
229 lines
9.9 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
Test lldb's frame recognizers.
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
import recognizer
class FrameRecognizerTestCase(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def test_frame_recognizer_1(self):
exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
# Clear internal & plugins recognizers that get initialized at launch
self.runCmd("frame recognizer clear")
self.runCmd("command script import " + os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(), "recognizer.py"))
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['no matching results found.'])
self.runCmd("frame recognizer add -l recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer -s a.out -n foo")
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['0: recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol foo'])
self.runCmd("frame recognizer add -l recognizer.MyOtherFrameRecognizer -s a.out -n bar -x")
"frame recognizer list",
'1: recognizer.MyOtherFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol bar (regexp)',
'0: recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol foo'
self.runCmd("frame recognizer delete 0")
# Test that it deleted the recognizer with id 0.
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['1: recognizer.MyOtherFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol bar (regexp)'])
self.expect("frame recognizer list", matching=False,
# Test that an invalid index and deleting the same index again
# is an error and doesn't do any changes.
self.expect("frame recognizer delete 2", error=True,
substrs=["error: '2' is not a valid recognizer id."])
self.expect("frame recognizer delete 0", error=True,
substrs=["error: '0' is not a valid recognizer id."])
# Recognizers should have the same state as above.
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['1: recognizer.MyOtherFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol bar (regexp)'])
self.expect("frame recognizer list", matching=False,
self.runCmd("frame recognizer clear")
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['no matching results found.'])
self.runCmd("frame recognizer add -l recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer -s a.out -n foo")
target, process, thread, _ = lldbutil.run_to_name_breakpoint(self, "foo",
exe_name = exe)
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
self.expect("frame variable",
substrs=['(int) a = 42', '(int) b = 56'])
# Recognized arguments don't show up by default...
variables = frame.GetVariables(lldb.SBVariablesOptions())
self.assertEqual(variables.GetSize(), 0)
# ...unless you set target.display-recognized-arguments to 1...
self.runCmd("settings set target.display-recognized-arguments 1")
variables = frame.GetVariables(lldb.SBVariablesOptions())
self.assertEqual(variables.GetSize(), 2)
# ...and you can reset it back to 0 to hide them again...
self.runCmd("settings set target.display-recognized-arguments 0")
variables = frame.GetVariables(lldb.SBVariablesOptions())
self.assertEqual(variables.GetSize(), 0)
# ... or explicitly ask for them with SetIncludeRecognizedArguments(True).
opts = lldb.SBVariablesOptions()
variables = frame.GetVariables(opts)
self.assertEqual(variables.GetSize(), 2)
self.assertEqual(variables.GetValueAtIndex(0).name, "a")
self.assertEqual(variables.GetValueAtIndex(0).signed, 42)
self.assertEqual(variables.GetValueAtIndex(0).GetValueType(), lldb.eValueTypeVariableArgument)
self.assertEqual(variables.GetValueAtIndex(1).name, "b")
self.assertEqual(variables.GetValueAtIndex(1).signed, 56)
self.assertEqual(variables.GetValueAtIndex(1).GetValueType(), lldb.eValueTypeVariableArgument)
self.expect("frame recognizer info 0",
substrs=['frame 0 is recognized by recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer'])
self.expect("frame recognizer info 999", error=True,
substrs=['no frame with index 999'])
self.expect("frame recognizer info 1",
substrs=['frame 1 not recognized by any recognizer'])
# FIXME: The following doesn't work yet, but should be fixed.
target, process, thread, _ = lldbutil.run_to_name_breakpoint(self, "bar",
exe_name = exe)
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
substrs=['stopped', 'stop reason = breakpoint'])
self.expect("frame variable -t",
substrs=['(int *) a = '])
self.expect("frame variable -t *a",
substrs=['*a = 78'])
def test_frame_recognizer_multi_symbol(self):
exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
# Clear internal & plugins recognizers that get initialized at launch
self.runCmd("frame recognizer clear")
self.runCmd("command script import " + os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(), "recognizer.py"))
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['no matching results found.'])
self.runCmd("frame recognizer add -l recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer -s a.out -n foo -n bar")
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol foo, symbol bar'])
target, process, thread, _ = lldbutil.run_to_name_breakpoint(self, "foo",
exe_name = exe)
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
self.expect("frame recognizer info 0",
substrs=['frame 0 is recognized by recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer'])
target, process, thread, _ = lldbutil.run_to_name_breakpoint(self, "bar",
exe_name = exe)
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
self.expect("frame recognizer info 0",
substrs=['frame 0 is recognized by recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer'])
def test_frame_recognizer_target_specific(self):
exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
# Clear internal & plugins recognizers that get initialized at launch
self.runCmd("frame recognizer clear")
# Create a target.
target, process, thread, _ = lldbutil.run_to_name_breakpoint(self, "foo",
exe_name = exe)
self.runCmd("command script import " + os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(), "recognizer.py"))
# Check that this doesn't contain our own FrameRecognizer somehow.
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
matching=False, substrs=['MyFrameRecognizer'])
# Add a frame recognizer in that target.
self.runCmd("frame recognizer add -l recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer -s a.out -n foo -n bar")
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol foo, symbol bar'])
self.expect("frame recognizer info 0",
substrs=['frame 0 is recognized by recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer'])
# Create a second target. That one shouldn't have the frame recognizer.
target, process, thread, _ = lldbutil.run_to_name_breakpoint(self, "bar",
exe_name = exe)
self.expect("frame recognizer info 0",
substrs=['frame 0 not recognized by any recognizer'])
# Add a frame recognizer to the new target.
self.runCmd("frame recognizer add -l recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer -s a.out -n bar")
self.expect("frame recognizer list",
substrs=['recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer, module a.out, symbol bar'])
# Now the new target should also recognize the frame.
self.expect("frame recognizer info 0",
substrs=['frame 0 is recognized by recognizer.MyFrameRecognizer'])
def test_frame_recognizer_delete_invalid_arg(self):
self.expect("frame recognizer delete a", error=True,
substrs=["error: 'a' is not a valid recognizer id."])
self.expect("frame recognizer delete \"\"", error=True,
substrs=["error: '' is not a valid recognizer id."])
self.expect("frame recognizer delete -1", error=True,
substrs=["error: '-1' is not a valid recognizer id."])
self.expect("frame recognizer delete 4294967297", error=True,
substrs=["error: '4294967297' is not a valid recognizer id."])
def test_frame_recognizer_info_invalid_arg(self):
self.expect("frame recognizer info a", error=True,
substrs=["error: 'a' is not a valid frame index."])
self.expect("frame recognizer info \"\"", error=True,
substrs=["error: '' is not a valid frame index."])
self.expect("frame recognizer info -1", error=True,
substrs=["error: '-1' is not a valid frame index."])
self.expect("frame recognizer info 4294967297", error=True,
substrs=["error: '4294967297' is not a valid frame index."])