Update CMake build system with target arch source file lists.

llvm-svn: 85448
This commit is contained in:
Edward O'Callaghan 2009-10-29 00:07:46 +00:00
parent 21610380de
commit a55dd008ad
1 changed files with 50 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -8,41 +8,18 @@
# Generic functions needed for each architecture
# libcompiler_rt.Generic.a libcompiler_rt.Optimized.a
absvdi2.c cmpdi2.c fixdfdi.c floatdidf.c moddi3.c negvti2.c ucmpdi2.c
absvsi2.c cmpti2.c fixdfti.c floatdisf.c modsi3.c paritydi2.c ucmpti2.c
absvti2.c ctzdi2.c fixsfdi.c floatdixf.c modti3.c paritysi2.c udivdi3.c
addvdi3.c ctzsi2.c fixsfti.c floattidf.c muldc3.c parityti2.c udivmoddi4.c
addvsi3.c ctzti2.c fixunsdfdi.c floattisf.c muldi3.c popcountdi2.c udivmodti4.c
addvti3.c divdc3.c fixunsdfsi.c floattixf.c mulsc3.c popcountsi2.c udivsi3.c
apple_versioning.c divdi3.c fixunsdfti.c floatundidf.c multi3.c popcountti2.c udivti3.c
ashldi3.c divsc3.c fixunssfdi.c floatundisf.c mulvdi3.c powidf2.c umoddi3.c
ashlti3.c divsi3.c fixunssfsi.c floatundixf.c mulvsi3.c powisf2.c umodsi3.c
ashrdi3.c divti3.c fixunssfti.c floatuntidf.c mulvti3.c powitf2.c umodti3.c
ashrti3.c divxc3.c fixunsxfdi.c floatuntisf.c mulxc3.c powixf2.c
clear_cache.c enable_execute_stack.c fixunsxfsi.c floatuntixf.c negdi2.c subvdi3.c
clzdi2.c eprintf.c fixunsxfti.c gcc_personality_v0.c negti2.c subvsi3.c
clzsi2.c ffsdi2.c fixxfdi.c lshrdi3.c negvdi2.c subvti3.c
clzti2.c ffsti2.c fixxfti.c lshrti3.c negvsi2.c trampoline_setup.c
# Generic
SET( Common_SRCS
absvdi2.c absvsi2.c addvdi3.c addvsi3.c ashldi3.c ashrdi3.c
clear_cache.c clzdi2.c clzsi2.c cmpdi2.c ctzdi2.c ctzsi2.c
divdc3.c divdi3.c divsc3.c enable_execute_stack.c ffsdi2.c
fixdfdi.c fixsfdi.c fixunsdfdi.c fixunsdfsi.c fixunssfdi.c
fixunssfsi.c floatdidf.c floatdisf.c floatundidf.c floatundisf.c
gcc_personality_v0.c lshrdi3.c moddi3.c muldc3.c muldi3.c
mulsc3.c mulvdi3.c mulvsi3.c negdi2.c negvdi2.c negvsi2.c
paritydi2.c paritysi2.c popcountdi2.c popcountsi2.c powidf2.c
powisf2.c subvdi3.c subvsi3.c ucmpdi2.c udivdi3.c
udivmoddi4.c umoddi3.c apple_versioning.c eprintf.c
SET( i386_Functions
divxc3.c fixunsxfdi.c fixunsxfsi.c fixxfdi.c
floatdixf.c floatundixf.c mulxc3.c powixf2.c
SET( Generic_SRCS
absvdi2.c absvsi2.c addvdi3.c addvsi3.c ashldi3.c ashrdi3.c
clzdi2.c clzsi2.c cmpdi2.c ctzdi2.c ctzsi2.c
divdc3.c divdi3.c divsc3.c ffsdi2.c
fixdfdi.c fixsfdi.c fixunsdfdi.c fixunsdfsi.c fixunssfdi.c
fixunssfsi.c floatdidf.c floatdisf.c floatundidf.c floatundisf.c
gcc_personality_v0.c lshrdi3.c moddi3.c muldc3.c muldi3.c
mulsc3.c mulvdi3.c mulvsi3.c negdi2.c negvdi2.c negvsi2.c
paritydi2.c paritysi2.c popcountdi2.c popcountsi2.c powidf2.c
powisf2.c subvdi3.c subvsi3.c ucmpdi2.c udivdi3.c
udivmoddi4.c umoddi3.c apple_versioning.c eprintf.c
# Optimized functions for each architecture
@ -53,12 +30,50 @@ SET( i386_Functions
# List of functions needed for each architecture.
SET( i386_Functions
divxc3.c fixunsxfdi.c fixunsxfsi.c fixxfdi.c floatdixf.c
floatundixf.c mulxc3.c powixf2.c clear_cache.c enable_execute_stack.c
SET( x86_64_Functions
absvti2.c addvti3.c ashlti3.c ashrti3.c clzti2.c cmpti2.c
ctzti2.c divti3.c divxc3.c ffsti2.c fixdfti.c fixsfti.c
fixunsdfti.c fixunssfti.c fixunsxfdi.c fixunsxfsi.c
fixunsxfti.c fixxfdi.c fixxfti.c floatdixf.c floattidf.c
floattisf.c floattixf.c floatundixf.c floatuntidf.c
floatuntisf.c floatuntixf.c lshrti3.c modti3.c multi3.c
mulvti3.c mulxc3.c negti2.c negvti2.c parityti2.c
popcountti2.c powixf2.c subvti3.c ucmpti2.c udivmodti4.c
udivti3.c umodti3.c clear_cache.c enable_execute_stack.c
SET( PPC_Functions
divtc3.c fixtfdi.c fixunstfdi.c floatditf.c floatunditf.c
gcc_qadd.c gcc_qdiv.c gcc_qmul.c gcc_qsub.c multc3.c
powitf2.c restFP.c saveFP.c trampoline_setup.c
clear_cache.c enable_execute_stack.c
SET( ARM_Functions
adddf3vfp.c addsf3vfp.c bswapdi2.c bswapsi2.c divdf3vfp.c
divsf3vfp.c eqdf2vfp.c eqsf2vfp.c extendsfdf2vfp.c
fixdfsivfp.c fixsfsivfp.c fixunsdfsivfp.c fixunssfsivfp.c
floatsidfvfp.c floatsisfvfp.c floatunssidfvfp.c floatunssisfvfp.c
gedf2vfp.c gesf2vfp.c gtdf2vfp.c gtsf2vfp.c
ledf2vfp.c lesf2vfp.c ltdf2vfp.c ltsf2vfp.c
muldf3vfp.c mulsf3vfp.c
nedf2vfp.c negdf2vfp.c negsf2vfp.c nesf2vfp.c
subdf3vfp.c subsf3vfp.c truncdfsf2vfp.c unorddf2vfp.c unordsf2vfp.c
modsi3.c umodsi3.c udivsi3.c divsi3.c switch.c
#FOREACH( LOOP_VAR ${Achitectures} )
#ADD_LIBRARY( ${PROJECT_NAME}-i386 STATIC ${i386_Functions} )
# [[debug|optimized|general]