forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[mlir] Refactor the implementation of Symbol use lists.
Summary: This revision refactors the implementation of the symbol use-list functionality to be a bit cleaner, as well as easier to reason about. Aside from code cleanup, this revision updates the user contract to never recurse into operations if they define a symbol table. The current functionality, which does recurse, makes it difficult to examine the uses held by a symbol table itself. Moving forward users may provide a specific region to examine for uses instead. Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
@ -137,47 +137,47 @@ public:
/// Get an iterator range for all of the uses, for any symbol, that are nested
/// within the given operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested
/// symbol tables, and will also only return uses on 'from' if it does not
/// also define a symbol table. This is because we treat the region as the
/// boundary of the symbol table, and not the op itself. This function returns
/// None if there are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol
/// tables.
/// symbol tables. This function returns None if there are any unknown
/// operations that may potentially be symbol tables.
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(Operation *from);
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(Region *from);
/// Get all of the uses of the given symbol that are nested within the given
/// operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables,
/// and will also only return uses on 'from' if it does not also define a
/// symbol table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary of the
/// symbol table, and not the op itself. This function returns None if there
/// are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol tables.
/// operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables.
/// This function returns None if there are any unknown operations that may
/// potentially be symbol tables.
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(StringRef symbol, Operation *from);
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(Operation *symbol, Operation *from);
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(StringRef symbol, Region *from);
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(Operation *symbol, Region *from);
/// Return if the given symbol is known to have no uses that are nested
/// within the given operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested
/// symbol tables, and will also only count uses on 'from' if it does not also
/// define a symbol table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary
/// of the symbol table, and not the op itself. This function will also return
/// false if there are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol
/// tables. This doesn't necessarily mean that there are no uses, we just
/// can't conservatively prove it.
/// symbol tables. This function will also return false if there are any
/// unknown operations that may potentially be symbol tables. This doesn't
/// necessarily mean that there are no uses, we just can't conservatively
/// prove it.
static bool symbolKnownUseEmpty(StringRef symbol, Operation *from);
static bool symbolKnownUseEmpty(Operation *symbol, Operation *from);
static bool symbolKnownUseEmpty(StringRef symbol, Region *from);
static bool symbolKnownUseEmpty(Operation *symbol, Region *from);
/// Attempt to replace all uses of the given symbol 'oldSymbol' with the
/// provided symbol 'newSymbol' that are nested within the given operation
/// 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables, and will
/// also only replace uses on 'from' if it does not also define a symbol
/// table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary of the symbol
/// table, and not the op itself. If there are any unknown operations that may
/// potentially be symbol tables, no uses are replaced and failure is
/// returned.
/// 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables. If there are
/// any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol tables, no uses are
/// replaced and failure is returned.
LLVM_NODISCARD static LogicalResult replaceAllSymbolUses(StringRef oldSymbol,
StringRef newSymbol,
Operation *from);
LLVM_NODISCARD static LogicalResult
replaceAllSymbolUses(Operation *oldSymbol, StringRef newSymbolName,
Operation *from);
LLVM_NODISCARD static LogicalResult
replaceAllSymbolUses(StringRef oldSymbol, StringRef newSymbol, Region *from);
LLVM_NODISCARD static LogicalResult
replaceAllSymbolUses(Operation *oldSymbol, StringRef newSymbolName,
Region *from);
Operation *symbolTableOp;
@ -401,35 +401,19 @@ static WalkResult walkSymbolRefs(
/// Walk all of the uses, for any symbol, that are nested within the given
/// operation 'from', invoking the provided callback for each. This does not
/// traverse into any nested symbol tables, and will also only return uses on
/// 'from' if it does not also define a symbol table.
/// regions, invoking the provided callback for each. This does not traverse
/// into any nested symbol tables.
static Optional<WalkResult> walkSymbolUses(
Operation *from,
MutableArrayRef<Region> regions,
function_ref<WalkResult(SymbolTable::SymbolUse, ArrayRef<int>)> callback) {
// If from is not a symbol table, check for uses. A symbol table defines a new
// scope, so we can't walk the attributes from the symbol table op.
if (!from->hasTrait<OpTrait::SymbolTable>()) {
if (walkSymbolRefs(from, callback).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
SmallVector<Region *, 1> worklist;
for (Region ®ion : from->getRegions())
SmallVector<Region *, 1> worklist(llvm::make_pointer_range(regions));
while (!worklist.empty()) {
Region *region = worklist.pop_back_val();
for (Block &block : *region) {
for (Block &block : *worklist.pop_back_val()) {
for (Operation &op : block) {
if (walkSymbolRefs(&op, callback).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
// If this operation has regions, and it as well as its dialect aren't
// registered then conservatively fail. The operation may define a
// symbol table, so we can't opaquely know if we should traverse to find
// nested uses.
// Check that this isn't a potentially unknown symbol table.
if (isPotentiallyUnknownSymbolTable(&op))
return llvm::None;
@ -444,16 +428,74 @@ static Optional<WalkResult> walkSymbolUses(
return WalkResult::advance();
/// Walk all of the uses, for any symbol, that are nested within the given
/// operaion 'from', invoking the provided callback for each. This does not
/// traverse into any nested symbol tables.
static Optional<WalkResult> walkSymbolUses(
Operation *from,
function_ref<WalkResult(SymbolTable::SymbolUse, ArrayRef<int>)> callback) {
// If this operation has regions, and it, as well as its dialect, isn't
// registered then conservatively fail. The operation may define a
// symbol table, so we can't opaquely know if we should traverse to find
// nested uses.
if (isPotentiallyUnknownSymbolTable(from))
return llvm::None;
/// Walks all of the symbol scopes from 'symbol' to (inclusive) 'limit' invoking
/// the provided callback at each one with a properly scoped reference to
/// 'symbol'. The callback takes as parameters the symbol reference at the
/// current scope as well as the top-level operation representing the top of
/// that scope.
static Optional<WalkResult> walkSymbolScopes(
Operation *symbol, Operation *limit,
function_ref<Optional<WalkResult>(SymbolRefAttr, Operation *)> callback) {
StringRef symbolName = SymbolTable::getSymbolName(symbol);
// Walk the uses on this operation.
if (walkSymbolRefs(from, callback).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
// Only recurse if this operation is not a symbol table. A symbol table
// defines a new scope, so we can't walk the attributes from within the symbol
// table op.
if (!from->hasTrait<OpTrait::SymbolTable>())
return walkSymbolUses(from->getRegions(), callback);
return WalkResult::advance();
namespace {
/// This class represents a single symbol scope. A symbol scope represents the
/// set of operations nested within a symbol table that may reference symbols
/// within that table. A symbol scope does not contain the symbol table
/// operation itself, just its contained operations. A scope ends at leaf
/// operations or another symbol table operation.
struct SymbolScope {
/// Walk the symbol uses within this scope, invoking the given callback.
/// This variant is used when the callback type matches that expected by
/// 'walkSymbolUses'.
template <typename CallbackT,
typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<
typename FunctionTraits<CallbackT>::result_t, void>::value> * =
Optional<WalkResult> walk(CallbackT cback) {
if (Region *region = limit.dyn_cast<Region *>())
return walkSymbolUses(*region, cback);
return walkSymbolUses(limit.get<Operation *>(), cback);
/// This variant is used when the callback type matches a stripped down type:
/// void(SymbolTable::SymbolUse use)
template <typename CallbackT,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<
typename FunctionTraits<CallbackT>::result_t, void>::value> * =
Optional<WalkResult> walk(CallbackT cback) {
return walk([=](SymbolTable::SymbolUse use, ArrayRef<int>) {
return cback(use), WalkResult::advance();
/// The representation of the symbol within this scope.
SymbolRefAttr symbol;
/// The IR unit representing this scope.
llvm::PointerUnion<Operation *, Region *> limit;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Collect all of the symbol scopes from 'symbol' to (inclusive) 'limit'.
static SmallVector<SymbolScope, 2> collectSymbolScopes(Operation *symbol,
Operation *limit) {
StringRef symName = SymbolTable::getSymbolName(symbol);
assert(!symbol->hasTrait<OpTrait::SymbolTable>() || symbol != limit);
// Compute the ancestors of 'limit'.
@ -466,10 +508,10 @@ static Optional<WalkResult> walkSymbolScopes(
if (limitAncestor == symbol) {
// Check that the nearest symbol table is 'symbol's parent. SymbolRefAttr
// doesn't support parent references.
if (SymbolTable::getNearestSymbolTable(limit) != symbol->getParentOp())
return WalkResult::advance();
return callback(SymbolRefAttr::get(symbolName, symbol->getContext()),
if (SymbolTable::getNearestSymbolTable(limit->getParentOp()) ==
return {{SymbolRefAttr::get(symName, symbol->getContext()), limit}};
return {};
@ -486,36 +528,45 @@ static Optional<WalkResult> walkSymbolScopes(
// Compute the set of valid nested references for 'symbol' as far up to the
// common ancestor as possible.
SmallVector<SymbolRefAttr, 2> references;
bool collectedAllReferences = succeeded(collectValidReferencesFor(
symbol, symbolName, commonAncestor, references));
bool collectedAllReferences = succeeded(
collectValidReferencesFor(symbol, symName, commonAncestor, references));
// Handle the case where the common ancestor is 'limit'.
if (commonAncestor == limit) {
SmallVector<SymbolScope, 2> scopes;
// Walk each of the ancestors of 'symbol', calling the compute function for
// each one.
Operation *limitIt = symbol->getParentOp();
for (size_t i = 0, e = references.size(); i != e;
++i, limitIt = limitIt->getParentOp()) {
Optional<WalkResult> callbackResult = callback(references[i], limitIt);
if (callbackResult != WalkResult::advance())
return callbackResult;
scopes.push_back({references[i], &limitIt->getRegion(0)});
return WalkResult::advance();
return scopes;
// Otherwise, we just need the symbol reference for 'symbol' that will be
// used within 'limit'. This is the last reference in the list we computed
// above if we were able to collect all references.
if (!collectedAllReferences)
return WalkResult::advance();
return callback(references.back(), limit);
return {};
return {{references.back(), limit}};
static SmallVector<SymbolScope, 2> collectSymbolScopes(Operation *symbol,
Region *limit) {
auto scopes = collectSymbolScopes(symbol, limit->getParentOp());
/// Walk the symbol scopes defined by 'limit' invoking the provided callback.
static Optional<WalkResult> walkSymbolScopes(
StringRef symbol, Operation *limit,
function_ref<Optional<WalkResult>(SymbolRefAttr, Operation *)> callback) {
return callback(SymbolRefAttr::get(symbol, limit->getContext()), limit);
// If we collected some scopes to walk, make sure to constrain the one for
// limit to the specific region requested.
if (!scopes.empty())
scopes.back().limit = limit;
return scopes;
template <typename IRUnit>
static SmallVector<SymbolScope, 1> collectSymbolScopes(StringRef symbol,
IRUnit *limit) {
return {{SymbolRefAttr::get(symbol, limit->getContext()), limit}};
/// Returns true if the given reference 'SubRef' is a sub reference of the
@ -539,6 +590,18 @@ static bool isReferencePrefixOf(SymbolRefAttr subRef, SymbolRefAttr ref) {
// SymbolTable::getSymbolUses
/// The implementation of SymbolTable::getSymbolUses below.
template <typename FromT>
static Optional<SymbolTable::UseRange> getSymbolUsesImpl(FromT from) {
std::vector<SymbolTable::SymbolUse> uses;
auto walkFn = [&](SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse, ArrayRef<int>) {
return WalkResult::advance();
auto result = walkSymbolUses(from, walkFn);
return result ? Optional<SymbolTable::UseRange>(std::move(uses)) : llvm::None;
/// Get an iterator range for all of the uses, for any symbol, that are nested
/// within the given operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested
/// symbol tables, and will also only return uses on 'from' if it does not
@ -547,43 +610,34 @@ static bool isReferencePrefixOf(SymbolRefAttr subRef, SymbolRefAttr ref) {
/// None if there are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol
/// tables.
auto SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(Operation *from) -> Optional<UseRange> {
std::vector<SymbolUse> uses;
auto walkFn = [&](SymbolUse symbolUse, ArrayRef<int>) {
return WalkResult::advance();
auto result = walkSymbolUses(from, walkFn);
return result ? Optional<UseRange>(std::move(uses)) : Optional<UseRange>();
return getSymbolUsesImpl(from);
auto SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(Region *from) -> Optional<UseRange> {
return getSymbolUsesImpl(MutableArrayRef<Region>(*from));
// SymbolTable::getSymbolUses
/// The implementation of SymbolTable::getSymbolUses below.
template <typename SymbolT>
template <typename SymbolT, typename IRUnitT>
static Optional<SymbolTable::UseRange> getSymbolUsesImpl(SymbolT symbol,
Operation *limit) {
IRUnitT *limit) {
std::vector<SymbolTable::SymbolUse> uses;
auto walkFn = [&](SymbolRefAttr symbolRefAttr, Operation *from) {
return walkSymbolUses(
from, [&](SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse, ArrayRef<int>) {
if (isReferencePrefixOf(symbolRefAttr, symbolUse.getSymbolRef()))
for (SymbolScope &scope : collectSymbolScopes(symbol, limit)) {
if (!scope.walk([&](SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse) {
if (isReferencePrefixOf(scope.symbol, symbolUse.getSymbolRef()))
return WalkResult::advance();
if (walkSymbolScopes(symbol, limit, walkFn))
return SymbolTable::UseRange(std::move(uses));
return llvm::None;
return llvm::None;
return SymbolTable::UseRange(std::move(uses));
/// Get all of the uses of the given symbol that are nested within the given
/// operation 'from', invoking the provided callback for each. This does not
/// traverse into any nested symbol tables, and will also only return uses on
/// 'from' if it does not also define a symbol table. This is because we treat
/// the region as the boundary of the symbol table, and not the op itself. This
/// function returns None if there are any unknown operations that may
/// potentially be symbol tables.
/// traverse into any nested symbol tables. This function returns None if there
/// are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol tables.
auto SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(StringRef symbol, Operation *from)
-> Optional<UseRange> {
return getSymbolUsesImpl(symbol, from);
@ -592,37 +646,49 @@ auto SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(Operation *symbol, Operation *from)
-> Optional<UseRange> {
return getSymbolUsesImpl(symbol, from);
auto SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(StringRef symbol, Region *from)
-> Optional<UseRange> {
return getSymbolUsesImpl(symbol, from);
auto SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(Operation *symbol, Region *from)
-> Optional<UseRange> {
return getSymbolUsesImpl(symbol, from);
// SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty
/// The implementation of SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty below.
template <typename SymbolT>
static bool symbolKnownUseEmptyImpl(SymbolT symbol, Operation *limit) {
// Walk all of the symbol uses looking for a reference to 'symbol'.
auto walkFn = [&](SymbolRefAttr symbolRefAttr, Operation *from) {
return walkSymbolUses(
from, [&](SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse, ArrayRef<int>) {
return isReferencePrefixOf(symbolRefAttr, symbolUse.getSymbolRef())
template <typename SymbolT, typename IRUnitT>
static bool symbolKnownUseEmptyImpl(SymbolT symbol, IRUnitT *limit) {
for (SymbolScope &scope : collectSymbolScopes(symbol, limit)) {
// Walk all of the symbol uses looking for a reference to 'symbol'.
if (scope.walk([&](SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse, ArrayRef<int>) {
return isReferencePrefixOf(scope.symbol, symbolUse.getSymbolRef())
? WalkResult::interrupt()
: WalkResult::advance();
return walkSymbolScopes(symbol, limit, walkFn) == WalkResult::advance();
}) != WalkResult::advance())
return false;
return true;
/// Return if the given symbol is known to have no uses that are nested within
/// the given operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol
/// tables, and will also only count uses on 'from' if it does not also define
/// a symbol table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary of the
/// symbol table, and not the op itself. This function will also return false if
/// there are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol tables.
/// tables. This function will also return false if there are any unknown
/// operations that may potentially be symbol tables.
bool SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty(StringRef symbol, Operation *from) {
return symbolKnownUseEmptyImpl(symbol, from);
bool SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty(Operation *symbol, Operation *from) {
return symbolKnownUseEmptyImpl(symbol, from);
bool SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty(StringRef symbol, Region *from) {
return symbolKnownUseEmptyImpl(symbol, from);
bool SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty(Operation *symbol, Region *from) {
return symbolKnownUseEmptyImpl(symbol, from);
// SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses
@ -685,10 +751,9 @@ static SymbolRefAttr generateNewRefAttr(SymbolRefAttr oldAttr,
/// The implementation of SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses below.
template <typename SymbolT>
static LogicalResult replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(SymbolT symbol,
StringRef newSymbol,
Operation *limit) {
template <typename SymbolT, typename IRUnitT>
static LogicalResult
replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(SymbolT symbol, StringRef newSymbol, IRUnitT *limit) {
// A collection of operations along with their new attribute dictionary.
std::vector<std::pair<Operation *, DictionaryAttr>> updatedAttrDicts;
@ -710,26 +775,26 @@ static LogicalResult replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(SymbolT symbol,
// Generate a new attribute to replace the given attribute.
MLIRContext *ctx = limit->getContext();
FlatSymbolRefAttr newLeafAttr = FlatSymbolRefAttr::get(newSymbol, ctx);
auto scopeWalkFn = [&](SymbolRefAttr oldAttr,
Operation *from) -> Optional<WalkResult> {
SymbolRefAttr newAttr = generateNewRefAttr(oldAttr, newLeafAttr);
for (SymbolScope &scope : collectSymbolScopes(symbol, limit)) {
SymbolRefAttr newAttr = generateNewRefAttr(scope.symbol, newLeafAttr);
auto walkFn = [&](SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse,
ArrayRef<int> accessChain) {
SymbolRefAttr useRef = symbolUse.getSymbolRef();
if (!isReferencePrefixOf(oldAttr, useRef))
if (!isReferencePrefixOf(scope.symbol, useRef))
return WalkResult::advance();
// If we have a valid match, check to see if this is a proper
// subreference. If it is, then we will need to generate a different new
// attribute specifically for this use.
SymbolRefAttr replacementRef = newAttr;
if (useRef != oldAttr) {
if (oldAttr.isa<FlatSymbolRefAttr>()) {
if (useRef != scope.symbol) {
if (scope.symbol.isa<FlatSymbolRefAttr>()) {
replacementRef =
SymbolRefAttr::get(newSymbol, useRef.getNestedReferences(), ctx);
} else {
auto nestedRefs = llvm::to_vector<4>(useRef.getNestedReferences());
nestedRefs[oldAttr.getNestedReferences().size() - 1] = newLeafAttr;
nestedRefs[scope.symbol.getNestedReferences().size() - 1] =
replacementRef =
SymbolRefAttr::get(useRef.getRootReference(), nestedRefs, ctx);
@ -748,18 +813,15 @@ static LogicalResult replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(SymbolT symbol,
accessChains.push_back({llvm::to_vector<1>(accessChain), replacementRef});
return WalkResult::advance();
if (!walkSymbolUses(from, walkFn))
return llvm::None;
if (!scope.walk(walkFn))
return failure();
// Check to see if we have a dangling op that needs to be processed.
if (curOp) {
updatedAttrDicts.push_back({curOp, generateNewAttrDict()});
curOp = nullptr;
return WalkResult::advance();
if (!walkSymbolScopes(symbol, limit, scopeWalkFn))
return failure();
// Update the attribute dictionaries as necessary.
for (auto &it : updatedAttrDicts)
@ -769,11 +831,9 @@ static LogicalResult replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(SymbolT symbol,
/// Attempt to replace all uses of the given symbol 'oldSymbol' with the
/// provided symbol 'newSymbol' that are nested within the given operation
/// 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables, and will
/// also only replace uses on 'from' if it does not also define a symbol
/// table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary of the symbol
/// table, and not the op itself. If there are any unknown operations that may
/// potentially be symbol tables, no uses are replaced and failure is returned.
/// 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables. If there are
/// any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol tables, no uses are
/// replaced and failure is returned.
LogicalResult SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses(StringRef oldSymbol,
StringRef newSymbol,
Operation *from) {
@ -784,3 +844,13 @@ LogicalResult SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses(Operation *oldSymbol,
Operation *from) {
return replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(oldSymbol, newSymbol, from);
LogicalResult SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses(StringRef oldSymbol,
StringRef newSymbol,
Region *from) {
return replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(oldSymbol, newSymbol, from);
LogicalResult SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses(Operation *oldSymbol,
StringRef newSymbol,
Region *from) {
return replaceAllSymbolUsesImpl(oldSymbol, newSymbol, from);
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace {
/// This is a symbol test pass that tests the symbol uselist functionality
/// provided by the symbol table along with erasing from the symbol table.
struct SymbolUsesPass : public ModulePass<SymbolUsesPass> {
WalkResult operateOnSymbol(Operation *symbol, Operation *module,
WalkResult operateOnSymbol(Operation *symbol, ModuleOp module,
SmallVectorImpl<FuncOp> &deadFunctions) {
// Test computing uses on a non symboltable op.
Optional<SymbolTable::UseRange> symbolUses =
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct SymbolUsesPass : public ModulePass<SymbolUsesPass> {
<< " nested references";
// Test the functionality of symbolKnownUseEmpty.
if (SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty(symbol, module)) {
if (SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty(symbol, &module.getBodyRegion())) {
FuncOp funcSymbol = dyn_cast<FuncOp>(symbol);
if (funcSymbol && funcSymbol.isExternal())
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct SymbolUsesPass : public ModulePass<SymbolUsesPass> {
// Test the functionality of getSymbolUses.
symbolUses = SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(symbol, module);
symbolUses = SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(symbol, &module.getBodyRegion());
assert(symbolUses.hasValue() && "expected no unknown operations");
for (SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse : *symbolUses) {
// Check that we can resolve back to our symbol.
@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ struct SymbolUsesPass : public ModulePass<SymbolUsesPass> {
return WalkResult::advance();
SymbolTable table(module);
for (Operation *op : deadFunctions) {
// In order to test the SymbolTable::erase method, also erase completely
// useless functions.
SymbolTable table(module);
auto name = SymbolTable::getSymbolName(op);
assert(table.lookup(name) && "expected no unknown operations");
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ struct SymbolReplacementPass : public ModulePass<SymbolReplacementPass> {
if (!newName)
if (succeeded(SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses(
nestedOp, newName.getValue(), module)))
nestedOp, newName.getValue(), &module.getBodyRegion())))
SymbolTable::setSymbolName(nestedOp, newName.getValue());
Reference in New Issue