[NFC][ScopBuilder] Move buildDomains and its callees to ScopBuilder.

Scope of changes:

1) Moved buildDomains function to ScopBuilder class.
2) Moved buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints function to ScopBuilder class.
3) Moved propagateDomainConstraints to ScopBuilder class.
4) Moved propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit to ScopBuilder class.
5) Moved propagateInvalidStmtDomains to ScopBuilder class.
6) Moved getPredecessorDomainConstraints function to ScopBuilder class.
7) Moved addLoopBoundsToHeaderDomain function to ScopBuilder class.
8) Moved getPwAff function to ScopBuilder class.
9) Moved buildConditionSets functions to ScopBuilder class.
10) Added updateMaxLoopDepth, notifyErrorBlock, getOrInitEmptyDomain, isDomainDefined, setDomain functions to Scop class. They are used by ScopBuilder.
11) Moved helper functions: getRegionNodeBasicBlock, getRegionNodeSuccessor, containsErrorBlock, createNextIterationMap, collectBoundedParts, partitionSetParts, buildConditionSet to ScopBuilder.cpp file.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D65729

llvm-svn: 368100
This commit is contained in:
Dominik Adamski 2019-08-06 21:51:18 +00:00
parent 75e557c8e2
commit a0438305d0
4 changed files with 1094 additions and 1038 deletions

View File

@ -123,6 +123,172 @@ class ScopBuilder {
// Build the SCoP for Region @p R.
void buildScop(Region &R, AssumptionCache &AC);
/// Adjust the dimensions of @p Dom that was constructed for @p OldL
/// to be compatible to domains constructed for loop @p NewL.
/// This function assumes @p NewL and @p OldL are equal or there is a CFG
/// edge from @p OldL to @p NewL.
isl::set adjustDomainDimensions(isl::set Dom, Loop *OldL, Loop *NewL);
/// Compute the domain for each basic block in @p R.
/// @param R The region we currently traverse.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool buildDomains(Region *R,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Compute the branching constraints for each basic block in @p R.
/// @param R The region we currently build branching conditions
/// for.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(
Region *R, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Build the conditions sets for the terminator @p TI in the @p Domain.
/// This will fill @p ConditionSets with the conditions under which control
/// will be moved from @p TI to its successors. Hence, @p ConditionSets will
/// have as many elements as @p TI has successors.
bool buildConditionSets(BasicBlock *BB, Instruction *TI, Loop *L,
__isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets);
/// Build the conditions sets for the branch condition @p Condition in
/// the @p Domain.
/// This will fill @p ConditionSets with the conditions under which control
/// will be moved from @p TI to its successors. Hence, @p ConditionSets will
/// have as many elements as @p TI has successors. If @p TI is nullptr the
/// context under which @p Condition is true/false will be returned as the
/// new elements of @p ConditionSets.
bool buildConditionSets(BasicBlock *BB, Value *Condition, Instruction *TI,
Loop *L, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets);
/// Build the conditions sets for the switch @p SI in the @p Domain.
/// This will fill @p ConditionSets with the conditions under which control
/// will be moved from @p SI to its successors. Hence, @p ConditionSets will
/// have as many elements as @p SI has successors.
bool buildConditionSets(BasicBlock *BB, SwitchInst *SI, Loop *L,
__isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets);
/// Build condition sets for unsigned ICmpInst(s).
/// Special handling is required for unsigned operands to ensure that if
/// MSB (aka the Sign bit) is set for an operands in an unsigned ICmpInst
/// it should wrap around.
/// @param IsStrictUpperBound holds information on the predicate relation
/// between TestVal and UpperBound, i.e,
/// TestVal < UpperBound OR TestVal <= UpperBound
__isl_give isl_set *buildUnsignedConditionSets(
BasicBlock *BB, Value *Condition, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
const SCEV *SCEV_TestVal, const SCEV *SCEV_UpperBound,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
bool IsStrictUpperBound);
/// Propagate the domain constraints through the region @p R.
/// @param R The region we currently build branching
/// conditions for.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool propagateDomainConstraints(
Region *R, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Propagate domains that are known due to graph properties.
/// As a CFG is mostly structured we use the graph properties to propagate
/// domains without the need to compute all path conditions. In particular,
/// if a block A dominates a block B and B post-dominates A we know that the
/// domain of B is a superset of the domain of A. As we do not have
/// post-dominator information available here we use the less precise region
/// information. Given a region R, we know that the exit is always executed
/// if the entry was executed, thus the domain of the exit is a superset of
/// the domain of the entry. In case the exit can only be reached from
/// within the region the domains are in fact equal. This function will use
/// this property to avoid the generation of condition constraints that
/// determine when a branch is taken. If @p BB is a region entry block we
/// will propagate its domain to the region exit block. Additionally, we put
/// the region exit block in the @p FinishedExitBlocks set so we can later
/// skip edges from within the region to that block.
/// @param BB The block for which the domain is currently
/// propagated.
/// @param BBLoop The innermost affine loop surrounding @p BB.
/// @param FinishedExitBlocks Set of region exits the domain was set for.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
void propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit(
BasicBlock *BB, Loop *BBLoop,
SmallPtrSetImpl<BasicBlock *> &FinishedExitBlocks,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Propagate invalid domains of statements through @p R.
/// This method will propagate invalid statement domains through @p R and at
/// the same time add error block domains to them. Additionally, the domains
/// of error statements and those only reachable via error statements will
/// be replaced by an empty set. Later those will be removed completely.
/// @param R The currently traversed region.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool propagateInvalidStmtDomains(
Region *R, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Compute the union of predecessor domains for @p BB.
/// To compute the union of all domains of predecessors of @p BB this
/// function applies similar reasoning on the CFG structure as described for
/// @see propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit
/// @param BB The block for which the predecessor domains are collected.
/// @param Domain The domain under which BB is executed.
/// @returns The domain under which @p BB is executed.
isl::set getPredecessorDomainConstraints(BasicBlock *BB, isl::set Domain);
/// Add loop carried constraints to the header block of the loop @p L.
/// @param L The loop to process.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool addLoopBoundsToHeaderDomain(
Loop *L, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Compute the isl representation for the SCEV @p E in this BB.
/// @param BB The BB for which isl representation is to be
/// computed.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap A map of BB to their invalid domains.
/// @param E The SCEV that should be translated.
/// @param NonNegative Flag to indicate the @p E has to be
/// non-negative.
/// Note that this function will also adjust the invalid context
/// accordingly.
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *
getPwAff(BasicBlock *BB, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
const SCEV *E, bool NonNegative = false);
/// Create equivalence classes for required invariant accesses.
/// These classes will consolidate multiple required invariant loads from the

View File

@ -1952,120 +1952,6 @@ private:
void init(AliasAnalysis &AA, AssumptionCache &AC, DominatorTree &DT,
LoopInfo &LI);
/// Propagate domains that are known due to graph properties.
/// As a CFG is mostly structured we use the graph properties to propagate
/// domains without the need to compute all path conditions. In particular, if
/// a block A dominates a block B and B post-dominates A we know that the
/// domain of B is a superset of the domain of A. As we do not have
/// post-dominator information available here we use the less precise region
/// information. Given a region R, we know that the exit is always executed if
/// the entry was executed, thus the domain of the exit is a superset of the
/// domain of the entry. In case the exit can only be reached from within the
/// region the domains are in fact equal. This function will use this property
/// to avoid the generation of condition constraints that determine when a
/// branch is taken. If @p BB is a region entry block we will propagate its
/// domain to the region exit block. Additionally, we put the region exit
/// block in the @p FinishedExitBlocks set so we can later skip edges from
/// within the region to that block.
/// @param BB The block for which the domain is currently
/// propagated.
/// @param BBLoop The innermost affine loop surrounding @p BB.
/// @param FinishedExitBlocks Set of region exits the domain was set for.
/// @param LI The LoopInfo for the current function.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
void propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit(
BasicBlock *BB, Loop *BBLoop,
SmallPtrSetImpl<BasicBlock *> &FinishedExitBlocks, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Compute the union of predecessor domains for @p BB.
/// To compute the union of all domains of predecessors of @p BB this
/// function applies similar reasoning on the CFG structure as described for
/// @see propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit
/// @param BB The block for which the predecessor domains are collected.
/// @param Domain The domain under which BB is executed.
/// @param DT The DominatorTree for the current function.
/// @param LI The LoopInfo for the current function.
/// @returns The domain under which @p BB is executed.
isl::set getPredecessorDomainConstraints(BasicBlock *BB, isl::set Domain,
DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI);
/// Add loop carried constraints to the header block of the loop @p L.
/// @param L The loop to process.
/// @param LI The LoopInfo for the current function.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool addLoopBoundsToHeaderDomain(
Loop *L, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Compute the branching constraints for each basic block in @p R.
/// @param R The region we currently build branching conditions
/// for.
/// @param DT The DominatorTree for the current function.
/// @param LI The LoopInfo for the current function.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(
Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Propagate the domain constraints through the region @p R.
/// @param R The region we currently build branching conditions
/// for.
/// @param DT The DominatorTree for the current function.
/// @param LI The LoopInfo for the current function.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool propagateDomainConstraints(
Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Propagate invalid domains of statements through @p R.
/// This method will propagate invalid statement domains through @p R and at
/// the same time add error block domains to them. Additionally, the domains
/// of error statements and those only reachable via error statements will be
/// replaced by an empty set. Later those will be removed completely.
/// @param R The currently traversed region.
/// @param DT The DominatorTree for the current function.
/// @param LI The LoopInfo for the current function.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool propagateInvalidStmtDomains(
Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Compute the domain for each basic block in @p R.
/// @param R The region we currently traverse.
/// @param DT The DominatorTree for the current function.
/// @param LI The LoopInfo for the current function.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap BB to InvalidDomain map for the BB of current
/// region.
/// @returns True if there was no problem and false otherwise.
bool buildDomains(Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap);
/// Add parameter constraints to @p C that imply a non-empty domain.
isl::set addNonEmptyDomainConstraints(isl::set C) const;
@ -2641,8 +2527,15 @@ public:
/// Set new isl context.
void setContext(isl::set NewContext);
/// Update maximal loop depth. If @p Depth is smaller than current value,
/// then maximal loop depth is not updated.
void updateMaxLoopDepth(unsigned Depth) {
MaxLoopDepth = std::max(MaxLoopDepth, Depth);
/// Align the parameters in the statement to the scop context
void realignParams();
@ -2657,6 +2550,9 @@ public:
/// Return true if the SCoP contained at least one error block.
bool hasErrorBlock() const { return HasErrorBlock; }
/// Notify SCoP that it contains an error block
void notifyErrorBlock() { HasErrorBlock = true; }
/// Return true if the underlying region has a single exiting block.
bool hasSingleExitEdge() const { return HasSingleExitEdge; }
@ -2701,6 +2597,9 @@ public:
/// domain part associated with the piecewise affine function.
isl::pw_aff getPwAffOnly(const SCEV *E, BasicBlock *BB = nullptr);
/// Check if an <nsw> AddRec for the loop L is cached.
bool hasNSWAddRecForLoop(Loop *L) { return Affinator.hasNSWAddRecForLoop(L); }
/// Return the domain of @p Stmt.
/// @param Stmt The statement for which the conditions should be returned.
@ -2711,6 +2610,15 @@ public:
/// @param BB The block for which the conditions should be returned.
isl::set getDomainConditions(BasicBlock *BB) const;
/// Return the domain of @p BB. If it does not exist, create an empty one.
isl::set &getOrInitEmptyDomain(BasicBlock *BB) { return DomainMap[BB]; }
/// Check if domain is determined for @p BB.
bool isDomainDefined(BasicBlock *BB) const { return DomainMap.count(BB) > 0; }
/// Set domain for @p BB.
void setDomain(BasicBlock *BB, isl::set &Domain) { DomainMap[BB] = Domain; }
/// Get a union set containing the iteration domains of all statements.
isl::union_set getDomains() const;

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/EquivalenceClasses.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionCache.h"
@ -153,6 +154,654 @@ static cl::opt<GranularityChoice> StmtGranularity(
"Store-level granularity")),
cl::init(GranularityChoice::ScalarIndependence), cl::cat(PollyCategory));
/// Helper to treat non-affine regions and basic blocks the same.
/// Return the block that is the representing block for @p RN.
static inline BasicBlock *getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RegionNode *RN) {
return RN->isSubRegion() ? RN->getNodeAs<Region>()->getEntry()
: RN->getNodeAs<BasicBlock>();
/// Return the @p idx'th block that is executed after @p RN.
static inline BasicBlock *
getRegionNodeSuccessor(RegionNode *RN, Instruction *TI, unsigned idx) {
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
assert(idx == 0);
return RN->getNodeAs<Region>()->getExit();
return TI->getSuccessor(idx);
static bool containsErrorBlock(RegionNode *RN, const Region &R, LoopInfo &LI,
const DominatorTree &DT) {
if (!RN->isSubRegion())
return isErrorBlock(*RN->getNodeAs<BasicBlock>(), R, LI, DT);
for (BasicBlock *BB : RN->getNodeAs<Region>()->blocks())
if (isErrorBlock(*BB, R, LI, DT))
return true;
return false;
/// Create a map to map from a given iteration to a subsequent iteration.
/// This map maps from SetSpace -> SetSpace where the dimensions @p Dim
/// is incremented by one and all other dimensions are equal, e.g.,
/// [i0, i1, i2, i3] -> [i0, i1, i2 + 1, i3]
/// if @p Dim is 2 and @p SetSpace has 4 dimensions.
static isl::map createNextIterationMap(isl::space SetSpace, unsigned Dim) {
isl::space MapSpace = SetSpace.map_from_set();
isl::map NextIterationMap = isl::map::universe(MapSpace);
for (unsigned u = 0; u < NextIterationMap.dim(isl::dim::in); u++)
if (u != Dim)
NextIterationMap =
NextIterationMap.equate(isl::dim::in, u, isl::dim::out, u);
isl::constraint C =
C = C.set_constant_si(1);
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::in, Dim, 1);
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::out, Dim, -1);
NextIterationMap = NextIterationMap.add_constraint(C);
return NextIterationMap;
/// Add @p BSet to set @p BoundedParts if @p BSet is bounded.
static isl::set collectBoundedParts(isl::set S) {
isl::set BoundedParts = isl::set::empty(S.get_space());
for (isl::basic_set BSet : S.get_basic_set_list())
if (BSet.is_bounded())
BoundedParts = BoundedParts.unite(isl::set(BSet));
return BoundedParts;
/// Compute the (un)bounded parts of @p S wrt. to dimension @p Dim.
/// @returns A separation of @p S into first an unbounded then a bounded subset,
/// both with regards to the dimension @p Dim.
static std::pair<isl::set, isl::set> partitionSetParts(isl::set S,
unsigned Dim) {
for (unsigned u = 0, e = S.n_dim(); u < e; u++)
S = S.lower_bound_si(isl::dim::set, u, 0);
unsigned NumDimsS = S.n_dim();
isl::set OnlyDimS = S;
// Remove dimensions that are greater than Dim as they are not interesting.
assert(NumDimsS >= Dim + 1);
OnlyDimS = OnlyDimS.project_out(isl::dim::set, Dim + 1, NumDimsS - Dim - 1);
// Create artificial parametric upper bounds for dimensions smaller than Dim
// as we are not interested in them.
OnlyDimS = OnlyDimS.insert_dims(isl::dim::param, 0, Dim);
for (unsigned u = 0; u < Dim; u++) {
isl::constraint C = isl::constraint::alloc_inequality(
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::param, u, 1);
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::set, u, -1);
OnlyDimS = OnlyDimS.add_constraint(C);
// Collect all bounded parts of OnlyDimS.
isl::set BoundedParts = collectBoundedParts(OnlyDimS);
// Create the dimensions greater than Dim again.
BoundedParts =
BoundedParts.insert_dims(isl::dim::set, Dim + 1, NumDimsS - Dim - 1);
// Remove the artificial upper bound parameters again.
BoundedParts = BoundedParts.remove_dims(isl::dim::param, 0, Dim);
isl::set UnboundedParts = S.subtract(BoundedParts);
return std::make_pair(UnboundedParts, BoundedParts);
/// Create the conditions under which @p L @p Pred @p R is true.
static isl::set buildConditionSet(ICmpInst::Predicate Pred, isl::pw_aff L,
isl::pw_aff R) {
switch (Pred) {
case ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ:
return L.eq_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_NE:
return L.ne_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT:
return L.lt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE:
return L.le_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT:
return L.gt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE:
return L.ge_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT:
return L.lt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT:
return L.gt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE:
return L.le_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE:
return L.ge_set(R);
llvm_unreachable("Non integer predicate not supported");
isl::set ScopBuilder::adjustDomainDimensions(isl::set Dom, Loop *OldL,
Loop *NewL) {
// If the loops are the same there is nothing to do.
if (NewL == OldL)
return Dom;
int OldDepth = scop->getRelativeLoopDepth(OldL);
int NewDepth = scop->getRelativeLoopDepth(NewL);
// If both loops are non-affine loops there is nothing to do.
if (OldDepth == -1 && NewDepth == -1)
return Dom;
// Distinguish three cases:
// 1) The depth is the same but the loops are not.
// => One loop was left one was entered.
// 2) The depth increased from OldL to NewL.
// => One loop was entered, none was left.
// 3) The depth decreased from OldL to NewL.
// => Loops were left were difference of the depths defines how many.
if (OldDepth == NewDepth) {
assert(OldL->getParentLoop() == NewL->getParentLoop());
Dom = Dom.project_out(isl::dim::set, NewDepth, 1);
Dom = Dom.add_dims(isl::dim::set, 1);
} else if (OldDepth < NewDepth) {
assert(OldDepth + 1 == NewDepth);
auto &R = scop->getRegion();
assert(NewL->getParentLoop() == OldL ||
((!OldL || !R.contains(OldL)) && R.contains(NewL)));
Dom = Dom.add_dims(isl::dim::set, 1);
} else {
assert(OldDepth > NewDepth);
int Diff = OldDepth - NewDepth;
int NumDim = Dom.n_dim();
assert(NumDim >= Diff);
Dom = Dom.project_out(isl::dim::set, NumDim - Diff, Diff);
return Dom;
/// Compute the isl representation for the SCEV @p E in this BB.
/// @param BB The BB for which isl representation is to be
/// computed.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap A map of BB to their invalid domains.
/// @param E The SCEV that should be translated.
/// @param NonNegative Flag to indicate the @p E has to be non-negative.
/// Note that this function will also adjust the invalid context accordingly.
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *
ScopBuilder::getPwAff(BasicBlock *BB,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
const SCEV *E, bool NonNegative) {
PWACtx PWAC = scop->getPwAff(E, BB, NonNegative);
InvalidDomainMap[BB] = InvalidDomainMap[BB].unite(PWAC.second);
return PWAC.first.release();
/// Build condition sets for unsigned ICmpInst(s).
/// Special handling is required for unsigned operands to ensure that if
/// MSB (aka the Sign bit) is set for an operands in an unsigned ICmpInst
/// it should wrap around.
/// @param IsStrictUpperBound holds information on the predicate relation
/// between TestVal and UpperBound, i.e,
/// TestVal < UpperBound OR TestVal <= UpperBound
__isl_give isl_set *ScopBuilder::buildUnsignedConditionSets(
BasicBlock *BB, Value *Condition, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
const SCEV *SCEV_TestVal, const SCEV *SCEV_UpperBound,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
bool IsStrictUpperBound) {
// Do not take NonNeg assumption on TestVal
// as it might have MSB (Sign bit) set.
isl_pw_aff *TestVal = getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, SCEV_TestVal, false);
// Take NonNeg assumption on UpperBound.
isl_pw_aff *UpperBound =
getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, SCEV_UpperBound, true);
// 0 <= TestVal
isl_set *First =
isl_set *Second;
if (IsStrictUpperBound)
// TestVal < UpperBound
Second = isl_pw_aff_lt_set(TestVal, UpperBound);
// TestVal <= UpperBound
Second = isl_pw_aff_le_set(TestVal, UpperBound);
isl_set *ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_intersect(First, Second);
return ConsequenceCondSet;
bool ScopBuilder::buildConditionSets(
BasicBlock *BB, SwitchInst *SI, Loop *L, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets) {
Value *Condition = getConditionFromTerminator(SI);
assert(Condition && "No condition for switch");
isl_pw_aff *LHS, *RHS;
LHS = getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, SE.getSCEVAtScope(Condition, L));
unsigned NumSuccessors = SI->getNumSuccessors();
for (auto &Case : SI->cases()) {
unsigned Idx = Case.getSuccessorIndex();
ConstantInt *CaseValue = Case.getCaseValue();
RHS = getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, SE.getSCEV(CaseValue));
isl_set *CaseConditionSet =
buildConditionSet(ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, isl::manage_copy(LHS),
ConditionSets[Idx] = isl_set_coalesce(
isl_set_intersect(CaseConditionSet, isl_set_copy(Domain)));
assert(ConditionSets[0] == nullptr && "Default condition set was set");
isl_set *ConditionSetUnion = isl_set_copy(ConditionSets[1]);
for (unsigned u = 2; u < NumSuccessors; u++)
ConditionSetUnion =
isl_set_union(ConditionSetUnion, isl_set_copy(ConditionSets[u]));
ConditionSets[0] = isl_set_subtract(isl_set_copy(Domain), ConditionSetUnion);
return true;
bool ScopBuilder::buildConditionSets(
BasicBlock *BB, Value *Condition, Instruction *TI, Loop *L,
__isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets) {
isl_set *ConsequenceCondSet = nullptr;
if (auto Load = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(Condition)) {
const SCEV *LHSSCEV = SE.getSCEVAtScope(Load, L);
const SCEV *RHSSCEV = SE.getZero(LHSSCEV->getType());
bool NonNeg = false;
isl_pw_aff *LHS = getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, LHSSCEV, NonNeg);
isl_pw_aff *RHS = getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, RHSSCEV, NonNeg);
ConsequenceCondSet = buildConditionSet(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE, isl::manage(LHS),
} else if (auto *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(Condition)) {
auto *Unique = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(
getUniqueNonErrorValue(PHI, &scop->getRegion(), LI, DT));
if (Unique->isZero())
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_empty(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_universe(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
} else if (auto *CCond = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Condition)) {
if (CCond->isZero())
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_empty(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_universe(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
} else if (BinaryOperator *BinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Condition)) {
auto Opcode = BinOp->getOpcode();
assert(Opcode == Instruction::And || Opcode == Instruction::Or);
bool Valid = buildConditionSets(BB, BinOp->getOperand(0), TI, L, Domain,
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets) &&
buildConditionSets(BB, BinOp->getOperand(1), TI, L, Domain,
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets);
if (!Valid) {
while (!ConditionSets.empty())
return false;
isl_set *ConsCondPart0 = ConditionSets.pop_back_val();
isl_set *ConsCondPart1 = ConditionSets.pop_back_val();
if (Opcode == Instruction::And)
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_intersect(ConsCondPart0, ConsCondPart1);
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_union(ConsCondPart0, ConsCondPart1);
} else {
auto *ICond = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(Condition);
assert(ICond &&
"Condition of exiting branch was neither constant nor ICmp!");
Region &R = scop->getRegion();
isl_pw_aff *LHS, *RHS;
// For unsigned comparisons we assumed the signed bit of neither operand
// to be set. The comparison is equal to a signed comparison under this
// assumption.
bool NonNeg = ICond->isUnsigned();
const SCEV *LeftOperand = SE.getSCEVAtScope(ICond->getOperand(0), L),
*RightOperand = SE.getSCEVAtScope(ICond->getOperand(1), L);
LeftOperand = tryForwardThroughPHI(LeftOperand, R, SE, LI, DT);
RightOperand = tryForwardThroughPHI(RightOperand, R, SE, LI, DT);
switch (ICond->getPredicate()) {
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(BB, Condition, Domain, LeftOperand,
RightOperand, InvalidDomainMap, true);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(BB, Condition, Domain, LeftOperand,
RightOperand, InvalidDomainMap, false);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(BB, Condition, Domain, RightOperand,
LeftOperand, InvalidDomainMap, true);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(BB, Condition, Domain, RightOperand,
LeftOperand, InvalidDomainMap, false);
LHS = getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, LeftOperand, NonNeg);
RHS = getPwAff(BB, InvalidDomainMap, RightOperand, NonNeg);
ConsequenceCondSet = buildConditionSet(ICond->getPredicate(),
isl::manage(LHS), isl::manage(RHS))
// If no terminator was given we are only looking for parameter constraints
// under which @p Condition is true/false.
if (!TI)
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_params(ConsequenceCondSet);
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_coalesce(
isl_set_intersect(ConsequenceCondSet, isl_set_copy(Domain)));
isl_set *AlternativeCondSet = nullptr;
bool TooComplex =
isl_set_n_basic_set(ConsequenceCondSet) >= MaxDisjunctsInDomain;
if (!TooComplex) {
AlternativeCondSet = isl_set_subtract(isl_set_copy(Domain),
TooComplex =
isl_set_n_basic_set(AlternativeCondSet) >= MaxDisjunctsInDomain;
if (TooComplex) {
scop->invalidate(COMPLEXITY, TI ? TI->getDebugLoc() : DebugLoc(),
TI ? TI->getParent() : nullptr /* BasicBlock */);
return false;
return true;
bool ScopBuilder::buildConditionSets(
BasicBlock *BB, Instruction *TI, Loop *L, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets) {
if (SwitchInst *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchInst>(TI))
return buildConditionSets(BB, SI, L, Domain, InvalidDomainMap,
assert(isa<BranchInst>(TI) && "Terminator was neither branch nor switch.");
if (TI->getNumSuccessors() == 1) {
return true;
Value *Condition = getConditionFromTerminator(TI);
assert(Condition && "No condition for Terminator");
return buildConditionSets(BB, Condition, TI, L, Domain, InvalidDomainMap,
bool ScopBuilder::propagateDomainConstraints(
Region *R, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
// Iterate over the region R and propagate the domain constrains from the
// predecessors to the current node. In contrast to the
// buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints function, this one will pull the domain
// information from the predecessors instead of pushing it to the successors.
// Additionally, we assume the domains to be already present in the domain
// map here. However, we iterate again in reverse post order so we know all
// predecessors have been visited before a block or non-affine subregion is
// visited.
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Region *> RTraversal(R);
for (auto *RN : RTraversal) {
// Recurse for affine subregions but go on for basic blocks and non-affine
// subregions.
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
Region *SubRegion = RN->getNodeAs<Region>();
if (!scop->isNonAffineSubRegion(SubRegion)) {
if (!propagateDomainConstraints(SubRegion, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
BasicBlock *BB = getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RN);
isl::set &Domain = scop->getOrInitEmptyDomain(BB);
// Under the union of all predecessor conditions we can reach this block.
isl::set PredDom = getPredecessorDomainConstraints(BB, Domain);
Domain = Domain.intersect(PredDom).coalesce();
Domain = Domain.align_params(scop->getParamSpace());
Loop *BBLoop = getRegionNodeLoop(RN, LI);
if (BBLoop && BBLoop->getHeader() == BB && scop->contains(BBLoop))
if (!addLoopBoundsToHeaderDomain(BBLoop, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
return true;
void ScopBuilder::propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit(
BasicBlock *BB, Loop *BBLoop,
SmallPtrSetImpl<BasicBlock *> &FinishedExitBlocks,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
// Check if the block @p BB is the entry of a region. If so we propagate it's
// domain to the exit block of the region. Otherwise we are done.
auto *RI = scop->getRegion().getRegionInfo();
auto *BBReg = RI ? RI->getRegionFor(BB) : nullptr;
auto *ExitBB = BBReg ? BBReg->getExit() : nullptr;
if (!BBReg || BBReg->getEntry() != BB || !scop->contains(ExitBB))
// Do not propagate the domain if there is a loop backedge inside the region
// that would prevent the exit block from being executed.
auto *L = BBLoop;
while (L && scop->contains(L)) {
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> LatchBBs;
for (auto *LatchBB : LatchBBs)
if (BB != LatchBB && BBReg->contains(LatchBB))
L = L->getParentLoop();
isl::set Domain = scop->getOrInitEmptyDomain(BB);
assert(Domain && "Cannot propagate a nullptr");
Loop *ExitBBLoop = getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(ExitBB, LI, scop->getBoxedLoops());
// Since the dimensions of @p BB and @p ExitBB might be different we have to
// adjust the domain before we can propagate it.
isl::set AdjustedDomain = adjustDomainDimensions(Domain, BBLoop, ExitBBLoop);
isl::set &ExitDomain = scop->getOrInitEmptyDomain(ExitBB);
// If the exit domain is not yet created we set it otherwise we "add" the
// current domain.
ExitDomain = ExitDomain ? AdjustedDomain.unite(ExitDomain) : AdjustedDomain;
// Initialize the invalid domain.
InvalidDomainMap[ExitBB] = ExitDomain.empty(ExitDomain.get_space());
isl::set ScopBuilder::getPredecessorDomainConstraints(BasicBlock *BB,
isl::set Domain) {
// If @p BB is the ScopEntry we are done
if (scop->getRegion().getEntry() == BB)
return isl::set::universe(Domain.get_space());
// The region info of this function.
auto &RI = *scop->getRegion().getRegionInfo();
Loop *BBLoop = getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(BB, LI, scop->getBoxedLoops());
// A domain to collect all predecessor domains, thus all conditions under
// which the block is executed. To this end we start with the empty domain.
isl::set PredDom = isl::set::empty(Domain.get_space());
// Set of regions of which the entry block domain has been propagated to BB.
// all predecessors inside any of the regions can be skipped.
SmallSet<Region *, 8> PropagatedRegions;
for (auto *PredBB : predecessors(BB)) {
// Skip backedges.
if (DT.dominates(BB, PredBB))
// If the predecessor is in a region we used for propagation we can skip it.
auto PredBBInRegion = [PredBB](Region *PR) { return PR->contains(PredBB); };
if (std::any_of(PropagatedRegions.begin(), PropagatedRegions.end(),
PredBBInRegion)) {
// Check if there is a valid region we can use for propagation, thus look
// for a region that contains the predecessor and has @p BB as exit block.
auto *PredR = RI.getRegionFor(PredBB);
while (PredR->getExit() != BB && !PredR->contains(BB))
// If a valid region for propagation was found use the entry of that region
// for propagation, otherwise the PredBB directly.
if (PredR->getExit() == BB) {
PredBB = PredR->getEntry();
isl::set PredBBDom = scop->getDomainConditions(PredBB);
Loop *PredBBLoop =
getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(PredBB, LI, scop->getBoxedLoops());
PredBBDom = adjustDomainDimensions(PredBBDom, PredBBLoop, BBLoop);
PredDom = PredDom.unite(PredBBDom);
return PredDom;
bool ScopBuilder::addLoopBoundsToHeaderDomain(
Loop *L, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
int LoopDepth = scop->getRelativeLoopDepth(L);
assert(LoopDepth >= 0 && "Loop in region should have at least depth one");
BasicBlock *HeaderBB = L->getHeader();
isl::set &HeaderBBDom = scop->getOrInitEmptyDomain(HeaderBB);
isl::map NextIterationMap =
createNextIterationMap(HeaderBBDom.get_space(), LoopDepth);
isl::set UnionBackedgeCondition = HeaderBBDom.empty(HeaderBBDom.get_space());
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> LatchBlocks;
for (BasicBlock *LatchBB : LatchBlocks) {
// If the latch is only reachable via error statements we skip it.
if (!scop->isDomainDefined(LatchBB))
isl::set LatchBBDom = scop->getDomainConditions(LatchBB);
isl::set BackedgeCondition = nullptr;
Instruction *TI = LatchBB->getTerminator();
BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(TI);
assert(BI && "Only branch instructions allowed in loop latches");
if (BI->isUnconditional())
BackedgeCondition = LatchBBDom;
else {
SmallVector<isl_set *, 8> ConditionSets;
int idx = BI->getSuccessor(0) != HeaderBB;
if (!buildConditionSets(LatchBB, TI, L, LatchBBDom.get(),
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets))
return false;
// Free the non back edge condition set as we do not need it.
isl_set_free(ConditionSets[1 - idx]);
BackedgeCondition = isl::manage(ConditionSets[idx]);
int LatchLoopDepth = scop->getRelativeLoopDepth(LI.getLoopFor(LatchBB));
assert(LatchLoopDepth >= LoopDepth);
BackedgeCondition = BackedgeCondition.project_out(
isl::dim::set, LoopDepth + 1, LatchLoopDepth - LoopDepth);
UnionBackedgeCondition = UnionBackedgeCondition.unite(BackedgeCondition);
isl::map ForwardMap = ForwardMap.lex_le(HeaderBBDom.get_space());
for (int i = 0; i < LoopDepth; i++)
ForwardMap = ForwardMap.equate(isl::dim::in, i, isl::dim::out, i);
isl::set UnionBackedgeConditionComplement =
UnionBackedgeConditionComplement =
UnionBackedgeConditionComplement.lower_bound_si(isl::dim::set, LoopDepth,
UnionBackedgeConditionComplement =
HeaderBBDom = HeaderBBDom.subtract(UnionBackedgeConditionComplement);
HeaderBBDom = HeaderBBDom.apply(NextIterationMap);
auto Parts = partitionSetParts(HeaderBBDom, LoopDepth);
HeaderBBDom = Parts.second;
// Check if there is a <nsw> tagged AddRec for this loop and if so do not add
// the bounded assumptions to the context as they are already implied by the
// <nsw> tag.
if (scop->hasNSWAddRecForLoop(L))
return true;
isl::set UnboundedCtx = Parts.first.params();
scop->recordAssumption(INFINITELOOP, UnboundedCtx,
return true;
void ScopBuilder::buildInvariantEquivalenceClasses() {
DenseMap<std::pair<const SCEV *, Type *>, LoadInst *> EquivClasses;
@ -173,6 +822,260 @@ void ScopBuilder::buildInvariantEquivalenceClasses() {
bool ScopBuilder::buildDomains(
Region *R, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
bool IsOnlyNonAffineRegion = scop->isNonAffineSubRegion(R);
auto *EntryBB = R->getEntry();
auto *L = IsOnlyNonAffineRegion ? nullptr : LI.getLoopFor(EntryBB);
int LD = scop->getRelativeLoopDepth(L);
auto *S =
isl_set_universe(isl_space_set_alloc(scop->getIslCtx().get(), 0, LD + 1));
while (LD-- >= 0) {
L = L->getParentLoop();
InvalidDomainMap[EntryBB] = isl::manage(isl_set_empty(isl_set_get_space(S)));
isl::noexceptions::set Domain = isl::manage(S);
scop->setDomain(EntryBB, Domain);
if (IsOnlyNonAffineRegion)
return !containsErrorBlock(R->getNode(), *R, LI, DT);
if (!buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(R, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
if (!propagateDomainConstraints(R, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
// Error blocks and blocks dominated by them have been assumed to never be
// executed. Representing them in the Scop does not add any value. In fact,
// it is likely to cause issues during construction of the ScopStmts. The
// contents of error blocks have not been verified to be expressible and
// will cause problems when building up a ScopStmt for them.
// Furthermore, basic blocks dominated by error blocks may reference
// instructions in the error block which, if the error block is not modeled,
// can themselves not be constructed properly. To this end we will replace
// the domains of error blocks and those only reachable via error blocks
// with an empty set. Additionally, we will record for each block under which
// parameter combination it would be reached via an error block in its
// InvalidDomain. This information is needed during load hoisting.
if (!propagateInvalidStmtDomains(R, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
return true;
bool ScopBuilder::buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(
Region *R, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
// To create the domain for each block in R we iterate over all blocks and
// subregions in R and propagate the conditions under which the current region
// element is executed. To this end we iterate in reverse post order over R as
// it ensures that we first visit all predecessors of a region node (either a
// basic block or a subregion) before we visit the region node itself.
// Initially, only the domain for the SCoP region entry block is set and from
// there we propagate the current domain to all successors, however we add the
// condition that the successor is actually executed next.
// As we are only interested in non-loop carried constraints here we can
// simply skip loop back edges.
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 8> FinishedExitBlocks;
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Region *> RTraversal(R);
for (auto *RN : RTraversal) {
// Recurse for affine subregions but go on for basic blocks and non-affine
// subregions.
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
Region *SubRegion = RN->getNodeAs<Region>();
if (!scop->isNonAffineSubRegion(SubRegion)) {
if (!buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(SubRegion, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
if (containsErrorBlock(RN, scop->getRegion(), LI, DT))
BasicBlock *BB = getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RN);
Instruction *TI = BB->getTerminator();
if (isa<UnreachableInst>(TI))
if (!scop->isDomainDefined(BB))
isl::set Domain = scop->getDomainConditions(BB);
auto *BBLoop = getRegionNodeLoop(RN, LI);
// Propagate the domain from BB directly to blocks that have a superset
// domain, at the moment only region exit nodes of regions that start in BB.
propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit(BB, BBLoop, FinishedExitBlocks,
// If all successors of BB have been set a domain through the propagation
// above we do not need to build condition sets but can just skip this
// block. However, it is important to note that this is a local property
// with regards to the region @p R. To this end FinishedExitBlocks is a
// local variable.
auto IsFinishedRegionExit = [&FinishedExitBlocks](BasicBlock *SuccBB) {
return FinishedExitBlocks.count(SuccBB);
if (std::all_of(succ_begin(BB), succ_end(BB), IsFinishedRegionExit))
// Build the condition sets for the successor nodes of the current region
// node. If it is a non-affine subregion we will always execute the single
// exit node, hence the single entry node domain is the condition set. For
// basic blocks we use the helper function buildConditionSets.
SmallVector<isl_set *, 8> ConditionSets;
if (RN->isSubRegion())
else if (!buildConditionSets(BB, TI, BBLoop, Domain.get(), InvalidDomainMap,
return false;
// Now iterate over the successors and set their initial domain based on
// their condition set. We skip back edges here and have to be careful when
// we leave a loop not to keep constraints over a dimension that doesn't
// exist anymore.
assert(RN->isSubRegion() || TI->getNumSuccessors() == ConditionSets.size());
for (unsigned u = 0, e = ConditionSets.size(); u < e; u++) {
isl::set CondSet = isl::manage(ConditionSets[u]);
BasicBlock *SuccBB = getRegionNodeSuccessor(RN, TI, u);
// Skip blocks outside the region.
if (!scop->contains(SuccBB))
// If we propagate the domain of some block to "SuccBB" we do not have to
// adjust the domain.
if (FinishedExitBlocks.count(SuccBB))
// Skip back edges.
if (DT.dominates(SuccBB, BB))
Loop *SuccBBLoop =
getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(SuccBB, LI, scop->getBoxedLoops());
CondSet = adjustDomainDimensions(CondSet, BBLoop, SuccBBLoop);
// Set the domain for the successor or merge it with an existing domain in
// case there are multiple paths (without loop back edges) to the
// successor block.
isl::set &SuccDomain = scop->getOrInitEmptyDomain(SuccBB);
if (SuccDomain) {
SuccDomain = SuccDomain.unite(CondSet).coalesce();
} else {
// Initialize the invalid domain.
InvalidDomainMap[SuccBB] = CondSet.empty(CondSet.get_space());
SuccDomain = CondSet;
SuccDomain = SuccDomain.detect_equalities();
// Check if the maximal number of domain disjunctions was reached.
// In case this happens we will clean up and bail.
if (SuccDomain.n_basic_set() < MaxDisjunctsInDomain)
scop->invalidate(COMPLEXITY, DebugLoc());
while (++u < ConditionSets.size())
return false;
return true;
bool ScopBuilder::propagateInvalidStmtDomains(
Region *R, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Region *> RTraversal(R);
for (auto *RN : RTraversal) {
// Recurse for affine subregions but go on for basic blocks and non-affine
// subregions.
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
Region *SubRegion = RN->getNodeAs<Region>();
if (!scop->isNonAffineSubRegion(SubRegion)) {
propagateInvalidStmtDomains(SubRegion, InvalidDomainMap);
bool ContainsErrorBlock = containsErrorBlock(RN, scop->getRegion(), LI, DT);
BasicBlock *BB = getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RN);
isl::set &Domain = scop->getOrInitEmptyDomain(BB);
assert(Domain && "Cannot propagate a nullptr");
isl::set InvalidDomain = InvalidDomainMap[BB];
bool IsInvalidBlock = ContainsErrorBlock || Domain.is_subset(InvalidDomain);
if (!IsInvalidBlock) {
InvalidDomain = InvalidDomain.intersect(Domain);
} else {
InvalidDomain = Domain;
isl::set DomPar = Domain.params();
scop->recordAssumption(ERRORBLOCK, DomPar,
Domain = isl::set::empty(Domain.get_space());
if (InvalidDomain.is_empty()) {
InvalidDomainMap[BB] = InvalidDomain;
auto *BBLoop = getRegionNodeLoop(RN, LI);
auto *TI = BB->getTerminator();
unsigned NumSuccs = RN->isSubRegion() ? 1 : TI->getNumSuccessors();
for (unsigned u = 0; u < NumSuccs; u++) {
auto *SuccBB = getRegionNodeSuccessor(RN, TI, u);
// Skip successors outside the SCoP.
if (!scop->contains(SuccBB))
// Skip backedges.
if (DT.dominates(SuccBB, BB))
Loop *SuccBBLoop =
getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(SuccBB, LI, scop->getBoxedLoops());
auto AdjustedInvalidDomain =
adjustDomainDimensions(InvalidDomain, BBLoop, SuccBBLoop);
isl::set SuccInvalidDomain = InvalidDomainMap[SuccBB];
SuccInvalidDomain = SuccInvalidDomain.unite(AdjustedInvalidDomain);
SuccInvalidDomain = SuccInvalidDomain.coalesce();
InvalidDomainMap[SuccBB] = SuccInvalidDomain;
// Check if the maximal number of domain disjunctions was reached.
// In case this happens we will bail.
if (SuccInvalidDomain.n_basic_set() < MaxDisjunctsInDomain)
scop->invalidate(COMPLEXITY, TI->getDebugLoc(), TI->getParent());
return false;
InvalidDomainMap[BB] = InvalidDomain;
return true;
void ScopBuilder::buildPHIAccesses(ScopStmt *PHIStmt, PHINode *PHI,
Region *NonAffineSubRegion,
bool IsExitBlock) {
@ -660,8 +1563,8 @@ void ScopBuilder::addUserAssumptions(
auto *Dom = InScop ? isl_set_copy(scop->getDomainConditions(BB).get())
: isl_set_copy(scop->getContext().get());
assert(Dom && "Cannot propagate a nullptr.");
bool Valid = buildConditionSets(*scop, BB, Val, TI, L, Dom,
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets);
bool Valid = buildConditionSets(BB, Val, TI, L, Dom, InvalidDomainMap,
if (!Valid)
@ -2683,12 +3586,6 @@ static void verifyUses(Scop *S, LoopInfo &LI, DominatorTree &DT) {
/// Return the block that is the representing block for @p RN.
static inline BasicBlock *getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RegionNode *RN) {
return RN->isSubRegion() ? RN->getNodeAs<Region>()->getEntry()
: RN->getNodeAs<BasicBlock>();
void ScopBuilder::buildScop(Region &R, AssumptionCache &AC) {
scop.reset(new Scop(R, SE, LI, DT, *SD.getDetectionContext(&R), ORE));
@ -2754,7 +3651,7 @@ void ScopBuilder::buildScop(Region &R, AssumptionCache &AC) {
/// A map from basic blocks to their invalid domains.
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> InvalidDomainMap;
if (!scop->buildDomains(&R, DT, LI, InvalidDomainMap)) {
if (!buildDomains(&R, InvalidDomainMap)) {
dbgs() << "Bailing-out because buildDomains encountered problems\n");

View File

@ -1185,347 +1185,6 @@ void ScopStmt::realignParams() {
Domain = Domain.gist_params(Ctx);
/// Add @p BSet to set @p BoundedParts if @p BSet is bounded.
static isl::set collectBoundedParts(isl::set S) {
isl::set BoundedParts = isl::set::empty(S.get_space());
for (isl::basic_set BSet : S.get_basic_set_list())
if (BSet.is_bounded())
BoundedParts = BoundedParts.unite(isl::set(BSet));
return BoundedParts;
/// Compute the (un)bounded parts of @p S wrt. to dimension @p Dim.
/// @returns A separation of @p S into first an unbounded then a bounded subset,
/// both with regards to the dimension @p Dim.
static std::pair<isl::set, isl::set> partitionSetParts(isl::set S,
unsigned Dim) {
for (unsigned u = 0, e = S.n_dim(); u < e; u++)
S = S.lower_bound_si(isl::dim::set, u, 0);
unsigned NumDimsS = S.n_dim();
isl::set OnlyDimS = S;
// Remove dimensions that are greater than Dim as they are not interesting.
assert(NumDimsS >= Dim + 1);
OnlyDimS = OnlyDimS.project_out(isl::dim::set, Dim + 1, NumDimsS - Dim - 1);
// Create artificial parametric upper bounds for dimensions smaller than Dim
// as we are not interested in them.
OnlyDimS = OnlyDimS.insert_dims(isl::dim::param, 0, Dim);
for (unsigned u = 0; u < Dim; u++) {
isl::constraint C = isl::constraint::alloc_inequality(
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::param, u, 1);
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::set, u, -1);
OnlyDimS = OnlyDimS.add_constraint(C);
// Collect all bounded parts of OnlyDimS.
isl::set BoundedParts = collectBoundedParts(OnlyDimS);
// Create the dimensions greater than Dim again.
BoundedParts =
BoundedParts.insert_dims(isl::dim::set, Dim + 1, NumDimsS - Dim - 1);
// Remove the artificial upper bound parameters again.
BoundedParts = BoundedParts.remove_dims(isl::dim::param, 0, Dim);
isl::set UnboundedParts = S.subtract(BoundedParts);
return std::make_pair(UnboundedParts, BoundedParts);
/// Create the conditions under which @p L @p Pred @p R is true.
static isl::set buildConditionSet(ICmpInst::Predicate Pred, isl::pw_aff L,
isl::pw_aff R) {
switch (Pred) {
case ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ:
return L.eq_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_NE:
return L.ne_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT:
return L.lt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE:
return L.le_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT:
return L.gt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE:
return L.ge_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT:
return L.lt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT:
return L.gt_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE:
return L.le_set(R);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE:
return L.ge_set(R);
llvm_unreachable("Non integer predicate not supported");
/// Compute the isl representation for the SCEV @p E in this BB.
/// @param S The Scop in which @p BB resides in.
/// @param BB The BB for which isl representation is to be
/// computed.
/// @param InvalidDomainMap A map of BB to their invalid domains.
/// @param E The SCEV that should be translated.
/// @param NonNegative Flag to indicate the @p E has to be non-negative.
/// Note that this function will also adjust the invalid context accordingly.
__isl_give isl_pw_aff *
getPwAff(Scop &S, BasicBlock *BB,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap, const SCEV *E,
bool NonNegative = false) {
PWACtx PWAC = S.getPwAff(E, BB, NonNegative);
InvalidDomainMap[BB] = InvalidDomainMap[BB].unite(PWAC.second);
return PWAC.first.release();
/// Build the conditions sets for the switch @p SI in the @p Domain.
/// This will fill @p ConditionSets with the conditions under which control
/// will be moved from @p SI to its successors. Hence, @p ConditionSets will
/// have as many elements as @p SI has successors.
bool buildConditionSets(Scop &S, BasicBlock *BB, SwitchInst *SI, Loop *L,
__isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets) {
Value *Condition = getConditionFromTerminator(SI);
assert(Condition && "No condition for switch");
ScalarEvolution &SE = *S.getSE();
isl_pw_aff *LHS, *RHS;
LHS = getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, SE.getSCEVAtScope(Condition, L));
unsigned NumSuccessors = SI->getNumSuccessors();
for (auto &Case : SI->cases()) {
unsigned Idx = Case.getSuccessorIndex();
ConstantInt *CaseValue = Case.getCaseValue();
RHS = getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, SE.getSCEV(CaseValue));
isl_set *CaseConditionSet =
buildConditionSet(ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, isl::manage_copy(LHS),
ConditionSets[Idx] = isl_set_coalesce(
isl_set_intersect(CaseConditionSet, isl_set_copy(Domain)));
assert(ConditionSets[0] == nullptr && "Default condition set was set");
isl_set *ConditionSetUnion = isl_set_copy(ConditionSets[1]);
for (unsigned u = 2; u < NumSuccessors; u++)
ConditionSetUnion =
isl_set_union(ConditionSetUnion, isl_set_copy(ConditionSets[u]));
ConditionSets[0] = isl_set_subtract(isl_set_copy(Domain), ConditionSetUnion);
return true;
/// Build condition sets for unsigned ICmpInst(s).
/// Special handling is required for unsigned operands to ensure that if
/// MSB (aka the Sign bit) is set for an operands in an unsigned ICmpInst
/// it should wrap around.
/// @param IsStrictUpperBound holds information on the predicate relation
/// between TestVal and UpperBound, i.e,
/// TestVal < UpperBound OR TestVal <= UpperBound
__isl_give isl_set *polly::buildUnsignedConditionSets(
Scop &S, BasicBlock *BB, Value *Condition, __isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
const SCEV *SCEV_TestVal, const SCEV *SCEV_UpperBound,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
bool IsStrictUpperBound) {
// Do not take NonNeg assumption on TestVal
// as it might have MSB (Sign bit) set.
isl_pw_aff *TestVal = getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, SCEV_TestVal, false);
// Take NonNeg assumption on UpperBound.
isl_pw_aff *UpperBound =
getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, SCEV_UpperBound, true);
// 0 <= TestVal
isl_set *First =
isl_set *Second;
if (IsStrictUpperBound)
// TestVal < UpperBound
Second = isl_pw_aff_lt_set(TestVal, UpperBound);
// TestVal <= UpperBound
Second = isl_pw_aff_le_set(TestVal, UpperBound);
isl_set *ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_intersect(First, Second);
return ConsequenceCondSet;
bool polly::buildConditionSets(
Scop &S, BasicBlock *BB, Value *Condition, Instruction *TI, Loop *L,
__isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets) {
ScalarEvolution &SE = *S.getSE();
isl_set *ConsequenceCondSet = nullptr;
if (auto Load = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(Condition)) {
const SCEV *LHSSCEV = SE.getSCEVAtScope(Load, L);
const SCEV *RHSSCEV = SE.getZero(LHSSCEV->getType());
bool NonNeg = false;
isl_pw_aff *LHS = getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, LHSSCEV, NonNeg);
isl_pw_aff *RHS = getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, RHSSCEV, NonNeg);
ConsequenceCondSet = buildConditionSet(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE, isl::manage(LHS),
} else if (auto *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(Condition)) {
auto *Unique = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(
getUniqueNonErrorValue(PHI, &S.getRegion(), *S.getLI(), *S.getDT()));
if (Unique->isZero())
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_empty(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_universe(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
} else if (auto *CCond = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Condition)) {
if (CCond->isZero())
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_empty(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_universe(isl_set_get_space(Domain));
} else if (BinaryOperator *BinOp = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Condition)) {
auto Opcode = BinOp->getOpcode();
assert(Opcode == Instruction::And || Opcode == Instruction::Or);
bool Valid = buildConditionSets(S, BB, BinOp->getOperand(0), TI, L, Domain,
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets) &&
buildConditionSets(S, BB, BinOp->getOperand(1), TI, L, Domain,
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets);
if (!Valid) {
while (!ConditionSets.empty())
return false;
isl_set *ConsCondPart0 = ConditionSets.pop_back_val();
isl_set *ConsCondPart1 = ConditionSets.pop_back_val();
if (Opcode == Instruction::And)
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_intersect(ConsCondPart0, ConsCondPart1);
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_union(ConsCondPart0, ConsCondPart1);
} else {
auto *ICond = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(Condition);
assert(ICond &&
"Condition of exiting branch was neither constant nor ICmp!");
LoopInfo &LI = *S.getLI();
DominatorTree &DT = *S.getDT();
Region &R = S.getRegion();
isl_pw_aff *LHS, *RHS;
// For unsigned comparisons we assumed the signed bit of neither operand
// to be set. The comparison is equal to a signed comparison under this
// assumption.
bool NonNeg = ICond->isUnsigned();
const SCEV *LeftOperand = SE.getSCEVAtScope(ICond->getOperand(0), L),
*RightOperand = SE.getSCEVAtScope(ICond->getOperand(1), L);
LeftOperand = tryForwardThroughPHI(LeftOperand, R, SE, LI, DT);
RightOperand = tryForwardThroughPHI(RightOperand, R, SE, LI, DT);
switch (ICond->getPredicate()) {
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(S, BB, Condition, Domain, LeftOperand,
RightOperand, InvalidDomainMap, true);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(S, BB, Condition, Domain, LeftOperand,
RightOperand, InvalidDomainMap, false);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(S, BB, Condition, Domain, RightOperand,
LeftOperand, InvalidDomainMap, true);
case ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE:
ConsequenceCondSet =
buildUnsignedConditionSets(S, BB, Condition, Domain, RightOperand,
LeftOperand, InvalidDomainMap, false);
LHS = getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, LeftOperand, NonNeg);
RHS = getPwAff(S, BB, InvalidDomainMap, RightOperand, NonNeg);
ConsequenceCondSet = buildConditionSet(ICond->getPredicate(),
isl::manage(LHS), isl::manage(RHS))
// If no terminator was given we are only looking for parameter constraints
// under which @p Condition is true/false.
if (!TI)
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_params(ConsequenceCondSet);
ConsequenceCondSet = isl_set_coalesce(
isl_set_intersect(ConsequenceCondSet, isl_set_copy(Domain)));
isl_set *AlternativeCondSet = nullptr;
bool TooComplex =
isl_set_n_basic_set(ConsequenceCondSet) >= MaxDisjunctsInDomain;
if (!TooComplex) {
AlternativeCondSet = isl_set_subtract(isl_set_copy(Domain),
TooComplex =
isl_set_n_basic_set(AlternativeCondSet) >= MaxDisjunctsInDomain;
if (TooComplex) {
S.invalidate(COMPLEXITY, TI ? TI->getDebugLoc() : DebugLoc(),
TI ? TI->getParent() : nullptr /* BasicBlock */);
return false;
return true;
bool polly::buildConditionSets(
Scop &S, BasicBlock *BB, Instruction *TI, Loop *L,
__isl_keep isl_set *Domain,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap,
SmallVectorImpl<__isl_give isl_set *> &ConditionSets) {
if (SwitchInst *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchInst>(TI))
return buildConditionSets(S, BB, SI, L, Domain, InvalidDomainMap,
assert(isa<BranchInst>(TI) && "Terminator was neither branch nor switch.");
if (TI->getNumSuccessors() == 1) {
return true;
Value *Condition = getConditionFromTerminator(TI);
assert(Condition && "No condition for Terminator");
return buildConditionSets(S, BB, Condition, TI, L, Domain, InvalidDomainMap,
ScopStmt::ScopStmt(Scop &parent, Region &R, StringRef Name,
Loop *SurroundingLoop,
std::vector<Instruction *> EntryBlockInstructions)
@ -2008,38 +1667,6 @@ void Scop::simplifyContexts() {
InvalidContext = InvalidContext.align_params(getParamSpace());
/// Helper to treat non-affine regions and basic blocks the same.
/// Return the block that is the representing block for @p RN.
static inline BasicBlock *getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RegionNode *RN) {
return RN->isSubRegion() ? RN->getNodeAs<Region>()->getEntry()
: RN->getNodeAs<BasicBlock>();
/// Return the @p idx'th block that is executed after @p RN.
static inline BasicBlock *
getRegionNodeSuccessor(RegionNode *RN, Instruction *TI, unsigned idx) {
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
assert(idx == 0);
return RN->getNodeAs<Region>()->getExit();
return TI->getSuccessor(idx);
static bool containsErrorBlock(RegionNode *RN, const Region &R, LoopInfo &LI,
const DominatorTree &DT) {
if (!RN->isSubRegion())
return isErrorBlock(*RN->getNodeAs<BasicBlock>(), R, LI, DT);
for (BasicBlock *BB : RN->getNodeAs<Region>()->blocks())
if (isErrorBlock(*BB, R, LI, DT))
return true;
return false;
isl::set Scop::getDomainConditions(const ScopStmt *Stmt) const {
return getDomainConditions(Stmt->getEntryBlock());
@ -2056,548 +1683,6 @@ isl::set Scop::getDomainConditions(BasicBlock *BB) const {
return getDomainConditions(BBR->getEntry());
bool Scop::buildDomains(Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
bool IsOnlyNonAffineRegion = isNonAffineSubRegion(R);
auto *EntryBB = R->getEntry();
auto *L = IsOnlyNonAffineRegion ? nullptr : LI.getLoopFor(EntryBB);
int LD = getRelativeLoopDepth(L);
auto *S = isl_set_universe(isl_space_set_alloc(getIslCtx().get(), 0, LD + 1));
while (LD-- >= 0) {
L = L->getParentLoop();
InvalidDomainMap[EntryBB] = isl::manage(isl_set_empty(isl_set_get_space(S)));
DomainMap[EntryBB] = isl::manage(S);
if (IsOnlyNonAffineRegion)
return !containsErrorBlock(R->getNode(), *R, LI, DT);
if (!buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(R, DT, LI, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
if (!propagateDomainConstraints(R, DT, LI, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
// Error blocks and blocks dominated by them have been assumed to never be
// executed. Representing them in the Scop does not add any value. In fact,
// it is likely to cause issues during construction of the ScopStmts. The
// contents of error blocks have not been verified to be expressible and
// will cause problems when building up a ScopStmt for them.
// Furthermore, basic blocks dominated by error blocks may reference
// instructions in the error block which, if the error block is not modeled,
// can themselves not be constructed properly. To this end we will replace
// the domains of error blocks and those only reachable via error blocks
// with an empty set. Additionally, we will record for each block under which
// parameter combination it would be reached via an error block in its
// InvalidDomain. This information is needed during load hoisting.
if (!propagateInvalidStmtDomains(R, DT, LI, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
return true;
/// Adjust the dimensions of @p Dom that was constructed for @p OldL
/// to be compatible to domains constructed for loop @p NewL.
/// This function assumes @p NewL and @p OldL are equal or there is a CFG
/// edge from @p OldL to @p NewL.
static isl::set adjustDomainDimensions(Scop &S, isl::set Dom, Loop *OldL,
Loop *NewL) {
// If the loops are the same there is nothing to do.
if (NewL == OldL)
return Dom;
int OldDepth = S.getRelativeLoopDepth(OldL);
int NewDepth = S.getRelativeLoopDepth(NewL);
// If both loops are non-affine loops there is nothing to do.
if (OldDepth == -1 && NewDepth == -1)
return Dom;
// Distinguish three cases:
// 1) The depth is the same but the loops are not.
// => One loop was left one was entered.
// 2) The depth increased from OldL to NewL.
// => One loop was entered, none was left.
// 3) The depth decreased from OldL to NewL.
// => Loops were left were difference of the depths defines how many.
if (OldDepth == NewDepth) {
assert(OldL->getParentLoop() == NewL->getParentLoop());
Dom = Dom.project_out(isl::dim::set, NewDepth, 1);
Dom = Dom.add_dims(isl::dim::set, 1);
} else if (OldDepth < NewDepth) {
assert(OldDepth + 1 == NewDepth);
auto &R = S.getRegion();
assert(NewL->getParentLoop() == OldL ||
((!OldL || !R.contains(OldL)) && R.contains(NewL)));
Dom = Dom.add_dims(isl::dim::set, 1);
} else {
assert(OldDepth > NewDepth);
int Diff = OldDepth - NewDepth;
int NumDim = Dom.n_dim();
assert(NumDim >= Diff);
Dom = Dom.project_out(isl::dim::set, NumDim - Diff, Diff);
return Dom;
bool Scop::propagateInvalidStmtDomains(
Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Region *> RTraversal(R);
for (auto *RN : RTraversal) {
// Recurse for affine subregions but go on for basic blocks and non-affine
// subregions.
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
Region *SubRegion = RN->getNodeAs<Region>();
if (!isNonAffineSubRegion(SubRegion)) {
propagateInvalidStmtDomains(SubRegion, DT, LI, InvalidDomainMap);
bool ContainsErrorBlock = containsErrorBlock(RN, getRegion(), LI, DT);
BasicBlock *BB = getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RN);
isl::set &Domain = DomainMap[BB];
assert(Domain && "Cannot propagate a nullptr");
isl::set InvalidDomain = InvalidDomainMap[BB];
bool IsInvalidBlock = ContainsErrorBlock || Domain.is_subset(InvalidDomain);
if (!IsInvalidBlock) {
InvalidDomain = InvalidDomain.intersect(Domain);
} else {
InvalidDomain = Domain;
isl::set DomPar = Domain.params();
recordAssumption(ERRORBLOCK, DomPar, BB->getTerminator()->getDebugLoc(),
Domain = isl::set::empty(Domain.get_space());
if (InvalidDomain.is_empty()) {
InvalidDomainMap[BB] = InvalidDomain;
auto *BBLoop = getRegionNodeLoop(RN, LI);
auto *TI = BB->getTerminator();
unsigned NumSuccs = RN->isSubRegion() ? 1 : TI->getNumSuccessors();
for (unsigned u = 0; u < NumSuccs; u++) {
auto *SuccBB = getRegionNodeSuccessor(RN, TI, u);
// Skip successors outside the SCoP.
if (!contains(SuccBB))
// Skip backedges.
if (DT.dominates(SuccBB, BB))
Loop *SuccBBLoop = getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(SuccBB, LI, getBoxedLoops());
auto AdjustedInvalidDomain =
adjustDomainDimensions(*this, InvalidDomain, BBLoop, SuccBBLoop);
isl::set SuccInvalidDomain = InvalidDomainMap[SuccBB];
SuccInvalidDomain = SuccInvalidDomain.unite(AdjustedInvalidDomain);
SuccInvalidDomain = SuccInvalidDomain.coalesce();
unsigned NumConjucts = SuccInvalidDomain.n_basic_set();
InvalidDomainMap[SuccBB] = SuccInvalidDomain;
// Check if the maximal number of domain disjunctions was reached.
// In case this happens we will bail.
if (NumConjucts < MaxDisjunctsInDomain)
invalidate(COMPLEXITY, TI->getDebugLoc(), TI->getParent());
return false;
InvalidDomainMap[BB] = InvalidDomain;
return true;
void Scop::propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit(
BasicBlock *BB, Loop *BBLoop,
SmallPtrSetImpl<BasicBlock *> &FinishedExitBlocks, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
// Check if the block @p BB is the entry of a region. If so we propagate it's
// domain to the exit block of the region. Otherwise we are done.
auto *RI = R.getRegionInfo();
auto *BBReg = RI ? RI->getRegionFor(BB) : nullptr;
auto *ExitBB = BBReg ? BBReg->getExit() : nullptr;
if (!BBReg || BBReg->getEntry() != BB || !contains(ExitBB))
// Do not propagate the domain if there is a loop backedge inside the region
// that would prevent the exit block from being executed.
auto *L = BBLoop;
while (L && contains(L)) {
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> LatchBBs;
for (auto *LatchBB : LatchBBs)
if (BB != LatchBB && BBReg->contains(LatchBB))
L = L->getParentLoop();
isl::set Domain = DomainMap[BB];
assert(Domain && "Cannot propagate a nullptr");
Loop *ExitBBLoop = getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(ExitBB, LI, getBoxedLoops());
// Since the dimensions of @p BB and @p ExitBB might be different we have to
// adjust the domain before we can propagate it.
isl::set AdjustedDomain =
adjustDomainDimensions(*this, Domain, BBLoop, ExitBBLoop);
isl::set &ExitDomain = DomainMap[ExitBB];
// If the exit domain is not yet created we set it otherwise we "add" the
// current domain.
ExitDomain = ExitDomain ? AdjustedDomain.unite(ExitDomain) : AdjustedDomain;
// Initialize the invalid domain.
InvalidDomainMap[ExitBB] = ExitDomain.empty(ExitDomain.get_space());
bool Scop::buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(
Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
// To create the domain for each block in R we iterate over all blocks and
// subregions in R and propagate the conditions under which the current region
// element is executed. To this end we iterate in reverse post order over R as
// it ensures that we first visit all predecessors of a region node (either a
// basic block or a subregion) before we visit the region node itself.
// Initially, only the domain for the SCoP region entry block is set and from
// there we propagate the current domain to all successors, however we add the
// condition that the successor is actually executed next.
// As we are only interested in non-loop carried constraints here we can
// simply skip loop back edges.
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 8> FinishedExitBlocks;
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Region *> RTraversal(R);
for (auto *RN : RTraversal) {
// Recurse for affine subregions but go on for basic blocks and non-affine
// subregions.
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
Region *SubRegion = RN->getNodeAs<Region>();
if (!isNonAffineSubRegion(SubRegion)) {
if (!buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints(SubRegion, DT, LI,
return false;
if (containsErrorBlock(RN, getRegion(), LI, DT))
HasErrorBlock = true;
BasicBlock *BB = getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RN);
Instruction *TI = BB->getTerminator();
if (isa<UnreachableInst>(TI))
isl::set Domain = DomainMap.lookup(BB);
if (!Domain)
MaxLoopDepth = std::max(MaxLoopDepth, isl_set_n_dim(Domain.get()));
auto *BBLoop = getRegionNodeLoop(RN, LI);
// Propagate the domain from BB directly to blocks that have a superset
// domain, at the moment only region exit nodes of regions that start in BB.
propagateDomainConstraintsToRegionExit(BB, BBLoop, FinishedExitBlocks, LI,
// If all successors of BB have been set a domain through the propagation
// above we do not need to build condition sets but can just skip this
// block. However, it is important to note that this is a local property
// with regards to the region @p R. To this end FinishedExitBlocks is a
// local variable.
auto IsFinishedRegionExit = [&FinishedExitBlocks](BasicBlock *SuccBB) {
return FinishedExitBlocks.count(SuccBB);
if (std::all_of(succ_begin(BB), succ_end(BB), IsFinishedRegionExit))
// Build the condition sets for the successor nodes of the current region
// node. If it is a non-affine subregion we will always execute the single
// exit node, hence the single entry node domain is the condition set. For
// basic blocks we use the helper function buildConditionSets.
SmallVector<isl_set *, 8> ConditionSets;
if (RN->isSubRegion())
else if (!buildConditionSets(*this, BB, TI, BBLoop, Domain.get(),
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets))
return false;
// Now iterate over the successors and set their initial domain based on
// their condition set. We skip back edges here and have to be careful when
// we leave a loop not to keep constraints over a dimension that doesn't
// exist anymore.
assert(RN->isSubRegion() || TI->getNumSuccessors() == ConditionSets.size());
for (unsigned u = 0, e = ConditionSets.size(); u < e; u++) {
isl::set CondSet = isl::manage(ConditionSets[u]);
BasicBlock *SuccBB = getRegionNodeSuccessor(RN, TI, u);
// Skip blocks outside the region.
if (!contains(SuccBB))
// If we propagate the domain of some block to "SuccBB" we do not have to
// adjust the domain.
if (FinishedExitBlocks.count(SuccBB))
// Skip back edges.
if (DT.dominates(SuccBB, BB))
Loop *SuccBBLoop = getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(SuccBB, LI, getBoxedLoops());
CondSet = adjustDomainDimensions(*this, CondSet, BBLoop, SuccBBLoop);
// Set the domain for the successor or merge it with an existing domain in
// case there are multiple paths (without loop back edges) to the
// successor block.
isl::set &SuccDomain = DomainMap[SuccBB];
if (SuccDomain) {
SuccDomain = SuccDomain.unite(CondSet).coalesce();
} else {
// Initialize the invalid domain.
InvalidDomainMap[SuccBB] = CondSet.empty(CondSet.get_space());
SuccDomain = CondSet;
SuccDomain = SuccDomain.detect_equalities();
// Check if the maximal number of domain disjunctions was reached.
// In case this happens we will clean up and bail.
if (SuccDomain.n_basic_set() < MaxDisjunctsInDomain)
invalidate(COMPLEXITY, DebugLoc());
while (++u < ConditionSets.size())
return false;
return true;
isl::set Scop::getPredecessorDomainConstraints(BasicBlock *BB, isl::set Domain,
DominatorTree &DT,
LoopInfo &LI) {
// If @p BB is the ScopEntry we are done
if (R.getEntry() == BB)
return isl::set::universe(Domain.get_space());
// The region info of this function.
auto &RI = *R.getRegionInfo();
Loop *BBLoop = getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(BB, LI, getBoxedLoops());
// A domain to collect all predecessor domains, thus all conditions under
// which the block is executed. To this end we start with the empty domain.
isl::set PredDom = isl::set::empty(Domain.get_space());
// Set of regions of which the entry block domain has been propagated to BB.
// all predecessors inside any of the regions can be skipped.
SmallSet<Region *, 8> PropagatedRegions;
for (auto *PredBB : predecessors(BB)) {
// Skip backedges.
if (DT.dominates(BB, PredBB))
// If the predecessor is in a region we used for propagation we can skip it.
auto PredBBInRegion = [PredBB](Region *PR) { return PR->contains(PredBB); };
if (std::any_of(PropagatedRegions.begin(), PropagatedRegions.end(),
PredBBInRegion)) {
// Check if there is a valid region we can use for propagation, thus look
// for a region that contains the predecessor and has @p BB as exit block.
auto *PredR = RI.getRegionFor(PredBB);
while (PredR->getExit() != BB && !PredR->contains(BB))
// If a valid region for propagation was found use the entry of that region
// for propagation, otherwise the PredBB directly.
if (PredR->getExit() == BB) {
PredBB = PredR->getEntry();
isl::set PredBBDom = getDomainConditions(PredBB);
Loop *PredBBLoop = getFirstNonBoxedLoopFor(PredBB, LI, getBoxedLoops());
PredBBDom = adjustDomainDimensions(*this, PredBBDom, PredBBLoop, BBLoop);
PredDom = PredDom.unite(PredBBDom);
return PredDom;
bool Scop::propagateDomainConstraints(
Region *R, DominatorTree &DT, LoopInfo &LI,
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
// Iterate over the region R and propagate the domain constrains from the
// predecessors to the current node. In contrast to the
// buildDomainsWithBranchConstraints function, this one will pull the domain
// information from the predecessors instead of pushing it to the successors.
// Additionally, we assume the domains to be already present in the domain
// map here. However, we iterate again in reverse post order so we know all
// predecessors have been visited before a block or non-affine subregion is
// visited.
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Region *> RTraversal(R);
for (auto *RN : RTraversal) {
// Recurse for affine subregions but go on for basic blocks and non-affine
// subregions.
if (RN->isSubRegion()) {
Region *SubRegion = RN->getNodeAs<Region>();
if (!isNonAffineSubRegion(SubRegion)) {
if (!propagateDomainConstraints(SubRegion, DT, LI, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
BasicBlock *BB = getRegionNodeBasicBlock(RN);
isl::set &Domain = DomainMap[BB];
// Under the union of all predecessor conditions we can reach this block.
isl::set PredDom = getPredecessorDomainConstraints(BB, Domain, DT, LI);
Domain = Domain.intersect(PredDom).coalesce();
Domain = Domain.align_params(getParamSpace());
Loop *BBLoop = getRegionNodeLoop(RN, LI);
if (BBLoop && BBLoop->getHeader() == BB && contains(BBLoop))
if (!addLoopBoundsToHeaderDomain(BBLoop, LI, InvalidDomainMap))
return false;
return true;
/// Create a map to map from a given iteration to a subsequent iteration.
/// This map maps from SetSpace -> SetSpace where the dimensions @p Dim
/// is incremented by one and all other dimensions are equal, e.g.,
/// [i0, i1, i2, i3] -> [i0, i1, i2 + 1, i3]
/// if @p Dim is 2 and @p SetSpace has 4 dimensions.
static isl::map createNextIterationMap(isl::space SetSpace, unsigned Dim) {
isl::space MapSpace = SetSpace.map_from_set();
isl::map NextIterationMap = isl::map::universe(MapSpace);
for (unsigned u = 0; u < NextIterationMap.dim(isl::dim::in); u++)
if (u != Dim)
NextIterationMap =
NextIterationMap.equate(isl::dim::in, u, isl::dim::out, u);
isl::constraint C =
C = C.set_constant_si(1);
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::in, Dim, 1);
C = C.set_coefficient_si(isl::dim::out, Dim, -1);
NextIterationMap = NextIterationMap.add_constraint(C);
return NextIterationMap;
bool Scop::addLoopBoundsToHeaderDomain(
Loop *L, LoopInfo &LI, DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> &InvalidDomainMap) {
int LoopDepth = getRelativeLoopDepth(L);
assert(LoopDepth >= 0 && "Loop in region should have at least depth one");
BasicBlock *HeaderBB = L->getHeader();
isl::set &HeaderBBDom = DomainMap[HeaderBB];
isl::map NextIterationMap =
createNextIterationMap(HeaderBBDom.get_space(), LoopDepth);
isl::set UnionBackedgeCondition = HeaderBBDom.empty(HeaderBBDom.get_space());
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> LatchBlocks;
for (BasicBlock *LatchBB : LatchBlocks) {
// If the latch is only reachable via error statements we skip it.
isl::set LatchBBDom = DomainMap.lookup(LatchBB);
if (!LatchBBDom)
isl::set BackedgeCondition = nullptr;
Instruction *TI = LatchBB->getTerminator();
BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(TI);
assert(BI && "Only branch instructions allowed in loop latches");
if (BI->isUnconditional())
BackedgeCondition = LatchBBDom;
else {
SmallVector<isl_set *, 8> ConditionSets;
int idx = BI->getSuccessor(0) != HeaderBB;
if (!buildConditionSets(*this, LatchBB, TI, L, LatchBBDom.get(),
InvalidDomainMap, ConditionSets))
return false;
// Free the non back edge condition set as we do not need it.
isl_set_free(ConditionSets[1 - idx]);
BackedgeCondition = isl::manage(ConditionSets[idx]);
int LatchLoopDepth = getRelativeLoopDepth(LI.getLoopFor(LatchBB));
assert(LatchLoopDepth >= LoopDepth);
BackedgeCondition = BackedgeCondition.project_out(
isl::dim::set, LoopDepth + 1, LatchLoopDepth - LoopDepth);
UnionBackedgeCondition = UnionBackedgeCondition.unite(BackedgeCondition);
isl::map ForwardMap = ForwardMap.lex_le(HeaderBBDom.get_space());
for (int i = 0; i < LoopDepth; i++)
ForwardMap = ForwardMap.equate(isl::dim::in, i, isl::dim::out, i);
isl::set UnionBackedgeConditionComplement =
UnionBackedgeConditionComplement =
UnionBackedgeConditionComplement.lower_bound_si(isl::dim::set, LoopDepth,
UnionBackedgeConditionComplement =
HeaderBBDom = HeaderBBDom.subtract(UnionBackedgeConditionComplement);
HeaderBBDom = HeaderBBDom.apply(NextIterationMap);
auto Parts = partitionSetParts(HeaderBBDom, LoopDepth);
HeaderBBDom = Parts.second;
// Check if there is a <nsw> tagged AddRec for this loop and if so do not add
// the bounded assumptions to the context as they are already implied by the
// <nsw> tag.
if (Affinator.hasNSWAddRecForLoop(L))
return true;
isl::set UnboundedCtx = Parts.first.params();
recordAssumption(INFINITELOOP, UnboundedCtx,
HeaderBB->getTerminator()->getDebugLoc(), AS_RESTRICTION);
return true;
int Scop::NextScopID = 0;
std::string Scop::CurrentFunc;