diff --git a/llvm/utils/NewNightlyTest.pl b/llvm/utils/NewNightlyTest.pl index 8ca7a764a6f3..98f6158ec483 100755 --- a/llvm/utils/NewNightlyTest.pl +++ b/llvm/utils/NewNightlyTest.pl @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ use Socket; # -disable-jit Disable JIT tests in the nightly tester. # -disable-cbe Disable C backend tests in the nightly tester. # -disable-lto Disable link time optimization. +# -disable-bindings Disable building LLVM bindings. # -verbose Turn on some debug output # -debug Print information useful only to maintainers of this script. # -nice Checkout/Configure/Build with "nice" to reduce impact @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ while (scalar(@ARGV) and ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^[-+]/)) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --disable-llc_diffs"; next; } if (/^-disable-jit$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_JIT=1"; $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --disable-jit"; next; } + if (/^-disable-bindings$/) { $CONFIGUREARGS .= " --disable-bindings"; next; } if (/^-disable-cbe$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_CBE=1"; next; } if (/^-disable-lto$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " DISABLE_LTO=1"; next; } if (/^-test-opts$/) { $PROGTESTOPTS .= " $ARGV[0]"; shift; next; }