CMPLX was always rewritten as a complex constructor, but the second operand
of a complex constructor cannot be dynamically absent (i.e., a
disassociated pointer, an unallocated allocatable or an absent OPTIONAL
dummy argument), while the second argument of CMPLX can be dynamically
To avoid having to generate branches in complex constructor lowering
when Y is a pointer, keep the distinction between CMPLX and a complex
constructor when Y is a pointer, an allocatable, or an OPTIONAL entity.
Differential Revision:
Consistent with previously documented policy, in which
BOZ literals are accepted in non-standard-conforming circumstances
where they can be converted to an unambiguous known numeric type,
allow BOZ literals to be passed as an actual argument in a reference
to a procedure whose explicit interface has a corresponding dummy
argument with a numeric type to which the BOZ literal may be
converted. Improve error messages associated with BOZ literal
actual arguments, too: don't emit multiple errors.
Differential Revision:
We already accept assignments of INTEGER to LOGICAL (& vice versa)
as an extension, but not initialization. Extend initialization
to cover those cases.
(Also fix misspelling in nearby comment as suggested by code reviewer.)
Decouple an inadvertent dependence cycle by moving two
one-line function definitions into a header file.
Differential Revision:
Rather than represent the mixed real/complex subexpression x*(a,b)
as (x*a,x*b), use (x,0)*(a,b) to avoid a potential code duplication
in current lowering code. Same for mixed division, and for mixed
integer*complex and integer/complex cases.
Differential Review:
Some kinds of Fortran arrays are declared with the same syntax,
and it is impossible to tell from a shape (:, :) or (*) whether
the object is assumed shape, deferred shape, assumed size, implied
shape, or whatever without recourse to more information about the
symbol in question. This patch softens the names of some predicate
functions (IsAssumedShape to CanBeAssumedShape) and makes others
more reflective of the syntax they represent (isAssumed to isStar)
in an attempt to encourage coders to seek and find definitive
predicate functions whose names deliver what they seem to mean.
Address TODO comments in IsSimplyContiguous() by using the
updated IsAssumedShape() predicate.
Differential Revision:
A quick fix last week to the shared library build caused
the predicate IsCoarray(const Symbol &) to be moved from
Semantics to Evaluate. This patch completes that move in
a way that properly combines the existing IsCoarray() tests
for expressions and other object with the test for a symbol.
Differential Revision:
An earlier fix to evaluate::IsSaved() needed to preserve its
treatment of named constants in modules and main programs -- i.e.
they would appear to be saved -- until a correction was added
to the lowering code. This TODO can now be resolved.
Differential Revision:
The predicate IsCoarray() needs to be in libFortranEvaluate so that
IsSaved() can call it without breaking the shared library build.
Pushed without pre-commit review as I'm moving code around and
the fix to the shared build is confirmed.
This legacy option (available in other Fortran compilers with various
spellings) implies the SAVE attribute for local variables on subprograms
that are not explicitly RECURSIVE. The SAVE attribute essentially implies
static rather than stack storage. This was the default setting in Fortran
until surprisingly recently, so explicit SAVE statements & attributes
could be and often were omitted from older codes. Note that initialized
objects already have an implied SAVE attribute, and objects in COMMON
effectively do too, as data overlays are extinct; and since objects that are
expected to survive from one invocation of a procedure to the next in static
storage should probably be explicit initialized in the first place, so the
use cases for this option are somewhat rare, and all of them could be
handled with explicit SAVE statements or attributes.
This implicit SAVE attribute must not apply to automatic (in the Fortran sense)
local objects, whose sizes cannot be known at compilation time. To get the
semantics of IsSaved() right, the IsAutomatic() predicate was moved into
Evaluate/tools.cpp to allow for dynamic linking of the compiler. The
redundant predicate IsAutomatic() was noticed, removed, and its uses replaced.
GNU Fortran's spelling of the option (-fno-automatic) was added to
the clang-based driver and used for basic sanity testing.
Differential Revision:
Section, paragraph 3 states that, for procedure pointer assignment:
If the pointer object has an explicit interface, its characteristics shall be
the same as the pointer target ...
Thus, it's illegal for a procedure pointer with an explicit interface to be
associated with a procedure whose interface is implicit. However, there's no
prohibition that disallows a procedure pointer with an implicit interface from
being associated with a procedure whose interface is explicit.
We were incorrectly emitting an error message for this latter case.
We were also not covering the case of procedures with explicit
interfaces where calling them requires the use of a descriptor. Such
procedures cannot be associated with procedure pointers with implicit
Differential Revision:
Fortran defines an ENTRY point name as being pure if its enclosing
subprogram scope defines a pure procedure.
Differential Revision:
If the procedure pointer has an explicit interface, its characteristics must
equal the characteristics of its target, except that the target may be pure or
elemental also when the pointer is not (cf. F2018 In the semantics
check for assignment of procedure pointers, the attributes of the procedures
were not checked correctly due to a typo. This caused some illegal
pointer-target-combinations to pass without raising an error. Fix this, and
expand the test case to improve the coverage of procedure pointer assignment
Reviewed By: PeteSteinfeld
Differential Revision:
The clang-aarch64-full-2stage buildbot is complaining about a
warning with three instances in f18 code (none modified recently).
The warning is for using the | bitwise OR operator on bool operands.
In one instance, the bitwise operator was being used instead of the
logical || operator in order to avoid short-circuting. The fix
requires using some temporary variables. In the other two instances,
the bitwise operator seemed more idiomatic in context, but can be
replaced without harm with the logical operator.
Pushing without review as confidence is high and nobody wants
a buildbot to stay sad for long.
Semantics is rejecting valid programs with NULL() actual arguments
to generic interfaces, including user-defined operators. Subclause
16.9.144(para 6) makes clear that NULL() can be a valid actual
argument to a generic interface so long as it does not produce
ambiguity. This patch handles those cases, revises existing
tests, and adjust an error message about NULL() operands to
appear less like a blanket prohibition.
Differential Revision:
Rearrange the contents of __builtin_* module files a little and
make sure that semantics implicitly USEs the module __Fortran_builtins
before processing each source file. This ensures that the special derived
types for TEAM_TYPE, EVENT_TYPE, LOCK_TYPE, &c. exist in the symbol table
where they will be available for use in coarray intrinsic function
Update IsTeamType() to exploit access to the __Fortran_builtins
module rather than applying ad hoc name tests. Move it and some
other utilities from Semantics/tools.* to Evaluate/tools.* to make
them available to intrinsics processing.
Add/correct the intrinsic table definitions for GET_TEAM, TEAM_NUMBER,
and THIS_IMAGE to exercise the built-in TEAM_TYPE as an argument and
as a result.
Add/correct/extend tests accordingly.
Differential Revision:
The strongly typed expression representation classes supported
a representation of parentheses only around intrinsic types
with specific kinds. Parentheses around derived type variables
must also be preserved so that expressions may be distinguished
from variables; this distinction matters for actual arguments &
construct associations.
Differential Revision:
Catch invalid attempts to extract the unknowable extent of the last
dimension of an assumed-size array dummy argument, and clean up
problems with assumed-rank arguments in similar circumstances
exposed by testing the fix.
Differential Revision:
Added 'this_image()' to the list of functions that are evaluated as intrinsic.
Added IsCoarray functions to determine if an expression is a coarray (corank > 1).
Added save attribute to coarray variables in test file, this_image.f90.
reviewers: klausler, PeteSteinfeld
Differential Revision:
Improve checking for NULL() and NULL(MOLD=) when used as
variables and expressions outside the few contexts where
a disassociated pointer can be valid. There were both
inappropriate errors and missing checks.
Differential Revision:
This reverts commit 81f8ad1769.
This seems to break the shared libs build
(linaro-flang-aarch64-sharedlibs bot) with:
undefined reference to `Fortran::semantics::IsCoarray(Fortran::semantics::Symbol const&)
(from tools/flang/lib/Evaluate/CMakeFiles/obj.FortranEvaluate.dir/tools.cpp.o)
When linking lib/
Added 'this_image()' to the list of functions that are evaluated as intrinsic.
Added IsCoarray functions to determine if an expression is a coarray (corank > 1).
Added save attribute to coarray variables in test file, this_image.f90.
reviewers: klausler, PeteSteinfeld
Differential Revision:
Dummy procedures can be defined as subprograms with explicit
interfaces, e.g.
subroutine subr(dummy)
subroutine dummy(x)
real :: x
end subroutine
end interface
! ...
end subroutine
but the symbol table had no means of marking such symbols as dummy
arguments, so predicates like IsDummy(dummy) would fail. Add an
isDummy_ flag to SubprogramNameDetails, analogous to the corresponding
flag in EntityDetails, and set/test it as needed.
Differential Revision:
Use derived type information tables to drive default component
initialization (when needed), component destruction, and calls to
final subroutines. Perform these operations automatically for
ALLOCATE()/DEALLOCATE() APIs for allocatables, automatics, and
pointers. Add APIs for use in lowering to perform these operations
for non-allocatable/automatic non-pointer variables.
Data pointer component initialization supports arbitrary constant
designators, a F'2008 feature, which may be a first for Fortran
Differential Revision:
Implement constant folding for the reduction transformational
intrinsic functions MAXVAL and MINVAL.
In anticipation of more folding work to follow, with (I hope)
some common infrastructure, these two have been implemented in a
new header file.
Differential Revision:
The constexpr-capable class evaluate::DynamicType represented
CHARACTER length only with a nullable pointer into the declared
parameters of types in the symbol table, which works fine for
anything with a declaration but turns out to not suffice to
describe the results of the ACHAR() and CHAR() intrinsic
functions. So extend DynamicType to also accommodate known
constant CHARACTER lengths, too; use them for ACHAR & CHAR;
clean up several use sites and fix regressions found in test.
Differential Revision:
Add overloads to AsGenericExpr() in Evaluate/tools.h to take care
of wrapping an untyped DataRef or bare Symbol in a typed Designator
wrapped up in a generic Expr<SomeType>. Use the new overloads to
replace a few instances of code that was calling TypedWrapper<>()
with a dynamic type.
This new tool will be useful in lowering to drive some code that
works with typed expressions (viz., list-directed I/O list items)
when starting with only a bare Symbol (viz., NAMELIST).
Differential Revision:
We were erroneously not taking into account the constant values of LEN type
parameters of parameterized derived types when checking for argument
compatibility. The required checks are identical to those for assignment
compatibility. Since argument compatibility is checked in .../lib/Evaluate and
assignment compatibility is checked in .../lib/Semantics, I moved the common
code into .../lib/Evaluate/tools.cpp and changed the assignment compatibility
checking code to call it.
After implementing these new checks, tests in resolve53.f90 were failing
because the tests were erroneous. I fixed these tests and added new tests
to call03.f90 to test argument passing of parameterized derived types more
Differential Revision:
Replace semantics::SymbolSet with alternatives that clarify
whether the set should order its contents by source position
or not. This matters because positionally-ordered sets must
not be used for Symbols that might be subjected to name
replacement during name resolution, and address-ordered
sets must not be used (without sorting) in circumstances
where the order of their contents affects the output of the
All set<> and map<> instances in the compiler that are keyed
by Symbols now have explicit Compare types in their template
instantiations. Symbol::operator< is no more.
Differential Revision:
In parser::AllCookedSources, implement a map from CharBlocks to
the CookedSource instances that they cover. This permits a fast
Find() operation based on std::map::equal_range to map a CharBlock
to its enclosing CookedSource instance.
Add a creation order number to each CookedSource. This allows
AllCookedSources to provide a Precedes(x,y) predicate that is a
true source stream ordering between two CharBlocks -- x is less
than y if it is in an earlier CookedSource, or in the same
CookedSource at an earlier position.
Add a reference to the singleton SemanticsContext to each Scope.
All of this allows operator< to be implemented on Symbols by
means of a true source ordering. From a Symbol, we get to
its Scope, then to the SemanticsContext, and then use its
AllCookedSources reference to call Precedes().
Differential Revision:
Fortran permits a reference to a function whose result is a pointer
to be used as a definable variable in any context where a
designator could appear. This patch wrings out remaining bugs
with such usage and adds more testing.
The utility predicate IsProcedurePointer(expr) had a misleading
name which has been corrected to IsProcedurePointerTarget(expr).
Differential Revision:
* IsArrayElement() needs another option to control whether it
should ignore trailing component references.
* Add IsObjectPointer().
* Add const Scope& variants of IsFunction() and IsProcedure().
* Make TypeAndShape::Characterize() work with procedure bindings.
* Handle CHARACTER length in MeasureSizeInBytes().
* Fine-tune FindExternallyVisibleObject()'s handling of dummy arguments
to conform with Fortran 2018: only INTENT(IN) and dummy pointers
in pure functions signify; update two tests accordingly.
Also: resolve some stylistic inconsistencies and add a missing
"const" in the expression traversal template framework.
Differential Revision:
The utility routine WhyNotModifiable() needed to become more
aware of the use of pointers in data-refs; the targets of
pointer components are sometimes modifiable even when the
leftmost ("base") symbol of a data-ref is not.
Added a new unit test for WhyNotModifiable() that uses internal
READ statements (mostly), since I/O semantic checking uses
WhyNotModifiable() for all its definability checking.
Differential Revision:
In some contexts, including the motivating case of determining whether
the expressions that define the shape of a variable are "constant expressions"
in the sense of the Fortran standard, expression rewriting via Fold()
is not necessary, and should not be required. The inquiry intrinsics LBOUND,
UBOUND, and SIZE work correctly now in specification expressions and are
classified correctly as being constant expressions (or not). Getting this right
led to a fair amount of API clean-up as a consequence, including the
folding of shapes and TypeAndShape objects, and new APIs for shapes
that do not fold for those cases where folding isn't needed. Further,
the symbol-testing predicate APIs in Evaluate/tools.h now all resolve any
associations of their symbols and work transparently on use-, host-, and
construct-association symbols; the tools used to resolve those associations have
been defined and documented more precisely, and their clients adjusted as needed.
Differential Revision:
The semantic analysis of index-names of FORALL statements looks up symbols with
the same name as the index-name. This is needed to exclude symbols that are
not objects. But if the symbol found is host-, use-, or construct-associated
with another entity, the check fails.
I fixed this by getting the root symbol of the symbol found and doing the check
on the root symbol. This required creating a non-const version of
Differential Revision:
This patch plugs many holes in static initializer semantics, improves error
messages for default initial values and other component properties in
parameterized derived type instantiations, and cleans up several small
issues noticed during development. We now do proper scalar expansion,
folding, and type, rank, and shape conformance checking for component
default initializers in derived types and PDT instantiations.
The initial values of named constants are now guaranteed to have been folded
when installed in the symbol table, and are no longer folded or
scalar-expanded at each use in expression folding. Semantics documentation
was extended with information about the various kinds of initializations
in Fortran and when each of them are processed in the compiler.
Some necessary concomitant changes have bulked this patch out a bit:
* contextual messages attachments, which are now produced for parameterized
derived type instantiations so that the user can figure out which
instance caused a problem with a component, have been added as part
of ContextualMessages, and their implementation was debugged
* several APIs in evaluate::characteristics was changed so that a FoldingContext
is passed as an argument rather than just its intrinsic procedure table;
this affected client call sites in many files
* new tools in Evaluate/check-expression.cpp to determine when an Expr
actually is a single constant value and to validate a non-pointer
variable initializer or object component default value
* shape conformance checking has additional arguments that control
whether scalar expansion is allowed
* several now-unused functions and data members noticed and removed
* several crashes and bogus errors exposed by testing this new code
were fixed
* a -fdebug-stack-trace option to enable LLVM's stack tracing on
a crash, which might be useful in the future
TL;DR: Initialization processing does more and takes place at the right
times for all of the various kinds of things that can be initialized.
Differential Review:
COMPLEX negation, addition, subtraction, conversions of kind, and
equality/inequality were represented as component-wise REAL
operations. It turns out to be easier for lowering if we
do not split and recombine these COMPLEX operations, and it
avoids a potential problem with COMPLEX valued function calls
in these contexts. So add this suite of operations to the
typed expression representation in place of the component-wise
transformations, and support them in folding.
Differential revision:
Calling "ASSOCATED(NULL()) was causing an internal check of the compiler to
I fixed this by changing the entry for "ASSOCIATED" in the intrinsics table to
accept "AnyPointer" which contains a new "KindCode" of "pointerType". I also
changed the function "FromActual()" to return a typeless intrinsic when called
on a pointer, which duplicates its behavior for BOZ literals. This required
changing the analysis of procedure arguments. While testing processing for
procedure arguments, I found another bad call to `CHECK()` which I fixed.
I made several other changes:
-- I implemented constant folding for ASSOCIATED().
-- I fixed handling of NULL() in relational operations.
-- I implemented semantic analysis for ASSOCIATED().
-- I noticed that the semantics for ASSOCIATED() are similar to those for
pointer assignment. So I extracted the code that pointer assignment uses
for procedure pointer compatibility to a place where it could be used by
the semantic analysis for ASSOCIATED().
-- I couldn't figure out how to make the general semantic analysis for
procedure arguments work with ASSOCIATED()'s second argument, which can
be either a pointer or a target. So I stopped using normal semantic
analysis for arguments for ASSOCIATED().
-- I added tests for all of this.
Differential Revision:
Represent FINAL subroutines in the symbol table entries of
derived types. Enforce constraints. Update tests that have
inadvertent violations or modified messages. Added a test.
The specific procedure distinguishability checking code for generics
was used to enforce distinguishability of FINAL procedures.
(Also cleaned up some confusion and redundancy noticed in the
type compatibility infrastructure while digging into that area.)
Differential revision:
SAVE statement, according to 8.6.14, must apply to the same scoping
unit, that excludes nested scoping units. For example, if the SAVE
statement is found in a MODULE, the functions contained in that module
should not inherit the SAVE attribute. I think that the code was doing
this, failing the following source:
MODULE pippo
PURE FUNCTION fft_stick_index( )
INTEGER :: fft_stick_index
INTEGER :: mc !error: A pure subprogram may not have a variable with the SAVE attribute
Differential Revision:
Change how generic operators and assignments are checked for
distinguishable procedures. Because of how they are invoked, available
type-bound generics and normal generics all have to be considered
together. This is different from how generic names are checked.
Move common part of checking into DistinguishabilityHelper so that it
can be used in both cases after the appropriate procedures have been
Cache result of Procedure::Characterize(Symbol) in a map in
CheckHelper so that we don't have to worry about passing the
characterized Procedures around or the cost of recomputing them.
Add MakeOpName() to construct names for defined operators and assignment
for using in error messages. This eliminates the need for different
messages in those cases.
When the procedures for a defined operator or assignment are undistinguishable,
include the type name in the error message, otherwise it may be ambiguous.
Add missing check that procedures for defined operators are functions
and that their dummy arguments are INTENT(IN) or VALUE.
Differential Revision:
When a procedure name was used on the RHS of an assignment we were not
reporting the error. When one was used in an expression the error
message wasn't very good (e.g. "Operands of + must be numeric; have
INTEGER(4) and untyped").
Detect these cases in ArgumentAnalyzer and emit better messages,
depending on whether the named procedure is a function or subroutine.
Procedure names may appear as actual arguments to function and
subroutine calls so don't report errors in those cases. That is the same
case where assumed type arguments are allowed, so rename `isAssumedType_`
to `isProcedureCall_` and use that to decide if it is an error.
Differential Revision:
Fix fronted shared library builds by eliminating dependences of
the parser on other component libraries, moving some code around that
wasn't in the right library, and making some dependences
explicit in the CMakeLists.txt files. The lowering library
does not yet build as a shared library due to some undefined
Reviewed By: tskeith
Differential Revision:
Treat function result like dummy argument: a SAVE statement without an
entity-list does not make it saved.
Differential Revision:
Rolls up small changes across the frontend to prepare for the large
forthcoming patch (part 4/4) that completes DATA statement processing
via conversion to initializers.
Reviewed By: PeteSteinfeld
Differential Revision:
Some Symbol-related functions used in Evaluate were moved to
Evaluate/tools.h. This includes changing some member functions that were
replaced by non-member functions `IsDummy`, `GetUsedModule`, and
Some member functions were made inline in `Scope`, `Symbol`,
`ArraySpec`, and `DeclTypeSpec`. The definitions were preceded by a
comment explaining why they are inline.
`IsConstantShape` was expanded inline in `IsDescriptor` because it isn't
used anywhere else
After this change, at least when compiling with clang on macos,
`libFortranEvaluate.a` has no undefined symbols that are satisfied by
Reviewers: klausler, PeteSteinfeld, sscalpone, jdoerfert, DavidTruby
Reviewed By: PeteSteinfeld
Subscribers: llvm-commits
Tags: #flang, #llvm
Differential Revision:
If the pure context check succeeds, call `WhyNotModifiable` to verify
the LHS can be modified.
Detect assignment to whole assumed-size array.
Change `IsVariable` to return false for a parameter or a component or
array reference whose base it a parameter.
When analyzing an assignment statement, report an error if the LHS is
a constant expression. Otherwise it might get folded and when we detect
the problem later the error will be confusing.
Handle Substring on LHS of assignment. Change ExtractDataRef and IsVariable
to work on a Substring.
Fix IsImpliedShape and IsAssumedSize predicates in ArraySpec.
Fix C709 check in check-declarations.cpp.
Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@f2d2657aab