forked from OSchip/llvm-project
Give the affine structures, AffineMap/AffineExpr/IntegerSet/etc, their own BumpPtrAllocator and SmartMutex to make them thread-safe. This is step 3/N to making MLIRContext thread-safe.
PiperOrigin-RevId: 238516596
This commit is contained in:
@ -494,6 +494,14 @@ public:
/// These are identifiers uniqued into this MLIRContext.
llvm::StringMap<char, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &> identifiers;
// Affine uniquing
// Affine allocator and mutex for thread safety.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator affineAllocator;
llvm::sys::SmartRWMutex<true> affineMutex;
// Affine map uniquing.
using AffineMapSet = DenseSet<AffineMap, AffineMapKeyInfo>;
AffineMapSet affineMaps;
@ -514,10 +522,14 @@ public:
// Uniqui'ing of AffineConstantExprStorage using constant value as key.
DenseMap<int64_t, AffineConstantExprStorage *> constExprs;
/// Type uniquing.
// Type uniquing
TypeUniquerImpl typeUniquer;
// Attribute uniquing.
// Attribute uniquing
// Attribute allocator and mutex for thread safety.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator attributeAllocator;
@ -1394,28 +1406,21 @@ AffineMap AffineMap::get(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
assert(rangeSizes.empty() || results.size() == rangeSizes.size());
auto &impl = results[0].getContext()->getImpl();
// Check if we already have this affine map.
auto key = std::make_tuple(dimCount, symbolCount, results, rangeSizes);
auto existing = impl.affineMaps.insert_as(AffineMap(), key);
// If we already have it, return that value.
if (!existing.second)
return *existing.first;
// On the first use, we allocate them into the bump pointer.
auto *res = impl.allocator.Allocate<detail::AffineMapStorage>();
// Safely get or create an AffineMap instance.
return safeGetOrCreate(impl.affineMaps, key, impl.affineMutex, [&] {
auto *res = impl.affineAllocator.Allocate<detail::AffineMapStorage>();
// Copy the results and range sizes into the bump pointer.
results = copyArrayRefInto(impl.allocator, results);
rangeSizes = copyArrayRefInto(impl.allocator, rangeSizes);
results = copyArrayRefInto(impl.affineAllocator, results);
rangeSizes = copyArrayRefInto(impl.affineAllocator, rangeSizes);
// Initialize the memory using placement new.
new (res)
detail::AffineMapStorage{dimCount, symbolCount, results, rangeSizes};
// Cache and return it.
return *existing.first = AffineMap(res);
return AffineMap(res);
/// Simplify add expression. Return nullptr if it can't be simplified.
@ -1621,9 +1626,13 @@ AffineExpr AffineBinaryOpExprStorage::get(AffineExprKind kind, AffineExpr lhs,
// Check if we already have this affine expression, and return it if we do.
auto keyValue = std::make_tuple((unsigned)kind, lhs, rhs);
{ // Check for an existing instance in read-only mode.
llvm::sys::SmartScopedReader<true> affineLock(impl.affineMutex);
auto cached = impl.affineExprs.find(keyValue);
if (cached != impl.affineExprs.end())
return cached->second;
// Simplify the expression if possible.
AffineExpr simplified;
@ -1651,14 +1660,18 @@ AffineExpr AffineBinaryOpExprStorage::get(AffineExprKind kind, AffineExpr lhs,
if (simplified)
return simplified;
// Aquire a writer-lock so that we can safely create the new instance.
llvm::sys::SmartScopedWriter<true> affineLock(impl.affineMutex);
// Check for an existing instance again here, because another writer thread
// may have already created one.
auto &result = impl.affineExprs.insert({keyValue, nullptr}).first->second;
if (!result) {
// An expression with these operands will already be in the
// simplified/canonical form. Create and store it.
auto *result = impl.allocator.Allocate<AffineBinaryOpExprStorage>();
// Initialize the memory using placement new.
new (result) AffineBinaryOpExprStorage{{kind, lhs.getContext()}, lhs, rhs};
bool inserted = impl.affineExprs.insert({keyValue, result}).second;
assert(inserted && "the expression shouldn't already exist in the map");
result = new (impl.affineAllocator.Allocate<AffineBinaryOpExprStorage>())
AffineBinaryOpExprStorage{{kind, lhs.getContext()}, lhs, rhs};
return result;
@ -1670,15 +1683,26 @@ AffineExpr mlir::getAffineBinaryOpExpr(AffineExprKind kind, AffineExpr lhs,
AffineExpr mlir::getAffineDimExpr(unsigned position, MLIRContext *context) {
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
{ // Check for an existing instance in read-only mode.
llvm::sys::SmartScopedReader<true> affineLock(impl.affineMutex);
if (impl.dimExprs.size() > position && impl.dimExprs[position])
return impl.dimExprs[position];
// Aquire a writer-lock so that we can safely create the new instance.
llvm::sys::SmartScopedWriter<true> affineLock(impl.affineMutex);
// Check if we need to resize.
if (position >= impl.dimExprs.size())
impl.dimExprs.resize(position + 1, nullptr);
// Check for an existing instance again here, because another writer thread
// may have already created one.
auto *&result = impl.dimExprs[position];
if (result)
return result;
result = impl.allocator.Allocate<AffineDimExprStorage>();
result = impl.affineAllocator.Allocate<AffineDimExprStorage>();
// Initialize the memory using placement new.
new (result) AffineDimExprStorage{{AffineExprKind::DimId, context}, position};
return result;
@ -1687,15 +1711,26 @@ AffineExpr mlir::getAffineDimExpr(unsigned position, MLIRContext *context) {
AffineExpr mlir::getAffineSymbolExpr(unsigned position, MLIRContext *context) {
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
{ // Check for an existing instance in read-only mode.
llvm::sys::SmartScopedReader<true> affineLock(impl.affineMutex);
if (impl.symbolExprs.size() > position && impl.symbolExprs[position])
return impl.symbolExprs[position];
// Aquire a writer-lock so that we can safely create the new instance.
llvm::sys::SmartScopedWriter<true> affineLock(impl.affineMutex);
// Check if we need to resize.
if (position >= impl.symbolExprs.size())
impl.symbolExprs.resize(position + 1, nullptr);
// Check for an existing instance again here, because another writer thread
// may have already created one.
auto *&result = impl.symbolExprs[position];
if (result)
return result;
result = impl.allocator.Allocate<AffineSymbolExprStorage>();
result = impl.affineAllocator.Allocate<AffineSymbolExprStorage>();
// Initialize the memory using placement new.
new (result)
AffineSymbolExprStorage{{AffineExprKind::SymbolId, context}, position};
@ -1704,16 +1739,13 @@ AffineExpr mlir::getAffineSymbolExpr(unsigned position, MLIRContext *context) {
AffineExpr mlir::getAffineConstantExpr(int64_t constant, MLIRContext *context) {
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
auto *&result = impl.constExprs[constant];
if (result)
return result;
result = impl.allocator.Allocate<AffineConstantExprStorage>();
// Initialize the memory using placement new.
new (result)
AffineConstantExprStorage{{AffineExprKind::Constant, context}, constant};
return result;
// Safely get or create an AffineConstantExpr instance.
return safeGetOrCreate(impl.constExprs, constant, impl.affineMutex, [&] {
auto *result = impl.affineAllocator.Allocate<AffineConstantExprStorage>();
return new (result) AffineConstantExprStorage{
{AffineExprKind::Constant, context}, constant};
@ -1728,35 +1760,32 @@ IntegerSet IntegerSet::get(unsigned dimCount, unsigned symbolCount,
assert(constraints.size() == eqFlags.size());
bool unique = constraints.size() < IntegerSet::kUniquingThreshold;
auto &impl = constraints[0].getContext()->getImpl();
std::pair<DenseSet<IntegerSet, IntegerSetKeyInfo>::Iterator, bool> existing;
if (unique) {
// Check if we already have this integer set.
auto key = std::make_tuple(dimCount, symbolCount, constraints, eqFlags);
existing = impl.integerSets.insert_as(IntegerSet(nullptr), key);
// If we already have it, return that value.
if (!existing.second)
return *existing.first;
// On the first use, we allocate them into the bump pointer.
auto *res = impl.allocator.Allocate<detail::IntegerSetStorage>();
// A utility function to construct a new IntegerSetStorage instance.
auto constructorFn = [&] {
auto *res = impl.affineAllocator.Allocate<detail::IntegerSetStorage>();
// Copy the results and equality flags into the bump pointer.
constraints = copyArrayRefInto(impl.allocator, constraints);
eqFlags = copyArrayRefInto(impl.allocator, eqFlags);
constraints = copyArrayRefInto(impl.affineAllocator, constraints);
eqFlags = copyArrayRefInto(impl.affineAllocator, eqFlags);
// Initialize the memory using placement new.
new (res)
detail::IntegerSetStorage{dimCount, symbolCount, constraints, eqFlags};
if (unique)
// Cache and return it.
return *existing.first = IntegerSet(res);
return IntegerSet(res);
// If this instance is uniqued, then we handle it separately so that multiple
// threads may simulatenously access existing instances.
if (constraints.size() < IntegerSet::kUniquingThreshold) {
auto key = std::make_tuple(dimCount, symbolCount, constraints, eqFlags);
return safeGetOrCreate(impl.integerSets, key, impl.affineMutex,
// Otherwise, aquire a writer-lock so that we can safely create the new
// instance.
llvm::sys::SmartScopedWriter<true> affineLock(impl.affineMutex);
return constructorFn();
Reference in New Issue