forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[mlir] Make sure linearizeCollapsedDims doesn't drop input map dims
The new affine map generated by linearizeCollapsedDims should not drop
dimensions. We need to make sure we create a map with at least as many
dimensions as the source map. This prevents
FoldProducerReshapeOpByLinearization from generating invalid IR.
This solves regression in IREE due to e4e4da86af
Reviewed By: mravishankar
Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
@ -385,7 +385,15 @@ static AffineMap linearizeCollapsedDims(AffineMap sourceMap,
makeCanonicalStridedLayoutExpr(sizes, dimExprs, context);
return AffineMap::inferFromExprList({resultExprs}).front();
// The new affine map cannot drop unused dimension but some new symbols may
// have been added. Create a map with at least as many dimensions/symbols as
// the original affine map.
int64_t maxDim = -1;
int64_t maxSym = -1;
getMaxDimAndSymbol<SmallVector<AffineExpr>>({resultExprs}, maxDim, maxSym);
unsigned numDims = std::max(unsigned(maxDim + 1), sourceMap.getNumDims());
unsigned numSyms = std::max(unsigned(maxSym + 1), sourceMap.getNumSymbols());
return AffineMap::get(numDims, numSyms, resultExprs, context);
// TensorExpandShapeOp is fusable with its consumer (i.e. reshape as a
@ -199,3 +199,31 @@ func @generic_op_reshape_consumer_nofusion(%arg0 : tensor<?x?x?x5xf32>,
// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]
// CHECK: %[[RESULT:.+]] = linalg.tensor_collapse_shape %[[NOFUSE]]
// CHECK: return %[[RESULT]]
// -----
func @generic_op_permultation_reshape_consumer_fusion_unused_dim(%arg0 : tensor<6x1xf32>) -> tensor<6xi32> {
%0 = linalg.init_tensor [6, 1] : tensor<6x1xi32>
%1 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>],
iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel"]}
ins(%arg0 : tensor<6x1xf32>) outs(%0 : tensor<6x1xi32>) {
^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: i32): // no predecessors
%5 = arith.fptosi %arg3 : f32 to i32
linalg.yield %5 : i32
} -> tensor<6x1xi32>
%6 = linalg.tensor_collapse_shape %1 [[0, 1]] : tensor<6x1xi32> into tensor<6xi32>
return %6 : tensor<6xi32>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP0:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>
// CHECK: func @generic_op_permultation_reshape_consumer_fusion_unused_dim
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: tensor<6x1xf32>
// CHECK: %[[T0:.+]] = linalg.init_tensor [6, 1]
// CHECK: %[[T1:.+]] = linalg.tensor_collapse_shape %[[T0]]
// CHECK-SAME: [0, 1]
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP0]], #[[MAP1]]]
// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[ARG0]] : tensor<6x1xf32>)
// CHECK-SAME: outs(%[[T1]] : tensor<6xi32>)
Reference in New Issue