[ASan/Win] Work around PR22545 - unregister globals when using the MD runtime

llvm-svn: 230018
This commit is contained in:
Timur Iskhodzhanov 2015-02-20 15:34:16 +00:00
parent 7fc58a4ad8
commit d3e81e9625
3 changed files with 141 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -210,6 +210,20 @@ void StopInitOrderChecking() {
#if SANITIZER_WINDOWS // Should only be called on Windows.
void UnregisterGlobalsInRange(void *beg, void *end) {
if (!flags()->report_globals)
BlockingMutexLock lock(&mu_for_globals);
for (ListOfGlobals *l = list_of_all_globals; l; l = l->next) {
void *address = (void *)l->g->beg;
if (beg <= address && address < end)
} // namespace __asan
// ---------------------- Interface ---------------- {{{1

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@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
// Using #ifdef rather than relying on Makefiles etc.
// simplifies the build procedure.
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllimport) int __asan_set_seh_filter();
__declspec(dllimport) int __asan_should_detect_stack_use_after_return();
#include <windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
extern "C" {
// Define a copy of __asan_option_detect_stack_use_after_return that should be
// used when linking an MD runtime with a set of object files on Windows.
@ -37,16 +38,82 @@ __declspec(dllimport) int __asan_should_detect_stack_use_after_return();
// with a MT or MD runtime and we don't want to use ugly __imp_ names on Windows
// just to work around this issue, let's clone the a variable that is
// constant after initialization anyways.
__declspec(dllimport) int __asan_should_detect_stack_use_after_return();
int __asan_option_detect_stack_use_after_return =
// Set the ASan-specific SEH handler at the end of CRT initialization of each
// module (see asan_win.cc for the details).
// For some reason, the MD CRT doesn't call the C/C++ terminators as MT does.
// To work around this, for each DLL we schedule a call to
// UnregisterGlobalsInRange atexit() specifying the address range of the DLL
// image to unregister globals in that range. We don't do the same
// for the main module (.exe) as the asan_globals.cc allocator is destroyed
// by the time UnregisterGlobalsInRange is executed.
// See PR22545 for the details.
namespace __asan {
void UnregisterGlobalsInRange(void *beg, void *end);
namespace {
void *this_module_base, *this_module_end;
void UnregisterGlobals() {
__asan::UnregisterGlobalsInRange(this_module_base, this_module_end);
int ScheduleUnregisterGlobals() {
HMODULE this_module = 0;
// Increments the reference counter of the DLL module, so need to call
// FreeLibrary later.
(LPCTSTR)&UnregisterGlobals, &this_module))
return 1;
// Skip the main module.
if (this_module == GetModuleHandle(0))
return 0;
bool success =
GetModuleInformation(GetCurrentProcess(), this_module, &mi, sizeof(mi));
if (!FreeLibrary(this_module))
return 2;
if (!success)
return 3;
this_module_base = mi.lpBaseOfDll;
this_module_end = (char*)mi.lpBaseOfDll + mi.SizeOfImage;
return atexit(UnregisterGlobals);
} // namespace
// ASan SEH handling.
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) int __asan_set_seh_filter();
static int SetSEHFilter() { return __asan_set_seh_filter(); }
// We schedule some work at start-up by placing callbacks to our code to the
// list of CRT C initializers.
// First, declare sections we'll be using:
#pragma section(".CRT$XID", long, read) // NOLINT
#pragma section(".CRT$XIZ", long, read) // NOLINT
// We need to call 'atexit(UnregisterGlobals);' after atexit() is initialized
// (.CRT$XIC) but before the C++ constructors (.CRT$XCA).
static int (*__asan_schedule_unregister_globals)() = ScheduleUnregisterGlobals;
// We need to set the ASan-specific SEH handler at the end of CRT initialization
// of each module (see also asan_win.cc).
// Unfortunately, putting a pointer to __asan_set_seh_filter into
// __asan_intercept_seh gets optimized out, so we have to use an extra function.
static int SetSEHFilter() { return __asan_set_seh_filter(); }
#pragma section(".CRT$XIZ", long, read) // NOLINT
__declspec(allocate(".CRT$XIZ")) int (*__asan_seh_interceptor)() = SetSEHFilter;
extern "C" __declspec(allocate(".CRT$XIZ"))
int (*__asan_seh_interceptor)() = SetSEHFilter;

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Make sure everything works even if the main module doesn't have any stack
// variables, thus doesn't explicitly reference any symbol exported by the
// runtime thunk.
// RUN: %clang_cl_asan -LD -O0 -DDLL %s -Fe%t.dll
// RUN: %clang_cl_asan -O0 -DEXE %s -Fe%te.exe
// RUN: env ASAN_OPTIONS=report_globals=2 %run %te.exe %t.dll 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
extern "C" {
#if defined(EXE)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Usage: %s [client].dll\n", argv[0]);
return 101;
const char *dll_name = argv[1];
// CHECK: time to load DLL
printf("time to load DLL\n");
// On DLL load, the "in DLL\n" string is registered:
// CHECK: Added Global{{.*}} size=19
// CHECK: in DLL(reason=1)
HMODULE dll = LoadLibrary(dll_name);
if (dll == NULL)
return 3;
// CHECK: in DLL(reason=0)
// CHECK-NEXT: Removed Global{{.*}} size=19
if (!FreeLibrary(dll))
return 4;
// CHECK: bye!
#elif defined(DLL)
printf("in DLL(reason=%d)\n", (int)reason);
return TRUE;
# error oops!