forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[flang] Complete provenance tracking through macro calls.
Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@8c05a6543b Reviewed-on: Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
This commit is contained in:
@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ public:
constexpr WithinCharLiteral(const WithinCharLiteral &) = default;
constexpr WithinCharLiteral(const PA &parser) : parser_{parser} {}
std::optional<resultType> Parse(ParseState *state) const {
bool was = state->set_inCharLiteral(true);
bool was{state->inCharLiteral()};
std::optional<resultType> result{parser_.Parse(state)};
return result;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ template<char quote> struct CharLiteral {
using resultType = std::string;
static std::optional<std::string> Parse(ParseState *state) {
std::string str;
static constexpr auto nextch = attempt(CharLiteralChar{});
while (std::optional<CharLiteralChar::Result> ch{nextch.Parse(state)}) {
if (ch->ch == quote && !ch->wasEscaped) {
@ -395,7 +395,8 @@ struct HollerithLiteral {
return {};
std::string content;
for (auto j = *charCount; j-- > 0;) {
std::optional<char> ch{cookedNextChar.Parse(state)};
if (!ch || !isprint(*ch)) {
@ -3,16 +3,20 @@
namespace Fortran {
namespace parser {
void Message::Emit(std::ostream &o, const AllSources &sources) const {
if (context_) {
context_->Emit(o, sources);
Provenance Message::Emit(
std::ostream &o, const AllSources &sources, bool echoSourceLine) const {
if (!context_ || context_->Emit(o, sources, false) != provenance_) {
sources.Identify(o, provenance_, "", echoSourceLine);
sources.Identify(o, provenance_, "");
o << " " << message_ << '\n';
return provenance_;
void Messages::Emit(std::ostream &o) const {
for (const auto &msg : messages_) {
if (msg.context()) {
o << "In the context ";
msg.Emit(o, allSources_);
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ public:
std::string message() const { return message_; }
MessageContext context() const { return context_; }
void Emit(std::ostream &, const AllSources &) const;
Provenance Emit(
std::ostream &, const AllSources &, bool echoSourceLine = true) const;
Provenance provenance_;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ TokenSequence Definition::Tokenize(const std::vector<std::string> &argNames,
if (IsIdentifierFirstCharacter(tok)) {
auto it = args.find(tok.ToString());
if (it != args.end()) {
result.Put(it->second, token.GetProvenance(j));
result.Put(it->second, token.GetTokenProvenance(j));
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ TokenSequence Definition::Apply(
size_t argBytes{args[index][k].size()};
for (size_t n{0}; n < argBytes; ++n) {
char ch{arg[n]};
Provenance from{args[index].GetProvenance(k, n)};
Provenance from{args[index].GetTokenProvenance(k, n)};
if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\') {
result.PutNextTokenChar(ch, from);
@ -238,14 +238,19 @@ bool Preprocessor::MacroReplacement(const TokenSequence &input,
if (!repl.empty()) {
ProvenanceRange insert{allSources_->AddCompilerInsertion(repl)};
ProvenanceRange call{allSources_->AddMacroCall(
insert, input.GetProvenanceRange(j), repl)};
insert, input.GetTokenProvenanceRange(j), repl)};
result->Put(repl, call.LocalOffsetToProvenance(0));
result->Put(ReplaceMacros(def.replacement(), prescanner));
TokenSequence replaced{ReplaceMacros(def.replacement(), prescanner)};
ProvenanceRange from{def.replacement().GetProvenanceRange()};
ProvenanceRange use{input.GetTokenProvenanceRange(j)};
ProvenanceRange newRange{
allSources_->AddMacroCall(from, use, replaced.ToString())};
result->Put(replaced, newRange);
// Possible function-like macro call. Skip spaces and newlines to see
@ -284,16 +289,22 @@ bool Preprocessor::MacroReplacement(const TokenSequence &input,
result->Put(input, j);
j = k; // advance to the terminal ')'
std::vector<TokenSequence> args;
for (k = 0; k < argStart.size(); ++k) {
size_t at{argStart[k]};
size_t count{(k + 1 == argStart.size() ? j : argStart[k + 1] - 1) - at};
for (size_t n{0}; n < argStart.size(); ++n) {
size_t at{argStart[n]};
size_t count{(n + 1 == argStart.size() ? k : argStart[n + 1] - 1) - at};
args.emplace_back(TokenSequence(input, at, count));
result->Put(ReplaceMacros(def.Apply(args, *allSources_), prescanner));
TokenSequence replaced{
ReplaceMacros(def.Apply(args, *allSources_), prescanner)};
ProvenanceRange from{def.replacement().GetProvenanceRange()};
ProvenanceRange use{input.GetIntervalProvenanceRange(j, k - j)};
ProvenanceRange newRange{
allSources_->AddMacroCall(from, use, replaced.ToString())};
result->Put(replaced, newRange);
j = k; // advance to the terminal ')'
return true;
@ -521,7 +532,6 @@ bool Preprocessor::Directive(const TokenSequence &dir, Prescanner *prescanner) {
prescanner->Complain("#include: missing name of file to include");
return false;
ProvenanceRange includeDirRange{dir.GetProvenanceRange(j)};
std::string include;
if (dir[j].ToString() == "<") {
if (dir[tokens - 1].ToString() != ">") {
@ -549,7 +559,7 @@ bool Preprocessor::Directive(const TokenSequence &dir, Prescanner *prescanner) {
return false;
ProvenanceRange fileRange{
allSources_->AddIncludedFile(*included, includeDirRange)};
allSources_->AddIncludedFile(*included, dir.GetProvenanceRange())};
return Prescanner{*prescanner}.Prescan(fileRange);
prescanner->Complain("#"s + dirName + ": unknown or unimplemented directive");
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ ProvenanceRange AllSources::AddCompilerInsertion(std::string text) {
return covers;
void AllSources::Identify(
std::ostream &o, Provenance at, const std::string &prefix) const {
void AllSources::Identify(std::ostream &o, Provenance at,
const std::string &prefix, bool echoSourceLine) const {
static const std::string indented{prefix + " "};
const Origin &origin{MapToOrigin(at)};
@ -135,11 +135,28 @@ void AllSources::Identify(
[&](const Inclusion &inc) {
size_t offset{origin.covers.ProvenanceToLocalOffset(at)};
std::pair<int, int> pos{inc.source.FindOffsetLineAndColumn(offset)};
o << prefix << "at line " << pos.first << ", column " << pos.second
<< " in the " << (inc.isModule ? "module " : "file ")
o << prefix << "at line " << pos.first << ", column " << pos.second;
if (echoSourceLine) {
o << ":\n" << indented << " ";
const char *text{inc.source.content() +
for (const char *p{text}; *p != '\n'; ++p) {
o << *p;
o << '\n' << indented << " ";
for (int j{1}; j < pos.second; ++j) {
char ch{text[j - 1]};
o << (ch == '\t' ? '\t' : ' ');
o << "^\n" << prefix;
} else {
o << ' ';
o << "in the " << (inc.isModule ? "module " : "file ")
<< inc.source.path() << '\n';
if (IsValid(origin.replaces)) {
o << prefix << " that was " << (inc.isModule ? "used\n" : "included\n");
o << prefix << " that was "
<< (inc.isModule ? "used\n" : "included\n");
Identify(o, origin.replaces.LocalOffsetToProvenance(0), indented);
@ -206,9 +223,8 @@ Provenance AllSources::CompilerInsertionProvenance(char ch) const {
AllSources::Origin::Origin(ProvenanceRange r, const SourceFile &source)
: u{Inclusion{source}}, covers{r} {}
ProvenanceRange r, const SourceFile &included, ProvenanceRange from,
bool isModule)
AllSources::Origin::Origin(ProvenanceRange r, const SourceFile &included,
ProvenanceRange from, bool isModule)
: u{Inclusion{included, isModule}}, covers{r}, replaces{from} {}
AllSources::Origin::Origin(ProvenanceRange r, ProvenanceRange def,
ProvenanceRange use, const std::string &expansion)
@ -284,7 +300,9 @@ void AllSources::Dump(std::ostream &o) const {
o << " -> ";
std::visit(visitors{[&](const Inclusion &inc) {
if (inc.isModule) { o << "module "; }
if (inc.isModule) {
o << "module ";
o << "file " << inc.source.path();
[&](const Macro &mac) { o << "macro " << mac.expansion; },
@ -48,8 +48,9 @@ public:
Provenance operator+(size_t n) const { return {offset_ + n}; }
bool operator<(Provenance that) const { return offset_ < that.offset_; }
bool operator<=(Provenance that) const { return offset_ <= that.offset_; }
bool operator<=(Provenance that) const { return !(that < *this); }
bool operator==(Provenance that) const { return offset_ == that.offset_; }
bool operator!=(Provenance that) const { return !(*this == that); }
size_t offset() const { return offset_; }
@ -159,8 +160,8 @@ public:
std::string PopSearchPathDirectory();
const SourceFile *Open(std::string path, std::stringstream *error);
ProvenanceRange AddIncludedFile(const SourceFile &, ProvenanceRange,
bool isModule = false);
ProvenanceRange AddIncludedFile(
const SourceFile &, ProvenanceRange, bool isModule = false);
ProvenanceRange AddMacroCall(
ProvenanceRange def, ProvenanceRange use, const std::string &expansion);
ProvenanceRange AddCompilerInsertion(std::string);
@ -169,7 +170,8 @@ public:
bool IsValid(ProvenanceRange range) const {
return range.size() > 0 && range_.Contains(range);
void Identify(std::ostream &, Provenance, const std::string &prefix) const;
void Identify(std::ostream &, Provenance, const std::string &prefix,
bool echoSourceLine = false) const;
const SourceFile *GetSourceFile(Provenance, size_t *offset = nullptr) const;
ProvenanceRange GetContiguousRangeAround(ProvenanceRange) const;
std::string GetPath(Provenance) const; // __FILE__
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ private:
struct Origin {
Origin(ProvenanceRange, const SourceFile &);
Origin(ProvenanceRange, const SourceFile &, ProvenanceRange,
bool isModule = false);
bool isModule = false);
Origin(ProvenanceRange, ProvenanceRange def, ProvenanceRange use,
const std::string &expansion);
Origin(ProvenanceRange, const std::string &);
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ public:
bool Open(std::string path, std::stringstream *error);
void Close();
std::pair<int, int> FindOffsetLineAndColumn(size_t) const;
size_t GetLineStartOffset(int lineNumber) const {
return - 1);
std::string path_;
@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ void TokenSequence::Put(const TokenSequence &that) {
void TokenSequence::Put(const TokenSequence &that, ProvenanceRange range) {
size_t offset{0};
for (size_t j{0}; j < that.size(); ++j) {
CharPointerWithLength tok{that[j]};
Put(tok, range.LocalOffsetToProvenance(offset));
offset += tok.size();
CHECK(offset == range.size());
void TokenSequence::Put(const TokenSequence &that, size_t at, size_t tokens) {
ProvenanceRange provenance;
size_t offset{0};
@ -74,6 +84,7 @@ void TokenSequence::Put(const char *s, size_t bytes, Provenance provenance) {
void TokenSequence::Put(const CharPointerWithLength &t, Provenance provenance) {
Put(&t[0], t.size(), provenance);
void TokenSequence::Put(const std::string &s, Provenance provenance) {
Put(, s.size(), provenance);
@ -104,15 +115,32 @@ std::string TokenSequence::ToString() const {
return {&char_[0], char_.size()};
Provenance TokenSequence::GetProvenance(size_t token, size_t offset) const {
Provenance TokenSequence::GetTokenProvenance(
size_t token, size_t offset) const {
ProvenanceRange range{provenances_.Map(start_[token] + offset)};
return range.LocalOffsetToProvenance(0);
ProvenanceRange TokenSequence::GetProvenanceRange(
ProvenanceRange TokenSequence::GetTokenProvenanceRange(
size_t token, size_t offset) const {
ProvenanceRange range{provenances_.Map(start_[token] + offset)};
return range.Prefix(TokenBytes(token) - offset);
ProvenanceRange TokenSequence::GetIntervalProvenanceRange(
size_t token, size_t tokens) const {
if (tokens == 0) {
return {};
ProvenanceRange range{provenances_.Map(start_[token])};
while (--tokens > 0 &&
range.AnnexIfPredecessor(provenances_.Map(start_[++token]))) {
return range;
ProvenanceRange TokenSequence::GetProvenanceRange() const {
return GetIntervalProvenanceRange(0, start_.size());
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ public:
void Put(const TokenSequence &);
void Put(const TokenSequence &, ProvenanceRange);
void Put(const TokenSequence &, size_t at, size_t tokens = 1);
void Put(const char *, size_t, Provenance);
void Put(const CharPointerWithLength &, Provenance);
@ -128,8 +129,12 @@ public:
void Put(const std::stringstream &, Provenance);
void EmitWithCaseConversion(CookedSource *) const;
std::string ToString() const;
Provenance GetProvenance(size_t token, size_t offset = 0) const;
ProvenanceRange GetProvenanceRange(size_t token, size_t offset = 0) const;
Provenance GetTokenProvenance(size_t token, size_t offset = 0) const;
ProvenanceRange GetTokenProvenanceRange(
size_t token, size_t offset = 0) const;
ProvenanceRange GetIntervalProvenanceRange(
size_t token, size_t tokens = 1) const;
ProvenanceRange GetProvenanceRange() const;
size_t TokenBytes(size_t token) const {
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
Fortran::parser::ParseState state{cooked};
Fortran::parser::UserState ustate;
if (dumpCookedChars) {
while (std::optional<char> och{
Reference in New Issue