
687 lines
21 KiB

//===-- lib/Evaluate/variable.cpp -----------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "flang/Evaluate/variable.h"
#include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/check-expression.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/fold.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
#include "flang/Parser/char-block.h"
#include "flang/Parser/characters.h"
#include "flang/Parser/message.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/scope.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
#include <type_traits>
using namespace Fortran::parser::literals;
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
// Constructors, accessors, mutators
Triplet::Triplet() : stride_{Expr<SubscriptInteger>{1}} {}
Triplet::Triplet(std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> &&l,
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> &&u,
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> &&s)
: stride_{s ? std::move(*s) : Expr<SubscriptInteger>{1}} {
if (l) {
if (u) {
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> Triplet::lower() const {
if (lower_) {
return {lower_.value().value()};
return std::nullopt;
Triplet &Triplet::set_lower(Expr<SubscriptInteger> &&expr) {
return *this;
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> Triplet::upper() const {
if (upper_) {
return {upper_.value().value()};
return std::nullopt;
Triplet &Triplet::set_upper(Expr<SubscriptInteger> &&expr) {
return *this;
Expr<SubscriptInteger> Triplet::stride() const { return stride_.value(); }
Triplet &Triplet::set_stride(Expr<SubscriptInteger> &&expr) {
stride_.value() = std::move(expr);
return *this;
bool Triplet::IsStrideOne() const {
if (auto stride{ToInt64(stride_.value())}) {
return stride == 1;
} else {
return false;
CoarrayRef::CoarrayRef(SymbolVector &&base, std::vector<Subscript> &&ss,
std::vector<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> &&css)
: base_{std::move(base)}, subscript_(std::move(ss)),
cosubscript_(std::move(css)) {
std::optional<Expr<SomeInteger>> CoarrayRef::stat() const {
if (stat_) {
return stat_.value().value();
} else {
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<Expr<SomeInteger>> CoarrayRef::team() const {
if (team_) {
return team_.value().value();
} else {
return std::nullopt;
CoarrayRef &CoarrayRef::set_stat(Expr<SomeInteger> &&v) {
return *this;
CoarrayRef &CoarrayRef::set_team(Expr<SomeInteger> &&v, bool isTeamNumber) {
teamIsTeamNumber_ = isTeamNumber;
return *this;
const Symbol &CoarrayRef::GetFirstSymbol() const { return base_.front(); }
const Symbol &CoarrayRef::GetLastSymbol() const { return base_.back(); }
void Substring::SetBounds(std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> &lower,
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> &upper) {
if (lower) {
if (upper) {
Expr<SubscriptInteger> Substring::lower() const {
if (lower_) {
return lower_.value().value();
} else {
return AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{1});
Substring &Substring::set_lower(Expr<SubscriptInteger> &&expr) {
return *this;
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> Substring::upper() const {
if (upper_) {
return upper_.value().value();
} else {
return std::visit(
[](const DataRef &dataRef) { return dataRef.LEN(); },
[](const StaticDataObject::Pointer &object)
-> std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> {
return AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{object->data().size()});
Substring &Substring::set_upper(Expr<SubscriptInteger> &&expr) {
return *this;
std::optional<Expr<SomeCharacter>> Substring::Fold(FoldingContext &context) {
if (!lower_) {
lower_ = AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{1});
lower_.value() = evaluate::Fold(context, std::move(lower_.value().value()));
std::optional<ConstantSubscript> lbi{ToInt64(lower_.value().value())};
if (lbi && *lbi < 1) {
"Lower bound (%jd) on substring is less than one"_en_US, *lbi);
*lbi = 1;
lower_ = AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{1});
if (!upper_) {
upper_ = upper();
if (!upper_) {
return std::nullopt;
upper_.value() = evaluate::Fold(context, std::move(upper_.value().value()));
if (std::optional<ConstantSubscript> ubi{ToInt64(upper_.value().value())}) {
auto *literal{std::get_if<StaticDataObject::Pointer>(&parent_)};
std::optional<ConstantSubscript> length;
if (literal) {
length = (*literal)->data().size();
} else if (const Symbol * symbol{GetLastSymbol()}) {
if (const semantics::DeclTypeSpec * type{symbol->GetType()}) {
if (type->category() == semantics::DeclTypeSpec::Character) {
length = ToInt64(type->characterTypeSpec().length().GetExplicit());
if (*ubi < 1 || (lbi && *ubi < *lbi)) {
// Zero-length string: canonicalize
*lbi = 1, *ubi = 0;
lower_ = AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{*lbi});
upper_ = AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{*ubi});
} else if (length && *ubi > *length) {
context.messages().Say("Upper bound (%jd) on substring is greater "
"than character length (%jd)"_en_US,
*ubi, *length);
*ubi = *length;
if (lbi && literal) {
auto newStaticData{StaticDataObject::Create()};
auto items{0}; // If the lower bound is greater, the length is 0
if (*ubi >= *lbi) {
items = *ubi - *lbi + 1;
auto width{(*literal)->itemBytes()};
auto bytes{items * width};
auto startByte{(*lbi - 1) * width};
const auto *from{&(*literal)->data()[0] + startByte};
for (auto j{0}; j < bytes; ++j) {
parent_ = newStaticData;
lower_ = AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{1});
ConstantSubscript length = newStaticData->data().size();
upper_ = AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{length});
switch (width) {
case 1:
return {
AsCategoryExpr(AsExpr(Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 1>>{
case 2:
return {AsCategoryExpr(Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 2>>{
case 4:
return {AsCategoryExpr(Constant<Type<TypeCategory::Character, 4>>{
return std::nullopt;
const NamedEntity &base, Field field, int dim)
: base_{base}, field_{field}, dimension_{dim} {
const Symbol &last{base_.GetLastSymbol()};
CHECK((field == Field::Len && dim == 0) ||
(field != Field::Len && dim >= 0 && dim < last.Rank()));
DescriptorInquiry::DescriptorInquiry(NamedEntity &&base, Field field, int dim)
: base_{std::move(base)}, field_{field}, dimension_{dim} {
const Symbol &last{base_.GetLastSymbol()};
CHECK((field == Field::Len && dim == 0) ||
(field != Field::Len && dim >= 0 && dim < last.Rank()));
// LEN()
static std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> SymbolLEN(const Symbol &symbol) {
const Symbol &ultimate{symbol.GetUltimate()};
if (const auto *assoc{ultimate.detailsIf<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()}) {
if (const auto *chExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeCharacter>>(assoc->expr())}) {
return chExpr->LEN();
} else if (auto dyType{DynamicType::From(ultimate)}) {
if (auto len{dyType->GetCharLength()}) {
return len;
} else if (IsDescriptor(ultimate) && !ultimate.owner().IsDerivedType()) {
return Expr<SubscriptInteger>{DescriptorInquiry{
NamedEntity{ultimate}, DescriptorInquiry::Field::Len}};
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> BaseObject::LEN() const {
return std::visit(
[](const Symbol &symbol) { return SymbolLEN(symbol); },
[](const StaticDataObject::Pointer &object)
-> std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> {
return AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{object->data().size()});
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> Component::LEN() const {
return SymbolLEN(GetLastSymbol());
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> NamedEntity::LEN() const {
return SymbolLEN(GetLastSymbol());
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ArrayRef::LEN() const {
return base_.LEN();
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> CoarrayRef::LEN() const {
return SymbolLEN(GetLastSymbol());
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> DataRef::LEN() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return SymbolLEN(symbol); },
[](const auto &x) { return x.LEN(); },
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> Substring::LEN() const {
if (auto top{upper()}) {
return AsExpr(Extremum<SubscriptInteger>{Ordering::Greater,
*std::move(top) - lower() + AsExpr(Constant<SubscriptInteger>{1})});
} else {
return std::nullopt;
template <typename T>
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> Designator<T>::LEN() const {
if constexpr (T::category == TypeCategory::Character) {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return SymbolLEN(symbol); },
[](const auto &x) { return x.LEN(); },
} else {
common::die("Designator<non-char>::LEN() called");
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> ProcedureDesignator::LEN() const {
using T = std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>>;
return std::visit(
[](SymbolRef symbol) -> T { return SymbolLEN(symbol); },
[](const common::CopyableIndirection<Component> &c) -> T {
return c.value().LEN();
[](const SpecificIntrinsic &i) -> T {
// Some cases whose results' lengths can be determined
// from the lengths of their arguments are handled in
// ProcedureRef::LEN() before coming here.
if (const auto &result{i.characteristics.value().functionResult}) {
if (const auto *type{result->GetTypeAndShape()}) {
if (auto length{type->type().GetCharLength()}) {
return std::move(*length);
return std::nullopt;
// Rank()
int BaseObject::Rank() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return symbol->Rank(); },
[](const StaticDataObject::Pointer &) { return 0; },
int Component::Rank() const {
if (int rank{symbol_->Rank()}; rank > 0) {
return rank;
return base().Rank();
int NamedEntity::Rank() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const SymbolRef s) { return s->Rank(); },
[](const Component &c) { return c.Rank(); },
int Subscript::Rank() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr &x) {
return x.value().Rank();
[](const Triplet &) { return 1; },
int ArrayRef::Rank() const {
int rank{0};
for (const auto &expr : subscript_) {
rank += expr.Rank();
if (rank > 0) {
return rank;
} else if (const Component * component{base_.UnwrapComponent()}) {
return component->base().Rank();
} else {
return 0;
int CoarrayRef::Rank() const {
if (!subscript_.empty()) {
int rank{0};
for (const auto &expr : subscript_) {
rank += expr.Rank();
return rank;
} else {
return base_.back()->Rank();
int DataRef::Rank() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return symbol->Rank(); },
[](const auto &x) { return x.Rank(); },
int Substring::Rank() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const DataRef &dataRef) { return dataRef.Rank(); },
[](const StaticDataObject::Pointer &) { return 0; },
int ComplexPart::Rank() const { return complex_.Rank(); }
template <typename T> int Designator<T>::Rank() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return symbol->Rank(); },
[](const auto &x) { return x.Rank(); },
// GetBaseObject(), GetFirstSymbol(), GetLastSymbol(), &c.
const Symbol &Component::GetFirstSymbol() const {
return base_.value().GetFirstSymbol();
const Symbol &NamedEntity::GetFirstSymbol() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef s) -> const Symbol & { return s; },
[](const Component &c) -> const Symbol & {
return c.GetFirstSymbol();
const Symbol &NamedEntity::GetLastSymbol() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef s) -> const Symbol & { return s; },
[](const Component &c) -> const Symbol & {
return c.GetLastSymbol();
const Component *NamedEntity::UnwrapComponent() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef) -> const Component * { return nullptr; },
[](const Component &c) { return &c; },
Component *NamedEntity::UnwrapComponent() {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef &) -> Component * { return nullptr; },
[](Component &c) { return &c; },
const Symbol &ArrayRef::GetFirstSymbol() const {
return base_.GetFirstSymbol();
const Symbol &ArrayRef::GetLastSymbol() const { return base_.GetLastSymbol(); }
const Symbol &DataRef::GetFirstSymbol() const {
return *std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return &*symbol; },
[](const auto &x) { return &x.GetFirstSymbol(); },
const Symbol &DataRef::GetLastSymbol() const {
return *std::visit(common::visitors{
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return &*symbol; },
[](const auto &x) { return &x.GetLastSymbol(); },
BaseObject Substring::GetBaseObject() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const DataRef &dataRef) {
return BaseObject{dataRef.GetFirstSymbol()};
[](StaticDataObject::Pointer pointer) {
return BaseObject{std::move(pointer)};
const Symbol *Substring::GetLastSymbol() const {
return std::visit(
[](const DataRef &dataRef) { return &dataRef.GetLastSymbol(); },
[](const auto &) -> const Symbol * { return nullptr; },
template <typename T> BaseObject Designator<T>::GetBaseObject() const {
return std::visit(
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return BaseObject{symbol}; },
[](const Substring &sstring) { return sstring.GetBaseObject(); },
[](const auto &x) {
#if !__clang__ && __GNUC__ == 7 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 2
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(x)>,
Substring>) {
return x.GetBaseObject();
} else
return BaseObject{x.GetFirstSymbol()};
template <typename T> const Symbol *Designator<T>::GetLastSymbol() const {
return std::visit(
[](SymbolRef symbol) { return &*symbol; },
[](const Substring &sstring) { return sstring.GetLastSymbol(); },
[](const auto &x) {
#if !__clang__ && __GNUC__ == 7 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 2
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(x)>,
Substring>) {
return x.GetLastSymbol();
} else
return &x.GetLastSymbol();
template <typename T>
std::optional<DynamicType> Designator<T>::GetType() const {
if constexpr (IsLengthlessIntrinsicType<Result>) {
return Result::GetType();
} else if (const Symbol * symbol{GetLastSymbol()}) {
return DynamicType::From(*symbol);
} else if constexpr (Result::category == TypeCategory::Character) {
if (const Substring * substring{std::get_if<Substring>(&u)}) {
const auto *parent{substring->GetParentIf<StaticDataObject::Pointer>()};
return DynamicType{TypeCategory::Character, (*parent)->itemBytes()};
return std::nullopt;
static NamedEntity AsNamedEntity(const SymbolVector &x) {
NamedEntity result{x.front()};
int j{0};
for (const Symbol &symbol : x) {
if (j++ != 0) {
DataRef base{result.IsSymbol() ? DataRef{result.GetLastSymbol()}
: DataRef{result.GetComponent()}};
result = NamedEntity{Component{std::move(base), symbol}};
return result;
NamedEntity CoarrayRef::GetBase() const { return AsNamedEntity(base_); }
// Equality testing
// For the purposes of comparing type parameter expressions while
// testing the compatibility of procedure characteristics, two
// object dummy arguments with the same name are considered equal.
static bool AreSameSymbol(const Symbol &x, const Symbol &y) {
if (&x == &y) {
return true;
if (x.name() == y.name()) {
if (const auto *xObject{x.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
if (const auto *yObject{y.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
return xObject->isDummy() && yObject->isDummy();
return false;
// Implements operator==() for a union type, using special case handling
// for Symbol references.
template <typename A> static bool TestVariableEquality(const A &x, const A &y) {
const SymbolRef *xSymbol{std::get_if<SymbolRef>(&x.u)};
if (const SymbolRef * ySymbol{std::get_if<SymbolRef>(&y.u)}) {
return xSymbol && AreSameSymbol(*xSymbol, *ySymbol);
} else {
return x.u == y.u;
bool BaseObject::operator==(const BaseObject &that) const {
return TestVariableEquality(*this, that);
bool Component::operator==(const Component &that) const {
return base_ == that.base_ && &*symbol_ == &*that.symbol_;
bool NamedEntity::operator==(const NamedEntity &that) const {
if (IsSymbol()) {
return that.IsSymbol() &&
AreSameSymbol(GetFirstSymbol(), that.GetFirstSymbol());
} else {
return !that.IsSymbol() && GetComponent() == that.GetComponent();
bool TypeParamInquiry::operator==(const TypeParamInquiry &that) const {
return &*parameter_ == &*that.parameter_ && base_ == that.base_;
bool Triplet::operator==(const Triplet &that) const {
return lower_ == that.lower_ && upper_ == that.upper_ &&
stride_ == that.stride_;
bool Subscript::operator==(const Subscript &that) const { return u == that.u; }
bool ArrayRef::operator==(const ArrayRef &that) const {
return base_ == that.base_ && subscript_ == that.subscript_;
bool CoarrayRef::operator==(const CoarrayRef &that) const {
return base_ == that.base_ && subscript_ == that.subscript_ &&
cosubscript_ == that.cosubscript_ && stat_ == that.stat_ &&
team_ == that.team_ && teamIsTeamNumber_ == that.teamIsTeamNumber_;
bool DataRef::operator==(const DataRef &that) const {
return TestVariableEquality(*this, that);
bool Substring::operator==(const Substring &that) const {
return parent_ == that.parent_ && lower_ == that.lower_ &&
upper_ == that.upper_;
bool ComplexPart::operator==(const ComplexPart &that) const {
return part_ == that.part_ && complex_ == that.complex_;
bool ProcedureRef::operator==(const ProcedureRef &that) const {
return proc_ == that.proc_ && arguments_ == that.arguments_;
template <typename T>
bool Designator<T>::operator==(const Designator<T> &that) const {
return TestVariableEquality(*this, that);
bool DescriptorInquiry::operator==(const DescriptorInquiry &that) const {
return field_ == that.field_ && base_ == that.base_ &&
dimension_ == that.dimension_;
} // namespace Fortran::evaluate
template class Fortran::common::Indirection<Fortran::evaluate::Component, true>;