This commit moves FuncOp out of the builtin dialect, and into the Func
dialect. This move has been planned in some capacity from the moment
we made FuncOp an operation (years ago). This commit handles the
functional aspects of the move, but various aspects are left untouched
to ease migration: func::FuncOp is re-exported into mlir to reduce
the actual API churn, the assembly format still accepts the unqualified
`func`. These temporary measures will remain for a little while to
simplify migration before being removed.
Differential Revision:
The revision removes the linalg.fill operation and renames the OpDSL generated linalg.fill_tensor operation to replace it. After the change, all named structured operations are defined via OpDSL and there are no handwritten operations left.
A side-effect of the change is that the pretty printed form changes from:
%1 = linalg.fill(%cst, %0) : f32, tensor<?x?xf32> -> tensor<?x?xf32>
changes to
%1 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%0 : tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
Additionally, the builder signature now takes input and output value ranges as it is the case for all other OpDSL operations:
rewriter.create<linalg::FillOp>(loc, val, output)
changes to
rewriter.create<linalg::FillOp>(loc, ValueRange{val}, ValueRange{output})
All other changes remain minimal. In particular, the canonicalization patterns are the same and the `value()`, `output()`, and `result()` methods are now implemented by the FillOpInterface.
Depends On D120726
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
This revision adds support for the linalg.index to the sparse compiler
pipeline. In essence, this adds the ability to refer to indices in
the tensor index expression, as illustrated below:
Y[i, j, k, l, m] = T[i, j, k, l, m] * i * j
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
The Func has a large number of legacy dependencies carried over from the old
Standard dialect, which was pervasive and contained a large number of varied
operations. With the split of the standard dialect and its demise, a lot of lingering
dead dependencies have survived to the Func dialect. This commit removes a
large majority of then, greatly reducing the dependence surface area of the
Func dialect.
The last remaining operations in the standard dialect all revolve around
FuncOp/function related constructs. This patch simply handles the initial
renaming (which by itself is already huge), but there are a large number
of cleanups unlocked/necessary afterwards:
* Removing a bunch of unnecessary dependencies on Func
* Cleaning up the From/ToStandard conversion passes
* Preparing for the move of FuncOp to the Func dialect
See the discussion at
Differential Revision:
A very small refactoring, but a big impact on tests that expect an exact order.
This revision fixes the tests, but also makes them less brittle for similar
minor changes in the future!
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
This reduces the dependencies of the MLIRVector target and makes the dialect consistent with other dialects.
Differential Revision:
This commit is the first step towards unifying core bufferization and One-Shot Bufferize.
This commit does not move over the implementations of BufferizableOpInterface yet. This will be done in separate commits. This change does also not move the unit tests yet. The tests will be moved together with op interface implementations and split into separate files.
Differential Revision:
BlockArguments gained the ability to have locations attached a while ago, but they
have always been optional. This goes against the core tenant of MLIR where location
information is a requirement, so this commit updates the API to require locations.
Differential Revision:
ShapedType was created in a time before interfaces, and is one of the earliest
type base classes in the ecosystem. This commit refactors ShapedType into
an interface, which is what it would have been if interfaces had existed at that
time. The API of ShapedType and it's derived classes are essentially untouched
by this refactor, with the exception being the API surrounding kDynamicIndex
(which requires a sole home).
For now, the API of ShapedType and its name have been kept as consistent to
the current state of the world as possible (to help with potential migration churn,
among other reasons). Moving forward though, we should look into potentially
restructuring its API and possible its name as well (it should really have "Interface"
at the end like other interfaces at the very least).
One other potentially interesting note is that I've attached the ShapedType::Trait
to TensorType/BaseMemRefType to act as mixins for the ShapedType API. This
is kind of weird, but allows for sharing the same API (i.e. preventing API loss from
the transition from base class -> Interface). This inheritance doesn't affect any
of the derived classes, it is just for API mixin.
Differential Revision:
This moves a bunch of helper functions from `Transforms/SparseTensorConversion.cpp` into `Transforms/CodegenUtils.{cpp,h}` so that they can be reused by `Transforms/Sparsification.cpp`, etc.
See also the dependent D115010 which cleans up some corner cases in this change.
Reviewed By: aartbik, rriddle
Differential Revision:
After removing the range type, Linalg does not define any type. The revision thus consolidates the LinalgOps.h and LinalgTypes.h into a single Linalg.h header. Additionally, LinalgTypes.cpp is renamed to LinalgDialect.cpp to follow the convention adopted by other dialects such as the tensor dialect.
Depends On D115727
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache
Differential Revision:
This revision implements sparse outputs (from scratch) in all cases where
the loops can be reordered with all but one parallel loops outer. If the
inner parallel loop appears inside one or more reductions loops, then an
access pattern expansion is required (aka. workspaces in TACO speak).
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
Proper test for sparse tensor outputs is a single condition throughout
the whole tensor index expression (not a general conjunction, since this
may include other conditions that cause cancellation).
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
Moves sparse tensor output support forward by generalizing from injective
insertions only to include reductions. This revision accepts the case with all
parallel outer and all reduction inner loops, since that can be handled with
an injective insertion still. Next revision will allow the inner parallel loop
to move inward (but that will require "access pattern expansion" aka "workspace").
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
`vector::InsertElementOp` and `vector::ExtractElementOp` have had their `position`
operand changed to accept `AnySignlessIntegerOrIndex` for better operability with
operations that use `index`, such as affine loops.
LLVM's `extractelement` and `insertelement` can also accept `i64`, so lowering
directly to these operations without explicitly inserting casts is allowed. SPIRV's
equivalent ops can also accept `i64`.
Reviewed By: nicolasvasilache, jpienaar
Differential Revision:
First version was vectors only. With some clever "path" insertion,
we now support any d-dimensional tensor. Up next: reductions too
Reviewed By: bixia, wrengr
Differential Revision:
This revision contains all "sparsification" ops and rewriting necessary to support sparse output tensors when the kernel has no reduction (viz. insertions occur in lexicographic order and are "injective"). This will be later generalized to allow reductions too. Also, this first revision only supports sparse 1-d tensors (viz. vectors) as output in the runtime support library. This will be generalized to n-d tensors shortly. But this way, the revision is kept to a manageable size.
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
* Move "linalg.inplaceable" attr name literals to BufferizableOpInterface.
* Use `memref.copy` by default. Override to `linalg.copy` in ComprehensiveBufferizePass.
These are the last remaining code dependencies on Linalg in Comprehensive Bufferize. The next commit will make ComprehensiveBufferize independent of the Linalg dialect.
Differential Revision:
The earlier reduction "scalarization" was only applied to a chain of
*innermost* and *for* loops. This revision generalizes this to any
nesting of for- and while-loops. This implies that reductions can be
implemented with a lot less load and store operations. The chaining
is implemented with a forest of yield statements (but not as bad as
when we would also include the while-induction).
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
This refactoring adds a few "event" functions (start/end loop-seq/loop) for
readability of the core function of codegen. This also prepares sparse tensor
output codegen, where these "event" functions will provide convenient
placeholders to start or stop insertion bookkeeping.
This revision also includes a few various minor changes that kept on
pending in my local workspace.
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
Removed redundant ops from the standard dialect that were moved to the
`arith` or `math` dialects.
Renamed all instances of operations in the codebase and in tests.
Reviewed By: rriddle, jpienaar
Differential Revision:
This relaxes vectorization of dense memrefs a bit so that affine expressions
are allowed in more outer dimensions. Vectorization of non unit stride
references is disabled though, since this seems ineffective anyway.
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
The lack of negi details leaked from merger class into codegen part.
Also, special case for vector code was not needed, the type can be used directly!
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
This revision makes sure that when the output buffer materializes locally
(in contrast with the passing in of output tensors either in-place or not
in-place), the zero initialization assumption is preserved. This also adds
a bit more documentation on our sparse kernel assumption (viz. TACO
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
Now not just SUM, but also PRODUCT, AND, OR, XOR. The reductions
MIN and MAX are still to be done (also depends on recognizing
these operations in cmp-select constructs).
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
This enables the sparsification of more kernels, such as convolutions
where there is a x(i+j) subscript. It also enables more tensor invariants
such as x(1) or other affine subscripts such as x(i+1). Currently, we
reject sparsity altogether for such tensors. Despite this restriction,
however, we can already handle a lot more kernels with compound subscripts
for dense access (viz. convolution with dense input and sparse filter).
Some unit tests and an integration test demonstrate new capability.
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
The sparse index order must always be satisfied, but this
may give a choice in topsorts for several cases. We broke
ties in favor of any dense index order, since this gives
good locality. However, breaking ties in favor of pushing
unrelated indices into sparse iteration spaces gives better
asymptotic complexity. This revision improves the heuristic.
Note that in the long run, we are really interested in using
ML for ML to find the best loop ordering as a replacement for
such heuristics.
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
Apply the "for loop peeling" pattern from SCF dialect transforms. This pattern splits scf.for loops into full and partial iterations. In the full iteration, all masked loads/stores are canonicalized to unmasked loads/stores.
Differential Revision:
This shares more code with existing utilities. Also, to be consistent,
we moved dimension permutation on the DimOp to the tensor lowering phase.
This way, both pre-existing DimOps on sparse tensors (not likely but
possible) as well as compiler generated DimOps are handled consistently.
Reviewed By: bixia
Differential Revision:
Adds zero-preserving unary operators from std. Also adds xor.
Performs minor refactoring to remove "zero" node, and pushed
the irregular logic for negi (not support in std) into one place.
Reviewed By: gussmith23
Differential Revision:
Integral AND and OR follow the simple conjunction and disjuction rules
for lattice building. This revision also completes some of the Merge
refactoring by moving the remainder parts that are merger specific from
sparsification into utils files.
Reviewed By: gussmith23
Differential Revision:
Right now, we only accept x/c with nonzero c, since this
conceptually can be treated as a x*(1/c) conjunction for both
FP and INT as far as lattice computations go. The codegen
keeps the division though to preserve precise semantics.
See discussion:
Reviewed By: gussmith23
Differential Revision:
Remove `getDynOperands` and `createOrFoldDimOp` from MemRef.h to decouple MemRef a bit from Tensor. These two functions are used in other dialects/transforms.
Differential Revision:
This revision extends the sparse compiler support from fp/int addition and multiplication to fp/int negation and subtraction, thereby increasing the scope of sparse kernels that can be compiled.
Reviewed By: gussmith23
Differential Revision:
To make TensorExp clearer, this change refactors the e0/e1 fields into a union: e0/e1 for a binary op tensor expression, and tensor_num for a tensor-kinded tensor expression.
Reviewed By: aartbik
Differential Revision:
Follow-up on migrating lattice and tensor expression related methods into the new utility.
This also prepares the next step of generalizing the op kinds that are handled.
Reviewed By: gussmith23
Differential Revision: