Supervectorization does not plan on handling multi-result AffineMaps and
non-canonical chains of > 1 AffineApplyOp.
This CL introduces a simpler abstraction and composition of single-result
unbounded AffineApplyOp by using the existing unbound AffineMap composition.
This CL adds a simple API call and relevant tests:
OpPointer<AffineApplyOp> makeNormalizedAffineApply(
FuncBuilder *b, Location loc, AffineMap map, ArrayRef<Value*> operands);
which creates a single-result unbounded AffineApplyOp.
The operands of AffineApplyOp are not themselves results of AffineApplyOp by
This represent the simplest possible interface to complement the composition
of (mathematical) AffineMap, for the cases when we are interested in applying
it to Value*.
In this CL the composed AffineMap is not compressed (i.e. there exist operands
that are not part of the result). A followup commit will compress to normal
The single-result unbounded AffineApplyOp abstraction will be used in a
followup CL to support the MaterializeVectors pass.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227879021
This impl class currently provides the following:
* auto definition of the 'ImplType = StorageClass'
* get/getChecked wrappers around TypeUniquer
* 'verifyConstructionInvariants' hook
- This hook verifies that the arguments passed into get/getChecked are valid
to construct a type instance with.
With this, all non-generic type uniquing has been moved out of MLIRContext.cpp
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227871108
Included with this is some other infra:
- Testcases for other canonicalizations that I will implement next.
- Some helpers in AffineMap/Expr for doing simple walks without defining whole
visitor classes.
- A 'replaceDimsAndSymbols' facility that I'll be using to simplify maps and
exprs, e.g. to fold one constant into a mapping and to drop/renumber unused dims.
- Allow index (and everything else) to work in memref's, as we previously
discussed, to make the testcase easier to write.
- A "getAffineBinaryExpr" helper to produce a binop when you know the kind as
an enum.
This line of work will eventually subsume the ComposeAffineApply pass, but it is no where close to that yet :-)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227852951
Use tablegen to generate definitions of the standard binary arithmetic
operations. These operations share a lot of boilerplate that is better off
generated by a tool.
Using tablegen for standard binary arithmetic operations requires the following
1. Add a bit field `hasConstantFolder` to the base Op tablegen class; generate
the `constantFold` method signature if the bit is set. Differentiate between
single-result and zero/multi-result functions that use different signatures.
The implementation of the method remains in C++, similarly to canonicalization
patterns, since it may be large and non-trivial.
2. Define the `AnyType` record of class `Type` since `BinaryOp` currently
provided in is supposed to operate on tensors and other tablegen
users may rely on this behavior.
Note that this drops the inline documentation on the operation classes that was
copy-pasted around anyway. Since we don't generate g3doc from tablegen yet,
keep as it is. Eventually, the user documentation can move to the
tablegen definition file as well.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227820815
Even though it is unexpected except in pathological cases, a nullptr clone may
be returned. This CL handles the nullptr return gracefuly.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227764615
The strict requirement (i.e. at least 2 HW vectors in a super-vector) was a
premature optimization to avoid interfering with other vector code potentially
introduced via other means.
This CL avoids this premature optimization and the spurious errors it causes
when super-vector size == HW vector size (which is a possible corner case).
This may be revisited in the future.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227763966
This corner was found when stress testing with a functional end-to-end CPU
path. In the case where the hardware vector size is 1x...x1 the `keep` vector
is empty and would result a crash.
While there is no reason to expect a 1x...x1 HW vector in practice, this case
can just gracefully degrade to scalar, which is what this CL allows.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227761097
* Match using isa
- This limits the rewrite pattern to ops defined in op registry but that is probably better end state (esp. for additional verification).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227598946
Dialect specific types are registered similarly to operations, i.e. registerType<...> within the dialect. Unlike operations, there is no notion of a "verbose" type, that is *all* types must be registered to a dialect. Casting support(isa/dyn_cast/etc.) is implemented by reserving a range of type kinds in the top level Type class as opposed to string comparison like operations.
To support derived types a few hooks need to be implemented:
In the concrete type class:
- static char typeID;
* A unique identifier for the type used during registration.
In the Dialect:
- typeParseHook and typePrintHook must be implemented to provide parser support.
The syntax for dialect extended types is as follows:
dialect-type: '!' dialect-namespace '<' '"' type-specific-data '"' '>'
The 'type-specific-data' is information used to identify different types within the dialect, e.g:
- !tf<"variant"> // Tensor Flow Variant Type
- !tf<"string"> // Tensor Flow String Type
TensorFlow/TensorFlowControl types are now implemented as dialect specific types as a proof
of concept.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227580052
This change is mechanical and merges the LowerAffineApplyPass and
LowerIfAndForPass into a single LowerAffinePass. It makes a step towards
defining an "affine dialect" that would contain all polyhedral-related
constructs. The motivation for merging these two passes is based on retiring
MLFunctions and, eventually, transforming If and For statements into regular
operations. After that happens, LowerAffinePass becomes yet another
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227566113
Existing implementation was created before ML/CFG unification refactoring and
did not concern itself with further lowering to separate concerns. As a
result, it emitted `affine_apply` instructions to implement `for` loop bounds
and `if` conditions and required a follow-up function pass to lower those
`affine_apply` to arithmetic primitives. In the unified function world,
LowerForAndIf is mostly a lowering pass with low complexity. As we move
towards a dialect for affine operations (including `for` and `if`), it makes
sense to lower `for` and `if` conditions directly to arithmetic primitives
instead of relying on `affine_apply`.
Expose `expandAffineExpr` function in LoweringUtils. Use this function
together with `expandAffineMaps` to emit primitives that implement loop and
branch conditions directly.
Also remove tests that become unnecessary after transforming LowerForAndIf into
a function pass.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227563608
In LoweringUtils, extract out `expandAffineMap`. This function takes an affine
map and a list of values the map should be applied to and emits a sequence of
arithmetic instructions that implement the affine map. It is independent of
the AffineApplyOp and can be used in places where we need to insert an
evaluation of an affine map without relying on a (temporary) `affine_apply`
instruction. This prepares for a merge between LowerAffineApply and
LowerForAndIf passes.
Move the `expandAffineApply` function to the LowerAffineApply pass since it is
the only place that must be aware of the `affine_apply` instructions.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227563439
The entire compiler now looks at structural properties of the function (e.g.
does it have one block, does it contain an if/for stmt, etc) so the only thing
holding up this difference is round tripping through the parser/printer syntax.
Removing this shrinks the compile by ~140LOC.
This is step 31/n towards merging instructions and statements. The last step
is updating the docs, which I will do as a separate patch in order to split it
from this mostly mechanical patch.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227540453
Moving forward dialect namespaces cannot contain '.' characters.
This cl also standardizes that operation names must begin with the dialect namespace followed by a '.'.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227532193
This commit adds support for the "select" operation that lowers directly into
its LLVM IR counterpart. A simple test is included.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227527893
runOnCFG/MLFunction override locations. Passes that care can handle this
filtering if they choose. Also, eliminate one needless difference between
CFG/ML functions in the parser.
This is step 30/n towards merging instructions and statements.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227515912
This CL introduces a simple set of Embedded Domain-Specific Components (EDSCs)
in MLIR components:
1. a `Type` system of shell classes that closely matches the MLIR type system. These
types are subdivided into `Bindable` leaf expressions and non-bindable `Expr`
2. an `MLIREmitter` class whose purpose is to:
a. maintain a map of `Bindable` leaf expressions to concrete SSAValue*;
b. provide helper functionality to specify bindings of `Bindable` classes to
SSAValue* while verifying comformable types;
c. traverse the `Expr` and emit the MLIR.
This is used on a concrete example to implement MemRef load/store with clipping in the
LowerVectorTransfer pass. More specifically, the following pseudo-C++ code:
MLFuncBuilder *b = ...;
Location location = ...;
Bindable zero, one, expr, size;
// EDSL expression
auto access = select(expr < zero, zero, select(expr < size, expr, size - one));
auto ssaValue = MLIREmitter(b)
.bind(zero, ...)
.bind(one, ...)
.bind(expr, ...)
.bind(size, ...)
.emit(location, access);
is used to emit all the MLIR for a clipped MemRef access.
This simple EDSL can easily be extended to more powerful patterns and should
serve as the counterpart to pattern matchers (and could potentially be unified
once we get enough experience).
In the future, most of this code should be TableGen'd but for now it has
concrete valuable uses: make MLIR programmable in a declarative fashion.
This CL also adds Stmt, proper supporting free functions and rewrites
VectorTransferLowering fully using EDSCs.
The code for creating the EDSCs emitting a VectorTransferReadOp as loops
with clipped loads is:
Stmt block = Block({
tmpAlloc = alloc(tmpMemRefType),
vectorView = vector_type_cast(tmpAlloc, vectorMemRefType),
ForNest(ivs, lbs, ubs, steps, {
scalarValue = load(scalarMemRef, accessInfo.clippedScalarAccessExprs),
store(scalarValue, tmpAlloc, accessInfo.tmpAccessExprs),
vectorValue = load(vectorView, zero),
tmpDealloc = dealloc(tmpAlloc.getLHS())});
where `accessInfo.clippedScalarAccessExprs)` is created with:
select(i + ii < zero, zero, select(i + ii < N, i + ii, N - one));
The generated MLIR resembles:
%1 = dim %0, 0 : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
%2 = dim %0, 1 : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
%3 = dim %0, 2 : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
%4 = dim %0, 3 : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
%5 = alloc() : memref<5x4x3xf32>
%6 = vector_type_cast %5 : memref<5x4x3xf32>, memref<1xvector<5x4x3xf32>>
for %i4 = 0 to 3 {
for %i5 = 0 to 4 {
for %i6 = 0 to 5 {
%7 = affine_apply #map0(%i0, %i4)
%8 = cmpi "slt", %7, %c0 : index
%9 = affine_apply #map0(%i0, %i4)
%10 = cmpi "slt", %9, %1 : index
%11 = affine_apply #map0(%i0, %i4)
%12 = affine_apply #map1(%1, %c1)
%13 = select %10, %11, %12 : index
%14 = select %8, %c0, %13 : index
%15 = affine_apply #map0(%i3, %i6)
%16 = cmpi "slt", %15, %c0 : index
%17 = affine_apply #map0(%i3, %i6)
%18 = cmpi "slt", %17, %4 : index
%19 = affine_apply #map0(%i3, %i6)
%20 = affine_apply #map1(%4, %c1)
%21 = select %18, %19, %20 : index
%22 = select %16, %c0, %21 : index
%23 = load %0[%14, %i1, %i2, %22] : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
store %23, %5[%i6, %i5, %i4] : memref<5x4x3xf32>
%24 = load %6[%c0] : memref<1xvector<5x4x3xf32>>
dealloc %5 : memref<5x4x3xf32>
In particular notice that only 3 out of the 4-d accesses are clipped: this
corresponds indeed to the number of dimensions in the super-vector.
This CL also addresses the cleanups resulting from the review of the prevous
CL and performs some refactoring to simplify the abstraction.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227367414
on this to merge together the classes, but there may be other simplification
possible. I'll leave that to riverriddle@ as future work.
This is step 29/n towards merging instructions and statements.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227328680
simplifying them in minor ways. The only significant cleanup here
is the constant folding pass. All the other changes are simple and easy,
but this is still enough to shrink the compiler by 45LOC.
The one pass left to merge is the CSE pass, which will be move involved, so I'm
splitting it out to its own patch (which I'll tackle right after this).
This is step 28/n towards merging instructions and statements.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227328115
Remove an unnecessary restriction in forward substitution. Slightly
simplify LLVM IR lowering, which previously would crash if given an ML
function, it should now produce a clean error if given a function with an
if/for instruction in it, just like it does any other unsupported op.
This is step 27/n towards merging instructions and statements.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227324542
representation, shrinking by 70LOC. The PatternRewriter class can probably
also be simplified as well, but one step at a time.
This is step 26/n towards merging instructions and statements. NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227324218
- drop these ununsed/incomplete sketches given the new design
@albertcohen is working on, and given that FlatAffineConstraints is now
stable and fast enough for all the analyses/transforms that depend on it.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227322739
- introduce PostDominanceInfo in the right/complete way and use that for post
dominance check in store-load forwarding
- replace all uses of Analysis/Utils::dominates/properlyDominates with
- drop all redundant copies of dominance methods in Analysis/Utils/
- in pipeline-data-transfer, replace dominates call with a much less expensive
check; similarly, substitute dominates() in checkMemRefAccessDependence with
a simpler check suitable for that context
- fix a bug in properlyDominates
- improve doc for 'for' instruction 'body'
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227320507
- dominates() for blocks was assuming that there was only a single block at the
top level whenever there was a hierarchy of blocks (as in the case of 'for'/'if'
- fix the comments as well
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227319738
function pass, and eliminating the need to copy over code and do
interprocedural updates. While here, also improve it to make fewer empty
blocks, and rename it to "LowerIfAndFor" since that is what it does. This is
a net reduction of ~170 lines of code.
As drive-bys, change the splitBlock method to *not* insert an unconditional
branch, since that behavior is annoying for all clients. Also improve the
AsmPrinter to not crash when a block is referenced that isn't linked into a
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227308856
PrintOpStatsPass is maintaining state (op stats ) across functions and doing
per-module work - it should be a module pass.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227294151
- the load/store forwarding relies on memref dependence routines as well as
SSA/dominance to identify the memref store instance uniquely supplying a value
to a memref load, and replaces the result of that load with the value being
stored. The memref is also deleted when possible if only stores remain.
- add methods for post dominance for MLFunction blocks.
- remove duplicated getLoopDepth/getNestingDepth - move getNestingDepth,
getMemRefAccess, getNumCommonSurroundingLoops into Analysis/Utils (were
earlier static)
- add a helper method in FlatAffineConstraints - isRangeOneToOne.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227252907
better order.
- update isEmpty() to eliminate IDs in a better order. Speed improvement for
complex cases (for eg. high-d reshape's involving mod's/div's).
- minor efficiency update to projectOut (was earlier making an extra albeit
benign call to gaussianEliminateIds) (NFC).
- move getBestIdToEliminate further up in the file (NFC).
- add the failing test case.
- add debug info to checkMemRefAccessDependence.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227244634
Function::walk functionality into f->walkInsts/Ops which allows visiting all
instructions, not just ops. Eliminate Function::getBody() and
Function::getReturn() helpers which crash in CFG functions, and were only kept
around as a bridge.
This is step 25/n towards merging instructions and statements.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227243966
printing the entry block in a CFG function's argument line. Since I'm touching
all of the testcases anyway, change the argument list from printing as
"%arg : type" to "%arg: type" which is more consistent with bb arguments.
In addition to being more consistent, this is a much nicer look for cfg functions.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227240069
have a designator. This improves diagnostics and merges handling between CFG
and ML functions more. This also eliminates hard coded parser knowledge of
terminator keywords, allowing dialects to define their own terminators.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227239398
requires enhancing DominanceInfo to handle the structure of an ML function,
which is required anyway. Along the way, this also fixes a const correctness
problem with Instruction::getBlock().
This is step 24/n towards merging instructions and statements.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227228900
the function signature, giving them common functionality to ml functions. This
is a strictly additive patch that adds new capability without changing behavior
in a significant way (other than a few diagnostic cleanups). A subsequent
patch will change the printer to use this behavior, which will require updating
a ton of testcases. :)
This exposes the fact that we need to make a grammar change for block
arguments, as is tracked by b/122119779
This is step 23/n towards merging instructions and statements, and one of the
first steps towards eliminating the "cfg vs ml" distinction at a syntax and
semantic level.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227228342
by ~80 lines. This causes a slight change to diagnostics, but
is otherwise behavior preserving.
This is step 22/n towards merging instructions and statements, MFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227187857
consistent and moving the using declarations over. Hopefully this is the last
truly massive patch in this refactoring.
This is step 21/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227178245
- extend/complete dependence tester to utilize local var info while adding
access function equality constraints; one more step closer to get slicing
based fusion working in the general case of affine_apply's involving mod's/div's.
- update test case to reflect more accurate dependence information; remove
inaccurate comment on test case mod_deps.
- fix a minor "bug" in equality addition in addMemRefAccessConstraints (doesn't
affect correctness, but the fixed version is more intuitive).
- some more surrounding code clean up
- move simplifyAffineExpr out of anonymous AffineExprFlattener class - the
latter has state, and the former should reside outside.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227175600
The last major renaming is Statement -> Instruction, which is why Statement and
Stmt still appears in various places.
This is step 19/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227163082
Add convenience wrapper to make it easier to iterate over attributes and operands of operator defined in TableGen file. Use this class in RewriterGen (not used in the op generator yet, will do shortly). Change the RewriterGen to pass the bound arguments explicitly, this is in preparation for multi-op matching.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227156748
by about 100 LOC), without changing any existing behavior.
This is step 20/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227155000
StmtResult -> InstResult, StmtOperand -> InstOperand, and remove the old names.
This is step 17/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227121537
OperationInst derives from it. This allows eliminating some forwarding
functions, other complex code handling multiple paths, and the 'isStatement'
bit tracked by Operation.
This is the last patch I think I can make before the big mechanical change
merging Operation into OperationInst, coming next.
This is step 15/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227077411
Sometimes we have to get the raw value of the FloatAttr to invoke APIs from
non-MLIR libraries (i.e. in the and files). Using
`FloatAttr::getValue().convertToFloat()` and
`FloatAttr::getValue().convertToDouble()` is not safe because interally they
checke the semantics of the APFloat in the attribute, and the semantics is not
always specified (the default value is f64 then convertToFloat will fail) or
inferred incorrectly (for example, using 1.0 instead of 1.f for IEEEFloat).
Calling these convert methods without knowing the semantics can usually crash
the compiler.
This new method converts the value of a FloatAttr to double even if it loses
precision. Currently this method can be used to read in f32 data from arrays.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227076616
#includes so Statements.h includes Operation.h but nothing else does. This is
in preparation to eliminate the Operation class and the complexity it brings
with it. I split this patch off because it is just moving stuff around, the
next patch will be more complex.
This is step 14/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227071777
StmtSuccessorIterator/StmtSuccessorIterator, and rename and move the
CFGFunctionViewGraph pass to ViewFunctionGraph.
This is step 13/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227069438
FuncBuilder class. Also rename SSAValue.cpp to Value.cpp
This is step 12/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227067644
is the new base of the SSA value hierarchy. This CL also standardizes all the
nomenclature and comments to use 'Value' where appropriate. This also eliminates a large number of cast<MLValue>(x)'s, which is very soothing.
This is step 11/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227064624
This *only* changes the internal data structures, it does not affect the user visible syntax or structure of MLIR code. Function gets new "isCFG()" sorts of predicates as a transitional measure.
This patch is gross in a number of ways, largely in an effort to reduce the amount of mechanical churn in one go. It introduces a bunch of using decls to keep the old names alive for now, and a bunch of stuff needs to be renamed.
This is step 10/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227044402
Existing implementation of isContiguousAccess asserts that one of the
function arguments is within certain range, depending on another parameter.
However, the value of this argument may come from outside, in particular in the
loop vectorization pass it may come from command line arguments. This leads
to 'mlir-opt' crashing on an assertion depending on flags. Handle the error
gracefully by reporting error returning a negative result instead. This
negative result prevents any further transformation by the vectorizer so the IR
remains valid.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227029496
Move PrintOpStatsPass out of tools and to other passes (moved to Analysis as it
doesn't modify the program but it is different than the other analysis passes
as it is only consumer at present is the user).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 227018996
making it more similar to the CFG side of things. It is true that in a deeply
nested case that this is not a guaranteed O(1) time operation, and that 'get'
could lead compiler hackers to think this is cheap, but we need to merge these
and we can look into solutions for this in the future if it becomes a problem
in practice.
This is step 9/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226983931
For performance/memory saving purpose, having the Instruction holding a
std::vector for the operands isn't a really good tradeoff. The only reason for
this was to support adding/removing easily BasicBlock arguments to Terminator.
Since this isn't the most common operation, we instead force a pre-allocated
list of operands on Instructions at creation time.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226981227
graph specializations for doing CFG traversals of ML Functions, making the two
sorts of functions have the same capabilities.
This is step 8/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226968502
BlockArgument arguments of the entry block instead. This makes MLFunctions and
CFGFunctions work more similarly.
This is step 7/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226966975
MLFunction, IfStmt, ForStmt even though they currently only contain exactly one
block in that list.
This is step 6/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226960278
The NameLoc can be used to represent a variable, node or method. The
CallSiteLoc has two fields, one represents the concrete location and another
one represents the caller's location. Multiple CallSiteLocs can be chained as
a call stack.
For example, the following call stack
at file1:1
at file2:135
at file3:34
can be formed by call0:
auto name = NameLoc::get("AAA");
auto file1 = FileLineColLoc::get("file1", 1);
auto file2 = FileLineColLoc::get("file2", 135);
auto file3 = FileLineColLoc::get("file3", 34);
auto call2 = CallSiteLoc::get(file2, file3);
auto call1 = CallSiteLoc::get(file1, call2);
auto call0 = CallSiteLoc::get(name, call1);
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226941797
Supervectorization uses null pointers to SSA values as a means of communicating
the failure to vectorize. In operation vectorization, all operations producing
the values of operation arguments must be vectorized for the given operation to
be vectorized. The existing check verified if any of the value "def"
statements was vectorized instead, sometimes leading to assertions inside `isa`
called on a null pointer. Fix this to check that all "def" statements were
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226941552
The binary subtraction operations were not supported by the lowering because
they were not essential for the testing flow. Add support for these
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226941463
from it. This is necessary progress to squaring away the parent relationship
that a StmtBlock has with its enclosing if/for/fn, and makes room for functions
to have more than one block in the future. This also removes IfClause and ForStmtBody.
This is step 5/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226936541
for SSA values in terminators, but easily worked around. At the same time,
move the StmtOperand list in a OperationStmt to the end of its trailing
objects list so we can *reduce* the number of operands, without affecting
offsets to the other stuff in the allocation.
This is important because we want OperationStmts to be consequtive, including
their operands - we don't want to use an std::vector of operands like
Instructions have.
This is patch 4/n towards merging instructions and statements, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226865727
clients to use OperationState instead. This makes MLFuncBuilder more similiar
to CFGFuncBuilder. This whole area will get tidied up more when cfg and ml
worlds get unified. This patch is just gardening, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226701959
optional successor operands when they are terminator operations.
This isn't used yet, but is part 2/n towards merging BasicBlock into StmtBlock
and Instruction into OperationStmt.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226684636
StmtBlock. This is more consistent with IfStmt and also conceptually makes
more sense - a forstmt "isn't" its body, it contains its body.
This is step 1/N towards merging BasicBlock and StmtBlock. This is required
because in the new regime StmtBlock will have a use list (just like BasicBlock
does) of operands, and ForStmt already has a use list for its induction
This is a mechanical patch, NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226684158
This allows for us to decouple type uniquing/construction from MLIRContext and pave the way for dialect specific types.
To accomplish this we two new classes, TypeUniquer and TypeStorageAllocator.
* TypeUniquer is now responsible for all construction and uniquing of types.
* TypeStorageAllocator is a utility used by derived type storage objects to allocate memory within an MLIRContext.
This cl also standardizes what a derived type storage class needs to provide:
- Define a type alias, KeyTy, to a type that uniquely identifies the
instance of the type within its kind.
* The key type must be constructible from the values passed into the
detail::TypeUniquer::get call after the type kind.
* The key type must have a llvm::DenseMapInfo specialization for
- Provide a method, 'KeyTy getKey() const', to construct the key type
from an existing storage instance.
- Provide a construction method:
'DerivedStorage *construct(TypeStorageAllocator &, ...)'
that builds a unique instance of the derived storage. The arguments
after the TypeStorageAllocator must correspond with the values passed
into the detail::TypeUniquer::get call after the type kind.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226507184
reuse existing ones.
- drop IterationDomainContext, redundant since FlatAffineConstraints has
MLValue information associated with its dimensions.
- refactor to use existing support
- leads to a reduction in LOC
- as a result of these changes, non-constant loop bounds get naturally
supported for dep analysis.
- update test cases to include a couple with non-constant loop bounds
- rename addBoundsFromForStmt -> addForStmtDomain
- complete TODO for getLoopIVs (handle 'if' statements)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 226082008
- when adding constraints from a 'for' stmt into FlatAffineConstraints,
correctly add bound operands of the 'for' stmt as a dimensional identifier or
a symbolic identifier depending on whether the bound operand is a valid
MLFunction symbol
- update test case to exercise this.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225988511
Existing implementation always uses 64 bits to store floating point values in
DenseElementsAttr. This was due to FloatAttrs always a `double` for storage
independently of the actual type. Recent commits added support for FloatAttrs
with the proper f32 type and floating semantics and changed the bitwidth
reporting on FloatType.
Use the existing infrastructure for densely storing 16 and 32-bit values in
DenseElementsAttr storage to store f16 and f32 values. Move floating semantics
definition to the FloatType level. Properly support f16 / IEEEhalf semantics
at the FloatAttr level and in the builder.
Note that bf16 is still stored as a 64-bit value with IEEEdouble semantics
because APFloat does not have first-class support for bf16 types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225981289
addDomainConstraints; add support for mod/div for dependence testing.
- add support for mod/div expressions in dependence analysis
- refactor addMemRefAccessConstraints to use getFlattenedAffineExprs (instead
of getFlattenedAffineExpr); update addDomainConstraints.
- rename AffineExprFlattener::cst -> localVarCst
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225933306
This introduces a generic lowering pass for ML functions. The pass is
parameterized by template arguments defining individual pattern rewriters.
Concrete lowering passes define individual pattern rewriters and inherit from
the generic class that takes care of allocating rewriters, traversing ML
functions and performing the actual rewrite.
While this is similar to the greedy pattern rewriter available in
Transform/Utils, it requires adjustments due to the ML/CFG duality. In
particular, ML function rewriters must be able to create statements, not only
operations, and need access to an MLFuncBuilder. When we move to using the
unified function type, the ML-specific rewriting will become unnecessary.
Use LowerVectorTransfers as a testbed for the generic pass.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225887424
Introduce support for lowering vector_type_cast to LLVM IR. It consists in
creating a new MemRef descriptor with the base pointer with the type that
corresponds to the lowered element type of the target memref. Since
`vector_type_cast` does not support dynamic shapes in the target type, no
dynamic size conversion is necessary.
This commit goes in the opposite direction of what is expected of LLVM IR
lowering: it should not be aware of all the other dialects. Instead, we should
have separate definitions for conversions in a global lowering framework.
However, this requires LLVM dialect to be implemented, which is currently
blocked by the absence of user-defined types. Implement the lowering anyway to
unblock end-to-end vectorization experiments.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225887368
This operation is produced and used by the super-vectorization passes and has
been emitted as an abstract unregistered operation until now. For end-to-end
testing purposes, it has to be eventually lowered to LLVM IR. Matching
abstract operation by name goes into the opposite direction of the generic
lowering approach that is expected to be used for LLVM IR lowering in the
future. Register vector_type_cast operation as a part of the SuperVector
Arguably, this operation is a special case of the `view` operation from the
Standard dialect. The semantics of `view` is not fully specified at this point
so it is safer to rely on a custom operation. Additionally, using a custom
operation may help to achieve clear dialect separation.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225887305
As MLIR moves towards dialect-specific types, a generic Type::getBitWidth does
not make sense for all of them. Even with the current type system, the bit
width is not defined (and causes the method in question to abort) for all
TensorFlow types.
This commit restricts the bit width definition to primitive standard types that
have a number of bits appearing verbatim in their type, i.e., integers and
floats. As a side effect, it delegates the decision on the bit width of the
`index` to the backends. Existing backends currently hardcode it to 64 bits.
The Type::getBitWidth method is replaced by Type::getIntOrFloatBitWidth that
only applies to integers and floats. The call sites are updated to use the new
method, where applicable, or rewritten so as not rely on it. Incidentally,
this fixes a utility method that did not account for memrefs being allowed to
have vectors as element types in the size computation.
As an observation, several places in the code use Type in places where a more
specific type could be used instead. Some of those are fixed by this commit.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225844792
provide unroll factors, and a cmd line argument to specify number of
innermost loop unroll repetitions.
- add function callback parameter for outside targets to provide unroll factors
- add a cmd line parameter to repeatedly apply innermost loop unroll a certain
number of times (to avoid using -loop-unroll -loop-unroll ...; instead
- implement the callback for a target
- update test cases / usage
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225843191
*) Adds simple greedy fusion algorithm to drive experimentation. This algorithm greedily fuses loop nests with single-writer/single-reader memref dependences to improve locality.
*) Adds support for fusing slices of a loop nest computation: fusing one loop nest into another by adjusting the source loop nest's iteration bounds (after it is fused into the destination loop nest). This is accomplished by solving for the source loop nest's IVs in terms of the destination loop nests IVs and symbols using the dependece polyhedron, then creating AffineMaps of these functions for the loop bounds of the fused source loop.
*) Adds utility function 'insertMemRefComputationSlice' which computes and inserts computation slice from loop nest surrounding a source memref access into the loop nest surrounding the destingation memref access.
*) Adds FlatAffineConstraints::toAffineMap function which returns and AffineMap which represents an equality contraint where one dimension identifier is represented as a function of all others in the equality constraint.
*) Adds multiple fusion unit tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225842944
Store FloatAttr using more appropriate fltSemantics (mostly fixing up F32/F64 storage, F16/BF16 pending). Previously F32 type was used incorrectly for double (the storage was double). Also add query method that returns fltSemantics for IEEE fp types and use that to verify that the APfloat given matches the type:
* FloatAttr created using APFloat is verified that the semantics of the type and APFloat matches;
* FloatAttr created using double has the APFloat created to match the semantics of the type;
Change parsing of tensor negative splat element to pass in the element type expected. Misc other changes to account for the storage type matching the attribute.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225821834
- use addBoundsForForStmt
- getLoopIVs can return a vector of ForStmt * instead of const ForStmt *; the
returned things aren't owned / part of the stmt on which it's being called.
- other minor API cleanup
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225774301
- extend memref-bound-check to store op's
- make the bound check an analysis util and move to lib/Analysis/Utils.cpp (so that
one doesn't need to always create a pass to use it)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225564830
From the beginning, vector_transfer_read and vector_transfer_write opreations
were intended as a mid-level vectorization abstraction. In particular, they
are lowered to the StandardOps dialect before further processing. As such, it
does not make sense to keep them at the same level as StandardOps. Introduce
the new SuperVectorOps dialect and move vector_transfer_* operations there.
This will be used as a testbed for the generic lowering/legalization pass.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225554492
- if a local id was already for a specific mod/div expression, just reuse it if
the expression repeats (instead of adding a new one).
- drastically reduces the number of local variables added during flattening for
real use cases - since the same div's and mod expressions often repeat.
- add getFlattenedAffineExprs for AffineMap, IntegerSet based on the above
As a natural result of the above:
- FlatAffineConstraints(IntegerSet) ctor now deals with integer sets that have mod
and div constraints as well, and these get simplified as well from -simplify-affine-structures
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225452174
trivially redundant constraints. Update projectOut to eliminate identifiers in
a more efficient order. Fix b/120801118.
- add method to remove duplicate / trivially redundant constraints from
FlatAffineConstraints (use a hashing-based approach with DenseSet)
- update projectOut to eliminate identifiers in a more efficient order
(A sequence of affine_apply's like this (from a real use case) finally exposed
the lack of the above trivial/low hanging simplifications).
for %ii = 0 to 64 {
for %jj = 0 to 9 {
%a0 = affine_apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 * (9 * 1024) + d1 * 128) (%ii, %jj)
%a1 = affine_apply (d0) ->
(d0 floordiv (2 * 3 * 3 * 128 * 128),
(d0 mod 294912) floordiv (3 * 3 * 128 * 128),
(((d0 mod 294912) mod 147456) floordiv 1152) floordiv 8,
(((d0 mod 294912) mod 147456) mod 1152) floordiv 384,
((((d0 mod 294912) mod 147456) mod 1152) mod 384) floordiv 128,
(((((d0 mod 294912) mod 147456) mod 1152) mod 384) mod 128)
floordiv 128) (%a0)
%v0 = load %in[%a1tensorflow/mlir#0, %a1tensorflow/mlir#1, %a1tensorflow/mlir#3, %a1tensorflow/mlir#4, %a1tensorflow/mlir#2, %a1tensorflow/mlir#5]
: memref<2x2x3x3x16x1xi32>
- update FlatAffineConstraints::print to print number of constraints.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225397480
Introduce initial support for 1D vector operations. LLVM does not support
higher-dimensional vectors so the caller must make sure they don't appear in
the input MLIR. Handle the presence of higher-dimensional vectors by failing
Introduce the type conversion for 1D vector types and hook it up with the rest
of the type convresion system. Support "splat" constants for vector types. As
a side effect, this refactors constant operation emission by separating out
scalar integer constants into a separate case and by extracting out the helper
function for scalar float construction. Existing binary operations apply to
vectors transparently.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225172349
Originally, loop steps were implemented using `addi` and `constant` operations
because `affine_apply` was not handled in the first implementation. The
support for `affine_apply` has been added, use it to implement the update of
the loop induction variable. This is more consistent with the lower and upper
bounds of the loop that are also implemented as `affine_apply`, removes the
dependence of the converted function on the StandardOps dialect and makes it
clear from the CFG function that all operations on the loop induction variable
are purely affine.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225165337
- getDimensionBounds() was added initially for quick experimentation - no
longer used (getConstantBoundOnDimSize is the more powerful/complete
- FlatAffineConstraints::getConstantLower/UpperBound are incomplete,
functionality/naming-wise misleading, and not used currently. Removing these;
complete/fixed version will be added in an upcoming CL.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225075061
An extensive discussion demonstrated that it is difficult to support `index`
types as elements of compound (vector, memref, tensor) types. In particular,
their size is unknown until the target-specific lowering takes place. MLIR may
need to store constants of the fixed-shape compound types (e.g.,
vector<4 x index>) internally and must know the size of the element type and
data layout constraints. The same information is necessary for target-specific
lowering and translation to reliably support compound types with `index`
elements, but MLIR does not have a dedicated target description mechanism yet.
The uses cases for compound types with `index` elements, should they appear,
can be handled via an `index_cast` operation that converts between `index` and
fixed-size integer types at the SSA value level instead of the type level.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 225064373
- loop step wasn't handled and there wasn't a TODO or an assertion; fix this.
- rename 'delay' to shift for consistency/readability.
- other readability changes.
- remove duplicate attribute print for DmaStartOp; fix misplaced attribute
print for DmaWaitOp
- add build method for AddFOp (unrelated to this CL, but add it anyway)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224892958
- adding a conservative check for now (TODO: use the dependence analysis pass
once the latter is extended to deal with DMA ops). resolve an existing bug on
a test case.
- update test cases
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224869526
- add method normalizeConstraintsByGCD
- call normalizeConstraintsByGCD() and GCDTightenInequalities() at the end of
- remove call to GCDTightenInequalities() from getMemRefRegion
- change isEmpty() to check isEmptyByGCDTest() / hasInvalidConstraint() each
time an identifier is eliminated (to detect emptiness early).
- make FourierMotzkinEliminate, gaussianEliminateId(s),
GCDTightenInequalities() private
- improve / update stale comments
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224866741
- fix replaceAllMemRefUsesWith call to replace only inside loop body.
- handle the case where DMA buffers are dynamic; extend doubleBuffer() method
to handle dynamically shaped DMA buffers (pass the right operands to AllocOp)
- place alloc's for DMA buffers at the depth at which pipelining is being done
(instead of at top-level)
- add more test cases
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224852231
This was missing from the original commit. The implementation of
createLowerAffineApply was defined in the default namespace but declared in the
`mlir` namespace, which could lead to linking errors when it was used. Put the
definition in `mlir` namespace.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224830894
are a max/min of several expressions.
- Extend loop tiling to handle non-constant loop bounds and bounds that
are a max/min of several expressions, i.e., bounds using multi-result affine
- also fix b/120630124 as a result (the IR was in an invalid state when tiled
loop generation failed; SSA uses were created that weren't plugged into the IR).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224604460
- generate DMAs correctly now using strided DMAs where needed
- add support for multi-level/nested strides; op still supports one level of
stride for now.
Other things
- add test case for symbolic lower/upper bound; cases where the DMA buffer
size can't be bounded by a known constant
- add test case for dynamic shapes where the DMA buffers are however bounded by
- refactor some of the '-dma-generate' code
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224584529
This CL adds a pass that lowers VectorTransferReadOp and VectorTransferWriteOp
to a simple loop nest via local buffer allocations.
This is an MLIR->MLIR lowering based on builders.
A few TODOs are left to address in particular:
1. invert the permutation map so the accesses to the remote memref are coalesced;
2. pad the alloc for bank conflicts in local memory (e.g. GPUs shared_memory);
3. support broadcast / avoid copies when permutation_map is not of full column rank
4. add a proper "element_cast" op
One notable limitation is this does not plan on supporting boundary conditions.
It should be significantly easier to use pre-baked MLIR functions to handle such paddings.
This is left for future consideration.
Therefore the current CL only works properly for full-tile cases atm.
This CL also adds 2 simple tests:
for %i0 = 0 to %M step 3 {
for %i1 = 0 to %N step 4 {
for %i2 = 0 to %O {
for %i3 = 0 to %P step 5 {
vector_transfer_write %f1, %A, %i0, %i1, %i2, %i3 {permutation_map: (d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d3, d1, d0)} : vector<5x4x3xf32>, memref<?x?x?x?xf32, 0>, index, index, index, index
lowers into:
for %i0 = 0 to %arg0 step 3 {
for %i1 = 0 to %arg1 step 4 {
for %i2 = 0 to %arg2 {
for %i3 = 0 to %arg3 step 5 {
%1 = alloc() : memref<5x4x3xf32>
%2 = "element_type_cast"(%1) : (memref<5x4x3xf32>) -> memref<1xvector<5x4x3xf32>>
store %cst, %2[%c0] : memref<1xvector<5x4x3xf32>>
for %i4 = 0 to 5 {
%3 = affine_apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1) (%i3, %i4)
for %i5 = 0 to 4 {
%4 = affine_apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1) (%i1, %i5)
for %i6 = 0 to 3 {
%5 = affine_apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1) (%i0, %i6)
%6 = load %1[%i4, %i5, %i6] : memref<5x4x3xf32>
store %6, %0[%5, %4, %i2, %3] : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
dealloc %1 : memref<5x4x3xf32>
for %i0 = 0 to %M step 3 {
for %i1 = 0 to %N {
for %i2 = 0 to %O {
for %i3 = 0 to %P step 5 {
%f = vector_transfer_read %A, %i0, %i1, %i2, %i3 {permutation_map: (d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d3, 0, d0)} : (memref<?x?x?x?xf32, 0>, index, index, index, index) -> vector<5x4x3xf32>
lowers into:
for %i0 = 0 to %arg0 step 3 {
for %i1 = 0 to %arg1 {
for %i2 = 0 to %arg2 {
for %i3 = 0 to %arg3 step 5 {
%1 = alloc() : memref<5x4x3xf32>
%2 = "element_type_cast"(%1) : (memref<5x4x3xf32>) -> memref<1xvector<5x4x3xf32>>
for %i4 = 0 to 5 {
%3 = affine_apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1) (%i3, %i4)
for %i5 = 0 to 4 {
for %i6 = 0 to 3 {
%4 = affine_apply (d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1) (%i0, %i6)
%5 = load %0[%4, %i1, %i2, %3] : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
store %5, %1[%i4, %i5, %i6] : memref<5x4x3xf32>
%6 = load %2[%c0] : memref<1xvector<5x4x3xf32>>
dealloc %1 : memref<5x4x3xf32>
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224552717
This CL adds a finer grain composition function between AffineExpr and an
unbounded map. This will be used in the next CL.
Also cleans up some comments remaining from a previous CL.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224536314
This simplifies call-sites returning true after emitting an error. After the
conversion, dropped braces around single statement blocks as that seems more
Also, switched to emitError method instead of emitting Error kind using the
emitDiagnostic method.
TESTED with existing unit tests
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224527868
This CLs adds proper error emission, removes NYI assertions and documents
assumptions that are required in the relevant functions.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224377207
This CLs adds proper error emission, removes NYI assertions and documents
assumptions that are required in the relevant functions.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224377143
This CL adds the following free functions:
/// Returns the AffineExpr e o m.
AffineExpr compose(AffineExpr e, AffineMap m);
/// Returns the AffineExpr f o g.
AffineMap compose(AffineMap f, AffineMap g);
This addresses the issue that AffineMap composition is only available at a
distance via AffineValueMap and is thus unusable on Attributes.
This CL thus implements AffineMap composition in a more modular and composable
This CL does not claim that it can be a good replacement for the
implementation in AffineValueMap, in particular it does not support bounded
maps atm.
Standalone tests are added that replicate some of the logic of the AffineMap
composition pass.
Lastly, affine map composition is used properly inside MaterializeVectors and
a standalone test is added that requires permutation_map composition with a
projection map.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224376870
This CL hooks up and uses permutation_map in vector_transfer ops.
In particular, when going into the nuts and bolts of the implementation, it
became clear that cases arose that required supporting broadcast semantics.
Broadcast semantics are thus added to the general permutation_map.
The verify methods and tests are updated accordingly.
Examples of interest include.
Example 1:
The following MLIR snippet:
for %i3 = 0 to %M {
for %i4 = 0 to %N {
for %i5 = 0 to %P {
%a5 = load %A[%i4, %i5, %i3] : memref<?x?x?xf32>
may vectorize with {permutation_map: (d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1)} into:
for %i3 = 0 to %0 step 32 {
for %i4 = 0 to %1 {
for %i5 = 0 to %2 step 256 {
%4 = vector_transfer_read %arg0, %i4, %i5, %i3
{permutation_map: (d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1)} :
(memref<?x?x?xf32>, index, index) -> vector<32x256xf32>
Meaning that vector_transfer_read will be responsible for reading the 2-D slice:
`%arg0[%i4, %i5:%15+256, %i3:%i3+32]` into vector<32x256xf32>. This will
require a transposition when vector_transfer_read is further lowered.
Example 2:
The following MLIR snippet:
%cst0 = constant 0 : index
for %i0 = 0 to %M {
%a0 = load %A[%cst0, %cst0] : memref<?x?xf32>
may vectorize with {permutation_map: (d0) -> (0)} into:
for %i0 = 0 to %0 step 128 {
%3 = vector_transfer_read %arg0, %c0_0, %c0_0
{permutation_map: (d0, d1) -> (0)} :
(memref<?x?xf32>, index, index) -> vector<128xf32>
Meaning that vector_transfer_read will be responsible of reading the 0-D slice
`%arg0[%c0, %c0]` into vector<128xf32>. This will require a 1-D vector
broadcast when vector_transfer_read is further lowered.
Additionally, some minor cleanups and refactorings are performed.
One notable thing missing here is the composition with a projection map during
materialization. This is because I could not find an AffineMap composition
that operates on AffineMap directly: everything related to composition seems
to require going through SSAValue and only operates on AffinMap at a distance
via AffineValueMap. I have raised this concern a bunch of times already, the
followup CL will actually do something about it.
In the meantime, the projection is hacked at a minimum to pass verification
and materialiation tests are temporarily incorrect.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224376828
The recently introduced `select` operation enables ConvertToCFG to support
min(max) in loop bounds. Individual min(max) is implemented as
`cmpi "lt"`(`cmpi "gt"`) followed by a `select` between the compared values.
Multiple results of an `affine_apply` operation extracted from the loop bounds
are reduced using min(max) in a sequential manner. While this may decrease the
potential for instruction-level parallelism, it is easier to recognize for the
following passes, in particular for the vectorizer.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224376233
The implementation of OpPointer<OpType> provides an implicit conversion to
Operation *, but not to the underlying OpType *. This has led to
awkward-looking code when an OpPointer needs to be passed to a function
accepting an OpType *. For example,
if (auto someOp = genericOp.dyn_cast<OpType>())
where "&*" makes it harder to read. Arguably, one does not want to spell out
OpPointer<OpType> in the line with dyn_cast. More generally, OpPointer is now
being used as an owning pointer to OpType rather than to operation.
Replace the implicit conversion to Operation* with the conversion to OpType*
taking into account const-ness of the type. An Operation* can be obtained from
an OpType with a simple call. Since an instance of OpPointer owns the OpType
value, the pointer to it is never null. However, the OpType value may not be
associated with any Operation*. In this case, return nullptr when conversion
is attempted to maintain consistency with the existing null checks.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224368103
cl/224246657); eliminate repeated evaluation of exprs in loop upper bounds.
- while on this, sweep through and fix potential repeated evaluation of
expressions in loop upper bounds
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224268918
- add optional stride arguments for DmaStartOp
- add DmaStartOp::verify(), and missing test cases for DMA op's in
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224232466
update/improve/clean up API.
- update FlatAffineConstraints::getConstBoundDifference; return constant
differences between symbolic affine expressions, look at equalities as well.
- fix buffer size computation when generating DMAs symbolic in outer loops,
correctly handle symbols at various places (affine access maps, loop bounds,
loop IVs outer to the depth at which DMA generation is being done)
- bug fixes / complete some TODOs for getMemRefRegion
- refactor common code b/w memref dependence check and getMemRefRegion
- FlatAffineConstraints API update; added methods employ trivial checks /
detection - sufficient to handle hyper-rectangular cases in a precise way
while being fast / low complexity. Hyper-rectangular cases fall out as
trivial cases for these methods while other cases still do not cause failure
(either return conservative or return failure that is handled by the caller).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224229879
The checks for `isa<IndexType>() || isa<IntegerType>()` and
`isa<IndexType>() || isa<IntegerType>() || isa<FloatType>()`
are frequently used, so it's useful to have some helper
methods for them.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224133596
- remove functionally duplicate code in removeId.
- rename removeColumnRange -> removeIdRange - restrict valid input to just the
identifier columns (not the constant term column).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224054064
This is an obvious bug, but none of the test cases exposed it since numIds was
correctly updated, and the dimensional identifiers were always eliminated
before the symbolic identifiers in all cases that removeId was getting
called from. However, other work in progress exercises the other scenarios and
exposes this bug.
Add an hasConsistentState() private method to move common assertion checks, and call it
from several base methods. Make hasInvalidConstraint() a private method as
well (from a file static one).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224032721
Symbols can be used as dim identifiers and symbolic identifiers, and so we must preserve the symbolic identifies from the input AffineMap during forward substitution, even if that same identifier is used as a dimension identifier in the target AffineMap.
Test case added.
Going forward, we may want to explore solutions where we do not maintain this split between dimensions and symbols, and instead verify the validity of each use of each AffineMap operand AffineMap in the context where the AffineMap operand usage is required to be a symbol: in the denominator of floordiv/ceildiv/mod for semi-affine maps, and in instructions that can capture symbols (i.e. alloc)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 224017364
The condition of the "if" statement is an integer set, defined as a conjunction
of affine constraints. An affine constraints consists of an affine expression
and a flag indicating whether the expression is strictly equal to zero or is
also allowed to be greater than zero. Affine maps, accepted by `affine_apply`
are also formed from affine expressions. Leverage this fact to implement the
checking of "if" conditions. Each affine expression from the integer set is
converted into an affine map. This map is applied to the arguments of the "if"
statement. The result of the application is compared with zero given the
equality flag to obtain the final boolean value. The conjunction of conditions
is tested sequentially with short-circuit branching to the "else" branch if any
of the condition evaluates to false.
Create an SESE region for the if statement (including its "then" and optional
"else" statement blocks) and append it to the end of the current region. The
conditional region consists of a sequence of condition-checking blocks that
implement the short-circuit scheme, followed by a "then" SESE region and an
"else" SESE region, and the continuation block that post-dominates all blocks
of the "if" statement. The flow of blocks that correspond to the "then" and
"else" clauses are constructed recursively, enabling easy nesting of "if"
statements and if-then-else-if chains.
Note that MLIR semantics does not require nor prohibit short-circuit
evaluation. Since affine expressions do not have side effects, there is no
observable difference in the program behavior. We may trade off extra
operations for operation-level parallelism opportunity by first performing all
`affine_apply` and comparison operations independently, and then performing a
tree pattern reduction of the resulting boolean values with the `muli i1`
operations (in absence of the dedicated bit operations). The pros and cons are
not clear, and since MLIR does not include parallel semantics, we prefer to
minimize the number of sequentially executed operations.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223970248
Unlike MLIR, LLVM IR does not support functions that return multiple values.
Simulate this by packing values into the LLVM structure type in the same order
as they appear in the MLIR return. If the function returns only a single
value, return it directly without packing.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223964886
This CL implements and uses VectorTransferOps in lieu of the former custom
call op. Tests are updated accordingly.
VectorTransferOps come in 2 flavors: VectorTransferReadOp and
VectorTransferOps can be thought of as a backend-independent
pseudo op/library call that needs to be legalized to MLIR (whiteboxed) before
it can be lowered to backend-dependent IR.
Note that the current implementation does not yet support a real permutation
map. Proper support will come in a followup CL.
VectorTransferReadOp performs a blocking read from a scalar memref
location into a super-vector of the same elemental type. This operation is
called 'read' by opposition to 'load' because the super-vector granularity
is generally not representable with a single hardware register. As a
consequence, memory transfers will generally be required when lowering
VectorTransferReadOp. A VectorTransferReadOp is thus a mid-level abstraction
that supports super-vectorization with non-effecting padding for full-tile
only code.
A vector transfer read has semantics similar to a vector load, with additional
support for:
1. an optional value of the elemental type of the MemRef. This value
supports non-effecting padding and is inserted in places where the
vector read exceeds the MemRef bounds. If the value is not specified,
the access is statically guaranteed to be within bounds;
2. an attribute of type AffineMap to specify a slice of the original
MemRef access and its transposition into the super-vector shape. The
permutation_map is an unbounded AffineMap that must represent a
permutation from the MemRef dim space projected onto the vector dim
%A = alloc(%size1, %size2, %size3, %size4) : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>
%val = `ssa-value` : f32
// let %i, %j, %k, %l be ssa-values of type index
%v0 = vector_transfer_read %src, %i, %j, %k, %l
{permutation_map: (d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d3, d1, d2)} :
(memref<?x?x?x?xf32>, index, index, index, index) ->
%v1 = vector_transfer_read %src, %i, %j, %k, %l, %val
{permutation_map: (d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d3, d1, d2)} :
(memref<?x?x?x?xf32>, index, index, index, index, f32) ->
VectorTransferWriteOp performs a blocking write from a super-vector to
a scalar memref of the same elemental type. This operation is
called 'write' by opposition to 'store' because the super-vector
granularity is generally not representable with a single hardware register. As
a consequence, memory transfers will generally be required when lowering
VectorTransferWriteOp. A VectorTransferWriteOp is thus a mid-level
abstraction that supports super-vectorization with non-effecting padding
for full-tile only code.
A vector transfer write has semantics similar to a vector store, with
additional support for handling out-of-bounds situations.
%A = alloc(%size1, %size2, %size3, %size4) : memref<?x?x?x?xf32>.
%val = `ssa-value` : vector<16x32x64xf32>
// let %i, %j, %k, %l be ssa-values of type index
vector_transfer_write %val, %src, %i, %j, %k, %l
{permutation_map: (d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d3, d1, d2)} :
(vector<16x32x64xf32>, memref<?x?x?x?xf32>, index, index, index, index)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223873234
FlatAffineConstraints::composeMap: should return false instead of asserting on
a semi-affine map. Make getMemRefRegion just propagate false when encountering
semi-affine maps (instead of crashing!)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223828743
The check for whether the memref was used in a non-derefencing context had to
be done inside, i.e., only for the op stmt's that the replacement was specified
to be performed on (by the domStmtFilter arg if provided). As such, it is
completely fine for example for a function to return a memref while the replacement
is being performed only a specific loop's body (as in the case of DMA
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223827753
The algorithm collects defining operations within a scoped hash table. The scopes within the hash table correspond to nodes within the dominance tree for a function. This cl only adds support for simple operations, i.e non side-effecting. Such operations, e.g. load/store/call, will be handled in later patches.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223811328
Ensures both hash values returned are the same. Tested by triggering resize of map/set and verifying failure before change.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223651443
class. This change is NFC, but allows for new kinds of patterns, specifically
LegalizationPatterns which will be allowed to change the types of things they
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223243783
This CL added two new traits, SameOperandsAndResultShape and
ResultsAreBoolLike, and changed CmpIOp to embody these two
traits. As a consequence, CmpIOp's result type now is verified
to be bool-like.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223208438
The semantics of 'select' is conventional: return the second operand if the
first operand is true (1 : i1) and the third operand otherwise. It is
applicable to vectors and tensors element-wise, similarly to LLVM instruction.
This operation is necessary to implement min/max to lower 'for' loops with
complex bounds to CFG functions and to support ternary operations in ML
functions. It is preferred to first-class min/max because of its simplicity,
e.g. it is not concered with signedness.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223160860
Add support for translating 'dim' opreation on MemRefs to LLVM IR. For a
static size, this operation merely defines an LLVM IR constant value that may
not appear in the output IR if not used (and had not been removed before by
DCE). For a dynamic size, this operation is translated into an access to the
MemRef descriptor that contains the dynamic size.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223160774
Introduce initial support for MemRef types, including type conversion,
allocation and deallocation, read and write element-wise access, passing
MemRefs to and returning from functions. Affine map compositions and
non-default memory spaces are NOT YET supported.
Lowered code needs to handle potentially dynamic sizes of the MemRef. To do
so, it replaces a MemRef-typed value with a special MemRef descriptor that
carries the data and the dynamic sizes together. A MemRef type is converted to
LLVM's first-class structure type with the first element being the pointer to
the data buffer with data layed out linearly, followed by as many integer-typed
elements as MemRef has dynamic sizes. The type of these elements is that of
MLIR index lowered to LLVM. For example, `memref<?x42x?xf32>` is converted to
`{ f32*, i64, i64 }` provided `index` is lowered to `i64`. While it is
possible to convert MemRefs with fully static sizes to simple pointers to their
elemental types, we opted for consistency and convert them to the
single-element structure. This makes the conversion code simpler and the
calling convention of the generated LLVM IR functions consistent.
Loads from and stores to a MemRef element are lowered to a sequence of LLVM
instructions that, first, computes the linearized index of the element in the
data buffer using the access indices and combining the static sizes with the
dynamic sizes stored in the descriptor, and then loads from or stores to the
buffer element indexed by the linearized subscript. While some of the index
computations may be redundant (i.e., consecutive load and store to the same
location in the same scope could reuse the linearized index), we emit them for
every operation. A subsequent optimization pass may eliminate them if
MemRef allocation and deallocation is performed using external functions
`__mlir_alloc(index) -> i8*` and `__mlir_free(i8*)` that must be implemented by
the caller. These functions behave similarly to `malloc` and `free`, but can
be extended to support different memory spaces in future. Allocation and
deallocation instructions take care of casting the pointers. Prior to calling
the allocation function, the emitted code creates an SSA Value for the
descriptor and uses it to store the dynamic sizes of the MemRef passed to the
allocation operation. It further emits instructions that compute the dynamic
amount of memory to allocate in bytes. Finally, the allocation stores the
result of calling the `__mlir_alloc` in the MemRef descriptor. Deallocation
extracts the pointer to the allocated memory from the descriptor and calls
`__mlir_free` on it. The descriptor itself is not modified and, being
stack-allocated, ceases to exist when it goes out of scope.
MLIR functions that access MemRef values as arguments or return them are
converted to LLVM IR functions that accept MemRef descriptors as LLVM IR
structure types by value. This significantly simplifies the calling convention
at the LLVM IR level and avoids handling descriptors in the dynamic memory,
however is not always comaptible with LLVM IR functions emitted from C code
with similar signatures. A separate LLVM pass may be introduced in the future
to provide C-compatible calling conventions for LLVM IR functions generated
from MLIR.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 223134883
Several things were suggested in post-submission reviews. In particular, use
pointers in function interfaces instead of references (still use references
internally). Clarify the behavior of the pass in presence of MLFunctions.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222556851
This CL adds tooling for computing slices as an independent CL.
The first consumer of this analysis will be super-vector materialization in a
followup CL.
In particular, this adds:
1. a getForwardStaticSlice function with documentation, example and a
standalone unit test;
2. a getBackwardStaticSlice function with documentation, example and a
standalone unit test;
3. a getStaticSlice function with documentation, example and a standalone unit
4. a topologicalSort function that is exercised through the getStaticSlice
unit test.
The getXXXStaticSlice functions take an additional root (resp. terminators)
parameter which acts as a boundary that the transitive propagation algorithm
is not allowed to cross.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222446208
Not having self-contained headers in LLVM is a constant pain. Don't make the
same mistake in mlir. The only interesting change here is moving setSuccessor
to Instructions.cpp, which breaks the cycle between Instructions.h and
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222440816
- fix bug in calculating index expressions for DMA buffers in certain cases
(affected tiled loop nests); add more test cases for better coverage.
- introduce an additional optional argument to replaceAllMemRefUsesWith;
additional operands to the index remap AffineMap can now be supplied by the
- FlatAffineConstraints::addBoundsForStmt - fix off by one upper bound,
::composeMap - fix position bug.
- Some clean up and more comments
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222434628
This function pass replaces affine_apply operations in CFG functions with
sequences of primitive arithmetic instructions that form the affine map.
The actual replacement functionality is located in LoweringUtils as a
standalone function operating on an individual affine_apply operation and
inserting the result at the location of the original operation. It is expected
to be useful for other, target-specific lowering passes that may start at
MLFunction level that Deaffinator does not support.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222406692
Initial restricted implementaiton of the MLIR to LLVM IR translation.
Introduce a new flow into the mlir-translate tool taking an MLIR module
containing CFG functions only and producing and LLVM IR module. The MLIR
features supported by the translator are as follows:
- primitive and function types;
- integer constants;
- cfg and ext functions with 0 or 1 return values;
- calls to these functions;
- basic block conversion translation of arguments to phi nodes;
- conversion between arguments of the first basic block and function arguments;
- (conditional) branches;
- integer addition and comparison operations.
Are NOT supported:
- vector and tensor types and operations on them;
- memrefs and operations on them;
- allocations;
- functions returning multiple values;
- LLVM Module triple and data layout (index type is hardcoded to i64).
Create a new MLIR library and place it under lib/Target/LLVMIR. The "Target"
library group is similar to the one present in LLVM and is intended to contain
all future public MLIR translation targets.
The general flow of MLIR to LLVM IR convresion will include several lowering
and simplification passes on the MLIR itself in order to make the translation
as simple as possible. In particular, ML functions should be transformed to
CFG functions by the recently introduced pass, operations on structured types
will be converted to sequences of operations on primitive types, complex
operations such as affine_apply will be converted into sequence of primitive
operations, primitive operations themselves may eventually be converted to an
LLVM dialect that uses LLVM-like operations.
Introduce the first translation test so that further changes make sure the
basic translation functionality is not broken.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222400112
This has been a long-standing TODO in the build system. Now that we need to
share the non-inlined implementation of file utilities for translators, create
a separate library for support functionality. Move Support/* headers to the
new library in the build system.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222398880
Translations performed by mlir-translate only have MLIR on one end.
MLIR-to-MLIR conversions (including dialect changes) should be treated as
passes and run by mlir-opt. Individual translations should not care about
reading or writing MLIR and should work on in-memory representation of MLIR
modules instead. Split the TranslateFunction interface and the translate
registry into two parts: "from MLIR" and "to MLIR".
Update mlir-translate to handle both registries together by wrapping
translation functions into source-to-source convresions. Remove MLIR parsing
and writing from individual translations and make them operate on Modules
instead. This removes the need for individual translators to include
tools/mlir-translate/mlir-translate.h, which can now be safely removed.
Remove mlir-to-mlir translation that only existed as a registration example and
use mlir-opt instead for tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222398707
The mlir-translate tool is expected to discover individual translations at link
time. These translations must register themselves and may need the utilities
that are currently defined in mlir-translate.cpp for their entry point
functions. Since mlir-translate is linking against individual translations,
the translations cannot link against mlir-translate themselves. Extract out
the utilities into a separate "Translation" library to avoid the potential
dependency cycle. Individual translations link to that library to access
TranslateRegistration. The mlir-translate tool links to individual translations
and to the "Translation" library because it needs the utilities as well.
The main header of the new library is located in include/mlir/Translation.h to
make it easily accessible by translators. The rationale for putting it to
include/mlir rather than to one of its subdirectories is that its purpose is
similar to that of include/mlir/Pass.h so it makes sense to put them at the
same level.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222398617
This reverts the previous method which needs to create a new dialect with the
constant fold hook from TensorFlow. This new method uses a function object in
dialect to store the constant fold hook. Once a hook is registered to the
dialect, this function object will be assigned when the dialect is added to the
For the operations which are not registered, a new method getRegisteredDialects
is added to the MLIRContext to query the dialects which matches their op name
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222310149
This CL refactors a few things in Vectorize.cpp:
1. a clear distinction is made between:
a. the LoadOp are the roots of vectorization and must be vectorized
eagerly and propagate their value; and
b. the StoreOp which are the terminals of vectorization and must be
vectorized late (i.e. they do not produce values that need to be
2. the StoreOp must be vectorized late because in general it can store a value
that is not reachable from the subset of loads defined in the
current pattern. One trivial such case is storing a constant defined at the
top-level of the MLFunction and that needs to be turned into a splat.
3. a description of the algorithm is given;
4. the implementation matches the algorithm;
5. the last example is made parametric, in practice it will fully rely on the
implementation of vector_transfer_read/write which will handle boundary
conditions and padding. This will happen by lowering to a lower-level
abstraction either:
a. directly in MLIR (whether DMA or just loops or any async tasks in the
future) (whiteboxing);
b. in LLO/LLVM-IR/whatever blackbox library call/ search + swizzle inventor
one may want to use;
c. a partial mix of a. and b. (grey-boxing)
5. minor cleanups are applied;
6. mistakenly disabled unit tests are re-enabled (oopsie).
With this CL, this MLIR snippet:
mlfunc @vector_add_2d(%M : index, %N : index) -> memref<?x?xf32> {
%A = alloc (%M, %N) : memref<?x?xf32>
%B = alloc (%M, %N) : memref<?x?xf32>
%C = alloc (%M, %N) : memref<?x?xf32>
%f1 = constant 1.0 : f32
%f2 = constant 2.0 : f32
for %i0 = 0 to %M {
for %i1 = 0 to %N {
// non-scoped %f1
store %f1, %A[%i0, %i1] : memref<?x?xf32>
for %i4 = 0 to %M {
for %i5 = 0 to %N {
%a5 = load %A[%i4, %i5] : memref<?x?xf32>
%b5 = load %B[%i4, %i5] : memref<?x?xf32>
%s5 = addf %a5, %b5 : f32
// non-scoped %f1
%s6 = addf %s5, %f1 : f32
store %s6, %C[%i4, %i5] : memref<?x?xf32>
return %C : memref<?x?xf32>
vectorized with these arguments:
-vectorize -virtual-vector-size 256 --test-fastest-varying=0
vectorization produces this standard innermost-loop vectorized code:
mlfunc @vector_add_2d(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index) -> memref<?x?xf32> {
%0 = alloc(%arg0, %arg1) : memref<?x?xf32>
%1 = alloc(%arg0, %arg1) : memref<?x?xf32>
%2 = alloc(%arg0, %arg1) : memref<?x?xf32>
%cst = constant 1.000000e+00 : f32
%cst_0 = constant 2.000000e+00 : f32
for %i0 = 0 to %arg0 {
for %i1 = 0 to %arg1 step 256 {
%cst_1 = constant splat<vector<256xf32>, 1.000000e+00> : vector<256xf32>
"vector_transfer_write"(%cst_1, %0, %i0, %i1) : (vector<256xf32>, memref<?x?xf32>, index, index) -> ()
for %i2 = 0 to %arg0 {
for %i3 = 0 to %arg1 step 256 {
%3 = "vector_transfer_read"(%0, %i2, %i3) : (memref<?x?xf32>, index, index) -> vector<256xf32>
%4 = "vector_transfer_read"(%1, %i2, %i3) : (memref<?x?xf32>, index, index) -> vector<256xf32>
%5 = addf %3, %4 : vector<256xf32>
%cst_2 = constant splat<vector<256xf32>, 1.000000e+00> : vector<256xf32>
%6 = addf %5, %cst_2 : vector<256xf32>
"vector_transfer_write"(%6, %2, %i2, %i3) : (vector<256xf32>, memref<?x?xf32>, index, index) -> ()
return %2 : memref<?x?xf32>
Of course, much more intricate n-D imperfectly-nested patterns can be emitted too in a fully declarative fashion, but this is enough for now.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222280209
In the general case, loop bounds can be expressed as affine maps of the outer
loop iterators and function arguments. Relax the check for loop bounds to be
known integer constants and also accept one-dimensional affine bounds in
ConvertToCFG ForStmt lowering. Emit affine_apply operations for both the upper
and the lower bound. The semantics of MLFunctions guarantees that both bounds
can be computed before the loop starts iterating. Constant bounds are merely a
short-hand notation for zero-dimensional affine maps and get supported
Multidimensional affine bounds are not yet supported because the target IR
dialect lacks min/max operations necessary to implement the corresponding
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222275801
op-stats pass currently returns the number of occurrences of different operations in a Module. Useful for verifying transformation properties (e.g., 3 ops of specific dialect, 0 of another), but probably not useful outside of that so keeping it local to mlir-opt. This does not consider op attributes when counting.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222259727
This CL adds some vector support in prevision of the upcoming vector
materialization pass. In particular this CL adds 2 functions to:
1. compute the multiplicity of a subvector shape in a supervector shape;
2. help match operations on strict super-vectors. This is defined for a given
subvector shape as an operation that manipulates a vector type that is an
integral multiple of the subtype, with multiplicity at least 2.
This CL also adds a TestUtil pass where we can dump arbitrary testing of
functions and analysis that operate at a much smaller granularity than a pass
(e.g. an analysis for which it is convenient to write a bit of artificial MLIR
and write some custom test). This is in order to keep using Filecheck for
things that essentially look and feel like C++ unit tests.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 222250910
This does create an inconsistency between the print formats (e.g., attributes are normally before operands) but fixes an invalid parsing & keeps constant uniform wrt itself (function or int attributes have type at same place). And specifying the specific type for a int/float attribute might get revised shortly.
Also add test to verify that output printed can be parsed again.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221923893
and getMemRefRegion() to work with specified loop depths; add support for
outgoing DMAs, store op's.
- add support for getMemRefRegion symbolic in outer loops - hence support for
DMAs symbolic in outer surrounding loops.
- add DMA generation support for outgoing DMAs (store op's to lower memory
space); extend getMemoryRegion to store op's. -memref-bound-check now works
with store op's as well.
- fix dma-generate (references to the old memref in the dma_start op were also
being replaced with the new buffer); we need replace all memref uses to work
only on a subset of the uses - add a new optional argument for
replaceAllMemRefUsesWith. update replaceAllMemRefUsesWith to take an optional
'operation' argument to serve as a filter - if provided, only those uses that
are dominated by the filter are replaced.
- Add missing print for attributes for dma_start, dma_wait op's.
- update the FlatAffineConstraints API
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221889223
We do some limited renaming here but define an alias for OperationInst so that a follow up cl can solely perform the large scale renaming.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221726963
* Optionally attach the type of integer and floating point attributes to the attributes, this allows restricting a int/float to specific width.
- Currently this allows suffixing int/float constant with type [this might be revised in future].
- Default to i64 and f32 if not specified.
* For index types the APInt width used is 64.
* Change callers to request a specific attribute type.
* Store iN type with APInt of width N.
* This change does not handle the folding of constants of different types (e.g., doing int type promotions to support constant folding i3 and i32), and instead restricts the constant folding to only operate on the same types.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221722699
Unranked tensors used to return an empty list of dimensions as their shape. This is confusing since an empty list of dimensions is also returned for 0-D tensors. In particular, hasStaticShape() method used to check if any of the dimensions are -1, which held for unranked tensors even though they don't have static shape.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221571138
Array attributes can nested and function attributes can appear anywhere at that
level. They should be remapped to point to the generated CFGFunction after
ML-to-CFG conversion, similarly to plain function attributes. Extract the
nested attribute remapping functionality from the Parser to Utils. Extract out
the remapping function for individual Functions from the module remapping
function. Use these new functions in the ML-to-CFG conversion pass and in the
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221510997
These functions are declared in Transforms/LoopUtils.h (included to the
Transforms/Utils library) but were defined in the loop unrolling pass in
Transforms/LoopUnroll.cpp. As a result, targets depending only on
TransformUtils library but not on Transforms could get link errors. Move the
definitions to Transforms/Utils/LoopUtils.cpp where they should actually live.
This does not modify any code.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221508882
This CL adds support for and a vectorization test to perform scalar 2-D addf.
The support extension notably comprises:
1. extend vectorizable test to exclude vector_transfer operations and
expose them to LoopAnalysis where they are needed. This is a temporary
solution a concrete MLIR Op exists;
2. add some more functional sugar mapKeys, apply and ScopeGuard (which became
relevant again);
3. fix improper shifting during coarsening;
4. rename unaligned load/store to vector_transfer_read/write and simplify the
design removing the unnecessary AllocOp that were introduced prematurely:
vector_transfer_read currently has the form:
(memref<?x?x?xf32>, index, index, index) -> vector<32x64x256xf32>
vector_transfer_write currently has the form:
(vector<32x64x256xf32>, memref<?x?x?xf32>, index, index, index) -> ()
5. adds vectorizeOperations which traverses the operations in a ForStmt and
rewrites them to their vector form;
6. add support for vector splat from a constant.
The relevant tests are also updated.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221421426
* Add skeleton br/cond_br builtin ops.
* Add a terminator trait for operations.
* Mark ReturnOp as a Terminator.
The functionality for managing/parsing/verifying successors will be added in a follow up cl.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221283000
Similarly to other types, introduce "get" and "getChecked" static member
functions for IntegerType. The latter emits errors to the error handler
registered with the MLIR context and returns a null type for the caller to
handle errors gracefully. This deduplicates type consistency checks between
the parser and the builder. Update the parser to call IntegerType::getChecked
for error reporting instead of the builder that would simply assert.
This CL completes the type system error emission refactoring: the parser now
only emits syntax-related errors for types while type factory systems may emit
type consistency errors.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221165207
Branch instruction arguments were defined and used inconsistently across
different instructions, in both the spec and the implementation. In
particular, conditional and unconditional branch instructions were using
different syntax in the implementation. This led to the IR we produce not
being accepted by the parser. Update the printer to use common syntax: `(`
list-of-SSA-uses `:` list-of-types `)`. The motivation for choosing this
syntax as opposed to the one in the spec, `(` list-of-SSA-uses `)` `:`
list-of-types is double-fold. First, it is tricky to differentiate the label
of the false branch from the type while parsing conditional branches (which is
what apparently motivated the implementation to diverge from the spec in the
first place). Second, the ongoing convergence between terminator instructions
and other operations prompts for consistency between their operand list syntax.
After this change, the only remaining difference between the two is the use of
parentheses. Update the comment of the parser that did not correspond to the
code. Remove the unused isParenthesized argument from parseSSAUseAndTypeList.
Update the spec accordingly. Note that the examples in the spec were _not_
using the EBNF defined a couple of lines above them, but were using the current
syntax. Add a supplementary example of a branch to a basic block with multiple
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221162655
Implement a pass converting a subset of MLFunctions to CFGFunctions. Currently
supports arbitrarily complex imperfect loop nests with statically constant
(i.e., not affine map) bounds filled with operations. Does NOT support
branches and non-constant loop bounds.
Conversion is performed per-function and the function names are preserved to
avoid breaking any external references to the current module. In-memory IR is
updated to point to the right functions in direct calls and constant loads.
This behavior is tested via a really hidden flag that enables function
Inside each function, the control flow conversion is based on single-entry
single-exit regions, i.e. subgraphs of the CFG that have exactly one incoming
and exactly one outgoing edge. Since an MLFunction must have a single "return"
statement as per MLIR spec, it constitutes an SESE region. Individual
operations are appended to this region. Control flow statements are
recursively converted into such regions that are concatenated with the current
region. Bodies of the compound statement also form SESE regions, which allows
to nest control flow statements easily. Note that SESE regions are not
materialized in the code. It is sufficent to keep track of the end of the
region as the current instruction insertion point as long as all recursive
calls update the insertion point in the end.
The converter maintains a mapping between SSA values in ML functions and their
CFG counterparts. The mapping is used to find the operands for each operation
and is updated to contain the results of each operation as the conversion
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221162602
Change the storage type to APInt from int64_t for IntegerAttr (following the change to APFloat storage in FloatAttr). Effectively a direct change from int64_t to 64-bit APInt throughout (the bitwidth hardcoded). This change also adds a getInt convenience method to IntegerAttr and replaces previous getValue calls with getInt calls.
While this changes updates the storage type, it does not update all constant folding calls.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221082788
time. The "Fast and Flexible Instruction Selection With Constraints" paper
from CC2018 makes a credible argument that dynamic costs aren't actually
necessary/important, and we are not using them.
- Check in my "MLIR Generic DAG Rewriter Infrastructure" design doc into the
source tree.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 221017546
This was unsafe after cr/219372163 and seems to be the only such case in the
change. All other usage of dyn_cast are either handling the nullptr or are
implicitly safe. For example, they are being extracted from operand or result
TESTED with unit test
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220905942
These are locations that form a collection of other source locations with an optional metadata attribute.
- Add initial support for print/dump for locations.
Location Printing Examples:
* Unknown : [unknown-location]
* FileLineColLoc : third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google-mlir/test/TensorFlowLite/legalize.mlir:6:8
* FusedLoc : <"tfl-legalize">[third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google-mlir/test/TensorFlowLite/legalize.mlir:6:8, third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google-mlir/test/TensorFlowLite/legalize.mlir:7:8]
- Add diagnostic support for fused locs.
* Prints the first location as the main location and the remaining as "fused from here" notes:
third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google-mlir/test/TensorFlowLite/legalize.mlir:6:8: error: This is an error.
%1 = "tf.add"(%arg0, %0) : (i32, i32) -> i32
third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google-mlir/test/TensorFlowLite/legalize.mlir:7:8: error: Fused from here.
%2 = "tf.relu"(%1) : (i32) -> i32
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220835552
Updates MemRefDependenceCheck to check and report on all memref access pairs at all loop nest depths.
Updates old and adds new memref dependence check tests.
Resolves multiple TODOs.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220816515
- constant bounded memory regions, static shapes, no handling of
overlapping/duplicate regions (through union) for now; also only, load memory
- add build methods for DmaStartOp, DmaWaitOp.
- move getMemoryRegion() into Analysis/Utils and expose it.
- fix addIndexSet, getMemoryRegion() post switch to exclusive upper bounds;
update test cases for memref-bound-check and memref-dependence-check for
exclusive bounds (missed in a previous CL)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220729810
This CL introduces the following related changes:
- move tensor element type validity checking to a static member function
- introduce get/getChecked similarly to MemRefType, where the checked function
emits errors and returns nullptrs;
- remove duplicate element type validity checking from the parser and rely on
the type constructor to emit errors instead.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220694831
This CL introduces the following related changes:
- factor out element type validity checking to a static member function
- introduce get/getChecked similarly to MemRefType, where the checked function
emits errors and returns nullptrs;
- remove duplicate element type validity checking from the parser and rely on
the type constructor to emit errors instead.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220693828
Value type abstraction for locations differ from others in that a Location can NOT be null. NOTE: dyn_cast returns an Optional<T>.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220682078
It is unclear why vector types were not allowed to have "index" as element
type. Index values are integers, although of unknown bit width, and should
behave as such. Vectors of integers are allowed and so are tensors of indices
(for indirection purposes), it is more consistent to also have vectors of
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220630123
Arithmetic and comparison instructions are necessary to implement, e.g.,
control flow when lowering MLFunctions to CFGFunctions. (While it is possible
to replace some of the arithmetics by affine_apply instructions for loop
bounds, it is still necessary for loop bounds checking, steps, if-conditions,
non-trivial memref subscripts, etc.) Furthermore, working with indirect
accesses in, e.g., lookup tables for large embeddings, may require operating on
tensors of indexes. For example, the equivalents to C code "LUT[Index[i]]" or
"ResultIndex[i] = i + j" where i, j are loop induction variables require the
arithmetics on indices as well as the possibility to operate on tensors
thereof. Allow arithmetic and comparison operations to apply to index types by
declaring them integer-like. Allow tensors whose element type is index for
indirection purposes.
The absence of vectors with "index" element type is explicitly tested, but the
only justification for this restriction in the CL introducing the test is
"because we don't need them". Do NOT enable vectors of index types, although
it makes vector and tensor types inconsistent with respect to allowed element
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220614055
Previously, index (aka affint) type was hidden under OtherType in the type API.
We will need to identify and operate on values of index types in the upcoming
MLFunc->CFGFunc(->LLVM) lowering passes. Materialize index type into a
separate class and make it visible to LLVM RTTI hierarchy directly.
Practically, index is an integer type of unknown bit width and is accetable in
most places where regular integer types are. This is purely an API change that
does not affect the IR.
After IndexType is separated out from OtherType, the remaining "other types"
are, in fact, TF-specific types only. Further renaming may be of interest.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220614026
This binary operation is applicable to integers, vectors and tensors thereof
similarly to binary arithmetic operations. The operand types must match
exactly, and the shape of the result type is the same as that of the operands.
The element type of the result is always i1. The kind of the comparison is
defined by the "predicate" integer attribute. This attribute requests one of:
- equals to;
- not equals to;
- signed less than;
- signed less than or equals;
- signed greater than;
- signed greater than or equals;
- unsigned less than;
- unsigned less than or equals;
- unsigned greater than;
- unsigned greater than or equals.
Since integer values themselves do not have a sign, the comparison operator
specifies whether to use signed or unsigned comparison logic, i.e. whether to
interpret values where the foremost bit is set as negatives expressed as two's
complements or as positive values. For non-scalar operands, pairwise
per-element comparison is performed. Comparison operators on scalars are
necessary to implement basic control flow with conditional branches.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220613566
The passID is not currently stored in Pass but this avoids the unused variable warning. The passID is used to uniquely identify passes, currently this is only stored/used in PassInfo.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220485662
This CL implement exclusive upper bound behavior as per b/116854378.
A followup CL will update the semantics of the for loop.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220448963
Add static pass registration and change mlir-opt to use it. Future work is needed to refactor the registration for PassManager usage.
Change build targets to alwayslink to enforce registration.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220390178
Introduce new OpTraits verifying relation between operands of an Operation,
similarly to its results. Arithmetic operations are defined separately for
integer and floating point types. While we are currently leveraging the
equality of result and operand types to make sure the right arithmetic
operations are used for the right types, we may eventually want to verify
operand types directly. Furthermore, for upcoming comparison operations, the
type of the result differs from those of the operands so we need to verify the
operand types directly. Similarly, we will want to restrict comparisons (and
potentially binary arithmetic operations) to operands of the same type.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220365629
- simple perfectly nested band tiling with fixed tile sizes.
- only the hyper-rectangular case is handled, with other limitations of
getIndexSet applying (constant loop bounds, etc.); once
the latter utility is extended, tiled code generation should become more
- Add FlatAffineConstraints::isHyperRectangular()
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220324933
simple utility methods.
- clean up some of the analysis utilities used by memref dep checking
- add additional asserts / comments at places in analysis utilities
- add additional simple methods to the FlatAffineConstraints API.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 220124523
Adds equality constraints to dependence constraint system for accesses using dims/symbols where the defining operation of the dim/symbol is a constant.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219814740
Introduce a new public static member function, MemRefType::getChecked, intended
for the users that want detailed error messages to be emitted during MemRefType
construction and can gracefully handle these errors. This function takes a
Location of the "MemRef" token if known. The parser is one user of getChecked
that has location information, it outputs errors as compiler diagnostics.
Other users may pass in an instance of UnknownLoc and still have error messages
emitted. Compiler-internal users not expecting the MemRefType construction to
fail should call MemRefType::get, which now aborts on failure with a generic
Both "getChecked" and "get" call to a static free function that does actual
construction with well-formedness checks, optionally emits errors and returns
nullptr on failure.
The location information passed to getChecked has voluntarily coarse precision.
The error messages are intended for compiler engineers and do not justify
heavier API than a single location. The text of the messages can be written so
that it pinpoints the actual location of the error within a MemRef declaration.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219765902
variables from mod's and div's when converting to flat form.
- propagate mod, floordiv, ceildiv / local variables constraint information
when flattening affine expressions and converting them into flat affine
constraints; resolve multiple TODOs.
- enables memref bound checker to work with arbitrary affine expressions
- update FlatAffineConstraints API with several new methods
- test/exercise functionality mostly through -memref-bound-check
- other analyses such as dependence tests, etc. should now be able to work in the
presence of any affine composition of add, mul, floor, ceil, mod.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219711806
- Builds access functions and iterations domains for each access.
- Builds dependence polyhedron constraint system which has equality constraints for equated access functions and inequality constraints for iteration domain loop bounds.
- Runs elimination on the dependence polyhedron to test if no dependence exists between the accesses.
- Adds a trivial LoopFusion transformation pass with a simple test policy to test dependence between accesses to the same memref in adjacent loops.
- The LoopFusion pass will be extended in subsequent CLs.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219630898
This CL adds support for vectorization using more interesting 2-D and 3-D
patterns. Note in particular the fact that we match some pretty complex
imperfectly nested 2-D patterns with a quite minimal change to the
implementation: we just add a bit of recursion to traverse the matched
patterns and actually vectorize the loops.
For instance, vectorizing the following loop by 128:
for %i3 = 0 to %0 {
%7 = affine_apply (d0) -> (d0)(%i3)
%8 = load %arg0[%c0_0, %7] : memref<?x?xf32>
Currently generates:
#map0 = ()[s0] -> (s0 + 127)
#map1 = (d0) -> (d0)
for %i3 = 0 to #map0()[%0] step 128 {
%9 = affine_apply #map1(%i3)
%10 = alloc() : memref<1xvector<128xf32>>
%11 = "n_d_unaligned_load"(%arg0, %c0_0, %9, %10, %c0) :
(memref<?x?xf32>, index, index, memref<1xvector<128xf32>>, index) ->
(memref<?x?xf32>, index, index, memref<1xvector<128xf32>>, index)
%12 = load %10[%c0] : memref<1xvector<128xf32>>
The above is subject to evolution.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219629745
FuncBuilder is useful to build a operation to replace an existing operation, so change the constructor to allow constructing it with an existing operation. Change FuncBuilder to contain (effectively) a tagged union of CFGFuncBuilder and MLFuncBuilder (as these should be cheap to copy and avoid allocating/deletion when created via a operation).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219532952
Introduce analysis to check memref accesses (in MLFunctions) for out of bound
ones. It works as follows:
$ mlir-opt -memref-bound-check test/Transforms/memref-bound-check.mlir
/tmp/single.mlir:10:12: error: 'load' op memref out of upper bound access along dimension tensorflow/mlir#1
%x = load %A[%idxtensorflow/mlir#0, %idxtensorflow/mlir#1] : memref<9 x 9 x i32>
/tmp/single.mlir:10:12: error: 'load' op memref out of lower bound access along dimension tensorflow/mlir#1
%x = load %A[%idxtensorflow/mlir#0, %idxtensorflow/mlir#1] : memref<9 x 9 x i32>
/tmp/single.mlir:10:12: error: 'load' op memref out of upper bound access along dimension tensorflow/mlir#2
%x = load %A[%idxtensorflow/mlir#0, %idxtensorflow/mlir#1] : memref<9 x 9 x i32>
/tmp/single.mlir:10:12: error: 'load' op memref out of lower bound access along dimension tensorflow/mlir#2
%x = load %A[%idxtensorflow/mlir#0, %idxtensorflow/mlir#1] : memref<9 x 9 x i32>
/tmp/single.mlir:12:12: error: 'load' op memref out of upper bound access along dimension tensorflow/mlir#1
%y = load %B[%idy] : memref<128 x i32>
/tmp/single.mlir:12:12: error: 'load' op memref out of lower bound access along dimension tensorflow/mlir#1
%y = load %B[%idy] : memref<128 x i32>
#map0 = (d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)
#map1 = (d0, d1) -> (d0 * 128 - d1)
mlfunc @test() {
%0 = alloc() : memref<9x9xi32>
%1 = alloc() : memref<128xi32>
for %i0 = -1 to 9 {
for %i1 = -1 to 9 {
%2 = affine_apply #map0(%i0, %i1)
%3 = load %0[%2tensorflow/mlir#0, %2tensorflow/mlir#1] : memref<9x9xi32>
%4 = affine_apply #map1(%i0, %i1)
%5 = load %1[%4] : memref<128xi32>
- Improves productivity while manually / semi-automatically developing MLIR for
testing / prototyping; also provides an indirect way to catch errors in
- This pass is an easy way to test the underlying affine analysis
machinery including low level routines.
Some code (in getMemoryRegion()) borrowed from @andydavis cl/218263256.
While on this:
- create mlir/Analysis/Passes.h; move Pass.h up from mlir/Transforms/ to mlir/
- fix a bug in AffineAnalysis.cpp::toAffineExpr
TODO: extend to non-constant loop bounds (straightforward). Will transparently
work for all accesses once floordiv, mod, ceildiv are supported in the
AffineMap -> FlatAffineConstraints conversion.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219397961
This is done by changing Type to be a POD interface around an underlying pointer storage and adding in-class support for isa/dyn_cast/cast.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219372163
- add methods addConstantLowerBound, addConstantUpperBound, setIdToConstant,
- update coefficient storage to use numReservedCols * rows instead of numCols *
rows (makes the code simpler/natural; reduces movement of data when new
columns are added, eliminates movement of data when columns are added to the
(addDimsForMap is tested in the child CL on memref bound checking: cl/219000460)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219358376
- We already have Pattern::match(). Using mlir::match() in Pattern::match()
confuses the compiler.
- Created m_Op() to avoid using detailed matcher implementation in
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219328823
This CL is a first in a series that implements early vectorization of
increasingly complex patterns. In particular, early vectorization will support
arbitrary loop nesting patterns (both perfectly and imperfectly nested), at
arbitrary depths in the loop tree.
This first CL builds the minimal support for applying 1-D patterns.
It relies on an unaligned load/store op abstraction that can be inplemented
differently on different HW.
Future CLs will support higher dimensional patterns, but 1-D patterns already
exhibit interesting properties.
In particular, we want to separate pattern matching (i.e. legality both
structural and dependency analysis based), from profitability analysis, from
application of the transformation.
As a consequence patterns may intersect and we need to verify that a pattern
can still apply by the time we get to applying it.
A non-greedy analysis on profitability that takes into account pattern
intersection is left for future work.
Additionally the CL makes the following cleanups:
1. the matches method now returns a value, not a reference;
2. added comments about the MLFunctionMatcher and MLFunctionMatches usage by
3. added size and empty methods to matches;
4. added a negative vectorization test with a conditional, this exhibited a
but in the iterators. Iterators now return nullptr if the underlying storage
is nullpt.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219299489
Unbounded identity maps do not affect the accesses through MemRefs in any way.
A previous CL dropped such maps only if they were alone in the composition. Go
further and drop such maps everywhere they appear in the composition.
Update the parser test to check for unique'd hoisted map to be present but
without assuming any particular order. Because some of the hoisted identity
maps still apear due to the nested "for" statements, we need to check for them.
However, they no longer appear above the non-identity maps because they are no
longer necessary for the extfunc memref declarations that are textually first
in the test file. This order may change further as map simplification is
improved, there is no reason to assume a particular order.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219287280
- There are several places where we are casting the type of the memref obtained
from the load/store op to a memref type, and this will become even more
common (some upcoming CLs this week). Add a getMemRefType and use it at
several places where the cast was being used.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219164326
- Added a mechanism for specifying pattern matching more concisely like LLVM.
- Added support for canonicalization of addi/muli over vector/tensor splat
- Added ValueType to Attribute class hierarchy
- Allowed creating constant splat
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219149621
The documentation for MLIRContext::registerDiagnosticHandler describing the
arguments of the diagnostic handler is inconsistent with the code. It also
mentions LLVM context rather than MLIR context, likely a typo. Fix both
PiperOrigin-RevId: 219120954
Statement, which paves the way to make SSAValue's have a useful owner
available, which will allow subsequent patches to improve their use/def
While I'm poking at this, shrink sizeof(Instruction) and sizeof(Statement) by a
word by packing the kind and location together into a single PointerIntPair.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218959651
As per MLIR spec, the absence of affine maps in MemRef type is interpreted as
an implicit identity affine map. Therefore, MemRef types declared with
explicit or implicit identity map should be considered equal at the MemRefType
level. During MemRefType construction, drop trivial identity affine map
compositions. A trivial identity composition consists of a single unbounded
identity map. It is unclear whether affine maps should be composed in-place to
a single map during MemRef type construction, so non-trivial compositions that
could have been simplified to an identity are NOT removed. We chose to drop
the trivial identity map rather than inject it in places that assume its
present implicitly because it makes the code simpler by reducing boilerplate;
identity mappings are obvious defaults.
Update tests that were checking for the presence of trivial identity map
compositions in the outputs.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218862454
This check was being performed in AllocOp::verify. However it is not specific
to AllocOp and should apply to all MemRef type declarations. At the same time,
the unique *Type factory functions in MLIRContext do not have access to
location information necessary to properly emit diagnostics. Emit the error in
Parser where the location information is available. Keep the error emission in
AllocOp for the cases of programmatically-constructed, e.g. through Builders,
IR with a note. Once we decided on the diagnostic infrastructure in type
construction system, the type-related checks should be removed from specific
Correct several parser test cases that have been using affine maps of
mismatching dimensionality.
This CL prepares for an upcoming change that will drop trivial identity affine
map compositions during MemRefType construction. In that case, the
dimensionality mismatch error must be emitted before dropping the identity map,
i.e. during the type construction at the latest and before "verify" being
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218844127
1) We incorrectly reassociated non-reassociative operations like subi, causing
2) When constant folding, we didn't add users of the new constant back to the
worklist for reprocessing, causing us to miss some cases (pointed out by
The code for tensorflow/mlir#2 is gross, but I'll add the new APIs in a followup patch.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218803984
distinction. FunctionPasses can now choose to get called on all functions, or
have the driver split CFG/ML Functions up for them. NFC.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218775885
make operations provide a list of canonicalizations that can be applied to
them. This allows canonicalization to be general to any IR definition.
As part of this, sink PatternMatch.h/cpp down to the IR library to fix a
layering problem.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218773981
This is done by changing Attribute to be a POD interface around an underlying pointer storage and adding in-class support for isa/dyn_cast/cast.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218764173
just having the pattern matcher in its own library. At this point,
lib/Transforms/*.cpp are all actually passes themselves (and will probably
eventually be themselves move to a new subdirectory as we accrete more).
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218745193
helper function, in preparation for it being used by other passes.
There is still a lot of room for improvement in its design, this patch is
intended as an NFC refactoring, and the improvements will continue after this
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218737116
- Introduce Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination to eliminate a dimension from
a system of linear equalities/inequalities. Update isEmpty to use this.
Since FM is only exact on rational/real spaces, an emptiness check based on
this is guaranteed to be exact whenever it says the underlying set is empty;
if it says, it's not empty, there may still be no integer points in it.
Also, supports a version that computes "dark shadows".
- Test this by checking for "always false" conditionals in if statements.
- Unique IntegerSet's that are small (few constraints, few variables). This
basically means the canonical empty set and other small sets that are
likely commonly used get uniqued; allows checking for the canonical empty set
by pointer. IntegerSet::kUniquingThreshold gives the threshold constraint size
for uniqui'ing.
- rename simplify-affine-expr -> simplify-affine-structures
Other cleanup
- IntegerSet::numConstraints, AffineMap::numResults are no longer needed;
remove them.
- add copy assignment operators for AffineMap, IntegerSet.
- rename Invalid() -> Null() on AffineExpr, AffineMap, IntegerSet
- Misc cleanup for FlatAffineConstraints API
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218690456
- Adds FlatAffineConstraints::isEmpty method to test if there are no solutions to the system.
- Adds GCD test check if equality constraints have no solution.
- Adds unit test cases.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218546319
"shape_cast" only applies to tensors, and there are other operations that
actually affect shape, for example "reshape". Rename "shape_cast" to
"tensor_cast" in both the code and the documentation.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 218528122