This CL prepares for mixing lowering of tiled linalg operations to loops with load and store operations. In particular it is necessary to capture partial tile information in views. This CL makes slice ops during Linalg tiling properly stop at partial tile boundaries by implementing `min` with a `cmpi` and `select` over values of index type.
To be consistent with lowering to loops, the implementation of tiling also drops specifics of accessing values via ranges and instead uses ranges of the form
`[0, dim(view), 1]` for creating view slices. This simplifies the code for the implementation of tiling and utils.
This also allows removing restrictions around needing a View or SliceOp defined in the current function context (as well as all it RangeOps). The restriction removal is tested by making the dot test operate directly on views.
The above is still subject to folding of the linalg.dim operation left for a future CL.
At this time, mixing tiling and lowering to loops all the way to execution is not yet functional because affine.for does not allow arbitrarily defined values of index type as its operands.
The previously introduced linalg.range_intersection was not sufficient to capture the necessary information and still required dealing with max quantities.
A followup CL will remove linalg.range_intersection.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 249698823
This CL makes lowering to loops always be a:
%D = linalg.dim %view, constant : !linalg.view<...>
affine.for %ix = %c0 to %D {
This form composes correctly with tiling and is also the proper way to emit loops from views that across function boundaries.
The previous version that would extract the range_min/max/step was composing incorrectly with tiling (i.e. would shift by range_min both in the loop bounds and in the slice) and would not work across function boundaries.
The relevant tests are updated and a new test `dot_view`---which lowers to loops from views passed as function parameters---is added.
When additional context is available, the linalg.dim operations should be folded away but this is left for a future CL.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 249634712
This CL adds a pass to lower out of dot,matvec,matmul etc and into a combination of affine.for, linalg.load and operations.
Such operations can then later lowered to LLVM.
This CL essentially performs op expansion using EDSCs and factors out a few common utils from Tiling.cpp.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 249049518
This CL adds an operation whose purpose is to encode boundary conditions directly in the view type. In particular, full/partial tile distinction can
occur at the level of metadata only.
This CL also adopts a Linalg_Op pattern that is similar to Std_Op.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 248529469
A linalg.dim operation is used to extract size information from !linalg.view objects passed
through function call boundaries.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 248017488
This CL builds upon ftynse@'s Linalg dialect conversion (in examples/Linalg/Linalg1) and updates it to support buffers and the fully composed form of view and slice operations.
A new BufferSizeOp is introduced for the purpose of extracting the size information from a buffer.
This will be useful in a followup CL for an end-to-end LLVM execution path where mlir-cpu-runner will allocate a buffer.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 246358593
This CL adds a primitive tiling pass for Linalg.
The tiling pass uses the loopToOperandRangesMaps property which should be ideally Tablegen'd and in-class.
The tiling specification uses 0 as a convention to skip loops that should not be tiled.
Tiling proceeds in 3 steps, for each op:
1. Pad tile sizes with 0 to match the number of loops, this simplifies the implementation and avoids affine map manipulations to align dimensions.
2. Create loop ranges that represent the min/max/step by which to iterate. This should be later complemented by a range intersection to avoid the out-of-bounds case.
3. Map the loop ranges to view ranges in order to create subviews on which the op can be called.
Relevant utility and helper functions are added separately that support writing the transformation in a declarative fashion.
Simplifying assumptions are made for now on the views and the ranges that are constructed
in the function and are not passed as function arguments. This restriction will be lifted
in the future.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 246124419
This CL adds, linalg.matvec and linalg.matmul ops with the proper roundtripping test. These are the first LinalgOp that operate on views and that will lower to library calls.
Linalg ops exhibit some common properties and behavior that are modeled with Traits.
A LinalgOp is defined as a generic Op that operates on input and output views (passed as operands) and has the following properties:
1. a number of input and outputs captured by the `NInputsAndOutputs` trait.
2. a list of ranks for each operand captured by the `ViewRanks` trait.
3. a set of parallel, reduction and windowing loops captured by `NLoopTypes` trait.
These represent are a first set of generic properties that will enable the definition of generic linear algebra operations and the properties necessary for upcoming transformations.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 244912754
This CL adds a linalg.slice op with the proper roundtripping test.
A slice op allows taking subviews that may be rank-reducing (if some indexing is of index type) or not (if all indexings are of linalg.range type).
A slice must be constructed directly from a base view (no chains of slices may exist in the IR). Helper functions that fold will be provided for construction if/when necessary.
This also renames base_view to view.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 244406827
This CL adds a linalg.view<?x?xf32> type and base_view op with the proper roundtripping test. The parser will be improved in a subsequent CL once portions of the mlir::Parser are exposed.
For now this only supports dynamic views, static views will be introduced at a later time when they are needed.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 244374180
This CL starts implementing a Linalg dialect with the objective of supporting
optimizing compilation of loops and library calls for a subset of common linear
algebra operations.
This CL starts by simply adding a linalg.range type and an operation with the
proper roundtripping test.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 244189468