SWIG is smart enough to recognize that C++ operators == and != mean __eq__ and __ne__ in Python and do the appropriate translation
But it is not smart enough to recognize that mySBObject == None should return False instead of erroring out
The %pythoncode blocks are meant to provide those extra smarts (and they play some SWIG&Python magic to find the right function to call behind the scenes with no risk of typos :-)
Lastly, SBBreakpoint provides an == but never provided a != operator - common courtesy is to provide both
llvm-svn: 180987
Introducing a negative cache for ObjCLanguageRuntime::LookupInCompleteClassCache()
This helps speed up the (common) case of us looking for classes that are hidden deep within Cocoa internals and repeatedly failing at finding type information for them.
In order for this to work, we need to clean this cache whenever debug information is added. A new symbols loaded event is added that is triggered with add-dsym (before modules loaded would be triggered for both adding modules and adding symbols).
Interested parties can register for this event. Internally, we make sure to clean the negative cache whenever symbols are added.
Lastly, ClassDescriptor::IsTagged() has been refactored to GetTaggedPointerInfo() that also (optionally) returns info and value bits. In this way, data formatters can share tagged pointer code instead of duplicating the required arithmetic.
llvm-svn: 178897
Calculate "can branch" using the MC API's rather than our hand-rolled regex'es.
As extra credit, allow setting the disassembly flavor for x86 based architectures to intel or att.
llvm-svn: 176392
Adding FindFirstGlobalVariable to SBModule and SBTarget
These calls work like FindGlobalVariables but they only return the first match found and so they can return an SBValue instead of an SBValueList for added convenience of use
llvm-svn: 172636
Added SBTarget::EvaluateExpression() so expressions can be evaluated without needing a process.
Also fixed many functions that deal with clang AST types to be able to properly handle the clang::Type::Elaborated types ("struct foo", "class bar").
llvm-svn: 171476
Add the ability to get a symbol or symbols by name and type from a SBModule, and also the ability to get all symbols by name and type from SBTarget objects.
llvm-svn: 169205
Refactorings of watchpoint creation APIs so that SBTarget::WatchAddress(), SBValue::Watch(), and SBValue::WatchPointee()
now take an additional 'SBError &error' parameter (at the end) to contain the reason if there is some failure in the
operation. Update 'watchpoint set variable/expression' commands to take advantage of that.
Update existing test cases to reflect the API change and add test cases to verify that the SBError mechanism works for
SBTarget::WatchAddress() by passing an invalid watch_size.
llvm-svn: 157964
This was done in SBTarget:
lldb::SBTarget::ReadInstructions (lldb::SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count);
Also cleaned up a few files in the LLDB.framework settings.
llvm-svn: 152152
will fill out either a SBLaunchInfo or SBAttachInfo class, then call:
SBProcess SBTarget::Launch (SBLaunchInfo &, SBError &);
SBProcess SBTarget::Attach (SBAttachInfo &, SBError &);
The attach is working right now and allows the ability to set many filters such
as the parent process ID, the user/group ID, the effective user/group ID, and much
The launch is not yet working, but I will get this working soon. By changing our
launch and attach calls to take an object, it allows us to add more capabilities to
launching and attaching without having to have launch and attach functions that
take more and more arguments.
Once this is all working we will deprecated the older launch and attach fucntions
and eventually remove them.
llvm-svn: 151344
interface (.i) files for each class.
Changed the FindFunction class from:
SBTarget::FindFunctions (const char *name,
uint32_t name_type_mask,
bool append,
lldb::SBSymbolContextList& sc_list)
SBModule::FindFunctions (const char *name,
uint32_t name_type_mask,
bool append,
lldb::SBSymbolContextList& sc_list)
SBTarget::FindFunctions (const char *name,
uint32_t name_type_mask = lldb::eFunctionNameTypeAny);
SBModule::FindFunctions (const char *name,
uint32_t name_type_mask = lldb::eFunctionNameTypeAny);
This makes the API easier to use from python. Also added the ability to
append a SBSymbolContext or a SBSymbolContextList to a SBSymbolContextList.
Exposed properties for lldb.SBSymbolContextList in python:
lldb.SBSymbolContextList.modules => list() or all lldb.SBModule objects in the list
lldb.SBSymbolContextList.compile_units => list() or all lldb.SBCompileUnits objects in the list
lldb.SBSymbolContextList.functions => list() or all lldb.SBFunction objects in the list
lldb.SBSymbolContextList.blocks => list() or all lldb.SBBlock objects in the list
lldb.SBSymbolContextList.line_entries => list() or all lldb.SBLineEntry objects in the list
lldb.SBSymbolContextList.symbols => list() or all lldb.SBSymbol objects in the list
This allows a call to the SBTarget::FindFunctions(...) and SBModule::FindFunctions(...)
and then the result can be used to extract the desired information:
sc_list = lldb.target.FindFunctions("erase")
for function in sc_list.functions:
print function
for symbol in sc_list.symbols:
print symbol
Exposed properties for the lldb.SBSymbolContext objects in python:
lldb.SBSymbolContext.module => lldb.SBModule
lldb.SBSymbolContext.compile_unit => lldb.SBCompileUnit
lldb.SBSymbolContext.function => lldb.SBFunction
lldb.SBSymbolContext.block => lldb.SBBlock
lldb.SBSymbolContext.line_entry => lldb.SBLineEntry
lldb.SBSymbolContext.symbol => lldb.SBSymbol
Exposed properties for the lldb.SBBlock objects in python:
lldb.SBBlock.parent => lldb.SBBlock for the parent block that contains
lldb.SBBlock.sibling => lldb.SBBlock for the sibling block to the current block
lldb.SBBlock.first_child => lldb.SBBlock for the first child block to the current block
lldb.SBBlock.call_site => for inline functions, return a lldb.declaration object that gives the call site file, line and column
lldb.SBBlock.name => for inline functions this is the name of the inline function that this block represents
lldb.SBBlock.inlined_block => returns the inlined function block that contains this block (might return itself if the current block is an inlined block)
lldb.SBBlock.range[int] => access the address ranges for a block by index, a list() with start and end address is returned
lldb.SBBlock.ranges => an array or all address ranges for this block
lldb.SBBlock.num_ranges => the number of address ranges for this blcok
SBFunction objects can now get the SBType and the SBBlock that represents the
top scope of the function.
SBBlock objects can now get the variable list from the current block. The value
list returned allows varaibles to be viewed prior with no process if code
wants to check the variables in a function. There are two ways to get a variable
list from a SBBlock:
SBBlock::GetVariables (lldb::SBFrame& frame,
bool arguments,
bool locals,
bool statics,
lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
SBBlock::GetVariables (lldb::SBTarget& target,
bool arguments,
bool locals,
bool statics);
When a SBFrame is used, the values returned will be locked down to the frame
and the values will be evaluated in the context of that frame.
When a SBTarget is used, global an static variables can be viewed without a
running process.
llvm-svn: 149853
You can now access a frame in a thread using:
lldb.SBThread.frame[int] -> lldb.SBFrame object for a frame in a thread
Where "int" is an integer index. You can also access a list object with all of
the frames using:
lldb.SBThread.frames => list() of lldb.SBFrame objects
All SB objects that give out SBAddress objects have properties named "addr"
lldb.SBInstructionList now has the following convenience accessors for len() and
instruction access using an index:
insts = lldb.frame.function.instructions
for idx in range(len(insts)):
print insts[idx]
Instruction lists can also lookup an isntruction using a lldb.SBAddress as the key:
pc_inst = lldb.frame.function.instructions[lldb.frame.addr]
lldb.SBProcess now exposes:
lldb.SBProcess.is_alive => BOOL Check if a process is exists and is alive
lldb.SBProcess.is_running => BOOL check if a process is running (or stepping):
lldb.SBProcess.is_running => BOOL check if a process is currently stopped or crashed:
lldb.SBProcess.thread[int] => lldb.SBThreads for a given "int" zero based index
lldb.SBProcess.threads => list() containing all lldb.SBThread objects in a process
SBInstruction now exposes:
lldb.SBInstruction.mnemonic => python string for instruction mnemonic
lldb.SBInstruction.operands => python string for instruction operands
lldb.SBInstruction.command => python string for instruction comment
SBModule now exposes:
lldb.SBModule.uuid => uuid.UUID(), an UUID object from the "uuid" python module
lldb.SBModule.symbol[int] => lldb.Symbol, lookup symbol by zero based index
lldb.SBModule.symbol[str] => list() of lldb.Symbol objects that match "str"
lldb.SBModule.symbol[re] => list() of lldb.Symbol objecxts that match the regex
lldb.SBModule.symbols => list() of all symbols in a module
SBAddress objects can now access the current load address with the "lldb.SBAddress.load_addr"
property. The current "lldb.target" will be used to try and resolve the load address.
Load addresses can also be set using this accessor:
addr = lldb.SBAddress()
addd.load_addr = 0x123023
Then you can check the section and offset to see if the address got resolved.
SBTarget now exposes:
lldb.SBTarget.module[int] => lldb.SBModule from zero based module index
lldb.SBTarget.module[str] => lldb.SBModule by basename or fullpath or uuid string
lldb.SBTarget.module[uuid.UUID()] => lldb.SBModule whose UUID matches
lldb.SBTarget.module[re] => list() of lldb.SBModule objects that match the regex
lldb.SBTarget.modules => list() of all lldb.SBModule objects in the target
SBSymbol now exposes:
lldb.SBSymbol.name => python string for demangled symbol name
lldb.SBSymbol.mangled => python string for mangled symbol name or None if there is none
lldb.SBSymbol.type => lldb.eSymbolType enum value
lldb.SBSymbol.addr => SBAddress object that represents the start address for this symbol (if there is one)
lldb.SBSymbol.end_addr => SBAddress for the end address of the symbol (if there is one)
lldb.SBSymbol.prologue_size => pythin int containing The size of the prologue in bytes
lldb.SBSymbol.instructions => SBInstructionList containing all instructions for this symbol
SBFunction now also has these new properties in addition to what is already has:
lldb.SBFunction.addr => SBAddress object that represents the start address for this function
lldb.SBFunction.end_addr => SBAddress for the end address of the function
lldb.SBFunction.instructions => SBInstructionList containing all instructions for this function
SBFrame now exposes the SBAddress for the frame:
lldb.SBFrame.addr => SBAddress which is the section offset address for the current frame PC
These are all in addition to what was already added. Documentation and website
updates coming soon.
llvm-svn: 149489
clients to disassemble a series of raw bytes as
demonstrated by a new testcase.
In the future, this API will also allow clients
to provide a callback that adds comments for
addresses in the disassembly.
I also modified the SWIG harness to ensure that
Python ByteArrays work as well as strings as
sources of raw data.
llvm-svn: 146611
Fixed an issues with the SBType and SBTypeMember classes:
- Fixed SBType to be able to dump itself from python
- Fixed SBType::GetNumberOfFields() to return the correct value for objective C interfaces
- Fixed SBTypeMember to be able to dump itself from python
- Fixed the SBTypeMember ability to get a field offset in bytes (the value
being returned was wrong)
- Added the SBTypeMember ability to get a field offset in bits
Cleaned up a lot of the Stream usage in the SB API files.
llvm-svn: 144493
a watchpoint for either the variable encapsulated by SBValue (Watch) or the pointee
encapsulated by SBValue (WatchPointee).
Removed SBFrame::WatchValue() and SBFrame::WatchLocation() API as a result of that.
Modified the watchpoint related test suite to reflect the change.
Plus replacing WatchpointLocation with Watchpoint throughout the code base.
There are still cleanups to be dome. This patch passes the whole test suite.
Check it in so that we aggressively catch regressions.
llvm-svn: 141925
Also add rich comparison methods (__eq__ and __ne__) for SBWatchpointLocation.
Modify TestWatchpointLocationIter.py to exercise the new APIs.
Add fuzz testings for the recently added SBTarget APIs related to watchpoint manipulations.
llvm-svn: 140633
to the Python interface.
Implement yet another (threre're 3 now) iterator protocol for SBTarget: watchpoint_location_iter(),
to iterate on the available watchpoint locations. And add a print representation for
Exercise some of these Python API with TestWatchpointLocationIter.py.
llvm-svn: 140595
- New SBSection objects that are object file sections which can be accessed
through the SBModule classes. You can get the number of sections, get a
section at index, and find a section by name.
- SBSections can contain subsections (first find "__TEXT" on darwin, then
us the resulting SBSection to find "__text" sub section).
- Set load addresses for a SBSection in the SBTarget interface
- Set the load addresses of all SBSection in a SBModule in the SBTarget interface
- Add a new module the an existing target in the SBTarget interface
- Get a SBSection from a SBAddress object
This should get us a lot closer to being able to symbolicate using LLDB through
the public API.
llvm-svn: 140437
Fix the RegularExpression class so it has a real copy constructor.
Fix the breakpoint setting with multiple shared libraries so it makes
one breakpoint not one per shared library.
Add SBFileSpecList, to be used to expose the above to the SB interface (not done yet.)
llvm-svn: 140225
- Completely new implementation of SBType
- Various enhancements in several other classes
Python synthetic children providers for std::vector<T>, std::list<T> and std::map<K,V>:
- these return the actual elements into the container as the children of the container
- basic template name parsing that works (hopefully) on both Clang and GCC
- find them in examples/synthetic and in the test suite in functionalities/data-formatter/data-formatter-python-synth
New summary string token ${svar :
- the syntax is just the same as in ${var but this new token lets you read the values
coming from the synthetic children provider instead of the actual children
- Python providers above provide a synthetic child len that returns the number of elements
into the container
Full bug fix for the issue in which getting byte size for a non-complete type would crash LLDB
Several other fixes, including:
- inverted the order of arguments in the ClangASTType constructor
- EvaluationPoint now only returns SharedPointer's to Target and Process
- the help text for several type subcommands now correctly indicates argument-less options as such
llvm-svn: 136504
SBTarget changes include changing:
SBTarget::ResolveLoadAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr,
lldb::SBAddress& addr);
to be:
SBTarget::ResolveLoadAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr);
SBAddress can how contruct itself using a load address and a target
which can be used to resolve the address:
SBAddress (lldb::addr_t load_addr, lldb::SBTarget &target);
This will actually just call the new SetLoadAddress accessor:
SetLoadAddress (lldb::addr_t load_addr,
lldb::SBTarget &target);
This function will always succeed in making a SBAddress object
that can be used in API calls (even if "target" isn't valid).
If "target" is valid and there are sections currently loaded,
then it will resolve the address to a section offset address if
it can. Else an address with a NULL section and an offset that is
the "load_addr" that was passed in. We do this because a load address
might be from the heap or stack.
llvm-svn: 135770
of the duty of having SWIG docstring features and multiline string literals
embedded within.
lldb.swig now %include .../SBTarget.i, instead of .../SBTarget.h. Will create
other interface files and transition them over.
Also update modify-python-lldb.py to better handle the trailing blank line right
before the ending '"""' Python docstring delimiter.
llvm-svn: 135355