[clangd] Helper for determining member insertion point.

To be used in D116490 and D116385, and an upcoming patch to generate C++

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D116502
This commit is contained in:
Sam McCall 2022-01-02 23:22:18 +01:00
parent 9e6f88b31a
commit fe68088d44
5 changed files with 422 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ add_clang_library(clangDaemon
index/dex/PostingList.cpp index/dex/PostingList.cpp
index/dex/Trigram.cpp index/dex/Trigram.cpp
refactor/Rename.cpp refactor/Rename.cpp
refactor/Tweak.cpp refactor/Tweak.cpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
//===--- InsertionPoint.cpp - Where should we add new code? ---------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "refactor/InsertionPoint.h"
#include "support/Logger.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
// Choose the decl to insert before, according to an anchor.
// Nullptr means insert at end of DC.
// None means no valid place to insert.
llvm::Optional<const Decl *> insertionDecl(const DeclContext &DC,
const Anchor &A) {
bool LastMatched = false;
bool ReturnNext = false;
for (const auto *D : DC.decls()) {
if (D->isImplicit())
if (ReturnNext)
return D;
const Decl *NonTemplate = D;
if (auto *TD = llvm::dyn_cast<TemplateDecl>(D))
NonTemplate = TD->getTemplatedDecl();
bool Matches = A.Match(NonTemplate);
dlog(" {0} {1} {2}", Matches, D->getDeclKindName(), D);
switch (A.Direction) {
case Anchor::Above:
if (Matches && !LastMatched) {
// Special case: if "above" matches an access specifier, we actually
// want to insert below it!
if (llvm::isa<AccessSpecDecl>(D)) {
ReturnNext = true;
return D;
case Anchor::Below:
if (LastMatched && !Matches)
return D;
LastMatched = Matches;
if (ReturnNext || (LastMatched && A.Direction == Anchor::Below))
return nullptr;
return llvm::None;
SourceLocation beginLoc(const Decl &D) {
auto Loc = D.getBeginLoc();
if (RawComment *Comment = D.getASTContext().getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(&D)) {
auto CommentLoc = Comment->getBeginLoc();
if (CommentLoc.isValid() && Loc.isValid() &&
CommentLoc, Loc))
Loc = CommentLoc;
return Loc;
bool any(const Decl *D) { return true; }
SourceLocation endLoc(const DeclContext &DC) {
const Decl *D = llvm::cast<Decl>(&DC);
if (auto *OCD = llvm::dyn_cast<ObjCContainerDecl>(D))
return OCD->getAtEndRange().getBegin();
return D->getEndLoc();
AccessSpecifier getAccessAtEnd(const CXXRecordDecl &C) {
AccessSpecifier Spec = (C.getTagKind() == TTK_Class ? AS_private : AS_public);
for (const auto *D : C.decls())
if (const auto *ASD = llvm::dyn_cast<AccessSpecDecl>(D))
Spec = ASD->getAccess();
return Spec;
} // namespace
SourceLocation insertionPoint(const DeclContext &DC,
llvm::ArrayRef<Anchor> Anchors) {
dlog("Looking for insertion point in {0}", DC.getDeclKindName());
for (const auto &A : Anchors) {
dlog(" anchor ({0})", A.Direction == Anchor::Above ? "above" : "below");
if (auto D = insertionDecl(DC, A)) {
dlog(" anchor matched before {0}", *D);
return *D ? beginLoc(**D) : endLoc(DC);
dlog("no anchor matched");
return SourceLocation();
insertDecl(llvm::StringRef Code, const DeclContext &DC,
llvm::ArrayRef<Anchor> Anchors) {
auto Loc = insertionPoint(DC, Anchors);
// Fallback: insert at the end.
if (Loc.isInvalid())
Loc = endLoc(DC);
const auto &SM = DC.getParentASTContext().getSourceManager();
if (!SM.isWrittenInSameFile(Loc, cast<Decl>(DC).getLocation()))
return error("{0} body in wrong file: {1}", DC.getDeclKindName(),
return tooling::Replacement(SM, Loc, 0, Code);
SourceLocation insertionPoint(const CXXRecordDecl &InClass,
std::vector<Anchor> Anchors,
AccessSpecifier Protection) {
for (auto &A : Anchors)
A.Match = [Inner(std::move(A.Match)), Protection](const Decl *D) {
return D->getAccess() == Protection && Inner(D);
return insertionPoint(InClass, Anchors);
llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacement> insertDecl(llvm::StringRef Code,
const CXXRecordDecl &InClass,
std::vector<Anchor> Anchors,
AccessSpecifier Protection) {
// Fallback: insert at the bottom of the relevant access section.
Anchors.push_back({any, Anchor::Below});
auto Loc = insertionPoint(InClass, std::move(Anchors), Protection);
std::string CodeBuffer;
auto &SM = InClass.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
// Fallback: insert at the end of the class. Check if protection matches!
if (Loc.isInvalid()) {
Loc = InClass.getBraceRange().getEnd();
if (Protection != getAccessAtEnd(InClass)) {
CodeBuffer = (getAccessSpelling(Protection) + ":\n" + Code).str();
Code = CodeBuffer;
if (!SM.isWrittenInSameFile(Loc, InClass.getLocation()))
return error("Class body in wrong file: {0}", Loc.printToString(SM));
return tooling::Replacement(SM, Loc, 0, Code);
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
//===--- InsertionPoint.h - Where should we add new code? --------*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
// An anchor describes where to insert code into a decl sequence.
// It allows inserting above or below a block of decls matching some criterion.
// For example, "insert after existing constructors".
struct Anchor {
// A predicate describing which decls are considered part of a block.
// Match need not handle TemplateDecls, which are unwrapped before matching.
std::function<bool(const Decl *)> Match;
// Whether the insertion point should be before or after the matching block.
enum Dir { Above, Below } Direction = Below;
// Returns the point to insert a declaration according to Anchors.
// Anchors are tried in order. For each, the first matching location is chosen.
SourceLocation insertionPoint(const DeclContext &Ctx,
llvm::ArrayRef<Anchor> Anchors);
// Returns an edit inserting Code inside Ctx.
// Location is chosen according to Anchors, falling back to the end of Ctx.
// Fails if the chosen insertion point is in a different file than Ctx itself.
llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacement> insertDecl(llvm::StringRef Code,
const DeclContext &Ctx,
llvm::ArrayRef<Anchor> Anchors);
// Variant for C++ classes that ensures the right access control.
SourceLocation insertionPoint(const CXXRecordDecl &InClass,
std::vector<Anchor> Anchors,
AccessSpecifier Protection);
// Variant for C++ classes that ensures the right access control.
// May insert a new access specifier if needed.
llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacement> insertDecl(llvm::StringRef Code,
const CXXRecordDecl &InClass,
std::vector<Anchor> Anchors,
AccessSpecifier Protection);
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang

View File

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ add_unittest(ClangdUnitTests ClangdTests
IndexActionTests.cpp IndexActionTests.cpp
IndexTests.cpp IndexTests.cpp
InlayHintTests.cpp InlayHintTests.cpp
JSONTransportTests.cpp JSONTransportTests.cpp
LoggerTests.cpp LoggerTests.cpp
LSPBinderTests.cpp LSPBinderTests.cpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
//===-- InsertionPointTess.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "Annotations.h"
#include "Protocol.h"
#include "SourceCode.h"
#include "TestTU.h"
#include "TestWorkspace.h"
#include "XRefs.h"
#include "refactor/InsertionPoint.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
using llvm::HasValue;
TEST(InsertionPointTests, Generic) {
Annotations Code(R"cpp(
namespace ns {
$a^int a1;
$b^// leading comment
int b;
$c^int c1; // trailing comment
int c2;
$a2^int a2;
auto StartsWith =
[&](llvm::StringLiteral S) -> std::function<bool(const Decl *)> {
return [S](const Decl *D) {
if (const auto *ND = llvm::dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(D))
return llvm::StringRef(ND->getNameAsString()).startswith(S);
return false;
auto AST = TestTU::withCode(Code.code()).build();
auto &NS = cast<NamespaceDecl>(findDecl(AST, "ns"));
// Test single anchors.
auto Point = [&](llvm::StringLiteral Prefix, Anchor::Dir Direction) {
auto Loc = insertionPoint(NS, {Anchor{StartsWith(Prefix), Direction}});
return sourceLocToPosition(AST.getSourceManager(), Loc);
EXPECT_EQ(Point("a", Anchor::Above), Code.point("a"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("a", Anchor::Below), Code.point("b"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("b", Anchor::Above), Code.point("b"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("b", Anchor::Below), Code.point("c"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("c", Anchor::Above), Code.point("c"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("c", Anchor::Below), Code.point("a2"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("", Anchor::Above), Code.point("a"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("", Anchor::Below), Code.point("end"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point("no_match", Anchor::Below), Position{});
// Test anchor chaining.
auto Chain = [&](llvm::StringLiteral P1, llvm::StringLiteral P2) {
auto Loc = insertionPoint(NS, {Anchor{StartsWith(P1), Anchor::Above},
Anchor{StartsWith(P2), Anchor::Above}});
return sourceLocToPosition(AST.getSourceManager(), Loc);
EXPECT_EQ(Chain("a", "b"), Code.point("a"));
EXPECT_EQ(Chain("b", "a"), Code.point("b"));
EXPECT_EQ(Chain("no_match", "a"), Code.point("a"));
// Test edit generation.
auto Edit = insertDecl("foo;", NS, {Anchor{StartsWith("a"), Anchor::Below}});
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(Edit, llvm::Succeeded());
EXPECT_EQ(offsetToPosition(Code.code(), Edit->getOffset()), Code.point("b"));
EXPECT_EQ(Edit->getReplacementText(), "foo;");
// If no match, the edit is inserted at the end.
Edit = insertDecl("x;", NS, {Anchor{StartsWith("no_match"), Anchor::Below}});
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(Edit, llvm::Succeeded());
EXPECT_EQ(offsetToPosition(Code.code(), Edit->getOffset()),
// For CXX, we should check:
// - special handling for access specifiers
// - unwrapping of template decls
TEST(InsertionPointTests, CXX) {
Annotations Code(R"cpp(
class C {
$Method^void pubMethod();
$Field^int PubField;
$field^int PrivField;
$method^void privMethod();
template <typename T> void privTemplateMethod();
auto AST = TestTU::withCode(Code.code()).build();
const CXXRecordDecl &C = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(findDecl(AST, "C"));
auto IsMethod = [](const Decl *D) { return llvm::isa<CXXMethodDecl>(D); };
auto Any = [](const Decl *D) { return true; };
// Test single anchors.
auto Point = [&](Anchor A, AccessSpecifier Protection) {
auto Loc = insertionPoint(C, {A}, Protection);
return sourceLocToPosition(AST.getSourceManager(), Loc);
EXPECT_EQ(Point({IsMethod, Anchor::Above}, AS_public), Code.point("Method"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({IsMethod, Anchor::Below}, AS_public), Code.point("Field"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({Any, Anchor::Above}, AS_public), Code.point("Method"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({Any, Anchor::Below}, AS_public), Code.point("private"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({IsMethod, Anchor::Above}, AS_private), Code.point("method"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({IsMethod, Anchor::Below}, AS_private), Code.point("end"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({Any, Anchor::Above}, AS_private), Code.point("field"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({Any, Anchor::Below}, AS_private), Code.point("end"));
EXPECT_EQ(Point({IsMethod, Anchor::Above}, AS_protected), Position{});
EXPECT_EQ(Point({IsMethod, Anchor::Below}, AS_protected), Position{});
EXPECT_EQ(Point({Any, Anchor::Above}, AS_protected), Position{});
EXPECT_EQ(Point({Any, Anchor::Below}, AS_protected), Position{});
// Edits when there's no match --> end of matching access control section.
auto Edit = insertDecl("x", C, {}, AS_public);
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(Edit, llvm::Succeeded());
EXPECT_EQ(offsetToPosition(Code.code(), Edit->getOffset()),
Edit = insertDecl("x", C, {}, AS_private);
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(Edit, llvm::Succeeded());
EXPECT_EQ(offsetToPosition(Code.code(), Edit->getOffset()),
Edit = insertDecl("x", C, {}, AS_protected);
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(Edit, llvm::Succeeded());
EXPECT_EQ(offsetToPosition(Code.code(), Edit->getOffset()),
EXPECT_EQ(Edit->getReplacementText(), "protected:\nx");
MATCHER_P(replacementText, Text, "") {
if (arg.getReplacementText() != Text) {
*result_listener << "replacement is " << arg.getReplacementText().str();
return false;
return true;
TEST(InsertionPointTests, CXXAccessProtection) {
// Empty class uses default access.
auto AST = TestTU::withCode("struct S{};").build();
const CXXRecordDecl &S = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(findDecl(AST, "S"));
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(insertDecl("x", S, {}, AS_public),
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(insertDecl("x", S, {}, AS_private),
// We won't insert above the first access specifier if there's nothing there.
AST = TestTU::withCode("struct T{private:};").build();
const CXXRecordDecl &T = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(findDecl(AST, "T"));
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(insertDecl("x", T, {}, AS_public),
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(insertDecl("x", T, {}, AS_private),
// But we will if there are declarations.
AST = TestTU::withCode("struct U{int i;private:};").build();
const CXXRecordDecl &U = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(findDecl(AST, "U"));
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(insertDecl("x", U, {}, AS_public),
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(insertDecl("x", U, {}, AS_private),
// In ObjC we need to take care to get the @end fallback right.
TEST(InsertionPointTests, ObjC) {
Annotations Code(R"objc(
@interface Foo
-(void) v;
@implementation Foo
-(void) v {}
auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Code.code());
TU.Filename = "TestTU.m";
auto AST = TU.build();
auto &Impl =
cast<ObjCImplementationDecl>(findDecl(AST, [&](const NamedDecl &D) {
return llvm::isa<ObjCImplementationDecl>(D);
auto &Iface = *Impl.getClassInterface();
Anchor End{[](const Decl *) { return true; }, Anchor::Below};
const auto &SM = AST.getSourceManager();
EXPECT_EQ(sourceLocToPosition(SM, insertionPoint(Iface, {End})),
EXPECT_EQ(sourceLocToPosition(SM, insertionPoint(Impl, {End})),
} // namespace
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang