diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp index 18ef9b1e140d..2847fd7e025c 100644 --- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp +++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/CanonicalIncludes.cpp @@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ collectIWYUHeaderMaps(CanonicalIncludes *Includes) { void addSystemHeadersMapping(CanonicalIncludes *Includes, const LangOptions &Language) { - static const std::vector> SymbolMap = { + static constexpr std::pair SymbolMap[] = { #define SYMBOL(Name, NameSpace, Header) { #NameSpace#Name, #Header }, #include "StdSymbolMap.inc" #undef SYMBOL }; - static const std::vector> CSymbolMap = { + static constexpr std::pair CSymbolMap[] = { #define SYMBOL(Name, NameSpace, Header) { #Name, #Header }, #include "CSymbolMap.inc" #undef SYMBOL @@ -107,661 +107,660 @@ void addSystemHeadersMapping(CanonicalIncludes *Includes, } // FIXME: remove the std header mapping once we support ambiguous symbols, now // it serves as a fallback to disambiguate: - // - symbols with mulitiple headers (e.g. std::move) - static const std::vector> - SystemHeaderMap = { - {"include/__stddef_max_align_t.h", ""}, - {"include/__wmmintrin_aes.h", ""}, - {"include/__wmmintrin_pclmul.h", ""}, - {"include/adxintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/ammintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx2intrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512bwintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512cdintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512dqintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512erintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512fintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512ifmaintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512ifmavlintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512pfintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512vbmiintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512vbmivlintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512vlbwintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512vlcdintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512vldqintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avx512vlintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/avxintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/bmi2intrin.h", ""}, - {"include/bmiintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/emmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/f16cintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/float.h", ""}, - {"include/fma4intrin.h", ""}, - {"include/fmaintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/fxsrintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/ia32intrin.h", ""}, - {"include/immintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/inttypes.h", ""}, - {"include/limits.h", ""}, - {"include/lzcntintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/mm3dnow.h", ""}, - {"include/mm_malloc.h", ""}, - {"include/mmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/mwaitxintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/pkuintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/pmmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/popcntintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/prfchwintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/rdseedintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/rtmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/shaintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/smmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/stdalign.h", ""}, - {"include/stdarg.h", ""}, - {"include/stdbool.h", ""}, - {"include/stddef.h", ""}, - {"include/stdint.h", ""}, - {"include/tbmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/tmmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/wmmintrin.h", ""}, - {"include/x86intrin.h", ""}, - {"include/xmmintrin.h", ""}, - 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""}, - {"bits/stl_iterator.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_list.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_map.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_multimap.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_multiset.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_numeric.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_pair.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_queue.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_raw_storage_iter.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_relops.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_set.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_stack.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_tempbuf.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_tree.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_uninitialized.h", ""}, - {"bits/stl_vector.h", ""}, - {"bits/stream_iterator.h", ""}, - {"bits/streambuf.tcc", ""}, - {"bits/streambuf_iterator.h", ""}, - {"bits/stringfwd.h", ""}, - {"bits/uniform_int_dist.h", ""}, - {"bits/unique_ptr.h", ""}, - {"bits/unordered_map.h", ""}, - {"bits/unordered_set.h", ""}, - {"bits/uses_allocator.h", ""}, - {"bits/valarray_after.h", ""}, - {"bits/valarray_array.h", ""}, - {"bits/valarray_array.tcc", ""}, - {"bits/valarray_before.h", ""}, - 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""}, - {"functional", ""}, - {"future", ""}, - {"initializer_list", ""}, - {"iomanip", ""}, - {"ios", ""}, - {"iosfwd", ""}, - {"iostream", ""}, - {"istream", ""}, - {"iterator", ""}, - {"limits", ""}, - {"list", ""}, - {"locale", ""}, - {"map", ""}, - {"memory", ""}, - {"shared_mutex", ""}, - {"mutex", ""}, - {"new", ""}, - {"numeric", ""}, - {"ostream", ""}, - {"queue", ""}, - {"random", ""}, - {"ratio", ""}, - {"regex", ""}, - {"scoped_allocator", ""}, - {"set", ""}, - {"sstream", ""}, - {"stack", ""}, - {"stdexcept", ""}, - {"streambuf", ""}, - {"string", ""}, - {"system_error", ""}, - {"tgmath.h", ""}, - {"thread", ""}, - {"tuple", ""}, - {"type_traits", ""}, - {"typeindex", ""}, - {"typeinfo", ""}, - {"unordered_map", ""}, - {"unordered_set", ""}, - {"utility", ""}, - {"valarray", ""}, - {"vector", ""}, - {"include/complex.h", ""}, - {"include/ctype.h", ""}, - {"include/errno.h", ""}, - {"include/fenv.h", ""}, - {"include/inttypes.h", ""}, - {"include/libio.h", ""}, - 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{"bits/typesizes.h", ""}, - {"bits/wchar.h", ""}, - {"bits/wordsize.h", ""}, - {"bits/xopen_lim.h", ""}, - {"include/xlocale.h", ""}, - {"bits/atomic_word.h", ""}, - {"bits/basic_file.h", ""}, - {"bits/c\\+\\+allocator.h", ""}, - {"bits/c\\+\\+config.h", ""}, - {"bits/c\\+\\+io.h", ""}, - {"bits/c\\+\\+locale.h", ""}, - {"bits/cpu_defines.h", ""}, - {"bits/ctype_base.h", ""}, - {"bits/cxxabi_tweaks.h", ""}, - {"bits/error_constants.h", ""}, - {"bits/gthr-default.h", ""}, - {"bits/gthr.h", ""}, - {"bits/opt_random.h", ""}, - {"bits/os_defines.h", ""}, - // GNU C headers - {"include/aio.h", ""}, - {"include/aliases.h", ""}, - {"include/alloca.h", ""}, - {"include/ar.h", ""}, - {"include/argp.h", ""}, - {"include/argz.h", ""}, - {"include/arpa/nameser.h", ""}, - {"include/arpa/nameser_compat.h", ""}, - {"include/byteswap.h", ""}, - {"include/cpio.h", ""}, - {"include/crypt.h", ""}, - {"include/dirent.h", ""}, - {"include/dlfcn.h", ""}, - {"include/elf.h", ""}, - {"include/endian.h", ""}, - {"include/envz.h", ""}, - {"include/err.h", ""}, - {"include/error.h", ""}, - {"include/execinfo.h", ""}, - {"include/fcntl.h", ""}, - {"include/features.h", ""}, - {"include/fenv.h", ""}, - {"include/fmtmsg.h", ""}, - {"include/fnmatch.h", ""}, - {"include/fstab.h", ""}, - {"include/fts.h", ""}, - {"include/ftw.h", ""}, - {"include/gconv.h", ""}, - {"include/getopt.h", ""}, - {"include/glob.h", ""}, - {"include/grp.h", ""}, - {"include/gshadow.h", ""}, - {"include/iconv.h", ""}, - {"include/ifaddrs.h", ""}, - {"include/kdb.h", ""}, - {"include/langinfo.h", ""}, - {"include/libgen.h", ""}, - {"include/libintl.h", ""}, - {"include/link.h", ""}, - {"include/malloc.h", ""}, - {"include/mcheck.h", ""}, - {"include/memory.h", ""}, - {"include/mntent.h", ""}, - {"include/monetary.h", ""}, - {"include/mqueue.h", ""}, - {"include/netdb.h", ""}, - {"include/netinet/in.h", ""}, - {"include/nl_types.h", ""}, - {"include/nss.h", ""}, - {"include/obstack.h", ""}, - {"include/panel.h", ""}, - 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{"sys/ptrace.h", ""}, - {"sys/queue.h", ""}, - {"sys/quota.h", ""}, - {"sys/raw.h", ""}, - {"sys/reboot.h", ""}, - {"sys/reg.h", ""}, - {"sys/resource.h", ""}, - {"sys/select.h", ""}, - {"sys/sem.h", ""}, - {"sys/sendfile.h", ""}, - {"sys/shm.h", ""}, - {"sys/signalfd.h", ""}, - {"sys/socket.h", ""}, - {"sys/stat.h", ""}, - {"sys/statfs.h", ""}, - {"sys/statvfs.h", ""}, - {"sys/swap.h", ""}, - {"sys/syscall.h", ""}, - {"sys/sysctl.h", ""}, - {"sys/sysinfo.h", ""}, - {"sys/syslog.h", ""}, - {"sys/sysmacros.h", ""}, - {"sys/termios.h", ""}, - {"sys/time.h", ""}, - {"sys/timeb.h", ""}, - {"sys/timerfd.h", ""}, - {"sys/times.h", ""}, - {"sys/timex.h", ""}, - {"sys/ttychars.h", ""}, - {"sys/ttydefaults.h", ""}, - {"sys/types.h", ""}, - {"sys/ucontext.h", ""}, - {"sys/uio.h", ""}, - {"sys/un.h", ""}, - {"sys/user.h", ""}, - {"sys/ustat.h", ""}, - {"sys/utsname.h", ""}, - {"sys/vlimit.h", ""}, - {"sys/vm86.h", ""}, - {"sys/vtimes.h", ""}, - {"sys/wait.h", ""}, - {"sys/xattr.h", ""}, - 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{"sys/gmon_out.h", ""}, + {"sys/inotify.h", ""}, + {"sys/io.h", ""}, + {"sys/ioctl.h", ""}, + {"sys/ipc.h", ""}, + {"sys/kd.h", ""}, + {"sys/kdaemon.h", ""}, + {"sys/klog.h", ""}, + {"sys/mman.h", ""}, + {"sys/mount.h", ""}, + {"sys/msg.h", ""}, + {"sys/mtio.h", ""}, + {"sys/param.h", ""}, + {"sys/pci.h", ""}, + {"sys/perm.h", ""}, + {"sys/personality.h", ""}, + {"sys/poll.h", ""}, + {"sys/prctl.h", ""}, + {"sys/procfs.h", ""}, + {"sys/profil.h", ""}, + {"sys/ptrace.h", ""}, + {"sys/queue.h", ""}, + {"sys/quota.h", ""}, + {"sys/raw.h", ""}, + {"sys/reboot.h", ""}, + {"sys/reg.h", ""}, + {"sys/resource.h", ""}, + {"sys/select.h", ""}, + {"sys/sem.h", ""}, + {"sys/sendfile.h", ""}, + {"sys/shm.h", ""}, + {"sys/signalfd.h", ""}, + {"sys/socket.h", ""}, + {"sys/stat.h", ""}, + {"sys/statfs.h", ""}, + {"sys/statvfs.h", ""}, + {"sys/swap.h", ""}, + {"sys/syscall.h", ""}, + {"sys/sysctl.h", ""}, + {"sys/sysinfo.h", ""}, + {"sys/syslog.h", ""}, + {"sys/sysmacros.h", ""}, + {"sys/termios.h", ""}, + {"sys/time.h", ""}, + {"sys/timeb.h", ""}, + {"sys/timerfd.h", ""}, + {"sys/times.h", ""}, + {"sys/timex.h", ""}, + {"sys/ttychars.h", ""}, + {"sys/ttydefaults.h", ""}, + {"sys/types.h", ""}, + {"sys/ucontext.h", ""}, + {"sys/uio.h", ""}, + {"sys/un.h", ""}, + {"sys/user.h", ""}, + {"sys/ustat.h", ""}, + {"sys/utsname.h", ""}, + {"sys/vlimit.h", ""}, + {"sys/vm86.h", ""}, + {"sys/vtimes.h", ""}, + {"sys/wait.h", ""}, + {"sys/xattr.h", ""}, + {"bits/epoll.h", ""}, + {"bits/eventfd.h", ""}, + {"bits/inotify.h", ""}, + {"bits/ipc.h", ""}, + {"bits/ipctypes.h", ""}, + {"bits/mman-linux.h", ""}, + {"bits/mman.h", ""}, + {"bits/msq.h", ""}, + {"bits/resource.h", ""}, + {"bits/sem.h", ""}, + {"bits/shm.h", ""}, + {"bits/signalfd.h", ""}, + {"bits/statfs.h", ""}, + {"bits/statvfs.h", ""}, + {"bits/timerfd.h", ""}, + {"bits/utsname.h", ""}, + {"bits/auxv.h", ""}, + {"bits/byteswap-16.h", ""}, + {"bits/byteswap.h", ""}, + {"bits/confname.h", ""}, + {"bits/dirent.h", ""}, + {"bits/dlfcn.h", ""}, + {"bits/elfclass.h", ""}, + {"bits/endian.h", ""}, + {"bits/environments.h", ""}, + {"bits/fcntl-linux.h", ""}, + {"bits/fcntl.h", ""}, + {"bits/in.h", ""}, + {"bits/ioctl-types.h", ""}, + {"bits/ioctls.h", ""}, + {"bits/link.h", ""}, + {"bits/mqueue.h", ""}, + {"bits/netdb.h", ""}, + {"bits/param.h", ""}, + {"bits/poll.h", ""}, + {"bits/posix_opt.h", ""}, + {"bits/pthreadtypes.h", ""}, + {"bits/sched.h", ""}, + {"bits/select.h", ""}, + {"bits/semaphore.h", ""}, + {"bits/sigthread.h", ""}, + {"bits/sockaddr.h", ""}, + {"bits/socket.h", ""}, + {"bits/socket_type.h", ""}, + {"bits/stab.def", ""}, + {"bits/stat.h", ""}, + {"bits/stropts.h", ""}, + {"bits/syscall.h", ""}, + {"bits/syslog-path.h", ""}, + {"bits/termios.h", ""}, + {"bits/types.h", ""}, + {"bits/typesizes.h", ""}, + {"bits/uio.h", ""}, + {"bits/ustat.h", ""}, + {"bits/utmp.h", ""}, + {"bits/utmpx.h", ""}, + {"bits/waitflags.h", ""}, + {"bits/waitstatus.h", ""}, + {"bits/xtitypes.h", ""}, + }; for (const auto &Pair : SystemHeaderMap) Includes->addPathSuffixMapping(Pair.first, Pair.second); } diff --git a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/Ref.cpp b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/Ref.cpp index 2b21f3cbca56..0e4605f3800d 100644 --- a/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/Ref.cpp +++ b/clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/Ref.cpp @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ namespace clangd { llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, RefKind K) { if (K == RefKind::Unknown) return OS << "Unknown"; - static const std::vector Messages = {"Decl", "Def", "Ref"}; + static constexpr std::array Messages = {"Decl", "Def", + "Ref"}; bool VisitedOnce = false; for (unsigned I = 0; I < Messages.size(); ++I) { if (static_cast(K) & 1u << I) { diff --git a/lld/COFF/MapFile.cpp b/lld/COFF/MapFile.cpp index db25cbac980e..70017d34c8bc 100644 --- a/lld/COFF/MapFile.cpp +++ b/lld/COFF/MapFile.cpp @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ using namespace lld::coff; using SymbolMapTy = DenseMap>; -static const std::string indent8 = " "; // 8 spaces -static const std::string indent16 = " "; // 16 spaces +static constexpr char indent8[] = " "; // 8 spaces +static constexpr char indent16[] = " "; // 16 spaces // Print out the first three columns of a line. static void writeHeader(raw_ostream &os, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size, diff --git a/lld/ELF/MapFile.cpp b/lld/ELF/MapFile.cpp index 869f55c0966e..678f754eaa8b 100644 --- a/lld/ELF/MapFile.cpp +++ b/lld/ELF/MapFile.cpp @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ using namespace lld::elf; using SymbolMapTy = DenseMap>; -static const std::string indent8 = " "; // 8 spaces -static const std::string indent16 = " "; // 16 spaces +static constexpr char indent8[] = " "; // 8 spaces +static constexpr char indent16[] = " "; // 16 spaces // Print out the first three columns of a line. static void writeHeader(raw_ostream &os, uint64_t vma, uint64_t lma, diff --git a/llvm/lib/WindowsManifest/WindowsManifestMerger.cpp b/llvm/lib/WindowsManifest/WindowsManifestMerger.cpp index de03e232aaa6..031a963cd3b0 100644 --- a/llvm/lib/WindowsManifest/WindowsManifestMerger.cpp +++ b/llvm/lib/WindowsManifest/WindowsManifestMerger.cpp @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ private: #if LLVM_LIBXML2_ENABLED -static const std::pair MtNsHrefsPrefixes[] = { +static constexpr std::pair MtNsHrefsPrefixes[] = { {"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1", "ms_asmv1"}, {"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2", "ms_asmv2"}, {"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3", "ms_asmv3"}, diff --git a/llvm/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/Object.cpp b/llvm/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/Object.cpp index 2862af1c09ae..79245aef0263 100644 --- a/llvm/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/Object.cpp +++ b/llvm/tools/llvm-objcopy/ELF/Object.cpp @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void SectionWriter::visit(const OwnedDataSection &Sec) { llvm::copy(Sec.Data, Out.getBufferStart() + Sec.Offset); } -static const std::vector ZlibGnuMagic = {'Z', 'L', 'I', 'B'}; +static constexpr std::array ZlibGnuMagic = {'Z', 'L', 'I', 'B'}; static bool isDataGnuCompressed(ArrayRef Data) { return Data.size() > ZlibGnuMagic.size() &&