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//===-- ResourceScriptStmt.h ------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This lists all the resource and statement types occurring in RC scripts.
#include "ResourceScriptToken.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace rc {
// A class holding a name - either an integer or a reference to the string.
class IntOrString {
union Data {
uint32_t Int;
StringRef String;
Data(uint32_t Value) : Int(Value) {}
Data(const StringRef Value) : String(Value) {}
Data(const RCToken &Token) {
if (Token.kind() == RCToken::Kind::Int)
Int = Token.intValue();
String = Token.value();
} Data;
bool IsInt;
IntOrString() : IntOrString(0) {}
IntOrString(uint32_t Value) : Data(Value), IsInt(1) {}
IntOrString(StringRef Value) : Data(Value), IsInt(0) {}
IntOrString(const RCToken &Token)
: Data(Token), IsInt(Token.kind() == RCToken::Kind::Int) {}
bool equalsLower(const char *Str) {
return !IsInt && Data.String.equals_lower(Str);
friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &, const IntOrString &);
// Base resource. All the resources should derive from this base.
class RCResource {
IntOrString ResName;
RCResource() = default;
RCResource(RCResource &&) = default;
void setName(const IntOrString &Name) { ResName = Name; }
virtual raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &OS) const {
return OS << "Base statement\n";
virtual ~RCResource() {}
// Optional statement base. All such statements should derive from this base.
class OptionalStmt : public RCResource {};
class OptionalStmtList : public OptionalStmt {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OptionalStmt>> Statements;
OptionalStmtList() {}
virtual raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void addStmt(std::unique_ptr<OptionalStmt> Stmt) {
// LANGUAGE statement. It can occur both as a top-level statement (in such
// a situation, it changes the default language until the end of the file)
// and as an optional resource statement (then it changes the language
// of a single resource).
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381019(v=vs.85).aspx
class LanguageResource : public OptionalStmt {
uint32_t Lang, SubLang;
LanguageResource(uint32_t LangId, uint32_t SubLangId)
: Lang(LangId), SubLang(SubLangId) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// ACCELERATORS resource. Defines a named table of accelerators for the app.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380610(v=vs.85).aspx
class AcceleratorsResource : public RCResource {
class Accelerator {
IntOrString Event;
uint32_t Id;
uint8_t Flags;
enum Options {
ASCII = (1 << 0),
VIRTKEY = (1 << 1),
NOINVERT = (1 << 2),
ALT = (1 << 3),
SHIFT = (1 << 4),
CONTROL = (1 << 5)
static constexpr size_t NumFlags = 6;
static StringRef OptionsStr[NumFlags];
AcceleratorsResource(OptionalStmtList &&OptStmts)
: OptStatements(std::move(OptStmts)) {}
void addAccelerator(IntOrString Event, uint32_t Id, uint8_t Flags) {
Accelerators.push_back(Accelerator{Event, Id, Flags});
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
std::vector<Accelerator> Accelerators;
OptionalStmtList OptStatements;
// CURSOR resource. Represents a single cursor (".cur") file.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380920(v=vs.85).aspx
class CursorResource : public RCResource {
StringRef CursorLoc;
CursorResource(StringRef Location) : CursorLoc(Location) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// ICON resource. Represents a single ".ico" file containing a group of icons.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381018(v=vs.85).aspx
class IconResource : public RCResource {
StringRef IconLoc;
IconResource(StringRef Location) : IconLoc(Location) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// HTML resource. Represents a local webpage that is to be embedded into the
// resulting resource file. It embeds a file only - no additional resources
// (images etc.) are included with this resource.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa966018(v=vs.85).aspx
class HTMLResource : public RCResource {
StringRef HTMLLoc;
HTMLResource(StringRef Location) : HTMLLoc(Location) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// -- MENU resource and its helper classes --
// This resource describes the contents of an application menu
// (usually located in the upper part of the dialog.)
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381025(v=vs.85).aspx
// Description of a single submenu item.
class MenuDefinition {
enum Options {
CHECKED = (1 << 0),
GRAYED = (1 << 1),
HELP = (1 << 2),
INACTIVE = (1 << 3),
MENUBARBREAK = (1 << 4),
MENUBREAK = (1 << 5)
static constexpr size_t NumFlags = 6;
static StringRef OptionsStr[NumFlags];
static raw_ostream &logFlags(raw_ostream &, uint8_t Flags);
virtual raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &OS) const {
return OS << "Base menu definition\n";
virtual ~MenuDefinition() {}
// Recursive description of a whole submenu.
class MenuDefinitionList : public MenuDefinition {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MenuDefinition>> Definitions;
void addDefinition(std::unique_ptr<MenuDefinition> Def) {
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// Separator in MENU definition (MENUITEM SEPARATOR).
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381024(v=vs.85).aspx
class MenuSeparator : public MenuDefinition {
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// MENUITEM statement definition.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381024(v=vs.85).aspx
class MenuItem : public MenuDefinition {
StringRef Name;
uint32_t Id;
uint8_t Flags;
MenuItem(StringRef Caption, uint32_t ItemId, uint8_t ItemFlags)
: Name(Caption), Id(ItemId), Flags(ItemFlags) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// POPUP statement definition.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381030(v=vs.85).aspx
class PopupItem : public MenuDefinition {
StringRef Name;
uint8_t Flags;
MenuDefinitionList SubItems;
PopupItem(StringRef Caption, uint8_t ItemFlags,
MenuDefinitionList &&SubItemsList)
: Name(Caption), Flags(ItemFlags), SubItems(std::move(SubItemsList)) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// Menu resource definition.
class MenuResource : public RCResource {
OptionalStmtList OptStatements;
MenuDefinitionList Elements;
MenuResource(OptionalStmtList &&OptStmts, MenuDefinitionList &&Items)
: OptStatements(std::move(OptStmts)), Elements(std::move(Items)) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// STRINGTABLE resource. Contains a list of strings, each having its unique ID.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381050(v=vs.85).aspx
class StringTableResource : public RCResource {
OptionalStmtList OptStatements;
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, StringRef>> Table;
StringTableResource(OptionalStmtList &&OptStmts)
: OptStatements(std::move(OptStmts)) {}
void addString(uint32_t ID, StringRef String) {
Table.emplace_back(ID, String);
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// -- DIALOG(EX) resource and its helper classes --
// This resource describes dialog boxes and controls residing inside them.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381003(v=vs.85).aspx
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381002(v=vs.85).aspx
// Single control definition.
class Control {
StringRef Type, Title;
uint32_t ID, X, Y, Width, Height;
Optional<uint32_t> Style, ExtStyle, HelpID;
Control(StringRef CtlType, StringRef CtlTitle, uint32_t CtlID, uint32_t PosX,
uint32_t PosY, uint32_t ItemWidth, uint32_t ItemHeight,
Optional<uint32_t> ItemStyle, Optional<uint32_t> ExtItemStyle,
Optional<uint32_t> CtlHelpID)
: Type(CtlType), Title(CtlTitle), ID(CtlID), X(PosX), Y(PosY),
Width(ItemWidth), Height(ItemHeight), Style(ItemStyle),
ExtStyle(ExtItemStyle), HelpID(CtlHelpID) {}
static const StringSet<> SupportedCtls;
static const StringSet<> CtlsWithTitle;
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const;
// Single dialog definition. We don't create distinct classes for DIALOG and
// DIALOGEX because of their being too similar to each other. We only have a
// flag determining the type of the dialog box.
class DialogResource : public RCResource {
uint32_t X, Y, Width, Height, HelpID;
OptionalStmtList OptStatements;
std::vector<Control> Controls;
bool IsExtended;
DialogResource(uint32_t PosX, uint32_t PosY, uint32_t DlgWidth,
uint32_t DlgHeight, uint32_t DlgHelpID,
OptionalStmtList &&OptStmts, bool IsDialogEx)
: X(PosX), Y(PosY), Width(DlgWidth), Height(DlgHeight), HelpID(DlgHelpID),
OptStatements(std::move(OptStmts)), IsExtended(IsDialogEx) {}
void addControl(Control &&Ctl) { Controls.push_back(std::move(Ctl)); }
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// User-defined resource. It is either:
// * a link to the file, e.g. NAME TYPE "filename",
// * or contains a list of integers and strings, e.g. NAME TYPE {1, "a", 2}.
class UserDefinedResource : public RCResource {
IntOrString Type;
StringRef FileLoc;
std::vector<IntOrString> Contents;
bool IsFileResource;
UserDefinedResource(IntOrString ResourceType, StringRef FileLocation)
: Type(ResourceType), FileLoc(FileLocation), IsFileResource(true) {}
UserDefinedResource(IntOrString ResourceType, std::vector<IntOrString> &&Data)
: Type(ResourceType), Contents(std::move(Data)), IsFileResource(false) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// -- VERSIONINFO resource and its helper classes --
// This resource lists the version information on the executable/library.
// The declaration consists of the following items:
// * A number of fixed optional version statements (e.g. FILEVERSION, FILEOS)
// * BEGIN
// * A number of BLOCK and/or VALUE statements. BLOCK recursively defines
// another block of version information, whereas VALUE defines a
// key -> value correspondence. There might be more than one value
// corresponding to the single key.
// * END
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381058(v=vs.85).aspx
// A single VERSIONINFO statement;
class VersionInfoStmt {
virtual raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &OS) const { return OS << "VI stmt\n"; }
virtual ~VersionInfoStmt() {}
// BLOCK definition; also the main VERSIONINFO declaration is considered a
// BLOCK, although it has no name.
// The correct top-level blocks are "VarFileInfo" and "StringFileInfo". We don't
// care about them at the parsing phase.
class VersionInfoBlock : public VersionInfoStmt {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VersionInfoStmt>> Stmts;
StringRef Name;
VersionInfoBlock(StringRef BlockName) : Name(BlockName) {}
void addStmt(std::unique_ptr<VersionInfoStmt> Stmt) {
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
class VersionInfoValue : public VersionInfoStmt {
StringRef Key;
std::vector<IntOrString> Values;
VersionInfoValue(StringRef InfoKey, std::vector<IntOrString> &&Vals)
: Key(InfoKey), Values(std::move(Vals)) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
class VersionInfoResource : public RCResource {
// A class listing fixed VERSIONINFO statements (occuring before main BEGIN).
// If any of these is not specified, it is assumed by the original tool to
// be equal to 0.
class VersionInfoFixed {
enum VersionInfoFixedType {
static const StringMap<VersionInfoFixedType> FixedFieldsInfoMap;
static const StringRef FixedFieldsNames[FtNumTypes];
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> FixedInfo[FtNumTypes];
SmallVector<bool, FtNumTypes> IsTypePresent;
static VersionInfoFixedType getFixedType(StringRef Type);
static bool isTypeSupported(VersionInfoFixedType Type);
static bool isVersionType(VersionInfoFixedType Type);
VersionInfoFixed() : IsTypePresent(FtNumTypes, false) {}
void setValue(VersionInfoFixedType Type, ArrayRef<uint32_t> Value) {
FixedInfo[Type] = SmallVector<uint32_t, 4>(Value.begin(), Value.end());
IsTypePresent[Type] = true;
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const;
VersionInfoBlock MainBlock;
VersionInfoFixed FixedData;
VersionInfoResource(VersionInfoBlock &&TopLevelBlock,
VersionInfoFixed &&FixedInfo)
: MainBlock(std::move(TopLevelBlock)), FixedData(std::move(FixedInfo)) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// CHARACTERISTICS optional statement.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380872(v=vs.85).aspx
class CharacteristicsStmt : public OptionalStmt {
uint32_t Value;
CharacteristicsStmt(uint32_t Characteristic) : Value(Characteristic) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// VERSION optional statement.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381059(v=vs.85).aspx
class VersionStmt : public OptionalStmt {
uint32_t Value;
VersionStmt(uint32_t Version) : Value(Version) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// CAPTION optional statement.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380778(v=vs.85).aspx
class CaptionStmt : public OptionalStmt {
StringRef Value;
CaptionStmt(StringRef Caption) : Value(Caption) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// FONT optional statement.
// Note that the documentation is inaccurate: it expects five arguments to be
// given, however the example provides only two. In fact, the original tool
// expects two arguments - point size and name of the typeface.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381013(v=vs.85).aspx
class FontStmt : public OptionalStmt {
uint32_t Size;
StringRef Typeface;
FontStmt(uint32_t FontSize, StringRef FontName)
: Size(FontSize), Typeface(FontName) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
// STYLE optional statement.
// Ref: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381051(v=vs.85).aspx
class StyleStmt : public OptionalStmt {
uint32_t Value;
StyleStmt(uint32_t Style) : Value(Style) {}
raw_ostream &log(raw_ostream &) const override;
} // namespace rc
} // namespace llvm