I noticed that passing known bits across these intrinsics isn't great at capturing the information we really know. Turning known bits of the input into known bits of a count output isn't able to convey a lot of what we really know.
This patch adds range metadata to these intrinsics based on the known bits.
Currently the patch punts if we already have range metadata present.
Reviewers: spatel, RKSimon, davide, majnemer
Reviewed By: RKSimon
Subscribers: sanjoy, hfinkel, llvm-commits
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 305927
This is a cleaned up patch from the one written by John Regehr based on the findings of the Souper superoptimizer.
The basic idea here is that input bits that are known zero reduce the maximum count that the intrinsic could return. We know that the number of bits required to represent a particular count is at most log2(N)+1.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 250338