NAMELIST input can contain array subscripts with triplet notation.
The calculation of the default effective stride for the constructed
array descriptor was simply incorrect after the first dimension.
Differential Revision:
NAMELIST array input does not need to fully define an array.
If another input item begins after at least one element,
it ends input into the array and the remaining items are
not modified.
The tricky part of supporting this feature is that it's not
always easy to determine whether the next non-blank thing in
the input is a value or the next item's name, esp. in the case
of logical data where T and F can be names. E.g.,
&group logicalArray = t f f t
= 1 /
should read three elements into "logicalArray" and then read
an integer or real variable named "t".
So the I/O runtime has to do some look-ahead to determine whether
the next thing in the input is a name followed by '=', '(', or '%'.
Since the '=' may be on a later record, possibly with intervening
NAMELIST comments, the runtime has to support a general form of
saving and restoring its current position. The infrastructure
in the I/O runtime already has to support repositioning for
list-directed repetition, even on non-positionable input sources
like terminals and sockets; this patch adds an internal RAII API
to make it easier to save a position and then do arbitrary
Differential Revision:
Move the closure of the subset of flang/runtime/*.h header files that
are referenced by source files outside flang/runtime (apart from unit tests)
into a new directory (flang/include/flang/Runtime) so that relative
include paths into ../runtime need not be used.
flang/runtime/ is moved to flang/include/flang/Evaluate;
it's not used by the runtime.
Differential Revision:
NAMELIST input needs to start with a call to BeginReadingRecord().
Internal unit input doesn't care (so unit tests were passing), but
external unit input does need the call and will assert without it.
Differential Revision:
NAMELIST I/O formatting uses the runtime infrastructure for
list-directed I/O. List-directed input processing has same state
that requires reinitialization for each successive NAMELIST input
item. This patch fixes bugs with "null" items and repetition counts
on NAMELIST input items after the first in the group.
Differential Revision:
Use derived type information tables to drive default component
initialization (when needed), component destruction, and calls to
final subroutines. Perform these operations automatically for
ALLOCATE()/DEALLOCATE() APIs for allocatables, automatics, and
pointers. Add APIs for use in lowering to perform these operations
for non-allocatable/automatic non-pointer variables.
Data pointer component initialization supports arbitrary constant
designators, a F'2008 feature, which may be a first for Fortran
Differential Revision:
This is *not* user-defined derived type I/O, but rather Fortran's
built-in capabilities for using derived type data in I/O lists
and NAMELIST groups.
This feature depends on having the derived type description tables
that are created by Semantics available, passed through compilation
as initialized static objects to which pointers can be targeted
in the descriptors of I/O list items and NAMELIST groups.
NAMELIST processing now handles component references on input
(e.g., "&GROUP x%component = 123 /").
The C++ perspectives of the derived type information records
were transformed into proper classes when it was necessary to add
member functions to them.
The code in Semantics that generates derived type information
was changed to emit derived type components in component order,
not alphabetic order.
Differential Revision:
Add InputNamelist and OutputNamelist as I/O data transfer APIs
to be used with internal & external list-directed I/O; delete the
needless original namelist-specific Begin... calls.
Implement NAMELIST output and input; add basic tests.
Differential Revision: