A perf helper is always only ever cretaed to be checked for validity
then passed as Counter ctor argument, never to be touched again.
Its lifetime should outlive that of the counter, and there is never any
reason to have two different counters of top of the perf helper.
Make sure these assumptions always hold by making the Counter consume the
As noted in documentation, different repetition modes have different trade-offs:
> .. option:: -repetition-mode=[duplicate|loop]
> Specify the repetition mode. `duplicate` will create a large, straight line
> basic block with `num-repetitions` copies of the snippet. `loop` will wrap
> the snippet in a loop which will be run `num-repetitions` times. The `loop`
> mode tends to better hide the effects of the CPU frontend on architectures
> that cache decoded instructions, but consumes a register for counting
> iterations.
Indeed. Example:
>>! In D74156#1873657, @lebedev.ri wrote:
> At least for `CMOV`, i'm seeing wildly different results
> | | Latency | RThroughput |
> | duplicate | 1 | 0.8 |
> | loop | 2 | 0.6 |
> where latency=1 seems correct, and i'd expect the througput to be close to 1/2 (since there are two execution units).
This isn't great for analysis, at least for schedule model development.
As discussed in excruciating detail in
>>! In D74156#1924514, @gchatelet wrote:
>>>! In D74156#1920632, @lebedev.ri wrote:
>> ... did that explanation of the question i'm having made any sense?
> Thx for digging in the conversation !
> Ok it makes more sense now.
> I discussed it a bit with @courbet:
> - We want the analysis tool to stay simple so we'd rather not make it knowledgeable of the repetition mode.
> - We'd like to still be able to select either repetition mode to dig into special cases
> So we could add a third `min` repetition mode that would run both and take the minimum. It could be the default option.
> Would you have some time to look what it would take to add this third mode?
there appears to be an agreement that it is indeed sub-par,
and that we should provide an optional, measurement (not analysis!) -time
way to rectify the situation.
However, the solutions isn't entirely straight-forward.
We can just add an actual 'multiplexer' `MinSnippetRepetitor`, because
if we just concatenate snippets produced by `DuplicateSnippetRepetitor`
and `LoopSnippetRepetitor` and run+measure that, the measurement will
naturally be different from what we'd get by running+measuring
them separately and taking the min.
([[ https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%28x%2By%29%2F2+%21%3D+min%28x%2C+y%29 | `time(D+L)/2 != min(time(D), time(L))` ]])
Also, it seems best to me to have a single snippet instead of generating
a snippet per repetition mode, since the only difference here is that the
loop repetition mode reserves one register for loop counter.
As far as i can tell, we can either teach `BenchmarkRunner::runConfiguration()`
to produce a single report given multiple repetitors (as in the patch),
or do that one layer higher - don't modify `BenchmarkRunner::runConfiguration()`,
produce multiple reports, don't actually print each one, but aggregate them somehow
and only print the final one.
Initially i've gone ahead with the latter approach, but it didn't look like a natural fit;
the former (as in the diff) does seem like a better fit to me.
There's also a question of the test coverage. It sure currently does work here:
$ ./bin/llvm-exegesis --opcode-name=CMOV64rr --mode=inverse_throughput --repetition-mode=duplicate
Check generated assembly with: /usr/bin/objdump -d /tmp/snippet-8fb949.o
mode: inverse_throughput
- 'CMOV64rr RAX RAX R11 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RBP RBP R15 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RBX RBX RBX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RCX RCX RBX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RDI RDI R10 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RDX RDX RAX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RSI RSI RAX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R8 R8 R8 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R9 R9 RDX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R10 R10 RBX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R11 R11 R14 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R12 R12 R9 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R13 R13 R12 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R14 R14 R15 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R15 R15 R13 i_0x0'
config: ''
- 'RAX=0x0'
- 'R11=0x0'
- 'EFLAGS=0x0'
- 'RBP=0x0'
- 'R15=0x0'
- 'RBX=0x0'
- 'RCX=0x0'
- 'RDI=0x0'
- 'R10=0x0'
- 'RDX=0x0'
- 'RSI=0x0'
- 'R8=0x0'
- 'R9=0x0'
- 'R14=0x0'
- 'R12=0x0'
- 'R13=0x0'
cpu_name: bdver2
llvm_triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
num_repetitions: 10000
- { key: inverse_throughput, value: 0.819, per_snippet_value: 12.285 }
error: ''
info: instruction has tied variables, using static renaming.
assembled_snippet: 5541574156415541545348B8000000000000000049BB00000000000000004883EC08C7042400000000C7442404000000009D48BD000000000000000049BF000000000000000048BB000000000000000048B9000000000000000048BF000000000000000049BA000000000000000048BA000000000000000048BE000000000000000049B8000000000000000049B9000000000000000049BE000000000000000049BC000000000000000049BD0000000000000000490F40C3490F40EF480F40DB480F40CB490F40FA480F40D0480F40F04D0F40C04C0F40CA4C0F40D34D0F40DE4D0F40E14D0F40EC4D0F40F74D0F40FD490F40C35B415C415D415E415F5DC3
$ ./bin/llvm-exegesis --opcode-name=CMOV64rr --mode=inverse_throughput --repetition-mode=loop
Check generated assembly with: /usr/bin/objdump -d /tmp/snippet-051eb3.o
mode: inverse_throughput
- 'CMOV64rr RAX RAX R11 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RBP RBP RSI i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RBX RBX R9 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RCX RCX RSI i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RDI RDI RBP i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RDX RDX R9 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RSI RSI RDI i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R9 R9 R12 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R10 R10 R11 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R11 R11 R9 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R12 R12 RBP i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R13 R13 RSI i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R14 R14 R14 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R15 R15 R10 i_0x0'
config: ''
- 'RAX=0x0'
- 'R11=0x0'
- 'EFLAGS=0x0'
- 'RBP=0x0'
- 'RSI=0x0'
- 'RBX=0x0'
- 'R9=0x0'
- 'RCX=0x0'
- 'RDI=0x0'
- 'RDX=0x0'
- 'R12=0x0'
- 'R10=0x0'
- 'R13=0x0'
- 'R14=0x0'
- 'R15=0x0'
cpu_name: bdver2
llvm_triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
num_repetitions: 10000
- { key: inverse_throughput, value: 0.6083, per_snippet_value: 8.5162 }
error: ''
info: instruction has tied variables, using static renaming.
assembled_snippet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
$ ./bin/llvm-exegesis --opcode-name=CMOV64rr --mode=inverse_throughput --repetition-mode=min
Check generated assembly with: /usr/bin/objdump -d /tmp/snippet-c7a47d.o
Check generated assembly with: /usr/bin/objdump -d /tmp/snippet-2581f1.o
mode: inverse_throughput
- 'CMOV64rr RAX RAX R11 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RBP RBP R10 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RBX RBX R10 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RCX RCX RDX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RDI RDI RAX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RDX RDX R9 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr RSI RSI RAX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R9 R9 RBX i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R10 R10 R12 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R11 R11 RDI i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R12 R12 RDI i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R13 R13 RDI i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R14 R14 R9 i_0x0'
- 'CMOV64rr R15 R15 RBP i_0x0'
config: ''
- 'RAX=0x0'
- 'R11=0x0'
- 'EFLAGS=0x0'
- 'RBP=0x0'
- 'R10=0x0'
- 'RBX=0x0'
- 'RCX=0x0'
- 'RDX=0x0'
- 'RDI=0x0'
- 'R9=0x0'
- 'RSI=0x0'
- 'R12=0x0'
- 'R13=0x0'
- 'R14=0x0'
- 'R15=0x0'
cpu_name: bdver2
llvm_triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
num_repetitions: 10000
- { key: inverse_throughput, value: 0.6073, per_snippet_value: 8.5022 }
error: ''
info: instruction has tied variables, using static renaming.
assembled_snippet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
but i open to suggestions as to how test that.
I also have gone with the suggestion to default to this new mode.
This was irking me for some time, so i'm happy to finally see progress here.
Looking forward to feedback.
Reviewers: courbet, gchatelet
Reviewed By: courbet, gchatelet
Subscribers: mstojanovic, RKSimon, llvm-commits, courbet, gchatelet
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D76921
Lots of headers pass around MemoryBuffer objects, but very few open
them. Let those that do include FileSystem.h.
Saves ~250 includes of Chrono.h & FileSystem.h:
$ diff -u thedeps-before.txt thedeps-after.txt | grep '^[-+] ' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
254 - ../llvm/include/llvm/Support/FileSystem.h
253 - ../llvm/include/llvm/Support/Chrono.h
237 - ../llvm/include/llvm/Support/NativeFormatting.h
237 - ../llvm/include/llvm/Support/FormatProviders.h
192 - ../llvm/include/llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h
190 - ../llvm/include/llvm/Support/FormatVariadicDetails.h
This requires duplicating the file_t typedef, which is unfortunate. I
sunk the choice of mapping mode down into the cpp file using variable
template specializations instead of class members in headers.
isPrefix was added to support the patches to align branches.
it relies on a switch over instruction names.
This moves those opcodes to a new format so the information is
tablegen and we can just check for a specific value in some bits
in TSFlags instead.
I've left the other function in place for now so that the
existing patches in phabricator will still work. I'll work with
the owner to get them migrated.
Summary: Commit 63bb9fee52 was reverted in
7603bfb4b0 because it broke builds that treat
warnings as errors.
This commit updates the calls to `assembleToStream()` in tests to check that
the return value is valid.
Original commit message:
Followup to D74084.
Replace the use of `report_fatal_error()` with returning the error to
`llvm-exegesis.cpp` and handling it there.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74325
Followup to D74085.
Replace the use of `report_fatal_error()` with returning the error to
`llvm-exegesis.cpp` and handling it there.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74325
This avoids questionable code such as taking address of current
range-based for variable and comparing it with vector begin iterator.
While this may not be a problem in itself, it can be written more consice.
This was initially suggested by @aaronpuchert.
It seems like gcc 5.5 wants to iterate over the new variable instead
of the container that lives outside the loop. But of course this
new container is empty.
Plus using a different variable names makes the code more readable.
function_ref is non-owning, so if we get it as a parameter in constructor,
our reference goes out-of-scope as soon as constructor returns.
Instead, let's just take it as a parameter to the actual `generate()` call
Currently, we only have nice exploration for LEA instruction,
while for the rest, we rely on `randomizeUnsetVariables()`
to sometimes generate something interesting.
While that works, it isn't very reliable in coverage :)
Here, i'm making an assumption that while we may want to explore
multi-instruction configs, we are most interested in the
characteristics of the main instruction we were asked about.
Which we can do, by taking the existing `randomizeMCOperand()`,
and turning it on it's head - instead of relying on it to randomly fill
one of the interesting values, let's pregenerate all the possible interesting
values for the variable, and then generate as much `InstructionTemplate`
combinations of these possible values for variables as needed/possible.
Of course, that requires invasive changes to no longer pass just the
naked `Instruction`, but sometimes partially filled `InstructionTemplate`.
As it can be seen from the test, this allows us to explore
`X86::OperandType::OPERAND_COND_CODE` for instructions
that take such an operand.
I'm hoping this will greatly simplify exploration.
Reviewers: courbet, gchatelet
Reviewed By: gchatelet
Subscribers: orodley, mgorny, sdardis, tschuett, jrtc27, atanasyan, mstojanovic, andreadb, RKSimon, llvm-commits
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74156
Simplifies the C++11-style "-> decltype(...)" return-type deduction.
Note that you have to be careful about whether the function return type
is `auto` or `decltype(auto)`. The difference is that bare `auto`
strips const and reference, just like lambda return type deduction. In
some cases that's what we want (or more likely, we know that the return
type is a value type), but whenever we're wrapping a templated function
which might return a reference, we need to be sure that the return type
is decltype(auto).
No functional change.
Subscribers: dexonsmith, llvm-commits
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74383
Followup to D74085.
Replace the use of `report_fatal_error()` with returning the error to
`llvm-exegesis.cpp` and handling it there.
To facilitate this, a new `Error` type has been added which is only used
to log errors to the yaml output.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74215
Summary: Commit 141915963b was reverted in
abe01e17f6 because it broke builds testing
without libpfm. A preparatory commit <commit_sha1> was added to enable
this recommit.
Original commit message:
Followup to D74085.
Replace the use of `report_fatal_error()` with returning the error to
`llvm-exegesis.cpp` and handling it there.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74113
Summary: Commit b3576f60eb was reverted in
abe01e17f6 because it broke builds testing
without libpfm. A preparatory commit <commit_sha1> was added to enable
this recommit.
Original commit message:
Fix inconsistencies in error reporting created by mixing
`report_fatal_error()` and `ExitOnErr()`, and add additional information
to the error message to make it more user friendly. Minimize the use
`report_fatal_error()` because it's meant for use in very rare cases and
it results in low information density of the error messages.
Summary of the new design:
* For command line argument errors output `llvm-exegesis: <error_message>`,
which is consistent with the error output format emitted by the backend
which checks correctness of the command line arguments.
* For other errors the format `llvm-exegesis error: <error_message>` is used.
** If the error occurred during file access `<error_message>` will have
of two parts: `'<file_name>': <rest_of_the_error_message>`
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74085
All errors of type `Failure` are `StringError`s. In order for exit code
mapping to detect that specifically a clustering error has occurred it
needs to have a different type.
This patch also prepares D74085 where termination `report_fatal_error()`
will be replaced with emitting `StringError`s.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74124
It broke e.g. all tests under tools/llvm-exegesis/X86/ when libpfm is
not available, see comment on D74085.
This reverts commit b3576f60eb and
Followup to D74085.
Replace the use of `report_fatal_error()` with returning the error to
`llvm-exegesis.cpp` and handling it there.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74113
Fix inconsistencies in error reporting created by mixing
`report_fatal_error()` and `ExitOnErr()`, and add additional information
to the error message to make it more user friendly. Minimize the use
`report_fatal_error()` because it's meant for use in very rare cases and
it results in low information density of the error messages.
Summary of the new design:
* For command line argument errors output `llvm-exegesis: <error_message>`,
which is consistent with the error output format emitted by the backend
which checks correctness of the command line arguments.
* For other errors the format `llvm-exegesis error: <error_message>` is used.
** If the error occurred during file access `<error_message>` will have
of two parts: `'<file_name>': <rest_of_the_error_message>`
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D74085
It turns out that CUR_DIRECTION is just an internal placeholder, not an actual
valid encoded value.
Reviewers: gchatelet
Subscribers: tschuett, mstojanovic, llvm-commits
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D73343
This is how it should've been and brings it more in line with
std::string_view. There should be no functional change here.
This is mostly mechanical from a custom clang-tidy check, with a lot of
manual fixups. It uncovers a lot of minor inefficiencies.
This doesn't actually modify StringRef yet, I'll do that in a follow-up.
What we're redoing already exists in the X86 backend, it's called
Reviewers: gchatelet
Subscribers: tschuett, mstojanovic, llvm-commits
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D73340
Since some instruction types aren't allowed as the main instruction also
don't allow them for aliasing instructions.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D73220
... instead of crashing.
On typical exmaple is when there are no available registers.
Reviewers: gchatelet
Subscribers: tschuett, mstojanovic, llvm-commits
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D73196
Right now when picking a back-to-back instruction at random, we might select
instructions that we do not know how to handle.
Add a ExegesisTarget hook to possibly filter instructions.
Reviewers: gchatelet
Subscribers: tschuett, mstojanovic, llvm-commits
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D73161
Add unit test to show the issue: We must select an *aliasing* output
register, not the exact register.
Reviewers: gchatelet
Subscribers: tschuett, mstojanovic, llvm-commits
Tags: #llvm
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D73095
The addition of `inverse_throughput` mode highlighted the disjointedness
of snippet generators and benchmark runners because it used the
`UopsSnippetGenerator` with the `LatencyBenchmarkRunner`.
To keep the code consistent tie the snippet generators to
parallelization/serialization rather than their benchmark runners.
Renaming `LatencySnippetGenerator` -> `SerialSnippetGenerator`.
Renaming `UopsSnippetGenerator` -> `ParallelSnippetGenerator`.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D72928
This causes an error with older versions of clang: constructor for
'llvm::exegesis::InstructionsCache' must explicitly initialize the const
member 'BVC'
The argument is llvm::null() everywhere except llvm::errs() in
llvm-objdump in -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On builds. It is used by no
target but X86 in -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On builds.
If we ever have the needs to add verbose log to disassemblers, we can
record log with a member function, instead of passing it around as an
printInst prints a branch/call instruction as `b offset` (there are many
variants on various targets) instead of `b address`.
It is a convention to use address instead of offset in most external
symbolizers/disassemblers. This difference makes `llvm-objdump -d`
output unsatisfactory.
Add `uint64_t Address` to printInst(), so that it can pass the argument to
printInstruction(). `raw_ostream &OS` is moved to the last to be
consistent with other print* methods.
The next step is to pass `Address` to printInstruction() (generated by
tablegen from the instruction set description). We can gradually migrate
targets to print addresses instead of offsets.
In any case, downstream projects which don't know `Address` can pass 0 as
the argument.
Reviewed By: jhenderson
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D72172
Check if the appropriate counters for the specified mode are defined on
the target. This is checked before any other work is done.
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D71927