Add folding rule for std.or op when an operand has all bits set.
or(x, <all bits set>) -> <all bits set>
Differential Revision:
This was causing a subsequent assert/crash when a type converter failed to convert a block argument.
Reviewed By: rriddle
Differential Revision:
New mode option that allows for either running the default fusion kind that happens today or doing either of producer-consumer or sibling fusion. This will also be helpful to minimize the compile-time of the fusion tests.
Reviewed By: bondhugula, dcaballe
Differential Revision:
This fixes a bug where we discover new information about the arguments of an
already executable edge, but don't visit the arguments. We only visit the arguments, and not the block itself, so this commit shouldn't really affect performance at all.
Fixes PR#51871
Differential Revision:
The discussion on forum:
The `applyPartialConversion` didn't handle the operations, that were
marked as illegal inside dynamic legality callback.
Instead of reporting error, if such operation was not converted to legal set,
the method just added it to `unconvertedSet` in the same way as unknown operations.
This patch fixes that and handle dynamically illegal operations as well.
The patch includes 2 fixes for existing passes:
* `tensor-bufferize` - explicitly mark `std.return` as legal.
* `convert-parallel-loops-to-gpu` - ugly fix with marking visited operations
to avoid recursive legality checks.
Reviewed By: rriddle
Differential Revision:
It is the case that, for all positive a and b such that b divides a
(e mod (a * b)) mod b = e mod b. For example, ((d0 mod 35) mod 5) can
be simplified to (d0 mod 5), but ((d0 mod 35) mod 4) cannot be simplified
further (x = 36 is a counterexample).
This change enables more complex simplifications. For example,
((d0 * 72 + d1) mod 144) mod 9 can now simplify to (d0 * 72 + d1) mod 9
and thus to d1 mod 9. Expressions with chained modulus operators are
reasonably common in tensor applications, and this change _should_
improve code generation for such expressions.
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
Both copy/alloc ops are using memref dialect after this change.
Reviewed By: silvas, mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
Add loop coalesce utility for affine.for. This expects loops to have
been normalized a-priori. This works for both constant as well non
constant upper bounds having single/multiple result upper bound affine
With contributions from Arnab Dutta and Uday Bondhugula.
Reviewed By: bondhugula, ayzhuang
Differential Revision:
Currently the builtin dialect is the default namespace used for parsing
and printing. As such module and func don't need to be prefixed.
In the case of some dialects that defines new regions for their own
purpose (like SpirV modules for example), it can be beneficial to
change the default dialect in order to improve readability.
Differential Revision:
This revision fixes a bug where an operation would get replaced with
a pre-existing constant that didn't dominate it. This can occur when
a pattern inserts operations to be folded at the beginning of the
constants insertion block. This revision fixes the bug by moving the
existing constant before the replaced operation in such cases. This is
fine because if a constant didn't already exist, a new one would have
been inserted before this operation anyways.
Differential Revision:
This patch enables normalizing memrefs with MemRef_ReinterpretCastOp by
adding MemRefsNormalizable trait in the Op definition.
Signed-off-by: Haruki Imai <>
Reviewed By: bondhugula
Differential Revision:
* Add new pass option `print-data-flow-edges`, default value `true`.
* Add new pass option `print-control-flow-edges`, default value `false`.
* Remove `PrintCFGPass`. Same functionality now provided by
Differential Revision:
* Visualize blocks and regions as subgraphs.
* Generate DOT file directly instead of using `GraphTraits`. `GraphTraits` does not support subgraphs.
Differential Revision:
mlir/test/transforms/loop-fusion.mlir is too big and is split into mlir/test/transforms/loop-fusion.mlir, mlir/test/transforms/loop-fusion-2.mlir, mlir/test/transforms/loop-fusion-3.mlir
and mlir/test/transforms/loop-fusion-4.mlir. Further tests can be added in mlir/test/transforms/loop-fusion-4.mlir
Reviewed By: bondhugula
Differential Revision:
The presence of AffineIfOp inside AffineFor prevents fusion of the other loops to happen. For example:
affine.for %i0 = 0 to 10 { %cf7, %a[%i0] : memref<10xf32>
affine.for %i1 = 0 to 10 {
%v0 = affine.load %a[%i1] : memref<10xf32> %v0, %b[%i1] : memref<10xf32>
affine.for %i2 = 0 to 10 {
affine.if #set(%i2) {
%v0 = affine.load %b[%i2] : memref<10xf32>
The first two loops were not be fused because of `affine.if` inside the last `affine.for`.
The issue seems to come from a conservative constraint that does not allow fusion if there are ops whose number of regions != 0 (affine.if is one of them).
This patch just removes such a constraint when`affine.if` is inside `affine.for`. The existing `canFuseLoops` method is able to handle `affine.if` correctly.
Reviewed By: bondhugula, vinayaka-polymage
Differential Revision:
Historically the builtin dialect has had an empty namespace. This has unfortunately created a very awkward situation, where many utilities either have to special case the empty namespace, or just don't work at all right now. This revision adds a namespace to the builtin dialect, and starts to cleanup some of the utilities to no longer handle empty namespaces. For now, the assembly form of builtin operations does not require the `builtin.` prefix. (This should likely be re-evaluated though)
Differential Revision:
This CL adds a new RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface to query information about operands that can be
passed to successor regions. Similar to the BranchOpInterface, it allows to freely define the
involved operands. However, in contrast to the BranchOpInterface, it expects an additional region
number to distinguish between various use cases which might require different operands passed to
different regions.
Moreover, we added new utility functions (namely getMutableRegionBranchSuccessorOperands and
getRegionBranchSuccessorOperands) to query (mutable) operand ranges for operations equiped with the
ReturnLike trait and/or implementing the newly added interface. This simplifies reasoning about
terminators in the scope of the nested regions.
We also adjusted the SCF.ConditionOp to benefit from the newly added capabilities.
Differential Revision:
- Change walkReturnOperations() to be a non-template and look at block terminator
for ReturnLike trait.
- Clarify description of validateSupportedControlFlow
- Eliminate unused argument in Backedges::recurse.
- Eliminate repeated calls to getFunction()
- Fix wording for non-SCF loop failure
Differential Revision:
Changes include the following:
1. Single iteration reduction loops being sibling fused at innermost insertion level
are skipped from being considered as sequential loops.
Otherwise, the slice bounds of these loops is reset.
2. Promote loops that are skipped in previous step into outer loops.
3. Two utility function - buildSliceTripCountMap, getSliceIterationCount - are moved from
mlir/lib/Transforms/Utils/LoopFusionUtils.cpp to mlir/lib/Analysis/Utils.cpp
Reviewed By: bondhugula, vinayaka-polymage
Differential Revision:
* Split memref.dim into two operations: memref.dim and tensor.dim. Both ops have the same builder interface and op argument names, so that they can be used with templates in patterns that apply to both tensors and memrefs (e.g., some patterns in Linalg).
* Add constant materializer to TensorDialect (needed for folding in affine.apply etc.).
* Remove some MemRefDialect dependencies, make some explicit.
Differential Revision:
Without it BufferDeallocationPass process only CloneOps created during pass itself and ignore all CloneOps that were already present in IR.
For our specific usecase:
func @dealloc_existing_clones(%arg0: memref<?x?xf64>, %arg1: memref<?x?xf64>) -> memref<?x?xf64> {
return %arg0 : memref<?x?xf64>
Input arguments will be freed immediately after return from function and we want to prolong lifetime for the returned argument.
To achieve this we explicitly add clones to all input memrefs and expect that BufferDeallocationPass will add correct deallocs to them (unnessesary clone+dealloc pairs will be canonicalized away later).
Differential Revision:
During slice computation of affine loop fusion, detect one id as the mod
of another id w.r.t a constant in a more generic way. Restrictions on
co-efficients of the ids is removed. Also, information from the
previously calculated ids is used for simplification of affine
expressions, e.g.,
If `id1` = `id2`,
`id_n - divisor * id_q - id_r + id1 - id2 = 0`, is simplified to:
`id_n - divisor * id_q - id_r = 0`.
If `c` is a non-zero integer,
`c*id_n - c*divisor * id_q - c*id_r = 0`, is simplified to:
`id_n - divisor * id_q - id_r = 0`.
Reviewed By: bondhugula, ayzhuang
Differential Revision:
The main goal of this commit is to remove the dependency of Standard dialect on the Tensor dialect.
* Rename SubTensorOp -> tensor.extract_slice, SubTensorInsertOp -> tensor.insert_slice.
* Some helper functions are (already) duplicated between the Tensor dialect and the MemRef dialect. To keep this commit smaller, this will be cleaned up in a separate commit.
* Additional dialect dependencies: Shape --> Tensor, Tensor --> Standard
* Remove dialect dependencies: Standard --> Tensor
* Move canonicalization test cases to correct dialect (Tensor/MemRef).
Note: This is a fixed version of, which was reverted due to a missing update to two CMakeFile.txt.
Differential Revision:
The main goal of this commit is to remove the dependency of Standard dialect on the Tensor dialect.
* Rename ops: SubTensorOp --> ExtractTensorOp, SubTensorInsertOp --> InsertTensorOp
* Some helper functions are (already) duplicated between the Tensor dialect and the MemRef dialect. To keep this commit smaller, this will be cleaned up in a separate commit.
* Additional dialect dependencies: Shape --> Tensor, Tensor --> Standard
* Remove dialect dependencies: Standard --> Tensor
* Move canonicalization test cases to correct dialect (Tensor/MemRef).
Differential Revision:
Based on dicussion in
thread the pattern to resolve the `memref.dim` of a value that is a
result of an operation that implements the
`InferShapedTypeOpInterface` is moved to a separate pass instead of
running it as a canonicalization pass. This allows shape resolution to
happen when explicitly required, instead of automatically through a
Differential Revision:
This patch changes the (not recommended) static registration API from:
static PassRegistration<MyPass> reg("my-pass", "My Pass Description.");
static PassRegistration<MyPass> reg;
And the explicit registration from:
void registerPass("my-pass", "My Pass Description.",
[] { return createMyPass(); });
void registerPass([] { return createMyPass(); });
It is expected that Pass implementations overrides the getArgument() method
instead. This will ensure that pipeline description can be printed and parsed
Differential Revision:
This allows for dialects to do different post-processing depending on operations with the inliner (my use case requires different attribute propagation rules depending on call op). This hook runs before the regular processInlinedBlocks method.
Differential Revision:
This revision allows for attaching "debug labels" to patterns, and provides to FrozenRewritePatternSet for filtering patterns based on these labels (in addition to the debug name of the pattern). This will greatly simplify the ability to write tests targeted towards specific patterns (in cases where many patterns may interact), will also simplify debugging pattern application by observing how application changes when enabling/disabling specific patterns.
To enable better reuse of pattern rewrite options between passes, this revision also adds a new file to the Rewrite/ library that will allow for passes to easily hook into a common interface for pattern debugging. Two options are used to seed this utility, `disable-patterns` and `enable-patterns`, which are used to enable the filtering behavior indicated above.
Differential Revision:
* Add `hasCanonicalizer` option to Dialect.
* Initialize canonicalizer with dialect-wide canonicalization patterns.
* Add test case to TestDialect.
Dialect-wide canonicalization patterns are useful if a canonicalization pattern does not conceptually associate with any single operation, i.e., it should not be registered as part of an operation's `getCanonicalizationPatterns` function. E.g., this is the case for canonicalization patterns that match an op interface.
Differential Revision:
This provides a sizable compile time improvement by seeding
the worklist in an order that leads to less iterations of the
This patch only changes the behavior of the Canonicalize pass
itself, it does not affect other passes that use the
GreedyPatternRewrite driver
Differential Revision:
Steps for normalizing dynamic memrefs for tiled layout map
1. Check if original map is tiled layout. Only tiled layout is supported.
2. Create normalized memrefType. Dimensions that include dynamic dimensions
in the map output will be dynamic dimensions.
3. Create new maps to calculate each dimension size of new memref.
In tiled layout, the dimension size can be calculated by replacing
"floordiv <tile size>" with "ceildiv <tile size>" and
"mod <tile size>" with "<tile size>".
4. Create AffineApplyOp to apply the new maps. The output of AffineApplyOp is
dynamicSizes for new AllocOp.
5. Add the new dynamic sizes in new AllocOp.
This patch also set MemRefsNormalizable trant in CastOp and DimOp since
they used with dynamic memrefs.
Reviewed By: bondhugula
Differential Revision:
This adds the ability to specify a location when creating BlockArguments.
Notably Value::getLoc() will return this correctly, which makes diagnostics
more precise (e.g. the example in test-legalize-type-conversion.mlir).
This is currently optional to avoid breaking any existing code - if
absent, the BlockArgument defaults to using the location of its enclosing
operation (preserving existing behavior).
The bulk of this change is plumbing location tracking through the parser
and printer to make sure it can round trip (in -mlir-print-debuginfo
mode). This is complete for generic operations, but requires manual
adoption for custom ops.
I added support for function-like ops to round trip their argument
locations - they print correctly, but when parsing the locations are
dropped on the floor. I intend to fix this, but it will require more
invasive plumbing through "function_like_impl" stuff so I think it
best to split it out to its own patch.
This is a reapply of the patch here:
with an additional change: we now never defer block argument locations,
guaranteeing that we can round trip correctly.
This isn't required in all cases, but allows us to hill climb here and
works around unrelated bugs like
Differential Revision:
"[mlir] Speed up Lexer::getEncodedSourceLocation"
This reverts commit 3043be9d2d and commit
This change resulted in printing textual MLIR that can't be parsed; see
review thread for details.
This adds the ability to specify a location when creating BlockArguments.
Notably Value::getLoc() will return this correctly, which makes diagnostics
more precise (e.g. the example in test-legalize-type-conversion.mlir).
This is currently optional to avoid breaking any existing code - if
absent, the BlockArgument defaults to using the location of its enclosing
operation (preserving existing behavior).
The bulk of this change is plumbing location tracking through the parser
and printer to make sure it can round trip (in -mlir-print-debuginfo
mode). This is complete for generic operations, but requires manual
adoption for custom ops.
I added support for function-like ops to round trip their argument
locations - they print correctly, but when parsing the locations are
dropped on the floor. I intend to fix this, but it will require more
invasive plumbing through "function_like_impl" stuff so I think it
best to split it out to its own patch.
Differential Revision:
During affine loop fusion, create private memrefs for escaping memrefs
too under the conditions that:
-- the source is not removed after fusion, and
-- the destination does not write to the memref.
This creates more fusion opportunities as illustrated in the test case.
Reviewed By: bondhugula, ayzhuang
Differential Revision:
In the buffer deallocation pass, unranked memref types are not properly supported.
After investigating this issue, it turns out that the Clone and Dealloc operation
does not support unranked memref types in the current implementation.
This patch adds the missing feature and enables the transformation of any memref
This patch solves this bug:
Differential Revision:
We weren't properly visiting region successors when the terminator wasn't return like, which could create incorrect results in the analysis. This revision ensures that we properly visit region successors, to avoid optimistically assuming a value is constant when it isn't.
Differential Revision:
Add two canoncalizations for scf.if.
1) A canonicalization that allows users of a condition within an if to assume the condition
is true if in the true region, etc.
2) A canonicalization that removes yielded statements that are equivalent to the condition
or its negation
Differential Revision:
When allocLikeOp is updated in alloc constant folding,
alighnment attribute was ignored. This patch fixes it.
Signed-off-by: Haruki Imai <>
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
MLIR test Transforms/canonicalize.mlir tries to check for the absence of
a sequence of instructions with several CHECK-NOT with one of those
directives using a variable defined in another. However CHECK-NOT are
checked independently so that is using a variable defined in a pattern
that should not occur in the input.
This commit removes the dependency between those CHECK-NOT by replacing
occurences of variables by the regex that were used to define them.
Reviewed By: pifon2a
Differential Revision: