Commit Graph

3297 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Yitzhak Mandelbaum 3595189217 [clang][dataflow] Allow clients to disable built-in transfer functions.
These built-in functions build the (sophisticated) model of the code's
memory. This model isn't used by all analyses, so we provide for disabling it to
avoid incurring the costs associated with its construction.

Differential Revision:
2022-01-26 17:24:59 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 75c22b382f [clang][dataflow] Add a transfer function for CXXBoolLiteralExpr
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-26 15:33:00 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev d3597ec0aa [clang][dataflow] Enable merging distinct values in Environment::join
Make specializations of `DataflowAnalysis` extendable with domain-specific
logic for merging distinct values when joining environments. This could be
a strict lattice join or a more general widening operation.

This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-26 11:40:51 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 188d28f73c [clang][dataflow] Assign aggregate storage locations to union stmts
This patch ensures that the dataflow analysis framework does not crash
when it encounters access to members of union types.

This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-26 10:36:49 +00:00
Aleksandr Platonov 491c154677 [analyzer] Don't specify PLUGIN_TOOL for analyzer plugins
Analyzer plugins explicitly export clang_registerCheckers and clang_analyzerAPIVersionString symbols, so we don't need to specify a tool to link agains.

[936/936] Linking CXX shared module bin\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dll
FAILED: bin/SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dll
cmd.exe /C "cd . && "D:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -E vs_link_dll --intdir=tools\clang\lib\Analysis\plugins\SampleAnalyzer\CMakeFiles\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dir --rc=C:\PROGRA~2\WI3CF2~1\10\bin\100183~1.0\x64\rc.exe --mt=C:\PROGRA~2\WI3CF2~1\10\bin\100183~1.0\x64\mt.exe --manifests  -- C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~4\2019\COMMUN~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1428~1.299\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe /nologo tools\clang\lib\Analysis\plugins\SampleAnalyzer\CMakeFiles\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dir\MainCallChecker.cpp.obj  /out:bin\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dll /implib:lib\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.lib /pdb:bin\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.pdb /dll /version:0.0 /machine:x64 /INCREMENTAL:NO  /DEF:"D:/work/llvm-project-original/build-plugins/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/plugins/SampleAnalyzer/SampleAnalyzerPlugin.def"  lib\clang.lib  lib\clangAnalysis.lib  lib\clangAST.lib  lib\clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib  lib\clangStaticAnalyzerFrontend.lib  lib\clangStaticAnalyzerCheckers.lib  lib\clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib  lib\clangCrossTU.lib  lib\clangIndex.lib  lib\clangFormat.lib  lib\clangToolingInclusions.lib  lib\clangFrontend.lib  lib\clangDriver.lib  version.lib  lib\clangParse.lib  lib\clangSerialization.lib  lib\clangSema.lib  lib\clangAnalysis.lib  lib\clangEdit.lib  lib\LLVMOption.lib  lib\clangToolingCore.lib  lib\clangRewrite.lib  lib\clangASTMatchers.lib  lib\clangAST.lib  lib\clangLex.lib  lib\clangBasic.lib  lib\LLVMFrontendOpenMP.lib  lib\LLVMScalarOpts.lib  lib\LLVMAggressiveInstCombine.lib  lib\LLVMInstCombine.lib  lib\LLVMTransformUtils.lib  lib\LLVMAnalysis.lib  lib\LLVMProfileData.lib  lib\LLVMDebugInfoDWARF.lib  lib\LLVMObject.lib  lib\LLVMBitReader.lib  lib\LLVMCore.lib  lib\LLVMRemarks.lib  lib\LLVMBitstreamReader.lib  lib\LLVMMCParser.lib  lib\LLVMMC.lib  lib\LLVMDebugInfoCodeView.lib  lib\LLVMTextAPI.lib  lib\LLVMBinaryFormat.lib  lib\LLVMSupport.lib  psapi.lib  shell32.lib  ole32.lib  uuid.lib  advapi32.lib  delayimp.lib  -delayload:shell32.dll  -delayload:ole32.dll  lib\LLVMDemangle.lib  kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib  && cd ."
LINK: command "C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~4\2019\COMMUN~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1428~1.299\bin\Hostx64\x64\link.exe /nologo tools\clang\lib\Analysis\plugins\SampleAnalyzer\CMakeFiles\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dir\MainCallChecker.cpp.obj /out:bin\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dll /implib:lib\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.lib /pdb:bin\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.pdb /dll /version:0.0 /machine:x64 /INCREMENTAL:NO /DEF:D:/work/llvm-project-original/build-plugins/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/plugins/SampleAnalyzer/SampleAnalyzerPlugin.def lib\clang.lib lib\clangAnalysis.lib lib\clangAST.lib lib\clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib lib\clangStaticAnalyzerFrontend.lib lib\clangStaticAnalyzerCheckers.lib lib\clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib lib\clangCrossTU.lib lib\clangIndex.lib lib\clangFormat.lib lib\clangToolingInclusions.lib lib\clangFrontend.lib lib\clangDriver.lib version.lib lib\clangParse.lib lib\clangSerialization.lib lib\clangSema.lib lib\clangAnalysis.lib lib\clangEdit.lib lib\LLVMOption.lib lib\clangToolingCore.lib lib\clangRewrite.lib lib\clangASTMatchers.lib lib\clangAST.lib lib\clangLex.lib lib\clangBasic.lib lib\LLVMFrontendOpenMP.lib lib\LLVMScalarOpts.lib lib\LLVMAggressiveInstCombine.lib lib\LLVMInstCombine.lib lib\LLVMTransformUtils.lib lib\LLVMAnalysis.lib lib\LLVMProfileData.lib lib\LLVMDebugInfoDWARF.lib lib\LLVMObject.lib lib\LLVMBitReader.lib lib\LLVMCore.lib lib\LLVMRemarks.lib lib\LLVMBitstreamReader.lib lib\LLVMMCParser.lib lib\LLVMMC.lib lib\LLVMDebugInfoCodeView.lib lib\LLVMTextAPI.lib lib\LLVMBinaryFormat.lib lib\LLVMSupport.lib psapi.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib advapi32.lib delayimp.lib -delayload:shell32.dll -delayload:ole32.dll lib\LLVMDemangle.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:bin\SampleAnalyzerPlugin.dll.manifest" failed (exit code 1169) with the following output:
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(BugReporter.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReport::PathSensitiveBugReport(class clang::ento::BugType const &,class llvm::StringRef,class llvm::StringRef,class clang::ento::ExplodedNode const *,class clang::ento::PathDiagnosticLocation,class clang::Decl const *)" (??0PathSensitiveBugReport@ento@clang@@QEAA@AEBVBugType@12@VStringRef@llvm@@1PEBVExplodedNode@12@VPathDiagnosticLocation@12@PEBVDecl@2@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(BugReporter.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "private: virtual void __cdecl clang::ento::BugType::anchor(void)" (?anchor@BugType@ento@clang@@EEAAXXZ) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(SVals.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: class clang::FunctionDecl const * __cdecl clang::ento::SVal::getAsFunctionDecl(void)const " (?getAsFunctionDecl@SVal@ento@clang@@QEBAPEBVFunctionDecl@3@XZ) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(ProgramState.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl clang::ento::ProgramStateRelease(class clang::ento::ProgramState const *)" (?ProgramStateRelease@ento@clang@@YAXPEBVProgramState@12@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(ProgramState.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl clang::ento::ProgramStateRetain(class clang::ento::ProgramState const *)" (?ProgramStateRetain@ento@clang@@YAXPEBVProgramState@12@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(Environment.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl clang::ento::EnvironmentEntry::EnvironmentEntry(class clang::Stmt const *,class clang::LocationContext const *)" (??0EnvironmentEntry@ento@clang@@QEAA@PEBVStmt@2@PEBVLocationContext@2@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(Environment.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: class clang::ento::SVal __cdecl clang::ento::Environment::getSVal(class clang::ento::EnvironmentEntry const &,class clang::ento::SValBuilder &)const " (?getSVal@Environment@ento@clang@@QEBA?AVSVal@23@AEBVEnvironmentEntry@23@AEAVSValBuilder@23@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(CheckerManager.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: void __cdecl clang::ento::CheckerManager::_registerForPreStmt(class clang::ento::CheckerFn<void __cdecl(class clang::Stmt const *,class clang::ento::CheckerContext &)>,bool (__cdecl*)(class clang::Stmt const *))" (?_registerForPreStmt@CheckerManager@ento@clang@@QEAAXV?$CheckerFn@$$A6AXPEBVStmt@clang@@AEAVCheckerContext@ento@2@@Z@23@P6A_NPEBVStmt@3@@Z@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangStaticAnalyzerCore.lib(CoreEngine.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "protected: class clang::ento::ExplodedNode * __cdecl clang::ento::NodeBuilder::generateNodeImpl(class clang::ProgramPoint const &,class llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<class clang::ento::ProgramState const >,class clang::ento::ExplodedNode *,bool)" (?generateNodeImpl@NodeBuilder@ento@clang@@IEAAPEAVExplodedNode@23@AEBVProgramPoint@3@V?$IntrusiveRefCntPtr@$$CBVProgramState@ento@clang@@@llvm@@PEAV423@_N@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
LLVMSupport.lib(SmallVector.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "protected: void __cdecl llvm::SmallVectorBase<unsigned int>::grow_pod(void *,unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64)" (?grow_pod@?$SmallVectorBase@I@llvm@@IEAAXPEAX_K1@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
LLVMSupport.lib(FoldingSet.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "protected: __cdecl llvm::FoldingSetBase::~FoldingSetBase(void)" (??1FoldingSetBase@llvm@@IEAA@XZ) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangAST.lib(ASTImporter.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl clang::ASTImporter::ASTImporter(class clang::ASTContext &,class clang::FileManager &,class clang::ASTContext &,class clang::FileManager &,bool,class std::shared_ptr<class clang::ASTImporterSharedState>)" (??0ASTImporter@clang@@QEAA@AEAVASTContext@1@AEAVFileManager@1@01_NV?$shared_ptr@VASTImporterSharedState@clang@@@std@@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangAST.lib(ASTImporter.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: class llvm::Expected<class clang::Decl *> __cdecl clang::ASTImporter::Import(class clang::Decl *)" (?Import@ASTImporter@clang@@QEAA?AV?$Expected@PEAVDecl@clang@@@llvm@@PEAVDecl@2@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangAST.lib(ExternalASTSource.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: virtual __cdecl clang::ExternalASTSource::~ExternalASTSource(void)" (??1ExternalASTSource@clang@@UEAA@XZ) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangAST.lib(ExternalASTSource.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __cdecl clang::ExternalASTSource::CompleteRedeclChain(class clang::Decl const *)" (?CompleteRedeclChain@ExternalASTSource@clang@@UEAAXPEBVDecl@2@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)
clangAST.lib(ExternalASTSource.cpp.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __cdecl clang::ExternalASTSource::CompleteType(class clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl *)" (?CompleteType@ExternalASTSource@clang@@UEAAXPEAVObjCInterfaceDecl@2@@Z) already defined in clang.lib(clang.exe)

Reviewed By: aaron.ballman

Differential Revision:
2022-01-25 23:05:00 +03:00
Stanislav Gatev 64ba462b6e [clang][dataflow] Add a transfer function for InitListExpr
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-25 16:28:15 +00:00
Jan Korous dd01d971aa [clang][dataflow] Avoid MaxIterations overflow
unsigned is technically guaranteed to be only 16 bits in which case 1 << 16 would wrap around to zero.

Differential Revision:
2022-01-24 15:58:38 -08:00
Stanislav Gatev c95cb4de1b [clang][dataflow] Intersect ExprToLoc when joining environments
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-20 14:30:17 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 8e53ae3d37 [clang][dataflow] Add a transfer function for conditional operator
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-19 16:25:05 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev acd4b03590 Revert "Revert "[clang][dataflow] Add a test to justify skipping past references in UO_Deref""
This reverts commit a0262043bb.

Add the -fno-delayed-template-parsing arg to fix the failing test on Windows.
2022-01-19 10:00:01 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev a0262043bb Revert "[clang][dataflow] Add a test to justify skipping past references in UO_Deref"
This reverts commit 68226e572f.
2022-01-19 06:46:37 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 68226e572f [clang][dataflow] Add a test to justify skipping past references in UO_Deref
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-18 21:27:43 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev d7c19f947e [clang][dataflow] Remove obsolete FIXME
The FIXME is no longer relevant as ControlFlowContext centralizes the
construction of the CFG.

This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-18 15:16:44 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 59e031ff90 [clang][dataflow] Add transfer function for addrof
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-18 11:23:08 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 782eced561 [clang][dataflow] Replace initValueInStorageLocation with createValue
Since Environment's setValue method already does part of the work that
initValueInStorageLocation does, we can factor out a new createValue
method to reduce the duplication.

This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: ymandel, xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-18 07:09:35 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 37e6496c80 [clang][dataflow] Add transfer functions for bind temporary and static cast
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Differential Revision:
2022-01-16 17:41:02 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 7d941d6d21 [clang][dataflow] Add transfer functions for constructors
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: ymandel, xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-14 14:58:01 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 963f40051a [clang][dataflow] Add transfer functions for initializers
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: ymandel, xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-12 21:51:39 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 99f7d55eee [clang][dataflow] Add transfer functions for data members and this pointers
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: ymandel, xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-12 07:38:26 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev e7481f6ee5 [clang][dataflow] Add transfer functions for assignment
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Differential Revision:
2022-01-10 19:35:50 +00:00
Yitzhak Mandelbaum 64f7b2d4bf [clang][dataflow] Change `transfer` function to update lattice element in place.
Currently, the transfer function returns a new lattice element, which forces an
unnecessary copy on processing each CFG statement.

Differential Revision:
2022-01-10 14:45:30 +00:00
Nick Desaulniers 3a604fdbcd [Clang][CFG] check children statements of asm goto
When performing CFG based analyses, don't forget to check the child
statements of an asm goto, such as the expressions used for


Reviewed By: void, jyknight, jyu2, efriedma

Differential Revision:
2022-01-07 14:11:08 -08:00
Stanislav Gatev af7bc39ba1 [clang][dataflow] Add transfer function for VarDecl statements
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed-by: xazax.hun

Differential Revision:
2022-01-04 09:16:01 +00:00
Kazu Hirata d677a7cb05 [clang] Remove redundant member initialization (NFC)
Identified with readability-redundant-member-init.
2022-01-02 10:20:23 -08:00
Stanislav Gatev b5c5d8912e [clang][dataflow] Add support for noreturn destructor calls
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed By: xazax.hun, gribozavr2

Differential Revision:
2021-12-28 07:04:39 +00:00
Kazu Hirata 2d303e6781 Remove redundant return and continue statements (NFC)
Identified with readability-redundant-control-flow.
2021-12-24 23:17:54 -08:00
Yitzhak Mandelbaum 93fbaa46c8 Revert "Revert "[clang][dataflow] Add framework for testing analyses.""
This reverts commit 78ff12da11 and fixes the initial cause of the revert.
2021-12-11 23:16:59 +00:00
Nico Weber 78ff12da11 Revert "[clang][dataflow] Add framework for testing analyses."
Doesn't build on Windows.

This reverts commit 5a40df6381
and commit db494bd4e8.
2021-12-10 11:06:40 -05:00
Yitzhak Mandelbaum 5a40df6381 [clang][dataflow] Add framework for testing analyses.
Adds a general-purpose framework to support testing of dataflow analyses.

Differential Revision:
2021-12-10 15:24:12 +00:00
Yitzhak Mandelbaum 28d3976819 Revert "[clang][dataflow] Add framework for testing analyses."
This reverts commit 47d526d67e.

The commit is failing to build on some platforms. Rolling back while we investigate.
2021-12-10 14:27:15 +00:00
Yitzhak Mandelbaum 47d526d67e [clang][dataflow] Add framework for testing analyses.
Adds a general-purpose framework to support testing of dataflow analyses.

Differential Revision:
2021-12-10 14:00:36 +00:00
Stanislav Gatev 8dcaf3aa0b [clang][dataflow] Implement a basic algorithm for dataflow analysis
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed By: xazax.hun, gribozavr2

Differential Revision:
2021-12-10 11:44:49 +01:00
Logan Smith 715c72b4fb [NFC][analyzer] Return underlying strings directly instead of OS.str()
This avoids an unnecessary copy required by 'return OS.str()', allowing
instead for NRVO or implicit move. The .str() call (which flushes the
stream) is no longer required since 65b13610a5,
which made raw_string_ostream unbuffered by default.

Differential Revision:
2021-12-09 16:05:46 -08:00
Benjamin Kramer 4c7de4fbda Thread safety analysis: Remove unused variable. NFC. 2021-12-09 18:57:43 +01:00
Bill Wendling c4582a689c [Analysis] Ignore casts and unary ops for uninitialized values
A series of unary operators and casts may obscure the variable we're
trying to analyze. Ignore them for the uninitialized value analysis.
Other checks determine if the unary operators result in a valid l-value.


Reviewed By: nickdesaulniers

Differential Revision:
2021-12-07 11:49:18 -08:00
Stanislav Gatev 6e2aecd759 [clang][dataflow] Add base types for building dataflow analyses
This is part of the implementation of the dataflow analysis framework.
See "[RFC] A dataflow analysis framework for Clang AST" on cfe-dev.

Reviewed By: ymandel, xazax.hun, gribozavr2

Differential Revision:
2021-11-30 14:44:40 +00:00
Zarko Todorovski d8e5a0c42b [clang][NFC] Inclusive terms: replace some uses of sanity in clang
Rewording of comments to avoid using `sanity test, sanity check`.

Reviewed By: aaron.ballman, Quuxplusone

Differential Revision:
2021-11-19 14:58:35 -05:00
Kazu Hirata eb1c7c1339 [AST, Analysis] Use llvm::reverse (NFC) 2021-11-07 09:53:14 -08:00
Nico Weber c7aaa2efef [clang] Add range accessor for ObjCAtTryStmt catch_stmts and use it
No behavior change.

Differential Revision:
2021-10-27 08:57:05 -04:00
Nico Weber 04f30795f1 [clang] Implement CFG construction for @try and @catch
@finally is still not implemented.

With this, clang can emit -Wreturn-type warnings for functions containing
@try/@catch (but not yet @finally), and -Wunreachable-code also works for those

The implementation is similar to D36914.

Part of PR46693.

Differential Revision:
2021-10-26 09:45:22 -04:00
Nico Weber 0b7c9addce [clang] Make loop in CFGBuilder::VisitCXXTryStmt() more canonical
No behavior change.
2021-10-26 09:45:22 -04:00
Nico Weber aa42785d01 [clang] Simplify CFG block printing code a bit
No behavior change.
2021-10-26 09:45:22 -04:00
Nico Weber d054b31d59 [clang] Use consistent punctuation at end of Block NULL comment
No behavior change.
2021-10-26 09:45:22 -04:00
Kazu Hirata 4bd46501c3 Use llvm::any_of and llvm::none_of (NFC) 2021-10-24 17:35:33 -07:00
Kazu Hirata 7cc8fa2dd2 Use llvm::is_contained (NFC) 2021-10-24 09:32:57 -07:00
Kazu Hirata dccfaddc6b [clang] Use StringRef::contains (NFC) 2021-10-21 08:58:19 -07:00
Nico Weber c74ab84ea2 [clang] Omit most AttributedStatements from the CFG
`[[clang::fallthrough]]` has meaning for the CFG, but all other
StmtAttrs we currently have don't. So omit them, as AttributedStatements
with children cause several issues and there's no benefit in including

Fixes PR52103 and PR49454. See PR52103 for details.

Differential Revision:
2021-10-12 09:15:45 -04:00
Nico Weber 5ab2a95edb [clang] Remove an else-after-return 2021-10-11 14:24:58 -04:00
Nico Weber 00ca004dda [clang] Convert a few loops to for-each 2021-10-11 14:24:32 -04:00
Nico Weber 144f851f6f [clang/CFG] Rewrap a line to 80 columns 2021-10-11 14:23:51 -04:00