- add ops: rebox, insert_on_range, absent, is_present
- embox, coordinate_of: replace old hand-written parser/pretty-printer with assembly format
- remove dead floating point ops, since buitlins work for all types
- update call op
- update documentation
- misc. NFC to formatting
- add op round trip tests
Authors: Eric Schweitz, Jean Perier, Zachary Selk, Kiran Chandramohan, et.al.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97500
It's possible to define a procedure whose interface depends on a procedure
which has an interface that depends on the original procedure. Such a circular
definition was causing the compiler to fall into an infinite loop when
resolving the name of the second procedure. It's also possible to create
circular dependency chains of more than two procedures.
I fixed this by adding the function HasCycle() to the class DeclarationVisitor
and calling it from DeclareProcEntity() to detect procedures with such
circularly defined interfaces. I marked the associated symbols of such
procedures by calling SetError() on them. When processing subsequent
procedures, I called HasError() before attempting to analyze their interfaces.
Unfortunately, this did not work.
With help from Tim, we determined that the SymbolSet used to track the
erroneous symbols was instantiated using a "<" operator which was
defined using the name of the procedure. But the procedure name was
being changed by a call to ReplaceName() between the times that the
calls to SetError() and HasError() were made. This caused HasError() to
incorrectly report that a symbol was not in the set of erroneous
symbols. I fixed this by making SymbolSet be an ordered set, which does
not use the "<" operator.
I also added tests that will crash the compiler without this change.
And I fixed the formatting on an error message from a previous update.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97201
We lower expressions with rank > 0 to a set of high-level array operations.
These operations are then analyzed and refined to more primitve
operations in subsequent pass(es).
This patch upstreams these array operations and some other helper ops.
Authors: Eric Schweitz, Rajan Walia, Kiran Chandramohan, et.al.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97421
In clang:
Replace argc_ with Argc
Replace argv_ with Argv
Replace argv with Args
In flang:
Replace argc_ with argc
Replace argv_ with argv
Replace argv with args
Reviewed By: awarzynski, aganea
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97138
This patch makes sure that for the following invocation of the new Flang
driver, clangDriver sets the input type to Fortran:
flang-new -E -
This change does not affect `clang`, i.e. for the following invocation
the input type is set to C:
clang -E -
This change leverages the fact that for `flang-new` the driver is in
Flang mode.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96777
Move the remaing of FIR types to TableGen type definition. This follow suggestion in D96422.
Reviewed By: schweitz, jeanPerier, rriddle
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96987
CFI allocatable attribute is needed so that the descriptor for the
result can be allocated/deallocated.
Reviewed By: klausler
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97395
This patch adds the new zero_bits operation and upstrams other changes
including the following:
- update tablegen syntax to newer forms
- update memory effects annotations
- update documentation [NFC]
- other NFC, such as whitespace and formatting
Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97331
Originally, when we added the new driver, we created dedicated test
directories for `flang-new`. This way we separated the tests for the
`throwaway` and the new driver.
As we are increasing test coverage and starting to share tests between
the two drivers, it makes sense to share all directories and instead
rely on:
! REQUIRES: new-flang-driver
to mark tests as exclusively for the new driver.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97207
- Add a fatal error handler that can print a message with source location
before aborting.
- Update TODO macro to take an mlir location argument and to use the
newly introduced fatal error handler.
- Introduce TODO_NOLOC for the few places where no source location is
easily accessible.
Reviewed By: schweitz
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97190
`verifyConstructionInvariants` is intended to allow for verifying the invariants of an attribute/type on construction, and `getChecked` is intended to enable more graceful error handling aside from an assert. There are a few problems with the current implementation of these methods:
* `verifyConstructionInvariants` requires an mlir::Location for emitting errors, which is prohibitively costly in the situations that would most likely use them, e.g. the parser.
This creates an unfortunate code duplication between the verifier code and the parser code, given that the parser operates on llvm::SMLoc and it is an undesirable overhead to pre-emptively convert from that to an mlir::Location.
* `getChecked` effectively requires duplicating the definition of the `get` method, creating a quite clunky workflow due to the subtle different in its signature.
This revision aims to talk the above problems by refactoring the implementation to use a callback for error emission. Using a callback allows for deferring the costly part of error emission until it is actually necessary.
Due to the necessary signature change in each instance of these methods, this revision also takes this opportunity to cleanup the definition of these methods by:
* restructuring the signature of `getChecked` such that it can be generated from the same code block as the `get` method.
* renaming `verifyConstructionInvariants` to `verify` to match the naming scheme of the rest of the compiler.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97100
Add -J to the f18 driver for compatibility with gfortran.
Add -module-dir for compatibility with the new flang driver.
They both set the output directory for .mod files and add the
directory to the search list. -module still only does the former.
Clean up the new driver test to match.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97164
This patch adds support for `-Xflang` in `flang-new`. The semantics are
identical to `-Xclang`.
With the addition of `-Xflang`, we can modify `-test-io` to be a
compiler-frontend only flag. This makes more sense, this flag is:
* very frontend specific
* to be used for development and testing only
* not to be exposed to the end user
Originally we added it to the compiler driver, `flang-new`, in order to
facilitate testing. With `-Xflang` this is no longer needed. Tests are
updated accordingly.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96864
This updates the various classes that support the compliation of
Fortran. These classes are shared by the test tools.
Authors: Eric Schweitz, Sameeran Joshi, et.al.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D97073
Add the following options:
* -fdebug-measure-parse-tree
* -fdebug-pre-fir-tree
Summary of changes:
- Add 2 new frontend actions: DebugMeasureParseTreeAction and DebugPreFIRTreeAction
- Add MeasurementVisitor to FrontendActions.h
- Make reportFatalSemanticErrors return true if there are any fatal errors
- Port most of the `-fdebug-pre-fir-tree` tests to use the new driver if built, otherwise use f18.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96884
Most Fortran compilers accept the following benign extension,
and it appears in some applications:
REAL A(N) ! N is used before being typed
Allow it in f18 only for default integer scalar dummy arguments.
Differential Revesion: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96982
These dependencies were introduced via the `ParseTreeDumper` API in:
* https://reviews.llvm.org/D96716
They manifested themselves in buildbot builders that set
Add the following options:
* -fdebug-dump-symbols
* -fdebug-dump-parse-tree
* -fdebug-dump-provenance
Summary of changes:
- Add 3 new frontend actions: DebugDumpSymbolsAction, DebugDumpParseTreeAction and DebugDumpProvenanceAction
- Add a unique pointer to the Semantics instance created in PrescanAndSemaAction
- Move fatal semantic error reporting to its own method, FrontendActions#reportFatalSemanticErrors
- Port most tests using `-fdebug-dump-symbols` and `-fdebug-dump-parse-tree` to the new driver if built, otherwise default to f18
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96716
Fortran 2018 explicitly permits an ignored type declaration
for the result of a generic intrinsic function. See the comment
added to Semantics/expression.cpp for an explanation of why this
is somewhat dangerous and worthy of a warning.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96879
The intrinsic procedure table properly classify the various
intrinsics, but the PURE and ELEMENTAL attributes that these
classifications imply don't always make it to the utility
predicates that test symbols for them, leading to spurious
error messages in some contexts. So set those attribute flags
as appropriate in name resolution, using a new function to
isolate the tests.
An alternate solution, in which the predicates would query
the intrinsic procedure table for these attributes on demand,
was something I also tried, so that this information could
come directly from an authoritative source; but it would have
required references to the intrinsic table to be passed along
on too many seemingly unrelated APIs and ended up looking messy.
Several symbol table tests needed to have their expected outputs
augmented with the PURE and ELEMENTAL flags. Some bogus messages
that were flagged as such in test/Semantics/doconcurrent01.f90 were
removed, since they are now correctly not emitted.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96878
This patch is a follow up of D96422 and move BoxProcType to TableGen.
Reviewed By: schweitz, mehdi_amini
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96514
This patch is a follow up of D96422 and move CharacterType and BoxCharType to
Reviewed By: schweitz
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96446
It's possible to define a procedure that has a procedure dummy argument which
names the procedure that contains it. This was causing the compiler to fall
into an infinite loop when characterizing a call to the procedure.
Following a suggestion from Peter, I fixed this be maintaining a set of
procedure symbols that had already been seen while characterizing a procedure.
This required passing a new parameter to the functions that characterized a
Procedure, a DummyArgument, and a DummyProcedure.
I also added several tests that will crash the compiler without this change.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96631
Fix Flang build after addition of a new OpenMP clauses for a clang patch (D76342).
Flang is using TableGen to generation the declaration of clause checks and the new clause
was missing a definiton.
Reviewed By: klausler
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96808
This patch introduce the fir-opt tool. Similar to mlir-opt for FIR.
It will be used in following patches to test fir opt and round-trip.
Reviewed By: schweitz, mehdi_amini
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96535
Add the following options:
* -fimplicit-none and -fno-implicit-none
* -fbackslash and -fno-backslash
* -flogical-abbreviations and -fno-logical-abbreviations
* -fxor-operator and -fno-xor-operator
* -falternative-parameter-statement
* -finput-charset=<value>
Summary of changes:
- Enable extensions in CompilerInvocation#ParseFrontendArgs
- Add encoding_ to Fortran::frontend::FrontendOptions
- Add encoding to Fortran::parser::Options
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96407
This patch adds the following compiler frontend driver options:
* -fdebug-unparse (f18 spelling: -funparse)
* -fdebug-unparse-with-symbols (f18 spelling: -funparse-with-symbols)
The new driver will only accept the new spelling. `f18` will accept both
the original and the new spelling.
A new base class for frontend actions is added: `PrescanAndSemaAction`.
This is added to reduce code duplication that otherwise these new
options would lead to. Implementation from
* `ParseSyntaxOnlyAction::ExecutionAction`
is moved to:
* `PrescanAndSemaAction::BeginSourceFileAction`
This implementation is now shared between:
* PrescanAndSemaAction
* ParseSyntaxOnlyAction
* DebugUnparseAction
* DebugUnparseWithSymbolsAction
All tests that don't require other yet unimplemented options are
updated. This way `flang-new -fc1` is used instead of `f18` when
`FLANG_BUILD_NEW_DRIVER` is set to `On`. In order to facilitate this,
`%flang_fc1` is added in the LIT configuration (lit.cfg.py).
`asFortran` from f18.cpp is duplicated as `getBasicAsFortran` in
FrontendOptions.cpp. At this stage it's hard to find a good place to
share this method. I suggest that we revisit this once a switch from
`f18` to `flang-new` is complete.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96483
The following _action_ options are always used with `-fsyntax-only`
(also an _action_ option):
* -fdebug-dump-symbols
* -fdebug-dump-parse-tree
This patch makes the above options imply `-fsyntax-only`.
From the perspective of `f18` this change saves typing and is otherwise
a non-functional change. But it will simplify things in the new driver,
`flang-new`, in which only the last action option is taken into account
and executed. In other words, the following would only run
flang-new -fdebug-dump-symbols -fsyntax-only <input>
whereas this would only run `-fdebug-dump-symbols`:
flang-new -fsyntax-only -fdebug-dump-symbols <input>
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96528
Implementation of Do loop iteration variable check, Do while loop check, Do loop cycle restrictions.
Also to check whether the ordered clause is present on the loop construct if any ordered region ever
binds to a loop region arising from the loop construct.
Reviewed by: Kiran Chandramohan @kiranchandramohan , Valentin Clement @clementval
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D92732
This patch is a follow up of D96422 and move ComplexType to TableGen.
Reviewed By: schweitz, mehdi_amini
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96610
This patch introduce the fir-opt tool. Similar to mlir-opt for FIR.
It will be used in following patches to test fir opt and round-trip.
Reviewed By: schweitz, mehdi_amini
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96535
Avoid spurious and confusing macro replacements from things like
-DPIC on Fortran source files whose suffixes indicate that preprocessing
is not expected.
Add gfortran-like "-cpp" and "-nocpp" flags to f18 to force predefinition
of macros independent of the source file suffix.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96464
The kind mapper provides a portable mechanism to map Fortran type KIND values
independent of the front-end to their corresponding MLIR and LLVM types.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96362
Instead of using a message attachment with further details,
emit the details as part of a single message.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96465
`find_package(Flang)` does not work as there is a missing `@` in the
FlangConfig.cmake.in file. This patch fixes the issue.
Reviewed By: thopre
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96484
Most components required for this are already there.
Build and Testing clean.
ninja check-flang
Reviewed By: clementval, tskeith
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96411
This patch just addresses one of the outstanding TODOs. More
specifically, it moves all the outstanding standard macro predefinitions
from `SetDefaultFortranOpts` to `setDefaultPredefinitions`. This
dedicated method for standard macro predefs was introduced in:
* https://reviews.llvm.org/D96032
This patch is a follow up of D96422 and move the ShapeShiftType to
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96442
When accessing a specific procedure of a USE-associated generic
interface, we need to allow for the case in which that specific
procedure has the same name as the generic when testing for
its availability in the current scope.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96467
Some state in name resolution is stored in the DeclarationVisitor
instance and processed at the end of the specification part.
This state needs to accommodate nested specification parts, namely
the ones that can be nested in a subroutine or function interface
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96466
This is the first patch of a serie to move FIR types to TableGen format as suggested in D96172.
This patch is setting up the files for FIR types and move the ShapeType to TableGen.
As discussed with @schweitz, I'm taking over this task to help the FIR upstreaming effort.
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96422
MLIRContext allows its users to access directly to the DialectRegistry it
contains. While sometimes useful for registering additional dialects on an
already existing context, this breaks the encapsulation by essentially giving
raw accesses to a part of the context's internal state. Remove this mutable
access and instead provide a method to append a given DialectRegistry to the
one already contained in the context. Also provide a shortcut mechanism to
construct a context from an already existing registry, which seems to be a
common use case in the wild. Keep read-only access to the registry contained in
the context in case it needs to be copied or used for constructing another
With this change, DialectRegistry is no longer concerned with loading the
dialects and deciding whether to invoke delayed interface registration. Loading
is concentrated in the MLIRContext, and the functionality of the registry
better reflects its name.
Depends On D96137
Reviewed By: mehdi_amini
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96331
Add support for the following options:
* -fopenmp
* -fopenacc
Update OpenMP and OpenACC semantics tests to use the new driver if it is built, otherwise use f18.
OpenMP tests that include `use omp_lib` or run `test_symbols.sh` have not been updated as they require options `-intrinsic-module-directory` and `-funparse-with-symbols` which are currently not implemented in the new driver.
Similarly OpenACC tests that run `test_symbols.sh` have not been updated.
This patch also moves semanticsContext to CompilerInvocation and creates it in CompilerInvocation#setSemanticsOpts so that the semantics context can use Fortran::parser::Options#features.
Summary of changes:
- Move semanticsContext to CompilerInvocation.h
- Update OpenMP and OpenACC semantics tests that do not rely on `-intrinsic-module-directory` and `-funparse-with-symbols` to use %flang
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96032
This reverts commit 511dd4f438 along with
a couple fixes.
Original message:
Now the context is the first, rather than the last input.
This better matches the rest of the infrastructure and makes
it easier to move these types to being declaratively specified.
Phabricator: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96111
Now the context is the first, rather than the last input.
This better matches the rest of the infrastructure and makes
it easier to move these types to being declaratively specified.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96111
This patch adds logic in the InputOutputTestAction frontend action for
reading input from stdin. Without this patch the following fails:
flang-new -fc1 -test-io -
The implementation of `InputOutputTestAction` is cleaned-up and a test
for reading from stdin is added.
Note that there's a difference between `-test-io` and e.g. `-E` in terms
of file I/O. The frontend action for the former handles all file I/O on
it's own. Conversely, the action corresponding to -E relies on the
prescanner API to handle this.
Currently we can't test reading from stdin for `flang-new -`. In this
case `libclangDriver` assumes `-x -c`. This in turn leads to `flang-new
-cc1`, which is not supported.
Add support for option -J/-module-dir in the new Flang driver. This
will allow for including module files in other directories, as the
default search path is currently the working folder. This also provides
an option of storing the output module in the specified folder.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95448
This new action encapsulates all actions that require the prescanner to
be run before proceeding with other processing. By adding this new
action, we are better equipped to control which actions _do_ run the
prescanner and which _do not_.
The following actions that require the prescanner are refactored to
inherit from `PrescanAction`:
* `PrintPreprocessedAction`
* `ParseSyntaxOnlyAction` .
New virtual method is introduced to facilitate all this:
* `BeginSourceFileAction`
Like in Clang, this method is run inside `BeginSourceFile`. In other
words, it is invoked before `ExecuteAction` for the corresponding
frontend action is run. This method allows us to:
* carry out any processing that is always required by the action (e.g.
run the prescanner)
* fine tune the settings/options on a file-by-file basis (e.g. to
decide between fixed-form and free-form based on file extension)
This patch implements non-functional-changes.
Reviewed By: FarisRehman
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95464
Add support for the following layout options:
* -ffree-form
* -ffixed-form
- -ffixed-line-length=n (alias -ffixed-line-length-n)
Additionally remove options `-fno-free-form` and `-fno-fixed-form` as they were initially added to forward to gfortran but gfortran does not support these flags.
This patch adds the flag FlangOnlyOption to the existing options `-ffixed-form`, `-ffree-form` and `-ffree-line-length-` in Options.td. As of commit 6a75496836, these flags are not currently forwarded to gfortran anyway.
The default fixed line length in FrontendOptions is 72, based off the current default in Fortran::parser::Options. The line length cannot be set to a negative integer, or a positive integer less than 7 excluding 0, consistent with the behaviour of gfortran.
This patch does not add `-ffree-line-length-n` as Fortran::parser::Options does not have a variable for free form columns.
Whilst the `fixedFormColumns` variable is used in f18 for `-ffree-line-length-n`, f18 only allows `-ffree-line-length-none`/`-ffree-line-length-0` and not a user-specified value. `fixedFormcolumns` cannot be used in the new driver as it is ignored in the frontend when dealing with free form files.
Summary of changes:
- Remove -fno-fixed-form and -fno-free-form from Options.td
- Make -ffixed-form, -ffree-form and -ffree-line-length-n FlangOnlyOption in Options.td
- Create AddFortranDialectOptions method in Flang.cpp
- Create FortranForm enum in FrontendOptions.h
- Add fortranForm_ and fixedFormColumns_ to Fortran::frontend::FrontendOptions
- Update fixed-form-test.f so that it guarantees that it fails when forced as a free form file to better facilitate testing.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95460
Constant folding for calls to LBOUND() was not working when the lower bound of
a constant array was not 1.
I fixed this and re-enabled the test in Evaluate/folding16.f90 that previously
was silently failing. I slightly changed the test to parenthesize the first
argument to exercise all of the new code.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95894
Now that semantics is working, the standard -fsyntax-only option of
GNU and Clang should be used as the name of the option that causes
f18 to just run the front-end. Support both options in f18, silently
accepting the old option as a synonym for the new one (as
preferred by the code owner), and replace all instances of the
old -fparse-only option with -fsyntax-only throughout the source base.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95887
Split up MeasureSizeInBytes() so that array element sizes can be
calculated accurately; use the new API in some places where
DynamicType::MeasureSizeInBytes() was being used but the new
API performs better due to TypeAndShape having precise CHARACTER
length information.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95897
Implement IEEE_SUPPORT_DATATYPE() and other inquiry intrinisic
functions from the intrinsic module IEEE_ARITHMETIC, folding all of
their results to .TRUE.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95830
This patch adds a check that verifies that the input file used when
calling the frontend driver (i.e. `flang-new -fc1`) actually exists.
This was not required for the compiler driver, `flang-new`, as that's
already handled in libclangDriver.
Once all input/output file management is moved to the driver, we should
also check that for input from `stdin` the corresponding file descriptor
was successfully acquired.
This patch also makes sure that the default action in the frontend is
`ParseSyntaxOnly`. This is consistent with Clang. Before this change
`flang-new -fc1` would do nothing, which makes testing changes like the
one introduced here a bit tricky.
Reviewed By: SouraVX
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95127
This patch is a follow up to D94821 to ensure the correct behavior of the
general directive structure checker.
This patch add the generation of the Enter function declaration for clauses in
the TableGen backend.
This helps to ensure each clauses declared in the TableGen file has at least
a basic check.
Reviewed By: kiranchandramohan
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95108
The parsing of I/O units uses look-ahead to discriminate between
keywords, variables and expressions as part of distinguishing internal
from external I/O. The look-ahead was inaccurate for variables that
appear as the initial parts of expressions.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95743
Analyze the shape of the result of TRANSFER(ptr,array) correctly
when "ptr" is an array of deferred shape. Fixing this bug led to
some refactoring and concentration of common code in TypeAndShape
member functions with code in general shape and character length
analysis, and this led to some regression test failures that have
all been cleaned up.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95744
Legacy Fortran implementations support an alternative form of the
PARAMETER statement; it differs syntactically from the standard's
PARAMETER statement by lacking parentheses, and semantically by
using the type and shape of the initialization expression to define
the attributes of the named constant. (GNU Fortran gets that part
wrong; Intel Fortran and nvfortran have full support.)
This patch disables the old style PARAMETER statement by default, as
it is syntactically ambiguous with conforming assignment statements;
adds a new "-falternative-parameter-statement" option to enable it;
and implements it correctly when enabled.
Fixes https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48774, in which a user
tripped over the syntactic ambiguity.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95697
There were two problems with constant arrays whose lower bound is not 1.
First, when folding the arrays, we were creating the folded array to have lower
bounds of 1 but, we were not re-adjusting their lower bounds to the
declared values. Second, we were not calculating the extents correctly.
Both of these problems led to bogus error messages.
I fixed the first problem by adjusting the lower bounds in
NonPointerInitializationExpr() in Evaluate/check-expression.cpp. I wrote the
class ArrayConstantBoundChanger, which is similar to the existing class
ScalarConstantExpander. In the process of implementing and testing it, I found
a bug that I fixed in ScalarConstantExpander which caused it to infinitely
recurse on parenthesized expressions. I also removed the unrelated class
ScalarExpansionVisitor, which was not used.
I fixed the second problem by changing the formula that calculates upper bounds
in in the function ComputeUpperBound() in Evaluate/shape.cpp.
I added tests that trigger the bogus error messages mentioned above along with
a constant folding tests that uses array operands with shapes that conform but
have different bounds.
In the process of adding tests, I discovered that tests in
Evaluate/folding09.f90 and folding16.f90 were written incorrectly, and I
fixed them. This also revealed a bug in contant folding of the
intrinsic "lbounds" which I plan to fix in a later change.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95449
Make the #include "file" preprocessing directive begin its
search in the same directory as the file containing the directive,
as other preprocessors and our Fortran INCLUDE statement do.
Avoid current working directory for all source files except the original.
Resolve tests.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95481
kernels loop and enter data had a too restrictive constraint for the wait clause.
The wait clause is allowed multiple times and not only once. This patch fix this problem.
Reviewed By: SouraVX
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95469
Restriction on clauses for the EXIT DATA directive were not fully correct.
This patch fixes the situation. The async, if and finalize clauses are allowed
only once.
Reviewed By: SouraVX
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95470
Restriction on clauses for the HOST_DATA directive were not fully correct.
This patch fixes the situation. The if and if_present clauses are allowed
only once.
Reviewed By: SouraVX
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95473
Ensure diagnostics from the prescanner are reported when running `flang-new -fsyntax-only` (i.e. only syntax parsing).
This keeps the diagnostics output of flang-new consistent with `f18 -fparse-only` when running the syntax parsing action, ParseSyntaxOnlyAction.
Summary of changes:
- Modify ParseSyntaxOnlyAction::ExecuteAction to report diagnostics
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95220
Split the tests from acc-clause-validity.f90 in dedicated files by directives.
The file acc-clause-validity.f90 was getting too big to be correctly maintained.
Tests are identical.
Reviewed By: SouraVX
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95328
Some parameters of 128-bit IEEE floating-point numbers were
incorrect, leading to a failure to define REAL128 to 16.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95387
Make the #include "file" preprocessing directive begin its
search in the same directory as the file containing the directive,
as other preprocessors and our Fortran INCLUDE statement do.
Avoid current working directory for all source files after the original.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95388
Update the preprocessor regression tests to use the new driver if the new driver is built (FLANG_BUILD_NEW_DRIVER=On), otherwise the tests will still run using f18.
Summary of changes:
- Introduce %flang to the regression tests, which points to the new driver if it is built or otherwise points to f18
- Update all tests in flang/test/Preprocessing/ to use %flang
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94805
* Remove an unimplemented and unused member function declaration
* Remove a misleading comment about an unrelated constraint number
* Fix a comment
* Add f18 crash message to "flang" driver script
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95180
Correct the analysis of references to transformational intrinsic
functions that have different semantics based on the presence or
absence of a DIM= argument; add shape analysis for UNPACK().
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94716
Expressions emitted to module files and error messages
sometimes contain conversions of integer results of inquiry
intrinsics; these are usually not needed, and can conflict
with "int" in the user's namespace. Improve folding so that
these conversions don't appear, and do some other clean-up
in adjacent code.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95172
Don't emit a bogus error message about a bad forward reference
when it's an IMPORT of a USE-associated symbol; don't ignore
intrinsic functions when USE-associating the contents of a
module when the intrinsic has been explicitly USE'd; allow
PUBLIC or PRIVATE accessibility attribute to be specified
for an enumerator before the declaration of the enumerator.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95175
The place-holding implementation of C_LOC just didn't work
when used with our more complete semantic checking, specifically
in the case of a polymorphic argument; convert it to an external
function with an implicit interface. C_ASSOCIATED needs to be
a generic interface with specific implementations for C_PTR and
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94714
All Fortran options should be set in `CompilerInstance` (via its
`CompilerInvocation`) before any of `FrontendAction` is entered -
that's one of the tasks of the driver. However, this is a bit tricky
with fixed and free from detection introduced in
Fixed-free form detection needs to happen:
* before any frontend action (we need to specify `isFixedForm` in
`Fortran::parser::Options` before running any actions)
* separately for every input file (we might be compiling multiple
Fortran files, some in free form, some in fixed form)
In other words, we need this to happen early (before any
`FrontendAction`), but not too early (we need to know what the current
input file is). In practice, `isFixedForm` can only be set later
than other options (other options are inferred from compiler flags). So
we can't really set all of them in one place, which is not ideal.
All changes in this patch are NFCs (hence no new tests). Quick summary:
* move fixed/free form detection from `FrontendAction::ExecuteAction` to
* add a bool flag in `FrontendInputFile` to mark a file as fixed/free
* updated a few comments
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95042
This patch makes sure that diagnostics from the prescanner are reported
when running `flang-new -E` (i.e. only the preprocessor phase is
requested). More specifically, the `PrintPreprocessedAction` action is
With this patch we make sure that the `f18` and `flang-new` provide
identical output when running the preprocessor and the prescanner
generates diagnostics.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94782
It's possible to declare deferred shape array using the POINTER
statement, for example:
POINTER :: var(:)
When analyzing POINTER declarations, we were not capturing the array
specification information, if present. I fixed this by changing the
"Post" function for "parser::PointerDecl" to check to see if the
declaration contained a "DeferredShapeSpecList". In such cases, I
analyzed the shape and used to information to declare an "ObjectEntity"
that contains the shape information rather than an "UnknownEntity".
I also added a couple of small tests that fail to compile without these
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95080
* IsArrayElement() needs another option to control whether it
should ignore trailing component references.
* Add IsObjectPointer().
* Add const Scope& variants of IsFunction() and IsProcedure().
* Make TypeAndShape::Characterize() work with procedure bindings.
* Handle CHARACTER length in MeasureSizeInBytes().
* Fine-tune FindExternallyVisibleObject()'s handling of dummy arguments
to conform with Fortran 2018: only INTENT(IN) and dummy pointers
in pure functions signify; update two tests accordingly.
Also: resolve some stylistic inconsistencies and add a missing
"const" in the expression traversal template framework.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95011
Move the unit test from InputOutputTest.cpp to FrontendActionTest.cpp
and re-implement it in terms of the FrontendActionTest fixture. This is
just a small code clean-up and a continuation of:
* https://reviews.llvm.org/D93544
Moving forward, we should try be implementing all unit-test cases for
Flang's frontend actions in terms of FrontendActionTest.
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94922
F18 Clause 19.4p9 says:
The associate names of an ASSOCIATE construct have the scope of the
Clause 11.3.1p1 says the ASSOCIATE statement is not itself in the block:
R1102 associate-construct is: associate-stmt block end-associate-stmt
Associate statement associations are currently fully processed from left
to right, incorrectly interposing associating entities earlier in the
list on same-named entities in the host scope.
1 program p
2 logical :: a = .false.
3 real :: b = 9.73
4 associate (b => a, a => b)
5 print*, a, b
6 end associate
7 print*, a, b
8 end
Associating names 'a' and 'b' at line 4 in this code are now both
aliased to logical host entity 'a' at line 2. This happens because the
reference to 'b' in the second association incorrectly resolves 'b' to
the entity in line 4 (already associated to 'a' at line 2), rather than
the 'b' at line 3. With bridge code to process these associations,
f18 output is:
F 9.73
It should be:
9.73 F
F 9.73
To fix this, names in right-hand side selector variables/expressions
must all be resolved before any left-hand side entities are resolved.
This is done by maintaining a stack of lists of associations, rather
than a stack of associations. Each ASSOCIATE statement's list of
assocations is then visited once for right-hand side processing, and
once for left-hand side processing.
Note that other construct associations do not have this problem.
SELECT RANK and SELECT TYPE each have a single assocation, not a list.
Constraint C1113 prohibits the right-hand side of a CHANGE TEAM
association from referencing any left-hand side entity.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D95010
The utility routine WhyNotModifiable() needed to become more
aware of the use of pointers in data-refs; the targets of
pointer components are sometimes modifiable even when the
leftmost ("base") symbol of a data-ref is not.
Added a new unit test for WhyNotModifiable() that uses internal
READ statements (mostly), since I/O semantic checking uses
WhyNotModifiable() for all its definability checking.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94849
isFixedFormSuffix and isFreeFormSuffix should be defined in
flangFrontend rather than flangFrontendTool library. That's for 2
* these methods are used in flangFrontend rather than flangFrontendTool
* flangFrontendTool depends on flangFrontend
As mentioned in the post-commit review for D94228, without this change
shared library builds fail.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94968
The TableGen emitter for directives has two slots for flangClass information and this was mainly
to be able to keep up with the legacy openmp parser at the time. Now that all clauses are encapsulated in
AccClause or OmpClause, these two strings are not necessary anymore and were the the source of couple
of problem while working with the generic structure checker for OpenMP.
This patch remove the flangClassValue string from DirectiveBase.td and use the string flangClass as the
placeholder for the encapsulated class.
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94821
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION) calls cmake_policy(VERSION),
which sets all policies up to VERSION to NEW.
LLVM started requiring CMake 3.13 last year, so we can remove
a bunch of code setting policies prior to 3.13 to NEW as it
no longer has any effect.
Reviewed By: phosek, #libunwind, #libc, #libc_abi, ldionne
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94374
Add Semantic checks for OpenMP 4.5 - 2.7.4 Workshare Construct.
- The structured block in a workshare construct may consist of only
scalar or array assignments, forall or where statements,
forall, where, atomic, critical or parallel constructs.
- All array assignments, scalar assignments, and masked array
assignments must be intrinsic assignments.
- The construct must not contain any user defined function calls unless
the function is ELEMENTAL.
Test cases : omp-workshare03.f90, omp-workshare04.f90, omp-workshare05.f90
Resolve test cases (omp-workshare01.f90 and omp-workshare02.f90) marked as XFAIL
Reviewed By: kiranchandramohan
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93091
Add the following standard predefinitions that f18 supports:
* `__flang__`,
* `__flang_major__`,
* `__flang_minor__`,
* `__flang_patchlevel__`
Summary of changes:
- Populate Fortran::parser::Options#predefinitions with the default
supported predefinitions
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94516
Currently the new flang driver always runs in free form mode. This patch
adds support for fixed form mode detection based on the file extensions.
Like `f18`, `flang-new` will treat files ending with ".f", ".F" and
".ff" as fixed form. Additionally, ".for", ".FOR", ".fpp" and ".FPP"
file extensions are recognised as fixed form files. This is consistent
with gfortran [1]. In summary, files with the following extensions are
treated as fixed-form:
* ".f", ".F", ".ff", ".for", ".FOR", ".fpp", ".FPP"
For consistency with flang/test/lit.cfg.py and f18, this patch also adds
support for the following file extensions:
* ".ff", ".FOR", ".for", ".ff90", ".fpp", ".FPP"
This is added in flang/lib/Frontend/FrontendOptions.cpp. Additionally,
the following extensions are included:
* ".f03", ".F03", ".f08", ".F08"
This is for compatibility with gfortran [1] and other popular Fortran
compilers [2].
NOTE: internally Flang will only differentiate between fixed and free
form files. Currently Flang does not support switching between language
standards, so in this regard file extensions are irrelevant. More
specifically, both `file.f03` and `file.f18` are represented with
`Language::Fortran` (as opposed to e.g. `Language::Fortran03`).
Summary of changes:
- Set Fortran::parser::Options::sFixedForm according to the file type
- Add isFixedFormSuffix and isFreeFormSuffix helper functions to
- Change FrontendOptions::GetInputKindForExtension to support the missing
file extensions that f18 supports and some additional ones
- FrontendActionTest.cpp is updated to make sure that the test input is
treated as free-form
[1] https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gfortran/GNU-Fortran-and-GCC.html
[2] https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/master/flang/docs/OptionComparison.md#notes
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94228
Add support for option -I in the new Flang driver. This will allow for
included headers and module files in other directories, as the default
search path is currently the working folder. The behaviour of this is
consistent with the current f18 driver, where the current folder (i.e.
".") has the highest priority followed by the order of '-I's taking
priority from first to last.
Summary of changes:
- Add SearchDirectoriesFromDashI to PreprocessorOptions, to be forwarded
into the parser's searchDirectories
- Add header files and non-functional module files to be used in
regression tests. The module files are just text files and are used to
demonstrated that paths specified with `-I` are taken into account when
searching for .mod files.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93453
When a reference to a generic interface occurs in a specification
expression that must be emitted to a module file, we have a problem
when the generic resolves to a function whose name is inaccessible
due to being PRIVATE or due to a conflict with another use of the
same name in the scope. In these cases, construct a new name for
the specific procedure and emit a renaming USE to the module file.
Also, relax enforcement of PRIVATE when analyzing module files.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94815
The following driver invocation will generate an output file
in the same directory as the input file:
flang-new -fc1 -test-io test-input.f90
This is the desired behaviour. However, when testing we need to make
sure that we don't pollute the source directory. To this end, copy the
input file into a temporary directory before testing.
This is similar to https://reviews.llvm.org/D94243.
C843 states that "An entity with the INTENT attribute shall be a dummy
data object or a dummy procedure pointer." This change enforces that
and fixes some tests that erroneously violated this rule.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94781
Semantic checks added to check the worksharing 'single' region closely nested inside a worksharing 'do' region. And also to check whether the 'do' iteration variable is a variable in 'Firstprivate' clause.
Reviewed by: Kiran Chandramohan @kiranchandramohan , Valentin Clement @clementval
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93205
When a use-associated procedure was included in a generic, we weren't
correctly recording that fact. The ultimate symbol was added rather than
the local symbol.
Also, improve the message emitted for the specific procedure by
mentioning the module it came from.
This fixes one of the problems in https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48648.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94696
This patch rename the tablegen generated file ACC.cpp.inc to ACC.inc in order
to match what was done in D92955. This file is included in header file as well as .cpp
file so it make more sense.
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93485
Generic type-bound interfaces for user-defined operators need to be formatted
as "OPERATOR(.op.)", not just ".op."
PRIVATE generics need to be marked as such.
Declaration ordering: when a generic interface shadows a
derived type of the same name, it needs to be emitted to the
module file at the point of definition of the derived type;
otherwise, the derived type's definition may appear after its
first use.
The module symbol for a module read from a module file needs
to be marked as coming from a module file before semantic
processing is performed on the contents of the module so that
any special handling for declarations in module files can be
properly activated.
IMPORT statements were sometimes missing for use-associated
symbols in surrounding scopes; fine-tune NeedImport().
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94636
`DirectiveStructureChecker` was passing in a pointer to a temporary
string for the `construct` argument to the constructor for `LabelEnforce`.
The `LabelEnforce` object had a lifetime longer than the temporary,
resulting in accessing a dangling pointer when emitting an error message
for `omp-parallell01.f90`.
The fix is to make the lifetime of the temporary as long as the lifetime
of the `LabelEnforce` object.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94618
Flang has two CMake configurable header files that define compiler
version numbers:
* f18_version.h.in - only used in f18.cpp (uses version numbers from
LLVM's macro definitions)
* Version.inc.in - not currently used (uses version numbers hard-coded
in Flang's top CMake script)
Currently only f18_version.h.in provides version numbers consistent with
other subprojects in llvm-project. However, its location and name are
inconsistent with e.g. Clang. This patch merges the two headers
* hard-coded version numbers in Flang's top CMake script are deleted
* Version.inc.in is updated to provide string versions of version
numbers (required by f18.cpp)
* f18_version.h.in is deleted as it's no longer needed
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94422
It's possible to declare an external procedure and then pass it as an
actual argument to a subprogram expecting a procedure argument. I added
tests for this and added an error message to distinguish passing an
actual argument with an implicit interface from passing an argument with
a mismatched explicit interface.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94505
If a module specifies default private accessibility, names that have
been use-associated are private by default. This was not reflected in
.mod files.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94602
When needed due to a specification expression in a derived type,
the host association symbols should be created in the surrounding
subprogram's scope instead.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94567
In some contexts, including the motivating case of determining whether
the expressions that define the shape of a variable are "constant expressions"
in the sense of the Fortran standard, expression rewriting via Fold()
is not necessary, and should not be required. The inquiry intrinsics LBOUND,
UBOUND, and SIZE work correctly now in specification expressions and are
classified correctly as being constant expressions (or not). Getting this right
led to a fair amount of API clean-up as a consequence, including the
folding of shapes and TypeAndShape objects, and new APIs for shapes
that do not fold for those cases where folding isn't needed. Further,
the symbol-testing predicate APIs in Evaluate/tools.h now all resolve any
associations of their symbols and work transparently on use-, host-, and
construct-association symbols; the tools used to resolve those associations have
been defined and documented more precisely, and their clients adjusted as needed.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94561
`CheckNoBranching` is currently handling only illegal branching out for constructs
with `Parser::Name` in them.
Extend the same for handling illegal branching out caused by `Parser::Label` based statements.
This patch could possibly solve one of the issues(typically branching out) mentioned in D92735.
Reviewed By: kiranchandramohan
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93447
Remove duplicated function to check for required clauses on a directive. This was
still there from the merging of OpenACC and OpenMP common semantic checks and it can now be
removed so we use only one function.
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93575
The following frontend driver invocation will generate 2 output files
in the same directory as the input files:
flang-new -fc1 input-1.f input-2.f
This is the desired behaviour. However, when testing we need to make
sure that we don't pollute the source directory. To this end, copy test
input files into a temporary directory.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94243
Internal subprograms have explicit interfaces. If an internal subprogram has
an alternate return, we check its explicit interface. But we were not
putting the label values of alternate returns into the actual argument.
I fixed this by changing the definition of actual arguments to be able
to contain a common::Label and putting the label for an alternate return
into the actual argument.
I also verified that we were already doing all of the semantic checking
required for alternate returns and removed a "TODO" for this.
I also added the test altreturn06.f90.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D94017
Add semantic check for most of the restrictions for the declare directive.
Reviewed By: kiranktp
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D92741
This patch adds a frontend action for emitting object files. While Flang
does not support code-generation, this action remains a placeholder.
This patch simply provides glue-code to connect the compiler driver
with the appropriate frontend action.
The new action is triggered with the `-c` compiler driver flag, i.e.
`flang-new -c`. This is then translated to `flang-new -fc1 -emit-obj`,
so `-emit-obj` has to be marked as supported as well.
As code-generation is not available yet, `flang-new -c` results in a
driver error:
error: code-generation is not available yet
Hopefully this will help communicating the level of available
functionality within Flang.
The definition of `emit-obj` is updated so that it can be shared between
Clang and Flang. As the original definition was enclosed within a
Clang-specific TableGen `let` statement, it is extracted into a new `let`
statement. That felt like the cleanest option.
I also commented out `-triple` in Flang::ConstructJob and updated some
comments there. This is similar to https://reviews.llvm.org/D93027. I
wanted to make sure that it's clear that we can't support `-triple`
until we have code-generation. However, once code-generation is
available we _will need_ `-triple`.
As this patch adds `-emit-obj`, the emit-obj.f90 becomes irrelevant and
is deleted. Instead, phases.f90 is added to demonstrate that users can
control compilation phases (indeed, `-c` is a phase control flag).
Reviewed By: SouraVX, clementval
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93301
This patch adds some positive and failure tests for init and shutdown directives.
Reviewed By: kiranktp
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D90786
Add support for options -D and -U in the new Flang driver.
Summary of changes:
- Create PreprocessorOptions, to be used by the driver then translated
into Fortran::parser::Options
- Create CompilerInvocation::setFortranOpts to pass preprocessor
options into the parser options
- Add a dedicated method, Flang::AddPreprocessingOptions, to extract
preprocessing options from the driver arguments into the preprocessor
command arguments
Macros specified like -DName will default to definition 1.
When defining macros, the new driver will drop anything after an
end-of-line character. This is consistent with gfortran and clang, but
different to what currently f18 does. However, flang (which is a bash
wrapper for f18), also drops everything after an end-of-line character.
So gfortran-like behaviour felt like the natural choice. Test is added
to demonstrate this behaviour.
Reviewed By: awarzynski
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93401
As per Flang's coding guidelines
Messages should start with a capital letter.
This patch updates error messages in the driver (new and old) so that
they conform with the guideline above.
This change was suggested in one of the recent reviews:
https://reviews.llvm.org/D93712. It felt like this deserved a dedicated
patch, so sending it separately.
If either `Prescan` or `Parse` generate any fatal errors, the new driver
* report it (i.e. issue an error diagnostic)
* exit early
* return non-zero exit code
This behaviour is consistent with f18 (i.e. the old driver).
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93712
After discussion in D93105 we found that the reduction clause was not following
the common OmpClause convention. This patch makes reduction clause part of OmpClause
with a value of OmpReductionClause in a similar way than task_reduction.
The unparse function for OmpReductionClause is adapted since the keyword and parenthesis
are issued by the corresponding unparse function for parser::OmpClause::Reduction.
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93482
See OMP-5.0 task_reduction Clause.
To add a positive test case we need `taskgroup` directive which is not added hence skipping the test.
This is a dependency for `taskgroup` construct.
Reviewed By: clementval
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93105
Co-authored-by: Valentin Clement <clementval@gmail.com>
When an abstract interface is defined, add the ABSTRACT attribute to
subprogram symbols that define the interface body. Make use of that
when writing .mod files to include "abstract" on the interface statement.
Also, fix a problem with the order of symbols in a .mod file. Sometimes
a name is mentioned before the "real" declaration, e.g. in an access
statement. We want the order to be based on the real definitions. In
these cases we replace the symbol name with an identical name with a
different source location. Then by sorting based on the source location
we get symbols in the right order.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93572
OpenMP 4.5 - Variables that appear in expressions for statement function definitions
may not appear in OpenMP Private, Firstprivate or Lastprivate clauses.
Test case : omp-private03.f90
Reviewed By: kiranchandramohan
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93213
- updated the link to join the meeting to reflect the new WebEx information
- Added a note about the new Google Doc for keeping track of notes, and who
to contact if you experience access issues with the document
- Left a reference to the minutes from previous meetings being available
through a search of the flang-dev mailing list
Reviewed By: jdoerfert
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93770
See OMP-5.0 task_reduction Clause.
To add a positive test case we need `taskgroup` directive which is not added hence skipping the test.
This is a dependency for `taskgroup` construct.
Reviewed By: clementval
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93105
These patch implements a few non-functional-changes:
* switch to using test fixtures for better code sharing
* rename some variables (e.g. to communicate their purpose a bit better)
This patch doesn't change _what_ is being tested.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93544
After discussion in `D93482` we found that the some of the clauses were not
following the common OmpClause convention.
The benefits of using OmpClause:
- Functionalities from structure checker are mostly aligned to work with
- The unparsing as well can take advantage.
- Homogeneity with OpenACC and rest of the clauses in OpenMP.
- Could even generate the parser with TableGen, when there is homogeneity.
- It becomes confusing when to use `flangClass` and `flangClassValue` inside
TableGen, if incase we generate parser using TableGen we could have only a
single `let expression`.
This patch makes `OmpDistScheduleClause` clause part of `OmpClause`.
The unparse function for `OmpDistScheduleClause` is adapted since the keyword
and parenthesis are issued by the corresponding unparse function for
Reviewed By: clementval, kiranktp
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93644
After discussion in `D93482` we found that the some of the clauses were not
following the common OmpClause convention.
The benefits of using OmpClause:
- Functionalities from structure checker are mostly aligned to work with
- The unparsing as well can take advantage.
- Homogeneity with OpenACC and rest of the clauses in OpenMP.
- Could even generate the parser with TableGen, when there is homogeneity.
- It becomes confusing when to use `flangClass` and `flangClassValue` inside
TableGen, if incase we generate parser using TableGen we could have only a
single `let expression`.
This patch makes `OmpNoWait` clause part of `OmpClause`.
Reviewed By: clementval, kiranktp
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93643
After discussion in `D93482` we found that the some of the clauses were not
following the common OmpClause convention.
The benefits of using OmpClause:
- Functionalities from structure checker are mostly aligned to work with
- The unparsing as well can take advantage.
- Homogeneity with OpenACC and rest of the clauses in OpenMP.
- Could even generate the parser with TableGen, when there is homogeneity.
- It becomes confusing when to use `flangClass` and `flangClassValue` inside
TableGen, if incase we generate parser using TableGen we could have only a
single `let expression`.
This patch makes `OmpProcBindClause` clause part of `OmpClause`.
The unparse function is dropped as the unparsing is done by `WALK_NESTED_ENUM`
for `OmpProcBindClause`.
Reviewed By: clementval, kiranktp
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93642
After discussion in `D93482` we found that the some of the clauses were not
following the common OmpClause convention.
The benefits of using OmpClause:
- Functionalities from structure checker are mostly aligned to work with
- The unparsing as well can take advantage.
- Homogeneity with OpenACC and rest of the clauses in OpenMP.
- Could even generate the parser with TableGen, when there is homogeneity.
- It becomes confusing when to use `flangClass` and `flangClassValue` inside
TableGen, if incase we generate parser using TableGen we could have only a
single `let expression`.
This patch makes `OmpDefaultClause` clause part of `OmpClause`.
The unparse function is dropped as the unparsing is done by `WALK_NESTED_ENUM`
for `OmpDefaultClause`.
Reviewed By: clementval, kiranktp
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93641
After discussion in `D93482` we found that the some of the clauses were not
following the common OmpClause convention.
The benefits of using OmpClause:
- Functionalities from structure checker are mostly aligned to work with
- The unparsing as well can take advantage.
- Homogeneity with OpenACC and rest of the clauses in OpenMP.
- Could even generate the parser with TableGen, when there is homogeneity.
- It becomes confusing when to use `flangClass` and `flangClassValue` inside
TableGen, if incase we generate parser using TableGen we could have only a
single `let expression`.
This patch makes `allocate` clause part of `OmpClause`.The unparse function for
`OmpAllocateClause` is adapted since the keyword and parenthesis are issued by
the corresponding unparse function for `parser::OmpClause::Allocate`.
Reviewed By: clementval
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93640
Use the TableGen feature to have enum values for clauses.
Next step will be to extend the MLIR part used currently by OpenMP
to use the same enum on the dialect side.
This patch also add function that convert the enum to StringRef to be
used on the dump-parse-tree from flang.
Reviewed By: jdoerfert
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93576
Using files with identical names leads to unexpected failures when tests
are run in parallel. This is tricky to reproduce, but has been happening
on some buildbots since merging https://reviews.llvm.org/D92854. In that
patch I added a unit test with a non-unique test file. This patch fixes
We were only checking the restrictions of IMPLICIT NONE(EXTERNAL) when a
procedure name is first encountered. But it can also happen with an
existing symbol, e.g. if an external function's return type is declared
before is it called. This change adds a check in that branch too.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93552
The behaviour triggered with this flag is consistent with `-fparse-only`
in `flang` (i.e. the throwaway driver). This new spelling is consistent
with Clang and gfortran, and was proposed and agreed on for the new
driver in [1].
This patch also adds some minimal logic to communicate whether the
semantic checks have failed or not. When semantic checks fail, a
frontend driver error is generated. The return code from the frontend
driver is then determined by checking the driver diagnostics - the
presence of driver errors means that the compilation has failed. This
logic is consistent with `clang -cc1`.
[1] http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/flang-dev/2020-November/000588.html
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D92854
The flang wrapper script that was created as bin/flang in an in-tree
build did not have a correct -intrinsic-module-directory option.
It was correct for out-of-tree builds and for both kinds of installs.
The fix is to pick the correct directory based on what exists.
The script is no longer configured by cmake (just copied) so that
mechanism can be deleted from the cmake file.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93496
This class used to serve a few useful purposes:
* Allowed containing a null DictionaryAttr
* Provided some simple mutable API around a DictionaryAttr
The first of which is no longer an issue now that there is much better caching support for attributes in general, and a cache in the context for empty dictionaries. The second results in more trouble than it's worth because it mutates the internal dictionary on every action, leading to a potentially large number of dictionary copies. NamedAttrList is a much better alternative for the second use case, and should be modified as needed to better fit it's usage as a DictionaryAttrBuilder.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93442
This better matches the rest of the infrastructure, is much simpler, and makes it easier to move these types to being declaratively specified.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93432
Remove the OpenMP clause information from the OMPKinds.def file and use the
information from the new OMP.td file. There is now a single source of truth for the
directives and clauses.
To avoid generate lots of specific small code from tablegen, the macros previously
used in OMPKinds.def are generated almost as identical. This can be polished and
possibly removed in a further patch.
Reviewed By: jdoerfert
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D92955
This patch add some checks for the restriction on the routine directive
and fix several issue at the same time.
Validity tests have been added in a separate file than acc-clause-validity.f90 since this one
became quite large. I plan to split the larger file once on-going review are done.
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D92672
Update the allowed clauses for the SERIAL construct for the new OpenACC 3.1
Reviewed By: sameeranjoshi
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D92123
Names in EQUIVALENCE statements are only allowed to indicate local
objects as per, paragraph 2, item (10). Thus, a name appearing
in an EQUIVALENCE statement with no corresponding declaration in the
same scope is an implicit declaration of the name. If that scope
contains an IMPLICIT NONE, it's an error.
I implemented this by adding a state variable to ScopeHandler to
indicate if we're resolving the names in an EQUIVALENCE statement and
then checked this state when resolving names. I also added a test to
the existing tests for EQUIVALENCE statements.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93345
Elemental intrinsic function folding was not taking the lower
bounds of constant array arguments into account; these lower bounds
can be distinct from 1 when named constants appear as arguments.
LLVM bugzilla #48437.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93321
Some operators have more than one name, e.g. operator(==), operator(.eq).
That was working correctly in generic definitions but they can also
appear in other contexts: USE statements and access statements, for
This changes FindInScope to always look for each of the names for
a symbol. So an operator may be use-associated under one name but
declared private under another name and it will be the same symbol.
This replaces GenericSpecInfo::FindInScope which was only usable in
some cases.
Add a version of FindInScope() that looks in the current scope to
simplify many of the calls.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93344
STORAGE_SIZE() is a standard inquiry intrinsic (size in bits
of an array element of the same type as the argument); SIZEOF()
is a common extension that returns the size in bytes of its
argument; C_SIZEOF() is a renaming of SIZEOF() in module ISO_C_BINDING.
STORAGE_SIZE() and SIZEOF() are implemented via rewrites to
expressions; these expressions will be constant when the necessary
type parameters and bounds are also constant.
Code to calculate the sizes of types (with and without alignment)
was isolated into Evaluate/type.* and /characteristics.*.
Code in Semantics/compute-offsets.* to calculate sizes and alignments
of derived types' scopes was exposed so that it can be called at type
instantiation time (earlier than before) so that these inquiry intrinsics
could be called from specification expressions.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93322
When merging use associations into a generic, we weren't handling
the case where the name that was use associated was itself a use
association. This is fixed by following that association to its
ultimate symbol (`useUltimate` in `DoAddUse`).
An example of the bug is `m12d` in `resolve17.f90`. `g` is associated
with `gc` in `m12c` which is associated with `gb` in `m12b`. It was that
last association that we weren't correctly following.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93343
Remove resolved & moot TODO comments in Common/, Parser/,
and Evaluate/. Address a pending one relating to parsing
ambiguity in DATA statement constants, handling it with
symbol table information in Semantics and adding a test.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93323
Always emit the letter 'E' in list-directed REAL output;
the library was omitting it for exponents greater than 99,
as should be done for E and D formatting of large exponents
without an Ed exponent digit count.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D93319
Before this patch, the Restorer depended on copy elision to happen.
Without copy elision, the function ScopedSet calls the move constructor
before its dtor. The dtor will prematurely restore the reference to the
original value.
Instead of relying the compiler to not use the Restorer's copy
constructor, delete its copy and assign operators. Hence, callers cannot
move or copy a Restorer object anymore, and have to explicitly provide
the reset state. ScopedSet avoids calling move/copy operations by
relying on unnamed return value optimization, which is mandatory in
Reviewed By: klausler
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D88797