* Don't bother using a thread wrapper when the variable is known to
have constant initialization.
* Emit the thread wrapper as discardable-if-unused in TUs that don't
contain a definition of the thread_local variable.
* Don't emit the thread wrapper at all if the thread_local variable
is unused and discardable; it will be emitted by all TUs that need
Reviewers: rjmccall, jdoerfert
Subscribers: cfe-commits
Tags: #clang
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 371767
If the constexpr variable is partially initialized, the initializer can
be emitted as the structure, not as an array, because of some early
optimizations. The llvm variable gets the type from this constant and,
thus, gets the type which is pointer to struct rather than pointer to an
array. We need to convert this type to be truely array, otherwise it may
lead to the compiler crash when trying to emit array subscript
llvm-svn: 371548
Currently, clang accepts a union with a reference member when given the -fms-extensions flag. This change fixes the codegen for this case.
Patch by Dominic Ferreira.
llvm-svn: 370052
I noticed another instance of the issue where references to aliases were
being replaced with aliasees, this time in InstCombine. In the instance that
I saw it turned out to be only a QoI issue (a symbol ended up being missing
from the symbol table due to the last reference to the alias being removed,
preventing HWASAN from symbolizing a global reference), but it could easily
have manifested as incorrect behaviour.
Since this is the third such issue encountered (previously: D65118, D65314)
it seems to be time to address this common error/QoI issue once and for all
and make the strip* family of functions not look through aliases.
Includes a test for the specific issue that I saw, but no doubt there are
other similar bugs fixed here.
As with D65118 this has been tested to make sure that the optimization isn't
load bearing. I built Clang, Chromium for Linux, Android and Windows as well
as the test-suite and there were no size regressions.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 369697
Previously, debuginfo types are annotated to
IR builtin preserve_struct_access_index() and
preserve_union_access_index(), but not
preserve_array_access_index(). The debug info
is useful to identify the root type name which
later will be used for type comparison.
For user access without explicit type conversions,
the previous scheme works as we can ignore intermediate
compiler generated type conversions (e.g., from union types to
union members) and still generate correct access index string.
The issue comes with user explicit type conversions, e.g.,
converting an array to a structure like below:
struct t { int a; char b[40]; };
struct p { int c; int d; };
struct t *var = ...;
... __builtin_preserve_access_index(&(((struct p *)&(var->b[0]))->d)) ...
Although BPF backend can derive the type of &(var->b[0]),
explicit type annotation make checking more consistent
and less error prone.
Another benefit is for multiple dimension array handling.
For example,
struct p { int c; int d; } g[8][9][10];
... __builtin_preserve_access_index(&g[2][3][4].d) ...
It would be possible to calculate the number of "struct p"'s
before accessing its member "d" if array debug info is
available as it contains each dimension range.
This patch enables to annotate IR builtin preserve_array_access_index()
with proper debuginfo type. The unit test case and language reference
is updated as well.
Signed-off-by: Yonghong Song <>
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 367724
The original commit is r366076. It is temporarily reverted (r366155)
due to test failure. This resubmit makes test more robust by accepting
regex instead of hardcoded names/references in several places.
This is a followup patch for
Handle unnamed bitfield properly and add more test cases.
Fixed the unnamed bitfield issue. The unnamed bitfield is ignored
by debug info, so we need to ignore such a struct/union member
when we try to get the member index in the debug info.
D61809 contains two test cases but not enough as it does
not checking generated IRs in the fine grain level, and also
it does not have semantics checking tests.
This patch added unit tests for both code gen and semantics checking for
the new intrinsic.
Signed-off-by: Yonghong Song <>
llvm-svn: 366231
i.e., recent 5745eccef54ddd3caca278d1d292a88b2281528b:
* Bump the function_type_mismatch handler version, as its signature has changed.
* The function_type_mismatch handler can return successfully now, so
SanitizerKind::Function must be AlwaysRecoverable (like for
* But the minimal runtime would still unconditionally treat a call to the
function_type_mismatch handler as failure, so disallow -fsanitize=function in
combination with -fsanitize-minimal-runtime (like it was already done for
* Add tests.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 366186
This is a followup patch for
Handle unnamed bitfield properly and add more test cases.
Fixed the unnamed bitfield issue. The unnamed bitfield is ignored
by debug info, so we need to ignore such a struct/union member
when we try to get the member index in the debug info.
D61809 contains two test cases but not enough as it does
not checking generated IRs in the fine grain level, and also
it does not have semantics checking tests.
This patch added unit tests for both code gen and semantics checking for
the new intrinsic.
Signed-off-by: Yonghong Song <>
llvm-svn: 366076
For background of BPF CO-RE project, please refer to
In summary, BPF CO-RE intends to compile bpf programs
adjustable on struct/union layout change so the same
program can run on multiple kernels with adjustment
before loading based on native kernel structures.
In order to do this, we need keep track of GEP(getelementptr)
instruction base and result debuginfo types, so we
can adjust on the host based on kernel BTF info.
Capturing such information as an IR optimization is hard
as various optimization may have tweaked GEP and also
union is replaced by structure it is impossible to track
fieldindex for union member accesses.
Three intrinsic functions, preserve_{array,union,struct}_access_index,
are introducted.
addr = preserve_array_access_index(base, index, dimension)
addr = preserve_union_access_index(base, di_index)
addr = preserve_struct_access_index(base, gep_index, di_index)
base: the base pointer for the array/union/struct access.
index: the last access index for array, the same for IR/DebugInfo layout.
dimension: the array dimension.
gep_index: the access index based on IR layout.
di_index: the access index based on user/debuginfo types.
If using these intrinsics blindly, i.e., transforming all GEPs
to these intrinsics and later on reducing them to GEPs, we have
seen up to 7% more instructions generated. To avoid such an overhead,
a clang builtin is proposed:
base = __builtin_preserve_access_index(base)
such that user wraps to-be-relocated GEPs in this builtin
and preserve_*_access_index intrinsics only apply to
those GEPs. Such a buyin will prevent performance degradation
if people do not use CO-RE, even for programs which use
For example, for the following example,
$ cat test.c
struct sk_buff {
int i;
int b1:1;
int b2:2;
union {
struct {
int o1;
int o2;
} o;
struct {
char flags;
char dev_id;
} dev;
int netid;
} u[10];
static int (*bpf_probe_read)(void *dst, int size, const void *unsafe_ptr)
= (void *) 4;
#define _(x) (__builtin_preserve_access_index(x))
int bpf_prog(struct sk_buff *ctx) {
char dev_id;
bpf_probe_read(&dev_id, sizeof(char), _(&ctx->u[5].dev.dev_id));
return dev_id;
$ clang -target bpf -O2 -g -emit-llvm -S -mllvm -print-before-all \
test.c >& log
The generated IR looks like below:
define dso_local i32 @bpf_prog(%struct.sk_buff*) #0 !dbg !15 {
%2 = alloca %struct.sk_buff*, align 8
%3 = alloca i8, align 1
store %struct.sk_buff* %0, %struct.sk_buff** %2, align 8, !tbaa !45
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata %struct.sk_buff** %2, metadata !43, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !49
call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 1, i8* %3) #4, !dbg !50
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i8* %3, metadata !44, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !51
%4 = load i32 (i8*, i32, i8*)*, i32 (i8*, i32, i8*)** @bpf_probe_read, align 8, !dbg !52, !tbaa !45
%5 = load %struct.sk_buff*, %struct.sk_buff** %2, align 8, !dbg !53, !tbaa !45
%6 = call [10 x %union.anon]* @llvm.preserve.struct.access.index.p0a10s_union.anons.p0s_struct.sk_buffs(
%struct.sk_buff* %5, i32 2, i32 3), !dbg !53, !llvm.preserve.access.index !19
%7 = call %union.anon* @llvm.preserve.array.access.index.p0s_union.anons.p0a10s_union.anons(
[10 x %union.anon]* %6, i32 1, i32 5), !dbg !53
%8 = call %union.anon* @llvm.preserve.union.access.index.p0s_union.anons.p0s_union.anons(
%union.anon* %7, i32 1), !dbg !53, !llvm.preserve.access.index !26
%9 = bitcast %union.anon* %8 to %struct.anon.0*, !dbg !53
%10 = call i8* @llvm.preserve.struct.access.index.p0i8.p0s_struct.anon.0s(
%struct.anon.0* %9, i32 1, i32 1), !dbg !53, !llvm.preserve.access.index !34
%11 = call i32 %4(i8* %3, i32 1, i8* %10), !dbg !52
%12 = load i8, i8* %3, align 1, !dbg !54, !tbaa !55
%13 = sext i8 %12 to i32, !dbg !54
call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 1, i8* %3) #4, !dbg !56
ret i32 %13, !dbg !57
!19 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "sk_buff", file: !3, line: 1, size: 704, elements: !20)
!26 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_union_type, scope: !19, file: !3, line: 5, size: 64, elements: !27)
!34 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, scope: !26, file: !3, line: 10, size: 16, elements: !35)
Note that @llvm.preserve.{struct,union}.access.index calls have metadata llvm.preserve.access.index
attached to instructions to provide struct/union debuginfo type information.
For &ctx->u[5].dev.dev_id,
. The "%6 = ..." represents struct member "u" with index 2 for IR layout and index 3 for DI layout.
. The "%7 = ..." represents array subscript "5".
. The "%8 = ..." represents union member "dev" with index 1 for DI layout.
. The "%10 = ..." represents struct member "dev_id" with index 1 for both IR and DI layout.
Basically, traversing the use-def chain recursively for the 3rd argument of bpf_probe_read() and
examining all preserve_*_access_index calls, the debuginfo struct/union/array access index
can be achieved.
The intrinsics also contain enough information to regenerate codes for IR layout.
For array and structure intrinsics, the proper GEP can be constructed.
For union intrinsics, replacing all uses of "addr" with "base" should be enough.
Signed-off-by: Yonghong Song <>
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 365438
For background of BPF CO-RE project, please refer to
In summary, BPF CO-RE intends to compile bpf programs
adjustable on struct/union layout change so the same
program can run on multiple kernels with adjustment
before loading based on native kernel structures.
In order to do this, we need keep track of GEP(getelementptr)
instruction base and result debuginfo types, so we
can adjust on the host based on kernel BTF info.
Capturing such information as an IR optimization is hard
as various optimization may have tweaked GEP and also
union is replaced by structure it is impossible to track
fieldindex for union member accesses.
Three intrinsic functions, preserve_{array,union,struct}_access_index,
are introducted.
addr = preserve_array_access_index(base, index, dimension)
addr = preserve_union_access_index(base, di_index)
addr = preserve_struct_access_index(base, gep_index, di_index)
base: the base pointer for the array/union/struct access.
index: the last access index for array, the same for IR/DebugInfo layout.
dimension: the array dimension.
gep_index: the access index based on IR layout.
di_index: the access index based on user/debuginfo types.
If using these intrinsics blindly, i.e., transforming all GEPs
to these intrinsics and later on reducing them to GEPs, we have
seen up to 7% more instructions generated. To avoid such an overhead,
a clang builtin is proposed:
base = __builtin_preserve_access_index(base)
such that user wraps to-be-relocated GEPs in this builtin
and preserve_*_access_index intrinsics only apply to
those GEPs. Such a buyin will prevent performance degradation
if people do not use CO-RE, even for programs which use
For example, for the following example,
$ cat test.c
struct sk_buff {
int i;
int b1:1;
int b2:2;
union {
struct {
int o1;
int o2;
} o;
struct {
char flags;
char dev_id;
} dev;
int netid;
} u[10];
static int (*bpf_probe_read)(void *dst, int size, const void *unsafe_ptr)
= (void *) 4;
#define _(x) (__builtin_preserve_access_index(x))
int bpf_prog(struct sk_buff *ctx) {
char dev_id;
bpf_probe_read(&dev_id, sizeof(char), _(&ctx->u[5].dev.dev_id));
return dev_id;
$ clang -target bpf -O2 -g -emit-llvm -S -mllvm -print-before-all \
test.c >& log
The generated IR looks like below:
define dso_local i32 @bpf_prog(%struct.sk_buff*) #0 !dbg !15 {
%2 = alloca %struct.sk_buff*, align 8
%3 = alloca i8, align 1
store %struct.sk_buff* %0, %struct.sk_buff** %2, align 8, !tbaa !45
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata %struct.sk_buff** %2, metadata !43, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !49
call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 1, i8* %3) #4, !dbg !50
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i8* %3, metadata !44, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !51
%4 = load i32 (i8*, i32, i8*)*, i32 (i8*, i32, i8*)** @bpf_probe_read, align 8, !dbg !52, !tbaa !45
%5 = load %struct.sk_buff*, %struct.sk_buff** %2, align 8, !dbg !53, !tbaa !45
%6 = call [10 x %union.anon]* @llvm.preserve.struct.access.index.p0a10s_union.anons.p0s_struct.sk_buffs(
%struct.sk_buff* %5, i32 2, i32 3), !dbg !53, !llvm.preserve.access.index !19
%7 = call %union.anon* @llvm.preserve.array.access.index.p0s_union.anons.p0a10s_union.anons(
[10 x %union.anon]* %6, i32 1, i32 5), !dbg !53
%8 = call %union.anon* @llvm.preserve.union.access.index.p0s_union.anons.p0s_union.anons(
%union.anon* %7, i32 1), !dbg !53, !llvm.preserve.access.index !26
%9 = bitcast %union.anon* %8 to %struct.anon.0*, !dbg !53
%10 = call i8* @llvm.preserve.struct.access.index.p0i8.p0s_struct.anon.0s(
%struct.anon.0* %9, i32 1, i32 1), !dbg !53, !llvm.preserve.access.index !34
%11 = call i32 %4(i8* %3, i32 1, i8* %10), !dbg !52
%12 = load i8, i8* %3, align 1, !dbg !54, !tbaa !55
%13 = sext i8 %12 to i32, !dbg !54
call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 1, i8* %3) #4, !dbg !56
ret i32 %13, !dbg !57
!19 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "sk_buff", file: !3, line: 1, size: 704, elements: !20)
!26 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_union_type, scope: !19, file: !3, line: 5, size: 64, elements: !27)
!34 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, scope: !26, file: !3, line: 10, size: 16, elements: !35)
Note that @llvm.preserve.{struct,union}.access.index calls have metadata llvm.preserve.access.index
attached to instructions to provide struct/union debuginfo type information.
For &ctx->u[5].dev.dev_id,
. The "%6 = ..." represents struct member "u" with index 2 for IR layout and index 3 for DI layout.
. The "%7 = ..." represents array subscript "5".
. The "%8 = ..." represents union member "dev" with index 1 for DI layout.
. The "%10 = ..." represents struct member "dev_id" with index 1 for both IR and DI layout.
Basically, traversing the use-def chain recursively for the 3rd argument of bpf_probe_read() and
examining all preserve_*_access_index calls, the debuginfo struct/union/array access index
can be achieved.
The intrinsics also contain enough information to regenerate codes for IR layout.
For array and structure intrinsics, the proper GEP can be constructed.
For union intrinsics, replacing all uses of "addr" with "base" should be enough.
Signed-off-by: Yonghong Song <>
llvm-svn: 365435
This commit adds a new builtin, __builtin_bit_cast(T, v), which performs a
bit_cast from a value v to a type T. This expression can be evaluated at
compile time under specific circumstances.
The compile time evaluation currently doesn't support bit-fields, but I'm
planning on fixing this in a follow up (some of the logic for figuring this out
is in CodeGen). I'm also planning follow-ups for supporting some more esoteric
types that the constexpr evaluator supports, as well as extending
__builtin_memcpy constexpr evaluation to use the same infrastructure.
Differential revision:
llvm-svn: 364954
Attach a unique DISubprogram to a function declaration that will be
used for call site debug info.
([7/13] Introduce the debug entry values.)
Co-authored-by: Ananth Sowda <>
Co-authored-by: Nikola Prica <>
Co-authored-by: Ivan Baev <>
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 364502
A handful of C++ cases as reported in PR42352 didn't actually give an
error when always_inlining with a different target feature list. This
resulted in broken IR.
llvm-svn: 364109
Add support for the C++2a [[no_unique_address]] attribute for targets using the Itanium C++ ABI.
This depends on D63371.
Reviewers: rjmccall, aaron.ballman
Subscribers: dschuff, aheejin, cfe-commits
Tags: #clang
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 363976
This patch adds support for the handling of the variables under the declare target to clause.
The variables in this case are handled like link variables are. A pointer is created on the host and then mapped to the device. The runtime will then copy the address of the host variable in the device pointer.
Reviewers: ABataev, AlexEichenberger, caomhin
Reviewed By: ABataev
Subscribers: guansong, jdoerfert, cfe-commits
Tags: #clang
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 363959
When a variable is named in a context where we can't directly emit a
reference to it (because we don't know for sure that it's going to be
defined, or it's from an enclosing function and not captured, or the
reference might not "work" for some reason), we emit a copy of the
variable as a global and use that for the known-to-be-read-only access.
This reinstates r363295, reverted in r363352, with a fix for PR42276:
we now produce a proper name for a non-odr-use reference to a static
constexpr data member. The name <mangled-name>.const is used in that
case; such names are reserved to the implementation for cases such as
this and should demangle nicely.
Reviewers: rjmccall
Subscribers: jdoerfert, cfe-commits
Tags: #clang
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 363428
Revert 363340 "Remove unused SK_LValueToRValue initialization step."
Revert 363337 "PR23833, DR2140: an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion on a glvalue of type"
Revert 363295 "C++ DR712 and others: handle non-odr-use resulting from an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion applied to a member access or similar not-quite-trivial lvalue expression."
llvm-svn: 363352
When a variable is named in a context where we can't directly emit a
reference to it (because we don't know for sure that it's going to be
defined, or it's from an enclosing function and not captured, or the
reference might not "work" for some reason), we emit a copy of the
variable as a global and use that for the known-to-be-read-only access.
Reviewers: rjmccall
Subscribers: jdoerfert, cfe-commits
Tags: #clang
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 363295
This patch implements the source location builtins `__builtin_LINE(), `__builtin_FUNCTION()`, `__builtin_FILE()` and `__builtin_COLUMN()`. These builtins are needed to implement [`std::experimental::source_location`](
With the exception of `__builtin_COLUMN`, GCC also implements these builtins, and Clangs behavior is intended to match as closely as possible.
Reviewers: rsmith, joerg, aaron.ballman, bogner, majnemer, shafik, martong
Reviewed By: rsmith
Subscribers: rnkovacs, loskutov, riccibruno, mgorny, kunitoki, alexr, majnemer, hfinkel, cfe-commits
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 360937
This follows up after b7692bc3e9 "[UBSan] Fix
isDerivedFromAtOffset on iOS ARM64" fixed the RTTI comparison in
isDerivedFromAtOffset on just one platform and then
a25a2c7c9a "Always compare C++ typeinfo (based on
libstdc++ implementation)" extended that fix to more platforms.
But there is another RTTI comparison for -fsanitize=function generated in
clang's CodeGenFunction::EmitCall as just a pointer comparison. For
SANITIZER_NON_UNIQUE_TYPEINFO platforms this needs to be extended to also do
string comparison. For that, __ubsan_handle_function_type_mismatch[_abort]
takes the two std::type_info pointers as additional parameters now, checks them
internally for potential equivalence, and returns without reporting failure if
they turn out to be equivalent after all. (NORETURN needed to be dropped from
the _abort variant for that.) Also these functions depend on ABI-specific RTTI
now, so needed to be moved from plain UBSAN_SOURCES (ubsan_handlers.h/cc) to
UBSAN_CXXABI_SOURCES (ubsan_handlers_cxx.h/cc), but as -fsanitize=function is
only supported in C++ mode that's not a problem.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 359759
This ability was removed in r351487, but it's needed when a lambda appears as an
OpaqueValueExpr subexpression of a PseudoObjectExpr.
Differential revision:
llvm-svn: 357515
This patch includes the necessary code for converting between a fixed point type and integer.
This also includes constant expression evaluation for conversions with these types.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 355462
enum SanitizerOrdinal has reached maximum capacity, this change extends the capacity to 128 sanitizer checks.
This can eventually allow us to add gcc 8's options "-fsanitize=pointer-substract" and "-fsanitize=pointer-compare".
This is a recommit of r354873 but with a fix for unqualified lookup error in lldb cmake build bot.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 355190
enum SanitizerOrdinal has reached maximum capacity, this change extends the capacity to 128 sanitizer checks.
This can eventually allow us to add gcc 8's options "-fsanitize=pointer-substract" and "-fsanitize=pointer-compare".
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 354873
The various EltSize, Offset, DataLayout, and StructLayout arguments
are all computable from the Address's element type and the DataLayout
which the CGBuilder already has access to.
After having previously asserted that the computed values are the same
as those passed in, now remove the redundant arguments from
CGBuilder's Create*GEP functions.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 353629
Some of these functions take some extraneous arguments, e.g. EltSize,
Offset, which are computable from the Type and DataLayout.
Add some asserts to ensure that the computed values are consistent
with the passed-in values, in preparation for eliminating the
extraneous arguments. This also asserts that the Type is an Array for
the calls named "Array" and a Struct for the calls named "Struct".
Then, correct a couple of errors:
1. Using CreateStructGEP on an array type. (this causes the majority
of the test differences, as struct GEPs are created with i32
indices, while array GEPs are created with i64 indices)
2. Passing the wrong Offset to CreateStructGEP in TargetInfo.cpp on
x86-64 NACL (which uses 32-bit pointers).
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 353529
Emit{Nounwind,}RuntimeCall{,OrInvoke} have been modified to take a
FunctionCallee as an argument, and CreateRuntimeFunction has been
modified to return a FunctionCallee. All callers have been updated.
Additionally, CreateBuiltinFunction is removed, as it was redundant
with CreateRuntimeFunction after some previous changes.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 353184
Recommit r352791 after tweaking DerivedTypes.h slightly, so that gcc
doesn't choke on it, hopefully.
Original Message:
The FunctionCallee type is effectively a {FunctionType*,Value*} pair,
and is a useful convenience to enable code to continue passing the
result of getOrInsertFunction() through to EmitCall, even once pointer
types lose their pointee-type.
- update the CallInst/InvokeInst instruction creation functions to
take a Callee,
- modify getOrInsertFunction to return FunctionCallee, and
- update all callers appropriately.
One area of particular note is the change to the sanitizer
code. Previously, they had been casting the result of
`getOrInsertFunction` to a `Function*` via
`checkSanitizerInterfaceFunction`, and storing that. That would report
an error if someone had already inserted a function declaraction with
a mismatching signature.
However, in general, LLVM allows for such mismatches, as
`getOrInsertFunction` will automatically insert a bitcast if
needed. As part of this cleanup, cause the sanitizer code to do the
same. (It will call its functions using the expected signature,
however they may have been declared.)
Finally, in a small number of locations, callers of
`getOrInsertFunction` actually were expecting/requiring that a brand
new function was being created. In such cases, I've switched them to
Function::Create instead.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 352827
This reverts commit f47d6b38c7 (r352791).
Seems to run into compilation failures with GCC (but not clang, where
I tested it). Reverting while I investigate.
llvm-svn: 352800
The FunctionCallee type is effectively a {FunctionType*,Value*} pair,
and is a useful convenience to enable code to continue passing the
result of getOrInsertFunction() through to EmitCall, even once pointer
types lose their pointee-type.
- update the CallInst/InvokeInst instruction creation functions to
take a Callee,
- modify getOrInsertFunction to return FunctionCallee, and
- update all callers appropriately.
One area of particular note is the change to the sanitizer
code. Previously, they had been casting the result of
`getOrInsertFunction` to a `Function*` via
`checkSanitizerInterfaceFunction`, and storing that. That would report
an error if someone had already inserted a function declaraction with
a mismatching signature.
However, in general, LLVM allows for such mismatches, as
`getOrInsertFunction` will automatically insert a bitcast if
needed. As part of this cleanup, cause the sanitizer code to do the
same. (It will call its functions using the expected signature,
however they may have been declared.)
Finally, in a small number of locations, callers of
`getOrInsertFunction` actually were expecting/requiring that a brand
new function was being created. In such cases, I've switched them to
Function::Create instead.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 352791
This is meant to be used with clang's __builtin_dynamic_object_size.
When 'true' is passed to this parameter, the intrinsic has the
potential to be folded into instructions that will be evaluated
at run time. When 'false', the objectsize intrinsic behaviour is
Differential revision:
llvm-svn: 352664
to reflect the new license.
We understand that people may be surprised that we're moving the header
entirely to discuss the new license. We checked this carefully with the
Foundation's lawyer and we believe this is the correct approach.
Essentially, all code in the project is now made available by the LLVM
project under our new license, so you will see that the license headers
include that license only. Some of our contributors have contributed
code under our old license, and accordingly, we have retained a copy of
our old license notice in the top-level files in each project and
llvm-svn: 351636
Lambda captures should be destroyed if an exception is thrown only if
the construction of the complete lambda-expression has not completed.
(If the lambda-expression has been fully constructed, any exception will
invoke its destructor, which will destroy the captures.)
This is directly modeled after how we handle the equivalent situation in
Note that EmitLambdaLValue was unreachable because in C++11 onwards the
frontend never creates the awkward situation where a prvalue expression
(such as a lambda) is used in an lvalue context (such as the left-hand
side of a class member access).
llvm-svn: 351487
This attribute, called "objc_externally_retained", exposes clang's
notion of pseudo-__strong variables in ARC. Pseudo-strong variables
"borrow" their initializer, meaning that they don't retain/release
it, instead assuming that someone else is keeping their value alive.
If a function is annotated with this attribute, implicitly strong
parameters of that function aren't implicitly retained/released in
the function body, and are implicitly const. This is useful to expose
for performance reasons, most functions don't need the extra safety
of the retain/release, so programmers can opt out as needed.
This attribute can also apply to declarations of local variables,
with similar effect.
Differential revision:
llvm-svn: 350422
Address spaces are cast into generic before invoking the constructor.
Added support for a trailing Qualifiers object in FunctionProtoType.
Note: This recommits the previously reverted patch,
but now it is commited together with a fix for lldb.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 349019
Address spaces are cast into generic before invoking the constructor.
Added support for a trailing Qualifiers object in FunctionProtoType.
Differential Revision:
llvm-svn: 348927