
964 lines
34 KiB

//===--- XRefs.cpp -----------------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "XRefs.h"
#include "AST.h"
#include "FindSymbols.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "SourceCode.h"
#include "URI.h"
#include "index/Merge.h"
#include "index/SymbolCollector.h"
#include "index/SymbolLocation.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexDataConsumer.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexingAction.h"
#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
// Returns the single definition of the entity declared by D, if visible.
// In particular:
// - for non-redeclarable kinds (e.g. local vars), return D
// - for kinds that allow multiple definitions (e.g. namespaces), return nullptr
// Kinds of nodes that always return nullptr here will not have definitions
// reported by locateSymbolAt().
const Decl *getDefinition(const Decl *D) {
// Decl has one definition that we can find.
if (const auto *TD = dyn_cast<TagDecl>(D))
return TD->getDefinition();
if (const auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D))
return VD->getDefinition();
if (const auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D))
return FD->getDefinition();
// Only a single declaration is allowed.
if (isa<ValueDecl>(D) || isa<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(D) ||
isa<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(D)) // except cases above
return D;
// Multiple definitions are allowed.
return nullptr; // except cases above
void logIfOverflow(const SymbolLocation &Loc) {
if (Loc.Start.hasOverflow() || Loc.End.hasOverflow())
log("Possible overflow in symbol location: {0}", Loc);
// Convert a SymbolLocation to LSP's Location.
// TUPath is used to resolve the path of URI.
// FIXME: figure out a good home for it, and share the implementation with
// FindSymbols.
llvm::Optional<Location> toLSPLocation(const SymbolLocation &Loc,
llvm::StringRef TUPath) {
if (!Loc)
return None;
auto Uri = URI::parse(Loc.FileURI);
if (!Uri) {
elog("Could not parse URI {0}: {1}", Loc.FileURI, Uri.takeError());
return None;
auto U = URIForFile::fromURI(*Uri, TUPath);
if (!U) {
elog("Could not resolve URI {0}: {1}", Loc.FileURI, U.takeError());
return None;
Location LSPLoc;
LSPLoc.uri = std::move(*U);
LSPLoc.range.start.line = Loc.Start.line();
LSPLoc.range.start.character = Loc.Start.column();
LSPLoc.range.end.line = Loc.End.line();
LSPLoc.range.end.character = Loc.End.column();
return LSPLoc;
SymbolLocation toIndexLocation(const Location &Loc, std::string &URIStorage) {
SymbolLocation SymLoc;
URIStorage = Loc.uri.uri();
SymLoc.FileURI = URIStorage.c_str();
return SymLoc;
// Returns the preferred location between an AST location and an index location.
SymbolLocation getPreferredLocation(const Location &ASTLoc,
const SymbolLocation &IdxLoc,
std::string &Scratch) {
// Also use a dummy symbol for the index location so that other fields (e.g.
// definition) are not factored into the preferrence.
Symbol ASTSym, IdxSym;
ASTSym.ID = IdxSym.ID = SymbolID("dummy_id");
ASTSym.CanonicalDeclaration = toIndexLocation(ASTLoc, Scratch);
IdxSym.CanonicalDeclaration = IdxLoc;
auto Merged = mergeSymbol(ASTSym, IdxSym);
return Merged.CanonicalDeclaration;
struct MacroDecl {
llvm::StringRef Name;
const MacroInfo *Info;
/// Finds declarations locations that a given source location refers to.
class DeclarationAndMacrosFinder : public index::IndexDataConsumer {
std::vector<MacroDecl> MacroInfos;
llvm::DenseSet<const Decl *> Decls;
const SourceLocation &SearchedLocation;
const ASTContext &AST;
Preprocessor &PP;
DeclarationAndMacrosFinder(const SourceLocation &SearchedLocation,
ASTContext &AST, Preprocessor &PP)
: SearchedLocation(SearchedLocation), AST(AST), PP(PP) {}
// The results are sorted by declaration location.
std::vector<const Decl *> getFoundDecls() const {
std::vector<const Decl *> Result;
for (const Decl *D : Decls)
llvm::sort(Result, [](const Decl *L, const Decl *R) {
return L->getBeginLoc() < R->getBeginLoc();
return Result;
std::vector<MacroDecl> takeMacroInfos() {
// Don't keep the same Macro info multiple times.
llvm::sort(MacroInfos, [](const MacroDecl &Left, const MacroDecl &Right) {
return Left.Info < Right.Info;
auto Last = std::unique(MacroInfos.begin(), MacroInfos.end(),
[](const MacroDecl &Left, const MacroDecl &Right) {
return Left.Info == Right.Info;
MacroInfos.erase(Last, MacroInfos.end());
return std::move(MacroInfos);
handleDeclOccurence(const Decl *D, index::SymbolRoleSet Roles,
llvm::ArrayRef<index::SymbolRelation> Relations,
SourceLocation Loc,
index::IndexDataConsumer::ASTNodeInfo ASTNode) override {
// Skip non-semantic references.
if (Roles & static_cast<unsigned>(index::SymbolRole::NameReference))
return true;
if (Loc == SearchedLocation) {
auto IsImplicitExpr = [](const Expr *E) {
if (!E)
return false;
// We assume that a constructor expression is implict (was inserted by
// clang) if it has an invalid paren/brace location, since such
// experssion is impossible to write down.
if (const auto *CtorExpr = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(E))
return CtorExpr->getParenOrBraceRange().isInvalid();
return isa<ImplicitCastExpr>(E);
if (IsImplicitExpr(ASTNode.OrigE))
return true;
// Find and add definition declarations (for GoToDefinition).
// We don't use parameter `D`, as Parameter `D` is the canonical
// declaration, which is the first declaration of a redeclarable
// declaration, and it could be a forward declaration.
if (const auto *Def = getDefinition(D)) {
} else {
// Couldn't find a definition, fall back to use `D`.
return true;
void finish() override {
// Also handle possible macro at the searched location.
Token Result;
auto &Mgr = AST.getSourceManager();
if (!Lexer::getRawToken(Mgr.getSpellingLoc(SearchedLocation), Result, Mgr,
AST.getLangOpts(), false)) {
if (Result.is(tok::raw_identifier)) {
IdentifierInfo *IdentifierInfo = Result.getIdentifierInfo();
if (IdentifierInfo && IdentifierInfo->hadMacroDefinition()) {
std::pair<FileID, unsigned int> DecLoc =
// Get the definition just before the searched location so that a macro
// referenced in a '#undef MACRO' can still be found.
SourceLocation BeforeSearchedLocation = Mgr.getMacroArgExpandedLocation(
.getLocWithOffset(DecLoc.second - 1));
MacroDefinition MacroDef =
PP.getMacroDefinitionAtLoc(IdentifierInfo, BeforeSearchedLocation);
MacroInfo *MacroInf = MacroDef.getMacroInfo();
if (MacroInf) {
MacroInfos.push_back(MacroDecl{IdentifierInfo->getName(), MacroInf});
struct IdentifiedSymbol {
std::vector<const Decl *> Decls;
std::vector<MacroDecl> Macros;
IdentifiedSymbol getSymbolAtPosition(ParsedAST &AST, SourceLocation Pos) {
auto DeclMacrosFinder = DeclarationAndMacrosFinder(Pos, AST.getASTContext(),
index::IndexingOptions IndexOpts;
IndexOpts.SystemSymbolFilter =
IndexOpts.IndexFunctionLocals = true;
IndexOpts.IndexParametersInDeclarations = true;
IndexOpts.IndexTemplateParameters = true;
indexTopLevelDecls(AST.getASTContext(), AST.getPreprocessor(),
AST.getLocalTopLevelDecls(), DeclMacrosFinder, IndexOpts);
return {DeclMacrosFinder.getFoundDecls(), DeclMacrosFinder.takeMacroInfos()};
Range getTokenRange(ParsedAST &AST, SourceLocation TokLoc) {
const SourceManager &SourceMgr = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
SourceLocation LocEnd = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(
TokLoc, 0, SourceMgr, AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts());
return {sourceLocToPosition(SourceMgr, TokLoc),
sourceLocToPosition(SourceMgr, LocEnd)};
llvm::Optional<Location> makeLocation(ParsedAST &AST, SourceLocation TokLoc,
llvm::StringRef TUPath) {
const SourceManager &SourceMgr = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
const FileEntry *F = SourceMgr.getFileEntryForID(SourceMgr.getFileID(TokLoc));
if (!F)
return None;
auto FilePath = getCanonicalPath(F, SourceMgr);
if (!FilePath) {
log("failed to get path!");
return None;
Location L;
L.uri = URIForFile::canonicalize(*FilePath, TUPath);
L.range = getTokenRange(AST, TokLoc);
return L;
} // namespace
std::vector<LocatedSymbol> locateSymbolAt(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos,
const SymbolIndex *Index) {
const auto &SM = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
auto MainFilePath =
getCanonicalPath(SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getMainFileID()), SM);
if (!MainFilePath) {
elog("Failed to get a path for the main file, so no references");
return {};
// Treat #included files as symbols, to enable go-to-definition on them.
for (auto &Inc : AST.getIncludeStructure().MainFileIncludes) {
if (!Inc.Resolved.empty() && Inc.R.start.line == Pos.line) {
LocatedSymbol File;
File.Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(Inc.Resolved);
File.PreferredDeclaration = {
URIForFile::canonicalize(Inc.Resolved, *MainFilePath), Range{}};
File.Definition = File.PreferredDeclaration;
// We're not going to find any further symbols on #include lines.
return {std::move(File)};
SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg =
getBeginningOfIdentifier(AST, Pos, SM.getMainFileID());
auto Symbols = getSymbolAtPosition(AST, SourceLocationBeg);
// Macros are simple: there's no declaration/definition distinction.
// As a consequence, there's no need to look them up in the index either.
std::vector<LocatedSymbol> Result;
for (auto M : Symbols.Macros) {
if (auto Loc =
makeLocation(AST, M.Info->getDefinitionLoc(), *MainFilePath)) {
LocatedSymbol Macro;
Macro.Name = M.Name;
Macro.PreferredDeclaration = *Loc;
Macro.Definition = Loc;
// Decls are more complicated.
// The AST contains at least a declaration, maybe a definition.
// These are up-to-date, and so generally preferred over index results.
// We perform a single batch index lookup to find additional definitions.
// Results follow the order of Symbols.Decls.
// Keep track of SymbolID -> index mapping, to fill in index data later.
llvm::DenseMap<SymbolID, size_t> ResultIndex;
// Emit all symbol locations (declaration or definition) from AST.
for (const Decl *D : Symbols.Decls) {
auto Loc = makeLocation(AST, findNameLoc(D), *MainFilePath);
if (!Loc)
if (auto *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D))
Result.back().Name = printName(AST.getASTContext(), *ND);
Result.back().PreferredDeclaration = *Loc;
// DeclInfo.D is always a definition if possible, so this check works.
if (getDefinition(D) == D)
Result.back().Definition = *Loc;
// Record SymbolID for index lookup later.
if (auto ID = getSymbolID(D))
ResultIndex[*ID] = Result.size() - 1;
// Now query the index for all Symbol IDs we found in the AST.
if (Index && !ResultIndex.empty()) {
LookupRequest QueryRequest;
for (auto It : ResultIndex)
std::string Scratch;
Index->lookup(QueryRequest, [&](const Symbol &Sym) {
auto &R = Result[ResultIndex.lookup(Sym.ID)];
// Special case: if the AST yielded a definition, then it may not be
// the right *declaration*. Prefer the one from the index.
if (R.Definition) { // from AST
if (auto Loc = toLSPLocation(Sym.CanonicalDeclaration, *MainFilePath))
R.PreferredDeclaration = *Loc;
} else {
R.Definition = toLSPLocation(Sym.Definition, *MainFilePath);
if (Sym.CanonicalDeclaration) {
// Use merge logic to choose AST or index declaration.
// We only do this for declarations as definitions from AST
// is generally preferred (e.g. definitions in main file).
if (auto Loc = toLSPLocation(
Sym.CanonicalDeclaration, Scratch),
R.PreferredDeclaration = *Loc;
return Result;
namespace {
/// Collects references to symbols within the main file.
class ReferenceFinder : public index::IndexDataConsumer {
struct Reference {
const Decl *CanonicalTarget;
SourceLocation Loc;
index::SymbolRoleSet Role;
ReferenceFinder(ASTContext &AST, Preprocessor &PP,
const std::vector<const Decl *> &TargetDecls)
: AST(AST) {
for (const Decl *D : TargetDecls)
std::vector<Reference> take() && {
llvm::sort(References, [](const Reference &L, const Reference &R) {
return std::tie(L.Loc, L.CanonicalTarget, L.Role) <
std::tie(R.Loc, R.CanonicalTarget, R.Role);
// We sometimes see duplicates when parts of the AST get traversed twice.
std::unique(References.begin(), References.end(),
[](const Reference &L, const Reference &R) {
return std::tie(L.CanonicalTarget, L.Loc, L.Role) ==
std::tie(R.CanonicalTarget, R.Loc, R.Role);
return std::move(References);
handleDeclOccurence(const Decl *D, index::SymbolRoleSet Roles,
llvm::ArrayRef<index::SymbolRelation> Relations,
SourceLocation Loc,
index::IndexDataConsumer::ASTNodeInfo ASTNode) override {
assert(D->isCanonicalDecl() && "expect D to be a canonical declaration");
const SourceManager &SM = AST.getSourceManager();
Loc = SM.getFileLoc(Loc);
if (SM.isWrittenInMainFile(Loc) && CanonicalTargets.count(D))
References.push_back({D, Loc, Roles});
return true;
llvm::SmallSet<const Decl *, 4> CanonicalTargets;
std::vector<Reference> References;
const ASTContext &AST;
findRefs(const std::vector<const Decl *> &Decls, ParsedAST &AST) {
ReferenceFinder RefFinder(AST.getASTContext(), AST.getPreprocessor(), Decls);
index::IndexingOptions IndexOpts;
IndexOpts.SystemSymbolFilter =
IndexOpts.IndexFunctionLocals = true;
IndexOpts.IndexParametersInDeclarations = true;
IndexOpts.IndexTemplateParameters = true;
indexTopLevelDecls(AST.getASTContext(), AST.getPreprocessor(),
AST.getLocalTopLevelDecls(), RefFinder, IndexOpts);
return std::move(RefFinder).take();
} // namespace
std::vector<DocumentHighlight> findDocumentHighlights(ParsedAST &AST,
Position Pos) {
const SourceManager &SM = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
auto Symbols = getSymbolAtPosition(
AST, getBeginningOfIdentifier(AST, Pos, SM.getMainFileID()));
auto References = findRefs(Symbols.Decls, AST);
std::vector<DocumentHighlight> Result;
for (const auto &Ref : References) {
DocumentHighlight DH;
DH.range = getTokenRange(AST, Ref.Loc);
if (Ref.Role & index::SymbolRoleSet(index::SymbolRole::Write))
DH.kind = DocumentHighlightKind::Write;
else if (Ref.Role & index::SymbolRoleSet(index::SymbolRole::Read))
DH.kind = DocumentHighlightKind::Read;
DH.kind = DocumentHighlightKind::Text;
return Result;
static PrintingPolicy printingPolicyForDecls(PrintingPolicy Base) {
PrintingPolicy Policy(Base);
Policy.AnonymousTagLocations = false;
Policy.TerseOutput = true;
Policy.PolishForDeclaration = true;
Policy.ConstantsAsWritten = true;
Policy.SuppressTagKeyword = false;
return Policy;
/// Return a string representation (e.g. "class MyNamespace::MyClass") of
/// the type declaration \p TD.
static std::string typeDeclToString(const TypeDecl *TD) {
QualType Type = TD->getASTContext().getTypeDeclType(TD);
PrintingPolicy Policy =
std::string Name;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Stream(Name);
Type.print(Stream, Policy);
return Stream.str();
/// Return a string representation (e.g. "namespace ns1::ns2") of
/// the named declaration \p ND.
static std::string namedDeclQualifiedName(const NamedDecl *ND,
llvm::StringRef Prefix) {
PrintingPolicy Policy =
std::string Name;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Stream(Name);
Stream << Prefix << ' ';
ND->printQualifiedName(Stream, Policy);
return Stream.str();
/// Given a declaration \p D, return a human-readable string representing the
/// scope in which it is declared. If the declaration is in the global scope,
/// return the string "global namespace".
static llvm::Optional<std::string> getScopeName(const Decl *D) {
const DeclContext *DC = D->getDeclContext();
if (isa<TranslationUnitDecl>(DC))
return std::string("global namespace");
if (const TypeDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(DC))
return typeDeclToString(TD);
else if (const NamespaceDecl *ND = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(DC))
return namedDeclQualifiedName(ND, "namespace");
else if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(DC))
return namedDeclQualifiedName(FD, "function");
return None;
/// Generate a \p Hover object given the declaration \p D.
static Hover getHoverContents(const Decl *D) {
Hover H;
llvm::Optional<std::string> NamedScope = getScopeName(D);
// Generate the "Declared in" section.
if (NamedScope) {
H.contents.value += "Declared in ";
H.contents.value += *NamedScope;
H.contents.value += "\n\n";
// We want to include the template in the Hover.
if (TemplateDecl *TD = D->getDescribedTemplate())
D = TD;
std::string DeclText;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(DeclText);
PrintingPolicy Policy =
D->print(OS, Policy);
H.contents.value += DeclText;
return H;
/// Generate a \p Hover object given the type \p T.
static Hover getHoverContents(QualType T, ASTContext &ASTCtx) {
Hover H;
std::string TypeText;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(TypeText);
PrintingPolicy Policy = printingPolicyForDecls(ASTCtx.getPrintingPolicy());
T.print(OS, Policy);
H.contents.value += TypeText;
return H;
/// Generate a \p Hover object given the macro \p MacroDecl.
static Hover getHoverContents(MacroDecl Decl, ParsedAST &AST) {
SourceManager &SM = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
std::string Definition = Decl.Name;
// Try to get the full definition, not just the name
SourceLocation StartLoc = Decl.Info->getDefinitionLoc();
SourceLocation EndLoc = Decl.Info->getDefinitionEndLoc();
if (EndLoc.isValid()) {
EndLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(EndLoc, 0, SM,
bool Invalid;
StringRef Buffer = SM.getBufferData(SM.getFileID(StartLoc), &Invalid);
if (!Invalid) {
unsigned StartOffset = SM.getFileOffset(StartLoc);
unsigned EndOffset = SM.getFileOffset(EndLoc);
if (EndOffset <= Buffer.size() && StartOffset < EndOffset)
Definition = Buffer.substr(StartOffset, EndOffset - StartOffset).str();
Hover H;
H.contents.kind = MarkupKind::PlainText;
H.contents.value = "#define " + Definition;
return H;
namespace {
/// Computes the deduced type at a given location by visiting the relevant
/// nodes. We use this to display the actual type when hovering over an "auto"
/// keyword or "decltype()" expression.
/// FIXME: This could have been a lot simpler by visiting AutoTypeLocs but it
/// seems that the AutoTypeLocs that can be visited along with their AutoType do
/// not have the deduced type set. Instead, we have to go to the appropriate
/// DeclaratorDecl/FunctionDecl and work our back to the AutoType that does have
/// a deduced type set. The AST should be improved to simplify this scenario.
class DeducedTypeVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<DeducedTypeVisitor> {
SourceLocation SearchedLocation;
llvm::Optional<QualType> DeducedType;
DeducedTypeVisitor(SourceLocation SearchedLocation)
: SearchedLocation(SearchedLocation) {}
llvm::Optional<QualType> getDeducedType() { return DeducedType; }
// Handle auto initializers:
//- auto i = 1;
//- decltype(auto) i = 1;
//- auto& i = 1;
//- auto* i = &a;
bool VisitDeclaratorDecl(DeclaratorDecl *D) {
if (!D->getTypeSourceInfo() ||
D->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc().getBeginLoc() != SearchedLocation)
return true;
if (auto *AT = D->getType()->getContainedAutoType()) {
if (!AT->getDeducedType().isNull())
DeducedType = AT->getDeducedType();
return true;
// Handle auto return types:
//- auto foo() {}
//- auto& foo() {}
//- auto foo() -> int {}
//- auto foo() -> decltype(1+1) {}
//- operator auto() const { return 10; }
bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *D) {
if (!D->getTypeSourceInfo())
return true;
// Loc of auto in return type (c++14).
auto CurLoc = D->getReturnTypeSourceRange().getBegin();
// Loc of "auto" in operator auto()
if (CurLoc.isInvalid() && dyn_cast<CXXConversionDecl>(D))
CurLoc = D->getTypeSourceInfo()->getTypeLoc().getBeginLoc();
// Loc of "auto" in function with traling return type (c++11).
if (CurLoc.isInvalid())
CurLoc = D->getSourceRange().getBegin();
if (CurLoc != SearchedLocation)
return true;
const AutoType *AT = D->getReturnType()->getContainedAutoType();
if (AT && !AT->getDeducedType().isNull()) {
DeducedType = AT->getDeducedType();
} else if (auto DT = dyn_cast<DecltypeType>(D->getReturnType())) {
// auto in a trailing return type just points to a DecltypeType and
// getContainedAutoType does not unwrap it.
if (!DT->getUnderlyingType().isNull())
DeducedType = DT->getUnderlyingType();
} else if (!D->getReturnType().isNull()) {
DeducedType = D->getReturnType();
return true;
// Handle non-auto decltype, e.g.:
// - auto foo() -> decltype(expr) {}
// - decltype(expr);
bool VisitDecltypeTypeLoc(DecltypeTypeLoc TL) {
if (TL.getBeginLoc() != SearchedLocation)
return true;
// A DecltypeType's underlying type can be another DecltypeType! E.g.
// int I = 0;
// decltype(I) J = I;
// decltype(J) K = J;
const DecltypeType *DT = dyn_cast<DecltypeType>(TL.getTypePtr());
while (DT && !DT->getUnderlyingType().isNull()) {
DeducedType = DT->getUnderlyingType();
DT = dyn_cast<DecltypeType>(DeducedType->getTypePtr());
return true;
} // namespace
/// Retrieves the deduced type at a given location (auto, decltype).
llvm::Optional<QualType> getDeducedType(ParsedAST &AST,
SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg) {
Token Tok;
auto &ASTCtx = AST.getASTContext();
// Only try to find a deduced type if the token is auto or decltype.
if (!SourceLocationBeg.isValid() ||
Lexer::getRawToken(SourceLocationBeg, Tok, ASTCtx.getSourceManager(),
ASTCtx.getLangOpts(), false) ||
!Tok.is(tok::raw_identifier)) {
return {};
if (!(Tok.is(tok::kw_auto) || Tok.is(tok::kw_decltype)))
return {};
DeducedTypeVisitor V(SourceLocationBeg);
return V.getDeducedType();
llvm::Optional<Hover> getHover(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos) {
const SourceManager &SourceMgr = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg =
getBeginningOfIdentifier(AST, Pos, SourceMgr.getMainFileID());
// Identified symbols at a specific position.
auto Symbols = getSymbolAtPosition(AST, SourceLocationBeg);
if (!Symbols.Macros.empty())
return getHoverContents(Symbols.Macros[0], AST);
if (!Symbols.Decls.empty())
return getHoverContents(Symbols.Decls[0]);
auto DeducedType = getDeducedType(AST, SourceLocationBeg);
if (DeducedType && !DeducedType->isNull())
return getHoverContents(*DeducedType, AST.getASTContext());
return None;
std::vector<Location> findReferences(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos,
uint32_t Limit, const SymbolIndex *Index) {
if (!Limit)
Limit = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
std::vector<Location> Results;
const SourceManager &SM = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
auto MainFilePath =
getCanonicalPath(SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getMainFileID()), SM);
if (!MainFilePath) {
elog("Failed to get a path for the main file, so no references");
return Results;
auto Loc = getBeginningOfIdentifier(AST, Pos, SM.getMainFileID());
auto Symbols = getSymbolAtPosition(AST, Loc);
// We traverse the AST to find references in the main file.
// TODO: should we handle macros, too?
auto MainFileRefs = findRefs(Symbols.Decls, AST);
for (const auto &Ref : MainFileRefs) {
Location Result;
Result.range = getTokenRange(AST, Ref.Loc);
Result.uri = URIForFile::canonicalize(*MainFilePath, *MainFilePath);
// Now query the index for references from other files.
if (Index && Results.size() < Limit) {
RefsRequest Req;
Req.Limit = Limit;
for (const Decl *D : Symbols.Decls) {
// Not all symbols can be referenced from outside (e.g. function-locals).
// TODO: we could skip TU-scoped symbols here (e.g. static functions) if
// we know this file isn't a header. The details might be tricky.
if (D->getParentFunctionOrMethod())
if (auto ID = getSymbolID(D))
if (Req.IDs.empty())
return Results;
Index->refs(Req, [&](const Ref &R) {
auto LSPLoc = toLSPLocation(R.Location, *MainFilePath);
// Avoid indexed results for the main file - the AST is authoritative.
if (LSPLoc && LSPLoc->uri.file() != *MainFilePath)
if (Results.size() > Limit)
return Results;
std::vector<SymbolDetails> getSymbolInfo(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos) {
const SourceManager &SM = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
auto Loc = getBeginningOfIdentifier(AST, Pos, SM.getMainFileID());
auto Symbols = getSymbolAtPosition(AST, Loc);
std::vector<SymbolDetails> Results;
for (const Decl *D : Symbols.Decls) {
SymbolDetails NewSymbol;
if (const NamedDecl *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D)) {
std::string QName = printQualifiedName(*ND);
std::tie(NewSymbol.containerName, NewSymbol.name) =
if (NewSymbol.containerName.empty()) {
if (const auto *ParentND =
NewSymbol.containerName = printQualifiedName(*ParentND);
llvm::SmallString<32> USR;
if (!index::generateUSRForDecl(D, USR)) {
NewSymbol.USR = USR.str();
NewSymbol.ID = SymbolID(NewSymbol.USR);
for (const auto &Macro : Symbols.Macros) {
SymbolDetails NewMacro;
NewMacro.name = Macro.Name;
llvm::SmallString<32> USR;
if (!index::generateUSRForMacro(NewMacro.name,
Macro.Info->getDefinitionLoc(), SM, USR)) {
NewMacro.USR = USR.str();
NewMacro.ID = SymbolID(NewMacro.USR);
return Results;
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const LocatedSymbol &S) {
OS << S.Name << ": " << S.PreferredDeclaration;
if (S.Definition)
OS << " def=" << *S.Definition;
return OS;
// FIXME(nridge): Reduce duplication between this function and declToSym().
static llvm::Optional<TypeHierarchyItem>
declToTypeHierarchyItem(ASTContext &Ctx, const NamedDecl &ND) {
auto &SM = Ctx.getSourceManager();
SourceLocation NameLoc = findNameLoc(&ND);
// getFileLoc is a good choice for us, but we also need to make sure
// sourceLocToPosition won't switch files, so we call getSpellingLoc on top of
// that to make sure it does not switch files.
// FIXME: sourceLocToPosition should not switch files!
SourceLocation BeginLoc = SM.getSpellingLoc(SM.getFileLoc(ND.getBeginLoc()));
SourceLocation EndLoc = SM.getSpellingLoc(SM.getFileLoc(ND.getEndLoc()));
if (NameLoc.isInvalid() || BeginLoc.isInvalid() || EndLoc.isInvalid())
return llvm::None;
Position NameBegin = sourceLocToPosition(SM, NameLoc);
Position NameEnd = sourceLocToPosition(
SM, Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(NameLoc, 0, SM, Ctx.getLangOpts()));
index::SymbolInfo SymInfo = index::getSymbolInfo(&ND);
// FIXME: this is not classifying constructors, destructors and operators
// correctly (they're all "methods").
SymbolKind SK = indexSymbolKindToSymbolKind(SymInfo.Kind);
TypeHierarchyItem THI;
THI.name = printName(Ctx, ND);
THI.kind = SK;
THI.deprecated = ND.isDeprecated();
THI.range =
Range{sourceLocToPosition(SM, BeginLoc), sourceLocToPosition(SM, EndLoc)};
THI.selectionRange = Range{NameBegin, NameEnd};
if (!THI.range.contains(THI.selectionRange)) {
// 'selectionRange' must be contained in 'range', so in cases where clang
// reports unrelated ranges we need to reconcile somehow.
THI.range = THI.selectionRange;
auto FilePath =
getCanonicalPath(SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getFileID(BeginLoc)), SM);
auto TUPath = getCanonicalPath(SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getMainFileID()), SM);
if (!FilePath || !TUPath)
return llvm::None; // Not useful without a uri.
THI.uri = URIForFile::canonicalize(*FilePath, *TUPath);
return THI;
static Optional<TypeHierarchyItem> getTypeAncestors(const CXXRecordDecl &CXXRD,
ASTContext &ASTCtx) {
Optional<TypeHierarchyItem> Result = declToTypeHierarchyItem(ASTCtx, CXXRD);
if (!Result)
return Result;
for (const CXXRecordDecl *ParentDecl : typeParents(&CXXRD)) {
if (Optional<TypeHierarchyItem> ParentSym =
getTypeAncestors(*ParentDecl, ASTCtx)) {
return Result;
const CXXRecordDecl *findRecordTypeAt(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos) {
ASTContext &ASTCtx = AST.getASTContext();
const SourceManager &SourceMgr = ASTCtx.getSourceManager();
SourceLocation SourceLocationBeg =
getBeginningOfIdentifier(AST, Pos, SourceMgr.getMainFileID());
IdentifiedSymbol Symbols = getSymbolAtPosition(AST, SourceLocationBeg);
if (Symbols.Decls.empty())
return nullptr;
const Decl *D = Symbols.Decls[0];
if (const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D)) {
// If this is a variable, use the type of the variable.
return VD->getType().getTypePtr()->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
if (const CXXMethodDecl *Method = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(D)) {
// If this is a method, use the type of the class.
return Method->getParent();
// We don't handle FieldDecl because it's not clear what behaviour
// the user would expect: the enclosing class type (as with a
// method), or the field's type (as with a variable).
return dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(D);
std::vector<const CXXRecordDecl *> typeParents(const CXXRecordDecl *CXXRD) {
std::vector<const CXXRecordDecl *> Result;
for (auto Base : CXXRD->bases()) {
const CXXRecordDecl *ParentDecl = nullptr;
const Type *Type = Base.getType().getTypePtr();
if (const RecordType *RT = Type->getAs<RecordType>()) {
ParentDecl = RT->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
// For now, do not handle dependent bases such as "Base<T>".
// We would like to handle them by heuristically choosing the
// primary template declaration, but we need to take care to
// avoid infinite recursion.
if (ParentDecl)
return Result;
getTypeHierarchy(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, int ResolveLevels,
TypeHierarchyDirection Direction) {
const CXXRecordDecl *CXXRD = findRecordTypeAt(AST, Pos);
if (!CXXRD)
return llvm::None;
Optional<TypeHierarchyItem> Result =
getTypeAncestors(*CXXRD, AST.getASTContext());
// FIXME(nridge): Resolve type descendants if direction is Children or Both,
// and ResolveLevels > 0.
return Result;
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang