From acd641c19d687c7117b08cdd568a91a381043ebb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fred Riss <>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 20:12:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] [lldb/testsuite] Slightly rework

The test was stripping the binaries from the Python
code. Unfortunately, if running on darwin embedded in a context that
requires code signing, the stripping was invalidating the signature,
thus breaking the test.

This patch moves the stripping to the Makefile and resigns the
stripped binaries if required.
 lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/Makefile | 20 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../lang/objc/hidden-ivars/ | 18 ++++-------------
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/Makefile b/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/Makefile
index 0664769456ef..283e8a118fb1 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/Makefile
+++ b/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/Makefile
@@ -4,4 +4,24 @@ OBJC_SOURCES := main.m
 LD_EXTRAS = -framework Foundation
+all: a.out libInternalDefiner.dylib stripped
 include Makefile.rules
+ifeq "$(MAKE_DSYM)" "YES"
+stripped: a.out.dSYM
+stripped: a.out libInternalDefiner.dylib
+	mkdir stripped
+	strip -Sx a.out -o stripped/a.out
+	strip -Sx libInternalDefiner.dylib -o stripped/libInternalDefiner.dylib
+ifneq "$(CODESIGN)" ""
+	$(CODESIGN) -fs - stripped/a.out
+ifneq "$(CODESIGN)" ""
+	$(CODESIGN) -fs - stripped/libInternalDefiner.dylib
+ifeq "$(MAKE_DSYM)" "YES"
+	cp -r a.out.dSYM stripped/a.out.dSYM
diff --git a/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/ b/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/
index 03a325ac49c6..5930ffdc958a 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/
+++ b/lldb/test/API/lang/objc/hidden-ivars/
@@ -80,20 +80,11 @@ class HiddenIvarsTestCase(TestBase):
     def common_setup(self, strip):
         if strip:
-            self.assertTrue(
-                ['/usr/bin/strip', '-Sx',
-                 self.getBuildArtifact('libInternalDefiner.dylib')]) == 0,
-                            'stripping dylib succeeded')
-            self.assertTrue(
-                ['/bin/rm', '-rf',
-                 self.getBuildArtifact('libInternalDefiner.dylib.dSYM')]) == 0,
-                            'remove dylib dSYM file succeeded')
-            self.assertTrue(['/usr/bin/strip', '-Sx',
-                                             self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
-                                            ]) == 0,
-                            'stripping a.out succeeded')
+            exe = self.getBuildArtifact("stripped/a.out")
+        else:
+            exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
         # Create a target by the debugger.
-        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(self.getBuildArtifact("a.out"))
+        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
         self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)
         # Create the breakpoint inside function 'main'.
@@ -110,7 +101,6 @@ class HiddenIvarsTestCase(TestBase):
             None, environment, self.get_process_working_directory())
         self.assertTrue(process, PROCESS_IS_VALID)
-        exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
         self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
         # Break inside the foo function which takes a bar_ptr argument.