m_command_dict.begin(); pos != m_command_dict.end(); ++pos)
const char *command_name = pos->first.c_str();
CommandObject *cmd_obj = pos->second.get();
if (cmd_obj->HelpTextContainsWord (search_word))
commands_found.AppendString (command_name);
commands_help.AppendString (cmd_obj->GetHelp());
if (cmd_obj->IsMultiwordObject())
AproposAllSubCommands (cmd_obj, command_name, search_word, commands_found, commands_help);