forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[flang] Support for type-bound operators and assignment
Add `ArgumentAnalyzer::FindBoundOp` to look for an operator or assignment definition in the type of each operand. Then `TryBoundOp` checks if it is actually applicable. Change ResolveGeneric to handle type-bound operators: the `adjustActuals` function passed in handles the difference between these and normal type-bound procedures. For operators, either operand may be the passed- object argument. For procedures we know which one it is. Extract `GetDerivedTypeSpec`, `GetBindingResolution`, and `OkLogicalIntegerAssignment` into separate functions to simplify the logic of the calling functions. Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@1f7ff22145 Reviewed-on: Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
This commit is contained in:
@ -298,6 +298,10 @@ public:
common::Restorer<Messages *> SetMessages(Messages &buffer) {
return common::ScopedSet(messages_, &buffer);
// Discard messages; destination restored when the returned value is deleted.
common::Restorer<Messages *> DiscardMessages() {
return common::ScopedSet(messages_, nullptr);
template<typename... A> Message *Say(CharBlock at, A &&... args) {
if (messages_ != nullptr) {
@ -178,9 +178,11 @@ public:
MaybeExpr TryDefinedOp(
std::vector<const char *>, parser::MessageFixedText &&);
MaybeExpr TryBoundOp(const Symbol &, int passIndex);
std::optional<ActualArgument> AnalyzeExpr(const parser::Expr &);
bool AreConformable() const;
Symbol *FindDefinedOp(const char *) const;
const Symbol *FindBoundOp(parser::CharBlock, int passIndex);
bool OkLogicalIntegerAssignment(TypeCategory lhs, TypeCategory rhs);
std::optional<DynamicType> GetType(std::size_t) const;
int GetRank(std::size_t) const;
bool IsBOZLiteral(std::size_t i) const {
@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ private:
ActualArguments actuals_;
parser::CharBlock source_;
bool fatalErrors_{false};
const Symbol *sawDefinedOp_{nullptr};
// Wraps a data reference in a typed Designator<>, and a procedure
@ -910,6 +913,16 @@ static std::optional<Component> CreateComponent(
return std::nullopt;
static const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *GetDerivedTypeSpec(
const std::optional<DynamicType> &type) {
if (type && type->category() == TypeCategory::Derived) {
if (!type->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
return &type->GetDerivedTypeSpec();
return nullptr;
// Derived type component references and type parameter inquiries
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::StructureComponent &sc) {
MaybeExpr base{Analyze(sc.base)};
@ -922,12 +935,7 @@ MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::StructureComponent &sc) {
const auto &name{sc.component.source};
if (auto *dtExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeDerived>>(*base)}) {
const semantics::DerivedTypeSpec *dtSpec{nullptr};
if (std::optional<DynamicType> dtDyTy{dtExpr->GetType()}) {
if (!dtDyTy->IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()) {
dtSpec = &dtDyTy->GetDerivedTypeSpec();
const auto *dtSpec{GetDerivedTypeSpec(dtExpr->GetType())};
if (sym->detailsIf<semantics::TypeParamDetails>()) {
if (auto *designator{UnwrapExpr<Designator<SomeDerived>>(*dtExpr)}) {
if (std::optional<DynamicType> dyType{DynamicType::From(*sym)}) {
@ -1531,21 +1539,22 @@ static std::optional<parser::CharBlock> GetPassName(
static int GetPassIndex(const semantics::Symbol &proc, parser::CharBlock name) {
if (const auto *interface{semantics::FindInterface(proc)}) {
if (const auto *subp{
interface->detailsIf<semantics::SubprogramDetails>()}) {
int index{0};
for (const auto *arg : subp->dummyArgs()) {
if (arg && arg->name() == name) {
return index;
DIE("PASS argument name not in dummy argument list");
static int GetPassIndex(const Symbol &proc) {
std::optional<parser::CharBlock> passName{GetPassName(proc)};
const auto *interface{semantics::FindInterface(proc)};
if (!passName || !interface) {
return 0; // first argument is passed-object
return 0; // first argument is passed-object
const auto &subp{interface->get<semantics::SubprogramDetails>()};
int index{0};
for (const auto *arg : subp.dummyArgs()) {
if (arg && arg->name() == passName) {
return index;
DIE("PASS argument name not in dummy argument list");
// Injects an expression into an actual argument list as the "passed object"
@ -1558,8 +1567,7 @@ static void AddPassArg(ActualArguments &actuals, Expr<SomeDerived> &&expr,
if (component.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NOPASS)) {
auto passName{GetPassName(component)};
int passIndex{passName ? GetPassIndex(component, *passName) : 0};
int passIndex{GetPassIndex(component)};
auto iter{actuals.begin()};
int at{0};
while (iter < actuals.end() && at < passIndex) {
@ -1572,12 +1580,28 @@ static void AddPassArg(ActualArguments &actuals, Expr<SomeDerived> &&expr,
ActualArgument passed{AsGenericExpr(std::move(expr))};
if (iter == actuals.end() && passName) {
if (iter == actuals.end()) {
if (auto passName{GetPassName(component)}) {
actuals.emplace(iter, std::move(passed));
// Return the compile-time resolution of a procedure binding, if possible.
static const Symbol *GetBindingResolution(
const std::optional<DynamicType> &baseType, const Symbol &component) {
const auto *binding{component.detailsIf<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>()};
if (!binding) {
return nullptr;
if (!component.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NON_OVERRIDABLE) &&
(!baseType || baseType->IsPolymorphic())) {
return nullptr;
return &binding->symbol();
auto ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeProcedureComponentRef(
const parser::ProcComponentRef &pcr, ActualArguments &&arguments)
-> std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> {
@ -1587,23 +1611,19 @@ auto ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeProcedureComponentRef(
if (const Symbol * sym{sc.component.symbol}) {
if (auto *dtExpr{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeDerived>>(*base)}) {
if (sym->has<semantics::GenericDetails>()) {
sym = ResolveGeneric(*sym, arguments, *dtExpr);
sym = ResolveGeneric(*sym, arguments,
[&](const Symbol &proc, ActualArguments &actuals) {
if (!proc.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NOPASS)) {
AddPassArg(actuals, std::move(*dtExpr), proc);
return true;
if (!sym) {
return std::nullopt;
const Symbol *resolution{nullptr};
if (const auto *binding{
sym->detailsIf<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>()}) {
if (sym->attrs().test(semantics::Attr::NON_OVERRIDABLE)) {
resolution = &binding->symbol();
} else if (std::optional<DynamicType> dtDyTy{dtExpr->GetType()}) {
if (!dtDyTy->IsPolymorphic()) {
resolution = &binding->symbol();
if (resolution) {
if (const Symbol *
resolution{GetBindingResolution(dtExpr->GetType(), *sym)}) {
AddPassArg(arguments, std::move(*dtExpr), *sym, false);
return CalleeAndArguments{
ProcedureDesignator{*resolution}, std::move(arguments)};
@ -1675,9 +1695,9 @@ static bool CheckCompatibleArguments(
// Resolve a call to a generic procedure with given actual arguments.
// If it's a procedure component, base is the data-ref to the left of the '%'.
// adjustActuals is called on procedure bindings to handle pass arg.
const Symbol *ExpressionAnalyzer::ResolveGeneric(const Symbol &symbol,
const ActualArguments &actuals,
const std::optional<Expr<SomeDerived>> &base) {
const ActualArguments &actuals, AdjustActuals adjustActuals) {
const Symbol *elemental{nullptr}; // matching elemental specific proc
const auto &details{symbol.GetUltimate().get<semantics::GenericDetails>()};
for (const Symbol &specific : details.specificProcs()) {
@ -1686,7 +1706,9 @@ const Symbol *ExpressionAnalyzer::ResolveGeneric(const Symbol &symbol,
ProcedureDesignator{specific}, context_.intrinsics())}) {
ActualArguments localActuals{actuals};
if (specific.has<semantics::ProcBindingDetails>()) {
AddPassArg(localActuals, common::Clone(base.value()), specific);
if (!adjustActuals.value()(specific, localActuals)) {
if (semantics::CheckInterfaceForGeneric(
*procedure, localActuals, GetFoldingContext())) {
@ -1706,7 +1728,7 @@ const Symbol *ExpressionAnalyzer::ResolveGeneric(const Symbol &symbol,
if (const auto *parentScope{symbol.owner().GetDerivedTypeParent()}) {
if (const Symbol * extended{parentScope->FindComponent(}) {
if (extended->GetUltimate().has<semantics::GenericDetails>()) {
return ResolveGeneric(*extended, actuals, base);
return ResolveGeneric(*extended, actuals, adjustActuals);
@ -2054,9 +2076,8 @@ MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::Analyze(const parser::Expr::Concat &x) {
// The Name represents a user-defined intrinsic operator.
// If the actuals match one of the specific procedures, return a function ref.
// Otherwise report the error in messages.
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeDefinedOp(parser::Messages &messages,
MaybeExpr ExpressionAnalyzer::AnalyzeDefinedOp(
const parser::Name &name, ActualArguments &&actuals) {
auto restorer{GetContextualMessages().SetMessages(messages)};
if (auto callee{GetCalleeAndArguments(name, std::move(actuals))}) {
return MakeFunctionRef(name.source, std::move(callee->procedureDesignator),
@ -2557,38 +2578,66 @@ bool ArgumentAnalyzer::IsIntrinsicConcat() const {
MaybeExpr ArgumentAnalyzer::TryDefinedOp(
const char *opr, parser::MessageFixedText &&error) {
Symbol *symbol{AnyUntypedOperand() ? nullptr : FindDefinedOp(opr)};
if (!symbol) {
if (actuals_.size() == 1 || AreConformable()) {
context_.Say(std::move(error), ToUpperCase(opr), TypeAsFortran(0),
} else {
"Operands of %s are not conformable; have rank %d and rank %d"_err_en_US,
ToUpperCase(opr), actuals_[0]->Rank(), actuals_[1]->Rank());
if (AnyUntypedOperand()) {
std::move(error), ToUpperCase(opr), TypeAsFortran(0), TypeAsFortran(1));
return std::nullopt;
auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().DiscardMessages()};
std::string oprNameString{"operator("s + opr + ')'};
parser::CharBlock oprName{oprNameString};
const auto &scope{context_.context().FindScope(source_)};
if (Symbol * symbol{scope.FindSymbol(oprName)}) {
parser::Name name{source_, symbol};
if (auto result{context_.AnalyzeDefinedOp(name, GetActuals())}) {
return result;
sawDefinedOp_ = symbol;
for (std::size_t passIndex{0}; passIndex < actuals_.size(); ++passIndex) {
if (const Symbol * symbol{FindBoundOp(oprName, passIndex)}) {
if (MaybeExpr result{TryBoundOp(*symbol, passIndex)}) {
return result;
return std::nullopt;
parser::Messages messages;
parser::Name name{source_, symbol};
if (auto result{context_.AnalyzeDefinedOp(messages, name, GetActuals())}) {
return result;
if (sawDefinedOp_) {
} else if (actuals_.size() == 1 || AreConformable()) {
std::move(error), ToUpperCase(opr), TypeAsFortran(0), TypeAsFortran(1));
} else {
SayNoMatch("OPERATOR(" + ToUpperCase(opr) + ')');
return std::nullopt;
"Operands of %s are not conformable; have rank %d and rank %d"_err_en_US,
ToUpperCase(opr), actuals_[0]->Rank(), actuals_[1]->Rank());
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExpr ArgumentAnalyzer::TryDefinedOp(
std::vector<const char *> oprs, parser::MessageFixedText &&error) {
for (std::size_t i{1}; i < oprs.size(); ++i) {
if (FindDefinedOp(oprs[i])) {
return TryDefinedOp(oprs[i], std::move(error));
auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().DiscardMessages()};
if (auto result{TryDefinedOp(oprs[i], std::move(error))}) {
return result;
return TryDefinedOp(oprs[0], std::move(error));
MaybeExpr ArgumentAnalyzer::TryBoundOp(const Symbol &symbol, int passIndex) {
ActualArguments localActuals{actuals_};
const auto *proc{GetBindingResolution(GetType(passIndex), symbol)};
if (!proc) {
proc = &symbol;
return context_.MakeFunctionRef(
source_, ProcedureDesignator{*proc}, std::move(localActuals));
std::optional<ProcedureRef> ArgumentAnalyzer::TryDefinedAssignment() {
using semantics::Tristate;
const Expr<SomeType> &lhs{GetExpr(0)};
@ -2603,57 +2652,66 @@ std::optional<ProcedureRef> ArgumentAnalyzer::TryDefinedAssignment() {
return std::nullopt; // user-defined assignment not allowed for these args
auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().SetLocation(source_)};
auto procRef{GetDefinedAssignmentProc()};
if (!procRef) {
if (isDefined == Tristate::Yes) {
if (context_.context().languageFeatures().IsEnabled(
common::LanguageFeature::LogicalIntegerAssignment) &&
lhsType && rhsType && (lhsRank == rhsRank || rhsRank == 0)) {
if (lhsType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer &&
rhsType->category() == TypeCategory::Logical) {
// allow assignment to LOGICAL from INTEGER as a legacy extension
if (context_.context().languageFeatures().ShouldWarn(
common::LanguageFeature::LogicalIntegerAssignment)) {
"nonstandard usage: assignment of LOGICAL to INTEGER"_en_US);
} else if (lhsType->category() == TypeCategory::Logical &&
rhsType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) {
// ... and assignment to LOGICAL from INTEGER
if (context_.context().languageFeatures().ShouldWarn(
common::LanguageFeature::LogicalIntegerAssignment)) {
"nonstandard usage: assignment of INTEGER to LOGICAL"_en_US);
} else {
SayNoMatch("ASSIGNMENT(=)", true);
} else {
SayNoMatch("ASSIGNMENT(=)", true);
return std::nullopt;
if (std::optional<ProcedureRef> procRef{GetDefinedAssignmentProc()}) {
context_.CheckCall(source_, procRef->proc(), procRef->arguments());
return std::move(*procRef);
context_.CheckCall(source_, procRef->proc(), procRef->arguments());
return std::move(*procRef);
std::optional<ProcedureRef> ArgumentAnalyzer::GetDefinedAssignmentProc() {
parser::Messages tmpMessages;
auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().SetMessages(tmpMessages)};
const auto &scope{context_.context().FindScope(source_)};
if (const Symbol *
symbol{scope.FindSymbol(parser::CharBlock{"assignment(=)"s})}) {
const Symbol *specific{context_.ResolveGeneric(*symbol, actuals_)};
if (specific) {
ProcedureDesignator designator{*specific};
return ProcedureRef{std::move(designator), std::move(actuals_)};
if (isDefined == Tristate::Yes) {
if (!lhsType || !rhsType || (lhsRank != rhsRank && rhsRank != 0) ||
!OkLogicalIntegerAssignment(lhsType->category(), rhsType->category())) {
SayNoMatch("ASSIGNMENT(=)", true);
return std::nullopt;
bool ArgumentAnalyzer::OkLogicalIntegerAssignment(
TypeCategory lhs, TypeCategory rhs) {
if (!context_.context().languageFeatures().IsEnabled(
common::LanguageFeature::LogicalIntegerAssignment)) {
return false;
std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> msg;
if (lhs == TypeCategory::Integer && rhs == TypeCategory::Logical) {
// allow assignment to LOGICAL from INTEGER as a legacy extension
msg = "nonstandard usage: assignment of LOGICAL to INTEGER"_en_US;
} else if (lhs == TypeCategory::Logical && rhs == TypeCategory::Integer) {
// ... and assignment to LOGICAL from INTEGER
msg = "nonstandard usage: assignment of INTEGER to LOGICAL"_en_US;
} else {
return false;
if (context_.context().languageFeatures().ShouldWarn(
common::LanguageFeature::LogicalIntegerAssignment)) {
return true;
std::optional<ProcedureRef> ArgumentAnalyzer::GetDefinedAssignmentProc() {
auto restorer{context_.GetContextualMessages().DiscardMessages()};
std::string oprNameString{"assignment(=)"};
parser::CharBlock oprName{oprNameString};
const Symbol *proc{nullptr};
const auto &scope{context_.context().FindScope(source_)};
if (const Symbol * symbol{scope.FindSymbol(oprName)}) {
if (const Symbol * specific{context_.ResolveGeneric(*symbol, actuals_)}) {
proc = specific;
for (std::size_t passIndex{0}; passIndex < actuals_.size(); ++passIndex) {
if (const Symbol * specific{FindBoundOp(oprName, passIndex)}) {
proc = specific;
if (proc) {
return ProcedureRef{ProcedureDesignator{*proc}, std::move(actuals_)};
} else {
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<ActualArgument> ArgumentAnalyzer::AnalyzeExpr(
const parser::Expr &expr) {
@ -2672,9 +2730,22 @@ bool ArgumentAnalyzer::AreConformable() const {
return evaluate::AreConformable(*actuals_[0], *actuals_[1]);
Symbol *ArgumentAnalyzer::FindDefinedOp(const char *opr) const {
const auto &scope{context_.context().FindScope(source_)};
return scope.FindSymbol(parser::CharBlock{"operator("s + opr + ')'});
// Look for a type-bound operator in the type of arg number passIndex.
const Symbol *ArgumentAnalyzer::FindBoundOp(
parser::CharBlock oprName, int passIndex) {
const auto *type{GetDerivedTypeSpec(GetType(passIndex))};
if (!type || !type->scope()) {
return nullptr;
const Symbol *symbol{type->scope()->FindSymbol(oprName)};
if (!symbol) {
return nullptr;
sawDefinedOp_ = symbol;
return context_.ResolveGeneric(
*symbol, actuals_, [&](const Symbol &proc, ActualArguments &) {
return passIndex == GetPassIndex(proc);
std::optional<DynamicType> ArgumentAnalyzer::GetType(std::size_t i) const {
@ -311,8 +311,7 @@ private:
MaybeExpr TopLevelChecks(DataRef &&);
std::optional<Expr<SubscriptInteger>> GetSubstringBound(
const std::optional<parser::ScalarIntExpr> &);
MaybeExpr AnalyzeDefinedOp(
parser::Messages &, const parser::Name &, ActualArguments &&);
MaybeExpr AnalyzeDefinedOp(const parser::Name &, ActualArguments &&);
struct CalleeAndArguments {
ProcedureDesignator procedureDesignator;
@ -328,8 +327,10 @@ private:
const parser::Call &, bool isSubroutine);
std::optional<characteristics::Procedure> CheckCall(
parser::CharBlock, const ProcedureDesignator &, ActualArguments &);
const Symbol *ResolveGeneric(const Symbol &, const ActualArguments &,
const std::optional<Expr<SomeDerived>> & = std::nullopt);
using AdjustActuals =
std::optional<std::function<bool(const Symbol &, ActualArguments &)>>;
const Symbol *ResolveGeneric(
const Symbol &, const ActualArguments &, AdjustActuals = std::nullopt);
std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> GetCalleeAndArguments(
const parser::Name &, ActualArguments &&, bool isSubroutine = false);
std::optional<CalleeAndArguments> GetCalleeAndArguments(
@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ set(MODFILE_TESTS
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
! Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
! You may obtain a copy of the License at
! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
! limitations under the License.
module m1
type :: t1
procedure, pass(x) :: p1 => f
procedure, non_overridable :: p2 => f
procedure, nopass :: p3 => f
generic :: operator(+) => p1
generic :: operator(-) => p2
generic :: operator(<) => p1
generic :: operator(.and.) => p2
end type
integer(8) pure function f(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
! Operators resolve to type-bound operators in t1
subroutine test1(x, y, a, b)
class(t1) :: x
integer :: y
real :: a(x + y)
real :: b(x .lt. y)
! Operators resolve to type-bound operators in t1, compile-time resolvable
subroutine test2(x, y, a, b)
class(t1) :: x
integer :: y
real :: a(x - y)
real :: b(x .and. y)
! Operators resolve to type-bound operators in t1, compile-time resolvable
subroutine test3(x, y, a)
type(t1) :: x
integer :: y
real :: a(x + y)
!Expect: m1.mod
!module m1
! type :: t1
! contains
! procedure, pass(x) :: p1 => f
! procedure, non_overridable :: p2 => f
! procedure, nopass :: p3 => f
! generic :: operator(+) => p1
! generic :: operator(-) => p2
! generic :: operator(<) => p1
! generic :: operator(.and.) => p2
! end type
! pure function f(x, y)
! class(t1), intent(in) :: x
! integer(4), intent(in) :: y
! integer(8) :: f
! end
! subroutine test1(x, y, a, b)
! class(t1) :: x
! integer(4) :: y
! real(4) :: a(1_8:x%p1(y))
! real(4) :: b(1_8:x%p1(y))
! end
! subroutine test2(x, y, a, b)
! class(t1) :: x
! integer(4) :: y
! real(4) :: a(1_8:f(x, y))
! real(4) :: b(1_8:f(x, y))
! end
! subroutine test3(x,y,a)
! type(t1) :: x
! integer(4) :: y
! real(4) :: a(1_8:f(x,y))
! end
module m2
type :: t1
procedure, pass(x) :: p1 => f1
generic :: operator(+) => p1
end type
type, extends(t1) :: t2
procedure, pass(y) :: p2 => f2
generic :: operator(+) => p2
end type
integer(8) pure function f1(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer(8) pure function f2(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
class(t2), intent(in) :: y
subroutine test1(x, y, a)
class(t1) :: x
integer :: y
real :: a(x + y)
! Resolve to operator in parent class
subroutine test2(x, y, a)
class(t2) :: x
integer :: y
real :: a(x + y)
! 2nd arg is passed object
subroutine test3(x, y, a)
class(t1) :: x
class(t2) :: y
real :: a(x + y)
!Expect: m2.mod
!module m2
! type :: t1
! contains
! procedure, pass(x) :: p1 => f1
! generic :: operator(+) => p1
! end type
! type, extends(t1) :: t2
! contains
! procedure, pass(y) :: p2 => f2
! generic :: operator(+) => p2
! end type
! pure function f1(x, y)
! class(t1), intent(in) :: x
! integer(4), intent(in) :: y
! integer(8) :: f1
! end
! pure function f2(x, y)
! class(t1), intent(in) :: x
! class(t2), intent(in) :: y
! integer(8) :: f2
! end
! subroutine test1(x, y, a)
! class(t1) :: x
! integer(4) :: y
! real(4) :: a(1_8:x%p1(y))
! end
! subroutine test2(x, y, a)
! class(t2) :: x
! integer(4) :: y
! real(4) :: a(1_8:x%p1(y))
! end
! subroutine test3(x, y, a)
! class(t1) :: x
! class(t2) :: y
! real(4) :: a(1_8:y%p2(x))
! end
@ -207,3 +207,38 @@ contains
x = y .a. z
! Type-bound operators
module m6
type :: t1
procedure, pass(x) :: p1 => f1
generic :: operator(+) => p1
end type
type, extends(t1) :: t2
procedure, pass(y) :: p2 => f2
generic :: operator(+) => p2
end type
integer function f1(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer function f2(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
class(t2), intent(in) :: y
subroutine test(x, y, z)
class(t1) :: x
class(t2) :: y
integer :: i
i = x + y
i = x + i
i = y + i
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types TYPE(t2) and TYPE(t1)
i = y + x
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types INTEGER(4) and TYPE(t1)
i = i + x
Reference in New Issue