Add support for option -J/-module-dir in the new Flang driver. This
will allow for including module files in other directories, as the
default search path is currently the working folder. This also provides
an option of storing the output module in the specified folder.
Differential Revision:
Add support for the following layout options:
* -ffree-form
* -ffixed-form
- -ffixed-line-length=n (alias -ffixed-line-length-n)
Additionally remove options `-fno-free-form` and `-fno-fixed-form` as they were initially added to forward to gfortran but gfortran does not support these flags.
This patch adds the flag FlangOnlyOption to the existing options `-ffixed-form`, `-ffree-form` and `-ffree-line-length-` in As of commit 6a75496836, these flags are not currently forwarded to gfortran anyway.
The default fixed line length in FrontendOptions is 72, based off the current default in Fortran::parser::Options. The line length cannot be set to a negative integer, or a positive integer less than 7 excluding 0, consistent with the behaviour of gfortran.
This patch does not add `-ffree-line-length-n` as Fortran::parser::Options does not have a variable for free form columns.
Whilst the `fixedFormColumns` variable is used in f18 for `-ffree-line-length-n`, f18 only allows `-ffree-line-length-none`/`-ffree-line-length-0` and not a user-specified value. `fixedFormcolumns` cannot be used in the new driver as it is ignored in the frontend when dealing with free form files.
Summary of changes:
- Remove -fno-fixed-form and -fno-free-form from
- Make -ffixed-form, -ffree-form and -ffree-line-length-n FlangOnlyOption in
- Create AddFortranDialectOptions method in Flang.cpp
- Create FortranForm enum in FrontendOptions.h
- Add fortranForm_ and fixedFormColumns_ to Fortran::frontend::FrontendOptions
- Update fixed-form-test.f so that it guarantees that it fails when forced as a free form file to better facilitate testing.
Differential Revision:
Add support for options -D and -U in the new Flang driver.
Summary of changes:
- Create PreprocessorOptions, to be used by the driver then translated
into Fortran::parser::Options
- Create CompilerInvocation::setFortranOpts to pass preprocessor
options into the parser options
- Add a dedicated method, Flang::AddPreprocessingOptions, to extract
preprocessing options from the driver arguments into the preprocessor
command arguments
Macros specified like -DName will default to definition 1.
When defining macros, the new driver will drop anything after an
end-of-line character. This is consistent with gfortran and clang, but
different to what currently f18 does. However, flang (which is a bash
wrapper for f18), also drops everything after an end-of-line character.
So gfortran-like behaviour felt like the natural choice. Test is added
to demonstrate this behaviour.
Reviewed By: awarzynski
Differential Revision:
This patch adds a new Flang mode. When in Flang mode, the driver will
invoke flang for fortran inputs instead of falling back to the GCC
toolchain as it would otherwise do.
The behaviour of other driver modes are left unmodified to preserve
backwards compatibility.
It is intended that a soon to be implemented binary in the flang project
will import libclangDriver and run the clang driver in the new flang
Please note that since the binary invoked by the driver is under
development, there will no doubt be further tweaks necessary in future
* Initial support is added for basic driver phases
* -E, -fsyntax-only, -emit-llvm -S, -emit-llvm, -S, (none specified)
* -### tests are added for all of the above
* This is more than is supported by f18 so far, which will emit errors
for those options which are unimplemented.
* A test is added that ensures that clang gives a reasonable error
message if flang is not available in the path (without -###).
* Test that the driver accepts multiple inputs in --driver-mode=flang.
* Test that a combination of C and Fortran inputs run both clang and
flang in --driver-mode=flang.
* clang/test/Driver/fortran.f95 is fixed to use the correct fortran
comment character.
Differential revision: