forked from OSchip/llvm-project
1108 lines
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1108 lines
39 KiB
//===- mlir-linalg-ods-yaml-gen.cpp - Linalg ODS generation from yaml ----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements an ODS (and C++) generator from a YAML form
// derived from the mathematical expression of linalg named ops. Typically a
// math oriented DSL will be used to export the essential representation to
// this form, and maintaining the SOT at the math level (versus recreating it
// in MLIR) is deemed to have systemic value.
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/Parser.h"
#include "mlir/Support/FileUtilities.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
using namespace mlir;
using llvm::yaml::Input;
using llvm::yaml::IO;
using llvm::yaml::MappingTraits;
using llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits;
using llvm::yaml::ScalarTraits;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "linalg-ods-gen"
// Mapping structs (correspond to data types in the YAML description).
// TODO: Since this is a schema/part of the contract, it should be moved to
// a real header.
namespace {
struct LinalgYAMLContext {
MLIRContext *mlirContext;
struct LinalgOpMetadata {
std::string name;
std::string cppClassName;
Optional<std::string> doc;
SmallVector<std::string> implements;
struct SerializedAffineMap {
AffineMapAttr affineMapAttr;
AffineMap affineMap() { return affineMapAttr.getValue(); }
enum class LinalgOperandDefUsage { input, output, attribute };
struct LinalgOperandDef {
std::string name;
LinalgOperandDefUsage usage;
std::string typeVar;
Optional<SerializedAffineMap> shapeMap;
Optional<SerializedAffineMap> attributeMap;
enum class LinalgIteratorTypeDef {
struct LinalgIndexingMapsConfig {
Optional<SmallVector<SerializedAffineMap>> staticIndexingMaps;
struct ScalarExpression;
struct ScalarApply {
std::string fnName;
// NOTE: Must be pure heap allocated container (not SmallVector)
// due to recursive data type.
std::vector<ScalarExpression> operands;
struct ScalarSymbolicCast {
std::string typeVar;
// NOTE: This must be of arity 1, but to break the self-referential cycle,
// we use a heap allocated vector.
std::vector<ScalarExpression> operands;
bool isUnsignedCast;
struct ScalarExpression {
Optional<std::string> arg;
Optional<std::string> constant;
Optional<int64_t> index;
Optional<ScalarApply> apply;
Optional<ScalarSymbolicCast> symbolicCast;
struct ScalarAssign {
std::string arg;
ScalarExpression value;
struct LinalgStructuredOpConfig {
SmallVector<LinalgOperandDef> args;
LinalgIndexingMapsConfig indexingMaps;
SmallVector<LinalgIteratorTypeDef> iteratorTypes;
std::vector<ScalarAssign> assignments;
struct LinalgOpConfig {
Optional<LinalgOpMetadata> metadata;
Optional<LinalgStructuredOpConfig> structuredOp;
} // namespace
// Mapping traits.
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
/// Top-level type containing op metadata and one of a concrete op type.
/// Currently, the only defined op type is `structured_op` (maps to
/// `LinalgStructuredOpConfig`).
template <> struct MappingTraits<LinalgOpConfig> {
static void mapping(IO &io, LinalgOpConfig &info) {
io.mapOptional("metadata", info.metadata);
io.mapOptional("structured_op", info.structuredOp);
/// A structured op models (at most) a single contraction by modeling
/// - A list of named arguments (`LinalgOperandDef`), which can be inputs,
/// outputs, or index attributes.
/// - List of indexing maps (see `LinalgIndexingMaps`).
/// - Iterator types (see `LinalgIteratorTypeDef`).
/// - List of scalar level assignment (see `ScalarAssign`).
template <> struct MappingTraits<LinalgStructuredOpConfig> {
static void mapping(IO &io, LinalgStructuredOpConfig &info) {
io.mapRequired("args", info.args);
io.mapRequired("indexing_maps", info.indexingMaps);
io.mapRequired("iterator_types", info.iteratorTypes);
io.mapRequired("assignments", info.assignments);
/// Maps a named tensor, scalar or attribute argument to an operation,
/// consisting of:
/// - `name`: Must be unique within the operation.
/// - `usage`: How the argument is used (input, output, attribute, etc).
/// - `type_var`: The symbolic type variable that binds to the element or self
/// type of the tensor or scalar argument, respectively.
/// - `shape_map`: An optional AffineMap from all op symbols to the shape of
/// the argument. Only tensor arguments have a `shape_map`. Each shape must
/// be normalized over the same list of symbols and have no dimension
/// inputs.
/// - `attribute_map`: An optional AffineMap from all op symbols to the
/// attribute symbols. During op creation these symbols are replaced by the
/// corresponding `name` attribute values. Only attribute arguments have
/// an `attribute_map`.
template <> struct MappingTraits<LinalgOperandDef> {
static void mapping(IO &io, LinalgOperandDef &info) {
io.mapRequired("usage", info.usage);
io.mapRequired("type_var", info.typeVar);
io.mapOptional("shape_map", info.shapeMap);
io.mapOptional("attribute_map", info.attributeMap);
/// Usage enum for a named argument.
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<LinalgOperandDefUsage> {
static void enumeration(IO &io, LinalgOperandDefUsage &value) {
io.enumCase(value, "InputOperand", LinalgOperandDefUsage::input);
io.enumCase(value, "OutputOperand", LinalgOperandDefUsage::output);
io.enumCase(value, "IndexAttribute", LinalgOperandDefUsage::attribute);
/// Iterator type enum.
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<LinalgIteratorTypeDef> {
static void enumeration(IO &io, LinalgIteratorTypeDef &value) {
io.enumCase(value, "parallel", LinalgIteratorTypeDef::parallel);
io.enumCase(value, "reduction", LinalgIteratorTypeDef::reduction);
/// Metadata about the op (name, C++ name, and documentation).
template <> struct MappingTraits<LinalgOpMetadata> {
static void mapping(IO &io, LinalgOpMetadata &info) {
io.mapRequired("cpp_class_name", info.cppClassName);
io.mapOptional("doc", info.doc);
io.mapOptional("implements", info.implements);
/// How the ops indexing maps are produced. Must be one of:
/// - static_indexing_maps: A static list of AffineMaps, possibly with
/// some symbols that bind to attributes of the op. Each indexing map must
/// be normalized over the same list of dimensions, and its symbols must
/// match the symbols for argument shapes.
template <> struct MappingTraits<LinalgIndexingMapsConfig> {
static void mapping(IO &io, LinalgIndexingMapsConfig &info) {
io.mapOptional("static_indexing_maps", info.staticIndexingMaps);
/// Models an assignment to a named output.
/// - The `arg` name must match a named output.
/// - The `value` is a scalar expression for computing the value to
/// assign (see `ScalarExpression`).
template <> struct MappingTraits<ScalarAssign> {
static void mapping(IO &io, ScalarAssign &info) {
io.mapRequired("arg", info.arg);
io.mapRequired("value", info.value);
/// A scalar expression (RHS of an assignment). Must be one of:
/// - `scalar_arg`: Name of an argument to the op.
/// - `scalar_apply`: Result of evaluating a named function (see
/// `ScalarApply`).
/// - `symbolic_cast`: Cast to a symbolic TypeVar bound elsewhere.
template <> struct MappingTraits<ScalarExpression> {
static void mapping(IO &io, ScalarExpression &info) {
io.mapOptional("scalar_arg", info.arg);
io.mapOptional("scalar_const", info.constant);
io.mapOptional("scalar_index", info.index);
io.mapOptional("scalar_apply", info.apply);
io.mapOptional("symbolic_cast", info.symbolicCast);
/// A scalar expression that evaluates a named function.
/// Functions are generally "math" level and type polymorphic. Builtin
/// functions include:
/// - `add(lhs, rhs)`
/// - `mul(lhs, rhs)`
template <> struct MappingTraits<ScalarApply> {
static void mapping(IO &io, ScalarApply &info) {
io.mapRequired("fn_name", info.fnName);
io.mapRequired("operands", info.operands);
template <> struct MappingTraits<ScalarSymbolicCast> {
static void mapping(IO &io, ScalarSymbolicCast &info) {
io.mapRequired("type_var", info.typeVar);
io.mapRequired("operands", info.operands);
io.mapRequired("is_unsigned_cast", info.isUnsignedCast);
/// Helper mapping which accesses an AffineMapAttr as a serialized string of
/// the same.
template <> struct ScalarTraits<SerializedAffineMap> {
static void output(const SerializedAffineMap &value, void *rawYamlContext,
raw_ostream &out) {
static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void *rawYamlContext,
SerializedAffineMap &value) {
auto *yamlContext = static_cast<LinalgYAMLContext *>(rawYamlContext);
if (auto attr = mlir::parseAttribute(scalar, yamlContext->mlirContext)
value.affineMapAttr = attr;
else if (!value.affineMapAttr || !value.affineMapAttr.isa<AffineMapAttr>())
return "could not parse as an affine map attribute";
return StringRef();
static QuotingType mustQuote(StringRef) { return QuotingType::None; }
} // namespace yaml
} // namespace llvm
namespace {
// Generation utilities
class GenerationContext {
GenerationContext(MLIRContext *context, raw_ostream *odsOut,
raw_ostream *defnOut)
: context(context), loc(UnknownLoc::get(context)), odsOut(odsOut),
defnOut(defnOut) {}
MLIRContext *getContext() { return context; }
void setLoc(Location loc) { this->loc = loc; }
Location getLoc() { return loc; }
bool shouldGenerateOds() { return odsOut; }
bool shouldGenerateDefns() { return defnOut; }
raw_ostream &odss() {
assert(odsOut && "ODS stream not defined");
return *odsOut;
raw_ostream &defns() {
assert(defnOut && "Definition stream not defined");
return *defnOut;
MLIRContext *context;
Location loc;
raw_ostream *odsOut;
raw_ostream *defnOut;
} // namespace
static std::string generateCppExpression(SerializedAffineMap self,
StringRef contextName) {
std::string printedStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream printedSs(printedStr);
static const char exprFormat[] =
R"FMT(mlir::parseAttribute("{0}", {1}).cast<AffineMapAttr>().getValue())FMT";
return llvm::formatv(exprFormat, printedStr, contextName);
template <typename Container>
static std::string interleaveToString(Container &container,
StringRef separator) {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ss(result);
llvm::interleave(container, ss, separator);
return result;
static Optional<int>
findTensorDefArgIndex(StringRef name, SmallVectorImpl<LinalgOperandDef> &args) {
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(args)) {
if (it.value().name == name)
return it.index();
return None;
// Try to map the TypeVar to a predefined or an argument type.
static Optional<std::string>
findTypeValue(StringRef typeVar, SmallVectorImpl<LinalgOperandDef> &args) {
// Handle all predefined types.
if (typeVar == "I32")
return std::string("helper.getIntegerType(32)");
if (typeVar == "I64")
return std::string("helper.getIntegerType(64)");
if (typeVar == "F32")
return std::string("helper.getFloat32Type()");
if (typeVar == "F64")
return std::string("helper.getFloat64Type()");
// Search all argument types.
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(args)) {
if (it.value().typeVar == typeVar)
return llvm::formatv("block.getArgument({0}).getType()", it.index())
return None;
static ScalarAssign *findAssignment(StringRef name,
std::vector<ScalarAssign> &assignments) {
for (auto &assign : assignments) {
if (assign.arg == name)
return &assign;
return nullptr;
// Templates
// A single line banner format. Parameters:
// {0}: Single line comment
static const char bannerFormat[] = R"FMT(
// {0}
// Named generic op generation.
// These ops map at most a single contraction that complies with the limitations
// of a linalg.generic.
// Template for Linalg named ops' ODS definitions. Parameters:
// {0}: ODS/C++ op name
// {1}: assembly op mnemonic
// {2}: op interface list
// {3}: documentation (summary + description)
// {4}: op attribute list
// {5}: builder methods taking standalone attribute parameters
// {6}: additional methods for attributes used by indexing maps
static const char structuredOpOdsHeaderFormat[] = R"FMT(
// Op definition for {0}
def {0} : LinalgStructuredBase_Op<"{1}", !listconcat([AttrSizedOperandSegments],
/*extraInterfaces=*/[{2}])> {
let arguments = (ins
let results = (outs Variadic<AnyRankedTensor>:$result_tensors);
let regions = (region AnyRegion:$region);
let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;
let builders = [
(ins "ValueRange":$inputs, "ValueRange":$outputs,
CArg<"ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>", "{{}">:$attributes),
SmallVector<Type> resultTensorTypes;
[](Type type) {{ return type.isa<RankedTensorType>(); });
(ins "TypeRange":$resultTensorTypes, "ValueRange":$inputs,
CArg<"ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>", "{{}">:$attributes),
(ins "TypeRange":$resultTensorTypes, "ValueRange":$operands,
CArg<"ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>", "{{}">:$attributes),
let printer = [{{ return ::printNamedStructuredOp(p, *this); }];
let parser = [{{
return ::parseNamedStructuredOp<{0}>(parser, result);
let hasFolder = 1;
let extraClassDeclaration = structuredOpsBaseDecls # [{{
// Auto-generated.
ArrayAttr iterator_types();
ArrayAttr indexing_maps();
static void regionBuilder(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b, Block &block);
static std::function<void(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b, Block &)>
getRegionBuilder() {{
return regionBuilder;
// Generic methods.
static unsigned getNumRegionArgs();
std::string getLibraryCallName();
// Builder method taking attribute parameters. Parameters:
// {0}: Class name
// {1}: Comma interleaved attribute parameters
// {2}: Attribute initialization
static const char structuredOpBuilderFormat[] = R"FMT(
, OpBuilder<
(ins "TypeRange":$resultTensorTypes, "ValueRange":$inputs,
"ValueRange":$outputs, {1},
CArg<"ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>", "{{}">:$attributes),
// The iterator_types() method implementation. Parameters:
// {0}: Class name
// {1}: Comma interleaved iterator type names.
static const char structuredOpIteratorTypesFormat[] =
ArrayAttr {0}::iterator_types() {
return Builder(getContext()).getStrArrayAttr(SmallVector<StringRef>{{ {1} });
// Implementations of fold and getEffects.
// Parameters:
// {0}: Class name
const char structuredOpFoldersFormat[] = R"FMT(
LogicalResult {0}::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &) {{
return foldMemRefCast(*this);
void {0}::getEffects(SmallVectorImpl<
SideEffects::EffectInstance<MemoryEffects::Effect> >&effects) {{
SmallVector<Value> inputBuffers = getInputBufferOperands();
SmallVector<Value> outputBuffers = getOutputBufferOperands();
getOperation()->getResults(), inputBuffers, outputBuffers);
static LogicalResult generateNamedGenericOpOds(LinalgOpConfig &opConfig,
GenerationContext &genContext) {
if (!genContext.shouldGenerateOds())
return success();
raw_ostream &os = genContext.odss();
std::string interfaceNameList;
std::string attrList;
std::string attrMethods;
std::string attrBuilder;
std::string doc;
if (opConfig.metadata->doc) {
static const char structuredOpDocFmt[] = R"FMT(
let summary = [{ {0} }];
let description = [{
StringRef summary, description;
std::tie(summary, description) =
doc = llvm::formatv(structuredOpDocFmt, summary.trim(), description.trim());
interfaceNameList = interleaveToString(opConfig.metadata->implements, ", ");
// Assemble the attribute specific logic required for the op definition.
if (llvm::any_of(opConfig.structuredOp->args, [](LinalgOperandDef &arg) {
return arg.usage == LinalgOperandDefUsage::attribute;
})) {
SmallVector<std::string> attrDefs;
SmallVector<std::string> attrParams;
SmallVector<std::string> attrStmts;
for (LinalgOperandDef &arg : opConfig.structuredOp->args) {
if (arg.usage != LinalgOperandDefUsage::attribute)
assert(arg.attributeMap.hasValue() && arg.typeVar == "I64");
static const char defFmt[] = "RankedI64ElementsAttr<[{0}]>:${1}";
static const char paramFmt[] = "\"Attribute\":${0}";
static const char stmtFmt[] = "$_state.addAttribute(\"{0}\", {0});";
defFmt, arg.attributeMap->affineMap().getNumResults(),;
attrList = ",\n" + llvm::join(attrDefs, ",\n");
attrMethods = R"(
bool hasDynamicIndexingMaps();
LogicalResult verifyIndexingMapRequiredAttributes();
attrBuilder = llvm::formatv(
structuredOpBuilderFormat, opConfig.metadata->cppClassName,
llvm::join(attrParams, ", "), llvm::join(attrStmts, "\n"));
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpOdsHeaderFormat,
opConfig.metadata->cppClassName, opConfig.metadata->name,
interfaceNameList, doc, attrList, attrBuilder,
return success();
static LogicalResult
generateNamedGenericOpDefns(LinalgOpConfig &opConfig,
GenerationContext &genContext) {
if (!genContext.shouldGenerateDefns())
return success();
raw_ostream &os = genContext.defns();
StringRef className = opConfig.metadata->cppClassName;
// Implementation banner.
std::string bannerComment = llvm::formatv("Implementation of {0}", className);
os << llvm::formatv(bannerFormat, bannerComment);
// Compute the number of scalar and tensor arguments.
int64_t numOfArgs =
llvm::count_if(opConfig.structuredOp->args, [](LinalgOperandDef &arg) {
return arg.usage != LinalgOperandDefUsage::attribute;
// Reference iterators.
std::string iteratorsStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ss(iteratorsStr);
llvm::interleaveComma(opConfig.structuredOp->iteratorTypes, ss,
[&](LinalgIteratorTypeDef it) {
switch (it) {
case LinalgIteratorTypeDef::parallel:
ss << "getParallelIteratorTypeName()";
case LinalgIteratorTypeDef::reduction:
ss << "getReductionIteratorTypeName()";
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpIteratorTypesFormat, className,
// Static indexing maps.
if (auto &staticMaps =
opConfig.structuredOp->indexingMaps.staticIndexingMaps) {
if (staticMaps->empty())
return emitError(genContext.getLoc()) << "op has no indexing maps";
AffineMap firstMap = staticMaps->front().affineMap();
// Symbol bindings.
// For each symbol, generate a declaration for it, either with an
// AffineSymbolExpr or an AffineConstantExpr (if the symbol derives from
// an attribute).
// TODO: Possibly lift into a top-level method.
static const char structuredOpSymbolBindingsFormat[] = R"FMT(
static SmallVector<AffineExpr> getSymbolBindings({0} self) {
MLIRContext *context = self.getContext();
SmallVector<AffineExpr> exprs;
return exprs;
unsigned symbolCount = firstMap.getNumSymbols();
SmallVector<std::string> symbolBindings;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < symbolCount; ++i) {
" exprs.push_back(getAffineSymbolExpr({0}, context));", i));
// Access an index attribute. Parameters:
// {0}: Attribute name
// {1}: Symbol position
// {2}: Attribute index
static const char structuredOpAccessAttrFormat[] = R"FMT(
int64_t cst{1} = self.{0}().getValues<int64_t>()[{2}];
exprs.push_back(getAffineConstantExpr(cst{1}, context));
// Update all symbol bindings mapped to an attribute.
for (LinalgOperandDef &arg : opConfig.structuredOp->args) {
if (arg.usage != LinalgOperandDefUsage::attribute)
for (auto &en :
llvm::enumerate(arg.attributeMap->affineMap().getResults())) {
if (auto symbol = en.value().dyn_cast<AffineSymbolExpr>()) {
symbolBindings[symbol.getPosition()] =
symbol.getPosition(), en.index());
std::string symbolBindingsStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream symbolBindingsSs(symbolBindingsStr);
llvm::interleave(symbolBindings, symbolBindingsSs, "\n");
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpSymbolBindingsFormat, className,
// Indexing maps.
// Parameters:
// {0}: Class name
// {1}: Comma-separated list of dimension variable names.
// {2}: Statements
static const char structuredOpIndexingMapsFormat[] = R"FMT(
ArrayAttr {0}::indexing_maps() {
static const char memoizeAttr[] = "linalg.memoized_indexing_maps";
ArrayAttr cached = getOperation()->getAttrOfType<ArrayAttr>(memoizeAttr);
if (cached)
return cached;
MLIRContext *context = getContext();
auto symbolBindings = getSymbolBindings(*this);
SmallVector<AffineMap> maps;
cached = Builder(context).getAffineMapArrayAttr(maps);
getOperation()->setAttr(memoizeAttr, cached);
return cached;
unsigned dimCount = firstMap.getNumDims();
// Generate a comma-separated list of dim identifiers to be passed to
// bindDims, ensuring tht AffineExpr identifiers are bound in the right
// order to the proper AffineDimExpr.
// This results in vars in scope like: d0, d1, d2...
SmallVector<unsigned> dimIndices;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < dimCount; ++i)
std::string dimIdentsStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream dimIdentsSs(dimIdentsStr);
llvm::interleaveComma(dimIndices, dimIdentsSs,
[&](unsigned i) { dimIdentsSs << "d" << i; });
// Statements to add and simplify each affine map.
SmallVector<std::string> stmts;
for (auto &indexingMap : *staticMaps) {
// TODO: Assert that dim and symbol count match the first.
generateCppExpression(indexingMap, "context")));
"maps.back() = "
"simplifyAffineMap(maps.back().replaceDimsAndSymbols({{}, "
"symbolBindings, {0}, 0));",
// TODO: This needs to be memoized and/or converted to non-parser based
// C++ codegen prior to real use.
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpIndexingMapsFormat, className,
dimIdentsStr, interleaveToString(stmts, "\n "));
} else {
return emitError(genContext.getLoc())
<< "generating code for non static indexing maps not currently "
// getNumRegionArgs()
// Generates a getNumRegionArgs() method. Parameters:
// {0}: Class name
// {1}: Number of region args
static const char structuredOpGetNumRegionArgsFormat[] = R"FMT(
unsigned {0}::getNumRegionArgs() {{ return {1}; }
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpGetNumRegionArgsFormat, className,
// getLibraryCallName()
// Generates a getLibraryCallName method. Parameters:
// {0}: Class name
static const char structuredOpGetLibraryCallFormat[] = R"FMT(
std::string {0}::getLibraryCallName() {{
return generateLibraryCallName(getOperation());
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpGetLibraryCallFormat, className);
// hasDynamicIndexingMaps() and verifyIndexingMapRequiredAttributes()
if (llvm::any_of(opConfig.structuredOp->args, [](LinalgOperandDef &arg) {
return arg.usage == LinalgOperandDefUsage::attribute;
})) {
std::vector<std::string> attrVerifications;
for (LinalgOperandDef &arg : opConfig.structuredOp->args) {
if (arg.usage != LinalgOperandDefUsage::attribute)
assert(arg.attributeMap.hasValue() && arg.typeVar == "I64");
// Verify index attribute. Paramters:
// {0}: Attribute name
// {1}: Attribute size
static const char attrFmt[] = R"FMT(
if (auto attr = op->getAttrOfType<DenseElementsAttr>("{0}")) {{
if (!attr.getType().getElementType().isInteger(64))
return op->emitError(
"incorrect element type for indexing map required attribute '{0}'");
if (attr.getType().getShape() != ArrayRef<int64_t>{{ {1} })
return op->emitError(
"incorrect shape for indexing map required attribute '{0}'");
} else {
return op->emitError(
"missing indexing map required attribute '{0}'");
attrFmt,, arg.attributeMap->affineMap().getNumResults()));
// Generates the verifyIndexingMapRequiredAttributes method. Parameters:
// {0}: Class name
// {1}: Attribute verification
static const char structuredOpVerifyIndexingMapRequiredAttributes[] = R"FMT(
bool {0}::hasDynamicIndexingMaps() {{ return true; }
LogicalResult {0}::verifyIndexingMapRequiredAttributes() {{
Operation *op = getOperation();
return success();
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpVerifyIndexingMapRequiredAttributes,
className, llvm::join(attrVerifications, "\n"));
// regionBuilder()
// Generates a regionBuilder method. Parameters.
// {0}: Class name
// {1}: Number of args
// {2}: Statements
static const char structuredOpRegionBuilderFormat[] = R"FMT(
void {0}::regionBuilder(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b, Block &block) {{
assert({1} > 0 && block.getNumArguments() == {1} &&
"{0} regionBuilder expects {1} (>=0) args");
RegionBuilderHelper helper(block.getArgument(0).getContext(), block);
SmallVector<Value> yields;
auto &args = opConfig.structuredOp->args;
auto &assignments = opConfig.structuredOp->assignments;
size_t generatedAssignmentCount = 0;
int localCounter = 0;
SmallVector<std::string> stmts;
for (LinalgOperandDef &arg : args) {
if (arg.usage != LinalgOperandDefUsage::output)
// Find the assignment that correlates with the argument.
ScalarAssign *assignment = findAssignment(, assignments);
if (!assignment)
return emitError(genContext.getLoc())
<< "no assignment found for output argument " <<;
// Recursively generate the expression.
std::function<Optional<std::string>(ScalarExpression &)>
generateExpression =
[&](ScalarExpression &expression) -> Optional<std::string> {
if (expression.arg) {
// Argument reference.
Optional<int> argIndex = findTensorDefArgIndex(*expression.arg, args);
if (!argIndex) {
<< "scalar argument not defined on the op: " << *expression.arg;
return None;
return std::string(
llvm::formatv("block.getArgument({0})", *argIndex));
if (expression.constant) {
std::string cppIdent = llvm::formatv("value{0}", ++localCounter);
llvm::formatv(R"FMT(Value {0} = helper.constant("{1}");)FMT",
cppIdent, expression.constant));
return cppIdent;
if (expression.index) {
// Access an iteration index.
std::string cppIdent = llvm::formatv("value{0}", ++localCounter);
stmts.push_back(llvm::formatv("Value {0} = helper.index({1});",
cppIdent, *expression.index));
return cppIdent;
if (expression.apply) {
// Apply function.
// Recursively generate operands.
SmallVector<std::string> operandCppValues;
for (ScalarExpression &operand : expression.apply->operands) {
auto operandCppValue = generateExpression(operand);
if (!operandCppValue)
return None;
std::string cppIdent = llvm::formatv("value{0}", ++localCounter);
llvm::formatv("Value {0} = helper.applyfn__{1}({2});", cppIdent,
interleaveToString(operandCppValues, ", ")));
return cppIdent;
if (expression.symbolicCast) {
// Symbolic cast.
// Operands must be arity 1.
if (expression.symbolicCast->operands.size() != 1) {
<< "symbolic_cast operand arity must be 1";
return None;
Optional<std::string> operandCppValue =
if (!operandCppValue)
return None;
Optional<std::string> typeCppValue =
findTypeValue(expression.symbolicCast->typeVar, args);
if (!typeCppValue) {
<< "type variable " << expression.symbolicCast->typeVar
<< ", used in a symbolic cast must map to a predefined or "
<< "an argument type but it does not";
return None;
std::string cppIdent = llvm::formatv("value{0}", ++localCounter);
llvm::formatv("Value {0} = helper.cast({1}, {2}, {3});", cppIdent,
typeCppValue.getValue(), *operandCppValue,
return cppIdent;
emitError(genContext.getLoc()) << "unknown ScalarExpression type";
return None;
Optional<std::string> cppValue = generateExpression(assignment->value);
if (!cppValue)
return failure();
stmts.push_back(llvm::formatv("yields.push_back({0});", cppValue));
if (generatedAssignmentCount != assignments.size())
return emitError(genContext.getLoc())
<< "mismatched number of assignments vs output arguments";
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpRegionBuilderFormat, className, numOfArgs,
interleaveToString(stmts, "\n "));
// Canonicalizers and folders.
os << llvm::formatv(structuredOpFoldersFormat, className);
return success();
static LogicalResult generateOp(LinalgOpConfig &opConfig,
GenerationContext &genContext) {
// Switch on op type being generated.
if (opConfig.structuredOp) {
return success(
succeeded(generateNamedGenericOpOds(opConfig, genContext)) &&
succeeded(generateNamedGenericOpDefns(opConfig, genContext)));
} else {
return emitError(genContext.getLoc()) << "unsupported operation type";
// Command line options and main
static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
inputFilename(llvm::cl::Positional, llvm::cl::desc("<input file>"),
llvm::cl::init("-"), llvm::cl::value_desc("YAML filename"));
static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
outputOdsDeclFilename("o-ods-decl", llvm::cl::desc("ODS output filename"),
llvm::cl::value_desc("filename"), llvm::cl::init(""));
static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
llvm::cl::desc("C++ implementation file name"),
llvm::cl::value_desc("filename"), llvm::cl::init(""));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "Linalg ODS Gen from YAML");
// Set up the input file.
std::string errorMessage;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> file =
mlir::openInputFile(inputFilename, &errorMessage);
if (!file) {
llvm::errs() << errorMessage << "\n";
return 1;
MLIRContext mlirContext;
LinalgYAMLContext yamlContext{&mlirContext};
std::vector<LinalgOpConfig> opConfigs;
// Parse input.
Input yin(file->getBuffer(), &yamlContext);
yin >> opConfigs;
if (yin.error())
return 1;
// Open output files.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::ToolOutputFile> outputOdsDecl;
if (!outputOdsDeclFilename.empty()) {
outputOdsDecl = openOutputFile(outputOdsDeclFilename, &errorMessage);
if (!outputOdsDecl) {
llvm::errs() << errorMessage << "\n";
return 1;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::ToolOutputFile> outputCppImpl;
if (!outputCppImplFilename.empty()) {
outputCppImpl = openOutputFile(outputCppImplFilename, &errorMessage);
if (!outputCppImpl) {
llvm::errs() << errorMessage << "\n";
return 1;
if (!outputOdsDecl && !outputCppImpl) {
llvm::errs() << "error: No output files specified\n";
return 1;
// Generate.
GenerationContext genContext(&mlirContext,
outputOdsDecl ? &outputOdsDecl->os() : nullptr,
outputCppImpl ? &outputCppImpl->os() : nullptr);
for (auto &opConfig : opConfigs) {
if (!opConfig.metadata) {
<< "missing operation metadata on subsequent op";
return 1;
StringAttr::get(&mlirContext, opConfig.metadata->cppClassName)));
if (failed(generateOp(opConfig, genContext))) {
return 1;
if (outputOdsDecl)
if (outputCppImpl)
return 0;