Commit Graph

426944 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Argyrios Kyrtzidis 20d5a86134 [CMake] Fix `FindGRPC.cmake` for setting up gRPC related libraries for macOS+homebrew context
* Switch `$GRPC_OPTS` references to `${GRPC_OPTS}`
* Use `target_include_directories()` to add include search paths only for the targets the depend on `gRPC`
* Also find and include the search path for `abseil` headers (`gRPC` headers include them)
* Only setup the gRPC related targets once, so that `include(FindGRPC)` can be called from multiple tools

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 16:11:37 -07:00
Jonas Devlieghere 1af4561ee5
[lldb] Skip ScriptInterpreter/Python/exit.test on Windows 2022-06-15 15:50:04 -07:00
Stella Stamenova 36e7c9a450 Revert "[lld-macho] Group undefined symbol diagnostics by symbol"
This reverts commit d61341768c.

This change broke multiple lld tests, including some sanitizer builds:
2022-06-15 15:42:26 -07:00
Mitch Phillips f0ab8d90d4 [ASan] Use debuginfo for symbolization.
Hint: Looking here because your manual invocation of something in
'check-asan' broke? You need a new symbolizer (after D123538).

An upcoming patch will remove the internal metadata for global
variables. With D123534 and D123538, clang now emits DWARF debug info
for constant strings (the only global variable type it was missing), and
llvm-symbolizer is now able to symbolize all global variable addresses
(where previously it wouldn't give you the file:line information).

Move ASan's runtime over from the internal metadata to DWARF.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 15:36:36 -07:00
Peter Klausler 2815bacc91 [flang] Fix error message
A message has a %s string substitution in it but somebody (probably me)
forgot to pass the argument that defines it.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 15:30:14 -07:00
Keith Smiley 272bf0fc41
[lld-macho] Add support for exporting no symbols
As an optimization for ld64 sometimes it can be useful to not export any
symbols for top level binaries that don't need any exports, to do this
you can pass `-exported_symbols_list /dev/null`, or new with Xcode 14
(ld64 816) there is a `-no_exported_symbols` flag for the same behavior.
This reproduces this behavior where previously an empty exported symbols
list file would have been ignored.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 15:07:27 -07:00
Frederik Gossen 3cd5696a33 Revert "Reland "Reland "[X86][RFC] Enable `_Float16` type support on X86 following the psABI"""
This reverts commit e1c5afa47d.

This introduces crashes in the JAX backend on CPU. A reproducer in LLVM is
below. Let me know if you have trouble reproducing this.

; ModuleID = '__compute_module'
source_filename = "__compute_module"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-grtev4-linux-gnu"

@0 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\00\00\00?"
@1 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\1C}\908"
@2 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"?\00\\4"
@3 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"%ci1"
@4 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] zeroinitializer
@5 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\00\00\00\C0"
@6 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\00\00\00B"
@7 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\94\B4\C22"
@8 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"^\09B6"
@9 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\15\F3M?"
@10 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"e\CC\\;"
@11 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"d\BD/>"
@12 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"V\F4I="
@13 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\10\CB,<"
@14 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\AC\E3\D6:"
@15 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\DC\A8E9"
@16 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\C6\FA\897"
@17 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"%\F9\955"
@18 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\B5\DB\813"
@19 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\B4W_\B2"
@20 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\1Cc\8F\B4"
@21 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"~3\94\B6"
@22 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"3Yq\B8"
@23 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\E9\17\17\BA"
@24 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\F1\B2\8D\BB"
@25 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\F8t\C2\BC"
@26 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\82[\C2\BD"
@27 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"uB-?"
@28 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"^\FF\9B\BE"
@29 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"\00\00\00A"

; Function Attrs: uwtable
define void @main.158(ptr %retval, ptr noalias %run_options, ptr noalias %params, ptr noalias %buffer_table, ptr noalias %status, ptr noalias %prof_counters) #0 {
  %fusion.invar_address.dim.1 = alloca i64, align 8
  %fusion.invar_address.dim.0 = alloca i64, align 8
  %0 = getelementptr inbounds ptr, ptr %buffer_table, i64 1
  %Arg_0.1 = load ptr, ptr %0, align 8, !invariant.load !0, !dereferenceable !1, !align !2
  %1 = getelementptr inbounds ptr, ptr %buffer_table, i64 0
  %fusion = load ptr, ptr %1, align 8, !invariant.load !0, !dereferenceable !1, !align !2
  store i64 0, ptr %fusion.invar_address.dim.0, align 8
  br label %fusion.loop_header.dim.0

return:                                           ; preds = %fusion.loop_exit.dim.0
  ret void

fusion.loop_header.dim.0:                         ; preds = %fusion.loop_exit.dim.1, %entry
  %fusion.indvar.dim.0 = load i64, ptr %fusion.invar_address.dim.0, align 8
  %2 = icmp uge i64 %fusion.indvar.dim.0, 3
  br i1 %2, label %fusion.loop_exit.dim.0, label %fusion.loop_body.dim.0

fusion.loop_body.dim.0:                           ; preds = %fusion.loop_header.dim.0
  store i64 0, ptr %fusion.invar_address.dim.1, align 8
  br label %fusion.loop_header.dim.1

fusion.loop_header.dim.1:                         ; preds = %fusion.loop_body.dim.1, %fusion.loop_body.dim.0
  %fusion.indvar.dim.1 = load i64, ptr %fusion.invar_address.dim.1, align 8
  %3 = icmp uge i64 %fusion.indvar.dim.1, 1
  br i1 %3, label %fusion.loop_exit.dim.1, label %fusion.loop_body.dim.1

fusion.loop_body.dim.1:                           ; preds = %fusion.loop_header.dim.1
  %4 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x [1 x half]], ptr %Arg_0.1, i64 0, i64 %fusion.indvar.dim.0, i64 0
  %5 = load half, ptr %4, align 2, !invariant.load !0, !noalias !3
  %6 = fpext half %5 to float
  %7 = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %6)
  %constant.121 = load float, ptr @29, align 4
  %compare.2 = fcmp ole float %7, %constant.121
  %8 = zext i1 %compare.2 to i8
  %constant.120 = load float, ptr @0, align 4
  %multiply.95 = fmul float %7, %constant.120
  %constant.119 = load float, ptr @5, align 4
  %add.82 = fadd float %multiply.95, %constant.119
  %constant.118 = load float, ptr @4, align 4
  %multiply.94 = fmul float %add.82, %constant.118
  %constant.117 = load float, ptr @19, align 4
  %add.81 = fadd float %multiply.94, %constant.117
  %multiply.92 = fmul float %add.82, %add.81
  %constant.116 = load float, ptr @18, align 4
  %add.79 = fadd float %multiply.92, %constant.116
  %multiply.91 = fmul float %add.82, %add.79
  %subtract.87 = fsub float %multiply.91, %add.81
  %constant.115 = load float, ptr @20, align 4
  %add.78 = fadd float %subtract.87, %constant.115
  %multiply.89 = fmul float %add.82, %add.78
  %subtract.86 = fsub float %multiply.89, %add.79
  %constant.114 = load float, ptr @17, align 4
  %add.76 = fadd float %subtract.86, %constant.114
  %multiply.88 = fmul float %add.82, %add.76
  %subtract.84 = fsub float %multiply.88, %add.78
  %constant.113 = load float, ptr @21, align 4
  %add.75 = fadd float %subtract.84, %constant.113
  %multiply.86 = fmul float %add.82, %add.75
  %subtract.83 = fsub float %multiply.86, %add.76
  %constant.112 = load float, ptr @16, align 4
  %add.73 = fadd float %subtract.83, %constant.112
  %multiply.85 = fmul float %add.82, %add.73
  %subtract.81 = fsub float %multiply.85, %add.75
  %constant.111 = load float, ptr @22, align 4
  %add.72 = fadd float %subtract.81, %constant.111
  %multiply.83 = fmul float %add.82, %add.72
  %subtract.80 = fsub float %multiply.83, %add.73
  %constant.110 = load float, ptr @15, align 4
  %add.70 = fadd float %subtract.80, %constant.110
  %multiply.82 = fmul float %add.82, %add.70
  %subtract.78 = fsub float %multiply.82, %add.72
  %constant.109 = load float, ptr @23, align 4
  %add.69 = fadd float %subtract.78, %constant.109
  %multiply.80 = fmul float %add.82, %add.69
  %subtract.77 = fsub float %multiply.80, %add.70
  %constant.108 = load float, ptr @14, align 4
  %add.68 = fadd float %subtract.77, %constant.108
  %multiply.79 = fmul float %add.82, %add.68
  %subtract.75 = fsub float %multiply.79, %add.69
  %constant.107 = load float, ptr @24, align 4
  %add.67 = fadd float %subtract.75, %constant.107
  %multiply.77 = fmul float %add.82, %add.67
  %subtract.74 = fsub float %multiply.77, %add.68
  %constant.106 = load float, ptr @13, align 4
  %add.66 = fadd float %subtract.74, %constant.106
  %multiply.76 = fmul float %add.82, %add.66
  %subtract.72 = fsub float %multiply.76, %add.67
  %constant.105 = load float, ptr @25, align 4
  %add.65 = fadd float %subtract.72, %constant.105
  %multiply.74 = fmul float %add.82, %add.65
  %subtract.71 = fsub float %multiply.74, %add.66
  %constant.104 = load float, ptr @12, align 4
  %add.64 = fadd float %subtract.71, %constant.104
  %multiply.73 = fmul float %add.82, %add.64
  %subtract.69 = fsub float %multiply.73, %add.65
  %constant.103 = load float, ptr @26, align 4
  %add.63 = fadd float %subtract.69, %constant.103
  %multiply.71 = fmul float %add.82, %add.63
  %subtract.67 = fsub float %multiply.71, %add.64
  %constant.102 = load float, ptr @11, align 4
  %add.62 = fadd float %subtract.67, %constant.102
  %multiply.70 = fmul float %add.82, %add.62
  %subtract.66 = fsub float %multiply.70, %add.63
  %constant.101 = load float, ptr @28, align 4
  %add.61 = fadd float %subtract.66, %constant.101
  %multiply.68 = fmul float %add.82, %add.61
  %subtract.65 = fsub float %multiply.68, %add.62
  %constant.100 = load float, ptr @27, align 4
  %add.60 = fadd float %subtract.65, %constant.100
  %subtract.64 = fsub float %add.60, %add.62
  %multiply.66 = fmul float %subtract.64, %constant.120
  %constant.99 = load float, ptr @6, align 4
  %divide.4 = fdiv float %constant.99, %7
  %add.59 = fadd float %divide.4, %constant.119
  %multiply.65 = fmul float %add.59, %constant.118
  %constant.98 = load float, ptr @3, align 4
  %add.58 = fadd float %multiply.65, %constant.98
  %multiply.64 = fmul float %add.59, %add.58
  %constant.97 = load float, ptr @7, align 4
  %add.57 = fadd float %multiply.64, %constant.97
  %multiply.63 = fmul float %add.59, %add.57
  %subtract.63 = fsub float %multiply.63, %add.58
  %constant.96 = load float, ptr @2, align 4
  %add.56 = fadd float %subtract.63, %constant.96
  %multiply.62 = fmul float %add.59, %add.56
  %subtract.62 = fsub float %multiply.62, %add.57
  %constant.95 = load float, ptr @8, align 4
  %add.55 = fadd float %subtract.62, %constant.95
  %multiply.61 = fmul float %add.59, %add.55
  %subtract.61 = fsub float %multiply.61, %add.56
  %constant.94 = load float, ptr @1, align 4
  %add.54 = fadd float %subtract.61, %constant.94
  %multiply.60 = fmul float %add.59, %add.54
  %subtract.60 = fsub float %multiply.60, %add.55
  %constant.93 = load float, ptr @10, align 4
  %add.53 = fadd float %subtract.60, %constant.93
  %multiply.59 = fmul float %add.59, %add.53
  %subtract.59 = fsub float %multiply.59, %add.54
  %constant.92 = load float, ptr @9, align 4
  %add.52 = fadd float %subtract.59, %constant.92
  %subtract.58 = fsub float %add.52, %add.54
  %multiply.58 = fmul float %subtract.58, %constant.120
  %9 = call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %7)
  %10 = fdiv float 1.000000e+00, %9
  %multiply.57 = fmul float %multiply.58, %10
  %11 = trunc i8 %8 to i1
  %12 = select i1 %11, float %multiply.66, float %multiply.57
  %13 = fptrunc float %12 to half
  %14 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x [1 x half]], ptr %fusion, i64 0, i64 %fusion.indvar.dim.0, i64 0
  store half %13, ptr %14, align 2, !alias.scope !3
  %invar.inc1 = add nuw nsw i64 %fusion.indvar.dim.1, 1
  store i64 %invar.inc1, ptr %fusion.invar_address.dim.1, align 8
  br label %fusion.loop_header.dim.1

fusion.loop_exit.dim.1:                           ; preds = %fusion.loop_header.dim.1 = add nuw nsw i64 %fusion.indvar.dim.0, 1
  store i64, ptr %fusion.invar_address.dim.0, align 8
  br label %fusion.loop_header.dim.0

fusion.loop_exit.dim.0:                           ; preds = %fusion.loop_header.dim.0
  br label %return

; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn
declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %0) #1

; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn
declare float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %0) #1

attributes #0 = { uwtable "denormal-fp-math"="preserve-sign" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" }
attributes #1 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn }

!0 = !{}
!1 = !{i64 6}
!2 = !{i64 8}
!3 = !{!4}
!4 = !{!"buffer: {index:0, offset:0, size:6}", !5}
!5 = !{!"XLA global AA domain"}
2022-06-15 18:04:42 -04:00
LLVM GN Syncbot ef44588202 [gn build] Port afd5a4f2dc 2022-06-15 21:57:03 +00:00
Peter Klausler cfc7675a4d [flang][docs] Document non-supported VMS extensions
The prescanner does not support VMS Fortran listing control directives
(%LIST, %NOLIST, %EJECT) or continuation lines on INCLUDE lines.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:55:47 -07:00
Jonas Devlieghere 6cde6ac03c
[lldb] Don't overwrite quit and exit builtins in the Python interpreter
The interactive interpreter is overwriting the exit and quit builtins
with an instance of LLDBQuitter in order to make exit and quit behave
like exit() and quit(). It does that by overwriting the __repr__
function to call itself.

Despite being a neat trick, it has the unintentional side effect that
printing these builtins now quits the interpreter:

  (lldb) script
  Python Interactive Interpreter. To exit, type 'quit()', 'exit()' or Ctrl-D.
  >>> print(exit)

You might consider the above example slightly convoluted, but a more
realistic situation is calling locals():

  (lldb) script
  Python Interactive Interpreter. To exit, type 'quit()', 'exit()' or Ctrl-D.
  >>> locals()

This patch keeps the existing behavior but without overwriting the
builtins. Instead, it looks for quit and exit in the input. If they're
present, we exit the interpreter with the help of an exception.

The previous implementation also used globals to differentiate between
exit getting called from the interactive interpreter or from inside a
script. This patch achieves the same by using a different exception in
for the interpreter case.


Differential revision:
2022-06-15 14:53:40 -07:00
Okwan Kwon f4ad203930 [mlir] create PrintOpStatsPass using printAsJSON
This was missed by the previous commit in OpStats.cpp.
2022-06-15 14:49:54 -07:00
Peter Klausler 690de85ed8 [flang][runtime] Better error message for mis-ASSIGN'ed FORMAT
When an I/O data transfer statement uses an ASSIGN'ed FORMAT that
has not been ASSIGN'ed to a FORMAT statement, the runtime receives
a zero-length format string.  Distinguish this case from the general
error message about missing parentheses.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:46:22 -07:00
Nico Weber 307109266f unbreak Modules/cxx20-export-import.cpp with LLVM_APPEND_VC_REV=OFF after 45d88cd008
See revision b8b7a9dcdc for prior art.
2022-06-15 17:42:35 -04:00
Peter Klausler eb6cd7fe31 [flang] ERROR STOP is not an image control statement
The predicate that determines image control statements needs
to distinguish STOP (which is) from ERROR STOP (which isn't).

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:39:31 -07:00
Chelsea Cassanova 3ba71f1be1 Reland "[lldb/Fuzzer] Create ninja target for target fuzzer"
This reverts commit b10579d0b5.

Make sure that the lldb-target-fuzzer exists before adding the
custom fuzz-lldb-target.
2022-06-15 17:37:38 -04:00
Min-Yih Hsu cd8978e19e [mlir][LLVMIR] Ask ICmpOp to return vector<Nxi1> when needed
If any of the operands for ICmpOp is a vector, returns a vector<Nxi1>
, rather than an i1 type result.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:33:48 -07:00
Min-Yih Hsu 719e24d39f [mlir][LLVMIR] Use isScalableVectorType in ShuffleVectorOp::parse
Instead of casting the incoming operand into VectorType to check if it's
scalable or not.
This is the place I missed to fix in f088b99eac.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:33:48 -07:00
Min-Yih Hsu dcdd5d312f [mlir][LLVMIR] Use insertelement if needed when translating ConstantAggregate
When translating from a llvm::ConstantAggregate with vector type, we
should lower to insertelement operations (if needed) rather than using

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:33:47 -07:00
Peter Klausler db6c3ecd2c [flang][runtime] Make NCOPIES= argument of REPEAT a signed integer, & check it
NCOPIES= is currently a std::size_t in the API.  If a negative value is
used, the memory allocation will fail.  Change it to be a signed integer,
and crash with a message instead if it be negative.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:29:17 -07:00
Peter Klausler 1a3ac58667 [flang][runtime] Fix handling of output FORMAT('x' 'y')
I'm emitting "x'y" because the space-separated apostrophes are
misinterpreted as being adjacent repeated quotation marks.
Fix to ensure no space skipping is applied when checking for
repeated quotation marks.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:23:02 -07:00
Peter Klausler bcad53e131 [flang] Add more qualification when creating names for compiler-generated USEs
When generic resolution finds its specific procedure in a module,
and that specific procedure is not use-associated into the local scope
(perhaps because it was PRIVATE, perhaps because the generic was
use-associated with ONLY:), we create a new use-association with
a renaming.  The name constructed for this renaming needs to be
additionally qualified with the module name of the specific procedure
in order to avoid clashing with another specific of the same name
that may have previously been use-associated in the same way from
a distinct module.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:18:28 -07:00
Peter Klausler f6253eb9ba [flang][runtime] Fix INQUIRE(POS=n) for non-advancing I/O
Position inquiries need to account for offsets in records to be
accurate in the case of non-advancing I/O.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:14:06 -07:00
Peter Klausler 8ef1075381 [flang][runtime] Signal END from character input
There's code in EditCharacterInput() that causes that template function
to silently return false if it is invoked at the end of the input file.
This overrides other checks that properly call SignalEnd() later.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:12:38 -07:00
Sam Clegg 78747bd39a [clang][WebAssembly] Loosen restriction on `main` symbol mangling
Remove the `hasPrototype()` restriction so that old style K&R
declarations of main work too.

For example the following has 2 params but no prototype.

int main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char *argv[];
  return 0;

Also, use `getNumParams()` over `param_size()` which seems to be a more
direct way to get at the same information.

Also, add missing tests for this mangling.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 13:56:05 -07:00
Walter Erquinigo b97b082c5a Fix failures breaks because
we are doing some asm calls that only work on x86
breaks because some comparators where being done incorrectly.
2022-06-15 13:54:04 -07:00
Peter Klausler 6963fb7dfb [flang][runtime] Fix REWIND after non-advancing data transfer
A REWIND of a unit that's in the middle of a record due to a READ
or WRITE statement with ADVANCE='NO' needs to reset the left tab
limit so that the next transfer takes place at the beginning of
the first record.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 13:40:49 -07:00
Fangrui Song c418d0f1be [Driver] Simplify -fno-builtin- handling. NFC 2022-06-15 13:35:08 -07:00
Ben Langmuir 509223da61 [clang][deps] Further canonicalize implicit modules options in dep scan
Disable or canonicalize compiler options that are not relevant in
explicit module builds, similar to what we already did for the modules
cache path. This reduces uninteresting differences between
command-lines, which is particularly useful if there is a tool that can
cache the compilations.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 13:29:47 -07:00
Nikolas Klauser afd5a4f2dc [libc++] Implement ranges::lexicographical_compare
Reviewed By: var-const, Mordante, #libc

Spies: H-G-Hristov, sstefan1, libcxx-commits, mgorny

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 22:29:21 +02:00
Walter Erquinigo fc5ef57c7d [trace][intelpt] Support system-wide tracing [12] - Support multi-core trace load and save
This diff is massive, but it's because it connects the client with lldb-server
and also ensures that the postmortem case works.

- Flatten the postmortem trace schema. The reason is that the schema has become quite complex due to the new multicore case, which defeats the original purpose of having a schema that could work for every trace plug-in. At this point, it's better that each trace plug-in defines it's own full schema. This means that the only common field is "type".
-- Because of this new approach, I merged the "common" trace load and saving functionalities into the IntelPT one. This simplified the code quite a bit. If we eventually implement another trace plug-in, we can see then what we could reuse.
-- The new schema, which is flattened, has now better comments and is parsed better. A change I did was to disallow hex addresses, because they are a bit error prone. I'm asking now to print the address in decimal.
-- Renamed "intel" to "GenuineIntel" in the schema because that's what you see in /proc/cpuinfo.
- Implemented reading the context switch trace data buffer. I had to do
some refactors to do that cleanly.
-- A major change that I did here was to simplify the perf_event circular buffer reading logic. It was too complex. Maybe the original Intel author had something different in mind.
- Implemented all the necessary bits to read trace.json files with per-core data.
- Implemented all the necessary bits to save to disk per-core trace session.
- Added a test that ensures that parsing and saving to disk works.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 13:28:36 -07:00
Arthur Eubanks bab0910f77 [gn build] Add missing BLAKE3 dependency 2022-06-15 13:16:40 -07:00
Peter Klausler 142db43b62 [flang][runtime] Allow recovery from BACKSPACE(badUnit)
When an unconnected unit number is used in a BACKSPACE statement
with ERR=, IOSTAT=, &/or IOMSG= control specifiers, don't crash,
but let the program deal with the error.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 13:00:54 -07:00
owenca 2d82c9ccf3 [clang-format][NFC] Fix braces in ClangFormat.cpp
Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 12:57:48 -07:00
Stella Stamenova b10579d0b5 Revert "[lldb/Fuzzer] Create ninja target for target fuzzer"
This reverts commit f3250da1b9.

This broke the windows lldb bot: and likely others.
2022-06-15 12:40:33 -07:00
Aaron Ballman 10822857b7 Rolling back tests for WG14 DR145
Several build bots are failing with surprising behavior, so it's less
clear whether we do or don't implement this DR properly.
2022-06-15 15:37:14 -04:00
Aaron Ballman 61a649ca35 Update the status of more C DRs
This adds information for DRs 126 through 146.
2022-06-15 15:25:47 -04:00
Amy Kwan 34033a84b8 [PowerPC] Skip combine for vector_shuffles when two scalar_to_vector nodes are different vector types.
Currently in `combineVectorShuffle()`, we update the shuffle mask if either
input vector comes from a scalar_to_vector, and we keep the respective input
vectors in its permuted form by producing PPCISD::SCALAR_TO_VECTOR_PERMUTED.
However, it is possible that we end up in a situation where both input vectors
to the vector_shuffle are scalar_to_vector, and are different vector types.
In situations like this, the shuffle mask is updated incorrectly as the current
code assumes both scalar_to_vector inputs are the same vector type.

This patch skips the combines for vector_shuffle if both input vectors are
scalar_to_vector, and if they are of different vector types. A follow up patch
will focus on fixing this issue afterwards, in order to correctly update the
shuffle mask.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 14:12:18 -05:00
Okwan Kwon 85f19f99e4 [mlir] add createPrintOpStatsPass() with explicit params
This allows to set printAsJSON through the create function.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 12:09:59 -07:00
Walter Erquinigo a0a46473c3 [trace][intelpt] Support system-wide tracing [11] - Read warnings and perf conversion in the client
- Add logging for when the live state of the process is refreshed
- Move error handling of the live state refreshing to Trace from TraceIntelPT. This allows refreshing to fail either at the plug-in level or at the base class level. The error is cached and it can be gotten every time RefreshLiveProcessState is invoked.
- Allow DoRefreshLiveProcessState to handle plugin-specific parameters.
- Add some encapsulation to prevent TraceIntelPT from accessing variables belonging to Trace.

Test done via logging:

(lldb) b main
Breakpoint 1: where = a.out`main + 20 at main.cpp:27:20, address = 0x00000000004023d9
(lldb) r
Process 2359706 launched: '/home/wallace/a.out' (x86_64)
Process 2359706 stopped
* thread #1, name = 'a.out', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x00000000004023d9 a.out`main at main.cpp:27:20
   24   };
   26   int main() {
-> 27     std::vector<int> vvv;
   28     for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
   29       vvv.push_back(i);
(lldb) process trace start                                                                                        (lldb) log enable lldb target -F(lldb) n
Process 2359706 stopped
* thread #1, name = 'a.out', stop reason = step over
    frame #0: 0x00000000004023e8 a.out`main at main.cpp:28:12
   26   int main() {
   27     std::vector<int> vvv;
-> 28     for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
   29       vvv.push_back(i);
   31     std::deque<int> dq1 = {1, 2, 3};
(lldb) thread trace dump instructions -c 2 -t                                                                     Trace.cpp:RefreshLiveProcessState                            Trace::RefreshLiveProcessState invoked
TraceIntelPT.cpp:DoRefreshLiveProcessState                   TraceIntelPT found tsc conversion information
thread #1: tid = 2359706
  a.out`std::vector<int, std::allocator<int>>::vector() + 26 at stl_vector.h:395:19
    54: [tsc=unavailable] 0x0000000000403a7c    retq

See the logging lines at the end of the dump. They indicate that refreshing happened and that perf conversion information was found.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 12:08:00 -07:00
Walter Erquinigo 1f2d49a8e7 [trace][intelpt] Support system-wide tracing [10] - Return warnings and tsc information from lldb-server.
- Add a warnings field in the jLLDBGetState response, for warnings to be delivered to the client for troubleshooting. This removes the need to silently log lldb-server's llvm::Errors and not expose them easily to the user
- Simplify the tscPerfZeroConversion struct and schema. It used to extend a base abstract class, but I'm doubting that we'll ever add other conversion mechanisms because all modern kernels support perf zero. It is also the one who is supposed to work with the timestamps produced by the context switch trace, so expecting it is imperative.
- Force tsc collection for cpu tracing.
- Add a test checking that tscPerfZeroConversion is returned by the GetState request
- Add a pre-check for cpu tracing that makes sure that perf zero values are available.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 12:08:00 -07:00
Walter Erquinigo a758205951 [trace][intelpt] Support system-wide tracing [9] - Collect and return context switch traces
- Add collection of context switches per cpu grouped with the per-cpu intel pt traces.
- Move the state handling from the interl pt trace class to the PerfEvent one.
- Add support for stopping and enabling perf event groups.
- Return context switch entries as part of the jLLDBTraceGetState response.
- Move the triggers of whenever the process stopped or resumed. Now the will-resume notification is in a better location, which will ensure that we'll capture the instructions that will be executed.
- Remove IntelPTSingleBufferTraceUP. The unique pointer was useless.
- Add unit tests

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 12:07:59 -07:00
Walter Erquinigo 5a92632dc4 [trace][intelpt] Support system-wide tracing [8] - Improve the single buffer perf_event configuration
We were setting some events to be written in the data buffer of the
perf_event, but we don't need that.

Besides that, we don't need the data buffer to be larger than 1, so we
can reduce its size.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 12:07:59 -07:00
Walter Erquinigo 1f56f7fc16 [trace][intelpt] Support system-wide tracing [7] - Create a base IntelPTProcessTrace class
We have two different "process trace" implementations: per thread and per core. As a way to simplify the collector who uses both, I'm creating a base abstract class that is used by these implementations. This effectively simplify a good chunk of code.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 12:07:59 -07:00
David Goldman bc1f24332a [clangd] Improve ObjC protocol suggestions from the index
When querying the index during an ObjC protocol name lookup for code
completion, we should only suggest ObjC protocols.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 15:02:37 -04:00
Chelsea Cassanova f3250da1b9 [lldb/Fuzzer] Create ninja target for target fuzzer
Create a ninja target for running the LLDB target fuzzer.
Currently the ninja target for the fuzzer will build the fuzzer without
running it. This allows the fuzzer to be built and run.

Differential revision:
2022-06-15 14:55:43 -04:00
Michael Jones ad233c6047 [libc] add printf
This patch adds the entrypoint for printf. With this, building a
"hello world" program with just LLVM-libc is possible.

Reviewed By: sivachandra

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 11:45:38 -07:00
Michael Jones 2e6eccfe34 [libc] refactor printf file writing
Add return values to converter functions to allow for better error
handling when writing files. Also move the file writing code around to
be easier to read.

Reviewed By: sivachandra

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 11:45:36 -07:00
Jacques Pienaar 02e32708bd [mlir][bzl] Export textmate grammar file 2022-06-15 11:28:43 -07:00
Petr Hosek 55ba0830e4 [Clang] Let the linker choose shared or static libunwind unless specified
We shouldn't assume that is available. Rather can defer
the decision to the linker which defaults to, but if .so
isn't available, it'd pick libunwind.a. Users can use -static-libgcc
and -shared-libgcc to override this behavior and explicitly choose
the version they want.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-15 18:22:13 +00:00
Benjamin Kramer 8c4a07c61f [DAGCombiner] Fold fold (fp_to_bf16 (bf16_to_fp op)) -> op 2022-06-15 19:54:39 +02:00