
429 lines
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//===- lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/OutputELFWriter.h ----------------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lld/Core/Instrumentation.h"
#include "lld/Core/Parallel.h"
#include "lld/ReaderWriter/ELFLinkingContext.h"
#include "lld/ReaderWriter/Writer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "DefaultLayout.h"
#include "File.h"
#include "TargetLayout.h"
namespace lld {
namespace elf {
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::object;
template <class ELFT> class OutputELFWriter;
// OutputELFWriter Class
/// \brief This acts as the base class for all the ELF writers that are output
/// for emitting an ELF output file. This class also acts as a common class for
/// creating static and dynamic executables. All the function in this class
/// can be overridden and an appropriate writer be created
template<class ELFT>
class OutputELFWriter : public ELFWriter {
typedef Elf_Shdr_Impl<ELFT> Elf_Shdr;
typedef Elf_Sym_Impl<ELFT> Elf_Sym;
typedef Elf_Dyn_Impl<ELFT> Elf_Dyn;
OutputELFWriter(const ELFLinkingContext &context);
// build the sections that need to be created
virtual void createDefaultSections();
// Build all the output sections
virtual void buildChunks(const File &file);
// Build the output file
virtual error_code buildOutput(const File &file);
// Write the file to the path specified
virtual error_code writeFile(const File &File, StringRef path);
// Build the atom to address map, this has to be called
// before applying relocations
virtual void buildAtomToAddressMap(const File &file);
// Build the symbol table for static linking
virtual void buildStaticSymbolTable(const File &file);
// Build the dynamic symbol table for dynamic linking
virtual void buildDynamicSymbolTable(const File &file);
// Build the section header table
virtual void buildSectionHeaderTable();
// Assign sections that have no segments such as the symbol table,
// section header table, string table etc
virtual void assignSectionsWithNoSegments();
// Add default atoms that need to be present in the output file
virtual void addDefaultAtoms() = 0;
// Add any runtime files and their atoms to the output
virtual bool createImplicitFiles(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File> > &);
// Finalize the default atom values
virtual void finalizeDefaultAtomValues() = 0;
// This is called by the write section to apply relocations
virtual uint64_t addressOfAtom(const Atom *atom) {
auto addr = _atomToAddressMap.find(atom);
return addr == _atomToAddressMap.end() ? 0 : addr->second;
// This is a hook for creating default dynamic entries
virtual void createDefaultDynamicEntries() {}
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator _alloc;
const ELFLinkingContext &_context;
TargetHandler<ELFT> &_targetHandler;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const Atom *, uint64_t> AtomToAddress;
AtomToAddress _atomToAddressMap;
TargetLayout<ELFT> *_layout;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(ProgramHeader<ELFT>) _programHeader;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(SymbolTable<ELFT>) _symtab;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(StringTable<ELFT>) _strtab;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(StringTable<ELFT>) _shstrtab;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(SectionHeader<ELFT>) _shdrtab;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(EHFrameHeader<ELFT>) _ehFrameHeader;
/// \name Dynamic sections.
/// @{
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(DynamicTable<ELFT>) _dynamicTable;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(DynamicSymbolTable<ELFT>) _dynamicSymbolTable;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(StringTable<ELFT>) _dynamicStringTable;
LLD_UNIQUE_BUMP_PTR(HashSection<ELFT>) _hashTable;
llvm::StringSet<> _soNeeded;
/// @}
// OutputELFWriter
template <class ELFT>
OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::OutputELFWriter(const ELFLinkingContext &context)
: _context(context), _targetHandler(context.getTargetHandler<ELFT>()) {
_layout = &_targetHandler.targetLayout();
template <class ELFT>
void OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::buildChunks(const File &file) {
ScopedTask task(getDefaultDomain(), "buildChunks");
for (const DefinedAtom *definedAtom : file.defined()) {
for (const AbsoluteAtom *absoluteAtom : file.absolute())
template <class ELFT>
void OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::buildStaticSymbolTable(const File &file) {
ScopedTask task(getDefaultDomain(), "buildStaticSymbolTable");
for (auto sec : _layout->sections())
if (auto section = dyn_cast<AtomSection<ELFT>>(sec))
for (const auto &atom : section->atoms())
_symtab->addSymbol(atom->_atom, section->ordinal(), atom->_virtualAddr);
for (auto &atom : _layout->absoluteAtoms())
_symtab->addSymbol(atom->_atom, ELF::SHN_ABS, atom->_virtualAddr);
for (const UndefinedAtom *a : file.undefined())
_symtab->addSymbol(a, ELF::SHN_UNDEF);
template <class ELFT>
void OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::buildDynamicSymbolTable(const File &file) {
ScopedTask task(getDefaultDomain(), "buildDynamicSymbolTable");
for (auto sec : this->_layout->sections())
if (auto section = dyn_cast<AtomSection<ELFT>>(sec))
for (const auto &atom : section->atoms()) {
const DefinedAtom *da = dyn_cast<const DefinedAtom>(atom->_atom);
if (da && da->dynamicExport() == DefinedAtom::dynamicExportAlways)
_dynamicSymbolTable->addSymbol(atom->_atom, section->ordinal(),
atom->_virtualAddr, atom);
for (const auto sla : file.sharedLibrary()) {
_dynamicSymbolTable->addSymbol(sla, ELF::SHN_UNDEF);
for (const auto &loadName : _soNeeded) {
Elf_Dyn dyn;
dyn.d_tag = DT_NEEDED;
dyn.d_un.d_val = _dynamicStringTable->addString(loadName.getKey());
const auto &rpathList = _context.getRpathList();
if (!rpathList.empty()) {
auto rpath = new (_alloc) std::string(join(rpathList.begin(),
rpathList.end(), ":"));
Elf_Dyn dyn;
dyn.d_tag = DT_RPATH;
dyn.d_un.d_val = _dynamicStringTable->addString(*rpath);
StringRef soname = _context.sharedObjectName();
if (!soname.empty() && _context.getOutputELFType() == llvm::ELF::ET_DYN) {
Elf_Dyn dyn;
dyn.d_tag = DT_SONAME;
dyn.d_un.d_val = _dynamicStringTable->addString(soname);
// The dynamic symbol table need to be sorted earlier because the hash
// table needs to be built using the dynamic symbol table. It would be
// late to sort the symbols due to that in finalize. In the dynamic symbol
// table finalize, we call the symbol table finalize and we don't want to
// sort again
// Add the dynamic symbols into the hash table
template <class ELFT>
void OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::buildAtomToAddressMap(const File &file) {
ScopedTask task(getDefaultDomain(), "buildAtomToAddressMap");
int64_t totalAbsAtoms = _layout->absoluteAtoms().size();
int64_t totalUndefinedAtoms = file.undefined().size();
int64_t totalDefinedAtoms = 0;
for (auto sec : _layout->sections())
if (auto section = dyn_cast<AtomSection<ELFT> >(sec)) {
totalDefinedAtoms += section->atoms().size();
for (const auto &atom : section->atoms())
_atomToAddressMap[atom->_atom] = atom->_virtualAddr;
// build the atomToAddressMap that contains absolute symbols too
for (auto &atom : _layout->absoluteAtoms())
_atomToAddressMap[atom->_atom] = atom->_virtualAddr;
// Set the total number of atoms in the symbol table, so that appropriate
// resizing of the string table can be done
_symtab->setNumEntries(totalDefinedAtoms + totalAbsAtoms +
template<class ELFT>
void OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::buildSectionHeaderTable() {
ScopedTask task(getDefaultDomain(), "buildSectionHeaderTable");
for (auto mergedSec : _layout->mergedSections()) {
if (mergedSec->kind() != Chunk<ELFT>::Kind::ELFSection &&
mergedSec->kind() != Chunk<ELFT>::Kind::AtomSection)
if (mergedSec->hasSegment())
template<class ELFT>
void OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::assignSectionsWithNoSegments() {
ScopedTask task(getDefaultDomain(), "assignSectionsWithNoSegments");
for (auto mergedSec : _layout->mergedSections()) {
if (mergedSec->kind() != Chunk<ELFT>::Kind::ELFSection &&
mergedSec->kind() != Chunk<ELFT>::Kind::AtomSection)
if (!mergedSec->hasSegment())
for (auto sec : _layout->sections())
if (auto section = dyn_cast<Section<ELFT>>(sec))
if (!DefaultLayout<ELFT>::hasOutputSegment(section))
template <class ELFT>
bool OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::createImplicitFiles(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File> > &result) {
// Add all input Files that are defined by the target
return true;
template <class ELFT> void OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::createDefaultSections() {
_elfHeader.reset(new (_alloc) ELFHeader<ELFT>(_context));
_programHeader.reset(new (_alloc) ProgramHeader<ELFT>(_context));
_symtab.reset(new (_alloc) SymbolTable<ELFT>(
_context, ".symtab", DefaultLayout<ELFT>::ORDER_SYMBOL_TABLE));
_strtab.reset(new (_alloc) StringTable<ELFT>(
_context, ".strtab", DefaultLayout<ELFT>::ORDER_STRING_TABLE));
_shstrtab.reset(new (_alloc) StringTable<ELFT>(
_context, ".shstrtab", DefaultLayout<ELFT>::ORDER_SECTION_STRINGS));
_shdrtab.reset(new (_alloc) SectionHeader<ELFT>(
_context, DefaultLayout<ELFT>::ORDER_SECTION_HEADERS));
for (auto sec : _layout->sections()) {
if (sec->name() != ".eh_frame")
_ehFrameHeader.reset(new (_alloc) EHFrameHeader<ELFT>(
_context, ".eh_frame_hdr", DefaultLayout<ELFT>::ORDER_EH_FRAMEHDR));
if (_context.isDynamic()) {
_dynamicTable = std::move(_targetHandler.createDynamicTable());
_dynamicStringTable.reset(new (_alloc) StringTable<ELFT>(
_context, ".dynstr", DefaultLayout<ELFT>::ORDER_DYNAMIC_STRINGS, true));
_dynamicSymbolTable = std::move(_targetHandler.createDynamicSymbolTable());
_hashTable.reset(new (_alloc) HashSection<ELFT>(
_context, ".hash", DefaultLayout<ELFT>::ORDER_HASH));
// Set the hash table in the dynamic symbol table so that the entries in the
// hash table can be created
if (_layout->hasDynamicRelocationTable())
if (_layout->hasPLTRelocationTable())
// give a chance for the target to add sections
template <class ELFT>
error_code OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::buildOutput(const File &file) {
ScopedTask buildTask(getDefaultDomain(), "ELF Writer buildOutput");
// Create the default sections like the symbol table, string table, and the
// section string table
// Set the Layout
// Create the dynamic table entries
if (_context.isDynamic()) {
// Call the preFlight callbacks to modify the sections and the atoms
// contained in them, in anyway the targets may want
// Finalize the default value of symbols that the linker adds
// Build the Atom To Address map for applying relocations
// Create symbol table and section string table
// Finalize the layout by calling the finalize() functions
// build Section Header table
// assign Offsets and virtual addresses
// for sections with no segments
if (_context.isDynamic())
return error_code::success();
template <class ELFT>
error_code OutputELFWriter<ELFT>::writeFile(const File &file, StringRef path) {
uint64_t totalSize = _shdrtab->fileOffset() + _shdrtab->fileSize();
OwningPtr<FileOutputBuffer> buffer;
ScopedTask createOutputTask(getDefaultDomain(), "ELF Writer Create Output");
error_code ec = FileOutputBuffer::create(path,
totalSize, buffer,
if (ec)
return ec;
_context.is64Bits() ? ELF::ELFCLASS64 : ELF::ELFCLASS32);
_elfHeader->e_ident(ELF::EI_DATA, _context.isLittleEndian()
if (!_targetHandler.doesOverrideELFHeader()) {
_elfHeader->e_ident(ELF::EI_VERSION, 1);
_elfHeader->e_ident(ELF::EI_OSABI, 0);
} else {
// override the contents of the ELF Header
uint64_t virtualAddr = 0;
_layout->findAtomAddrByName(_context.entrySymbolName(), virtualAddr);
// HACK: We have to write out the header and program header here even though
// they are a member of a segment because only sections are written in the
// following loop.
ScopedTask writeTask(getDefaultDomain(), "ELF Writer write to memory");
_elfHeader->write(this, *buffer);
_programHeader->write(this, *buffer);
for (auto section : _layout->sections())
section->write(this, *buffer);
ScopedTask commitTask(getDefaultDomain(), "ELF Writer commit to disk");
return buffer->commit();
} // namespace elf
} // namespace lld