forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[flang] All operations now work and match x86, all modes and flags.
Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@c69eef6524 Reviewed-on: Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
This commit is contained in:
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public:
if (order == Ordering::Equal) {
// x + (-x) -> +0.0 unless rounding is directed downwards
if (rounding == Rounding::Down) {
result.value.Normalize(true, 0, Fraction{}, rounding); // -0.0
result.value.word_ = result.value.word_.IBSET(bits - 1); // -0.0
return result;
@ -299,9 +299,8 @@ public:
fraction = fraction.SHIFTR(1).IBSET(fraction.bits - 1);
result.flags |= result.value.Normalize(
isNegative, exponent, fraction, rounding, &roundingBits);
result.flags |= result.value.Round(rounding, roundingBits);
result, isNegative, exponent, fraction, rounding, roundingBits);
return result;
@ -325,17 +324,11 @@ public:
result.value.word_ = NaNWord(); // 0 * Inf -> NaN
} else {
result.value.Normalize(isNegative, maxExponent, Fraction{});
result.value.word_ = InfinityWord(isNegative);
} else {
auto product = GetFraction().MultiplyUnsigned(y.GetFraction());
std::int64_t exponent = Exponent(), yExponent = y.Exponent();
// A zero exponent field value has the same weight as 1.
exponent += !exponent;
yExponent += !yExponent;
exponent += yExponent;
exponent -= exponentBias;
std::int64_t exponent{CombineExponents(y, false)};
if (exponent < 1) {
int rshift = 1 - exponent;
exponent = 1;
@ -368,13 +361,8 @@ public:
product.upper = product.upper.DSHIFTL(product.lower, lshift);
product.lower = product.lower.SHIFTL(lshift);
RoundingBits roundingBits{product.lower, product.lower.bits};
result.flags |= result.value.Normalize(
isNegative, exponent, product.upper, rounding, &roundingBits);
result.flags |= result.value.Round(rounding, roundingBits);
if (result.flags.test(RealFlag::Inexact) &&
result.value.Exponent() == 0) {
NormalizeAndRound(result, isNegative, exponent, product.upper, rounding,
return result;
@ -385,35 +373,63 @@ public:
ValueWithRealFlags<Real> result;
if (IsNotANumber() || y.IsNotANumber()) {
result.value.word_ = NaNWord(); // NaN / x -> NaN, x / NaN -> NaN
if (IsSignalingNaN() || y.IsSignalingNaN()) {
} else {
bool isNegative{IsNegative() != y.IsNegative()};
if (IsInfinite()) {
if (y.IsInfinite() || y.IsZero()) {
result.value.word_ = NaNWord(); // Inf/Inf -> NaN, Inf/0 -> Nan
if (y.IsInfinite()) {
result.value.word_ = NaNWord(); // Inf/Inf -> NaN
} else {
result.value.Normalize(isNegative, maxExponent, Fraction{});
} else { // Inf/x -> Inf, Inf/0 -> Inf
result.value.word_ = InfinityWord(isNegative);
} else if (y.IsInfinite()) {
result.value.word_ = NaNWord(); // x/Inf -> NaN
} else {
auto qr = GetFraction().DivideUnsigned(y.GetFraction());
if (qr.divisionByZero) {
result.value.Normalize(isNegative, maxExponent, Fraction{});
} else if (y.IsZero()) {
if (IsZero()) { // 0/0 -> NaN
result.value.word_ = NaNWord();
} else { // x/0 -> Inf, Inf/0 -> Inf
result.value.word_ = InfinityWord(isNegative);
} else {
// To round, double the remainder and compare it to the divisor.
auto doubled = qr.remainder.AddUnsigned(qr.remainder);
Ordering drcmp{doubled.value.CompareUnsigned(y.GetFraction())};
RoundingBits roundingBits{
drcmp != Ordering::Less, drcmp != Ordering::Equal};
std::uint64_t exponent{Exponent() - y.Exponent() + exponentBias};
result.flags |=
result.value.Normalize(isNegative, exponent, qr.quotient);
result.flags |= result.value.Round(rounding, roundingBits);
} else if (IsZero() || y.IsInfinite()) { // 0/x, x/Inf -> 0
if (isNegative) {
result.value.word_ = result.value.word_.IBSET(bits - 1);
} else {
// dividend and divisor are both finite and nonzero numbers
Fraction top{GetFraction()}, divisor{y.GetFraction()};
std::int64_t exponent{CombineExponents(y, true)};
Fraction quotient;
bool msb{false};
if (!top.BTEST(top.bits - 1) || !divisor.BTEST(divisor.bits - 1)) {
// One or two denormals
int topLshift{top.LEADZ()};
top = top.SHIFTL(topLshift);
int divisorLshift{divisor.LEADZ()};
divisor = divisor.SHIFTL(divisorLshift);
exponent += divisorLshift - topLshift;
for (int j{1}; j <= quotient.bits; ++j) {
if (NextQuotientBit(top, msb, divisor)) {
quotient = quotient.IBSET(quotient.bits - j);
bool guard{NextQuotientBit(top, msb, divisor)};
bool round{NextQuotientBit(top, msb, divisor)};
bool sticky{msb | !top.IsZero()};
RoundingBits roundingBits{guard, round, sticky};
if (exponent < 1) {
std::int64_t rshift{1 - exponent};
for (; rshift > 0; --rshift) {
quotient = quotient.SHIFTR(1);
exponent = 1;
result, isNegative, exponent, quotient, rounding, roundingBits);
return result;
@ -517,6 +533,31 @@ private:
constexpr std::int64_t CombineExponents(const Real &y, bool forDivide) const {
std::int64_t exponent = Exponent(), yExponent = y.Exponent();
// A zero exponent field value has the same weight as 1.
exponent += !exponent;
yExponent += !yExponent;
if (forDivide) {
exponent += exponentBias - yExponent;
} else {
exponent += yExponent - exponentBias + 1;
return exponent;
static constexpr bool NextQuotientBit(
Fraction &top, bool &msb, const Fraction &divisor) {
bool greaterOrEqual{msb || top.CompareUnsigned(divisor) != Ordering::Less};
if (greaterOrEqual) {
top = top.SubtractSigned(divisor).value;
auto doubled{top.AddUnsigned(top)};
top = doubled.value;
msb = doubled.carry;
return greaterOrEqual;
// TODO: Configurable NaN representations
static constexpr Word NaNWord() {
return Word{maxExponent}
@ -525,9 +566,31 @@ private:
.IBSET(significandBits - 2);
static constexpr Word InfinityWord(bool negative) {
Word infinity{maxExponent};
infinity = infinity.SHIFTL(significandBits);
if (negative) {
infinity = infinity.IBSET(infinity.bits - 1);
return infinity;
constexpr RealFlags Normalize(bool negative, std::uint64_t exponent,
const Fraction &fraction, Rounding rounding = Rounding::TiesToEven,
RoundingBits *roundingBits = nullptr) {
std::uint64_t lshift = fraction.LEADZ();
if (lshift < fraction.bits) {
if (lshift < exponent) {
exponent -= lshift;
} else if (exponent > 0) {
lshift = exponent - 1;
exponent = 0;
} else if (lshift == 0) {
exponent = 1;
} else {
lshift = 0;
if (exponent >= maxExponent) {
if (rounding == Rounding::TiesToEven ||
rounding == Rounding::TiesAwayFromZero ||
@ -548,37 +611,18 @@ private:
return flags;
if (fraction.BTEST(fraction.bits - 1)) {
// fraction is normalized
word_ = Word::Convert(fraction).value;
if (exponent == 0) {
exponent = 1;
if (lshift >= fraction.bits) {
// +/-0.0
word_ = Word{};
exponent = 0;
} else {
std::uint64_t lshift = fraction.LEADZ();
if (lshift >= fraction.bits) {
// +/-0.0
word_ = Word{};
exponent = 0;
} else {
word_ = Word::Convert(fraction).value;
if (lshift < exponent) {
exponent -= lshift;
} else if (exponent > 0) {
lshift = exponent - 1;
exponent = 0;
} else if (lshift == 0) {
exponent = 1;
} else {
lshift = 0;
if (lshift > 0) {
word_ = word_.SHIFTL(lshift);
if (roundingBits != nullptr) {
for (; lshift > 0; --lshift) {
if (roundingBits->ShiftLeft()) {
word_ = word_.IBSET(lshift - 1);
word_ = Word::Convert(fraction).value;
if (lshift > 0) {
word_ = word_.SHIFTL(lshift);
if (roundingBits != nullptr) {
for (; lshift > 0; --lshift) {
if (roundingBits->ShiftLeft()) {
word_ = word_.IBSET(lshift - 1);
@ -595,7 +639,7 @@ private:
// Rounds a result, if necessary.
RealFlags Round(Rounding rounding, const RoundingBits &bits) {
constexpr RealFlags Round(Rounding rounding, const RoundingBits &bits) {
std::uint64_t exponent{Exponent()};
RealFlags flags;
if (!bits.Zero()) {
@ -618,6 +662,20 @@ private:
return flags;
// Common code for multiplication and divison, isolated here so that any
// future maintenance will apply to both operations.
static constexpr void NormalizeAndRound(ValueWithRealFlags<Real> &result,
bool isNegative, std::uint64_t exponent, const Fraction &fraction,
Rounding rounding, RoundingBits &roundingBits) {
result.flags |= result.value.Normalize(
isNegative, exponent, fraction, rounding, &roundingBits);
std::uint64_t normalizedExponent{result.value.Exponent()};
result.flags |= result.value.Round(rounding, roundingBits);
if (result.flags.test(RealFlag::Inexact) && normalizedExponent == 0) {
Word word_{}; // an Integer<>
@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ void subset32bit(int pass, Rounding rounding) {
MATCH(actualFlags, FlagsToBits(prod.flags))
("%d 0x%x * 0x%x -> 0x%x", pass, rj, rk, rcheck);
#if 0
{ ValueWithRealFlags<RealKind4> quot{x.Divide(y, rounding)};
ValueWithRealFlags<RealKind4> quot{x.Divide(y, rounding)};
float fcheck{fj / fk};
auto actualFlags{FlagsToBits(fpenv.CurrentFlags())};
@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ void subset32bit(int pass, Rounding rounding) {
std::uint32_t rcheck{NormalizeNaN(u.u32)};
std::uint32_t check = quot.value.RawBits().ToUInt64();
MATCH(rcheck, check)("%d 0x%x / 0x%x", pass, rj, rk);
MATCH(actualFlags, FlagsToBits(quot.flags))("%d 0x%x / 0x%x", pass, rj, rk);
MATCH(actualFlags, FlagsToBits(quot.flags))
("%d 0x%x / 0x%x", pass, rj, rk);
Reference in New Issue