Use `StringLiteral` for function return type if it is known to return
constant string literals only.
This will make it visible to API users, that such values can be safely
stored, since they refers to constant data, which will never be deallocated.
`StringRef` is general is not safe to store for a long term,
since it might refer to temporal data allocated in heap.
Add `inline` and `constexpr` methods support to `OpMethod`.
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
Some variables are unused after D97383 landed. We should generate one symbol for one attrUse.
Reviewed By: stellaraccident
Differential Revision:
These warnings are raised when compiling with gcc due to either having too few or too many commas, or in the case of lldb, the possibility of a nullptr.
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
This enables this kind of construct in the DSL to generate a named op that is polymorphic over numeric type variables `T` and `U`, generating the correct arithmetic casts at construction time:
def polymorphic_matmul(A=TensorDef(T1, S.M, S.K),
B=TensorDef(T2, S.K, S.N),
C=TensorDef(U, S.M, S.N, output=True)):
C[D.m, D.n] += cast(U, A[D.m, D.k]) * cast(U, B[D.k, D.n])
Presently, this only supports type variables that are bound to the element type of one of the arguments, although a further extension that allows binding a type variable to an attribute would allow some more expressiveness and may be useful for some formulations. This is left to a future patch. In addition, this patch does not yet materialize the verifier support which ensures that types are bound correctly (for such simple examples, failing to do so will yield IR that fails verification, it just won't yet fail with a precise error).
Note that the full grid of extensions/truncation/int<->float conversions are supported, but many of them are lossy and higher level code needs to be mindful of numerics (it is not the job of this level).
As-is, this should be sufficient for most integer matmul scenarios we work with in typical quantization schemes.
Differential Revision:
This also exposed a bug in Dialect loading where it was not correctly identifying identifiers that had the dialect namespace as a prefix.
Differential Revision:
Allows querying regions too via OpAdaptor's generated. This does not yet move region verification to adaptor nor require regions for ops where needed.
Differential Revision:
If one operand is not used in the formula, it will be considered a
shaped operand. And the result of indexing map of the operand will be the first
reduction dims.
Depends On D97383
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
This fixes the documentation emitted for type parameters. Also adds a
missing empty line, rendered as line break in mark down.
Co-authored-by: Simon Camphausen <>
Reviewed By: rriddle
Differential Revision:
This will allow us to define select(pred, in, out) for TC ops, which is useful
for pooling ops.
Reviewed By: antiagainst
Differential Revision:
The cuda-runner registers two pass pipelines for nested passes,
so that we don't have to use verbose textual pass pipeline specification.
Reviewed By: herhut
Differential Revision:
`verifyConstructionInvariants` is intended to allow for verifying the invariants of an attribute/type on construction, and `getChecked` is intended to enable more graceful error handling aside from an assert. There are a few problems with the current implementation of these methods:
* `verifyConstructionInvariants` requires an mlir::Location for emitting errors, which is prohibitively costly in the situations that would most likely use them, e.g. the parser.
This creates an unfortunate code duplication between the verifier code and the parser code, given that the parser operates on llvm::SMLoc and it is an undesirable overhead to pre-emptively convert from that to an mlir::Location.
* `getChecked` effectively requires duplicating the definition of the `get` method, creating a quite clunky workflow due to the subtle different in its signature.
This revision aims to talk the above problems by refactoring the implementation to use a callback for error emission. Using a callback allows for deferring the costly part of error emission until it is actually necessary.
Due to the necessary signature change in each instance of these methods, this revision also takes this opportunity to cleanup the definition of these methods by:
* restructuring the signature of `getChecked` such that it can be generated from the same code block as the `get` method.
* renaming `verifyConstructionInvariants` to `verify` to match the naming scheme of the rest of the compiler.
Differential Revision:
* It was decided that this was the end of the line for the existing custom tc parser/generator, and this is the first step to replacing it with a declarative format that maps well to mathy source languages.
* One such source language is implemented here:
* In fact, this is the exact source of the declarative `polymorphic_matmul` in this change.
* I am working separately to clean this python implementation up and add it to MLIR (probably as `` or equiv). The scope of the python side is greater than just generating named ops: the ops are callable and directly emit `linalg.generic` ops fully dynamically, and this is intended to be a feature for frontends like npcomp to define custom linear algebra ops at runtime.
* There is more work required to handle full type polymorphism, especially with respect to integer formulations, since they require more specificity wrt types.
* Followups to this change will bring the new generator to feature parity with the current one and delete the current. Roughly, this involves adding support for interface declarations and attribute symbol bindings.
Differential Revision:
The functions translating enums to LLVM IR are generated in a single
file included in many places, not all of which use all translations.
Generate functions with "unused" attribute to silence compiler warnings.
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
A series of preceding patches changed the mechanism for translating MLIR to
LLVM IR to use dialect interface with delayed registration. It is no longer
necessary for specific dialects to derive from ModuleTranslation. Remove all
virtual methods from ModuleTranslation and factor out the entry point to be a
free function.
Also perform some cleanups in ModuleTranslation internals.
Depends On D96774
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
Port the translation of five dialects that define LLVM IR intrinsics
(LLVMAVX512, LLVMArmNeon, LLVMArmSVE, NVVM, ROCDL) to the new dialect
interface-based mechanism. This allows us to remove individual translations
that were created for each of these dialects and just use one common
MLIR-to-LLVM-IR translation that potentially supports all dialects instead,
based on what is registered and including any combination of translatable
dialects. This removal was one of the main goals of the refactoring.
To support the addition of GPU-related metadata, the translation interface is
extended with the `amendOperation` function that allows the interface
implementation to post-process any translated operation with dialect attributes
from the dialect for which the interface is implemented regardless of the
operation's dialect. This is currently applied to "kernel" functions, but can
be used to construct other metadata in dialect-specific ways without
necessarily affecting operations.
Depends On D96591, D96504
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
Currently, vector.contract joins the intermediate result and the accumulator
argument (of ranks K) using summation. We desire more joining operations ---
such as max --- to help vector.contract express reductions. This change extends
Vector_ContractionOp to take an optional attribute (called "kind", of enum type
CombiningKind) specifying the joining operation to be add/mul/min/max for int/fp
, and and/or/xor for int only. By default this attribute has value "add".
To implement this we also need to extend vector.outerproduct, since
vector.contract gets transformed to vector.outerproduct (and that to
vector.fma). The extension for vector.outerproduct is also an optional kind
attribute that uses the same enum type and possible values. The default is
"add". In case of max/min we transform vector.outerproduct to a combination of
compare and select.
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
This revision takes advantage of the newly extended `ref` directive in assembly format
to allow better region handling for LinalgOps. Specifically, FillOp and CopyOp now build their regions explicitly which allows retiring older behavior that relied on specific op knowledge in both lowering to loops and vectorization.
This reverts commit 3f22547fd1 and reland 973e133b76 with a workaround for
a gcc bug that does not accept lambda default parameters:
Differential Revision:
This reverts commit 973e133b76.
It triggers an issue in gcc5 that require investigation, the build is
broken with:
/tmp/ccdpj3B9.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccdpj3B9.s:5821: Error: symbol `_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFvjjEUljjE2_E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataOjS6_' is already defined
/tmp/ccdpj3B9.s:5860: Error: symbol `_ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIUljjE2_E10_M_managerERSt9_Any_dataRKS3_St18_Manager_operation' is already defined
Migrate the translation of the OpenMP dialect operations to LLVM IR to the new
dialect-based mechanism.
Depends On D96503
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
The existing approach to translation to the LLVM IR relies on a single
translation supporting the base LLVM dialect, extensible through inheritance to
support intrinsic-based dialects also derived from LLVM IR such as NVVM and
AVX512. This approach does not scale well as it requires additional
translations to be created for each new intrinsic-based dialect and does not
allow them to mix in the same module, contrary to the rest of the MLIR
infrastructure. Furthermore, OpenMP translation ingrained itself into the main
translation mechanism.
Start refactoring the translation to LLVM IR to operate using dialect
interfaces. Each dialect that contains ops translatable to LLVM IR can
implement the interface for translating them, and the top-level translation
driver can operate on interfaces without knowing about specific dialects.
Furthermore, the delayed dialect registration mechanism allows one to avoid a
dependency on LLVM IR in the dialect that is translated to it by implementing
the translation as a separate library and only registering it at the client
This change introduces the new mechanism and factors out the translation of the
"main" LLVM dialect. The remaining dialects will follow suit.
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
This revision takes advantage of the newly extended `ref` directive in assembly format
to allow better region handling for LinalgOps. Specifically, FillOp and CopyOp now build their regions explicitly which allows retiring older behavior that relied on specific op knowledge in both lowering to loops and vectorization.
Differential Revision:
ModuleTranslation contains multiple fields that keep track of the mappings
between various MLIR and LLVM IR components. The original ModuleTranslation
extension model was based on inheritance, with these fields being protected and
thus accessible in the ModuleTranslation and derived classes. The
inheritance-based model doesn't scale to translation of more than one derived
dialect and will be progressively replaced with a more flexible one based on
dialect interfaces and a translation state that is separate from
ModuleTranslation. This change prepares the replacement by making the mappings
private and providing public methods to access them.
Depends On D96436
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
Historically, JitRunner has been registering all available dialects with the
context and depending on them without the real need. Make it take a registry
that contains only the dialects that are expected in the input and stop linking
in all dialects.
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
MLIRContext allows its users to access directly to the DialectRegistry it
contains. While sometimes useful for registering additional dialects on an
already existing context, this breaks the encapsulation by essentially giving
raw accesses to a part of the context's internal state. Remove this mutable
access and instead provide a method to append a given DialectRegistry to the
one already contained in the context. Also provide a shortcut mechanism to
construct a context from an already existing registry, which seems to be a
common use case in the wild. Keep read-only access to the registry contained in
the context in case it needs to be copied or used for constructing another
With this change, DialectRegistry is no longer concerned with loading the
dialects and deciding whether to invoke delayed interface registration. Loading
is concentrated in the MLIRContext, and the functionality of the registry
better reflects its name.
Depends On D96137
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
Previously it reported an op had side-effects iff it declared that it
didn't have any side-effects. This had the undesirable result that
canonicalization would always delete any intrinsic calls that did memory
stores and returned void.
Reviewed By: ftynse, mehdi_amini
Differential Revision:
This allows for referencing nearly every component of an operation from within a custom directive.
It also fixes a bug with the current type_ref implementation, PR48478
Differential Revision:
This revision adds a new `AliasAnalysis` class that represents the main alias analysis interface in MLIR. The purpose of this class is not to hold the aliasing logic itself, but to provide an interface into various different alias analysis implementations. As it evolves this should allow for users to plug in specialized alias analysis implementations for their own needs, and have them immediately usable by other analyses and transformations.
This revision also adds an initial simple generic alias, LocalAliasAnalysis, that provides support for performing stateless local alias queries between values. This class is similar in scope to LLVM's BasicAA.
Differential Revision:
Indexing maps for named ops can reference attributes so that
we can synthesize the indexing map dynamically. This supports
cases like strides for convolution ops. However, it does cause
an issue: now the indexing_maps() function call is dependent
on those attributes.
Linalg ops inherit LinalgOpInterfaceTraits, which calls
verifyStructuredOpInterface() to verify the interface.
verifyStructuredOpInterface() further calls indexing_maps().
Note that trait verification is done before the op itself,
where ODS generates the verification for those attributes.
So we can have indexing_maps() referencing non-existing or
invalid attribute, before the ODS-generated verification
kick in.
There isn't a dependency handling mechansim for traits.
This commit adds new interface methods to query whether an
op hasDynamicIndexingMaps() and then perform
verifyIndexingMapRequiredAttributes() in
verifyStructuredOpInterface() to handle the dependency issue.
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
This reverts commit 511dd4f438 along with
a couple fixes.
Original message:
Now the context is the first, rather than the last input.
This better matches the rest of the infrastructure and makes
it easier to move these types to being declaratively specified.
Now the context is the first, rather than the last input.
This better matches the rest of the infrastructure and makes
it easier to move these types to being declaratively specified.
Differential Revision:
This makes ignoring a result explicit by the user, and helps to prevent accidental errors with dropped results. Marking LogicalResult as no discard was always the intention from the beginning, but got lost along the way.
Differential Revision:
This reverts commit 953086ddbb because
it breaks GCC 5 build:
error: could not convert '(const char*)""' from 'const char*' to 'llvm::StringLiteral'
static ::llvm::StringLiteral getDialectNamespace() { return ""; }
Use `StringLiteral` for function return type if it is known to return
constant string literals only.
This will make it visible to API users, that such values can be safely
stored, since they refers to constant data, which will never be deallocated.
`StringRef` is general is not safe to store for a long term,
since it might refer to temporal data allocated in heap.
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini, bkramer
Differential Revision:
This revision takes advantage of recent extensions to vectorization to refactor contraction detection into a bona fide Linalg interface.
The mlit-linalg-ods-gen parser is extended to support adding such interfaces.
The detection that was originally enabling vectorization is refactored to serve as both a test on a generic LinalgOp as well as to verify ops that declare to conform to that interface.
This is plugged through Linalg transforms and strategies but it quickly becomes evident that the complexity and rigidity of the C++ class based templating does not pay for itself.
Therefore, this revision changes the API for vectorization patterns to get rid of templates as much as possible.
Variadic templates are relegated to the internals of LinalgTransformationFilter as much as possible and away from the user-facing APIs.
It is expected other patterns / transformations will follow the same path and drop as much C++ templating as possible from the class definition.
Differential revision:
This separation improves the layering and paves the way for more interfaces coming up in the future.
Differential revision: